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Zeta Convertor

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146 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 6, No.

2, April 2006

JPE 6-2-7

AC-DC Zeta Converter for Power Quality Improvement in Direct

Torque Controlled PMSM Drive

Bhim Singh†, B.P.Singh* and Sanjeet Dwivedi*

Dept. of Electrical Engg., Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi-110016, India


This paper deals with the analysis, design and implementation of an AC-DC Zeta converter in discontinuous current
mode (DCM) of operation used for power quality improvement at AC mains in direct torque controlled (DTC) permanent
magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives. The designed Zeta converter feeds a direct torque controlled PMSM drive
system. Modeling and simulation is carried out in a standard PSIM software environment. Test results are obtained on the
developed prototype Zeta converter using DSP ADMC401. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the Zeta
converter in improving power quality at AC mains in the PMSM drive system.

Keywords: Power Quality, Zeta Converter, Total Harmonic Distortion, Direct Torque Control, Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor

1. Introduction the VSI fed PMSM drive system. Normally AC-DC

conversion is carried out by simply rectifying the AC
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) are input and the rectifier output is filtered by means of a large
finding applications in air conditioning systems, valued capacitor to get a nearly constant DC voltage output.
refrigerators, washing machines, other domestic In this conversion the input AC supply current is drawn in
appliances and medical equipment due to their high narrow pulses since the capacitor voltage variation is
efficiency, small size and fast dynamic response [1-3]. nearly constant. This large peak narrow pulse current
Control schemes used for PMSMs include direct torque causes power quality problems to nearby consumers,
control (DTC) or vector control (VC) techniques [3]. In which includes a high value of Total Harmonic Distortion
both these schemes, electrical power conversion is (THD) of supply current, high THD of input supply
performed by converting the AC mains voltage to a DC voltage, low value of power factor (PF) and displacement
voltage using an AC-DC power converter. The resulting factor (DPF), and poor distortion factor (DF). These large
DC voltage is converted into a variable frequency, harmonic currents are undesirable because they not only
variable voltage AC by means of a voltage source inverter produce distortion in the AC mains voltage, but also
(VSI) to feeds the PMSM. In low power range of less than results in conducted and radiated electromagnetic
2kW, very little effort is made on AC-DC converters for interference (EMI). The problem becomes more serious
particularly when several drive units are connected to a
Manuscript received October 25, 2005; revised March 3, 2006 single-phase supply where the input power pulsates at

Corresponding Author:
Tel: +91-11-26596225, Fax: +91-11-2658-1606, IITD
twice the line frequency. Recent international regulations
Dept. of Electrical Eng., Indian Institute of Technology Delhi governing power quality[4-5] and harmonic current
AC-DC Zeta Converter for Power Quality Improvement in … 147

pollution limits at the utility, have placed an increased and Sepic topologies are used as power factor
emphasis on the application of improved power quality preregulators (PFPs). All these converters have their own
AC-DC converters to feed direct torque controlled PMSM limitations. Although the buck converter is self protected
drives. In an ideal sine wave AC mains voltage, harmonic from overload, its devices are subjected to high rms
currents do not contribute to the active power. This results current stress, whereas boost converters operate only in
in an increased rms current value and therefore produces step up voltage applications. The Cuk and Sepic
high losses in the utility line. It is necessary to consider converters work in buck-boost mode and have inherent
power quality issues while designing an AC-DC power power factor correction. The Zeta converter operates on
converter for small power rating applications in the the principle of a buck-boost converter and has inherent
appliance sector such as small refrigerators, washing power factor correction capability. It is also known as an
machines etc. This AC-DC conversion is needed with inverse SEPIC converter. This buck-boost type PFP
unity power factor at input AC mains and must results in utilizes two approaches for their control, the multiplier
close regulation of the output DC voltage. approach and voltage follower approach. Due to inherent
In this paper, an AC-DC Zeta converter topology is advantages of the voltage follower approach, such as
used for providing regulated DC voltage to feed the elimination of input current and voltage sensors, a simple
voltage source inverter (VSI) employed in the direct control scheme, with only one control loop, is used for the
torque controlled PMSM drive[6-11]. The proposed control of AC-DC Zeta converter. The Zeta converter
converter provides improved power quality in terms of topology in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) of
low total harmonic distortion (THD), reduced crest factor current, is employed to feed the PMSM drive. The
(CF) of the AC supply current, high power factor of the complete scheme is shown in Fig.1, where the AC-DC
AC mains and regulated output DC voltage. The complete Zeta converter is operating in DCM of operation with an
scheme of this power factor corrected (PFC) AC-DC Zeta input current in phase with AC mains voltage. The
converter feeding a PMSM drive is designed, modeled and converter is designed for a 2500W direct torque controlled
simulated in standard PSIM software to demonstrate its PMSM drive to operate in the DCM of operation.
performance with improved power quality at AC mains. The schematic diagram of the direct torque controlled
The experimental results of the developed Zeta converter PMSM drive system is shown in Fig. 2. Output of the Zeta
to feed the PMSM drive are presented to validate the converter is fed to the VSI of the direct torque controlled
design and simulation model of the system. This converter PMSM drive to feed three phase currents in the stator
topology is an attractive choice for low cost variable speed winding of the motor. In this drive, a direct torque
drive applications employing a PMSM drive system. controlled VSI is used to control the speed of the PMSM.
The VSI is made up of six active bi-directional switches
2. System Configuration (IGBTs with freewheeling diodes). The motor is built
with a position sensor for sensing the rotor position in the
PMSM drives used in applications such as compressor form of two signals, which are the sine and cosine waves
drives in residential air-conditioners and refrigerator units, of rotor position angle. The rotor speed (ωr ) of the motor
are operated in a unidirectional power flow mode is derived from these signals and is compared with the
employing a rectifier-inverter combination of order of reference speed (ω*r ) . An error in speed (ωe) is processed
only a few kW. These PMSM drives are fed from a single by the PI speed controller, which generates a reference
phase AC supply. AC-DC conversion takes place in these torque (Tk*). This reference torque is limited by a limiter.
drive units with a single-phase full bridge diode rectifier The limited reference torque (Tref*) is used to generate the
and a large value capacitive filter is used to reduce DC torque error by comparing it with the estimated torque of
voltage ripples, which produces an increased THD of
the motor (Test). Similarly, flux reference ϕ is obtained
input AC mains current and excessive peak input currents sref

