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Prayer Requests 11:17:19 PDF

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First Last Prayer Requests

Name Name
Bethany Aglesworth For my family
Donna Amado I need God's help in dealing with anger towards my manager at work (the president of the company)who is an
abusive bully. All my attempts to heal our relationship have failed.
Josh Anderson The continued health of my sister during her pregnancy.
Will Awtry For a new job to be a blessing and to be able to use new influence in new coworkers lives and be a witness to them.
Amy Barr Our daughter's engagement. Business succession agreement finalized.
Janet Bartlett Please continue to pray for Josh, that God will continue to pursue him with truth and soften his heart to hear it.
Please pray for my sister JoLynn for encouragement as her daughter just attempted suicide for the fourth time and
my sister is realizing she can't stop it.
Mike Barton Our daughter, Kaylee, and college.
Eric Barton Please pray for my niece KayLee in college. Ex-wife's daughter turned away from Christ. Please pray for my ex-
wife, Danielle's daughter who has turned away from Christ, her name is Audrey.
Ashlee Beardslee Pray that God would bring more clients to Phillip's soccer business and that we would be content with where God
has brought his business thus far.
Dianne Beers Pray for our President, our Country. My unsaved friends. Pray for me to give my strength to finish the work God has
given me to do.
Aaron Bennett Growth in faith,marriage, communication. Trust in the lord.Family health
Jocelyn Berry Continued prayer for housing for Paul Berry.
Krista Best "Prayer for Joey learning to have a schedule with sleeping. Prayer for us as we are having interrupted sleep and
seeking to learn and love more about Joey.

Praise that God is still providing for all of our needs. Praise for this new facility and how we are still going to give
God all of the glory in everything. Thanks Doxa! "
Dan Biddle Pray that our Genesis Conference at Jessup goes strong next year.
Simon Blackburn Patience while God is working.
Michael Blair "Praise: Megan accepted a job at Kaiser Roseville. This will open the opportunity to go part time in the future.

Michael: Has officially applied to Edward Jones Investments to transition from being a CPA to a financial advisor.
Pray the Lord’s guidance as we walk this path. "
Matthew Boal That we will continue to grow in our faith and make community here at Doxa. To find support as we grow together
and continue to press through trials.
Kim Bratcher Mercy for my Dad with his dementia & parkinseons. Guidance for my Mom to seek help; God to use me as He sees
fit when I visit the next month. Thank you.
Eric Bratcher Please enable me to be a great husband this week, balancing workload with husbandly duties, and time to make my
wife feel as amazing as she is.
Pam Brekke Continue to pray for my son Daniel. For wisdom on medication (to the doctors and nurses and for the perfect rehab
TBI center to open up for him. And for me and my 2 daughters specifically for stress, etc. And to praise our Lord!
Sandy Briare Continued healing of my kids hearts and they would follow the Lord.
Dave Brown Marriage struggling
Jessica Brown To find new work soon! I miss working with kids and my current job is a really bad fit.
Gracie Brozdouno Lately I've been really stressed about college and grades. I'm a senior this year.

Lynsi Busch Wisdom, peace, God’s best in home buying.
Renee Caldie Praise God for bringing us this far as a church! He is so faithful! Prayer for rest and renewal for the the faithful,
hardworking servants who worked tirelessly to get the church building ready.
Tom Caldie My youngest daughter Sarah called me 2 minutes before church this morning to tell me she's in jail because of a
DUI last night. She needs Christ. Pray that His love and grace flow through me to her so she knows Him.
Barry Calfee Ashley is due in 5 days. Pray everything goes smoothly. Praise that Aaron starts his job Jan. 6, 2020.
Jared Callis For physical and mental health for my father. For continued grace and protection over our construction. For wisdom
in upcoming decisions.
Randy Carter That God would unveil Ryleighs eyes to his kingdom. Before the baby she carries is due in April!
Lauren Cho Wisdom, humility and boldness. Deeper love for and knowledge of God and his Word day by day. That God would
be glorified in my life as He sees fit. Unity in the church and spiritual awakening to the authority we have in Christ.
Cal Christense For my company EPI to get our financial backing finalized in 2019. For the pain to go away in my back and neck
n forever.
Alyssa Clark Continue to pray for Chloes health and relationship with college coach

