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Iot Bin

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Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 25 (5): 995-1000, 2017

ISSN 1990-9233
IDOSI Publications, 2017
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2017.995.1000

Design and Implementation of IoT Based Waste Management System

J. Kokila, K. Gayathri Devi, M. Dhivya and C. Haritha Jose

Dr. N G P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India

Abstract: The Collection of waste is a very much needed municipal service that requires huge expenditures and
execution of this operation is high-priced. The high pricing is due to the various factors such as man power,
navigation of vehicles, fuel, maintenances and environmental costs. The above factor necessitates the design,
implementation and execution of the intelligent smart bin for proper management of waste. This paper focused
on the implementation of an IoT based embedded system which integrates Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID), Sensors, Arduino controller and GSM for solid waste bin and truck monitoring system with their
performance measured in real time environment. Web based android applications were developed to interface
with a web server to intimate the municipality regarding the cleaning process performed by the workers.
This system provides a database of the information of bin status, amount of waste in the bin, time of the
collection of waste are transmitted to monitor and efficiently manage the waste collection strategies. This data
was processed by graph theory optimization algorithms to find the shortest path for the purpose of reaching
the bin to reduce the cost.

Key words: Smart bin Microcontroller Sensors RFID GSM IoT

INTRODUCTION Reasons of Improper Management of Waste

Inappropriate planning for the management of waste
Solid Waste Management (SWM) is one of the vital while scheduling the townships
indispensable services provided by municipal authorities Lack of Integrated System for the efficient monitoring
in the country to keep city clean. Nevertheless, the and disposal of waste.
services rendered are very poor as the executions of this Lack of scientific and skilled manpower.
system are unscientific, old-fashioned and disorganized. Involvement and awareness of the public towards
The quantity of waste is littered all over leading to waste management is in a nominal level.
unhygienic living environment. The identification, Lack in the use of modern techniques and best
monitoring and disposal of wastes are one of the major practices
concerns of the present era. Outdated Management Information Systems
The generation of waste is increasing by 1.3% per
annum. The urban population which is increasing The factors stated above in the management of
between 3 to 3.5% per annum generates waste around 5% waste collection necessitate the development of an
annually. Thus 42.0 million tons of municipal solid wastes integrated system to reduce the operational and
are produced annually; approximately 200 gm to 600 gm environmental cost.
are generated per day. The collection of solid waste by
the yardman varies from 50% to 90%. Urban Local Bodies Related Works: In the traditional approach, a number of
spend Rs.500/- to Rs.1500/- per ton on solid trucks from the municipal authority are sent to the waste
waste management of which, 60 to 70% of the amount is bins to collect the Municipal waste (MW). The wastes are
on collection alone and 20% to 30% on transportation. loaded in the truck and then transported and transferred
The amount of fund that is spent on treatment and to the pre-specified locality. However the group of the
disposal of waste is minimal and hence crude dumping of people involved in collecting and transporting the wastes
this waste is practiced in most of the cities. are usually not responsible enough to make the job well

Corresponding Author: J. Ms. Kokila, PG Scholar, Dr. N G P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India.

