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Restoration: The Heartbeat of God
Restoration: The Heartbeat of God
Restoration: The Heartbeat of God
Ebook231 pages2 hours

Restoration: The Heartbeat of God

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We do not necessarily flourish where we were planted. Therefore, we must go to the right place and to people who are willing to pursue restoration with us as well as within us.

If you are wondering if this is possible, some personal, Biblical, and historical examples showcase how this can not only be achieved but reproduced. Chaplain Wade Jensen shows how these examples can serve as a blueprint so you, too, can achieve restoration.

God is a master builder and rebuilder. No matter how broken the pieces are, God can heal wounds and restore you so you are better than before.

In fact, God’s purpose for restoration extends to every person, both to the offender and the offended. When we pay attention to God’s Word, the ensuing restoration can transform everything—from a mindset to a community.

Restoration can be time-consuming and even painful, but it will bring you closer to the Lord, your dreams, and a meaningful life. It takes a dreamer to restore a dreamer.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 26, 2021
Restoration: The Heartbeat of God

Wade Jensen M. Div.

Wade Jensen was born in Wyoming and served in the Army from 1987 to 1991. While attending University of Wyoming, he experienced an encounter with Christ serving as president of a fraternity in 1993. He met his wife, Heather, at the Toronto Airport Church in 1999, and they have three children. He earned his Master of Divinity in 2005 and has served as a chaplain in the medical community and Air Force Reserves and is currently a chaplain in the Air National Guard. He is also the author of The Pathological Grieving of America: Overcoming Grief on a Personal, Corporate, and National Scale.

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    Restoration - Wade Jensen M. Div.

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    Chapter 1 It Started with a Cut

    Chapter 2 The Foundation for Restoration

    Chapter 3 The Widow’s Wonder

    Chapter 4 A Tale of Friends and the Convergence of Kings

    Chapter 5 The Spiritual Thing to Do

    Chapter 6 The Paradox of Restoration

    Chapter 7 Restoration in a New Generation

    Chapter 8 Restoration of a Vision

    Chapter 9 Restoration of a City

    Chapter 10 Restoration of a Nation

    Chapter 11 The Restoration Reformation

    Chapter 12 Where Do We Go from Here?





    The views expressed in this book are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Air Force. Additionally, the views do not reflect any position of the International Church of the Foursquare Church or any other entity, but are the author’s alone.

    No information in this book should be considered as counseling or legal advice. Your reliance upon information and content obtained by you at or through this publication is solely at your own risk. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to you, other persons, or property arising from any use of any product, information, idea, or instruction contained in the content or services provided to you through this book. Reliance upon information contained in this material is solely at the reader’s own risk.


    To my parents, Jack and Diane Jensen. You have overcome a number of obstacles and circumstances in your life. I honor you as two of the best examples of what faith, perseverance, and forgiveness can lead to in a person’s life. Long before there was a little ditty about Jack and Diane, you committed to a life that was not easy but fulfilling.¹ You had six children raised with your values and have created a legacy all of us hope to pass down to the following generations. Love never fails, and neither does God.²


    Part of courage is knowing and believing that failures can be restored into successes. Knowing God can and does restore things shows His lovingkindness toward us all. Restoration gives us hope that things that were bad can be better in the future. Wade Jensen’s book, Restoration: The Heartbeat of God, outlines for all of us just what restoration entails. It provides hope that things can be better, but Wade goes far beyond the personal level of restoring one’s life and discusses churches, businesses, communities, states, and national levels of restoration. Even one person can change the negative trajectory toward a prosperous one. Jensen shows that while restoration can be instantaneous for one person, sometimes that restoration can take much longer as the vision of change is owned by others. Wade shows that with God, He is never late to His plan. We sometimes can be too early, but if we pause and listen to God, we’ll line up with his timetable and arrive when He wants things to be restored.