Jayden Cosentino Prayers for my dad as he's looking for a new job and for the Lord to strengthen his faith during this time.
Teara Daniel Please pray for Dylan as he has had a rebellious attitude at home and school. Please pray that he will turn his heart
back to God. Please also pray for the struggles I am fighting deep in me.
Robin Davidson Doyle's health and pain. Lyle's blood clot. Carl's housing.
Kyle Davis A loved one battling depression.
Joel Dawson I am in the process of becoming a fire fighter. Things have been stressful and I have done something in my past that
has caught up to me and it may hinder my chances of my dream job. Urgent prayer, please.
Ian Dawson All good, just praise for the new building and so thankful for all you guys have done to lead our church here.
Michael De Witt Big week at work
Jessica Demasi Cousin's cancer and other little cousins autoimmune disease. That the sickness break their hearts open to growing
in Christ. Prayer for Thanksgiving trip to family.It would be a time of healing, love and patience.
Mike Denton Please pray for our marriage.
Michele Doyle Please pray for the salvation of for Tad, Eric, Kari, Bri and Katie. Pray that we would be a witness and testimony of
Christ as we visit our son Eric and Kari in Portland over Thanksgiving.
Gloria Doze Upcoming surgery on Nov. 27th. Praise for Christian friends.
Beth Dunnery Please pray for direction and wisdom, open and willing hearts for Brian and I as his job is unclear where God wants
Brian. Continued prayer for my parents salvation.
Kelley Dykstra Praying for Kelley's sales success in completing 2019 and that she trusts that God will be working through her.
Becky Eidsvoog For wisdom and clarity as Paul considers where God is leading him in his work and at his job--thank you!
Alyse Elmore Prayers for endurance, motivation and strength to be the wife, mother and woman that God is calling me to be.
Strength to endure while Matt is in the busiest stretch of work; prayers for wisdom as he is tired and missing his
family with long days and no days off.
Jessica Enright Please pray for us as we both will be traveling for work.
Maddie Ethridge Healing for my Uncle Tom. He is currently fighting cancer
April Evans Our marriage. For eyes to see my husband as a brother in Christ. Praise God for showing me my blindness,
expectations and sins in my heart & for His grace.
Jeff Fagerhaug For Beth and her students.
Kevin Findley Family overall and members living Long Beach and in Tulsa OK in particular.
Lisa Flores For my Mo's health, Tyler's heart, Haley's health and my patience and commitments to daily study.
Tara Frederick My prayer is that my fiance Aaron and I would continue to grow in our faith and become more and more rooted in
our beliefs and values and I pray that we would be strong and committed to our lifes vision and mission. I pray that
God would bless us so that we can give God all glory and bless others.
Clay Frederick Please pray with us for Dane and Tara to continue to follow God's plans.
Mike Frey That Doxa keeps our focus on our King and not our building. For clarity on where to serve. For Creekside Church
leadership and unity. For the lost.
Betsy L. Fried For Noah and Spencer to get help with their depression.
Melissa Gleason Health issues and peace
Georgette Goodrich Pray that my husband can change shifts and have Sundays off to come to church. ❤

Steven Gottschall Pray for sister Karen. Her cancer symptoms have returned. May or may not be the cancer, but she is scared that it
is. Also, pray for her salvation. Sister Sandra is deaf-blind and has dementia. Extremely depressed with anxiety.
Not saved as far as I know.
Molly Graves Please pray for our friend, Ashley, who has decided to stop coming to church and has completely hardened her
heart toward God and us. Prayer for our students this week.
Dennis Graves Praise God for His faithfulness.
Emily Grove Whatever you think is best
Randy Gustason Please pray for fertitily for Makenna as we continue to try to get pregnant with our second child and pray for
patience for both of us.
Erik Guy Baby is due on Thursday. Pray for a smooth delivery.
Eric Hafemann Wife Lindsey has been suffering with chronic migraine. Pray for her continued faith in suffering and healing, Thanks.
Kayley Halopoff Funds for my mission trip. And to finish out the semester with no debt.
Michael Hamilton Please pray for new job for me.
Rachel Hampton Please pray for some inter-relational conflicts in the house to be resolved.
Aaron Hampton Patience and guidance in leadership and our engagement. Give strength in trusting God and the wisdom to know
and apply His word in our lives daily.