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 25 (5): 995-1000, 2017

done. Very often the wastes are not collected from each Implementation of the above smart bin can prevent
and every waste bin properly due to drivers attitude and lumping of the trash for a longer period of time thereby
lethargy [1]. preventing the widespread of diseases to a great extent
An embedded system using sensors, ARM 7 and promising a clean environment in the city [8].There is
controller and ZigBee technology for management of a decrease in the environmental and operational cost as a
garbage or solid waste was implemented [2]. The sensors result of optimization of the resources and an effective
are placed in the garbage bins at the public places. When usage of smart dustbins. It has indirectly reduced the
the pre-defined level of the garbage in the smart bin is traffic in city. In major cities the waste gathering vehicle
reached, indication will be given by the controller to the visit the areas everyday twice or thrice depends on the
driver of waste collection truck. This system creates population of the particular area and sometimes these
immediate attention but did not focus on segregation of dustbins may not be full. Informing the status of each and
waste. every dust bin in real time to the concerned authority can
The above stated disadvantages were overcome by send the garbage collection vehicle only when the
proposing an e-monitoring system that consists of dustbin is full [9].
RFID technology interfaced with PIC micro-controller and This work has focused on the implementation of
a web based computerized software [3]. This centralized smart waste management system using sensors, Arduino
GUI tool can be accessed from anywhere for the and GSM technology integrated with IoT. The status of
information to be viewed by different category of people. the bin is continuously monitored at the control station to
This facility also helps the public to lodge their provide a user interaction with the system. The values
complaints and comments. It has been explored in the stored in the database helps a user to have the updated
laboratory environment as well as in the field status of the data in the bin as well as the previous values
environment. The test results show that the system of the parameters of the bin. This collected data from the
functions properly and is working real time. Municipality bin can be used in the optimization of routes for the
can monitor the MW collecting status through the system collection trucks for efficient use of resources in the waste
and can produce different reports to improve the management system [10].
performance of their service.
To reduce the cost, integrated sensing system were System Implementation: The proposed architecture of
designed using rule based decision procedure that is IoT based wastemanagement system shown in Fig. 1 is
efficient and intelligent can be used to automate any solid categorized into three modules.
waste bin management and monitoring system [4]. Smart Control and lid Sensing System Ultrasonic
Pavithra et al. [5] developed a system to intimate the Sensor, PIR Sensor, Servomotor, RFID Reader
clearance of waste to the corporation office by Transceiver Unit GSM, Wi-Fi, ThingSpeak
positioning the sensor and microcontroller in thetrash bin. Smart Display Unit - LCD, Database, Monitor Section
An alarm indication is also incorporated to confirm the
clearance of waste. This set up helps the municipality for The Fig. 2 shows the process flow of the implemented
the immediate disposal of bin thus reducing the spread of system. A PIR sensor is a motion detector sensor which
disease. detects the heat emitted naturally by human. Whenever a
The researcher introduced additional sensors, IR person is in the field of vision nearer to the garbage bin,
sensors, Humidity sensors and Toxic gas sensors to the sensor is triggered and the servo motor automatically
measure the status of bin [6]. The processor transmit the opens the smart bin for the disposal of waste. Lid Sensing
bin filling alert, Humidity alert and Toxic gas alert to the system detects the overflow status of the garbage level in
Municipal Corporation via SMS intimation with the help the dustbin using ultrasonic sensor. This Smart Trash Bin
of GSM technology in order to reduce waste dumping. is interfaced with Arduino and whenever the lid sensing
Further modifications were also performed in the category system is activated, a signal is transmitted through the
of processing and recycling of the waste. The separations GSM module to the server in the municipal office. After
of five types of plastic resinsusing NIR spectroscopy to the disposal of waste, the above process is confirmed by
produce biogas from the rest of biodegradable waste were the yardman using RFID Tag. RFID reader reads the tag
introduced. The NIR reflectance spectroscopy scheme and sends the status of cleaning to the server confirming
helps to distinguish and eliminate plastic item from MSW the work done. The LCD screen is used to demonstration
and provides all biodegradable substance that can be the status garbage collected in the bins. Wi-Fi module
further used in biogas plant [7]. helps us to send the details of the smart bin at the receiver

