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Research Proposal

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The passage discusses strategies used by Grade 7 mathematics teachers for teaching problem solving skills to their students.

The research proposal is about investigating strategies utilized by Grade 7 mathematics teachers in Padre Burgos, Quezon for teaching problem solving to their students.

Strategies discussed include choosing problems where the appropriate algorithm is easy to find, hinting at suitable solving procedures, and supporting students in making connections between different problem solving methods and representations.




A Research Proposal



MA Math Education
Southern Luzon State University

Chapter 1


Mathematics is the most international of all curriculum subjects, and mathematical

understanding influences decision making in all areas of life—private, social, and civil.

Mathematics education is a key to increasing the post-school and citizenship opportunities of

young people, but today, as in the past, many students struggle with mathematics and become

disaffected as they continually encounter obstacles to engagement. It is imperative, therefore,

that we understand what effective mathematics teaching looks like—and what teachers can

do to break this pattern.( by Glenda Anthony and Margaret Walshaw in their book entitled

Effective Pedagogy In Mathematics).

Problem solving is a key subject in Standards and Focal Points. Learning how to solve

story problems involves knowledge about semantic construction and mathematical relations

as well as knowledge of basic numerical skills and strategies. Yet, word problems pose

difficulties for many students because of the complexity of the solution process . Because

problem solving, in particular word problems as a process, is more complex than simply

extracting numbers from a story situation to solve an equation researchers and educators must

afford attention to the design of problem-solving instruction to enhance student learning for

word problems ( Maryam Sajadi, Parvaneh Amiripour, Mohsen Rostamy-Malkhalifeh 2013).

It is generally acknowledged that problem solving is an indicator of the state of

grasping concepts and ideas pupils are learning. Problem solving skills develop fast if the

solver gets new and new experience with the activity. Pupils’ performance in problem solving

improves if they repeatedly meet the same type of problem or if they can make use of their

previous experience (Eysenck, 1993).

A teacher’s attitude and the teaching strategies he/she uses significantly influence

educational outcomes, (Švec,2012). Effective teachers support students in creating

connections between different ways of solving problems, between mathematical

representations and topics, and between mathematics and everyday experiences.( Glenda

Anthony and Margaret Walshaw)

The role of the teacher is simpler, he/she only has to detect the place where pupils

make mistakes and assess correctness of their solutions. That is the reason why teachers often

choose problems in whose case the search for the appropriate algorithm is easy and also often

hint at the suitable solving procedure. This means pupils instead of solving a problem simply

apply some

algorithm chosen according to the signals from the assignment or the teacher. Then they fail

if they are to solve non-standard problems whose assignment does not contain elements they

are used to, elements that serve as indicators for selection of the right solving strategy. They

feel helpless if they face an atypical, unusual problem or a problem set in an unknown

context. Needless to say that this often happens in case of application problems, where pupils

are expected to use mathematics for solution to problems from everyday life. One of the

indicators telling a teacher whether a pupil understands the subject matter is the pupil’s

ability to come up with new, original solving procedures when solving a new problem. But

this is something a teacher cannot teach directly. He/she can expect this approach from their

pupils, he/she can ask for it, support them in it but he/she cannot teach it (Sarrazy and

Novotná, 2013). This is one of the key concepts of didactics of mathematics, the didactical

contract and paradoxes connected to it (Brousseau, 1997).

Changes in approaches to problem solving in school practice depend on changes in

teachers’ attitude and approaches to mathematics education, (Tichá and Hošpesová, 2006).

We often ask adults to write their math autobiographies, and their stories would

make a grown man cry. They struggled through a labyrinth of incomprehensible symbols and

rules, memorizing facts and procedures. They remember their panic when called upon to go
to the chalkboard to compute 212 divided by 512. “Ours is not to reason why; we just invert

and multiply.” Many of these adults are now parents, and they not-so-subtly send a message

to their children: “Math is hard. I never could understand it. Gee whiz, I can’t even balance

my check book.” Is mathematics so inherently difficult that only a few who are “wired” for

math can understand it? Unfortunately, most people in the United States would say yes. This

erroneous view of mathematics has been prevalent for decades. Many come to believe that

they are incapable of doing math. As they progress through the grades, fewer and fewer

students understand and enjoy math, leaving only a handful to continue with capability and


When students find they can use mathematics as a tool for solving significant problems

in their everyday lives, they begin to view it as relevant and interesting. Effective teachers

take care that the contexts they choose do not distract students from the task’s mathematical

purpose. They make the mathematical connections and goals explicit, to support those

students who are inclined to focus on context issues at the expense of the mathematics. They

also support students who tend to compartmentalize problems and miss the ideas that connect

them. (Anghileri, 2006; Watson & Mason, 2006.)

Good problem solving skills empower students in their educational, professional, and

personal lives. Nationally and internationally, there is growing recognition that if education is

to produce skilled thinkers and innovators in a fast-changing global economy, then problem

solving skills are more important than ever. The ability to solve problems in a range of

learning contexts is essential for the development of knowledge, understanding and

performance. Requiring students to engage with complex, authentic problem solving

encourages them to use content knowledge in innovative and creative ways and promotes

deep understanding(Crebert, G., Patrick, C.-J., Cragnolini, V., Smith, C., Worsfold, K., &

Webb, F. (2011)).

The study will be conducted in the four secondary schools in the district of Padre

Burgos, Padre Burgos, Quezon. These schools are, Hinguiwin national High School,

Danlagan National High School, Lina Gayeta-Lasquety National High School and San Isidro

National High School . The first three mentioned secondary schools are situated near or

along the provincial road while the fourth one is almost two kilometers along the road. These

secondary schools has almost have the same number of students, with two sections per grade

level ranging from 30 to 40 students per section.