Randy Hancock Please continue to pray for our daughter for wisdom, guidance and obedience to the Lord.
Marcus Hansen Patience, wisdom, guidance, Emilee's body.
Hal Hansen Pray for the local Bible School in Pakwach Uganda - it’s their 1st term. Along with all that goes with a new start up
pray they grow in Christ and in character and in their skills to minister.
Luther Harn Salvation for Kennedy and Brooklyn
Sheree Harrington Please pray for our family. Our house was in escrow for 2 months and just fell through, which also made our new
house fall through. Our family is heavily burdened right now as Donnie is not physically able to take care of our
property in Loomis anymore. Please pray God's perfect will and relief for us.
Ted Hayes Pray for continued commitment of our 2 married couples to Fri 6:30 small group and pray for each individual
continued spiritual growth.
Scott Hayes We will likely be hosting 9 and 11 year olds for the next month through Safe Refuge so you can pray for wisdom in
managing any challenges that arise and that these kids and their family are impacted by the gospel through this
experience. Also pray that we continue to grow in our own relationship with God through this experience.
Kirk Hedrick "The bone issue in my back has progressed into two more vertebrae (involving 5 now) but they still don't know what
'it' is. Prayer for a diagnosis soon. Pain still comes and goes.

Prayer for grandson Royer's eyesight and that his eyeglasses will help in that regard.

Our continuing witness to my parents, my sister and brother-in-law, that they would recognize their own sin and their
need for a Savior!"
Rachel Hill For God to open new job opportunities.
Chelsea Hirsch "Thank you. I worked in ministry for many years and that church became a large parting my family. Having to leave
due to life’s circumstances has left a void for a church family again. I feel like, after 10 years, I have found that
possibility again. My kids are excited to be here, which was not the case at our most recent church.

Thank you for making me feel like I’ve come home. "
Chelsea Hirsch "I am in need of an affordable house to rent. My kids and I have been in an apartment the last 10 years and they
need more room to live in. My only prayer is that it is w/in walking distance to Woodcreek High as two of my kids
have to walk themselves to and from school everyday.

Thank you"
Dustin Hobbs Potential job opportunity
Brenda Holcomb Please pray for Aaron my son, for his spiritual and physical health.
Erin Hollingshe Prayer for rest, sleep and health for all the people who worked so hard on getting everything ready for the new
ad building.
Donna Hopper Prayer for Monica & her pregnancy for healthy baby & health for her. Buddy, our cat, has pancretism. Pray for
healing or God's will.
Jon Horbaly School - attending William Jessup is a blessing but it's also expensive and hard to stay balanced.
Colin Hoyt Please pray for our last week before our wedding! Please pray for patience and grace as we deal with last minute
details and things that can and will go wrong!
Marc Hunter My mom Annette is having surgery on the 19th, pray that it’s not cancer please!
Rhonda Hunter "Pray for more people in our small group

Pray for our son Kevin for his health and healing. And that he would follow Christ "
Debbie Jaynes May God’s house be open and inviting to all Christ died for
Peggy Johnson Salvation of Eric, Ashley, Kaylie, and my brother David.
Hannah Johnson "My colleague’s (Erik) dad passed away on Thursday. I am seeking ways to practically minister to Erik and so desire
to be the hands and feet of Jesus to him and his family in this difficult time. I’m praying that God uses this season to
bring the gospel to Erik and save him! I’ve already had opportunity to practice hospitality and am looking for more
opportunities to do so and to talk to him about the Lord.