leading to poor power factor. For power factor correction from the rotor speed of the motor and is compared with
of the input AC mains, the buck, boost, buck-boost, Cuk the estimated stator flux of the motor ϕs . Both torque
148 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2006

error ( ∆Te ) and flux error ( ∆ϕ ) signals are used to These operating modes are subdivided into three stages.
determine the optimum switching vectors (Sa, Sb and Sc).
Table 1 Switching Table for Selection of Inverter
In response to these signals, the VSI controls the winding Optimum Voltage Vector
currents of the PMSM, thereby controlling the speed of
Flux Torque Sector
the motor in a desired manner. Error Error I II III IV V VI
The optimum voltage vector selection table is shown in dϕs dTe
Table 1. 1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V1
1 0 V8 V7 V8 V7 V8 V7
3. Design of AC-DC Zeta Converter System
-1 V6 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

An AC-DC Zeta converter is designed to operate in 1 V3 V4 V5 V6 V1 V2

DCM as a voltage follower while providing inherent 0
0 V7 V8 V7 V8 V7 V8
power factor correction at the input AC mains. The
equivalent circuit of the Zeta converter is shown in Fig.3. -1 V5 V6 V1 V2 V3 V4
The operating modes of the AC-DC Zeta converter are
The voltage vector V1 to V8 are represented by switching
shown in Fig.4 (a) (i)-(iii) and resulting voltage and signal for phases a, b and c as 100, 110, 010, 011, 001, 101,
inductor current waveforms are given in Fig.4 (b)-(d). 000 and 111 respectively.

C1 Lo
L s, R s
i Lo +

Single D1 D3 S1
Phase Is i L1 Torque
50 Hz,
AC vs D5 Vdc Controlled
Cf C dc
Supply PM SM
D2 _ Drive
D4 Pulse

Diode Bridge

V dce
V*dc u ref PW M
PI Voltage
+_ Controller
Vdc Controller

Fig. 1 AC-DC Zeta Converter feeding Direct Torque Controlled PMSM Drive

Flux Converter
50 Hz, AC
Hysterisis vdc
ϕref Comparator Supply
Weakening Optimum
Voltage PMSM
Controller Sa,Sb,Sc
Reference Τref selection
Speed PI VSI
ω r* Controller
Torque ia Speed
Switching Status Sensor
Comparator Sector ib
Torque, Load
ωr Τest Torque Flux and
ϕs Flux

Fig. 2 Block Diagram of Direct Torque Control Scheme Based PMSM Drive
AC-DC Zeta Converter for Power Quality Improvement in … 149

3.1 First Stage of Operation first stage of converter operation, the inductor current for
This first stage is defined by the on time ton of switch S1 0<t<ton can be defined as:
and is shown in Fig.4 (a)(i). In this stage, the AC mains
iL1=i+(v1r/L1)t (1)
supply energy to the input inductor (L1). This energy is
subsequently transferred to the output inductor Lo through iLo=-i+(v1r/Lo) (2)
the intermediate capacitor C1. The current in the input
inductor (iL1) and output inductor (iLo) increase linearly. Where iL1 and iLo represent the current flowing in input
The output DC-link capacitor voltage Vdc and the inductor L1 and output inductor Lo. Voltage v1r is an
intermediate capacitor voltage vc1 are considered constant absolute value of the sinusoidal input voltage (v1r
in this stage. They are equal to the DC voltage Vdc. In the =|vs|=Vs|sinωt|). While i is the current which exists in both
inductors L1 and Lo after diode D5 stops conducting, as
is C1 Lo shown in Figs. 4(c) and (d).
V 1r S1 iLo 3.2 Second Stage of Operation
iL1 D5
Load L In the second stage operation of the Zeta converter,
L1 Cdc R O
switch S1 is turned off and diode D5 starts conducting.
Cf V dc
The stored energy from the input inductance (L1) and
output inductance (Lo) are transferred to the intermediate
- capacitor C1 and the DC link capacitor filter (Cdc),
Fig. 3 Equivalent circuit of AC-DC Zeta Converter respectively. This stage continues until iL1 becomes equal

C1 Lo S C1 Lo S C1 Lo
+ + +
V 1r is iL o V dc V 1r iL o V 1r iL o V dc
R R V dc R
iL1 L1 iL 1 L1 iL 1 L1
C dc iD 5
C dc C dc
- - -
( i) F ir s t S ta g e
( ii) S e c o n d S ta g e ( iii) T h ir d S ta g e
v L1, v Lo
(a )
V 1r V 1r

( i) ( ii) ( iii) t

-V dc
(b )

iL 1
v dc/ L 1
v 1 r/ L 1

(c ) t

iL o
v 1 r/ L o v dc/ L o

-i t
ton tdon
(d )

Fig. 4 (a) Three Different Operating Stages (i), (ii) and (iii) of Zeta Converter in DCM of Operation and its
(b) Voltage Waveforms (c) and (d) Inductors Current Waveform
150 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2006

to the negative of iLo as shown in Fig.4 (a)(ii). In this v1r

stage of Zeta converter operation, switch S1 is off and iLo= d(t on +t don )-i (10)
2L o
diode D5 is on for tdon time. The inductor currents iL1 and
iLo for the duration, ton<t<tdon are given as: The sum of the input inductor current and the output
inductor current can be given as:
iL1=i+(v1r/L1)dTs-(Vdc/L1)t (3)
iL1+ iLo = d(t on +t don ) (11)
iLo=-i+(v1r/ Lo)dTs-(Vdc/Lo)t (4) 2Leq

