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Designing A Competitive Electric Vehicle Charging Station With Solar PV and Storage

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Designing a competitive electric vehicle charging station with solar PV and


Conference Paper · October 2015


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5 authors, including:

Ilhami Colak R. Bayindir

Nisantasi Üniversitesi Gazi University


Ahmet Aksöz Eklas Hossain

Sivas Cumhuriyet University Oregon Institute of Technology


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Designing a Competitive Electric Vehicle Charging
Station with Solar PV and Storage

Ilhami COLAK Ramazan BAYINDIR; Ahmet AKSOZ

Istanbul Gelisim University, Istanbul, Turkey Gazi University, Ankara-Turkey;


University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA Turkish Aerospace Industry (TAI) Ankara-Turkey

Abstract— An electrical vehicle charging station is a charging requirements are revealed by using real data for specific area.
power supply for electrical vehicles. This paper proposes design of The paper consists of a system description, system model,
a model for a PV based electrical vehicle that forecasts total power computer-aided simulations and conclusion with suggestions
output under particular conditions of Ankara city. First PV cell for the future works to be done.
parameters are determined and then PV array formed including
cells designed in order to calculate cumulative effect. Using actual II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
irradiation and temperature values we try to catch an
The modeled PV array includes 310 solar panels (5 Nseries
approximation of output power for the future needs.
and 66 Nparallel). Each panel has an open circuit voltage of
Keywords—Electric vehicles, Charging station, Green energy. 30.8V with the maximum power point voltage of 30V. This
provides the array an open circuit voltage of 154 V and a
I. INTRODUCTION maximum power voltage (Vmpp) of 150V [2]. Besides,
In the last decade two fundamental issues emerged in terms proposed model has an energy storage system battery of 120V
of energy throughout the world. The first one is running out of and 1000Ah. A block diagram of the system is given below in
limited petroleum in the near future and the other one is carbon Fig 1.
emission result in global warming. Many countries currently Buck Buck
Converter and Converter and
rely heavily on coal, oil, and natural gas for its energy. Fossil PI Controller PI Controller

fuels are non-renewable, that is, they draw on finite resources

that will eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too
environmentally damaging to retrieve. In contrast, the many
types of renewable energy resources-such as wind, and solar
energy-are constantly replenished and will never run out. Buck

Renewable energy [1] is mostly called “clean energy” or “green Converter

Solar Panel
power” because it doesn’t pollute the air or the water and does Li Ion Battery
not result carbon emission. Most renewable energy comes
either directly or indirectly from the wind or sun. Sunlight, or Fig. 1: Block Diagram of the system
solar energy can be used directly for heating and lighting homes A. Solar Cell Model
and other buildings, for generating electricity, and for hot water
Typically a solar cell can be modeled as a current source in
heating, solar cooling, or charging vehicles in any charging
parallel with a diode, shunt resistor, and a series resistor as
station and a variety of commercial and industrial uses. So PV
displayed in Fig.2 [2].
based system is a very effective system for using in EV based
charging station by utilizing solar energy. There can be seen so
many scientific researches on this subject covering analyze,
find solution, apply technical methods for overcoming this
problems as one looks up literature. Speaking generally
renewable energy is proposed dominantly all around the world
due to its benefits and less harm for the natural beings. As it is
well known these resources are wind, solar energy, etc. in this
Fig. 2: Equivalent circuit for a solar cell [1]
application as replacement of conventional energy types like
fuel, diesel and natural gas. A detailed literature research has The current i produced by solar cell is given in equation
been done and under this enlightenment of research a PV based below [3].
EV/PHEV charging station characteristics, specifications and
‫ݒ‬൅ܴ݅ ‫ݏ‬
݅ ൌ ‫ ݄݌ܫ‬െ ‫ Ͳܫ‬൬݁ ݊ ‫ ݐ ܸ ݏ‬െ ͳ൰ െ (1)
ܴ‫݄ݏ‬ Hour Irradiance(W/m2) Temperature(°C)
Where; Iph=photo generated current produced, IO=reverse 0 1933 7,7
saturation current, Vt=junction thermal voltage, v=terminal 1 2476 7.6
2 2175 7.3
voltage, Rs=panel series resistance, Rsh=panel shunt resistance 3 2215 7.2
and ns= the number of cells in the panel connected in series. 4 2381 7.0
5 2573 7.0
It is expected that the performance of a given solar PV 6 9148 7.0
system depends mainly on the solar irradiation and the 7 4317 7.4
temperature [4]. PV panel cell has two basic inputs directly 8 1945.5 6.5
9 1746.2 4.4
affect output power of panel, which are irradiance and 10 2673.3 2.4
temperature. Talking generally about characteristic of solar cell 11 2432 2.6
as we set temperature fixed and then increase irradiance, the 12 2102.9 2.1
output current of panel also rises, while applying the same 13 1943 2.6
14 638.3 3.2
procedure for the fixed irradiance and incremental temperature 15 162.8 3.5
inversely output current decreased. This paper verified this 16 139.3 4.0
characteristic via simulations graphed in Fig 4. Values provided 17 122.3 4.2
in Table 1 is derived from a specific condition of 1000W/m2 18 90.2 3.9
19 71.3 3.4
irradiance and 25 °C temperature. 20 114.9 3.1
21 160.1 3.1
B. PV Array Model 22 237.8 3.0
According to the Fig. 2 an array of 3 solar cells are 23 217.2 2.5
connected in serial. There are two inputs for that circuit S
corresponds to irradiance and T corresponds to temperature in
Table2. Energy Storage Technologies [5]
Celsius. PV array model is shown in Fig. 4.
Type Energy Energy Density Power Density
C. Weather Condition Efficient [%] [Wh/kg] [W/kg]
In designed system of such PV panel module, weather Batteries
70-80 20-35 25
condition is a significant point to be taking into account. Since Pb-Acid
solar irradiance and panel temperature are variable, the worst Ni-Cd
60 40-60 140
case should be preferred as input for the expected output total Batteries
50-80 60-80 220
energy. So we took actual data from Turkish State Ni-MH
Meteorological Service for Ankara city and the filtered the Batteries
85-95 100-200 300-2000
worst irradiance day of 2013 for our system model input, can Batteries
be seen from Table 1. 80-90 100-200 300-2000
Super-caps 90+ 25-75 5,000-20,000
D. Battery Models
Hence we proposed only PV based EV charging station we E. Charging Station Standards
have to make a good decision about which type and what In Table 3, the settling of the charging station can differ
specification battery model should it be. The excessive amount depending on frequency, voltage, electrical grid connection and
of solar energy after feeding the charging station demand, we standards.
are going to store in system battery. Table 2 classified some
battery types according to their energy efficiency, energy TABLE 3. COMPARISON OF CHARGING STATION STANDARDS PRESENTS
density and power density. The graph with 19 January 2013
Irradiance and temperature values are given below in Fig 3. CHARGING LEVEL POWER LEVEL UTILITY INTERFACE
120VAC, 15A,
Level 1 1.5 kW
230VAC, 40A,
Level 2 6.6 kW
Level 3
Voltage:300-600V DC or 3-phase AC
SAE for North
American [1]
Power output: 90-240 kW [6]
Maximum AC power output: 172.5 kW
Voltage:690 V, 50-60 Hz
Max. AC current: 250A
IEC for Europe [2]
Max. DC power output: 240 kW
Fig. 3: Graph with 19 January 2013 Irradiance and Temperature Values Voltage: 600V
Max DC current: 400A [6]
The PV array designed model is depicted below in Fig 4.