Also, there was a school shooting in Santa Clarita on Thursday, and I know people closely connected. Would you
please pray specifically for Jared and Beverly who know and live near the shooter’s family? They are seeking to care
for the boy’s mom and sister in the aftermath of this tragedy. Pray for the students and their families. Pray for the
churches in the area that are reaching out to support the community. Pray for the believers in the school and in the
area as they walk with the community through this difficult time and that the gospel would go forward and people
would be saved and God would be glorified!"
Lucy Jones Murphy's growth in the Lord. Peace over my grandmother (Grandfather's passing)
Mary Ann Jones Please pray for Dave's health. Pray his migraines will lessen. Please pray for our friend, Gary Coulter, post stroke;
that he will continue to gain mobility and strength. Praise God for Doxa
Brittany Kaighen Pray for sound sleep and rest for my coworkers and boss this week. What a blessing from the Lord this building is!
Thank You God for Doxa Church. May God be glorified by what is said and done in this place. Jesus thank You!
Brittany Kaighen Pray for sound sleep and rest for my coworkers and boss this week. What a blessing from the Lord this building is!
Thank you God for Doxa church. May God be glorified by what is said and done in this place.
Larry Kaighen Wisdom in the area of music
Heidi Kaulen Praise God for His faithfulness ...

Claire Kelleher Prayer to find Jesus in the busyness of life!
Anna Kelleher Please pray for me to be a kind and loving teacher, and to be presenting the Gospel in everything I do and so that
my students will encounter Christ.
Jeanne Kendall Pray for our daughter (single mom) and her three children- Important court hearings this coming Wednesday and
Ann Thursday (11/21 and 11/22).
Jayme Kniep For health and peace for Natasha and Rhye during midterms and exams. For a heart to serve others as faithfully as
my own family.
Priscilla Knowles Prayers for our Aunt rose who will be having surgery for her cancer. Guidance in careers.
Tom Kollen Praise the Lord for successful Mohs surgery, cancer is gone. Prayer for marriage; pray for behavior change.
Jessica Korsmo Praise the Lord-we have finally found a home and moved in this weekend! Grateful for what the Lord has provided
for our family.
Tyler Krieger "For the maturity of our small group to continue to grow.

For Monica to be healed from her concussion

For perseverance to finish the first half of the school year well"
Emma Kunkel Volleyball is about to start, school, work, brother, friends.
Donald La Barbera Health issues.
Mark Lam Health
Amy Lane Doxa to grow and bless others.....
Emma Lane Christian friends, success at school
Jordan Lawrence For my estranged wife and her hard heart. That she would let go of her anger. Also that she would let me see my
kids for the holidays. She hasn't responded to my requests to see them.
Taylor Lawrence Got some very hard financial news this past week. My entire families nest egg is gone.
Jay Lawrence Praise God for the new building! It's great! He is greater!
Cheryl Lee Safe travel home for my husband Bruce.
Carter Longacre I want a puppy really BAD! Please. PS I'm 11 years old.
Colin Longacre I pray for my family to move to a house.
Peggy Love Please pray for my son Kevin. He is in the Air Force and has been dealing with health issues. Due to the impact on
his job, he is now under medical review for early discharge which would have a huge impact on his family.
Jenna Lupse Prayer for our marriage. Navigating through life right now is difficult without being on each other butts. Praying for an
opportunity to get a full time RT position at kaiser. Hoping that happens soon as the Lord as opened up some doors
with some changes at work.
Bethany Macklin Pray God's peace would reign in our family members and for softened hearts to His will.
Mariah Macklin "Please pray for good time management and peace as I finish the semester. It’s overwhelming. Im a bit behind
because I couldn’t focus last week cause of heartbreak. I also need a job. I’m very stressed.

