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DM UNIT-1 Question and Answer

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1a. Define data mining?

Ans: Data mining refers to extracting or “mining” knowledge from large amounts of data.

1b. Explain the types of the data can be Mined.

Ans: The most basic forms of data for mining applications are database data , data
warehouse data and transactional data .
1)Database Data :
A database system also called a database management system (DBMS), consists of a
collection of interrelated data known as a database and a set of software programs to manage
and access the data.
A relational database is a collection of tables, each of which is assigned a unique name. Each
table consists of a set of attributes (columns or fields) and usually stores a large set of tuples
(records or rows).
EX:customer (cust ID, name, address, age, occupation, annual income, credit information,
category, . . .)
item (item ID, brand, category, type, price, place made, supplier, cost, . .)
2)Data Warehouses:
A data warehouse is a repository of information collected from multiple sources, stored under
a unified schema, and usually residing at a single site.
Data warehouses are constructed via a process of data cleaning, data integration, data
transformation, data loading, and periodic data refreshing.

A data warehouse is usually modeled by a multidimensional data structure, called a data cube, in
which each dimension corresponds to an attribute or a set of attributes in the schema, and each cell
stores the value of some aggregate measure such as count or sum(sales amount).
A data cube provides a multidimensional view of data and allows the precomputation and fast access
of summarized data.

3)Transactional Data.
In general, each record in a transactional database captures a transaction, such as a customer’s
purchase, a flight booking, or a user’s clicks on a web page.
A transaction typically includes a unique transaction identity number (trans ID) and a list of the items
making up the transaction, such as the items purchased in the transaction.

1C. Discuss briefly about data cleaning techniques.

Data Cleaning: Data cleaning routines attempt to fill in missing values, smooth out noise
while identifying outliers, and correct inconsistencies in the data
a) Methods for filling missing values:
i) Ignore the tuple: . This method is not very effective, unless the tuple contains
several attributes with missing values
ii) Fill in the missing value manually: In general, this approach is time-
consuming and may not be feasible given a large data set with many missing
iii) Use a global constant to fill in the missing value: Replace all missing
attribute values by the same constant, such as a label like “Unknown” or −∞
iv) Use the attribute mean to fill in the missing value: For example, suppose
that the average income of AllElectronics customers is $56,000. Use this value
to replace the missing value for income.
v) Use the attribute mean for all samples belonging to the same class as the
given tuple: For example, if classifying customers according to credit risk,
replace the missing value with the average income value for customers in the
same credit risk category as that of the given tuple.
vi) Use the most probable value to fill in the missing value: This may be
determined with regression, inference-based tools using a Bayesian formalism,
or decision tree induction

b) Noisy data :
Noise is a random error or variance in a measured variable. In order to remove the
noise data smoothing techniques are used
Data Smoothing Techniques:
i) Binning:
 Binning methods smooth a sorted data value by consulting its
neighborhood i.e. the values around it.
 The sorted values are distributed into a number of “buckets,” or
 smoothing by bin means:In this metho each value in a bin is
replaced by the mean value of the bin
 smoothing by bin medians : In this method each bin value is
replaced by the bin median
 smoothing by bin boundaries: In this method the minimum
and maximum values in a given bin are identified as the bin
boundaries. Each bin value is then replaced by the closest
boundary value.
ii) Regression:
 Data smoothing can also be done by regression, a technique
that conforms data values to a function.
 Linear regression involves finding the “best” line to fit two
attributes (or variables) so that one attribute can be used to
predict the other.
 Multiple linear regression is an extension of linear regression,
where more than two attributes are involved and the data are fit
to a multidimensional surface

iii) Outlier analysis:

 Outliers may be detected by clustering, for example, where
similar values are organized into groups, or “clusters.”
 Intuitively, values that fall outside of the set of clusters may be
considered outliers

2a) Define Data Mining Task primitives.

Ans: A data mining task can be specified in the form of a data mining query, which is
input to the data mining system.
• A data mining query is defined in terms of data mining task primitives.