Being in the field of teaching, specifically almost 20 years of teaching Mathematics,

the researcher experienced so many difficulties in adopting a very effective strategy in

teaching and letting problem solving be done accurately by the students. There are times that

the researcher experienced that almost 100% of the students don’t have the ability to solve

problems specially to the section with slow learners. Also, she observed that, this part of

teaching Mathematics is the least interested part for the students, as years passed, there is a

sudden decreased of the schools Mean Percentage Score in Mathematics. Because of these

observations, the researcher became interested in conducting this research.


This study intended to find out different strategies used by the Grade 7 Mathematics

teachers in the four secondary schools in the district of Padre Burgos.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following:

1.) What difficulties were encountered by the Grade 7 Mathematics teachers in Padre

Burgos in making their student understand and solve questions involving problem solving?
2). What are the different teaching strategies used by Grade 7 Mathematics teachers in

Padre Burgos in teaching problem solving to their students ?

3). Were the strategies used by the Grade 7 Mathematics teachers in Padre Burgos

has a positive effect in the achievement of their students’ ability to perform problem



There is a significant relation between strategies used by the Mathematics teachers in the

ability of their students to solve mathematical problems.


The result of the study will be of great help to the following:

Grade 7 Mathematics teachers in the district of Padre Burgos, for they will be able to

identify which among the strategies of the teachers can be used as an effective strategies in

teaching problem solving to the students. Also, being grade 7 as the basis of the result,

teacher’s teaching Mathematics in the higher grade level will also be benefited since ,

developing students ability to solve problem solving in the start of their secondary education

will be a continuous achievement for the learning process, provided efficient guidance and

facilitation of the teachers teaching Mathematics in their students in the higher level will be

intact and continuous too. On the other hand, teachers will also be able to identify approaches

that should be discard since it has no positive effect in the problem solving ability of the

Future researchers who will conduct the same study about problem solving would be

provided relevant and useful data.

Lastly, the students because being the center of the educational system, they are the one

who will benefit with these effective strategies in teaching problem solving, since they will

be provided with techniques that will make them an excellent problem solver.


The main purpose of the study is to find out the different effective teaching strategies

used by the Grade 7 Mathematics teachers in the district of Padre Burgos. It was limited to

the Grade 7 students and teachers teaching Grade 7 Mathematics in the four secondary

school in the district mentioned in the background of the study.


Conceptual definitions:

Problem Solving- Finding solution to a problem or puzzle that requires logical and

Mathematical abilities in order to solve it.

Difficulties – A problem of doing things easily and correctly.

Effective Strategies – a general plan or set of plans intended to achieve something that

works well and produces the results that were intended.

Positive Effect- The outcome attained parallel to the intended result of the activity.

Grade 7 Students – Students enrolled in Grade 7 level of the K-12 curriculum in the four

secondary schools in Padre Burgos.

Grade 7 Mathematics Teachers – Mathematics Teachers in Padre Burgos teaching

Grade 7 mathematics.

Operational definitions:

Problem Solving – Mathematical questions stated in phrases or sentences that requires

Grade 7 students Padre Burgos to analyze and identify the given,

the operation to be used and which is being asked in order to solve and find the

desired solution.

Difficulties – These refers to the problems encountered by the teachers in Padre Burgos

teaching Grade 7 mathematics, specifically, teaching and developing

student’s ability to solve problems.

Effective Strategies- Approaches in solving problems used by Mathematics teachers

Teaching Grade 7 Mathematics that has a positive effect in the learning

process of their students.

Positive Effect – The outcome attained by the Grade 7 Mathematics teachers in

Padre Burgos that shows they can solve problem solving correctly.

Grade 7 Students – Students enrolled in Grade 7 level of the K-12 curriculum in the four

Secondary schools in Padre Burgos.

Grade 7 Mathematics Teachers – Mathematics Teachers in Padre Burgos, teaching

Grade 7 Mathematics.
Chapter II


This chapter presents the related literature about, problem solving, difficulties in solving

problems, strategies in solving mathematical problems. It also shows the previous study of

researchers related to the different strategies in teaching problem solving, the research

paradigm and the conceptual framework.


It is a truth universally acknowledged that problem solving forms the basis for

successful mathematics education; solving of carefully selected problems helps to develop,

refine and

cultivate creativity to students (Kopka, 2010, Foreword). According to Jonassen (2010 ),

problem solving is the most important learning outcomes in most contexts. He believes that

the most important cognitive goal of education (formal and informal) in every educational

context (public schools, universities and corporate training) is problem solving. Therefore,

the instructional design and technology community should learn how to design problem-

solving instruction. In order to support those efforts, instructional design and technology

researchers should conduct high quality research on learning to solve problems that will

enhance problem-solving learning experiences or all students. In support of these claims,

Jonassen present the following warrants:

First, problem solving is the most authentic and therefore the most relevant learning

activity that students can engage in. Karl Popper (1999) wrote a book of essays that claimed

that “all life is problem solving.” In everyday contexts, including work and personal lives,

people solve problems constantly. No one in personal and professional contexts is rewarded

solely for memorizing information and completing examinations. Problem solving as an

essential “21st century skill,” specifically the ability to solve different kinds of non-familiar

problems in both conventional and innovative ways and to identify and ask significant

questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better solutions


Second, research has shown that knowledge constructed in the context of solving

problems is better comprehended, retained, and therefore more transferable. When solving

problems, students must think more critically. Also, the learning is situated in some authentic

context, which makes it more meaningful. Third, problem solving requires intentional

learning. Learners must manifest an intention to understand the system or context in which

problems occur in order to solve problems effectively. Meaningful learning cannot occur

until and unless learners manifest an intention to learn. All human behavior is goal-driven.

The clearer our goals are for learning, the more likely we are to learn meaningfully and

mindfully. Fourth, knowledge that is recalled and not used in some authentic tasks is too

quickly forgotten, cannot be effectively applied, and in most disciplines becomes obsolete in

a short time. Therefore, the primary purpose of education should be to engage and support

learning to solve problems. (Reif et al., 1976; McDermott, 1991; Heller et al.,1992) stated

that, one of the fundamental achievements of education is to enable students to use their

knowledge in problem solving.

