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Inn Din - What Really Happpened

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by Rick Heizman, May 12, 2019

While the one-eyed western mass media, and the ignorant and arrogant regressive leftists
have a field day with the revelation of a situation which appears to be damning to the
Buddhists Rakhine and Burmese, let’s go over what really did and didn’t happen -

and what actions occurred under the ‘Duress of War’.

First, how and why do I know more than nearly anyone, including Wa Lone, Kyaw Soe Oo,
Simon Lewis, Antoni Slodkowski, and Reuters News? I have been involved with Burma /
Myanmar extremely deeply for 38 years. First time in Burma was in 1981, and I was there 6
times before the 1988 uprising. First time in Arakan / Rakhine State was in 1996, and I have
been there over a dozen times. For 25 years I was deeply involved in the democracy
movement, working covertly with US embassy and various intelligence agencies, reporting
secretly to US Congresspeople and Burmese leaders in exile, with the goal of bringing down
the military dictatorship - which did collapse in 2010. Aside from that, I was also doing work
in Burma as an ethnomusicologist for Smithsonian and others, and doing humanitarian work
building schools and assisting orphanages and a
leprosy camp in remote areas, such as Rakhine State.
My connections, influence, and reputation in the
country are extraordinary. in Rakhine State I can get
permission to go to restricted areas because officials
know me and trust me, and they know that I am not
shallow and one-sided - as most of the western
media is.

I have been in Inn Din, and almost all areas of

southern, central, and northern Maungdaw Township,
southern, central, and northern Buthidaung Township, central and western Rathedaung, 3
different times, for a total of about 20 days, with permission granted to me with no
restrictions, and full access anywhere.

I will firstly state what I have learned about what

happened in Inn Din at the end of August 2017, then I
will go through the latest ‘definitive’ version by Reuters,
titled: How Myanmar Forces burned, looted, and killed
in a remote village.

Inn Din is the name of 5 villages now - they can be called Inn Din east / Ashit, west / Anauk,
central / Alay, north / Myauk and south / Taung. The Bengali Muslims populate the largest 3,
and Buddhists live in 2. The Bengali villages are significantly bigger than the Buddhist
villages, and it is estimated that the Bengalis - in August 2017, before the attacks - comprise
90% of the total Inn Din villagers.


On October 9, 2016, there were coordinated surprise terrorists attacks, by the new Islamic
terrorist group called Harakah al-Yaqin (later in a savvy move changed the Arabic name to
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army /ARSA) in which there were dozens of police and civilian
casualties. One of the targets was a security forces base at Koe Tan Kauk Village, about 6
miles south of Inn Din. Starting then, after those attacks, and ever increasingly, it had been
reported by the local indigenous people of Inn Din that the Bengalis had strongly ramped up
their harsh treatment of non-Muslims, and also threatened them with taunts, intimidations,
and extreme violence. The Mawlawis (Imams) of the mosques started demanding that NO
Muslims can work for, buy from, sell to, or interact in ANY way with Buddhists, and if they
did continue then their heads could be cut off according to Islamic (Sharia) Law. Buddhist
villagers told of the Bengali Village Mosque loudspeakers blaring unadulterated hateful and
violent vitriol against the Buddhists.


Those threats turned real on August 25, 2017 when Buddhist villager U Maung Ni, walking to
his fields, was killed by Bengali Muslims. His family was stunned and angry that Muslims
would kill a person for simply being of a different religion. I interviewed his wife, who
described the tragic events of that day, and the following week, and I shared in her tears. I
met, spoke with, and interviewed Buddhists of Inn Din several times - who have had great
concerns for their safety - and feels like the ‘world’ does not understand the Islamic Jihad
which has them targeted for death.

Many of the Buddhists, who are the indigenous people of the land and the legacy of the
great Buddhist Kingdom of Arakan, lived fairly harmoniously with the Bengali Muslims, and
employed them often. (see translated interviews ahead)


In the early pre-dawn morning of August 25, 2017, villagers were awakened by muffled
gunfire, and explosions, coming from the south. The area’s biggest police outpost was about
1½ miles south of Inn Din - at Gwa Son. It was a cause for concern, but the distance muffled
the sound. For most people there is no instant news, some people were alerted by phone,
but even then nobody knew that dozens of targets up and down Maungdaw, Buthidaung and
Rathedaung Townships had been struck that morning. The news about what happened only
reached most of the people in the late morning. Coincidently, Burmese Police had arrested
the top Mawlawi (Imam) of the Inn Din Muslims the day before the attacks, on August 24, for
broadcasting his incendiary hate and threats over the mosque loudspeakers - and that may
be the sole reason why the Inn Din Muslims did not attack the Inn Din Buddhists the morning
of August 25 - because then they might never see their Mawlawi again.


