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Overall background of the participants of the project; area / school: (socio-economic status,
occupation / profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic
quality, and any other special trait of the community where the school is situated) (10 marks)

Education is the lifeline for efficient and stable working of human society. Education help develop
individual personality making the person knowledgeable, competent, capable and skillful. Parents with
high socio-economic status often have more success in preparing their young children for school
because they typically have access to a wide range of resources to promote and support status often
lack the financial, social and educational supports that characterize families with high socio-economic
status. Poor resources could not promote and support children’s development and school readiness.
Parents may have inadequate skills for such activities as reading to and with their children and they
may lack information about childhood immunizations and nutrition. Inadequate resources and limited
access to available resources can negatively affect families’ decisions regarding their young children’s
development and learning. As a result, children from families with low socio-economic status are less
prepared than their peers from families with medium or high socio-economic status. This article
attempted to find out the impact of parental socio-economic status on the student’s educational
achievements at secondary schools of district Charsadda.

1. Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience /
Problem in your classroom / institution. (10 marks)
(Give the background and rationale of the study)

This research was conducted to identify and investigate the factors affecting students writing skills in
primary school. The target population was year four students from a primary school in District
Charsadda (School Name). The research will be employed based on appropriate data collection from
an interviews with teachers and students and
Data analysis results from students’ questionnaires. There are endless possibilities for appropriate
Solution to improve writing and it is impossible to investigate every single one there is in are search
action however researcher has selected appropriate methods to elaborate the various
Factors affecting students’ writing skills and to shows that the intensity of all parties were related to
each other’s. Writing skills are indispensable in lifelong learning, without proper writing skills from
primary level soon students will encounter problems when pursuing higher education. Researcher
acknowledged that it was evidently true that learning writing skill poses a number
of problems to the students, as it is a skill that is difficult to master; teachers too faces greatchallenge to
teach writing skills as students may sometimes find it confusing and difficult to understand or failed to
produce effective writing in English. The findings of the study revealed that there are a number of
factors that contribute to poor writing skills among students and consequently, these factors affect the
quality of student writing and the issues need to be
Addressed if students’ writing skill is to be improved.
There are many factors affecting students’ capabilities in writing skills.
Since writing is such prominent part of the English language, the teacher is obliged to possess
knowledge of how to improve students’ proficiencies in an efficient way. The question is how to use this
knowledge when the teacher is supposed to compose different methods for lessons, evaluate the
exercises and give proper feedback to the students. Raimes (1994) agreed that there is no one
answers to the question of how to teach writing in English classes. This may be due to the fact that
writing is
A process of exploring one’s thought and learning from
The act of writing itself. Displays the elements activated when producing a piece of writing.
This research is based on various literary sources, interviews with teachers, students, questionnaires
with students and the background information is the basis for the interview questions and the
questionnaire. There are endless possibilities for appropriate solution to improve writing and it is

impossible to investigate every single one there is in a research action report. Researcher however has
selected the appropriate methods, which will be described in this research. In order to evaluate factors
affecting students writing skill, the researcher needs to be prepared and know what to focus on the
study as it is in progress. Therefore the research is made up to determine the factors affecting students
writing skill with emphasis on the following issues:
 To investigate students ‘satisfaction with the knowledge they have acquired in writing skills.
 To identify the problem faced by the English teachers in improving students writing skills.
 To identify the needs and solution in overcome the negative factors affecting writing skills.

3. What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles / websites)? (10
marks) (Explore books and online resources to know what and how has been already done
regarding this problem)

The main objective of this study was to investigate the factors affecting students writings kill. In many
cases, the hardest thing for a student concerning writing is to get started with the entire writing process.
According to Cowley (2004), there are different reasons why students have trouble with this. One
reason could be that the students are afraid of failing and that they are under pressure to perform.
Teachers should persuade and encourage their students to not giving up and increase knowledge
through reading. Cowley (2004) mentions warm-up exercises, rewards and challenges for the students
to increase their motivation. The process of collecting information and coming up with ideas is not easy
for everyone. In her book, Cowley (2004) did mention that the teacher should give students inspiration
and create an atmosphere for writing. In order to create an atmosphere Cowley (2004) claims that
certain students work best when they’re listening to music and they should be allowed to have a
Walkman while writing. Dramatic sounds like wind or maybe owls howling could be a good inspiration if
the students are supposed to write for example ghost stories (Cowley, 2004).Making mind maps and
brainstorming are recommended to spark students’ ideas where the students gain information by
discussing in groups. White and Arndt write that both the teacher and the students have important roles
in this session. According to White and Arndt, crucial that the teacher goes through all these ideas with
the students before the writing starts so that everyone understands what the ideas mean. After these
the students’ minds filled with ideas and the process of writing will be much easier (R. White, V. Arndt,
1991).Writing is an ongoing process, improving upon the writing includes a number of different aspects
to be taken care of so as to have a cohesive structure in writing, while keeping the content engaging
and interesting. This research will determine the factors affecting students writing skills and what
hinders students to writing correctly especially among year five students.
In general, this study has the objective to determine factors affecting students writing skills. One of the
factors is self-efficacy which is commonly defined as the belief in one's capabilities to achieve a goal or
an outcome. Students with a strong sense of efficacy are more likely to challenge themselves with
difficult tasks and be intrinsically motivated. These students will put forth a high degree of effort in order
to meet their commitments, and attribute failure to things which are in their control, rather than blaming
external factors. Self-efficacious students also recover quickly from setbacks, and ultimately are likely
to achieve their personal goals. Students with low self-efficacy, on the other hand, believe they cannot
be successful and thus are less likely to make a concerted, extended effort and may consider
challenging tasks as threats that are to be avoided. Thus, students with poor self-efficacy have low
aspirations which may result in disappointing academic performances becoming part of a self-fulfilling
feedback cycle (Margolis& McCabe, 2006)