    Kevin Cullis

    Author of HWJDB How Would Jesus Do Business? and Wisdom, Work, Wealth: Find God’s Purpose For Your Prosperity through Side Gigs, Startups, and Entrepreneurship

    International Speaker on Biblical Entrepreneurship.

    Having known Wade for many years, it never surprises me when he writes something that is truly straight from the Father’s heart. This book really captures how important restoration is to God. I believe that his insight is from the incredible relationship he has with his Heavenly Father. The timing of this book is spot on with what God is seeking for his children in this moment. If we want restoration in our personal lives, in the church, and in the nations of the world, it must be through divine order. Wade will help direct you to God’s heart of restoration for you and your family. Enjoy the journey.

    Pastor/Apostle Joshua Griffin

    The Filling Station - Wellington Co.

    Wade Jensen is a man on fire, the very fire of God that burns in the eyes of Jesus to see people, cities, and nations restored. I once heard someone say that restoration is, a returning to the original condition in the original position for the original purpose. That almost sounds too good to be true, especially if you need restoration! If you feel you are too far gone for God to restore you, this book is for you. If you believe the nation you live in is too far gone for God to bring restoration, this book is for you. I dare you to read this book and not only be restored, but join the paraclete people!

    Brent Parker

    Lead Pastor, The Gate

    Wade Jensen understands the Heartbeat of God like very few people that I know. His search for God started over twenty years ago and has never lessened at all. He has an understanding and knowledge of Scripture that will both challenge you and create hunger in you for more.

    Everyone needs to feel the Heartbeat of God. Let Wade take you to it. He walks there and will help you walk there too. Meeting Wade will change your life forever, but knowing him isn’t his objective. Knowing God in a very personal, relational way is what Wade wants for you. Let your heart be drawn to God as you read the pages of this book.

    Tony Portera

    Pastor of The Potter’s House

    LaBarge, Wyoming

    If you’re searching for practical resource for your life or your ministry, this book is for you. In Restoration: The Heartbeat of God, Wade passionately shares that restoration leads to fulfillment. He highlights that while we live in a broken world, God desires to see all things - including you and me - restored.

    Jeremy A. Sparks

    Hall of Fame Cowboy & Author, Go West - 10 Principles That Guided My Cowboy Journey - 2018 Christian Indie Book of the Year


    Without question, the first one I want to thank is God for rescuing me and restoring me to the proper path of life through Jesus, who has kept His promises through every step of my life. I praise Him for the Holy Spirit to pour out the insight and creativity to get this book produced. After huge setbacks, God demonstrated His ability to restore things I had not believed were possible at the time. I cannot fully express His faithfulness without producing another book!

    I want to thank my wife, Heather, who has modeled both grace and restoration on a level going beyond human capacity. I also married above my pay grade and have someone gifted in English comprehension, able to make a book go from good to great. Through her encouragement and telling me to write the thing, along with giving me space to create, this work is now coming to fruition four years after I started transforming this idea of restoration into a practical and tangible format anyone can follow. My children earned my thanks by praying me through to finishing. They gave up some playtime so I could get this book out at this crucial time in our culture.

    I wish to thank my parents, Jack and Diane, for demonstrating what perseverance is and how restoration can be walked out, even in a marriage. I am grateful God worked through miraculous timing and ways to bring freedom. Along with my parents, I have been blessed with five siblings and I appreciate you all. And thanks to my marriage and our close church relationship, Roger and Clara Stevens have been present for the entire family more often than I can count. Their example to the body of Christ has made news in heaven. I must also mention Ed and Glenda Espinoza, who have been instrumental in my faith becoming a reality. Thank you, Ed, for leading me to Christ and being available at pivotal moments in my life.