After eating in the mid-morning at home with the family Maung Ni went out to see his water
buffaloes, where he had taken them to some good grass in the early morning. His route
would take him through and out of the village, and then he would enter some dense forest,
and emerge at some grassy fields. Back at home, two of his sons set out to catch up with
their father, and they started walking the same route. Now we know what happened. U
Maung Ni was surrounded by Muslims who couldn’t restrain themselves any more and U
Maung Ni was beaten and stabbed to death. (see eyewitness interview ahead)


The two sons of U Maung Ni were still walking out to be with their father. Suddenly they were
surrounded by menacing Muslims. One of them quickly called their mother on his mobile
phone, “Mother! We are surrounded by Muslims, and they are crazy and threatening! We
don’t know what to do!” The mother ran out of the house, shouting to some men nearby to
follow her. As they turned a corner there were Muslims all over now, and their way was
blocked. Now it was getting very frightening as agitated and frightening Muslim men were
pouring into the Buddhist part of Inn Din. The mother was very concerned about her sons,
and her husband, but now the Muslims were shouting loudly and menacingly. “ALLAHU
AKBAR! ALLAHU AKBAR! (Allah is the greatest!) MARU! MARU! MARU! (Kill! Kill! Kill)” The
Muslims were shouting through their mosque loudspeakers, broadcasting messages such
as, “we will slash the throats of Myanmar soldiers and this land is our Islamic State!” The
whole village ran in panic to the big Buddhist monastery and temple compound, which at
least, has big walls around it. The mother and others got behind the walls, and shortly after
her sons ran in. But, not her husband, U Maung Ni.

The wife of murdered U Maung Ni

3 The walls of the Buddhist monastery complex.
Inn Din village pathways The edge of Inn Din village viewed from the monastery

The whole village had to stay in the monastery compound for a week - even though many
could even see their own homes. To go out of the compound, cross wide open fields, and
then enter the dense foliage of the villages pathways was definitely too risky. The mother and
sons of U Maung Ni knew that he must have been killed, but still, they wanted to look for
him, but they couldn’t - the forest was on the opposite side of the village. The hundreds of
Buddhists behind the compound walls of the very over-crowded monastery felt helpless,
trapped and in great danger from the overwhelming number of agitated Muslims who
seemed possessed by their Islamic ideology. Around Inn Din the population of Muslims had
swelled to 90% in recent decades. The Buddhists felt they could all be slaughtered very
soon. From the compound walls they watched in frustration as the Muslims looted the
Buddhist homes, and stole their animals.


And, now everyone was learning what happened in the early morning of Aug 25. Up and
down Maungdaw dozens of security forces outposts were attacked, dozens of villages were
attacked - it was a war. The Muslims were, once again (as has happened numerous times)
possessed by their Islamic Jihad agenda - in which the Mawlawis [Imams] planned,
instructed, trained and led the villagers to kill all non-Muslims, and declare the land an
autonomous Islamic State. And, as well, the Mawlawis made it clear that if you didn’t
participate in the attacks and killings then you and your family will be declared un-Islamic
and your heads will be cut off. The Buddhist villagers, all stuck in the monastery compound
also learned that several bridges, on both side of Inn Din, on the one road to Inn Din had
been blown up. Swollen creeks had them trapped. In the absolute chaos during the next
week, it was not known when available army troops could arrive to protect and evacuate the
Buddhists. Supplies of rice and food were dwindling, with no supplies being able to reach
them. The Buddhist still could not go back to their nearby homes - but they could see that
the Muslims were looting their homes and stealing the cows, water buffalo, chickens and
goats. And, strangely (to the Buddhists) the Muslims started burning their own homes, and
going down to the nearby beach, perhaps waiting for boats.

Already the Muslim jihad was failing, and Bengali Muslims were beginning to flee to
Bangladesh. Buddhist villagers trapped in the Inn Din monastery compound were astonished
to watch as the Bengali Muslims started burning their own homes. The Muslim villages of Inn
Din were always off-limits to the Buddhists, and during this strife it would have been suicidal
for any Buddhist to go into the Muslim villages. It was rainy season, and it took some effort
to burn homes - they had to pour petrol around the houses, and because everything was wet
the fires didn’t spread from house to house easily. The Buddhist parts of Inn Din were toward
the west, and the wind blows to the east, from the ocean, so the wind also helped prevent
the fires from spreading to the Buddhist sections.

[Some people simply won’t accept this, but there is plenty of proof of the Bengalis
burning their own villages and homes, usually at the command of the Mawlawis and the
ARSA leaders, who threatened villagers with death if they did not burn villages and flee to
Bangladesh. It seems like this became Plan B, after Plan A - killing all infidels - failed. This
is corroborated in numerous interviews (see interviews ahead) and many captured ARSA
militant statements which I have had translated.]


Bengali Muslims continued to boast their threatening manners by yelling across the fields
that divided Buddhists and Muslims, and waving and thrusting swords and spears in the air.

Their tactic of displaying their penchant for violence intimidated the frightened Buddhists so
much that that the Buddhists felt trapped, overwhelmed, and angry that the Bengalis were
so callous, vicious, violent, supremacist, conniving, and beholden to a faith that seemed the
polar opposite of Buddhism.


Some troops did show up, on foot, on Aug 28. They did go to the forest, and they found the
body of Maung Ni - in the mud, in the forest. But the troops were greatly outnumbered, and
didn’t try to free the village yet, so all still stayed in the monastery compound.

