Programming For Data Science Syllabus: Before You Start
Programming For Data Science Syllabus: Before You Start
Programming For Data Science Syllabus: Before You Start
SQL Joins ➔ Write JOINs in SQL, as you are now able to combine
data from multiple sources to answer more complex
business questions
➔ Understand different types of JOINs and when to use
each type
Advanced SQL Queries ➔ Use subqueries, also called CTEs, in a number of
different situations
➔ Use other window functions including RANK, NTILE,
LAG, LEAD new functions along with partitions to
complete complex tasks
WHY PYTHON ➔ Gain an overview of what you’ll be learning and doing in
PROGRAMMING the course
➔ Understand why you should learn programming with
DATA TYPES AND ➔ Represent data using Python's data types: integers,
OPERATORS floats, booleans, strings, lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries,
compound data structures
➔ Perform computations and create logical statements
using Python’s operators: Arithmetic, Assignment,
Comparison, Logical, Membership, Identity
➔ Declare, assign, and reassign values using Python
➔ Modify values using built-in functions and methods
➔ Practice whitespace and style guidelines
Project 3: Post your work on Github (12 hours)
In this project, you will learn important tools that all programmers use. First, you’ll get an
introduction to working in the terminal. Next, you’ll learn to use git and Github to manage
versions of a program and collaborate with others on programming projects. In this project
you will post two different versions of a Jupyter Notebook capturing your learnings from
the course, and add commits to your project Git repository.
SHELL WORKSHOP ➔ The Unix shell is a powerful tool for developers of all sorts.
Get a quick introduction to the basics of using it on your
PURPOSE & ➔ Learn why developers use version control and discover ways
you use version control in your daily life
➔ Get an overview of essential Git vocabulary
➔ Configure Git using the command line
CREATE A GIT REPO ➔ Create your first Git repository with git init
➔ Copy an existing Git repository with git clone
➔ Review the current state of a repository with the powerful git
ADD COMMITS TO A ➔ Master the Git workflow and make commits to an example
REPO project
➔ Use git diff to identify what parts of a file have been changed
in a commit
➔ Learn how to mark files as "untracked" using .gitignore
UNDOING CHANGES ➔ Learn how and when to edit or delete an existing commit
➔ Use git commit's --amend flag to alter the last commit
➔ Use git reset and git revert to undo and erase commits