2 b) Explain about Data Mining Functionalities.

Ans: Data mining functionalities are used to specify the kinds of patterns to be found
in data mining tasks.
• In general, such tasks can be classified into two categories: descriptive and predictive.
• Descriptive mining tasks characterize properties of the data in a target data set.
• Predictive mining tasks perform induction on the current data in order to make
• There are a number of data mining functionalities.They are
1)Data Characterization and Data Discrimination:
• Data characterization is a summarization of the general characteristics or features of a
target class of data.
• Example: A customer relationship manager at AllElectronics may order the following
data mining task: Summarize the characteristics of customers who spend more than
$5000 a year at AllElectronics. The result is a general profile of these customers, such
as that they are 40 to 50 years old, employed, and have excellent credit ratings.
• Data Discrimination is comparison of the target class with one or a set of comparative
classes (often called the contrasting classes)
• Example:
• A customer relationship manager at AllElectronics may want to compare two groups
of customers—those who shop for computer products regularly (e.g., more than twice
a month) and those who rarely shop for such products (e.g., less than three times a
year). The resulting description provides a general comparative profile of these
customers, such as that 80% of the customers who frequently purchase computer
products are between 20 and 40 years old and have a university education, whereas
60% of the customers who infrequently buy such products are either seniors or
youths, and have no university degree.
2) Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations, and Correlations:
• Frequent patterns, as the name suggests, are patterns that occur frequently in data.
• There are many kinds of frequent patterns, including frequent itemsets, frequent
subsequences (also known as sequential patterns), and frequent substructures.
• A frequent itemset typically refers to a set of items that often appear together in a
transactional data set—for example, milk and bread, which are frequently bought
together in grocery stores by many customers.
• A frequently occurring subsequence, such as the pattern that customers, tend to
purchase first a laptop, followed by a digital camera, and then a memory card, is a
(frequent) sequential pattern.
• A substructure can refer to different structural forms (e.g., graphs, trees, or lattices)
that may be combined with itemsets or subsequences.
• Mining frequent patterns leads to the discovery of interesting associations and
correlations within data.
3) Classification and Regression:
• Classification is the process of finding a model (or function) that describes and
distinguishes data classes or concepts.
• The model are derived based on the analysis of a set of training data (i.e., data objects
for which the class labels are known).
• The model is used to predict the class label of objects for which the the class label is
• The derived model may be represented in various forms, such as classification rules
(i.e., IF-THEN rules), decision trees, mathematical formulae, or neural networks.

• Whereas classification predicts categorical (discrete, unordered) labels, regression

models continuous-valued functions.
• That is, regression is used to predict missing or unavailable numerical data values
rather than (discrete) class labels.

4)Cluster Analysis :
• Clustering can be used to generate class labels for a group of data.
• The objects are clustered or grouped based on the principle of maximizing the
intraclass similarity and minimizing the interclass similarity.
That is, clusters of objects are formed so that objects within a cluster have high
similarity in comparison to one another, but are rather
dissimilar to objects in other clusters.
• Each cluster so formed can be viewed as a class of objects, from which rules can be
5)Outlier Analysis
• A data set may contain objects that do not comply with the general behavior or model
of the data.
• These data objects are outliers. Many data mining methods discard outliers as noise or
• The analysis of outlier data is referred to as outlier analysis or anomaly mining.

2c) Explain Briefly about Data Cube aggregation and attribute

subset selection?
1. Data cube aggregation : where aggregation operations are applied to the data in
the construction of a data cube.
o For example, a data cube for multidimensional analysis of sales data with
respect to annual sales per item type for each AllElectronics branch.
o Each cell holds an aggregate data value, corresponding to the data point in
multidimensional space.
o Concept hierarchies may exist for each attribute, allowing the analysis of data
at multiple levels of abstraction.
o For example, a hierarchy for branch could allow branches to be grouped into
regions, based on their address. Data cubes provide fast access to
precomputed, summarized data
Attribute subset selection: where irrelevant, weakly relevant, or redundant attributes
or dimensions may be detected and removed.