Where ‘d’ is the duty ratio of the switch and is equal to Where Leq=(L1Lo)/(L1+Lo) (12)
ton/Ts , while Ts is the switching period.
The output diode (D5) duty ratio is related to the duty From Eqs.(5) and (9) the input inductor (L1) current iL1
ratio of the switch as per the following relation: can be given as:

ddon/d =v1r/Vdc=iLo/ iL1 (5) d don v d

i L1{1+( )}= 1r dTs {1+( don )d} (13)
The relation of Eq.(5) can be modified as:
d 2Leq d

tdon=ddonTs=(dTs/Vdc)v1r (6) Eq.(13) can be further simplified as:

Eq.(6) can be further simplified by substituting the value v1r 2

i L1 = d Ts (14)
of v1r, hence the on time of diode D5 can be given as: 2Leq
tdon =(dTs/M) |sinωt| (7) The input inductance current (iL1 ) can be written as:
Where M=Vdc/Vs and Vs is the peak value of the input
iL1=(v1rd2Ts)/2Leq=I1|sin(ωt)| (15)

I1=(Vsd2Ts)/2Leq (16)
3.3 Third Stage of Operation
This freewheeling stage lasts until the start of a new
For successful operation of the Zeta converter in
switching period and is shown in Fig.4 (a)(iii). In this
discontinuous current mode the following inequalities
stage of operation neither switch ‘S1’ nor output diode
must be true:
‘D5’ conducts. The voltage applied across inductances L1
and Lo is zero and their currents are constant until the start ton+ tdon <Ts (17)
of the new switching cycle. The currents iL1 and iLo
become equal and opposite at time toff. Therefore, in this In the DCM of operation, the value of equivalent
stage the output diode current is zero. The switch and inductance Leq obtained from Eq.(12) decides the
output diode OFF time is given as: operation of the Zeta converter. The output inductance
(Lo) influences the output voltage ripple. Therefore, this
toff=Ts-ton-tdon (8)
mode of operation mainly depends upon the selection of
the input inductance (L1). For maximum loads on the Zeta
3.4 Critical inductance for Discontinuous
converter (R=Rmin), the equivalent inductance can be
Current Mode Operation of Zeta Converter
selected by following relation as:
The switching period (Ts) average output and input
inductance current can be given as: Leq<Rmin(1-d)2(Ts/2) (18)

iL1= d(t on +t don )+i (9) Where R is equivalent load resistance and is related to
2L1 output power Pout as: R= V2dc/Pout.
AC-DC Zeta Converter for Power Quality Improvement in … 151

The output inductor is selected on the basis of 4. Modeling of the Drive System
maximum ripple ( ∆i Lo ) allowed in the output inductor
The AC-DC Zeta converter feeding the variable speed
current as:
direct torque controlled-PMSM drive system is modeled
v1r dTs and simulated in a standard PSIM package. The complete
Lo = (19) model of the drive is described in the following sections.
(∆i Lo )
4.1 Modeling of AC-DC Zeta Converter
The input inductance can be found from the Eq.(12) as:
The control scheme of the improved power quality
L o L eq converter is shown in Fig.1. The converter topology in this
L1 = (20)
( L o - L eq ) case, consists of the following subsystems.

After obtaining the design value of inductances L1 and 4.1.1 DC-link Voltage Controller
Lo, the intermediate capacitor C1 is selected by considering The error between the reference DC link voltage (V*dc)
the voltage constraints on the capacitor during DCM of and the sensed DC link voltage (Vdc) is fed to the PI
operations. Capacitor C1 experiences two conflicting voltage controller. The output of the controller at the nth
constraints, namely, it have nearly a constant value within sampling instant is given as:
the switching period and follows the input voltage profile
uref(n)=uref(n-1)+Kpdc{Vdce(n)-Vdce(n-1)}+KidcVdce(n) (23)
within a line frequency period. The value of capacitance
‘C1’ shown in Fig.3, is calculated as: Where, uref(n) is the output of the voltage controller at

C1=1/{ω2ar(L1+Lo)} (21)
Table 2 Design Equations of Zeta Converter

Where ω< ωar< ωs, and ω is the angular frequency of the Sr. Name of Design Equation
AC mains voltage, ωar is the resonant angular frequency of No criterion/Component
1 Voltage Ratio M M=Vdc/Vs
the converter and ωs is the angular switching frequency of
2 Duty Ratio of Switch d d=M/(M+1)
the switch (S1). 3 Ripple Current (A) IRipple IRipple= ri(2Pin/Vs)
4 Inductance Leq Leq =RTs (1-d)2/2
3.5 Selection of Output DC Capacitive filter 5 Inductance Lo Lo =V1r d Ts/IRipple
The value of the output capacitor is selected on the 6 Inductance L1 L1 =Lo Leq/(Lo- Leq)
7 Capacitance C1 C1=1/ω2ar(Lm+Lo)
basis of the peak-to-peak ripple content allowed in the DC
8 Capacitance Cdc Cdc=1/(2ωrvR)
output voltage. The output capacitor is selected from the
relation expressed as:
Table 3 Design Parameters of Zeta Converter
Cdc=1/(2ωrv Rmin) (22)
Sr. Component Design
No. Value
Where ω is the angular frequency of the AC line 1 Voltage Ratio ‘M’ 0.3692
voltage, rv is the p.u. ripple content allowed in the DC-link 2 Duty Ratio ‘d’ 0.5128
voltage and Rmin is the minimum equivalent load 3 Inductance L1 0.25mH
resistance (V2dc/Pout). 4 Inductance Lo 0.1mH
These main design equations of the AC-DC Zeta 5 Capacitance C1 10 µF
converter for DCM of operation are given in Table 2. The 6 Filter Capacitance Cf 100nF
design values of the converter parameters are computed, 7 Ripple Current 2.46A
and are given in Table 3, while the rating considered for 8 Output Capacitance Cdc 1500 µF
9 PI Voltage Controller Gain 0.3, 0.029
the PMSM drive is given in Table 4. (Kpdc, Kidc)
152 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2006

