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Edss 300m Lesson Plan Format

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The key takeaways of the lesson are finding the volume of real-world objects like cones, spheres, and hemispheres using geometric formulas.

The objective of the lesson is for students to be able to find the volume of any real-world object given the proper dimensions.

During guided practice, students will work in groups to complete a worksheet finding the volumes of sample objects. They will receive support from the teacher and each other to solve the problems correctly.


Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Geometry_ Grade:10 Lesson Topic: Finding the Volume of Real world objects

Name:_Jana Young______ ID#__009784669

Standards, Objectives, and Assessment

Common Core State Standard: CCSSM.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.MG.A.1 Use geometric shapes, their
measures, and their properties to describe objects (e., modeling a tree trunk or a human torso as a

Mathematical Practice Standard:

MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MP4: Modeling with mathematics

Lesson Objective: Students will use measurements of geometric shapes to find the volume of real world

By the end of the lesson, I would like students to be able to find the volume of any real world object
given the proper dimensions. I want them to be familiar with the volume and the correlation between the
measurements of the objects. I will know that students have met my objective by providing them with a
quick assessment which would be an exit problem for the day.

Pre-Lesson Planning
Learning Opportunities:
 Five Math Practices
 Think-Pair-Share

 Lesson Handout
 Document Camera
 Whiteboard & Markers
 Homework Handout
 Calculators

Prior Knowledge:
To form a foundation for introducing new concepts I would break down the formulas for a cone,
cylinder, hemisphere, and sphere. Students should already be familiar with vocabulary such as cone,
sphere, radius, diameter, height, and pi. Students should also be familiar with classifying three
dimensional shapes and relationship between sphere and hemisphere. Students will apply the formulas
and the vocabulary together to solve the problems.

Differentiated Instruction: What mathematical problems do you anticipate with this lesson? How are


you going to differentiate the lesson for all students, including English Language Learners (ELLs) and
students with disabilities?
 I will include sentence frames for English Language Learners (ELLs)
 I will include visual aids of cones, spheres, and hemispheres for students who learn visually. A
video explaining the lesson this will also be helpful for visual learners.
 I will pair a student who is struggling with someone who understands the material.

Lesson Steps
Focus Students’ Attention:
Time: 7 min
The following warm up question will be posted on the board:
Find the radius of a basketball given the volume 524 cm^3.
After you have found the radius, find the surface area.

 Give the students one minute to think about the question independently. Give them two
additional minutes to solve the problem.
 Give students one minute to discuss the answer with their peers.
 I will then instruct two students with two different solution methods to complete problem for the
class. (3 min)
 To manage student behavior, I would create a teaching routine that students will be familiar with.
This routine will include warm up, lesson, activity, exit problem. Having a clear process that
students can follow, will help with managing student behavior. I would also use the clapping
technique which is very effective (i.e. “Clap once if you can hear me”).

Launch and/or Teacher Model:

Time: 10 min
1. Read the standard and objective to the class. Also, I will make a correlation between the warm up
and today’s objective.
2. Pass out class worksheet Handout Finding Volume.
3. Draw each figure on the board (cone, sphere, hemisphere) with formulas. Explain to students the
figures and how it correlates with the worksheet.
4. Teachers will ask students to list real world objects that are three dimensional (i.e. box, cone).
5. Explain to students that I want them to compare the volume of the cone and the ice cream.


6. Give students one minute to think about the problem independently.

7. I will ask students to solve the problem with their peers while walking around and monitoring.

I would ask the following questions to support mathematical understanding.

 Did someone get a different answer?
 Can you draw a picture or model it for the class?
 How did you know that you are correct?
 What is the question asking?

Checking for Understanding: What strategies and/or activities are you going to use to determine
whether students are ready to do similar work on their own?
I will ask students to discuss with their peers for two minutes about what the problem is asking and how
to solve it. I will also answer any questions that students may have.

Guided Practice:
Time: 30 min
1. Students are given Handout 1: Finding Volume and will complete it in groups.
2. Ask students what question 1 asking? Write down the response on the sheet.
3. Draw the structures on the board for the class, so that students can see the problem visually.
4. Provide sentence structures for ELL students: The volume of the cone is ______. The volume of
the ice cream is _____. The volume of the cone is (greater than/less than) the volume of the cone.
5. Ask students to solve problem one by finding the volume of both the cone and the ice cream. Tell
them they can draw their own figure or use the figure provided on the whiteboard.
6. After 6 minutes, students will share their answers on the whiteboard and discuss with their peers.


7. Students will use the same procedures above to complete question number 2.

Ongoing Feedback:
 I will walk around and monitor the students to make sure that they are completing the problems
correctly. Tell students to also may attention to the units of the problem.

Formal/Informal Assessment: How will you determine whether students have mastered the objective?
Time: 6 min
1. I will have students complete an exit ticket.

You are at the movies and would like to buy popcorn. The two choices you have are:

1. A cone shaped bag 12 inches tall with a 12 inch diameter for $5.00
2. A sphere shaped container with a 12 inch diameter for $8.00

Which popcorn container will give you the most for your money?

2. They are to work on the problem independently for one minute. Students will then have two
minutes to discuss the answer with their peers. Two students will then demonstrate their work on
the board for the class. (3 min)
3. Students who finish early can start on the homework assignment.
4. Collect Exit Slips to review student’s work.



Time: 7
1. I will summarize the two formulas for the volume of cone and sphere.
2. I will also tell students about the many patterns I seen during the guided practice and some
common mistakes I observed.
3. Ask students to reflect with their peers about what did they learn, what would they like to know
more about.

Independent Practice: What independent practice activities will you provide for students to practice
what they have learned in class? Note: These activities assume that students understand the concept
well enough to work on their own.
Homework is assigned on the board each day after guided practice.

HW: Complete problems 1-25 on pgs. 58-59 in Geometry textbook.

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