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Low Power Shift and Add Multiplier Design: June 2010

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Low Power Shift and Add Multiplier Design

Article · June 2010

DOI: 10.5121/ijcsit.2010.2302 · Source: arXiv

15 742

3 authors, including:

C. N. Marimuthu
Nandha Engineering College


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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 3, June 2010


C. N.Marimuthu1, Dr. P. Thangaraj2, Aswathy Ramesan3

Professor & Head / E C E, Maharaja Engineering College, Avinashi, Anna University,
Professor & Dean, Computer Applications, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai,
Anna University,
II ME Applied Electronics, Maharaja Engineering College, Avinashi, Anna University
Tamil nadu , India

Today every circuit has to face the power consumption issue for both portable device aiming at large
battery life and high end circuits avoiding cooling packages and reliability issues that are too complex. It
is generally accepted that during logic synthesis power tracks well with area. This means that a larger
design will generally consume more power. The multiplier is an important kernel of digital signal
processors. Because of the circuit complexity, the power consumption and area are the two important
design considerations of the multiplier. In this paper a low power low area architecture for the shift and
add multiplier is proposed. For getting the low power low area architecture, the modifications made to
the conventional architecture consist of the reduction in switching activities of the major blocks of the
multiplier, which includes the reduction in switching activity of the adder and counter. This architecture
avoids the shifting of the multiplier register. The simulation result for 8 bit multipliers shows that the
proposed low power architecture lowers the total power consumption by 35.25% and area by 52.72 %
when compared to the conventional architecture. Also the reduction in power consumption increases with
the increase in bit width.

Low power multiplier, low power ring counter, sources of switching activities

The power consumption in digital CMOS circuit can be described by

Pavg=Pdynamic+Pshortcircuit+Pleakage+Pstatic (1)

The dynamic power dissipation is caused by charging and discharging of capacitances in the
circuit. The short circuit power consumption is caused by the current flow through the direct
path existing between the power supply and the ground during the transition phase. The n-MOS
and p-MOS transistors used in a CMOS logic circuit commonly have non zero reverse leakage
and sub threshold current. The computation of a multiplier manipulates two input data to
generate many partial products for subsequent addition operations, which in the CMOS circuit
design require many switching activities. The switching activities within the functional unit of a
multiplier accounts for the majority of the power dissipation of a multiplier, as given in the
following equation
Pswitching = C Vdd2 fclk (2)
Where is the switching activity parameter, C is the loading capacitance, Vdd is the operating
voltage and fclk is the operating frequency.

10.5121/ijcsit.2010.2302 12
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 3, June 2010

Shift-and-add multiplication is similar to the multiplication performed by paper and

pencil. This method adds the multiplicand ‘X’ to itself ‘Y’ times, where ‘Y’ denotes the
multiplier. To multiply two numbers by paper and pencil, the algorithm is to take the digits of
the multiplier one at a time from right to left, multiplying the multiplicand by a single digit of
the multiplier and placing the intermediate product in the appropriate positions to the left of the
earlier results. To perform the entire operations for getting the final product, the conventional
architecture for shift and add multipliers require many switching activities. So the dynamic
power dissipation is more in conventional architecture. By eliminating or reducing the sources
switching activity in the conventional multiplier, low power architecture of multiplier can be
derived. Being one among the functional components of many digital systems the reduction of
power dissipation in multipliers should be as much as possible. Many research efforts have been
devoted for reducing the power dissipation of different multipliers (e.g.,[1]–[3], [5], [8]).
Among multipliers, tree multipliers are used in high speed applications such as filters, but these
require large area. The carry-select-adder (CSA)-based radix multipliers, which have lower area
overhead, employ a greater number of active transistors for the multiplication operation and
hence consume more power. Among other multipliers, shift-and-add multipliers have been used
in many applications for their simplicity and relatively small area requirement [4].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II briefly reviews the background
information about conventional shift and adds multiplier. Section III describes the architecture
description of the low power multiplier. Section IV describes the low power ring counter
architecture. Results are discussed in section V and conclusion is in the last section.