the nth sampling instant. uref(n-1) is the output of the voltage speed controller, field weakening controller, flux and
controller at the (n-1)th sampling instant. Vdce(n) is the error torque hysteresis comparators, estimators, Permanent
in the DC-link voltage at the nth sampling instant. Kpdc is Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) and VSI are given
the proportional gain of the voltage controller and Kidc is in this section as per the following modeling equations.
the integral gain of the voltage controller.
The voltage error in the DC link voltage at the nth instant 4.2.1 PI Speed controller
is given as: The PI speed controller input is the speed error
(ω ) between the reference speed (ω* ) and the
Vdce(n)=V*dc(n) - Vdc(n) (24) e(k ) r(k)
sensed motor speed ( ω ) . This error is estimated at the
The output of the voltage controller (uref), after limiting, r(k )
is considered a modulating signal for the Pulse Width kth sampling instant as:
Modulation (PWM) controller to generate the appropriate
duty ratio of switch S1. In the PWM controller, the ω = ω* -ω (25)
e(k) r(k) r(k)
modulating signal which is output of voltage controller
(uref) is compared with the instantaneous value of the The error is processed in the PI speed controller and the
triangular carrier wave. If the modulating signal is greater output of the controller is given by the reference torque
than the triangular carrier wave, then a switching signal is
(T* ) at the kth sampling instant as:
generated for the Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect (k)
Transistor (MOSFET) used as switch S1. Otherwise, it is
not gated and the freewheeling diode conducts. T * (k ) = T * (k -1 ) + K P {ω e (K ) − ω e (K -1 ) } + K I ω e (K ) (26)

4.2 Modeling of Direct Torque Controlled Where K P and K I are proportional and integral gains
PMSM Drive System of the PI controller, respectively. After limiting the output
The various components used in the DTC based PMSM
of the PI controller T* is taken as reference torque T .
drive system are shown in the Fig.2. The modeling (k) (ref)
equations for the different blocks, which include the PI
4.2.2 Field Weakening Control
Below the base speed the reference value of the stator
Table 4 Specification and Input Data of Zeta Converter
fed PMSM Drive System flux linkage is expressed as:
Sr. Parameter Value
No ϕ = ϕc (27)
1 Input Peak Voltage (Vs) V 325 sref
2 Output Voltage (Vdc) V 340
3 Rated Power of Converter (Pin) W 2500 The reference value of the stator flux linkage is the
4 Switching Frequency of PWM Voltage 50 function of rotor speed for the rotor speed above base
Controller of Zeta Converter (fs) kHz speed as:
5 Ripple Current (ri) 10%
6 Rated Output Power of PMSM (Pout) W 2000
ϕ = ϕc (ω / ωr ) (28)
7 Stator Resistance (Rs) 0.61Ω sref b
8 Inductance d-axis (Ld) mH 9.1
9 Inductance q-axis (Lq) mH 11.5 Where ϕ c is the rated flux, ω is base speed and ωr
10 Back EMF Constant (Eb) V/KRPM 68.80
11 Poles (P) 4 is the rotor speed of the motor.
13 Moment of Inertia (J) Kg-m2 0.0015
14 Switching Frequency of PWM Current 10 4.2.3 Torque and Flux Hysteresis Comparator
Controller of VSI (fc) KHZ
15 PI Speed Controller Gains 1,
The stator flux linkage and torque are used as feedback
(KP, KI) 0.00125 in comparisons of their reference values. The torque error
AC-DC Zeta Converter for Power Quality Improvement in … 153

and flux error are fed to the hysteresis band controller sensed DC link voltage (vdc) and switching functions (Sa,
which is used for selecting the appropriate voltage vector Sb and Sc). These voltages and currents are transformed to
according to the table of optimum switching (TOS) given a stationary reference frame. The flux estimator provides
in Table 1. The flux error is given as: stator flux linkage in the stationary reference frame
(α and β ) coordinates as:
∆ϕ s = ϕ − ϕs and torque error ∆Te = T - T are
sref ref est

the output signals of the hysteresis comparator. Where Test ϕα = ∫ ( vα − Riα ) dt (34)
is the estimated value of torque. The output of the
hysteresis controller can be defined by the following set of ϕ β = ∫ ⎛⎜ v β − Ri β ⎞⎟ dt (35)
⎝ ⎠
Where vα , v , iα and i can be obtained from the
If ϕ − ϕ s ≤ ∆ϕ s then dϕs = 0 (29) β β
stationary reference frame transformation as:
If ϕ − ϕ s > ∆ϕ s then dϕs = 1 (30)
sref vα = va (36a)

If T - Test <∆ Te then dTe =-1 (31)

β = (va + 2vb ) / 3 (36b)

If T - Test =∆ Te then dTe =0 (32) iα = ia (37a)


β = (ia + 2ib ) / 3 (37b)
If T - Test >∆ Te then dTe =1
The estimated stator flux-linkage modulus can be
4.2.4 Flux, Torque and Sector Estimator expressed as:
In this block, the stator fluxes in the stationary reference
frame are estimated and from the obtained values of these ϕs = ⎛⎜ ϕα2 + ϕ β2 ⎞⎟ (38)
⎝ ⎠
fluxes and sensed winding currents of the PMSM, the
developed electromagnetic torque (Test) is estimated. 2) Estimation of Torque:
Finally, the sector in which the flux vector is present is The electromagnetic torque developed by the PMSM
computed from the stator flux. The modeling of the can be obtained from the stator flux linkage and currents
complete estimator block is subdivided into three parts
in the stationary reference (α and β ) frame as :
and is given below.