On September 1, 2017 around 200 Bengali Muslims, armed with homemade bombs, spears
and swords ambushed security forces nearby. After security forces shot back at the
attackers the Bengalis scattered and ran away. Ten of the attackers were caught by villagers
as they ran by the monastery compound.

NOTICE: they were CAUGHT, not SHOT, and not even WOUNDED. They easily, and
rightfully could have been shot - after all, there was a WAR going on, and they had just
ambushed a bunch of security forces with the premeditated objective of killing everyone.

Those ten attackers were interrogated and did reveal that they were ARSA supporters. The
Buddhist villagers called for security forces to come and take the prisoners away. But,
security forces said they couldn’t reach Inn Din with a vehicle yet, because of the blown up
bridges and they were so stretched and overwhelmed with rescuing, protecting and
evacuating villages, dealing with lots of Bengali-made mines, and battling ARSA militants.


There is no jail at the village or the monastery. And undoubtably no handcuffs - certainly not
10 pairs. So, just how does one detain 10 violent, fanatically Islamic terrorists that are
probably restrained merely with village rope. If one terrorists got his hands freed, and got a
few more of them freed, and grabbed some weapons, in a matter of seconds, they could
easily kill scores of Buddhists. Think about the situation - all the Buddhist women, children,
babies, old men and women, and the men, are all crowded into the compound, and you are
going to have 10 violent men sleeping there as well? How is anyone to sleep around there
with 10 brain-washed zombies who are probably plotting how to get out of their detainment
and murder all the Buddhists around there? It is very risky to guard 10 violent men who will
try anything to escape.

Meanwhile, with ARSA Islamic militants mounting continuous attacks and destroying two
military vehicles with landmines, it was determined that there were no conditions to safely
transfer the 10 violent murderous Bengali terrorists to the police station, and now it was day
2 with the captives, and it was decided it was too risky for the safety of all, and under the
‘Duress of War’ the decision was made to kill them. Don’t forget that the previous day those
ten men had tried to kill as many as they could, and with woman and kids who were driven
out of their village homes having to be in close proximity to those ten violent men, it was only
a matter of time until deadly disaster struck.


At 8:00 AM on September 2, the 10 Bengali Muslim attackers were led to the village
graveyard by villagers and by the two sons of U Maung Ni. The 10 terrorists were killed and buried.

The Buddhists did not choose to have this awful situation arise. The Bengali Muslims, with
their Islamic supremacy that has Bengali Muslims believing that they have divine rights from
their Allah to kill anyone who is not Muslim, had started a war in which their goal was to
completely exterminate all non-Muslims in northern Rakhine State - a textbook example of
attempted ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Look up the term ‘Duress of War’ - very interesting, then read this again.

I am Maung Phyu Thee, from Inn Din Village.

While I was with my cows, in the ricefield, another one of our

villagers, U Maung Ni, was with his cows, in his ricefield. I heard
the loud sinister yelling of the Muslims coming from some
forested area, near where Maung Ni's cows were. I wanted to
see what was happening, so I quickly walked towards the
shouting. Then, 3 Muslims appeared, and saw me, and in a
menacing manner walked towards me - with their swords. I
turned around and started running back to my village in panic.
As I ran I encountered Tun Tun Oo [son of Maung Ni] and another
young man. They were going out to see Maung Ni. I quickly told
them what I saw and heard and we phoned some villagers and told them to come here
quickly because, from what I was able to see, Maung Ni was attacked, and may even be
dead, or wounded. Many villagers came quickly, and we walked over to where I saw the
violence, but we did not find the body of Maung Ni.


I am Thein Tun, from Inn Din Village.

We used to work together with Bengali Muslims - no problem.

Many of the Rakhine Buddhist people here own rice fields, and
we often rent them to Bengalis, and they can work the fields, and
grow rice. Around one month before the Aug 25, 2017 attacks, all
of a sudden all of the Bengali people stopped working in the rice
fields, and gave us back the land. At that time we Rakhine
people were surprised by this action - it had never happened
before. We asked the Bengalis, "Why do you stop working the
ricefields and why return them to us?" They answered, our
Mawlawis (Imams) in the mosques ordered us, "Don't work with
the Buddhists anymore, don't communicate with them or any
other non-Muslim people (Hindus, tribal ethnicities).” They had been warned by the
Mawlawis that if any of them work with non-Muslim infidels that they will be killed. That's
why they returned the ricefields to us, a month before the surprise attacks against us.

Between this Inn Din Rakhine village, and the larger Inn Din Muslim village there was a street
that had a market every morning. But starting then (a month before Aug 25, 2017 attacks)
there were no more Bengalis selling things. The Mawlawis told all the Bengalis, "No more
buying or selling to any non-Muslim infidels - for any reason - don't even go there to the
market." After that development, still before the attacks, the Rakhine people here became on
the alert. It was very strange behavior. We cautioned each other to not go into any Bengali
villages. The situation was strange and we started to worry about what bad things might

On Aug 24, 2017, I received a phone call from Alay Than Kyaw Village around midnight. I was
told that info had come that said there will be an attack somewhere in Maungdaw Township,
in a few hours or less. I was told to be very alert, and very careful, and if we don't have
security in the village, then we would have to make our own security. Around 3 am Koe Tan
Kauk Village [6 miles to the south from Inn Din] and Chein Khar Li Village [8 miles south] were
attacked first. When we heard that news we called for an urgent meeting in our village in the
pre-dawn darkness. We had to figure out: If we were attacked by the Bengalis, what would
we do, where would we flee? We would have to flee to our Buddhist Monastery. We would
take women and children first, to the monastery. The men would have to remain in the village
to try to prevent the destruction of our homes.

