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The Use of Deep Learning To Predict Stroke Patient Mortality

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International Journal of

Environmental Research
and Public Health

The Use of Deep Learning to Predict Stroke
Patient Mortality
Songhee Cheon 1 , Jungyoon Kim 2 and Jihye Lim 3, *
1 Department of Physical Therapy, Youngsan University, Yangsan 626-790, Korea;
2 Department of Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242, USA;
3 Department of Healthcare Management, Youngsan University, Yangsan 626-790, Korea
* Correspondence:

Received: 30 April 2019; Accepted: 24 May 2019; Published: 28 May 2019 

Abstract: The increase in stroke incidence with the aging of the Korean population will rapidly impose
an economic burden on society. Timely treatment can improve stroke prognosis. Awareness of stroke
warning signs and appropriate actions in the event of a stroke improve outcomes. Medical service
use and health behavior data are easier to collect than medical imaging data. Here, we used a deep
neural network to detect stroke using medical service use and health behavior data; we identified
15,099 patients with stroke. Principal component analysis (PCA) featuring quantile scaling was
used to extract relevant background features from medical records; we used these to predict stroke.
We compared our method (a scaled PCA/deep neural network [DNN] approach) to five other
machine-learning methods. The area under the curve (AUC) value of our method was 83.48%; hence;
it can be used by both patients and doctors to prescreen for possible stroke.

Keywords: stroke; prediction; deep learning; feature extraction

1. Introduction
Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide [1]. In Korea, stroke is
the second-leading cause of death [2]. The Korean population is aging very rapidly; the percentage
aged ≥ 60 years is predicted to increase from 13.7% in 2015 to 28.6% by 2050 [3]. Incidence of stroke
increases with age. Stroke patients have longer hospital stays and higher re-admission rates and
medical costs than patients with other chronic diseases [4,5]. In the U.S., the total annual direct
medical costs of stroke in 2008 were USD 18.8 billion; in the same year, the per-person expenditure
was USD 7657 [6]. Length of hospital stay, medical expenditure, readmission rate, and accompanying
comorbidities greatly affect medical resource use [7–10]. Studies on stroke patients are very important
for efficient utilization of medical resources.
The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) has recently permeated various sectors of
life, including rapidly evolving healthcare systems [11]. As electronic diagnoses, therapies,
and record-keeping expand, it is essential to leverage, integrate, and optimize these advances [12].
In the field of medicine, patient data are amassed in distributed electronic health record (EHR) databases
and voluminous clinical, imaging, and laboratory datasets, among others [13]. Such data can be
utilized to predict disease incidence and prognosis.
Recent nationwide efforts seek to use big data to expand precision medicine to many other medical
areas [14,15]. Precision medicine is broadly defined as patient-specific diagnosis and therapy [16].
EHRs and health insurance claims data can aid precision medicine by improving prognostic models [11].
Deep learning using big data has been employed to predict disease [17–19]. Deep learning is actively
used in many fields, yielding satisfactory results when conventional analyses are not appropriate [20,21].
The deep-learning model of Xu et al. afforded better predictive performance than a generalized linear

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1876; doi:10.3390/ijerph16111876
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1876 2 of 12

model (GLM), a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) model, and an autoregressive
integrated moving average (ARIMA) model [22]. Therefore, deep learning can predict disease.
However, few studies have sought to predict stroke mortality using big data.
To date, there have not been deep learning-based, but heuristic or nature-inspired methods for
detecting stroke or cardiovascular diseases. Teoh [23] applied the neural network using different sources
of temporal data from the electronic health record through a dual-input topology. Although this study
used statistical data to predict stroke, major risk factors related to stroke were missed. Pereira et al. [24]
provide stroke detection system using convolutional neural network with computed tomography.
Although overall detection accuracy of this study is relatively high, it needs detailed medical images to
diagnose the occurrence of stroke. Beriteli et al. [25] proposed a training technique to diagnose the
ECG signals using the neural network. Wu et al. [26] applied the neural network to assess the risk
levels of hypertension with health examination data.
Here, we identify factors affecting stroke mortality, and derive a predictive model based on deep
learning, employing 2013–2016 Korean National Hospital Discharge In-depth Injury Survey (KNHDS)
data. This will allow healthcare policymakers to improve the quality of medical care, evaluate its
appropriateness, and employ diagnostic resources efficiently. Our research was performed to predict
stroke mortality using large-scale electronic health records. This study is expected to expand the
research that can prescreen diverse diseases the in e-health field in future.