Problem solving has become the means to rejoin content and application in a learning

environment for basic skills as well as their application in various contexts. (Hiebert, 1996).

Today there is a strong movement in education to incorporate problem solving as a key

component of the curriculum. The need for learners to become successful problem solvers

has become a dominant theme in many national standards (AAAS, 1993; NCSS, 1997;

NCTE, 1996; NCTM, 1989, 1991). For example, the 1989 Curriculum Standards of the

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) states: “Problem solving should be

the central focus of the mathematics curriculum”. As such, it is a primary goal of all

mathematics instruction and an integral part of all mathematical activity. Problem solving is

not a distinct topic but a process that should permeate the entire program and provide the

context in which concepts and skills can be learned” (National Council of Teachers of

Mathematics, 1989, as cited by Kirkley, 2003).

Problem solving is a key skill , and it is one that makes a huge difference to your career.

At work, problems are the center of what many people do everyday. The problem you face

can be large or small, simple or complex, and essay or difficult to solve. Regardless of the

nature of the problems, a fundamental part of every manager’s role is finding ways to solve

them. So, being a confident problem solver is really important to success.(

In Germany, problem solving has important roots that date back at least to the

beginning of the twentieth century. However, problem solving was not primarily an aspect of

Mathematics education but was particularly influenced by cognitive psychologists. However,

this research had hardly influence on the mathematics education-neither as a specific

discipline nor as a foundation for mathematics instruction. In German Mathematics

classroom, problem solving is, “the heart of Mathematics,” did not attract the interest it

deserved as a genuine mathematical topic. There are some evidences that this situation may

change. In the past few years, nationwide standards for school mathematics have been

introduced in Germany. In standards, problem solving is specifically addressed to as a

process-oriented standard that should be part of mathematics classroom through all grades.

This article provides an overview on the problem solving in with reference to psychology and

mathematics (
In particular, problem solving is examined from perspectives of research, curricula and

instructional practice, and assessment. We identify three key themes underlying observed

changes in research agenda in Australia in relation to problem solving: Obliteration,

Maturation and Generalization. Within state mathematics curricula in Australia, changes in

the Language and construction of the curricula and in related policy documents have

subsumed problem solving within broader category of working mathematically. In relation to

the assessment research in Australia has demonstrated the need for alignment of the

curriculum, instruction and assessment, particularly in the case of the complex performances

such as mathematical problem-solving and student work samples that illustrate such complex

performances and they might be assessed (

According to Crespo( 2003) as cited by Nickson (2004), problem solving is a somewhat

global term and taken in the context of Mathematics. It leads to the consideration of problem

solving processes from a variety of perspectives. Problem solving ignores the imaginative

and creative aspects of engaging in Mathematics. While supposedly engaging learners of

Mathematics in “real-life” problems, modeling procedures adopted may actually exclude

aspects of real life doings. This is an innovative approach in considering problems from a

mathematical perspective and is the one which stresses that problems need not specifically be

concerned with the application to be real but can also arise within Mathematics itself .


Mancenido (2001) conducted a study on “Difficulties in Solving Word Problems

Involving the Four Fundamental Operations”, and she stated that the difficulties in solving

word problems depend on the pupil’s background in the lower level of Mathematics. She also

found out that encouraging the pupils, the teacher should share first the love and interest for
the subject. Montague (2006) states that, students who have difficulty representing math

problems will have difficulty solving them.

One important factor related to ill-structured problem solving success is intrinsic

motivation, that is, student’s willingness to persist in solving problem. Goal orientation,

motivational variable, explains reasons why students engage in the activity because they want

to either learn or perform. (

Even basic problem solving skills are scarce in the work force, as well. The 1993

National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS) found that more than half of employed adults had

difficulty with completing various problem solving tasks—even simple ones. One such task

tested to see if adults could solve problems such as determining the correct change using

information from a menu. Another test involved answering a caller’s question using

information from a nursing home sign-out sheet (Kirsch, Jungeblat, Jenkins, &


According to De Bono(1983), as cited by Palumbo (1990), beginning in the mid-

1980's, researchers found that attempts to teach abstract, generalized problem solving skills

proved ineffective (Beyer, 1984). They found that mastery of generalized problem solving

skills did not differentiate well between good and poor problem solvers. In fact, researchers

concluded that knowledge of context was the most critical feature of skill in problem solving.

Thus, current research supports problem solving as a situational and context-bound process

that depends on the deep structures of knowledge and experience.

Gagne(1985), states that, instruction in problem solving needs to focus on two distinct

types of knowledge: declarative and procedural. Declarative knowledge is closely related to

the context knowledge mentioned above. A common error is to teach only declarative

knowledge, and assume that learners who have mastered declarative knowledge can solve
problems in a domain. Conversely, attempts to teach problem solving alone, without teaching

the supporting declarative (context) knowledge are also ineffectiveWertheimer (1985)

believed that building adequate problem representation, goal-directed planning, inference and

elaborating by using one's world knowledge, testing hypotheses, applying heuristics and

comprehension monitoring, are seen as basic operational building blocks of problem solving,

as well as thinking skills. Nakamura (2006), on the other hand categorized those mistakes

into two different forms such as language problems and the ongoing problem solving process.

These categorization proposed by them is actually the continuity of what Newman had said.

This understanding can identify the influence of language factor on learning mathematics and

its corresponding remedial efforts taken in the teaching and learning process.