In the morning around 9 or 10, I heard that U Maung Ni was killed by Bengalis as he was
tending his cows in the field. Then many many agitated Bengalis yelling loudly came to the
perimeter of our Rakhine Inn Din Village. All the Rakhine people ran quickly, in fear, to the
monastery. The Bengalis were yelling things like "Bagei!" which means tiger. The Bengalis
were implying, "We are tigers, and you Rakhine are cows - we will eat you!" They were
yelling these things through the loudspeakers of the mosque, "Tigers must eat! And we tigers
like to eat cows! Rakhine are cows! We will eat them!” The mosque loudspeakers were also
broadcasting, "Bengali Muslims, don't be afraid. Even if security forces come with weapons
they will not shoot us! The police have orders not to shoot us. They will only shoot in the air
to scare us. Don't be afraid! When the police run out of bullets, we all will rush them, and kill
all of them!”

All of us Rakhine people had to take shelter in the monastery, there were some security
forces there. But, still we were surrounded by so many Bengalis. We could see Bengalis
starting to burn their own homes - we watched from the monastery. We were lucky that the
wind was preventing the fires from spreading to the Rakhine part of the village, towards the


My name is Ma Shwe Sein, and my husband is a teacher.

For a long time I have employed a Bengali Muslim woman to

cook for our family and a Bengali man to do general work. Also I
employ another young Bengali who is like a brother to me, and
he usually sleeps at our home. I also own some ricefields and I
rent them to a Bengali man to work, but then he told me,
sometime before the attacks of August 25, 2017, that he will
not be continuing to work for me. I was surprised, and asked
why? He said, “Because very soon violence would happen
against the Buddhists, don’t stay here, go away.” I have a
daughter, and a son and my mother who lives here in our village.
The young Bengali man, who is like a brother to me, he also said,
“Go away from here now, it is too dangerous."

They told me that the Mawlawi (Imam) told all the Bengali Muslims that they, “could not work
for the Buddhists anymore, and they could not buy or sell things to the Buddhists, and if they
disobeyed they would be killed.” Sometimes at the mosque Bengalis would be beat severely
if they were interacting in any way with Buddhists. Actually I didn’t really believe that violence
would happen this way, I didn’t want to believe it. I said to the brother-like Bengali man, “If
we run away then you can take our cows, but if you run away I will take back my cows (that I
rented to him).” 3 days before the attack, the Bengali woman that cooked for me did not
show up. She informed me that she was not allowed to come anymore (as dictated by the
Mawlawi). The Bengali general worker who worked for me actually loved pork curry and
alcohol, and usually slept here also. After the other workers stopped coming, in fear from the
threats of the Mawlawi, I told the general worker to just stay here, it is okay. But the next day
he was grabbed and taken to the mosque, and the Mawlawi beat him severely, and after that
he was banned and under watch not to go to the Buddhist section of Inn Din.

On August 25, 2017, the day so many targets were attacked (but not known to us yet) I was
eating lunch, with other teachers, when I heard that U Maung Ni was killed by 20-30
Bengalis. I thought, when I heard that, that they wouldn’t kill him, maybe he would be
kidnapped for a short time. U Maung Ni was also very familiar with Bengalis. Me and the
other teachers were eating chicken curry when mobs of Bengalis on 3 sides of our village
gathered shouting, “Maru! Maru!” (Kill! Kill!). So, we all just dropped our plates and ran as
fast as we could towards the Buddhist monastery, with Bengalis rushing into the village
yelling so loudly. While we sheltered in the monastery the Bengalis continued shouting. Later
in the day they started to burn their homes, and they were shouting and yelling - we saw that
happening. And, the wind was blowing towards the Bengali homes, not towards our
Buddhist homes - we were very very lucky.

I had met with the Bengali Muslim people whom I had hired to work at my house. I said, "You
have your grandmother, and your children, and you have land to work, why don't you want to
work and make money for your needs?” They said, "If we work anymore for Rakhine people
we will be killed, by the Mawlawis (Imams) of our mosques.” The Bengali men, that I used to
employ said, "We would like to live here, and work here [in the Buddhist village] but we are
not allowed now. The ARSA militants and the Mawlawis told all of us that if we violate their
orders we will be killed." I heard that at a meeting in the Bengali Inn Din Village, with ARSA
militants and Mawlawis, they were saying things like: "Even if the country is destroyed, we
don't care about that. We want this land, and when we take this land everything will be okay."

I explained to some of the Bengalis, "This is not our land, it is in the hands of the
government. We can live here peacefully and work together. If the government wants this
land today, we have to move today." When I explained like that, one Bengali said, "No.
Maybe the whole country will be
destroyed, and maybe there will
only be one Bengali woman and
man alive, but if that is how we
get this land it will be okay."