God’s recently reminded me of what true repentance is after several years of “keeping myself in check” through
condemnation. My heart finally seems to be softening to the gospel and the gravity of my own sin. This happened
last night and this morning so it’s still fresh but I feel happier than I have in a long time. It’s making me view my pain
and others differently. Please pray that He would make Himself clear to me through the gospel rather than focus on
my own pain or doubts. "
Sharon Matranga Pray that the Lord God keep working in our marriage; That He softens hearts, provides wisdom and understanding.
Lucas Maughan Finding the right home. Keep strong in new job and find a second store.
Mickey Maxey The upcoming holidays as we are missing Rob
Sharon McMillan Strength and faith doing a difficult life transition
John Mead For our son Spencer battling depression.
Moses Mendoza Thank you for the reminder that God has been so kind to us. Please pray for my 23 year old son, Phillip,that God
draw him to repentance and fill him with His love, joy and peace.
Moses Mendoza Thank the Lord for all the hard work everyone did to prepare the new building. It is beautiful!
Holly Micheff For stamina and focus at my new job in the hospital. For faith and ongoing hope for God's plans for me and my
Dylan Milburn Continued growth as a family & our relationship with the Lord
Valory Mitchell Please pray for my daughter and daughter in law that their friendship will be restored. Also please pray for my sister
and her family. Her husband lost his job and they are having a very difficult time. Thank you.
Andrew Moss Prayers for where we should serve in the new churches (Olivia and I)

Paul Mueller Please pray for Natalie and Randy Hays who are having a difficult time in their marriage.
Grace Mueller Pray for my aunt Kerry who is still battling MS and also for my mom's coworker who is battling cancer.
Jessica Muffett Continued prayers for a new home as of 11/30. One that is great, that it will work out and we will find out asap, as
we're getting really close to the move-our date.
Manoah Muñoz For career decisions, for guidance in knowing what choice to make.
Manoah Muñoz Please pray for Robby that the Lord will give the perfect job
Kevin Nelson "That God continues to be with my brother even in his struggle of trying to trust Gods word of truth and life.

Thank you guys for always praying and standing in the gap with me as I reach out to the Lord. I truly appreciate you
all "
Mark Neumann For healing of my daughter Ana’s bulged disc.
Andrew Nielsen Been dealing with some anger recently. I think rooted in idolatry. Also be praying for my roommates. That I would
love and care for them well. Be praying for Ryo, Yamato, and Yuichi. International Students from Japan. Also
Slade, Tammim, and Courtney. International students in Sydney that I'm looking forward to seeing again this
Katie Nolan Continued prayer for training for our connection card team.
Corinne Odineal Please pray for the following whom I am praying for salvation: Terri (works for me), Susan (my fellow Dr. friend), Liz
(works for me), Stephen (homeless, struggling with schizophrenia, spiritual struggle).
Reuben Odnoralov I am leaving a church I've attended for 10 years and ask for prayers over that transition.
Karl Oettle Wisdom regarding business decision. Thx.
Jane Park Praise: for God to have worked His way through a confusing season of life - new job! And that he's given me the
perspective to be thankful despite my own struggles. Prayer: to not lose my fire in Him, to continue to cling onto Him
no matter how difficult life will get. That I will never lose sight of Him.
Dianne Petrilla Ralph balancing time with caring for his parents and time with boys. Please continue praying for our boys, their walk
with Christ.
Eileen A. Pietz Revival in me, our community and our country.
John Powell Please pray for my son who is struggling with PTSD and challenges as he tries to be independent and face the
stresses dropped on him.
Joshua Pringle I'm still getting settled in Northern CA and finding a home church family. Pray I can get settled and find a church to
fit my needs.
Martha Reeves For Liz, our neighbor coming to Doxa first time. Healing for much hurt
Mark Retzlaff Prayer for my family in the loss of my mother. For unsaved family members. Tom & Tiffany, brother & sister-in-law,
salvation. Praising to a six-year answered prayer in this wonderful building.
Brielle Reynolds My boyfriend Austin has been coming to church and small group with me but is used to a more traditional church.
He’s nervous about the new building and it being further away. I’m super stoked for the new building and to see
what God has for us. That said prayers for softening his heart and welcoming him into our church home would be
Ethan Reynolds I pray for a hunger for the Word. If don't know what the bible has to say how can I begin to defend it or use it as my
armor against the spiritual warfare that is happening daily.
Megan Rickabaug PTL we are still pregnant (18 weeks) and everything is still going well. We see the perinatologist this week and are
h praying for positive assessment and continue healthy pregnancy and baby.
Chris Ritter Praising God for this building that he has generously provided us for his glory! Praying that our staff is able to
continue getting all things done that are needed so we serve the Lord and his people well.
Jonathan Romeo People will continue to attend Doxa and not be discouraged by the distance. For my mother to have a passion for
the truth of the Gospel.
Max Rothley Continued prayers for my pain levels and more importantly that God would continue to grow me into the spiritual
leader He has called me to be.
Zach Ryan Business planning for the year ahead, parenting
Donna Sanders Lyn- divorce to be finalized. House is in escrow - Thank you God. Jason be rescued!
Ashley Sanders Wisdom and courage in my relationship with colleagues, especially in regard to my testimony.
Roberto Sandez On *****Tuesday I will be undergoing surgery to re-break my arm so that it can be set correctly. I will be out of work
for at least one month.
Marissa Santos My mother's health.
Anna Sewell Pray for my brother Andrew, in recovery w/alcoholism.
Sharon Sheffield Please pray for a new job for me.
Stephanie Siau Wisdom teeth surgery Friday. Choosing the right college.
Chandra Smith Continue to keep our family in prayer during this season life. That our girls will move closer to Jesus daily.