According to Sara Gooding (University of Cambridge, UK, 2009,)”Children’s poor

performance with mathematical word problems is a trend that I became aware of very early

on in my teaching career and one that an interest has been taken in by many who are involved

in Mathematics education. By looking at the existing literature on children’s difficulties with

mathematical word problems, I was able to gain a more detailed insight into the causes of

children’s difficulties. Using the evidence from existing research, I formulated five categories

of difficulties that presented as: Reading and Understanding the Language Used Within a

Word Problem Difficulties in this category involve children not being able to decode the

words used in a word problem, not comprehending a sentence, not understanding specific

vocabulary and not

having confidence or the ability to concentrate when reading. (Ballew and Cunningham 1982:

Shuard and Rothery 1984: Cummins et al 1988: Bernardo 1999). Recognising and

Imagining the Context in Which a Word Problem is Set. These difficulties arise when

children cannot imagine the context in which a word problem is set or their approach is
altered by the context in which the word problem is given. (Caldwelland Goldin 1979: Nunes

1993). Forming a Number Sentence to Represent the Mathematics Involved in the Word

Problem. Children appear to find it harder to form a number sentence for some word

problems structures than others. These difficulties can result in children not being able to

select a calculation to perform or selecting an incorrect calculation. (Carey 1991: English

1998). Carrying Out the Mathematical Calculation. Difficulties can occur here with

children’s selection of, and aptitude with calculation strategies (for example formal

algorithms, pencil and paper methods and calculators). The context in which a word problem

is given and the size of numbers involved can impact on children’s choice of a calculation

strategy. (Verschaffel, De Corte and Vierstraete 1999:Nunes 1993: Anghileri 2001).

Interpreting the Answer in the Context of the Question. Children have been shown to not

consider real-life factors and constraints when giving an answer to word problems which can

result in giving an answer that is impossible in the context and therefore incorrect.

(Verschaffel, De Corte and Lasure 1994; Wyndham and Säljö1997; Cooper and Dunne


Most researchers working on problem solving (Dewey, 1910; Newell & Simon,1972

etc.) agree that a problem occurs only when someone is confronted with a difficulty for which

an immediate answer is not available. However, difficulty is not an intrinsic characteristic of

a problem because it depends on the solver’s knowledge and experience (Garrett, 1986; Gil-

Perez et al., 1990). So, a problem might be a genuine problem for one individual, but might

not be for another. In short, problem solving refers to the effort needed in achieving a goal or

finding a solution when no automatic solution is available. Therefore, many researchers find

that their students do not solve problems at the necessary level of proficiency (Van Heuvelen,

1991; Reif, 1995; Redish et al.,2006). To help improve the teaching and learning of physics

problem solving,
studies began in the 1970’s (McDermott & Redish, 1999). Reif & Heller (1982) discussed

this view of problem solvers by comparing and contrasting the problem solving abilities of

inexperienced and experienced problemsolvers. Their findings showed that the principal

difference between the two was in how they organize and use their knowledge about solving

a problem. Experienced problem solvers rapidly re-describe the problem and often use


arguments to plan solutions before elaborating on them in greater mathematical detail.

Inexperienced problem solvers rush into the solution by stringing together miscellaneous

mathematical equations and quickly encounter difficulties. Inexperienced problem solvers do

not necessarily have this knowledge structure, as their understanding consists of random facts

and equations that have little conceptual meaning. This gap between experienced and

inexperienced problem solvers has been well studied with an emphasis on classifying the

differences between students and experienced problem solvers in an effort to discover how

students can become more expert.

Most high school students take the minimum number of math classes needed to graduate.

By college, only a small percentage of our nation’s students elect to major in mathematics.

Others take only the minimum courses required, despite the fact that many careers depend

upon mathematical knowledge ( Steven Zemelman, Harvey Daniels, and Arthur Hyde). We

can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

(Einstein,Albert) The vertical thinker says: 'I know what I am looking for.' The lateral thinker

says: 'I am looking but I won't know what I am looking for until I have found it.'” (Edward de


Nesher, Hershkowitz and Novotná(2003) stated that the concept of “problem solving” is a

very loosely defined notion, a kind of umbrella term for a number of different theoretical

approaches. If we admit that solving a genuine problem is not just a matter of following a

particular algorithm, we have to define heuristic strategies used for their solution.

According to Pound (2011). Mathematics is actually about raising questions as much as

it is about solving them. The ability to shape and solve Mathematical problems is the essence

of constructing mathematical meaning. Adults can help to pose problems engaging pupils to

find mathematical solutions, giving real understanding and purpose to Mathematics lesson.

However, problem finding helps children to become enthusiastic about problems. In this way,

they also develop the sound learning dispositions which will support problem solving

throughout life and across subjects. As stated, Mathematics appears to be beneficial to work

from children’s own problems.

Švec (2012) stated that a teacher’s attitude and the teaching strategies he/she uses

significantly influence educational outcomes. Observations from Czech schools suggest that

pupils as well as teachers prefer problems in whose case the algorithm suitable for their

solution is apparent, in whose case there are no doubts about the choice of the suitable

algorithm (Novotná,2000).

For decades, education in the US endured a silent and gradual revolution in goals and

methods used to increase the awareness toward creative problem solving and creative

experiences. However, many educators have not yet realized that such changes occurred

toward more creative education. Similarly, little significant change occurred in teaching

methods and teacher-student relationships (Hamza &Alhalabi, 1999; Smith & Ragan, 2000;

Torrance, 1977; Torrance & Safter, 1990).

Problem solving skills have value in many areas of life. A student who excels in

problem solving can earn higher grades in subjects like mathematics, science and technical

subjects. The skill set for problem solving in all these areas have the same


Educational and business leaders want today’s student both to master school subjects

and to excel in areas such as problem solving, critical thinking and communication—abilities

often referred to by such labels as “ deeper learning” and “ 21st century skills”. In contrast to

the view that these are general skills that can be applied across a range of tasks in academic,

workplace, or family settings, new report from the National Research Council found that 21 st-

century skills are specific to content knowledge and performance within a particular subject

area. The report describes how this set of key skills relates to learning mathematics, English,

and science and in education, and work. Goals for deeper learning and 21st –century

competencies are found in the new Common Core State Standards for mathematics and

English language arts and the National Research Council’s Framework for K-12 Science

Education. All three disciplines emphasize the development of cognitive competencies such

as critical thinking, problem solving, and argumentation, but differ in interpretation of these


Polya (1945) is cited for his four steps problem solving strategy. The first step is

Understanding the Problem, by identifying the unknown, the data and the condition, and

then drawing a figure and introducing a suitable notation. The second step is Devising a

Plan, in which the solver seeks a connection between the data and the unknown. If an

immediate connection is not found, the solver considers related problems or problems that

have already been solved, and uses this information to devise a plan to reach the unknown. In

the third step, Carrying out the Plan, the steps outlined in part two are carried out, and each
step is checked for correctness. In the final step Looking Back, the problem solution is

examined, and arguments are check..