Left, unburned

part of Inn Din

Right, burned

part of Inn Din

And now, we will examine the Reuters report of Feb 8, 2018, titled:

‘How Myanmar forces burned, looted and

killed in a remote village’

My comments will be in blue

Reuters: On Sept. 2, Buddhist villagers and Myanmar troops killed 10 Rohingya men in
Myanmar's restive Rakhine state. Reuters uncovered the massacre and has pieced together
how it unfolded. During the reporting of this article, two Reuters journalists were arrested by
Myanmar police.

Rohingya trace their presence in Rakhine back centuries. But most Burmese consider them
to be unwanted immigrants from Bangladesh; the army refers to the Rohingya as “Bengalis.”

Interesting how Reuters shows some shallow shoddiness in the first sentence of this
paragraph, by using a term (Rohingya) that has no history, to describe history, and ironically
BOTH are false! There is plenty of info about the term ‘Rohingya’ which is a recent invented
term for the purpose of political subterfuge, and if you want to talk about whose land this is it
is so clearly the homeland of the Rakhine Buddhist people and the legacy of their great
historical Kingdoms of which there is monumental evidence everywhere you look in this land.
Almost every Bengali Muslim that one sees has a homeland called Bangladesh - same
language, same religion, same customs and traditions, even the same intolerance and
supremacy. And, they call themselves ‘Bengali’. Their biggest mosque has 2 signs in English
on it - the Bengali Sunni Jamae Mosque. Reuters is one of many news outlets that have
flagrant bias on matters concerning Islam, as they are bought up and controlled by Islamic

The CAMERA organization has produced many articles condemning the news and photo
wire-agencies Reuters, Agence France-Presse and the Associated Press. Reuters, in particular,
has been the perpetrator of biased photos in its Middle East reporting, according to CAMERA.

Reuters: The slain men’s families, now sheltering in Bangladesh refugee camps, identified
the victims through photographs shown to them by Reuters. The dead men were fishermen,
shopkeepers, the two teenage students and an Islamic teacher.

The dead men were most likely also Jihadists, willing to kill all non-Muslims. Where were
they on Aug 25 when the Buddhists were being terrorized out of their own homes? Really.
Where were they? They could have stopped that display of Islamic arrogance. The worst of
them was most likely the Mawlawi (Imam) or as Reuters put it, the Islamic teacher. As you
learn about this whole issue, and read the prisoner interrogations, you will see that the
Mawlawis are ALWAYS teaching the villagers that they should unite, and attack and kill all

non-Muslims, and, in fact, it is your duty to do that, Allah expects you to do that. So, they
actually are the teachers of Islam, and the evil force that brainwashes everyone around them
- there is no need to shed excess tears for those monster ‘teachers of Islam’ who give the
Muslims divine privilege to slaughter the infidels in a genocidal ethnic cleansing.

Reuters want you to believe the ten dead men were like innocent angelic meditation teachers
that were brutally killed by the bad bully Buddhists. It is the Islamic intolerance and
supremacy that is the cause and effect of all of this violence, not only in Rakhine State, but
everywhere in the world where Islamists driven by Koranic hatred and violence are bringing
untold misery and insanity to people and cultures that want nothing to do with it. Look at the
photo of the ten men again - look at their eyes - what do you see? (It is subjective, however,
spend a little time, looking in their eyes, getting in their minds)

Reuters also did not mention that the main Mawlawi (Imam) in Inn Din was coincidently
arrested on Aug 24, 2017, for inciting extreme violence upon the Buddhists and broadcasting
it through the mosque speakers. And, that was the reason the Muslims of Inn Din did not
attack their own police posts and all the Buddhists in the early AM. But, they were so riled up
that by noon that day they could not restrain themselves anymore, and they first killed
Maung Ni, and then terrorized the villagers, forcing them to flee from their own homes.
Reuters claims there was no attack in Inn Din Village on August 25, 2017. Reuters claims
that the nearest attack was in Kyauk Pan Du, about 5 miles to the north.

Reuters: The military’s version of events is contradicted in important respects by accounts

given to Reuters by Rakhine Buddhist and Rohingya Muslim witnesses. The military said the
10 men belonged to a group of 200 “terrorists” that attacked security forces.

Read the following long report

from a military officer to Nay Pi Daw, Army Headquarters

It is a ‘battlefield’ report of known incidents on ONLY AUG 27-28

Look for mention of Gwa Son, 1½ miles away to the south, and other nearby villages

such as Koe Tan Kauk, Tha Win Chaung, Chut Pyin, Ahtet Nan Yar

Report: Extremist Bengali Terrorists

Still Commit Terrorist Acts in Maungdaw Region
Nay Pyi Daw, August 28

While performing control of the region between Kyaung Doe and Aung Tha Bye villages in
Maungdaw Township on 27 August evening, security troops were attacked by extremist
Bengali terrorists with the use of home-made guns and home-made mines from both sides
of the road. The security forces fought against them and cleared the region. In the incident,
one police member was injured.