Attribute subset selection include the following techniques:

1.Stepwise forward selection: The procedure starts with an empty set of attributes as
the reduced set. The best of the original attributes is determined and added to the
reduced set. At each subsequent iteration or step, the best of the remaining original
attributes is added to the set.
2. Stepwise backward elimination: The procedure starts with the full set of
attributes. At each step, it removes the worst attribute remaining in the set.
3.Combination of forward selection and backward elimination: The stepwise
forward selection and backward elimination methods can be combined so that, at each
step, the procedure selects the best attribute and removes the worst from among the
remaining attributes.
4. Decision tree induction: Decision tree induction constructs a flow chart like
structure where each internal (nonleaf) node denotes a test on an attribute, each
branch corresponds to an outcome of the test, and each external (leaf) node denotes a
class prediction. At each node, the algorithm chooses the “best” attribute to partition
the data into individual classes\

3a) What is data cleaning?

Ans: Data Cleaning is a process to fill in missing values , smooth noisy data while
identifying outlier, and correct inconsistencies in the data.

3b) Explain about Classification of Data mining Systems

Ans: Data mining is an interdisciplinary field ,the confluence of a set of disciplines,
including database systems, statistics, machine learning, visualization, and
information science.

Data mining systems can be categorized according to various criteria, as follows:

i)Classification according to the kinds of databases mined:
• Database systems can be classified according to data models, we may have a
relational, transactional, object-relational, or data warehouse mining system.
• Each of which may require its own data mining technique.
ii) Classification according to the kinds of knowledge mined:
Data mining systems can be categorized according to the kinds of knowledge they
mine, that is, based on data mining functionalities
such as characterization, discrimination, association and correlation analysis,
classification, prediction, clustering, outlier analysis, and evolution analysis.
iii)Classification according to the kinds of techniques utilized:
• Data mining systems can be categorized according to the underlying data mining
techniques employed.
• These techniques can be described according to the degree of user interaction
involved (e.g., autonomous systems, interactive exploratory systems, query-driven
IV) Classification according to the applications adapted:
• Data mining systems can also be categorized according to the applications they adapt.
• For example, data mining systems may be tailored specifically for finance,
telecommunications, DNA, stock markets, e-mail, and so on.

3c) Explain Briefly about Data Transformation Techniques.

Ans: In this preprocessing step, the data are transformed or consolidated so that the
resulting mining process may be more efficient, and the patterns found may be
easier to understand.
• Data Transformation Strategies:
i) Data Smoothing:
 Binning methods smooth a sorted data value by consulting its
neighborhood i.e. the values around it.
 The sorted values are distributed into a number of “buckets,” or
 smoothing by bin means:In this metho each value in a bin is
replaced by the mean value of the bin
 smoothing by bin medians : In this method each bin value is
replaced by the bin median
 smoothing by bin boundaries: In this method the minimum
and maximum values in a given bin are identified as the bin
boundaries. Each bin value is then replaced by the closest
boundary value.
b) Regression:
 Data smoothing can also be done by regression, a technique
that conforms data values to a function.
 Linear regression involves finding the “best” line to fit two
attributes (or variables) so that one attribute can be used to
predict the other.
 Multiple linear regression is an extension of linear regression,
where more than two attributes are involved and the data are fit
to a multidimensional surface

c)Outlier analysis:
 Outliers may be detected by clustering, for example, where
similar values are organized into groups, or “clusters.”
 Intuitively, values that fall outside of the set of clusters may be
considered outliers
ii) Attribute construction : where new attributes are constructed and added
from the given set of attributes to help the mining process.
iii) Aggregation: where summary or aggregation operations are applied to the
data. For example, the daily sales data may be aggregated so as to compute monthly
and annual total amounts.

iv) Normalization : where the attribute data are scaled so as to fall within a smaller
range, such as −1.0 to 1.0, or 0.0 to 1.0.
There are many methods for data normalization . Some are
a) Min-max normalization:

Suppose that minA and maxA are the minimum and maximum values of an
attribute, A.
Min-max normalization maps a value, vi , of A to v!i in the range [new_minA,

b) z-score normalization (or zero-mean normalization):

C ) Normalization by decimal scaling : normalizes by moving the decimal point of values
of attribute A. The number of decimal points moved depends on the maximum absolute value
of A. A value, vi , of A is normalized to v!i by computing.