Reif et al. (1976) tried to teach students a simple problem solving strategy consisting

of the following four major steps: Description, which lists clearly the given and wanted

information. Draw a diagram of the situation. The next step, Planning, selects the basic

relations suitable for solving the problem and outline how they are to be used. The

Implementation step performs the preceding plan by doing all necessary calculations. The

final step is Checking, which ensures that each of the preceding steps was valid and that the

final answer makes sense.

Tolga GOK(2010) in his research presents the selected and modified three steps in

the problem solving strategy based on the problem solving strategies reported by the

researchers mentioned before. The developed IPSS (Integrated Problem Solving Strategy

Steps) could be summarized as follows:

I. Identifying the Fundamental Principle(s): In the first and most important step, a student

should accurately identify and understand the problem. A student should examine both the

qualitative and quantitative aspects of the problem and interpret the problem in light of

his/her own knowledge and experience. This enables a student to decide whether information

is important and what other information may be needed. In this step students must: (i)

simplify the problem situation by describing it with a diagram or a sketch in terms of simple

physical objects and essential physical quantities; (ii) restate what you want to find by

naming specific mathematical quantities; and (iii) represent the problem with formal concepts

and principles.
II. Solving: A student uses qualitative understanding of the problem to prepare a quantitative

solution. Dividing the problem into subproblems is an effective strategy for constructing the

solution. Thus, the solution process involves repeated applications of the following two steps:

(i) choosing some useful subproblems and (ii) carrying out the solution of these subproblems.

These steps can then be recursively repeated until the original problem has been solved. The


needed to solve a problem arisen from choosing sub problems. The two main obstacles can

be: (i) lack of needed information and (ii) available numerical relationships that are

potentially useful, but contain undesirable features. These choices are promoted if there are

only few reasonable options among which a student needs to choose. An effective

organization of knowledge has crucial importance in making easy the decisions needed for

problem solving. The organization done after applying the particular principle is facilitated

by all of a student’s previously gained technical knowledge. The final step contains plugging

in all the relative quantities into the algebraic solution to determine a numerical value for the

wanted unknown quantity (ies).

III. Checking: In the final step, a student should check the solution to assess whether it is

correct and satisfactory and to revise it properly if any shortages are detected by following

this checklist: (i) Has all wanted information been found?; (ii)are answers expressed in terms

of known quantities?; (iii) are units, signs or directions in equations consistent?; (iv) are both

magnitudes and directions of vectors specified?; (v) are answers consistent with special cases

or with expected functional dependence?; (vi) are answers consistent with those obtained by

another solution method?; (vii) are answers and solution as clear and simple as possible?;

and (viii) are answers in general algebraic form? Those IPSS are expected to eliminate the

potential drawback of the LON-CAPA problems/homework and make all students

experienced problem solvers in computer-based problems. The current (LON-CAPA) and

new design (IPSS) of computer-based problem solving systems was investigated with a pilot

study that is detailed below. Also, the perceptions of the volunteer students who attended this

pilot were observed.

Students need opportunities to practice what they are learning,whether it be to improve their

computational fluency, problem solving skills, or conceptual understanding. Skill

development can often be incorporated into “doing” mathematics; for example,learning about

perimeter and area offers opportunities for students to practice multiplication and fractions.

Games can also be a means of developing fluency and automaticity. Instead of using them as

time fillers, effective teachers choose and use games because they meet specific mathematical

purposes and because they provide appropriate feedback and challenge for all participants.

(Henningsen & Stein, 1997; Watson & De Geest,2005).

In promoting problem solving, teachers encourage students to reason their way to a

solution or to new learning. During the course of this problem solving, teachers

further encourage students to make conjectures and justify solutions. The communication that

occurs during and after the process of problem solving helps all students to see the problem

from different perspectives and opens the door to a multitude of strategies for getting at a

solution. By seeing how others solve a problem, students can begin to think about their own

thinking ( meta cognition) and the thinking of others and can consciously adjust their own

strategies to make them as efficient and accurate as possible. (Fosnot & Dolk, 2001)

Egodawatte( 2011) stated that Algebra is a very useful tool that can be utilized in

solving different kinds of problems that every people encounter in their daily living. Learning

Algebra is significantly important because of the concepts and techniques ingrained in it

which are likely applicable real-life situations. Knowledge of the said matter can contribute
greatly to the competence of an individual to cope up with the modern world. Set of

circumstances are basically needed to provide the chances to see how they can deal to this by

applying all the knowledge they have learned in Algebra.

Resnick (1998) as cited in Pound and Lee (2011) noted that if they are to engage students

in contextualized mathematical problem solving, they must find ways to create classroom

situations of sufficient complexity and engagement that they become mathematically engaged

in their own right. They should also permit students to develop questions and not only to

solve problems posed by others. Problems do often enhance and help the learners develop

their critical thinking skills and recognize the purpose of Mathematics lesson and how it

would be beneficial on the learner’s own problem. However, it would depend on the

pedagogy of the strategies and techniques they employ and the learning environment they

create. The teacher, school, and the learning environment have something to do with this.

They generally affect the meaningful learning of the learners and the application of this

learning into real-life situations.

The more knowledge they have, the more they can think of ways to develop and to enhance

their logical ability and cognitive thinking skills in everyday life.