Security troops while combing the prawn farm near Kyee Kyun outpost found the burnt floor
of the hostel where about 50 extremist Bengali terrorists lived. At night, while security troops
were discharging duty of controlling the region in Kyee Kyun outpost, three extremist male
Bengali terrorists and three female terrorists fled to the other bank with the use of two boats.

A home-made mine planted by extremist Bengali terrorists exploded at Zin Paing Nyar
Junction. Zin Paing Nyar police outpost was besieged by the terrorist Bengali terrorists
starting at 10.20 pm. Then, one more home-made mine exploded about one mile from the
outpost. After that, about 80 extremist Bengali terrorists approached the outpost to attack
but security troops fought against them. The terrorists retreated to Zin Paing Nyar Village.
Meanwhile, another home-made mine exploded near Awli Tula Village.

In more terrorists acts of extremist Bengali terrorists, four homemade mines exploded in
series at Zin Paing Nyar Junction at 10.40 am today. 10 minutes later, six more home-made
mines planted by terrorists exploded in series at the junction.

At 11.13 am, an explosion of one more home-made mine planted by extremist Bengali
terrorists happened at Zin Paing Nyar Junction. Likewise, home-made mines planted by
extremist Bengali terrorists exploded one after another between Ywa Thit and Kyauk Hla Kya

About 500 extremist Bengali terrorists from Tin May Village besieged Kyaung Taung police
outpost in Buthidaung Township. When security troops performed clearance operation there,
the terrorists withdrew from the post.

Extremist Bengali terrorists set fire to Zee Pin Chaung outpost on the night of 27 August, the
fire was put out this morning. At 1 am today, outbreak of fire started from the house of
Abdula in Myoma Kan Yin Tan Ward of Maungdaw Township, firefighters and local people
put out the fire within a half hour.

Moreover, one mine exploded 50 yards from Tha Ray Kon Baung police outpost near Phwe
Yu Bar Tar Village, another mine in the village, and one home-made mine in Ywa Thit Village,
500 yards from Pyin Phyu regional office.

While marching to Gwa Son Village in Maungdaw Township for performing control of the
region, security troops were attacked with mine explosion by extremist Bengali terrorists at
the entrance bridge of the village. They exchanged fire in the incident. While combing the
village, about 300 extremist Bengali terrorists opened fire at the security troops. Both sides
exchanged fire and the terrorists retreated into the Mayu Mountain range after setting fire to
the houses.

In the discovery, one .22 gun, 10 bullets and two home-made mines were seized.

In clearing Koe Tan Kauk Village of Maungdaw Township, security troops were attacked by
extremist Bengali terrorists with one mine. After opening fire at the terrorists, the security
troops seized two Tommy guns and then were clearing directional mines.

Afterwards, security troops while discharging duty of controlling Koe Tan Kauk Myit Nar
Village were attacked by extremist Bengali terrorists using swords, and fought against them.

In combing Tha Win Chaung Village, security troops unearthed and seized one mine,
exploded it with the remote control attached to a battery with TNT soft ignite, in the one foot
long and six inches deep ground pit in the field between Gwa Son and Tha Wun Chaung

At 9.25 am today, extremist Bengali terrorists set 30 houses from Upper Pyu Ma (Na Ta La)
Village and 30 more houses from Wet Kyein (Mro) Village on fire. Moreover, one home-made
mine exploded on the central road in Kyauk Hlay Ka Village. As extremist Bengali terrorists
set fire to one Bengali house in Myoma Kan Yin Tan Village of Maung Taw at 10 am, security
troops and local people put out the fire.

Extremist Bengali terrorist set fire to a Bengali house in Myoma Kan Yin Tan ward around
10.30 am. An improvised explosive device exploded on the main street of Kyauk Hlay Ka
Village around 11.10 am, and a terrorist torched a house near Zin Paing Nyar Junction and
exploded an improvised explosive device and ran away.

Security forces discovered six taped packets connected with red and black color wires as
they cleared the houses in front of Shwe Zar police outpost.

Around 11.20 am, Bengalis in Saka Pin Yin and Kyet Kyein villages in Region 4 torched their
houses and ran away. Security forces, during the security operation in Myit Na Village, found
and arrested a Bengali terrorist with one improvised explosive device.

Security forces repulsed over 500 extremist Bengali terrorists who attacked Tha Yet Oak Kin
outpost in Region 5 with small arms.

Ka La Ba Bengali Village in Ward No. 5 in Maungdaw burned around 12.30 pm, and three
improvised explosive devices exploded there. Nineteen Bengali houses at the back of the
office of Maungdaw district administration department caught fire at 12.45 pm, and as
security forces and people put out the fire, extremist Bengali terrorists attacked with small
arms and security forces had to return fire.

At noon, around 50 extremist Bengali terrorists from Kyet Kyein Village went to the south of
Wet Kyein Pagoda, and around 100 extremist Bengali terrorists from Pa De Ka Village to
Myin Gyi Myauk Village.

A total of eight mines—three in the burned ground in Di Pay Wa Ward and five at Zin Paing
Nyar Junction in Myoma Kay Nin Tan—continuously exploded in Maungdaw.

Some 100 extremist Bengali terrorists from Kyauk Pa Nu Stupa attacked the security forces
providing security in Kyauk Pa Nu Village in Region 9 with small arms around 1 pm. Security
forces repulsed and seized one improvised firearms and three swords from terrorists.