2. Related Work
Several studies have used deep learning methods to solve various problems [27–31]. In particular,
there have been many computer-aided diagnosis systems using deep learning for detecting diverse
diseases [32–41]. Machine-learning/deep learning has been employed to detect or predict certain
diseases using various approaches and datasets. Kim et al. [42] developed and validated several
machine-learning models (i.e., support vector machine—SVM, random forest—RF, artificial neural
network—ANN, and linear regression—LR) to identify the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal
women; the cited authors used medical records such as those of the Korean National Health and
Nutrition Surveys. Although its accuracy was acceptable, only relatively small datasets were used
(1000 patients for training and 674 for testing). Wang et al. [43] sought to detect heart failure earlier
using structured and unstructured data from EHRs and an RF classifier. Arandjelović et al. [44]
applied a Markov process to predict various health outcomes using electronic medical records (EMRs).
Putin et al. [45] sought to predict human chronological age using deep neural networks (DNNs);
60,600 common blood biochemistry and cell count test results were evaluated. Yoo et al. [46] developed
a self-assessment system identifying adults at high risk of knee osteoarthritis using an ANN and various
datasets. Hung et al. [19] used several classifiers (i.e., DNN, gradient-boosting decision tree—GBDT, LR,
and SVM) to explore an EMC database of about 800,000 patients; the aim was to predict five-year stroke
occurrence. Rajkomar et al. [47] used deep learning to predict several medical events by analyzing
EMR data (216,221 adult patients). All of these previous studies used machine-learning/deep learning
to detect diverse diseases. However, to the best of our knowledge, there have been few efforts to
predict stroke with these methods.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Subjects
We used data from the KNHDS, collected from 2013 to 2016 by the Korea Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (KCDC) (Figure 1). The KNHDS collected data from about 150 hospitals
nationwide, all with more than 100 beds [48]. The subjects were 15,099 stroke patients with primary
International Classification of Diseases diagnostic codes corresponding to hemorrhagic stroke (I60–I62)
and ischemic stroke (I63). Table 1 shows general statistical information about patients. The mean age of
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1876 3 of 12

the subjects was 66 years. Of the patients, 54.7% were male, 45.3% were female; and 6.9% (1038 people)
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 12
were patients who died.

Figure 1. The patient selection process. KNHDS = Korean National Hospital Discharge In-depth Injury
The=patient selection
International process. KNHDS
Classification = Korean National Hospital Discharge In-depth
of Diseases.
Injury Survey. ICD = International Classification of Diseases.
Table 1. Distribution of subjects by general characteristics.
Table 1. Distribution of subjects by general characteristics.
Variables N (%)
Mean age Variables N (%) 66.1 years
Mean age Male 66.1 years8252 (54.7)
Female 6847 (45.3)
Male 8252 (54.7)
Gender Yes 1038 (6.9)
No 6847 (45.3)
14,061 (93.1)

Stroke type Yes

ischemic 1038 (6.9)10,668 (70.7)
Mortality hemorrhagic 4431 (29.3)
No 14,061 (93.1)

3.2. Principal Variables ischemic 10,668 (70.7)

Stroke type
The dependent variable was mortalityhemorrhagic 4431 (29.3)
rate of stroke patients. Independent variables reflecting
social demographic status included gender, age, and type of insurance. Medical variables included
modePrincipal Variableslength of hospital stay, hospital region, total number of hospital beds, stroke type,
of admission,
brain surgery
The status,variable
dependent and Charlson Comorbidity
was mortality rate ofIndex (CCI)
stroke score.Independent
patients. The CCI is widely usedreflecting
variables to adjust
for comorbidities, and is given by the sum of weighted scores based on the presence/absence
social demographic status included gender, age, and type of insurance. Medical variables included of
19 different
mode medical length
of admission, conditions [49]. However,
of hospital we excluded
stay, hospital cerebrovascular
region, total number of diseases because
hospital beds, they
may overlap with the primary disease. Brain surgery was defined as microvascular
type, brain surgery status, and Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) score. The CCI is widely used todecompression,
adjust cranioplasty,and
for comorbidities, ventriculostomy
is given by thewith
sumshunting, removal
of weighted of based
scores a subdural/epidural hematoma,
on the presence/absence
of 19 different medical conditions [49]. However, we excluded cerebrovascular diseasesmedicare,
and endarterectomy. Type of insurance was defined as national health insurance, because
industrial accident, and car insurance. Admission mode was defined
they may overlap with the primary disease. Brain surgery was defined as microvascularas emergency, ambulatory,
and others. Stroke
decompression, type was categorized
craniotomy, as ischemic
cranioplasty, stroke andwith
ventriculostomy hemorrhagic
shunting,stroke. The hospital
removal of a
subdural/epidural hematoma, and endarterectomy. Type of insurance was defined as national
health insurance, medicare, industrial accident, and car insurance. Admission mode was defined as
emergency, ambulatory, and others. Stroke type was categorized as ischemic stroke and
hemorrhagic stroke. The hospital regions were Seoul, metropolitan Seoul, Gyeonggi, and other. The
total number of hospital beds per region was 100–299, 300–499, 500–999, or ≥ 1000.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1876 4 of 12

