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Enhancing Students Mathematical Problem Solving Skills Through Bar Model Visualisation Technique 3919

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e-ISSN: 1306-3030. 2018, Vol. 13, No. 3, 273-279


Enhancing Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills

through Bar Model Visualisation Technique
Sharifah Osman 1*, Che Nurul Azieana Che Yang 2, Mohd Salleh Abu 1, Norulhuda Ismail 1,
Hanifah Jambari 1, Jeya Amantha Kumar 3

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA
SK Taman Perling, Johor, MALAYSIA
Universiti Sains Malaysia, MALAYSIA


Previous studies revealed that many students cannot perform well when it comes to word
problem-solving questions. There are various problem-solving strategies that can be applied to
help students to overcome the problem. Visualisation techniques in learning have been used to
help students enhance their conceptual understanding of the mathematical problem-solving and
the use of bar model visualisation technique is one of the strategies. This study aims to investigate
students’ achievement in mathematical problem-solving after applying the Bar Model and to
explore students’ experiences while applying the technique. This study employed a pre-
experimental design of the quantitative research. There were 32 participants of year three
students. The instrument used in this research consists of questions of pre-test and post-test and
a semi-structured interview. Data were analysed using SPSS 20.0 software and thematic analysis.
The test results showed that there is a significant difference in participants’ mathematical
problem-solving achievement. The analysis of semi-structured interview transcripts revealed that
level of understanding and motivation influence students’ performance. Findings of this study
showed that students perform better after the implementation of the Bar Model in mathematical
problem-solving. This study can provide an alternative or guidance for teachers to improve
students’ mathematical problem-solving skills.

Keywords: problem-solving strategies, visualisation techniques, bar model, mathematical

problem-solving skills

Problem-solving is an important skill that one must have. Problem-solving in mathematics helps students
to experience on how to solve daily life problems by applying their mathematical knowledge and skill. Word
problem solving is one of the important components of mathematical problem-solving incorporates real-life
problems and applications (Azizah, Rohani, & Mokhtar, 2010). However, students cannot perform well in the
examination when it comes to word problem-solving questions. Word problem solving is an area of difficulty
and frustration for a considerable number of students (Bluman, 2005; Olga, 2010; Phonapichat et al., 2013;
Verschaffel & Corte, 1993). It can be seen on TIMSS and PISA results which were not good enough. Students
face difficulties to understand the mathematical language and lead to misconception. In addition, students
find it difficult to grasp the problem or some parts of it because of the mathematical language.

Article History: Received 23 July 2018  Revised 1 September 2018  Accepted 1 September 2018

© 2018 The Author(s). Open Access terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
( apply. The license permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, on the condition that users give exact credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
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Osman et al.