⎛ 3 ⎞⎛ P ⎞⎛ ⎞ (39)
1) Estimation of Stator Flux Linkages: Test =
⎜ ⎟⎜ 2 ⎟⎜⎝ϕα iβ − ϕβ iα⎟⎠
The stator flux linkages, in direct torque controlled ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠

PMSM drives, are needed for three reasons. First, these

Where, P is the number of poles
fluxes are required for the identification of the sector for
the optimum voltage vector selection table. Secondly, the 3) Estimation of Sector Location of Stator Flux Linkage
estimation of the developed torque of the PMSM drive Vector:
requires stator flux linkages. And finally, estimation of The stationary reference frame (α and β ) stator flux
rotor mechanical speed also needs these fluxes. components are compared to obtain information on which
The flux linkage in the stationary reference frame can sector the stator flux vector is lies. These sectors are
be obtained from the sensed winding currents (ia and ib), shown in Fig.5. The sectors can be determined on the
and stator voltage (va and vb) which are computed by a basis of following mathematical equations as:
154 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2006

If ϕ ≥ 3 ϕ Te = T + B ω + J p ω (49)
β and ϕα ≥ 0, then Sector=1 L
(40) r r

If ϕ < 3 ϕ and ϕ ≥ 0, then Sector=2 (41) Where, TL is the load torque, B is the damping
α β α coefficient and J is the moment of inertia.
The model equations can be rearranged in the form of
If ϕ
α < 3 ϕ β and ϕα < 0, then Sector=3
following first order differential equations as:

If ϕ
α ≥ 3 ϕ β and ϕα < 0, then Sector=4
pi =(v -Ri +ω Lqi )/ L
d d d r q d (50)
If ϕ ≤ 3 ϕ
α β , ϕα < 0 and ϕβ < 0, then Sector=5
piq =(vq -Riq -ω L i − ω ϕ )/ L
r dd r f q (51)
If ϕ ≤ 3 ϕ , ϕ < 0 and ϕ < 0, then Sector=6 (45)
α β α β
pωr =(Te -T - Bω )/ J
L r (52)
4.2.5 Modeling of PMSM pθr =ω
r (53)
The stator of the PMSM consists of a balanced three
phase winding similar to the conventional synchronous The phase currents are computed using an inverse
motor. The mathematical model of the PMSM is derived Park’s transformation as:
from the synchronous motor under the assumption that the
armature EMF is induced by the permanent magnets in ia =i Cosθr -iqSinθr (54)
place of DC excitation. Assuming that the induced EMF d
is sinusoidal, and the eddy current and hysteresis losses
i =i Cos(θr -2π/3)-iqSin(θr -2π/3) (55)
are negligible, the stator voltage equations in the rotor b d
reference frame are given as[3]:
ic =i Cos(θr -4π/3)-iqSin(θr -4π/3) (56)
vq =Riq +pϕq +ω ϕ (46)
r d
Where angle θr is the position of the rotor.
v =Ri +pϕ -ω ϕq (47)
d d d r
4.2.6 Modeling of VSI
Where φq = Lqiq and φd = Ldid +φf, and vq and vd are the This particular block models the insulated gate bipolar
d,q axis stator voltages. iq and id are the d,q axis stator transistor (IGBT) based three-phase voltage source
currents. Lq and Ld are the d,q axis inductances. φf is the inverter (VSI). The optimum voltage vector is obtained
stator flux linkage produced by permanent magnets. R is from the output of the hysteresis torque and flux
the stator-winding resistance per phase. ωr is the rotor comparators and the sector in which the stator flux vector
speed in rad/sec (electrical). The above parameters are lies. The inverter voltage can be given by following
given in Table 4. equations from switching signals Sa, Sb and Sc as:
The developed electromagnetic torque is given as:
⎛v ⎞
v a = ⎜ dc ⎟ (2S -S -S ) (57)
⎛ 3 ⎞⎛ P ⎞ ⎛ ⎜ ⎟ a b c
⎞ (48) ⎝ 3 ⎠
Te =
⎜ ⎟⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜⎝ ϕf iq + (Ld − Lq ) id iq ⎟⎠
⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠
⎛v ⎞
Where, P is the number of poles. v = ⎜ dc ⎟ (2S -S -S ) (58)
b ⎜ ⎟ b a c
⎝ 3 ⎠
The electromagnetic torque is balanced by the load
torque, accelerating torque and damping torque of the ⎛v ⎞
system and can be expressed in an electromechanical v c = ⎜ dc ⎟ (2S -S -S ) (59)
⎜ ⎟ c a b
equation as: ⎝ 3 ⎠
AC-DC Zeta Converter for Power Quality Improvement in … 155

either one or zero). v a ,v , v c and v are voltages

b dc
Quadrature axis
of phase winding a, b, c and the DC link, respectively.
V3(010) Depending on the output of flux error and torque error
Sector II the appropriate stator voltage vector is selected according
to Table 1. These voltages can be expressed in the rotor
Sector I reference frame as the forcing functions vd and vq by using
Sector III V1(100)
V7(000) the Park’s transformation as:
V8(111) Direct axis
Sector IV
v d = ⎜ ⎟{v a Cosθ r +v b Cos(θ r -2π/3)+v c Cos(θ r -4π/3)} (60)
Sector VI
⎜ ⎟
Sector V ⎝3⎠

V5(001) ⎛ 2⎞
v q = ⎜ − ⎟{v a Sinθ r +v bSin(θ r -2π/3)+v cSin(θ r -4π/3)} (61)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 3⎠
Fig. 5 Sectors for Stator Flux Linkage Space Vector