regions were Seoul, metropolitan Seoul, Gyeonggi, and other. The total number of hospital beds per
region was 100–299,
Int. J. Environ. 300–499,
Res. Public Health 2019,500–999, or ≥ 1000.
16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 12

3.3. Methods
3.3. Methods
Our deep
included11 variables: gender,
11 variables: age, type
gender, of insurance,
age, mode of admission,
type of insurance, mode of
admission, brain surgery required, region, length of hospital stay, hospital location,ofthe
surgery required, region, length of hospital stay, hospital location, the number hospital
number beds,
hospitaltype, and
beds, the CCI.
stroke type,Weandused
We usedprincipal component
a DNN/scaled analysis
principal (PCA) toanalysis
component automatically
generate features generate
to automatically from the features
data andfromidentify
the risk
datafactors for stroke.
and identify riskWe enrolled
factors 15,099 subjects
for stroke. with
We enrolled
history of stroke.
subjects withFigure 2 shows
a history the system
of stroke. Figurearchitecture:
2 shows the (1) We used
system Korea National
architecture: (1) We Health and
used Korea
Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) data for the 11 included variables,
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) data for the 11 included variables, where these data were
divided intodata
where these training
were(66%) andinto
divided testing sets (66%)
training (34%);and
in the training
testing set, weinused
sets (34%); 30% of the
the training set, samples
we used
30%validation; (2) wefor
of the samples preprocessed
validation; (2)dataweusing both PCAdata
preprocessed and using
a scaler to convert
both PCA and categorical
a scaler tovariables
into continuous variables, and to generate models for testing; (3) we then trained
categorical variables into continuous variables, and to generate models for testing; (3) we then the DNN using the
scaled PCA variables and (4) compared the predicted results to “ground truth”
trained the DNN using the scaled PCA variables and (4) compared the predicted results to “ground data (clinician labels).
The training
truth” and test data
data (clinician didThe
labels). not training
overlap.and test data did not overlap.

Figure 2. The architecture of the deep neural network (DNN)/scaled principal component analysis
Figure 2. The architecture of the deep neural network (DNN)/scaled principal component analysis
(PCA) approach.
(PCA) approach.
Traditionally, detection performance is measured by evaluating accuracy (Acc).
However, detection
an imbalance performance
was evident is measured
in the stroke datasets;by evaluating
more accuracy
survival (n (Acc).
= 13,971) thanHowever,
imbalance was evident in the stroke datasets; more survival (n = 13,971) than non-survival (n
(n = 1038) data were present. Thus, we used three additional metrics: sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp), = 1038)
and were present. Thus,
predictive value we usedThe
(PPV). three additional
Sn reflects metrics: sensitivity
the probability (Sn),
of detecting specificity Sp
non-survival; (Sp), and
positive predictive value (PPV). The Sn reflects the probability of detecting non-survival; Sp
the probability of detecting survival; and PPV is the probability that non-survival status was corrected reflects
the appropriately.
for probability ofWe detecting
used foursurvival; and true-positive
parameters, PPV is the (TP),
probability that non-survival
true-negative status (FP)
(TN), false-positive was
and for appropriately.
false-negative We used
(FN), to evaluate modelfour parameters,
performance. Thetrue-positive (TP), predicted
TP is the correctly true-negative
false-positive (FP) and false-negative (FN), to evaluate model performance. The TP is
and the TN is the correctly predicted non-stroke rate. The FP and FN are the incorrectly predicted the correctly
stroke andstroke rate and
non-stroke rates,the TN is the correctly
respectively. predicted
The Sn, Sp, PPV, andnon-stroke
Acc were rate. The FP
calculated asand FN are the
incorrectly predicted stroke and non-stroke rates, respectively. The Sn, Sp, PPV, and Acc were
calculated as follows: Sn = TP/(TP + FN) (1)

