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YEARLY PLANNING (Literary Stream 1)

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COMPRISED UNIT So + adj + that
Remaining Units from SE1 Future perfect
Sequence 1 : Reading & Relative pronoun : whom
Writing : Conditional
SUMMER HOLIDAYS Reading about the Evolution of Type : 0 / 1 / 2
SEPTEMBER Telecommunication Effect
Link words : however / though …Suffixes : able / al
Stop & Consider …Quantifiers : all
Prepositions : in / with Prefixes : il / ir / dis
Articles : the / a / an

UNIT 1 Link words Sequence 2:Listening & Writing Definitions / Slogans

diversity The comparative Speaking Reading & Writing 2
Sequence 1: Discovering Language the superlative Talking about changes in life Writing about future plans
OCTOBER Used to Project Workshop …styles: eating habits / clothes Project Presentation
present simple Writing a Life styles Profile Sequence 3 :Reading & Writing
Present continuous Say It Loud And Clear 1
Modals : May / Might Working With Words Reading a biography/ a
Relative pronouns newspaper article
UNIT 2 Should have + past participle Working With Words
Peace and conflict resolution Request Sequence 2 : Listening &
Sequence 1 : Discovering language Speaking
NOVEMBER Can / could Project Workshop Listening to a dialogue
Writing a statement of Solving problems through EXAMS
…Was / will be able to
… Must / have to / need to achievements dialogue
Say It Loud And Clear Making a public address
Correction of the exam UNIT 3
Remedial work To deliver a speech Poverty and world resources
Writing a poem Sequence 1 : Discovering
Sequence 3 : Reading & Writing Writing a class charter / an language
DECEMBER Martin Luther King acrostic The present simple passive WINTER HOLIDAYS
Reading a newspaper article Project presentation The past simple passive
Discussing style The future simple passive
The present perfect passive Sequence 2:Listening & & Sequence 3 : Reading
Modals : must / can / may / Speaking Writing
WINTER HOLIDAYS should Listening to a lecture Noise
Project workshop Talking about the environment - Reading a map
Making a conservation plan Making a presentation of a - Reading a newspaper article
Say It Loud And Clear product
Working With Words

UNIT 4 Comparatives / as…as / like Sequence 2:Listening&Speaking

Writing a newspaper article NEWS AND TALES Definite article : th Listening to a folktale
Making an oral presentation Sequence 1 :Discovering language Project workshop Making an oral summary of
FEBRUARY Project presentation Past perfect ( when/ after/ before) Writing a collection of stories a tale
Past simple Say It Loud And Clear Telling a tale
Past continuouse Working With Words Managing through
a conversation

Correction of the exam Reading a newspaper story

Remedial work Writing a news story
EXAMS Sequence 3 : Reading & Writing Writing a short story SPRING HOLIDAYS
Reading and interpreting a map Project presentation
Reading a newspaper article

UNIT 5 The imperative Say It Loud And Clear

Disasters and safety Had better Working With Words
Sequence 1 : Discovering Link words : for / since & Sequence 2:Listening
APRIL SPRING HOLIDAYS language Simple past Speaking
Reported speech ? How long Listening to a radio interview
present perfect - Project workshop Managing through
-Present simple- Making a survey a conversation
Taking turns in an interview

Sequence 3 : Reading & Writing

Writing a report EXAMS
MAY Reading a report
Writing an announcement
Reading a pie chart
Writing a letter of opinion
Reading a newspaper article
Project presentation

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