Extremist Bengali terrorists, from two houses near Pyin Phyu Police Station in Kyauk Hlay Ka
Village, fired around 12 shots and attacked with three improvised explosive devices into the
compound of the police station.

In another attack, extremist Bengali terrorists from Ywathit Village fire seven shots at
Pyinphyu Police Station with small arms.

Two improvised explosive devices planted by terrorists went off in Ywathit Village in Region 6
around 2 pm, and terrorists fired around 12 shots at Pyinphyu Township administration

Around 3.15 pm, one extremist Bengali terrorist attacked Chut Pyin ethnic village in
Rathedaung Township in Region 11 with improvised explosive device and fled to Chut Pyin
Bengali Village.

Security forces were attacked by around 80 extremist Bengali terrorists with improvised
explosive devices, guns, swords and spears as they came into Chut Pyin Bengali Village to
conduct security operation. Following an exchange of fire, extremist Bengali terrorists
torched their homes around 4.40 pm, and fled to Ahtet Nan Yar Village. Security forces
seized one improvised firearm, 22 swords, two spears and darts.

Extremist Bengali terrorists made several attempts to carry out several arson attacks and
explosions on Wi Ma La ethnic ward in Maungdaw at 6 pm to ravage the township. As
security forces and firefighters put all their attention on safety of the township and fire
prevention, extremist Bengali terrorists could not find a chance to set fire to the town.
Instead they shot Maung Than Hlaing, 16, Mro ethnic, with improvised firearm in Zaw Ti Kay
One Monastery in Myoma Ward in Maungdaw. He was wounded by metal balls of the
homemade gun in his right hip and was receiving treatment at Maungdaw Hospital.

From August 27 to 28, a total of 45 improvised explosive devices planted by extremist
Bengali terrorists exploded, and terrorists torched seven villages, one outpost, and two
urban wards in Maungdaw. The State Counsellor Information Committee will release the
updates on the situation on the ground.


Reuters: Buddhist villagers interviewed for this article reported no attack by a large number
of insurgents on security forces in Inn Din. And Rohingya witnesses told Reuters that soldiers
plucked the 10 from among hundreds of men, women and children who had sought safety
on a nearby beach.

Here is where it will get very interesting. Reuters / Islamists doublespeak. Notice the
wording of the first sentence. ‘Buddhist villagers interviewed for this article reported no
attack by a large number of insurgents on security forces in Inn Din.’ So, if a Buddhist was
interviewed, but not for this article, he could have said something different. And, if the
ambush attack occurred just outside Inn Din proper itself, then it doesn’t count because it
was not IN Inn Din. There are so many ways to prove absolutely that this Reuters piece (of
garbage) is fully aimed, armed and ready to demonize the Buddhists, and to let Islamic Jihad win.


First let’s look at some captured ARSA affiliated prisoner statements, in
which these four terrorists attacked the Gwa Son police outpost, the
biggest in the area. Gwa Son is only 1½ miles south, but Reuters
‘forgot’ about that:

Rawfique Ullah (33), Anan Mulla (37), Anan Dulla (25) from Inn Din
Village, Maungdaw Township and, Nazi Hu Saung (64), from Kyauk Pan
Du village (4 miles north), Maungdaw Township

How We Prepared to Attack:

Around 11:30 pm of 24.8.2017, Rawfique and Faruq gathered the

villagers and said that ARSA had arrived and that they planned to attack the police outposts
in the early morning and seize their weapons. ARSA militants had guns and bombs and they
would lead the attacks and Bengali villagers had to join them. They told us to be ready and if
we don’t participate they told us that they would kill us as traitors. If we got arrested when
we attacked, they said not to disclose anything about ARSA or that they would kill our
families. So, I grabbed my sword, and Sha Ar Lon (30), Ra Maung Dulla (25), Ru Ar Lon (28),
and Rofie (40) also came to the mosque with swords and sticks. Then,
Rawfique and Faruq led us, and on the way we saw Nazi Hu Saung
and other Bengalis from Kyauk Pan Du village. There were about 300
total in our group.

How we attacked:

At 4:00 am on 25.8.2017, we (led by Rawfique and Farof) and ARSA

members surrounded the Gwa Son Police outpost and attacked it.
ARSA used guns and handmade bombs. Policemen shot back and we
moved back and eventually ran away.

How we were captured:

As we did not dare go back to our village, we - Na Zi Hu Saung, (F)

Ahdu Shukhu, and Anar Dullah, (F) Swaytar Baw, and Zu Bine, (F) Abu
Arhar, and Adu Naw Bi, (F) Mamauk Husein, and Annan Mulla, (F) Raw
Bulla, and Zaw Baw, (F) Mot Nal, and Habi Bulla (F) Zaw Yaw - were
hiding in Do Tan Village near Alay Than Kyaw village, and we were
found and arrested by the Army and BGP (Border Guard Police).