Sp == TP / (TP++FP)
TN/(TN FN) (1)
TN / (TN++FP)
TP/(TP FP) (2)

Acc = (TP + TN)/(TP

PPV + FN+ +
= TP / (TP FP + TN)
FP) (3)

3.4. Preprocessing Acc = (TP + TN) / (TP + FN + FP + TN) (4)

PCA is a simple non-parametric method used to extract useful information from elaborate datasets.
3.4. Preprocessing
In general, PCA preprocessing efficiently defines new features, reducing dimensions to find hidden
or simplified
PCA is astructures for inclusion in
simple non-parametric classification
method used toalgorithms [50]. information
extract useful However, the dataset
from that
we used featured major categorical/binary and minor continuous variables. The former
datasets. In general, PCA preprocessing efficiently defines new features, reducing dimensions to variables
should not beorinput
find hidden into a DNN
simplified classifier
structures for because
inclusionthey lack detailed information.
in classification We However,
algorithms [50]. used the PCA
dataset that we used featured major categorical/binary and minor continuous variables. The former
variables should not be input into a DNN classifier because they lack detailed information. We used
the PCA maximum-attribute filter to convert all 11 binary or categorical variables into 11 continuous
variables to minimize data discretization. Figure 3 shows the first and second principal components
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1876 5 of 12

maximum-attribute filter to convert all 11 binary or categorical variables into 11 continuous variables
to minimize data discretization. Figure 3 shows the first and second principal components of four
J. Environ.
(a)Res.a Public
normal HealthPCA;
2019, 16,
a PCA with a standard scaler; (c) a PCA with a min/max 5 of 12 scaler;

and (d),ofa PCA

four different PCAs: (a)transformer
with a quantile a normal PCA; (b) aAPCA
scaler. with a standard scaler; (c) a PCAscaler
DNN/PCA-quantile-transformer with afforded
the best min/max
performance. scaler; and (d), a PCA with a quantile transformer scaler. A
DNN/PCA-quantile-transformer scaler afforded the best performance.

(a) Unscaled PCA. (b) Min-max scaling/PCA.

(c) Standard scaling/PCA (d) Quantile transformer scaling/PCA

Figure 3. Two-dimensional plots of the first and second principal components (class 0 indicates
non-stroke patients and class 1 indicates stroke patients).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 12

Figure 3. Two-dimensional plots of the first and second principal components (class 0 indicates
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1876 6 of 12
non-stroke patients and class 1 indicates stroke patients).

3.5. DNN
3.5. DNNArchitecture
We employed simple feed-forward neural networks, trained using a standard backpropagation
We employed
algorithm, simple
in our deep feed-forward
(four neural
hidden layers) networks,
learning trained
models. using
For eachaDNN,
we backpropagation
adjusted several
algorithm, in our deep (four hidden layers) learning models. For
hyperparameters, including the number of hidden layers, the number of neurons each DNN, we adjusted
in eachseveral
hyperparameters, including the number of hidden layers, the number of neurons
the activation function, the optimization method, and the regularization technique. The best in each layer,
DNN the
activation function,
featured four hiddenthe optimization
layers with 22, 10, method,
10, andand the regularization
10 neurons, respectively.technique.
The last The
layer,best DNN
with one
featured four hidden layers with 22, 10, 10, and 10 neurons, respectively. The last
neuron, yielded a regression output. Accuracy served as the optimization loss function (we applied layer, with one
neuron, yieldedterms).
regularization a regression
The DNN output.featured
Accuracy served
ReLU as the optimization
activation [51] in eachloss function
layer; (we applied
the dropout [52]
probability wasterms). The DNN
0.2 for each featured
layer. We ReLU optimization
used Adam activation [51][53]inwith
each layer;
0.001 for the dropout
learning [52]
rate and
probability was 0.2during
L2 regularization for each layer. We
training; thisused Adam is
optimizer optimization [53] with
robust in terms 0.001 for learning
of hyperparameter rate and,
choice and
L2 regularization during training; this optimizer is robust in terms of hyperparameter
empirically, has shown very good performance. We applied batch normalization [54] after the first two choice and,
empirically, has shown
layers to counter very and
overfitting goodensure
performance. We applied batch
stable convergence. Figurenormalization [54] after theoffirst
4 shows the architecture the
two layers to
proposed DNN. counter overfitting and ensure stable convergence. Figure 4 shows the architecture of
the proposed DNN.
Hidden Layer
Input Layer Hidden Layer Hidden Layer
11 10 10