Kieran (1992) as cited in Nickson (2004) suggested that Algebra is seen by pupils as

memorizing rules and procedures . Algebra is a part of Mathematics which is particularly rich

in this respect. When a child learns Algebra, he is considerably enriching his/her problem-

solving repertoire. However, although it may seem to be at a level of abstraction that some

may consider inaccessible to all children, the simplest modeling procedure used in solving

word problems employ basic ideas of Algebra that are immensely powerful. Therefore,

identifying these levels at which the word structure helps to clarify the source of some

confusion that arises in children’s mind in coming to understand Algebra is important.

As cited in the study conducted by Pauli(2012), applications of Algebra in solving real-

life problems are usually presented in words or in text form. They need to formulate English

phrases and sentences into mathematical phrases in sentences. Solving problems involve

applying previously required knowledge and some problems using strategies. Problems may

either be classified as routine or non-routine. Non-routine problems do not require definite

pattern of solution. The use of common sense, guessing and estimation are of great help in

solving non-routine problems are as follows: drawing a diagram, guessing and checking,

making a table, making an organized list, looking for patterns, working backward, making a

complex problem simpler, logical reasoning, setting up an equation, stimulating and

representing mathematical ideas.

In the book of Salandanan (1996), Rondilla mentioned that the problem solving is order

ability. It is most difficult to test. Selection of items depends largely on student’s background.

Rondilla mentioned also in the book of Lardizabal, et. Al. (1991), that the processes of

problem solving and learning are highly unique and specific. Each individual has his own

unique style of learning and solving problem. As individual becomes exposed to alternative

models used by their individuals, they can refine and modify their personal learning style so

that this can be employed effectively.

Morris( 1992) cited that in order to be useful in learning, an individual must experience

the common properties together with the four conceptual structures or scheme. For teachers,

this means that the structures of Mathematics must be clear in the children before they can

use prior knowledge in the situation of the problem.

According to Bayer (2001), problem solving can be introduced in the 4-step sequence of

identifying the problem, choosing a solution plan, executing plan, and checking the answer.
Then, the teachers reinforce this strategy and elaborate it as student’s progress through

grades, using it as a framework for a variety of solution plans and formulas.

According to Cook (2001), one of the challenges of Math at any level is dealing with

five(5) misunderstanding that often arise; Math is essentially computation, the important

outcome in Math is the right answer, Math problems have only one right answer, there is only

one right way to solve a problem and the teachers and the books should not be questioned.

Wade and Tavris (1998), said that Asians believe that mathematical ability is innate. They

thought that if you “have” it, you don’t have to work hard , and if you don’t have it, there’s

no point in trying. They believe that the most important factor in Math performance is to

study hard.

According to the observation of Arpia(2001), Mathematics plays an important role in the

school. The value of Mathematics lies not only in it’s practical use in every life but also as a

tool in learning other branches. Mathematics is the combination of sciences that treat to the

relations between quantities and the operations, which demonstrate those relations by the use

of numbers , symbols and signs.

According to Simbulan ( 1993), problem solving plays a very important role in

mathematical maturity of the student. It is in problem solving that Mathematics activity

within in the classroom most closely approaches the mathematical activity of the world

outside. It involves pupils in learning about problem solving focusing on the learning and

problem solving processes, i.e., understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the

plan and looking back.

Looking for ways of improvement of understanding in mathematics has been in the

centre of attention of a number of researches and comparative studies worldwide. Examples

of these are for example two large scale studies – TIMSS a PISA. Between 1995 and 2007

Czech pupils’ achievement in mathematics was declining; since 2007 a statistically

significant improvement has shown on the level of 4th graders. The decreasing achievement

of Czech pupils occurred also in PISA between 2003 and 2009. That is why it is important to

look for ways of improving the situation (Mullis et al., 2012; OECD, 2010).

Schoenfeld (1987) pointed out that the knowledge of meta-cognitive and cognitive

skills will help students build a thinking plan which involves strategy, skills and procedures

to solve the given problems. This new thinking plan is connected to the students’

understanding of the relevant mathematical concepts that will be used. While solving the

problems, students will go through two phases such as interpretation of the mathematical

language and the calculation process . Newman (1977) also postulated that both language and

mathematical acumen are necessary for the successful solution of mathematical exercises .

Furthermore, Lerman (2001), cited in Parvanehnezhad and Clarkson (2008), wrote of

"strategies", which are mathematical content knowledge that learners need to bring with them

to a mathematical task together with the ability to interpret and comprehend mathematical

jargons and semantics in order to successfully comprehend and solve mathematics problems.

Under the influence of cognitive learning theories, problem solving shifted to

represent a

complex mental activity consisting of a variety of cognitive skills and actions. Problem

solving included higher order thinking skills such as "visualization, association, abstraction,

comprehension, manipulation, reasoning, analysis, synthesis, generalization—each needing to

be 'managed' and 'coordinated'" (Garofalo & Lester, 1985) Problem solving also includes

attitudinal as well as cognitive components. To solve problems, learners have to want to do

so, and they have to believe they can. Motivation and attitudinal aspects such as effort,
confidence, anxiety, persistence and knowledge about self are important to the problem

solving process (Jonassen and Tessmer, 1996).

As Gagne (1979) suggested, in the process of mathematical word problem solving,

student should be able to translate the concrete to the abstract and the abstract to the concrete.