How We Were Recruited:

There is a mosque in our village and I went there to pray, we had to go

5 times a day. Sometimes when we were in the mosque to pray,
Mawlawi [Imam] Khaw Li Ron told us villagers that someday soon ARSA would attack the
security forces and occupy the region, and make it an Islamic State. He said the attacks
would start after ARSA terrorists and trainees arrived from Bangladesh, and that they would
bring guns and bombs. He told us that we need to get ready. This was what he used to tell
us very often.

How We Prepared to Attack:

At 9:00 pm on 24.8.2017, Mawlawi Khawli Ron gathered the villagers at

the mosque and said that ARSA was going to attack the police
outposts in the early morning, and that they would seize the weapons
from the outposts. He said ARSA would bring guns and bombs to use
for the attacks, and that they would also attack other targets in
Maungdaw and Buthidaung Townships.

He told us to gather at the mosque at 12:00 midnight, and if we did not

join, we would be killed as traitors. If we were arrested, he told us not
to disclose any information about ARSA, and if we did, they would kill our family members.
After that, I went home and grabbed my sword, and returned to the mosque. Around 12:00
midnight, Mawlawi Khaw Li Ron led us and on the way we saw Rawfique Ullah, Anar Dulla,
Zu Bie, Adu Nawbi, Annan Mulla, Zaw Baw, and Habi Ullah with some unknown Mawlawis.
Altogether our group numbered around 300 Bengalis.

Reuters: Some members of the paramilitary police looted Rohingya property, including cows
and motorcycles, in order to sell it, according to village administrator Maung Thein Chay and
one of the paramilitary police officers.

More made up stuff to demonize Buddhists. Remember when they were confined to the
monastery compound for more than a week? And lo and behold, their homes were looted
and their animals were stolen. A cheap shot at the Buddhists. But, a very typical Muslim trait
(sorry to say) of victimizing yourself by turning everything backwards - they are the violent
terrorists, they are the liars and criminals, they and their Islamic ideology is the problem.

No wonder the Buddhists are really fed up with the Bengali Muslims.

Reuters: The second police officer described taking part in several raids on villages north of
Inn Din. The raids involved at least 20 soldiers and between five and seven police, he said. A
military captain or major led the soldiers, while a police captain oversaw the police team. The
purpose of the raids was to deter the Rohingya from returning.

“If they have a place to live, if they have food to eat, they can carry out more attacks,” he
said. “That’s why we burned their houses, mainly for security reasons.”

With the absolute chaos of war in late August and early September there was justification for
such things as, ‘deterring the Bengalis from returning’ and ‘burning parts of villages’ for
safety’s sake, because, the Bengalis were the enemy, they were trying to enable their plan to
annihilate all non-Muslims - in other words, a textbook example of genocidal ethnic
cleansing. Given that situation, the priority is to protect the citizens and that means safety,
and if that means burn the adjacent homes to prevent anymore sneak-up ambush attacks
then do it. The Bengalis have to learn something that Islam does not know - and that is
cause and effect, and consequences and responsibility.

The family of U Maung Ni lives

right behind the trees on the left
- you can their house a bit.

On the right side of the pathway

the much larger Muslim part of
the village started. The path up
the middle was the definitive
dividing line. In a situation like
this, when the enemy is the
Muslims, would you feel safe
with dense foliage right up to in
front of your house? Especially
when one of your family was
already murdered? It makes
sense for safety’s sake to have
an unobstructed view. Even
before this incident, the men
had to have rotating night
guards because of the
aggressive threats of the
Muslims. Cause and effect.
Consequences. Responsibility.

Reuters: Running out of supplies in the hills, several hundred Rohingya came down to the
beach, including the 10 men who would be slain, family members and neighbors of the men
said. They planned to set off in the coming days toward Bangladesh. A group of soldiers and
armed Rakhine Buddhists arrived. The soldiers picked out 10 men and said they were taking
them away for a meeting, Rohingya witnesses said.

This is where Reuters really makes up the story - assuming there is no one to contradict it
with facts and real investigative and honest journalism - like me. The 10 men had
participated in an ambush intended to kill many, and were running away from it when they
were captured by very fed up Buddhists. It was thought that the army could come get them
but they couldn’t. The Buddhist had no intention to kill them until the next day when it was
obvious that it was going to be very dangerous to keep holding them - don’t forget, there
was no jail there. Finally, to be safe, while all hell was raging up and down all of Maungdaw
and beyond, they chose safety. It needs to be known that the Bengalis created this mess - it
was the choice that they made. They could have chosen other ways of being starting a long
time ago. They could have chosen to have respect for other cultures, and tolerance for other
people, and they could have chosen to live peacefully and harmoniously with others - but
they didn’t. They didn’t have to attack police posts, villages, Buddhists, Hindus, and Tribal
minorities, with a goal of wanton genocidal ethnic cleansing - but they did, and they suffered
the consequences.

I think that, in this case, the Buddhists are not guilty. They only did what they felt they had to
do for safety’s sake, in the circumstances given, under the ‘Duress of War’.

What I wrote about this incident is much better and more accurate than Reuters, and I
challenge Wa Lone, Kyaw Soe Oo, Simon Lewis, Antoni Slodkowski, and Reuters to
compare notes, discuss the matter, and find and show the truth - whatever it may be.
by Rick Heizman, May 12, 2019


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