Output Layer

Fully Fully Fully

Connected Connected Connected

Dropout Dropout
0.2 0.2
Figure 4. The architecture of the proposed DNN.
Figure 4. The architecture of the proposed DNN.
All models were implemented using Keras [55] with a TensorFlow [56] backend. Binary cross
All modelsas
entropy served were implemented
the loss function whenusingevaluating
Keras [55] stroke
with adevelopment
TensorFlow [56] backend.
in Figure 5. AsBinary cross
the dataset
Int. J.
entropy Environ. Res.
served Public Health 2019, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 12
classes were notas the loss we
balanced, function
applied when
weighting;stroke development
this rendered in Figure
minority classes5.more
As the dataset
classes were not balanced, we applied class weighting; this rendered minority classes more

Figure 5. Train loss during training with early stopping.

Figure 5. Train loss during training with early stopping.

4. Results and Discussion

Of the various settings tested, the best DNN architecture featured four hidden layers, each with
22 or 10 neurons, 50 training epochs, and a batch size of 5. Table 2 shows the confusion matrix
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1876 7 of 12

4. Results and Discussion

Of the various settings tested, the best DNN architecture featured four hidden layers, each with
22 or 10 neurons, 50 training epochs, and a batch size of 5. Table 2 shows the confusion matrix resulting
from scaled PCA preprocessing.

Table 2. Confusion matrix for our method.

Confusion Matrix Predicted (T) Predicted (F)

Actual (T) 238 132
Actual (F) 688 4076

Table 3 summarizes the computational results yielded by the classification algorithms; we list
thresholds, confusion matrix values, and five performance parameters; the AUCs of the top two
classifiers are highlighted in bold. Considering all model parameters, the optimal stroke probability
threshold was 0.13, with a model Acc of 84.03%, Sn of 64.32%, Sp of 85.56%, and PPV of 25.7%.
We determined the thresholds of each classifier to make the balance between the sensitivity and
specificity empirically. Compared to the commonly used performance metrics (Sn, Sp, PPV, and Acc),
the area under the curve (AUC; a single value) better reflects algorithm performance [57]. Our method
afforded an AUC of 83.48%; a comparison of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
(indicating the predictive performance of our DNN/scaled PCA model) and the ROC curves of other
classifiers is shown in Figure 6. The DNN/scaled PCA algorithm was optimal, followed by the AdaBoost
classifier. Table 4 shows the comparison of the performance using 10-fold cross validation in order to
verify the results from Figure 6 and Table 3. The AUCs of the top two classifiers are highlighted in
bold, such as DNN and ADB. These results clearly support the conclusion that the DNN/scaled PCA
algorithm outperforms the other five algorithms.

Table 3. Comparison of the confusion matrix values and performance for six classifiers (testing data).

RFC 0.077 223 960 147 3804 60.27 79.85 18.85 78.44 77.59
ADB 0.487 234 928 136 3836 63.24 80.52 20.14 79.28 79.25
GNB 0.065 258 1396 112 3368 69.73 70.7 15.6 70.63 78.08
KNNC 0.065 219 892 151 3872 59.19 81.28 19.71 79.68 72.11
SVC 0.065 221 1380 149 3384 59.73 71.03 13.8 70.22 71.51
DNN 0.13 238 688 132 4076 64.32 85.56 25.7 84.03 83.48
TH, threshold; RFC, random forest classifier; ADB, AdaBoost classifier: GNB, Gaussian naive Bayes; KNNC,
K-nearest neighbor classifier; SVC, support vector machine; DNN, deep neural network.
SVC 0.065 221 1380 149 3384 59.73 71.03 13.8 70.22 71.51

DNN 0.13 238 688 132 4076 64.32 85.56 25.7 84.03 83.48
TH, threshold;
Int. J. Environ. RFC,
Res. Public random
Health forest
2019, 16, 1876 classifier; ADB, AdaBoost classifier: GNB, Gaussian naive Bayes;8 of 12
KNNC, K-nearest neighbor classifier; SVC, support vector machine; DNN, deep neural network.