Therefore the mathematical word problem exam is more unique and challenging task than the

ordinary mathematics task. Mathematical problem solving is a "cognitive activity" involving

processes and strategies. Montague (2006) defined mathematical word problem solving as a

process involving two stages: problem "representation" and "problem execution". Both of

them are necessary for problem solving successfully. Successful problem solving is not

possible without first representing the problem appropriately. Appropriate problem

representation indicates that the problem solver has perceived the problem and serves to

guide the student toward the solution plan Mathematical problem solving also requires "self-

regulation" strategies . Mayer (2003) divided mathematical word problem solving into four

"cognitive phases": translating, integrating, planning and execution . Thus, students normally

find difficulty in solving word problems firstly from translating the word representations into

mathematical representation. Related problem to this was students’ difficulty in deriving

"mental images" which then followed by operative actions "transforming in to dynamic

images, invoking images of formulae from memory". Hegarty et al (1995) argued that we

contrast two general approaches to understanding mathematical word problems that have

been introduced by previous researchers: "a short-cut approach" and a "meaningful approach"

that is based on an elaborated problem model. Bruner (1964) believed that one factor of

cognitive development is the knowledge representation ability. In fact, representation in word

problem solving process makes to indicate real comprehension of words and concepts in

problem solving.
Obviously the necessary condition for teaching mathematics via problem solving

without transmission of ready-made knowledge, i.e. condition for creative solving, is

teachers’ solid

knowledge of mathematics, their own experience with creative approach to problem solving,

but also sufficient information and materials ready for use in the classroom. Important is the

so called specialized content knowledge (Ball, Thames and Phelps, 2008); this knowledge

includes identification of key mathematical concepts and possibilities in the given activity,

recognition of different forms of representation of mathematical concepts and operations and

other strengths and weaknesses (Novotná et al., 2013).

Fan and Zhu (2007) list among heuristic strategies also the following strategies: “Draw

a diagram”, “Guess and check”, “Look for a pattern”, “Make a systematic list”, “Use

beforeafter conception”. Eisner (1982), Sanford (1985), Kaufmann (1985) state that it is

visual imagination which is crucially important in problem solving. Stacey (1991)

characterizes the “Trial and

error strategy” as an intuitive strategy that anybody can use.

The developed heuristic strategies are the author’s modification of strategies published

in (Kopka, 2013) and (Polya, 2004). Strategy of analogy: Analogy is a type of similitude. If

we are to solve a particular problem we find an analogical problem, i.e. a problem that will

deal with a similar problem in a similar way. If we manage to solve this similar problem, we

can then apply the method of its solution or its result in the solution to the original problem,

drawing from our experience, make a guess about the solution to the given problem. Then we

check whether the solution meets the conditions of the assignment. The next guess is made

with respect to the previous result. We carry on in this way until we find a solution.
Systematic experimentation: Systematic experimentation is a strategy in which we try to find

the solution to a problem using

several experiments. First we apply some algorithm that we hope will help us solve the

problem. Then we proceed in a systematic way and change the input values of the algorithm

until we find

the correct solution. Problem reformulation: When using this strategy we reformulate

the given problem and make another one which may either be brand new, is easier for us to

solve and whose solution is either directly the solution to the original problem or facilitates

its solution. A specific and very important example of this strategy is translation of a word

problem from one language of mathematics to another. Classical geometrical problems such


trisection of an angle were easy to solve when translated to the language of algebra.

Solution drawing: When using graphical representation we usually visualize the problem by

making a drawing. We write down what is given and often also what we want to get. The

drawing we get in this way is called an illustrative drawing as it illustrates the solved

problem. Sometimes we can see the solution of the problem immediately in this drawing.


in most cases we must manipulate with the drawing (e.g. we add suitable auxiliary elements)

and we solve the problem with the help of this modified drawing. We call this drawing the


drawing. Working backwards: This is a very common strategy in mathematics. We assume

that what we have to find/prove/ construct holds/exists. Then we try to deduce from this

assumption something we already know or something that is easy to

prove/calculate/construct. Thus we in fact try to get from the end to the starting situation as

close as possible. The procedure is reverted in the final calculation/proof/construction. Use of

graphs of functions: When there are functions in the problem assignment or when it turns out

within the solving process that it is desirable to introduce functions then it is usually good to

draw graphs of these functions. These graphs

often considerably contribute to finding the solution to the given problem.

Research Paradigm

Strategies in Teaching Problem Solving Utilized by Grade 7 Mathematics Teachers of

Padre Burgos, Quezon.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Grade 7
Mathematics Grade 7 Students

Strategies in Teaching Problem Positive Effects

1. Teaching using step-by-step ● Recognize and articulate
Process mathematical concepts and
2. Individualized instruction notation during problem
3. Discovery method solving activities.
4. Peer tutoring ● Solve problem solving
5. Incorporating problem solving questions with speed and
in daily instruction accuracy.
6. Using games, puzzles, ● Answer real-life questions
workbooks involving problem solving
7. Computer assisted method correctly.
8. Translating words into local ● High NAT ( National
dialect Achievement Test Result) in
9. Using visual representations Mathematics.
10. Using role playing ● Advance grade in Mathematics
11. Cooperative learning method in Form 138.
12.Using multi-media
13. Exposing students to multiple
problem solving strategies.

Students’ Difficulties in Problem

Figure 1
Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 depicts the independent-dependent variable relationship of the study

Strategies in Teaching Problem Solving Utilized by Grade 7 Mathematics Teachers of Padre

Burgos, Quezon.

The independent variable is represented by Grade 7 Mathematics teachers’ teaching

strategies in teaching problem to students which comprises teaching using step-by-step

process, individualized instruction, discovery method, peer tutoring, incorporating problem

solving in daily instruction, teaching using games, puzzles and workbooks, computer assisted

method, translating words into local dialect, using visual representations, using role playing,

cooperative learning method, using multi-media and exposing students to multiple problem

solving strategies. On the other hand, the dependent variable is represented by the positive

effect of these strategies in the problem solving skills of the Grade 7 students shown in their

ability to recognize and articulate mathematical concepts and notation during problem

solving activities, solve problem solving questions with speed and accuracy, and answer real-

life questions involving problem solving correctly. It will also be reflected in their NAT

result and form 138.