There are many factors that affected students’ achievement in problem-solving. One of the factors is
teacher pedagogical ways of teaching. Teachers still remain central to the teaching and learning despite using
various methods (Martin, Khaemba, & Chris, 2011 as cited in Han et al., 2013). Although there are many
techniques and strategies existed to help students with problem-solving, there are teachers who still using the
old teaching method and teacher-centred. Lack of conceptual understanding is happened due to inadequate
exposure and use of thinking skills throughout the lesson. A teacher must adapt to the teaching that responds
to the strengths and needs of all pupils (Mooney, 2014). The teacher has to consider the needs of the
children with different learning styles and abilities. Therefore, it is really important for teachers to change
their ways of teaching based on students’ needs and vary the strategies they taught to the students. It is vital
for students to choose the best strategy when they attempt the word problem-solving questions.
According to Pehkonen et al. (2013), there was a need to develop teaching methods that correspond to the
challenges set by constructivism. Teaching methods and strategies need to be changed to embrace 21st-century
learning based on Constructivism theory. Constructivist approaches are central to this mathematics
curriculum. To learn mathematics, children must construct their own internal structures (Government of
Ireland, 1999). Not only in Ireland, it was agreed by all educators around the world; children must construct
their own knowledge to have a meaningful knowledge to be applied in their daily life.
The aim of education is to acquire practical knowledge that sensible and meaningful for the life purpose.
Students are supposed to learn and have problem-solving skills to be applied to their life. Problem-solving
skills include analytical and critical thinking skills. These skills will help students in many ways especially in
decision making. Problem-solving helps students to do reasoning in many aspects of life practice. Throughout
the process of problem-solving, students will use their skills to analyse, brainstorm the solutions, determine
the causes, evaluate possible strategies or solutions to confront or solve the conflicts and at the end implement
the most effective solution. Mathematics is a potential medium to enhance the ability of students to engage in
critical thinking and mathematical thinking through mathematical problem-solving ((Moussavi, 1998; Osman,
Abu, Mohammad, & Mokhtar, 2016). Mathematical problem-solving is one of the basic skills that can be
measured and enhanced by several methods and techniques as well as the basic core in mathematics teaching
and learning (Iyad & Aslan, 2015). Visualisation acts as one essential component in mathematics problem-
solving. Visualisation triggers students’ imagination and deepens their understanding. It is not only limited
to help students to visualise the question but also help to improve their thinking skill. By learning how to
visualise the question, students can use this technique for another topic with problem-solving at any level.
Students’ difficulties in problem-solving can be overcome through various strategies and activities (Vula &
Kurshunmlia, 2015). The bar model strategy is one of many problem-solving strategies that suitable to
enhance students’ understanding regarding word problem-solving questions. Bar Model is one of the
visualisation ways of learning. Bar model is a strategy that was introduced in Singapore Education. Problem-
solving skills teach students to be creative in solving the problems. The Singapore Math and Bar Model
approach encourages greater problem-solving skills and creative thinking (Thirunavukkarasu &
Senthilnathan, 2014). Drawing in the Bar Model is a valuable tool for solving non-routine problems. Bar model
enables students to see the number relationships, rather than focusing on the objects of the problems
(Thirunavukkarasu & Senthilnathan, 2014). Students need to draw a rectangle bar(s) to solve the questions.
It is important to use teaching methods that require creativity from students (Arslan, 2014). Bar model
also inspires students to be creative when answering the questions as they need to draw a layout based on
their understanding of the question. Research on mathematical drawing indicates a positive connection
between drawing and problem solving (Edens & Potter, 2007; Kamariah, Jennifer, & Janette, 2016). Bar model
is the strategy that helps students to construct their own knowledge. Its approach aligns with Piaget’s (1974)
constructivist theory that children construct their own knowledge through experience (Hofer, 2015). It is a
model that fosters students’ understanding regarding problem-solving questions. As the Bar Model is a visual
approach, this model also nurtures critical thinking in students. By drawing the rectangular bar, students can
extract information from the given question and look for pattern or relationship between the bar and
information given. Marshall (2008) claimed that pictorial representations help students to visualise the
abstract mathematics relationships. When the students get to visualise the question, it will enhance students’
understanding of the questions. Students may use a representation (drawing) to scaffold their understanding
of emerging concepts (Kamariah, 2016). They can see the relationship between the information given and
question requirement. This model-drawing technique is intended to enhance the conceptual understanding of
the problem at the task (Olga, 2010). It helps students to visualise the question and take out all the
information given when they draw the bar(s). Hence, the bar model is a suitable problem-solving strategy to


teach the non-routine problems as it is helpful for students to transfer questions into a simpler and
understandable form.
Therefore, this study aims to investigate students’ achievement in mathematical problem-solving after
applying the bar model and to explore students’ experiences while applying the bar model in mathematical
problem-solving. In order to meet the objectives of this research, the following research questions steer the
study: i) What is the performance of students in pre-test and post-test before and after the implementation of
the bar model? ii) Is there any significant difference in students’ achievement in mathematics problem-solving
after applying the bar model? iii) What are students’ experiences while applying the bar model?