4a) Define dimensionality reduction

• Ans: In dimensionality reduction, data encoding or transformations are applied so as
to obtain a reduced or “compressed” representation of the original data.

4b) Describe the various phases in knowledge discovery process with a neat

KDD Process steps:

1) Data cleaning: Data cleaning process used to remove noise and inconsistent data
2) Data integration : In this process multiple data sources may be combined
3) Data selection : In this process data relevant to the analysis task are
retrieved from the database
4) Data transformation : In this process data are transformed or consolidated into
forms appropriate for mining by performing summary or aggregation operations.
5) Data mining : it is an essential process where intelligent methods are applied in
order to extract data patterns
6) Pattern evaluation : In this process to identify the truly interesting patterns
representing knowledge based on some interestingness measures
7) Knowledge presentation: In this process where visualization and knowledge
representation techniques are used to present the mined knowledge to the user

4c) What are the typical methods for Data Discretization and Concept
Hierarchy Generation?
Ans Data Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation:
• Data discretization: Data discretization techniques can be used to reduce the number
of values for a given continuous attribute by dividing the range of the attribute into
• Interval labels can then be used to replace actual data values.
• If the discretization process uses class information, then we say it is supervised
• Otherwise, it is unsupervised. If the process starts by first finding one or a few points
(called split points or cut points) to split the entire attribute range, and then repeats
this recursively on the resulting intervals

• Concept hierarchy :A concept hierarchy for a given numerical attribute defines a

discretization of the attribute.
• Concept hierarchies can be used to reduce the data by collecting and replacing low-
level concepts (such as numerical values for the attribute age) with higher-level
concepts (such as youth, middle-aged, or senior).
Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation for Numerical Data
• The following are methods for Data Discretization and Concept Hierarchy
i) Binning:
 Binning methods smooth a sorted data value by consulting its
neighborhood i.e. the values around it.
 The sorted values are distributed into a number of “buckets,” or
 smoothing by bin means:In this metho each value in a bin is
replaced by the mean value of the bin
 smoothing by bin medians : In this method each bin value is
replaced by the bin median
 smoothing by bin boundaries: In this method the minimum
and maximum values in a given bin are identified as the bin
boundaries. Each bin value is then replaced by the closest
boundary value.

ii) Histogram Analysis:

• A histogram for an attribute, A, partitions the data distribution of A into disjoint

subsets, or buckets.
• There are several partitioning rules, including the following:
• Equal-width: In an equal-width histogram, the width of each bucket range is uniform
(such as the width of $10 for the bucket)
• Equal-frequency (or equidepth): In an equal-frequency histogram, the buckets are
created so that, roughly, the frequency of each bucket is constant.
• V-Optimal: If we consider all of the possible histograms for a given number of
buckets, the V-Optimal histogram is the one with the least variance. Histogram
variance is a weighted sum of the original values that each bucket represents, where
bucket weight is equal to the number of values in the bucket.
• MaxDiff: In a MaxDiff histogram, we consider the difference between each pair of
adjacent values. A bucket boundary is established between each pair for pairs having
the β−1 largest differences, where β is the user-specified number of buckets.

iii)Cluster Analysis:
• Clustering techniques consider data tuples as objects.
• They partition the objects into groups or clusters, so that objects within a cluster are
“similar” to one another and “dissimilar” to objects in other clusters.
• Similarity is commonly defined in terms of how “close” the objects are in space,
based on a distance function.
• The “quality” of a cluster may be represented by its diameter, the maximum distance
between any two objects in the cluster.
• Centroid distance is an alternative measure of cluster quality and is defined as the
average distance of each cluster object from the cluster centroid

iv) Discretization by Intuitive Partitioning:

