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S.Y. B. Com. Sem- 3

Human Recourse Management
Unit 1
1. HRM is following in the nature:
a) Preventive
b) Curative
c) Combative
d) None of the above.

2. HRM emphasis on open-ended contracts.

a) True.
b) False.

3. “Well-experienced, imaginative and sincere employees are the most valuable assets of
a business”. This is remarked by:
a) Shri Lion C. Megginson.
b) Shri J.R.D. Tata.
c) Shri Prof.Rao.
d) Robert Owen

4. The term Personnel Management is used in which sense?

a) Wide sense.
b) Limited sense.
c) Both (a) and (b).

5. Personnel Management is:

a) Not people oriented
b) People oriented
c) Business oriented.
d) None of the above.

6. _____________ is an integral part of the overall planning of any business unit.

7. Importance of HRM doesn’t include:

a) Raises Morale.
b) Discipline Maintenance.
c) Integration.
d) Raises the prestige of company.

8. HRM includes following functions:

a) Managerial Functions
b) Operative Functions
c) Both
d) None of the above.
9. In absence of the ______________, employees may not be available in a sufficient
number or there may be overstaffing:
a) HRM.
b) Personnel Management.
c) Recruitment.
d) Human Resource Planning.

10. According to _____________, “Human resource planning includes forecasting,

developing, controlling and appointing right people at right place economically”.
a) Gordon Mcbeath
b) A.R. Smith
c) R.F.A. Hopes
d) Geisler

11. Human resource planning deals on the basis of:

a) National level.
b) At firm level.
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) International level.

12. The process of forecasting demand and supply of right number and type of people is
called ___________.
a) Recruitment
b) Selection
c) Procurement
d) Human resource planning

13. Procedure of job analysis does not include:

a) Type of information to be collected:
b) Determining Objectives.
c) Taking decisions.
d) Collecting data.

14. Time and money will be saved to a large if the employees themselves write down to a
a) True.
b) False.

15. Conducting interview with workers by specialised job analysts is:

a) More expensive method.
b) Less expensive method.
c) Doesn’t make much difference.
d) None of the above.
16. The checklist method is appropriate for which type of organisation:
a) Large organisation
b) Small organisation
c) Medium organisation
d) Company form of organisation.

17. The following method for procedure of job analysis is time consuming:
a) Checklist.
b) Technical Conference.
c) Diary.
d) Interview.

18. Advantages of job analysis includes:

a) Cordial employer employee relations.
b) Cost of production reduced.
c) Promotion and transfer
d) Development of employees.

19. ____________ is a opposite term to maintaining:

a) Terminating.
b) Procuring
c) Retaining
d) None

20. The ___________ philosophy believes that the human beings are valuable assets of
the company.
a) Personnel management
b) Human resource management
c) Both
d) Human resource planning

21. The scope of HRM doesn’t include:

a) Acquisition.
b) Organising
c) Control
d) Development.

22. Work study cannot be used in which of the following situation:

a) When it is possible to measure work.
b) When it is possible to set standards.
c) When job methods do not change frequently.
d) When job methods do change frequently.

23. When speedy decision is demanded, Delphi Technique is appropriate:

a) True
b) False.

24. The audits of managers are called ________________.

Ans: Management Inventories.

25. If adequate labour is not available from internal sources, the manager must try to tap
the ____________.

Ans: External sources

Unit 2
1. In panel interview there is committee of interview from different area or division.
2. Recruitment helps the firm,
(a) To attract highly qualified and complete people
(b) To create more culturally diverse workforce
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
3. Few internal factors that affect the recruitment process are,
(a) Policy of recruitment
(b) Growth and expansion
(c) Cost of recruitment
(d) All of the above
4. Following external factors affect the recruitment process are,
(a) Labour market
(b) Companies image
(c) Political and legal aspect
(d) All of the above
5. Recruitment is the process of searching proper employee.
6. Selection is a process of choosing the most suitable person out of the application.
7. Recruiting the person from rival firm is known as poaching or raiding.
8. Following is the test for selection,
(a) Psychomotor test
(b) Personality test
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
9. Developing and exploiting the individual’s capability for professional growth is
known as human resources management.
10. Multi-disciplinary combination helps the development of human in different area.
11. Following can be the type of orientation programmes,
(a) Informal and formal
(b) Serial and disjunctive
(c) Individual and collective
(d) All of the above
12. Following is/are the types of informal orientation;
(a) Supervisory System
(b) Buddy/ Sponsor system
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above
13. Performance appraisal means a systematic evaluation of an employee’s
14. Monetary rewards is an important technique of human resource development.
15. Investiture orientation seeks to retify usefulness of characteristics that the person
brings to the new job.
16. Divestiture orientation seeks to make certain modification in the characteristics of
new hire, even if such person was selected based on his or her potential for
17. Quality circle is a small group of employee in the same work area voluntary.
18. Orientation is a process for providing new employees with basic information about
the organization. - True
19. ‘Hallo effect’ is a characteristic, which changes the decision of interview. - True
20. The participants of one-to one interviews are,
(a) Interviewer (b) Interviewee (c) Both a & b (d) None of the above
21. Psychomotor abilities include,
(a) Finger efficiency
(b) Manual proficiency
(c) Arm hand steadiness
(d) All of the above
22. Performance appraisal is a technique of human resource development.
23. Most popular method of recruitment is advertising. - True
24. Graphology technique of selection is first used by French Pries Jean – Hippolyte
Michon in 1830.
25. Interviewing is most widely used tool in selection procedure.