Janice Smith Please pray for my mom Sherry to be provided for as she has dementia and has shut out all her family and hasn't
any friends and lives alone with cancer.
Laura Spiro Amber: healthy pregnancy, healthy baby Shepherd. Upcoming travel for Mike and me to Spokane to visit Bobbie
and Sam.
Michael Spiro Sr Michael's eye be healed. Lord heal Ann Tolbert from her cancer so she can go on to the next step of healing. Thank
Brianna Stevens Please pray for hearts in our immediate family to change and love the Lord. That the Lord would call them to
Himself ad their hearts would miraculously change. Safe pregnancy and home birth (in March)
Paul Stordahl Please continue praying for Charmaine and Joshua.
Angie Sturdevant National Merit Scholarship finalist, college selection degree declaration for Lani. job path for me. Thankful for all your
blessings, Jesus.
Diana Sturdivant Wow-such a huge praise; so very thankful for all you do. I will ask for prayer, I lost my dog, she was my heart. I am
so crushed-it's just that she was all I had.
Karissa Urke I'm going to Eastern Europe with Jessup through Global Outreach!! I'm praising the Lord that I got placed on a team
and now I'm praying for the team and that we would serve God and keep our eyes focused on God, the entire
reason we are going!
Mary Utterback Please pray that my brother Michael would be brought to his knees and come back to Jesus his Lord and Savior.
Rebecca Utterback Please pray for family members healing....spiritual, mental, physical & emotional. Thank you!
Aaron Vandenber Friend John Burke's surgery to remove cancer on Nov 20. They are removing part of liver; will be following up with
g radiation for the tumors too dangerous to remove.
Emilee Vanderkooi For my family to be safe over the weekend and for guidance after school.
David Wang For discipling our children well, giving the results to God.
Donna Warren Continued direction on if we move (in town) or stay in our new home.
Alice Weast Praise for today!!
Heidi Weiss Praying for God's guidance in our decision to move to Houston.
Chase Wells Please pray for my income to be sufficient to out weigh my bills.
Victoria Wilkins For my body to receive healing. For consistency and perseverance. For me to do well in school this semester and
continue to be in God's will for my life.
Tim Willette Future move of family next year out of state. God's wisdom and direction.
Lauren Williams Find the joy in the trials
Andrew Wilmarth To trust the Lord. And to be patient with people. To be faithful with school.
Gabriel Wilmarth Perseverance
Monica Wroblicky Please pray for God's direction in my life as it pertains to a job.
Deborah Wronn Gary & Sarah Bender-He is suffering renal failure. Will & Terri Haney-He is recovering from liver transplant. Brian &
Donna-He has been battling brain cancer. Thank You!
Ashley Yung Peace as competition results come out. Endurance for many more college apps. Know how to handle friendships.
To have Joy!

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