These voltages vd and vq are forcing functions in the

Where, Sa, Sb and Sc are switching functions (which are model of the PMSM given in equations (50)-(51)

Fig. 6 Modeling of AC-DC Zeta Converter in PSIM Software

Fig. 7 Subsystem of Direct Torque Controlled PMSM Drive

156 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2006

C1 Lo
Ls, Rs
S1 S1 S3 S5 VSI
D1 D3
Is Permanent
vs L 1 D5 Magnet
C dc Synchronous
D2 D4
Single Phase
230V, 50Hz S2 S4 S6 Motor
Diode Bridge
AC Supply Switching
V dce U ref Pulse
V* dc
Controller AC-DC Gate driver 2
V dc Zeta Converter Circuit for IGBT Ib Ic
based VSI
ADM C401 Resolver Sin and
Cos Signals
PW M Port Demodulator Circuit
Digital A
DAC Gate Pulses

ADMC-401 Sin θ
C Cosθ

V dc

Fig. 8 Experimental Setup of AC-DC Zeta Converter Fed Vector Controlled PMSM Drive

5. Simulation of AC-DC Zeta Converter in
6. DSP Based Hardware Implementation of
After designing the components of Zeta converter, the AC-DC Zeta Converter
PMSM is modeled in the direct torque control mode. The
standard PSIM software is used to model the AC-DC Zeta The proposed AC-DC Zeta converter for feeding the
converter. The PI voltage controller block, optimum VSI of direct torque controlled PMSM drive is
voltage vector selection table and circuit components are implemented using the digital signal processor (DSP)
shown in Fig.6. The direct torque controlled PMSM drive ADMC401 of Analog Devices (AD). The test setup used
is connected through a switch so that after stabilization of for the experimental verification of the design and
the DC link voltage, the PMSM drive can be energized. simulation model of the AC-DC Zeta converter is shown
The subsystem model of the direct torque controlled in Fig. 8. The control algorithm for the DCM of current
PMSM drive model is given separately in Fig.7, where operation of the Zeta converter and the direct torque
generation of the reference torque, speed feedback block, controlled PMSM drive system are implemented in the
torque and flux estimation block, VSI block and PI speed DSP[12-13]. In this experimental work, the Insulated Gate
controller block are shown separately. The optimum Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is used as a switching device
switching pulses are selected from the voltage vector for realizing the converter. A 20kHz switching frequency
selection table to generate switching pulses for the VSI of is used for the IGBT switch. The Toshiba made TLP250
the direct torque controlled PMSM drive. The load torque IC is used for the driver circuit of the IGBT. The software
is represented as an equivalent current source connected to used for implementation of the AC-DC Zeta converter and
the mechanical-electrical block of the PSIM library. The direct torque controlled PMSM drive is written in
power quality is analyzed through FFT of the input mains assembly language for the Analog Devices digital signal
current and the % ripple contents of DC link voltage of the processor ADMC401.
AC-DC Zeta Converter for Power Quality Improvement in … 157

Fig. 9 Dynamic and Load Perturbation Response of the Direct Torque Controlled PMSM Drive Fed by AC-DC Zeta Converter

7. Results and Discussion controlled PMSM drive. The complete modeling is

performed in standard PSIM software. The power quality
The main design equations of the converter system are performance indices for the AC-DC Zeta converter
shown in Table 2, and obtained parameters of converter feeding the direct torque controlled PMSM drive are
are given in Table 3. The input parameter of the converter obtained and are given in Table 5. Whereas, the stress on
and specification of the PMSM drive is listed in Table 4. diode and switch as a normalized function of input peak
The parameters of the Zeta converter obtained from design current (15A) and input peak voltage (325V) are given in
equations are used to model the AC-DC Zeta converter in Table 6. The dynamic performance of the PMSM drive
DCM of current operation while feeding the direct torque
AC Mains C urrent(A)

A C Mains C urrent(A )



-4 0.88 0.885 0.89 0.895 0.9 0.905 0.91 0.915 0.92
0.96 0.965 0.97 0.975 0.98 0.985 0.99 0.995 1
time (s)
Mag (% of 50 Hz component)

time (s)
Mag (% of 50 Hz component)

100 Fundamental (50 Hz)= 2.76633 100 Fundamental (50 Hz)= 13.1787
80 THD=6.13% THD=3.85%
60 60
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 0
Frequency (Hz) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 10 (a) AC Mains Current waveform at 20%Load
Fig.11 (a) AC Mains Current waveform at 100%Load
(400W) on AC-DC Zeta Converter fed Direct
(2000W) on AC-DC Zeta Converter fed Direct
Torque Controlled PMSM drive (b) Harmonic
Torque Controlled PMSM drive (b) Harmonic
Spectrum of AC Mains Current
Spectrum of AC Mains Current
158 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2006

and its load perturbation response is given in Fig.9. The 7.2 Load Perturbation Performance of PMSM
harmonic spectrum of the AC mains current at partial load Drive
(400W) is given in Fig.10, whereas the rated load The load perturbation response of the direct torque
(2000W) is given in Fig.11. The switching stress on the controlled PMSM drive fed from the AC-DC Zeta
diode and switch of the Zeta converter are given in converter is shown in Fig.9 in terms of the AC mains
Fig.12. The test results on the AC-DC Zeta converter current, AC mains voltage, DC link voltage, PMSM
feeding the direct torque controlled PMSM drive for winding currents, speed torque and flux waveforms. It is
starting and steady state operation are shown in Figs.13- evident from the load perturbation response that when the
14. The harmonic spectrum of the AC mains current at load on the motor is changed a dip and a rise are observed
different loads on the AC-DC Zeta converter feeding in the DC link voltage. As the load on the motor is
direct torque controlled PMSM drive are shown in Figs. increased from 1000W to 2000W a voltage dip of 25V
15(a)-(b). From these results, the following observations takes place and subsequently the steady value of DC link
are made: voltage is restored within 120msec due to the restoring
action of PI voltage controller.
7.1 Dynamic Performance of PMSM Drive
The dynamic response of the direct torque controlled 7.3 Power Quality at AC Mains
PMSM at load (2000W) is shown in Fig.9. The input AC Improvements in the power quality of the AC mains
mains current remains sinusoidal and in phase with the AC feeding the direct torque controlled PMSM drive is
mains voltage during the starting of the drive. The DC link analysed for the proposed topology of the Zeta converter
voltage recovers back to the reference value within a few in DCM of current operation. Power quality is examined
cycles due to the action of PI voltage controller. by observing the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Crest