Figure 6. Regarding predictive performance, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve
Figure 6. Regarding predictive performance, the area under the receiver operating characteristic
value was highest (83.48%) for the DNN/scaled PCA classifier.
curve value was highest (83.48%) for the DNN/scaled PCA classifier.
Table 4. Comparison of the performance for six classifiers (10-fold cross-validation).
Table 4. Comparison of the performance for six classifiers (10-fold cross-validation).
Classifier AUC Classifier AUC
Classifier RFC AUC79.4Classifier
ADB 80.5 AUC
GNB 80.0 KNNC 72.2
RFC 79.4 ADB 80.5
SVC 69.7 DNN 83.5
GNB 80.0 KNNC 72.2
We used the DNN/scaled PCA classifier to estimate stroke occurrence, and derived correlation
coefficients between various patient variables 69.7and DNN
stroke. However, these did not clearly 83.5
reveal the
relationships between principal components and stroke. Table 5 lists the four correlation coefficients
We used
(r-values; over the
0.09) among PCAthe 11classifier
variables;to the
estimate stroke occurrence,
best correlation and derivedincorrelation
(+0.2) is highlighted bold and
other between
informative various
results (overpatient variables
+/− 0.09) and stroke.
are in italics However,
and shown these did not clearly reveal the
in red.
relationships between principal components and stroke. Table 5 lists the four correlation coefficients
(r-values; overTable
+/− 0.09) among the
5. Correlation 11 variables;
coefficients of thethe best correlation
variables (+0.2) 11
(over 0.09) among is highlighted
variables. in bold and
other informative results (over +/− 0.09) are in italics and shown in red.
Variable Corr. Coff. Variable Corr. Coff.
Brain surgery required 0.124062 Admission mode −0.093137
Stroke type 0.203716 Mortality 1

We considered tuning hyperparameters, such as the number of nodes and depth of the DNN,
to improve stroke detection. Although tuning can be valuable, no general rule is available; we would
have had to train 2–8 layers with 10–40 nodes based on trial-and-error. We used two methods to
prevent overfitting, dropout and batch normalization; the latter prevents loss of feed-forward data in
a manner similar to appropriate weighting on initialization, and dropout uses weighting to minimize
the effects of certain hidden nodes.
Our method predicts stroke using indirect or limited data, such as medical service use history and
health behavior. This will reduce future medical costs and facilitate diagnosis. The limitations of our
work included a lack of input data separation and the lack of longitudinal data. Also, we employed
survey data, which has drawbacks which include the binary format. Although we used scaled PCA
to improve the data resolution, additional input variables may be required. In addition, our results
apply only to subjects who may suffer from stroke in the future; we excluded those currently receiving
treatment for stroke. This may reduce the overall accuracy of our predictive model.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1876 9 of 12

5. Conclusions
Based on the data of 15,099 subjects, we developed a deep learning model featuring scaled PCA to
automatically predict stroke based on medical utilization history and health behaviors. No subjective
variables were included in the model. Our work allows early detection of patients at high risk of stroke
who need additional checkups and appropriate treatment prior to disease exacerbation. Our method
renders it unnecessary to select variables manually. As the input data are simple (albeit of low
resolution, that is, binary or with a limited number of choices), we used a DNN to study the variables
of interest and scaled PCA to generate improved continuous inputs for the DNN. The sensitivity,
specificity and AUC value of our method were 64.32%, 85.56% and 83.48%, respectively. Our method
can be used not only to predict stroke using limited data, but also other diseases.
In future, we will modify and apply our method for the analysis of other medical service use
and health behavior datasets on conditions such as dementia. We will also use detailed indices and
physiological signals as input data to achieve more meaningful DNN results. Finally, we will employ
auto-fine-tuning methods to reduce training time and improve performance.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.L. and S.C.; methodology, J.L., S.C. and J.K.; software, J.L. and J.K.;
validation, J.L., S.C. and J.K.; investigation, J.L.; data curation, J.K.; writing—original draft preparation, J.L.
and J.K.; writing—review and editing, S.C.; visualization, J.K.; project administration, S.C.; funding acquisition,
J.L. and S.C.
Funding: This study was supported by a Research Grant from Youngsan University (2018).
Acknowledgments: In this section you can acknowledge any support given which is not covered by the author
contribution or funding sections. This may include administrative and technical support, or donations in kind
(e.g., materials used for experiments).
Conflicts of Interest: Declare conflicts of interest or state “The authors declare no conflict of interest.” Authors must
identify and declare any personal circumstances or interest that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing
the representation or interpretation of reported research results. Any role of the funders in the design of the study;
in the collection, analyses or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish
the results must be declared in this section. If there is no role, please state “The funders had no role in the design of
the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision
to publish the results”.

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