• Numerical ranges partitioned into relatively uniform, easy-to-read intervals that
appear intuitive or “natural.”
• For example, annual salaries broken into ranges like ($50,000, $60,000] are often
more desirable than ranges like ($51,263.98, $60,872.34]
• The 3-4-5 rule can be used to segment numerical data into relatively uniform,
naturalseeming intervals.
• In general, the rule partitions a given range of data into 3, 4, or 5 relatively equal-
width intervals, recursively and level by level, based on the value range at the most
significant digit.
• The rule is as follows:
• If an interval covers 3, 6, 7, or 9 distinct values at the most significant digit, then
partition the range into 3 intervals
• If it covers 2, 4, or 8 distinct values at the most significant digit, then partition the
range into 4 equal-width intervals.
• If it covers 1, 5, or 10 distinct values at the most significant digit, then partition the
range into 5 equal-width intervals
Concept Hierarchy Generation for Nominal Data(Categorical Data ):
• Categorical data are discrete data.
• Categorical attributes have a finite (but possibly large) number of distinct values, with
no ordering among the values.
• Examples include geographic location, job category, and item type.
• There are several methods for the generation of concept hierarchies for
categorical data.
• i) Specification of a partial ordering of attributes explicitly at the schema level by
users or experts:
• Concept hierarchies for nominal attributes or dimensions typically involve a group of
• A user or expert can easily define a concept hierarchy by specifying a partial or total
ordering of the attributes at the schema level.
• For example, suppose that a relational database contains the following group of
attributes: street, city, province or state, and country
• A hierarchy can be defined by specifying the total ordering among these attributes at
the schema level such as street < city < province or state < country.
• ii) Specification of a portion of a hierarchy by explicit data grouping:
• This is essentially the manual definition of a portion of a concept hierarchy
• In a large database, it is unrealistic to define an entire concept hierarchy by explicit
value enumeration.
• On the contrary, we can easily specify explicit groupings for a small portion of
intermediate-level data.
• For example, after specifying that province and country , form a hierarchy at the
schema level, a user could define some intermediate levels manually, such as
“{Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba} ⊂ prairies Canada” and “{British Columbia,
prairies Canada} ⊂ Western Canada.”
• iii) Specification of a set of attributes, but not of their partial ordering:
• A user may specify a set of attributes forming a concept hierarchy, but omit to
explicitly state their partial ordering.
• The system can then try to automatically generate the attribute ordering so as to
construct a meaningful concept hierarchy.
• iv)Specification of only a partial set of attributes:
• The user may have included only a small subset of the relevant attributes in the
hierarchy specification.
• For example, instead of including all of the hierarchically relevant attributes for
location, the user may have specified only street and city

5a) What is Data Binaryzation?

Ans: Binarization is the process of transforming data features of any entity into
vectors of binary numbers

5b) Explain about Data Mining Task primitives.

Ans: Data Mining Task primitives:
• A data mining task can be specified in the form of a data mining query, which is input
to the data mining system.
• A data mining query is defined in terms of data mining task primitives.
• The data mining primitives specify the following:
i) The set of task-relevant data to be mined:
• This specifies the portions of the database or the set of data in which the user is
• This includes the database attributes or data warehouse dimensions of interest
• ii)The kind of knowledge to be mined:
• This specifies the data mining functions to be performed, such as characterization,
discrimination, association or correlation analysis, classification, prediction,
clustering, outlier analysis, or evolution analysis.
• iii) The background knowledge to be used in the discovery process:
• This knowledge about the domain to be mined is useful for guiding the knowledge
discovery process and for evaluating the patterns found.
• Concept hierarchies are a popular form of background knowledge
iv)The interestingness measures and thresholds for pattern evaluation:
• They may be used to guide the mining process or, after discovery, to evaluate the
discovered patterns.
• Different kinds of knowledge may have different interestingness measures
v)The expected representation for visualizing the discovered patterns:
• This refers to the form in which discovered patterns are to be displayed, which may
include rules, tables, charts, graphs, decision trees, and cubes

5c) Explain briefly about Dimensionality Reduction.