Table 5 Power Quality Performance Indices of Zeta Converter Feeding PMSM Drive
Sr. %Load %THD DF DPF PF CF of Isrms Pin RF %p-p Vdc
No of Is Is Watts % Ripple Volts
1 20% 6.13 .998 .999 .997 1.82 1.98 454.03 .242 .588 340
2 40% 5.55 .998 .999 .997 1.65 3.88 889.72 .403 1.029 340
3 60% 5.21 .998 .999 .997 1.55 5.73 1313.9 .616 1.441 340
4 80% 4.62 .998 .999 .997 1.46 7.51 1722.1 .792 2.051 340
5 100% 3.85 .999 .999 .998 1.42 9.33 2143.3 .907 2.353 340

Table 6 Normalized Current and Voltage of Zeta Converter

Feeding PMSM Drive
Sr. Normalized Average RMS Peak
No Quantity Value Value Value
1 Normalized
Diode 0.759 1.461 4.141
2 Normalized
Diode 1.049 1.473 3.162
3 Normalized
Switch 1.442 2.342 4.272
4 Normalized
Switch 0.945 1.287 2.341 Fig. 12 Diode and Switch Stress of the Zeta Converter
Voltage Feeding Direct Torque Controlled PMSM Drive
AC-DC Zeta Converter for Power Quality Improvement in … 159

Factor (CF), Power Factor (PF), Distortion Factor (DF), peak ripple of output DC voltage. The RF of the DC bus
Displacement Power Factor (DPF) and RMS value of the voltage of the Zeta converter is found to be 0.242% at
AC mains current. The %THD of AC mains current is 20% of the rated load (400W) and its value is observed to
found to be 6.13% at 20% of rated load (400W) on the be 0.907% with the increased load of 100% of the rated
motor. This improved to 3.85% when the load on the load (2000W) on the motor.
motor was increased to 100% of the rated value (2000W).
The power quality of the DC-bus voltage of the Zeta 7.4 Stresses on the Diode and Switch of Zeta
converter, which is feeding the VSI of the direct torque Converter
controlled PMSM drive, is also computed for available Due to the DCM of current operation both the diode and
DC-link voltage, Ripple Factor (RF) and percentage peak- MOSFET switch (S1) of the converter have experienced
Vs (V), is(A)
ωr (Rad/s)
ia (A)

Fig. 13 AC Mains Voltage, AC Mains Current, rotor speed and PMSM winding Current waveform of AC-DC Zeta Converter
feeding direct torque controlled PMSM drive during starting with reference speed of 225Rad/s. (Scale on X-axis
1div=20ms, Y-axis channel-1 1div =200V, channel-2 1div =2.5A, channel-3 1div= 225Rad/sec, channel-4 1div= 5A)
Vs (V), is(A)
ia (A) ωr (Rad/s)

Fig. 14 AC Mains Voltage, AC Mains Current, rotor speed and PMSM winding Current waveform of AC-DC Zeta Converter
feeding direct torque controlled PMSM drive running at 225 Rad/s speed with 200W on motor. (Scale on X-axis
1div=20ms, Y-axis channel-1 1div =125V, channel-2 1div =5A, channel-3 1div= 225Rad/s, channel-4 1div= 5A)
160 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2006

Fig. 15(a) Harmonic Spectrum of AC Mains Current at 60W Load on AC-DC Zeta Converter fed DTC PMSM Drive

Fig. 15(b) Harmonic Spectrum of AC Mains Current at 200W of Load on AC-DC Zeta Converter fed DTC PMSM Drive

higher current and voltage stresses. However due to converter was developed in the laboratory environment for
application of converter for small rating (2 kW) loads the a 200W rating to validate the simulation model of the Zeta
maximum current and voltage stress experienced by the converter and PMSM drive system. The test results are
diode and switch are within the operating limits of shown in Figs.13-15. The performance of the Zeta
commercially available diodes and MOSFETs. The stress converter is observed for starting of direct torque
on the switch and diode is tabulated in Table 6 and is controlled PMSM drive and is given in Fig.13. The
shown in Fig.12. It is found that at 100% rated load performance of the Zeta converter is observed for steady
(2000W) the diode rms current stress is 1.461p.u. and state operating condition of the direct torque controlled
peak current stress is 4.141 p.u., respectively. The same PMSM drive and is shown in Fig.14. The harmonic
current stresses on the switch are observed as 2.342 p.u. spectrum of the AC mains current at 60W load and 200W
and 4.272 p.u. respectively. The rms voltage stress on the load on the Zeta converter feeding the direct torque
diode is 1.473 p.u. and the peak voltage stress is 3.162 p.u. controlled PMSM drive are shown in Fig. 15(a) and Fig.
respectively. Whereas, the rms voltage and peak voltage 15(b), respectively. The experimental results verify the
stresses for the switch are found to be 1.287 p.u. and 2.341 developed design and confirm the effectiveness of AC-DC
p.u., respectively. isolated Zeta converter.