This quantitative research employed the pre-experimental design. Samples were chosen based on
convenience sampling. There was 32 Year 3 students involved in this study. There were two types of
instruments used in this study; tests (pre-test and post-test) and semi-structured interview questions. There
were ten questions of problem-solving under the topics of addition and subtraction. Those topics were chosen
to apply the Bar Model as they are the basic operations in mathematics. Questions for pre and post-test were
different, yet the level of difficulties of the questions was the same. Problem-solving questions consist of higher
order thinking skills (HOTS) questions which were non-routine problem-solving questions. The semi-
structured interview focused on exploring the problems faced by students during answering questions of
mathematical problem-solving using the bar model.
Participants answered pre-test questions before receiving the treatment, the bar model. The participants
were given 50 minutes each to complete the test; 5 minutes for each question. The treatment was introduced
after the participants have finished doing their pre-test. The treatment was conducted by introducing and
teaching students the application of bar model in problem-solving of addition and subtraction and then
followed by the post-test that was carried out after giving the treatment in three different sessions for a week.
Nine participants were chosen based on their post-test marks and interviewed by the researcher. Data were
analysed based on the instruments applied. For the pre and post-tests, data were analysed using paired T-
tests through SPSS 20.0 software. Paired T-test was used to compare the means between two tests. The
descriptive analysis also was conducted on the data. As for the interviews, they were verbatim transcribed by
the researchers. The verbatim transcripts were analysed through thematic analysis and all major themes
relating to their experiences using the Bar Model were taken as the results of the interview.


Performance level for most of the participants on pre-test was low. There were 29 participants that
achieved marks in the range from 0 to 4 and only 3 participants were able to achieve a medium level where
their marks ranging from 5 to 7. Through a deep checking on the participants’ written works which were the
solution to pre-test questions, the researchers discovered that participants could not solve the questions well.
They could not give a complete solution for each question. They were unable to answer all the pre-test
questions within the stipulated time. Based on the researchers’ observations, strategies used by the
participants were not suitable for answering the questions. The mean pre-test score was 2.89. It shows that
most of the participants were categorised in the low-level of performance. The highest score for pre-test was 6
and the lowest score was 1. None of the participants achieved a high level of performance.
Comparing to that pre-test, the post-test results showed the less number of participants with a low score
decreasing from 29 to 7. As there were only 3 participants achieved a medium performance level for pre-test,
the post-test result showed a significant increase in a total number of participants in that level which was 15.
Post-test results also showed that there were 10 participants got scores in the range of 8 to 10 who can be
grouped in the high-performance level. This result shows a dramatic change in participants’ performance as
there were previously none participants scored the high-performance level in the pre-test. Figure 1 shows a
sample of the problem-solving questions and its solution of the pre-test and Figure 2 shows a sample of the
problem-solving questions and its solution of the post-test. In Figure 1, the question was about the number
of clothes donated by three different societies for the flood victims. The given information was the particular
number of clothes donated by two societies and the total clothes received. Students were asked to calculate
the number of clothes donated by the other society. Similarly, in Figure 2, the question was about the number
of coloured papers (red, blue and yellow) used by Noraini. The given information was the particular number
of blue and red papers used up and the total number of all the coloured papers. Students were asked to 275
Osman et al.

Figure 1. Pre-test problem-solving sample question and its solution

Figure 2. Post-test problem-solving sample question and its solution

Table 1. Summary of participants’ performance level for pre-test and post-test

Performance level (marks) Low (0-4) Medium (5-7) High (8-10)
Pre-test 29 participants 3 participants none
Post-test 7 participants 15 participants 10 participants

calculate the number of yellow paper used by Noraini. It could be seen in Figure 1 that the student did not
comprehend the question and answered the question by just adding up the numbers. On the contrary, in
Figure 2, the student developed and visualised his comprehension of the question through the bar drawing
and performed the calculation based on the drawing. These examples prove that using the bar model could
help students to develop and visualize their comprehension and enhance their skills of mathematical problem-
Most of the participants performed better on the post-test in problem-solving comparing to that pre-test.
The mean post-test score was 6.16. This result shows a significant increase in the mean score from the pre-
test to post-test. The results indicate that there is a big increase in numbers of the participants’ performance
in problem-solving after the implementation of Bar Model. Table 1 shows the summary of the results.
Table 2 shows the analysis results using SPSS for the paired samples t-test of pre-test and post-test. The
results showed that the significant value known as the p-value is 0.00. Thus, it is a very small probability that
this result occurring by chance, under the null hypothesis of no difference. The null hypothesis is rejected since
p = 0.00. Olga (2010) who studied a visualisation strategy named model-drawing strategy to solve word