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 25 (5): 995-1000, 2017

Fig. 1: Architecture of IoT Based Waste Management System

Smart BIN

Activation of Smart
Control and Lid sensing

RFID Tag with the

Garbage Level PIR detection level
Status to Arduino Status to Arduino

Emptying the
Garbage to the
Garbage Level Read the Truck
>15 cm PIRSensor

No RFID reader Senses

0 the Tag
Yes 1

Garbage Full Activate the Servo

Motor and Open the

Status Signal Sent


WI-FI module

Thing Speak Server

Bin Status Display

Fig. 2: Process Flow of the Implemented System

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 25 (5): 995-1000, 2017

side. The graph theory optimization process is applied Transceiver Unit

when considering the placement of multiple bins at WIFI Module: The ESP8266 is a self-contained Single on
different points in order to reduce the operational cost. Chip Wi-Fi Module with incorporated TCP/IP protocol
stack that can provide microcontroller access to your Wi-
Smart Control and Lid Sensing System Fi network. This component is comprised of 32 bit
Ultrasonic Sensor: The ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 is microcontrollerassociated with devices like ADC, UART,
used to measure the level of garbage in waste bin. The PLL and memories. It encompasses a self-calibrated RF
range of the garbage measurement varies from 2cm permitting it to work under all working conditions and
400cm without non-contact. The module provides requires no external RF parts. The applications of ESP8266
ultrasonic transmitters, receiver and control circuit.The are Smart power plugs, Home automation, Wi-Fi location-
length of theimplemented garbage bin is 20cm. A aware devices, Industrial wireless control and Security ID
predefined threshold level is fixed at 15cm and tags. Wi-Fi helps us to send details of smartbin at the
programmed in the Arduino to predict the overflow status receiver side.
of the bin. The conditions for the activation of the lid
based on the output of Ultrasonic sensor is listed below Mart Display Unit
The garbage level in the bin is less than 15cm - Monitoring System: ThingSpeak is IoT platform in which
Garbage Empty the user must create the channels by giving all the
The garbage level in the bin is greater than 15cm - credential required, once the channel is created nearly 8
Garbage Full. sensor values can be feed to the thingspeak channel and
the data in channel can be accessed by anywhere in the
PIR Sensor and Servo Motor: HC-SR501 is a motion world.The Smart control and Lid sensing system
connected to Arduino and GSM will feed the sensed data
detector sensor which detects the heat emitted naturally
to IoT -ThingSpeak applicationover the Internet. In the
by human. Whenever a person is in the field of vision
proposed system, ultrasonic sensor data are feed to the
nearer to the garbage bin, the sensor is triggered. SG-
thingspeak channel.
90MINI,a position controlled servomotoris programmed
The Fig. 3 (a) and Fig. 3 (b) shows the result of
for theautomatic opening of the waste bin for the disposal
garbage monitoring system measured in real time
of waste. It can easily control physical movement of
environment. The sensed data from the ultrasonic sensor
objects due to its position controlled feature. Servo motor
will be stored in the channel.The collected data of the
rotates in angle ranging from 0 to 180 degree and has
different garbage level measured from 12.59 pm till 17.00
many applications in robotics and industry for position
pm are represented in the form of a graph for monitoring
based motion control system. Unlike other motors, servo
purpose. In addition to the above, the location can also be
motor is very easy to interface with Arduino or any other viewed as shown in the Fig. 3(c) at Dr.G P Institute of
microcontroller due to its built-in controllers. The Technology, Coimbatore, India. This test run were
conditions programmed in Arduino board for the rotation implemented at different places in diverse times with
of servo motor based on the output of PIR sensor is listed different level of garbage.
When the Output level of PIR sensor is equal to high Graph Theory Optimization Algorithm: Optimization
- Motion detected, the servomotor rotates clockwise algorithms are applied to find the shortest distance
in an angle from 0 to 180 and automaticallyopens between two points in the area for the yardman to follow
the waste bin. For closing the bin there will be an for cleaning the smart bin. The routes are optimized to
anti-clockwise rotation from 1800 to 0. minimize driving time based on historical data or traffic
When the Output level of PIR sensor is equal to low - blocking. This data processed by graph theory
Motion not detected. optimization algorithms can be used to dynamically and
efficiently manage waste collection strategies. The
RFID Detection: EM-18 RFID reader is a device that will following steps are used in a graph theory algorithm,
read data on tags and communicate to a computer system Location of data collection
without any physical association. The RFID tag Graph modelling for plotting data
comprises of three parts: an antenna, a semiconductor Graph Bi-Partioning for possible routes
chip attached to the antenna with encapsulation. The tag Applying algorithm on datasets
reader is liable for powering and sharing with a tag. The Suitable path will be chosen for cleaning the
tag antenna captures energy and transfers the tags ID. smartbin.

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 25 (5): 995-1000, 2017

Fig. 3(a): Result of the Garbage Monitoring System Fig. 3(b): Result of the Garbage Monitoring
implemented in real time System implemented in real time

Fig. 3(c): Location of Smart Bin

Fig. 4: Smart Bin for IoT Based waste management system

Table 1: Experimental data From Testing of the Prototype

S.No Output of the Ultrasonic Sensor Time Status of the PIR Sensor Servo Motor Rotation Action
1. 0cm 12.58pm NO Anti-Clockwise Bin is unloading
2. 4cm 12.59pm YES Clockwise Bin is loading
3. 5cm 13.00pm YES Clockwise Bin is loading
4. 5.5cm 14.00pm YES Clockwise Bin is loading
5. 6cm 16.00pm YES Clockwise Bin is loading
6. 7cm 17.00pm YES Clockwise Bin is loading

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 25 (5): 995-1000, 2017

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