7.5 Experimental Validation 8. Conclusions

Test results are obtained from the developed AC-DC
Zeta converter used for feeding the VSI of the direct Design modeling and development of an AC-DC Zeta
torque controlled PMSM drive. The prototype Zeta converter was carried out in DCM of current operation to
AC-DC Zeta Converter for Power Quality Improvement in … 161

feed a direct torque controlled PMSM drive. With [10] T. F. Wu, S. A. Ljang and Y. M. Chen, “Design
designed parameters for the Zeta converter, simulation Optimization for Asymmetrical ZVS-PWM Zeta
was carried out in standard PSIM software. The simulated Converter”, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic
Systems vol. 39, no.2, pp. 521-532, April 2003.
and experimental results show improved performance of
[11] J. L.Lin, S.P. Yang and P.W. Lin , “Small Signal Analysis
the proposed AC-DC Zeta converter fed direct torque
and Controller Design for an Isolated Zeta Converter with
controlled PMSM drive in terms of low THD of supply High Power Factor Correction”, Electric Power System
current and improved power factor at the AC mains. The Research, vol. 76, pp. 67-76, July 2005.
smooth starting of the PMSM drive was demonstrated by [12] Yasuhiko Dote, “Servo motor and motion control using
the drive system, without affecting the quality of the AC Digital Signal Processors”, Prentice Hall, Eagle Wood,
mains. It was observed that the Zeta converter in Cliffs, New Jersey, 1990.
discontinuous conduction mode of current provides [13] User’s Guide of Motion Control DSP ADMC401 of Analog
improved power quality and acts as a PFP with reduced Devices, 1999.

sensors and a high reliability converter configuration. The

direct torque controlled PMSM drive provides acceptable Bhim Singh was born in Rahamapur (U.P.),
power quality and high efficiency and thus may be India, in 1956. He received B.E.(Electrical)
suitable for adjustable speed drive applications in degree from the University of Roorkee,
residential appliances, such as refrigeration and air Roorkee, India, in 1977 and M.Tech. and
conditioning. Ph.D. degrees from Indian Institute of
Technology(IIT), New Delhi, India, in 1979
and 1983, respectively. In 1983, he joined Department of
Electrical Engineering, University of Roorkee, as a lecturer. In
[1] T. J. E. Miller, Brushless Permanent Magnet and 1988, he became a reader. In December 1990, he joined
Reluctance Motor Drives, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989. Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT, New Delhi, India, as
[2] Y. Dote and S. Kinoshita, Brushless Servomotors an Assistant Professor. He became an Associate Professor in
Fundamentals and Applications, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994 and a Professor in 1997. His fields of interest include
1990. power electronics, electrical machines and drives, active filters,
[3] P. Vas, Sensorless Vector and Direct Torque Control, static compensators, and analysis and digital control of electrical
Oxford University Press, 1998. machines. Prof. Singh is a Fellow of the Indian National
[4] Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)-Part-3: Limits- Academy of Engineering, Institution of Engineers (India), and
Section 2: Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers and
(equipment input current<16A per phase), IEC 61000-3-2 a Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education,
Document, Second Edition, 2000. System Society of India, and National Institution of Quality and
[5] IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Reliability.
Harmonics Control in Electric Power System, IEEE
Standard 519, 1992. B. P. Singh was born in Singhia, Bihar,
[6] A. Peres, D. C. Martins and I. Barobo, “Zeta Converter India, in 1940. He received B.Sc.(Engg.)
Applied in Power Factor Correction”, in Proc. IEEE degree from the Bihar Institute of
PESC’94, 1994, pp.1152-1157. Technology Sindri(Bihar), India, in 1963,
[7] J. Uceeda, J. Sebastian and F.S. Dos Reis, “Power Factor M.E. from Bengal Engineering College
Preregulators Employing the Flyback and Zeta Converters Howrah(W.B.)and Ph.D. degrees from
in FM Mode”, in Proc. IEEE CIEP’96, 1996, pp.132-137. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), New Delhi, India, in 1966
[8] D.C. Martins, “Zeta Converter Operating in Continuous and 1974, respectively. In 1966, he joined the Department of
Conduction Mode Using the Unity Power Factor Electrical Engineering, M.I.T. Muzaffarpur, as an Assistant
Technique”, in Proc. IEE PEVSD’96, 1996, pp.7-11. Professor. In 1978, he joined Department of Electrical
[9] F. T. Wakabayashi, M. J. Bonato, and C. A. Canesin, “The Engineering, IIT, Delhi, India, as an Assistant Professor. He
Novel High-Power-Factor ZCS-PWM Preregulators”, IEEE became full Professor in 1985. He was visiting professor at
Trans. on Indus. Electron, vol.48, no.2, pp.322-333, April California State University Long Beach USA from 1988 to 1990.
2001. Presently he is an Emeritus Fellow in the Department of
162 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2006

Electrical Engineering at IIT New Delhi. His fields of interest

include Energy conservation in electrical machines and drives,
and analysis and control of electrical machines. Prof. Singh is a
Fellow of the Institution of Engineers(India), and a Life Member
of the Indian Society for Technical Education.

Sanjeet Dwivedi was born in Chhatarpur

(M.P.) India, in 1968. He received B.E.
(Electrical) degree from the Government
Engineering College Jabalpur, India, in 1991
and the M.E. degree (with Gold Medal) from
the University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India,
in 1999. In 1991, he joined Larson and Toubro Ltd as Graduate
Engineer Trainee. In November 1993 he joined as Lecturer at
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indira Gandhi
Engineering College Sagar(M.P.), whrere he became Senior
Lecturer in 1999 and Reader in 2004. He is currently perusing
his Ph.D. degrees in Department of Electrical Engineering, I.I.T.,
New Delhi, India. His research interests are in area of, digital
control of Permanent Magnet Brushless Motors, sensor reduction
techniques in ac drives and power quality improvement aspects
of ac drives.

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