Ans: Dimensionality Reduction
• In dimensionality reduction, data encoding or transformations are applied so as to
obtain a reduced or “compressed” representation of the original data.
• If the original data can be reconstructed from the compressed data without any loss of
information, the data reduction is called lossless.
There are two popular and effective methods of lossy dimensionality reduction: wavelet
transforms and principal components analysis
i)Wavelet Transforms
• The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is a linear signal processing technique that,
when applied to a data vector X, transforms it to a numerically different vector, Xi , of
wavelet coefficients.
• The two vectors are of the same length. When applying this technique to data
reduction, we consider each tuple as an n-dimensional data vector, that is, X =
(x1,x2,...,xn), depicting n measurements made on the tuple from n database attributes.

• A compressed approximation of the data can be retained by storing only a small

fraction of the strongest of the wavelet coefficients.
• The technique also works to remove noise without smoothing out the main features of
the data, making it effective for data cleaning as well
• There are several families of DWTs. Popular wavelet transforms include the Haar-2,
Daubechies-4, and Daubechies-6 transforms.
• The method is as follows:
a) The length, L, of the input data vector must be an integer power of 2. This
condition can be met by padding the data vector with zeros as necessary (L ≥ n).
b) Each transform involves applying two functions. The first applies some data
smoothing, such as a sum or weighted average. The second performs a weighted
difference, which acts to bring out the detailed features of the data.
The two functions are applied to pairs of data points in X, that is, to all pairs of
measurements (x2i ,x2i+1). This results in two sets of data of length L/2. In general,
these represent a smoothed or low-frequency version of the input data and the high
frequency content of it, respectively.
c)The two functions are recursively applied to the sets of data obtained in the previous
loop, until the resulting data sets obtained are of length 2.
d)Selected values from the data sets obtained in the above iterations are designated
the wavelet coefficients of the transformed data

ii) Principal Components Analysis

• Principal components analysis, or PCA , searches for k n-dimensional orthogonal
vectors that can best be used to represent the data, where k ≤ n.
• The original data are thus projected onto a much smaller space, resulting in
dimensionality reduction.
The basic procedure for PCA is as follows:
• The input data are normalized, so that each attribute falls within the same range. This
step helps ensure that attributes with large domains will not dominate attributes with
smaller domains
• PCA computes k orthonormal vectors that provide a basis for the normalized input
data. These are unit vectors that each point in a direction perpendicular to the others.
These vectors are referred to as the principal components. The input data are a linear
combination of the principal components.
• The principal components are sorted in order of decreasing “significance” or strength.
The principal components essentially serve as a new set of axes for the data,
providing important information about variance. That is, the sorted axes are such that
the first axis shows the most variance among the data, the second axis shows the next
highest variance, and so on.
• Because the components are sorted according to decreasing order of “significance,”
the size of the data can be reduced by eliminating the weaker components, that is,
those with low variance. Using the strongest principal components, it should be
possible to reconstruct a good approximation of the original data.
6a) What is Data Preprocessing?
Ans: Data preprocessing is a data mining technique which is used to transform the
raw data in a useful and efficient format

6b) Explain about data integration.

• Ans: Data integration combines data from sources into coherent data store.