This also shows that the independent variables can block the intervening variable

which is students’ difficulties in solving problems that can affect their achievement in

Chapter III


This chapter deals with the research design, the research site, population and sampling

procedure, the instrument used in the data gathering procedures, and the statistical treatment

utilized for the reader’s understanding of how the study was completed and how the

conclusion was drawn.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted in the four secondary schools in Padre Burgos, Quezon. These

schools are, Hinguiwin national High School, Danlagan National High School, Lina Gayeta-

Lasquety National High School and San Isidro National High School . The first three

mentioned secondary schools are situated near or along the provincial road while the fourth

one is almost two kilometers along the road.


The respondents of the study were the 7 Grade7 Mathematics’ teachers, 2 from

Hinguiwin National High school, 2 from Danlagan National High School, 2 from San Isidro

National High School and 1 from Lina Gayeta-Lasquety National High School. It also

involves 75 Grade 7 students from the two sections in Hinguiwin National High School, 64

Grade 7 students from the two sections of Danlagan National High School, 65 Grade 7

students from San Isidro National High school and 60 Grade 7 students from Lina Gayeta-

Lasquety National High School with a total of 264 Grade 7 students. Necessary actions to

preserve confidentiality of the informations about the participants is applied through giving

codes to each school, teachers and section of students respondents.

Population and Sampling

Non-randomized sampling was used in this study since all the Grade 7 Mathematics

teachers and Grade 7 students in each school was used as the participants.
Research Instrumentations

A structured type of questionnaire was constructed for the teacher participants to

identify what strategies they are applying in teaching problem solving to their students, at

least, since the start of the present school year. Another questionnaire was constructed by the

researcher for the students participant which is composed of 15 problem solving questions

divided into three category: 5 easy, 5 average and 5 difficult problem solving questions.

( Questionnaire for teacher participant)

Teacher’s name:___________

A. Below are different teaching strategies that can be applied in teaching problem solving
to Grad 7 students. Please check the box if the strategies opposite to it is one of
your/your strategy/strategies utilized in teaching problem solving.

1. Teaching using step-by-step process

2. Individualized instruction
3. Discovery method
4. Peer tutoring
5. Incorporating problem solving in daily instruction
6. Using games, puzzles, workbooks
7. Computer assisted method
8. Translating words into local dialect
9. Using visual representations
10. Using role playing
11. Cooperative learning method
12.Using multi-media
13. Exposing students to multiple problem solving strategies
B. Do you have any other method/ strategy not mentioned above? Please state so.

(Questionnaire for students participants)


1. During the rat campaign, Team 1 turned in 72 rat tails on Monday, 36 on Tuesday, 48 on
Wednesday, 27on Thursday, 15on Friday and 97 on Saturday. Team II turned in 84 rat tails
on Monday, 56 on Tuesday, 22 on Wednesday, 13 on Thursday, 7 on Friday and 89 on
Saturday. How many rat tails did the two teams turned in all?

2. During a Plant a Tree Week, Freddie was able to plant 14 saplings, Manny 18 saplings,
Bertie 27,Totie 29 and Eddie 28. How many trees did the five boys plant in all?

3. At Php 136 per meter, how much will a roll of oil cloth containing 144 meters cost?

4. Mrs. Lapus set aside Php 1 680 for her four children’s weekly allowance. How much is
each child’s weekly allowance if the amount is equally divided among them?

5. Mrs. Torres ordered 3750 hollow blocks. The delivery truck can carry at most 625 hollow
blocks. How many trips did the truck make to deliver the order?

6. Christopher got the following grades in his short quizzes in Mathematics I for the first
grading period: 75, 83, 92, 85, 78, 82, 90 and 95. Find the average grade in the short tests.

7. You are one of the twelve students requested to transfer 336 books from the storeroom to
the library. If you will divide the books equally among yourselves, how many books will
you carry?

8. 80% of the student population of a certain university are from 18-23 years old. If the
student population is 65 000, how many are in this age range?
9. Mr. Reyes placed Php 50 000 in the money market for 3 months at 12% a year. How much
did his money earn?

10. Ifugao farmers now get 90 cavans per hectare as against 60 cavans that they used to get
because they now used good yielding seeds suitable for highland climate. What was the
rate of increase in the yield?
11. The width of a rectangle is 5 dm. The length is 2 dm. more than twice the width. Find the
area of the rectangular region.
12. Andet is going to cement our backyard. He will use the ratio 1:3:5. He has already
measured 10 level wheel borrows of gravel and 6 level wheel borrows of sand. How many
wheel borrows of cement will he needed for the mixture.

13. A boy started on a trip across a lake by a motorboat. After he had traveled and 15 km.,
the motor failed and he had to use a banca for the remaining 6 km to his destination. His
average speed by motor was 4 kph faster than his average speed while rowing a banca.
If the entire trip took 5 ½ hours, what was his average speed while rowing?

14. Renato is 3 years younger than Domingo. Six years ago, Renato’s age was two-thirds of
Domingo’s age. What are their present age?
15. A photocopy machine can finish 500 pages in 1 minute. How many book of 250 pages
can the machine copy in 20 minutes?
Data Gathering Procedure

Data were gathered, first, by asking the permission of the District Supervisor, Ms.

Alicia V. Gonsalez, through letter of request, to conduct my study in the four secondary

schools in the district of Padre Burgos. Upon her approval and recommendation, I

approached and asked the permission of the principals of the four secondary schools to

conduct my research in their Grade 7 Mathematics teachers and students, as my respondents

for my study. I assured them that confidentiality regarding details that can be gathered from

their school will be properly and carefully preserved and ensured.

Pre-interview with the Grade7 Mathematics teachers and handling them the

questionnaire were done in the second visit. The researcher also asked them the schedule

convenient to them and for the students to answer the questionnaire intended for them. In the

third visit, the students were given the prepared test involving problem solving questions.

Final interview with the mathematics teachers were done in the fourth visit, informing

them also the result of the test. The researcher thanked them for being so helpful and

cooperative, and assured them that every information gathered will be used well and will be

carefully treated.

Statistical Treatment

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