Python Syllabus
Python Syllabus
Python Syllabus
Program Design
Length of Program*: The program is of 3 months We expect students to work 10 hours/week on average.
NUMBERS AND STRINGS ➔ Learn about Python's numeric and string data types
➔ Use variables to store data
➔ Use built-in functions and methods
DATA STRUCTURES ➔ Use collection data types: lists, sets, and dictionaries
AND LOOPS ➔ Write `for` and `while` loops to express repetition
➔ Practice refactoring and problem solving
FILES AND MODULES ➔ Use modules from the Python standard library and from
third-party libraries
➔ Read data from files on disk
➔ Use online resources to help solve problems
Project 2: Movie Trailer Website.
In this project, you will write server-side code to store a list of your favorite movies, including box art imagery and a
movie trailer URL. You will then serve this data as a web page allowing visitors to review their movies and watch the
Use Classes: Draw Turtles ➔ Use classes and objects to draw graphics
Use Classes: Send Text ➔ Use the Twilio web API to send SMS messages
Use Classes: Profanity Editor ➔ Read and write to and from files
➔ Accessing web APIs with the Python urllib library
Make Classes: Movie Website ➔ Write programs using Object Oriented Programming
(OOP) design