Unit - 3
1. Training is an art of increasing the Knowledge and Skill of a worker.
(a) Salary and Knowledge
(b) Skill and benefits
(c) Knowledge and Skill
(d) None of the above
2. Induction Training is to introduce a new employee to the organization.
(a) Induction Training
(b) Job Training
(c) Promotion Training
(d) Refresher Training
3. Under case study method Actual Cases are assigned to the candidates for written
analysis or for oral diacussion.
(a) Jobs
(b) Actual
(c) Promotio
(d) None of the above
4. Under On-the-job method, a new employee is put on a Machine or a Job under
the guidance of an instructor.
(a) Apprentice Method
(b) On-The-Job Method
(c) Vestibule Method
(d) None of the above
5. Lecture and Confrence method is a type of Off-The-Job Method.
(a) On-the-job method
(b) Off-the-job method
(c) Bothe a and b
(d) None of the above
6. Job design is designing of job keeping in view the Human Approach.
(a) Professional Approach
(b) Business Approach
(c) Human Approach
(d) None of the above
7. Job Enlargement is the Horizontal expansion of Job.
(a) Vertical
(b) Horizontal
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of the above
8. Under Job Enrichment it is Vertical expansion of Job.
(a) Job Rotation
(b) Job Enlargement
(c) Job Enrichment
(d) None of the above
9. From the following which one is not On-the-job method.
(a) Coaching
(b) Job Rotation
(c) Under Study assignment
(d) Sensitivity Training
10. From the following which one is not Off-the-job method.
(a) Lectures
(b) Role Playing
(c) In-basket exercise
(d) Coaching
11. From the following, indicate the training programmes on the basis of types of
(a) Training of worker
(b) Training of Supervisor
(c) Training of Executive
(d) All of the above
12. From the following which one is not the advantages of Job Enrichment.
(a) Job is diversified
(b) Overall cost is reduced
(c) Flexibility in doing work
(d) All of the above
13. Job Designing involves conscious efforts to organize tasks, duties and
responsibilities into a unit of work.
14. This Role-Playing method was originally developed by J.L.Moreno for group
therapy for metally disturbed people.
15. Transactional analysis developed by Eric Berne and popularized by Thomas
16. Sensitivity analysis is also known as laboratory or T-group training.
17. In Basket Exercise is also known as In-Tray method.
18. Case study method was originally devised to teach law and medical science.

19. Training within industry was widely used by the American Army during the
period of Second World War.
20. Understudy Assignment is the method in which trainee is placed under a person
proficient in the job and learns by observing that person.
21. Apprentice training method is used to give sufficient knowledge and skill of
craft, so that the trainee becomes proficient in his trade.
22. Under Vestibule Method new worker are trained for specific jobs on special
machines and equipments in a separate room located in the workshop itself.
23. Autonomous and Self Directed Team is an intact group of employee who are
responsible for a “whole” work process or segment that delivers a product or
service to an internal or external customer.
24. Job training is given to worker to get him acquainted with all aspects of the job
that has to perform.
25. Refresher training must be arranged frequently to acquaint the present employee
with the new knowledge, new methods and also to refresh the old knowledge.
Unit 4
1. From the following which are the concept of wages.
(a) Minimum Wage
(b) Fair Wage
(c) Living wage
(d) All of the above
2. As per the provision of Factory Act the workers are classified in following ways.
(a) Adult
(b) Adolescent
(c) Young person
(d) All of the above
3. Following are the types of separation .
(a) Lay off
(b) Retrenchment
(c) Resignation
(d) All of the above
4. The concept of M.B.O. popularized by Peter Drucker in the year of 1954.
5. The concept of M.B.O. was popularized in Peter Drucker book, “The Practice of
6. Forced choice method was developed at the close of world was II by a group of
industrial psychologists.
7. 360 degree Appraisal was first developed by General Electronic company in the
year of 1992.
8. Job Evaluation is a technique used to establish relative worth of jobs in a job
9. Lay Off implies denial of employment to the employees for reasons beyond the
control of employer.
(a) Lay Off
(b) Retrenchment
(c) Resignation
(d) Retirement
10. Basis of promotion in an organization are Seniority and Merit (ability).

11. Promotion, Demotion, Transfer and Dismissal are changes in employee position.
12. Employee are shifted from lower to higher category is a Vertical Type of
13. Employee is shifted in the same category is a Horizontal Type of Promotion.
14. Promotion in view point of post and not in view point of remmunaration is a type
of Dry Promotion.
15. The concept of living wage meant be linked with economic condition of the
16. Higher Status with responsibility is known as Promotion.
17. Performance appraisal is Compulsary Conduct. (True/ False)
18. Job Evaluation is voluntary conduct. (True/ False)
19. Evaluation of performance appraisal is before/ after the employee is hired for
20. Hazardous Process is a process of an industry specified in Schedule I of the Act.
It is a process in which material used causes harm to the health of the workers or
it results in the pollution of the general environment.
21. Occupier of a factory means the person who has ultimate control over the affairs
of the factory.
22. Job Rotation is also known as Versatility Transfer.
23. Remedial transfers are also known as Personal Transfer because such transfer
are done at the request of employees.
24. When employees of an organization get an option from its organization to retire
before superannuation, then it is said Voluntary Retirement.
25. Resignation is termination of service at the request of the employee.

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