Table 2. Paired Samples Test for Pre-test and Post-test

Paired Differences
95 % Confidence Interval Sig. (2-
Std. Std. Error t df
Mean of the Difference tailed)
Deviation Mean
Lower Upper
Pair 1 PreTest-PostTest -3.281 3.072 .543 -4.389 -2.174 -6.043 31 .000

problems also shared the same implication. The model drawing gives students a clear procedure for
comprehending and executing problems. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was a significant difference
in students’ achievement in mathematics problem solving after applying the Bar Model strategy. Thus, the
study clearly showed that the Bar Model strategy gives positive impacts on the participants’ achievement in
mathematical problem-solving.
In exploring experiences of students in applying this bar model technique in mathematical problem-
solving, nine participants were interviewed based on their performance level on the post-test. Three
participants from each performance level of low, moderate and high were chosen and interviewed by the
An excerpt of the interview with one of the participants from low-performance level:

Please teach me again later how to use the technique until I understand. I also want to draw like other
friends. I want to use this technique to solve problems because it looks interesting.

An excerpt of the interview with one of the participants from moderate-performance level:

There are questions that I do not understand how to apply this technique. But I can answer most of the
questions. It’s easy to use this technique.

An excerpt of the interview with one of the participants from high-performance level:

The technique is very helpful. I could understand it very well and easy for me to solve the problems.

The interview transcripts were analysed through thematic analysis. There were two major themes deduced
from the analysis. The first theme was the level of understanding. The extent to which the technique is
beneficial to the students depends on their understanding on using it. The second theme was the motivation.
Although they initially could not understand the bar model, they were attracted and interested to use the
technique and tried to solve the post-test questions. The bar model strategy motivated them to solve the
questions. Based on the interviews conducted, all participants including the low-performance level students
were interested and motivated to use the bar model in mathematical problem-solving.
This study proves that it is essential for teachers to vary their strategies and methodologies for teaching
problem-solving. Students cannot solve the problems well if they do not have a variety of problem-solving
skills. Hattikudur, Sidney, & Alibali (2016) stated in their study that the benefits of learning multiple
procedures are great when students compare those procedures. They have alternatives when they are planning
and searching for solutions. Exposure to different strategies nurtures meaningful ways of learning
mathematics (Intaros, Inprasitha, & Srisawadi, 2013).
Other than that, teachers should be encouraged to use visualisation techniques for teaching mathematical
problem-solving. According to Alsina and Nelsen (2006), the visualisation technique may be a tool to develop
intuition, to start solving a problem or a natural way to identify concepts. As mentioned earlier, the bar model
is one of the visualisation techniques used in mathematical problem-solving. Findings of this study have shown
that the students were interested and motivated in applying this bar model in solving mathematical problems.
The study also shows that the bar model visualisation technique helps to enhance students’ mathematical
problem- solving skills.

The results of this study indicate that the bar model could be a useful strategy to help students to improve
their mathematical problem-solving skills. The bar model helps students to understand and solve problems
better by visualising and making sense of a problem using the rectangular bar. As a matter of fact, the findings
from the test and interview conducted have revealed that students could overcome their dislike towards word 277
Osman et al.

problem-solving questions by using the bar model method. The results showed that there was a significant
difference in students’ achievement after the implementation of the model. There were positive impacts not
only on the results but also on the participants’ attitude towards the questions. This method helped students
to build and elevate their confidence as they were excited and courageous enough to try answering all the
questions given. The use of bar model is also beneficial to students as it motivates them to answer the
questions. The bar model can be a major help in learning for long-term mathematics success. It should be
emphasized in education as it contributes to students’ learning by bringing positive impacts to the students.
It enhances students’ understanding regarding problem-solving as it helps to visualise and solve the problems.
Other than that, it can be applied to many mathematical operations and topics. It can help students to apply
these concepts to a variety of challenging word problems questions. Lastly, it helps to make the learning of
mathematics more meaningful and easier. Thus, it is recommended for teachers to use the bar model technique
in teaching mathematical problem-solving as the technique provides engaging and purposeful experiences
throughout the learning process.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Notes on contributors
Sharifah Osman – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.
Che Nurul Azieana Che Yang – SK Taman Perling, Johor, Malaysia.
Mohd Salleh Abu – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.
Norulhuda Ismail – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.
Hanifah Jambari – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.
Jeya Amantha Kumar – Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia.

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