Figure 1 Architecture of conventional shift and add multiplier with major source of switching


Figure 1 shows the architecture of a conventional shift and add multiplier[4]. The dashed ovals
show the major sources of switching activities. The multiplier is shifted in each cycle and the bit
which getting out of register B is connected to the select pin of multiplexer, mux_A. As the
select signal changes, the output of mux_A also changes. This causes the adder operation. The

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 3, June 2010

partial product is required to be shifted in every cycle. The counter is for checking whether the
required number of operations has been performed. The major sources of switching activities
are summarized as below
• Shifting of the ‘B’ register
• Activity in the counter
• Activity in the adder
• Switching between ‘0’ and ‘A’ in the multiplexer
• Activity in the multiplexer select
• Shifting of the partial product register

By eliminating or reducing the switching activity described above, low power architecture can
be derived.

Figure 2. BZFAD architecture

Figure 3. Proposed low power architecture

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 3, June 2010


The architecture in [7] BZFAD, gives an optimization in both power and area. It is shown
in Figure 2. The major modifications made in [7] are , the removal of the multiplier
shifting , direct feeding of multiplicand to the adder , Reduction in partial product shifting,
bypassing the adder whenever possible and use of a ring counter instead of a binary
counter. The proposed low power multiplier architecture is shown in Figure 3. The figure 3
is for two n bit multipliers. The value of ‘k’ varies between 0,1…n-1.The bit width control
logic are for controlling the number of bits in each cycle.

3.1. Adder with registers

In conventional architecture current partial product is added to multiplicand when (0) = ‘1’
and it is added to ‘0’ when B (0) is ‘0’. Unnecessary transitions are caused by the addition
of zero. Two registers called feeder and bypass are used for optimizing the operation of
adder. The feeder or bypass is clocked according to the selected bit, i.e., B (n+1) in nth
cycle. In each cycle the current partial product is obtained from either adder or bypass as
decided by the bit B (n). Inverted clock is fed to clock gating circuit. The inverting
property of the universal gates is shown in Table1.

Figure 4. Ripple carry adder

The ripple carry adder is used in the proposed architecture because it has the least average
transition among the look ahead, carry select, carry skip and conditional sum adders[10].
It is shown in Figure 4.
Table 1. Inverting property of universal gates

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 3, June 2010

3.2. Shifting of the multiplier using ring counter

An example of a shift and add Multiplication is shown below.

Figure 5. Shift and add multiplication example

In each step for generating the partial product we need to get the corresponding bit of the
multiplier , in figure 5, it is shown as B(0),B(1) and B(2) . For getting the corresponding
multiplier bit, the multiplier is required to be shifted. If we get the required bit without shifting,
considerable power saving can be achieved. This is achieved by using a ring counter as shown
in figure 6.

Figure 6. Multiplier with ring counter

For a 3 bit multiplier 3 bit ring counter is used. Table 2 gives the required bit and counter output
TABLE 2. Counter output with required bit
Counter Required bit
001 B(0)
010 B(1)
100 B(2)

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 3, June 2010


The ring counter used in the proposed multiplier is noticeably wider than the binary counter
used in the conventional architecture. To minimize the switching activity of the counter we use
low power ring counter.
4.1. Unnecessary transitions in the conventional ring counter
An n-bit synchronous ring counter is built by cascading n D flip-flops in a chain as shown in
figure 7.

Figure 7.Conventional synchronous ring counter

In the above architecture all flip-flops have a common clock signal and each clock pulse is
applied to all flip flops whereas inspecting the movement of the ‘1’ in the counter chain reveals
that each clock pulse must be applied to only 2 flip flops (not all of them).Therefore on each
clock pulse (n-2) x s unnecessary transitions are raised, in which s is the total number of
transitions raised in a single flip flop and n is the number of flip flops.
4.2. Steps towards low power ring counter
According to the previous discussion some flip-flops can be clock gated leading to fewer
switching activities. A flip-flop in a ring counter must be clocked if and only if either its input
or its output is “1” immediately before the triggering clock edge comes. Therefore only 2 flip
flops must be clocked in each cycle.