    I must recognize some key people who helped restore me after some significant upheaval. Janice Seney, who went to be with the Lord in 2019, gave me a prophetic word in 1995, which has stuck with me for the last twenty-five years, and she happened to be present at critical junctures in my life up until three months before she passed away. Pastors Brent and Tani Parker were instrumental in getting me on my road to destiny. The pun is intentional, as it’s the name of the church they pastored for more than twenty years. Through Janice Seney and the Parkers, I was led to the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, which I have appreciated greatly.

    Mark and Mona Hirsch, who owned the Christian bookstore in Rapid City when we lived there, gave sage advice, keeping me on the path of life. Mark stated, You will be a leader, and you will not be perfect. The grace you give now will be the grace you receive later. Nearly twenty years later, I cannot mention how many times this has been true. Bob and Cheria Guier, through Restoring the Foundations (RTF) Ministry, executed a thorough overhaul over a Christmas break to fit my wife and me in their schedule. Bob has mentored me in so many ways over the last twenty-five years. His friendship, humor, and authenticity have been priceless. My five-fold friend, John McDowell, has been there for my greatest triumphs and knows the deepest wounds I have ever experienced. I have appreciated our lasting friendship over the decades now.

    I have been with some key leaders who shaped me as a disciple of Christ. First, Pastors Tony and Gwenette Portera in LaBarge, Wyoming, allowed some mentoring to happen, and most people would do well to follow their example. Pastor Tony said that he could teach me everything he knew in ten minutes, but the learning has continued for more than twenty-five years. Pastor J.R. and Yvonne Polhemus treated us like family. I am thankful for their love, encouragement, and support from before my Iraq deployment to a transition we did not see coming. Pastors Joshua and Jennifer Griffin affirmed the gifts and talents of our entire family! Their view of leadership and how the Body of Christ works must spread like wildfire, and I am glad God had our paths intersect. My mentor in Cheyenne, Pastor Bill Curran, has been the primary motivator for me to write, following my wife. He did not accept excuses and was willing to give the left boot of correction, free of charge. Even at age eighty-seven at the time, he was quite effective.

    I am grateful for God placing my family and me in the same place as Mike and Jody Skinner. I am truly thankful for a connection in Iraq, leading me to the right editor for this work. Jody ensured every smidgen mattered. Additionally, Kevin Cullis delivered helpful insight into making the final version of this book even better. I want to thank David Morrell, who took the time to visit with me in Iraq to encourage me to pursue writing. I want to thank Dr. Douglas Groothuis for all his books, his teaching, and his insight.

    I want to thank Rick Joyner for discussing restoration with Rev. Jim Bakker after purchasing the Heritage Property in Fort Mill, South Carolina. That particular episode of The Jim Bakker Show, along with my personal and professional experience, ignited the ideas for this book.

    Finally, I would like to thank all of the staff at Westbow Press in their diligence in helping to get this book out in its final form. In particular, I wish to thank Leandra Drummy who was always the faithful one I could count on, even in the midst of the COVID conditions. And to all the others behind the scenes who I have not mentioned, know that God witnessed your partnership and support even if I did not mention it here. With your assistance, the seeds of restoration will hopefully become a reality.


    What would a template for restoration look like if you could create it? Would you begin with a simple graphic design or have a ten-thousand-word written plan that lays out the details? Whether simple or complicated, no one has perfected the art of restoration, at least not from a human perspective. However, everyone loves seeing a restored car, a restored house, or a restored piece of antique furniture. Within our framework, something deep within appreciates the restoration process.

    When it comes to restoring something that was lost, can we ever get it back? Can we get the person back? How can we get back on the track of wholeness? What does authentic restoration look like to us? Things can be restored to us, but does that change our heart condition? This book is for people who want to not only restore what was lost but also hold to the higher expectation that God’s desire is for a complete restoration, which we will see.³ The point is to help people realize God is a good God and not the author of confusion.⁴ If our hearts can be disciplined so that a confident expectation can be reprogrammed into us, then we may observe a restoration process occur within our own lives.

    Besides restoring something lost, God has four areas of focus where He wants to see us all achieve

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