Fig. 4: PV Array Designed Model

The algorithm as well as the flow diagram of the model is The I-V and P-V Characteristics of One Module at 25C°V,
given below I-V and P-V Characteristics of Array at 25C° as well as I-V and
P-V Characteristics of Array at 1000W/m2 are given below
STEP 1: START respectively in Fig. 6, 7 and 8.
STEP 2: Sunlight present or not
STEP 3: Which is acting as source and load?
STEP 4A: Is PV Power >EV Power and How is the State of
Charge Condition?
STEP 4B: Battery is in charging or discharging mode

Fig. 6: I-V and P-V Characteristics of One Module at 25C°

Fig. 7: I-V and P-V Characteristics of Array at 25C° [7]

Fig. 5: Flow Diagram of PV based system
as the entire system have been represented in Fig. 9 and the
system battery parameters are depicted in Fig. 10.
This data is taken General Directorate of Meteorology for
every day in Ankara city. The lowest data is used for one day
the worst electric production in last year
PV panel current and voltage is given Fig. 10, where the red
color graph represents the charging and discharging current and
another shows the voltage graph correspondingly. The nominal
voltage of system battery is 120 V as shown in Fig. 12, along
with it parameters Table. In our proposed system, battery is
considered for energy storage helping in cloudy days to keep
the system stable as PV Panels don’t produce enough energy at
Fig. 8: I-V and P-V Characteristics of Array at 1000W/m^2[7]
this time. Other important factor is SOC (State-of-Charge).
Battery SOP must have low discharge time for long winter days
and it is shown in Fig.11. In addition, the nominal voltage of
In Fig. 8, PV Panel produces 152.73V and 487.6 A for 891 car battery is 24 V and the parameter of it also indicates it in
W/m2 and 5.6 °C. The PV Based EV Charging Station Model, Fig. 11.
PV Panel Current and Voltage, SOP of system battery as well A buck converter with PI controller is used to maintain the
system in stable within design band range.

Fig. 9: PV Based EV Charging Station Model

Fig. 10: PV Panel Current and Voltage of system battery

Fig. 11: SOP of system battery of car battery/ EV charger Load.
Fig 13: PV Array Output Power

Fig. 14:EV Charging Station Power

Fig. 12: System Battery Parameters system battery

The output power of PV array and EV charging are shown

in Fig. 13 and Fig. 14 respectively. Battery Power, which is Fig. 15:Battery Power
illustrated in Fig. 15, is represented as the combined power of
PV array output power and EV charging station power. From IV. CONCLUSION
the figures it can be calculated the required output power of
storage either in charging or discharging mode. The charging As a consequence of finite petroleum original resources,
station power is 30 kW for the period of 0 to 2 second. The renewable energy sources became indispensable for our daily
Electrical Vehicle charging power is always constant for 25 kW life energy demand. In this perspective we intended to give an
from 0 to 6 second. So, from 0 to 2 second the combination of efficient, applicable and cost effective model of PV based EV
the two output powers is 5 kW. Now, the PV array output power charging station through the environmental data of Ankara city
drops for 20 kW from 2 to 3 second. So, the combination power in particular circumstance. This study shows that it is possible
(battery power) is -5 kW at this moment. Again, the output to implement and market Solar PV based EV charging station
power of Solar PV is calculated from the given steps in Fig. 13, without grid connection. In accordance available irradiance and
since the Electric Vehicle power remains constant, the battery temperature values, one can produce sufficient energy while
power follows the Potential Array Voltage Output power battery used as a backup. Instead of using the grid power as
simultaneously. backup source, energy storage system (ESS) batteries are
chosen so that whenever solar power is inadequate to supply
power for charging of EV, ESS takes the control and injects the
necessary energy to the charging system [8-21]. The presented
model of solar power energy can be a good initiative for the
future appliances and implementation to be carried out in this
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