Figure 8. Clock gating logic with flip flop’s input and output
The clock gating logic in the Figure 8. OR’s the value of flip flop’s input and output on
Positive clock edges stores the result in latch. The output of the latch determines whether or
not to gate the clock signal .This clock gator is positive edge triggered. If we want to avoid
all the unnecessary transitions raised by the clock signal we should provide each flip-flop with
the clock gating circuitry of above figure. 8 ,but this solution ends up with a large area overhead
plus due to transitions in clock gator themselves the resulting ring counter will not have fewer
switching activity. A better solution is used in the low power multiplier architecture.

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 3, June 2010

One of the important properties of the ring counter is that its output is one hot encoded. This
property of the ring counter makes its output wide especially as the counter size increases. To
reduce the switching activity of the counter the counter is partitioned in to a number of blocks
which are clock gated with a special clock gating structure whose power and area overheads are
independent of the block size, controlling with the low power ring counter helps to get a low
power low area architecture,thus avoids the trade off between power and area([6],[9],[5]). The
clock gating structure is shown below Figure10

Figure 9. Low power architecture for ring counter with block of size 4

Figure 10. Clock gating structure for the low power ring counter


In this paper, we propose a low-power, low-area architecture for shift and add multipliers. The
low power architecture avoids the unwanted switching activities and thus minimizes the
switching power dissipation. The conventional and proposed design of 8 bit multiplier can be
verified using Modelsim 6.5 with VHDL code and it is shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12.The
power consumption is analyzed using Xilinx software and its reports are shown in Figure 13 and
Figure 14.

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 3, June 2010

Figure 11. Simulation results for conventional 8 bit multiplier

Figure 12. Simulation results for 8 bit multiplier using proposed architecture

Figure 13. Power report for conventional 8 bit multiplier

Figure 14. Power report for proposed 8 bit multiplier

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 3, June 2010

Simulated Area report for conventional 8 bit multiplier is given below

Design Summary
Number of errors: 0
Number of warnings: 0
Number of Slices: 662 out of 1,200 55%
Simulated Area report for proposed 8 bit multiplier is given below
Design Summary
Number of errors: 0
Number of warnings: 0
Number of Slices: 313 out of 1,200 26%
Simulated Delay report for conventional 8 bit multiplier is given below
Timing Summary:
Minimum period: 52.071ns (Maximum Frequency: 19.205MHz
Simulated Delay report for proposed 8 bit multiplier is given below
Timing Summary:
Minimum period: 48.812ns (Maximum Frequency: 20.487MHz)

800 662
400 313
200 151.11
52.07 97.85
48.812 Delay(ns)
Conventional Proposed

Figure 15. Power Area and Delay comparison for conventional and Proposed 8 bit multiplier


20 20.51 Bit size(bit)

10 Power reduction( %)
Conventional proposed

Figure 16. Relationship between Power reduction and Bit size of Multiplier

The comparison of synthesis for the two multipliers is shown in table 3

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 3, June 2010

Synthesis report for two multipliers

Multiplier proposed
shift and add
Type architecture
Vendor Xilinx Xilinx
and Spartan 2 Spartan 2
662 slices 313 slices
151.11mW 97.85mW

Increase in power reduction with bit width

Reduction in power
Bit width

4 20.51%

8 35.25%

The proposed architecture lowers the power dissipation and area when compared to a
conventional shift and add multiplier shown in Figure 15 . A multiplexer with one hot encoded
bus selector is used for avoiding the switching activity due to the shifting of the multiplier
register. Feeder and bypass registers are used for avoiding the unnecessary additions. The
proposed architecture makes use of bit width control logic and a low power ring counter .The
design can be verified using Modelsim 6.5 with VHDL code and power consumption is analyzed
using Xilinx software. From Table 3 and Figure 15 , proposed architecture can attain 35.25%
power reduction and 52.75% area saving when compared to the conventional shift and add
multipliers. Also from Table 4 and Figure 16 reduction of power consumption in multipliers
can be increases with the increase in bit width of operands, whereas in design [5] reduction in
power consumption decreases with the increase in bit width.

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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Volume 2, Number 3, June 2010

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[10] V.P.Nelson, H.T.Nagle, B.D.Carroll and J.I.David Digital logic circuits analysis and design PH
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