• Data integration issues:

i) Entity Identification Problem:
- How can equivalent real-world entities from multiple data sources be matched up?
This is referred to as the entity identification problem.
-For example, how can the data analyst or the computer be sure that customer id in
one database and cust number in another refer to the same attribute?
-Examples of metadata for each attribute include the name, meaning, data type, and
range of values permitted for the attribute, and null rules for handling blank, zero or null
values .
-Such metadata can be used to help avoid errors in schema integration.

ii) Redundancy and Correlation Analysis:

-An attribute may be redundant if it can be “derived” from another attribute or set of
-Inconsistencies in attribute or dimension naming can also cause redundancies in the
resulting data set
-Some redundancies can be detected by correlation analysis. Given two attributes, such
analysis can measure how strongly one attribute implies the other, based on the available
-For nominal data, we use the χ 2 (chi-square) test. For numeric attributes, we can use the
correlation coefficient and covariance
iii) Tuple Duplication:
-In addition to detecting redundancies between attributes, duplication should also be
detected at the tuple level .
-The use of denormalized tables is another source of data redundancy.
-Inconsistencies often arise between various duplicates, due to inaccurate data entry or
updating some but not all data occurrences.

iv) Data Value Conflict Detection and Resolution:

-Data integration also involves the detection and resolution of data value conflicts.
-For example, for the same real-world entity, attribute values from different sources
may differ.
-For a hotel chain, the price of rooms in different cities may involve not only different
currencies but also different services (e.g., free breakfast) and taxes.

6c) Explain about Numerosity Reduction.


The numerosity reduction techniques are

i)Regression and Log-Linear Models
• Regression and log-linear models can be used to approximate the given data.
• linear regression, the data are modeled to fit a straight line,with the equation y = wx+b
• In the context of data mining, x and y are numerical database attributes. The
coefficients, wand b (called regression coefficients), specify the slope of the line and
the Y-intercept, respectively.
• Log-linear models approximate discrete multidimensional probability distributions.
• Given a set of tuples in n dimensions (e.g., described by n attributes), we can consider
each tuple as a point in an n-dimensional space.
• A histogram for an attribute, A, partitions the data distribution of A into disjoint
subsets, or buckets.
• There are several partitioning rules, including the following:
• Equal-width: In an equal-width histogram, the width of each bucket range is uniform
(such as the width of $10 for the bucket)
• Equal-frequency (or equidepth): In an equal-frequency histogram, the buckets are
created so that, roughly, the frequency of each bucket is constant.
• V-Optimal: If we consider all of the possible histograms for a given number of
buckets, the V-Optimal histogram is the one with the least variance. Histogram
variance is a weighted sum of the original values that each bucket represents, where
bucket weight is equal to the number of values in the bucket.
• MaxDiff: In a MaxDiff histogram, we consider the difference between each pair of
adjacent values. A bucket boundary is established between each pair for pairs having
the β−1 largest differences, where β is the user-specified number of buckets.

• Clustering techniques consider data tuples as objects.
• They partition the objects into groups or clusters, so that objects within a cluster are
“similar” to one another and “dissimilar” to objects in other clusters.
• Similarity is commonly defined in terms of how “close” the objects are in space,
based on a distance function.
• The “quality” of a cluster may be represented by its diameter, the maximum distance
between any two objects in the cluster.
• Centroid distance is an alternative measure of cluster quality and is defined as the
average distance of each cluster object from the cluster centroid
• Sampling can be used as a data reduction technique because it allows a large data set
to be represented by a much smaller random sample of the data.
• Suppose that a large data set, D, contains N tuples. Let’s look at the most common
ways that we could sample D for data reduction
• Simple random sample without replacement (SRSWOR) of size s: This is created
by drawing s of the N tuples from D (s < N), where the probability of drawing any
tuple in D is 1/N, that is, all tuples are equally likely to be sampled.
• Simple random sample with replacement (SRSWR) of size s: This is similar to
SRSWOR, except that each time a tuple is drawn from D, it is recorded and then
replaced. That is, after a tuple is drawn, it is placed back in D so that it may be drawn

• Cluster sample: If the tuples in D are grouped into M mutually disjoint “clusters,”
then an SRS of s clusters can be obtained, where s < M. For example, tuples in a
database are usually retrieved a page at a time, so that each page can be considered a
cluster. A reduced data representation can be obtained by applying, say, SRSWOR to
the pages, resulting in a cluster sample of the tuples
• Stratified sample: If D is divided into mutually disjoint parts called strata, a stratified
sample of D is generated by obtaining an SRS at each stratum.

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