4. What were the major variables / construct of your project? Give definitions / description from
literature. (05 marks)

At first researcher planned to conduct a study on year 5 students but due to final exam season and as
advised by the schools administration, the study continues with year 4 students. To overcome this last
minute changes, researcher look on the bright side and adapted the action research appropriately with

the amendments. There are no alterations to the problem statements, research question and research
objectives however the data used for analysis are now referred to Year 4 Childen
The study used self-administered questionnaires, interviews and document analysis of 4 Grade English
Assessment result. Quantitative and qualitative methods are used to analyze data with both inferential
and descriptive analysis being employed. The findings of the study will be presented in accordance with
the variables and themes of the research statement
He study is likely to be affected by financial constraints as researcher is self-sponsored and live in
Bangi while the studied school was located at Charsadda. The time for carrying out the study is limited
as researcher was involved in other professional and personal commitments. To overcome this,
researcher had maximized on any available time for the research project and asked some helps from
colleagues who work at the studied school. To overcome this limitation, researcher had done several
parts of data collection while doing practicum at School (Name). As an advantage to this, researcher
managed to interviews 2 English teachers earlier in the month of august 2019, distributed questionnaire
before school holidays started and interviews 10 students during the month of November 2019.

5. What did you want to achieve in this research project? (05 marks)
This research is conducted to prove that there are various factors affecting students' performance in
writing skills. It is obviously shows that the intensity of all parties related to each Others.
Teachers and School’s administrators Need to collaborate in motivating students to improve their
writing skills. When students gain confidence in writing skills, they continue to set even more
challenging goals. And this will contribute to upgrade the students’ examination Percentage in English
writing this can lead to better performance in school S’ examination results In terms of higher grades in
writing and other challenging task.
Teachers’ perseverance also can affect how well a student performs in school. School administrator
should encourage teachers and parents to take more active role in the learning process. These
connection shows that students and teachers should work together to increase the confidence and
indirectly motivate students to improve writing skills.

6. Who were the participants in your project? (05 marks)

I would like to make some comments on improving students' Writing skills. Making students write more
English in the classroom is not only a matter of "forcing" them to write. This demands good preparation
of proper material and implementation must be progressive and systematic which demands more
teachers’ workload. I mean lots of those teachers who learned what and how to do in the classroom, as
a teacher, simply don't do as they are supposed to. They seem as though they don't like to work much.
No way! Teachers need to work much so they accomplish the teacher’s role.
By showing pictures related to the topic of the class and, without saying a single word, eliciting
students' participation.
1. Attention to your way of correcting students. Sometimes, even when your intention is simply to
help a certain student, you may make things even worse to them.

How did you try to solve the problem? (10 marks)

Writing is a complex skill, so it isn't surprising that many children have a hard time mastering it. Poor
handwriting skills can make your child stressed and anxious, cause problems with his or her
schoolwork, and keep him or her from wanting to write. Here's what children struggle with the most
when it comes to handwriting, and tips on how to help.
Here are several developmental stages that your child will go through before he or she learns how to
hold a pen or pencil correctly. As a toddler, he or she will start off by holding it in a closed fist and most
of his or her scribbling motion will come from the shoulder. As his or her arm and hand control improve,
he or she will eventually start holding pens and pencils with his or her fingers, and most movement will
come from the wrist. Most children have mastered the correct, tripod-style grip by the age of six.
Sizing and Spatial Concepts
Huge letters and gaps in individual letters are common spatial difficulties children face when learning to
write. For example, your child might write the letter "p" as two parts — a line and a circle — and leave a
space between the two parts. Additionally, his or her letters might vary in size, ranging from small to
very large.
Slope sheets can help with keeping his or her letters consistent. Some sheets also have a third
dotted line through the middle to help your child with sizing upper and lower case letters. Remind
your child that all parts of a letter must touch, so there are no gaps. Practice makes perfect! Find
time every day to have your child practice his or her letters but keep the exercises short and fun so
he or she doesn't get burned out or frustrated.
Letter or Number Reversals
Writing letters and numbers backwards isn't something to be overly concerned about in younger kids —
many children struggle with this since they haven't developed spatial consistency and therefore don't
understand that when a letter is reversed, it can represent a new letter (or none at all). Learning the
correct way to write letters and numbers simply takes practice. Occasional reversals are common in
older kids, but if your child is still consistently reversing letters and numbers by the age of seven, even
after proper instruction and practice, he or she should be evaluated by a professional to check for
dyslexia or other learning disabilities.
Finger tracing is a simple exercise to help children visually learn the correct way to write letters early
on. Once your child is comfortable with this exercise, move on to pencil-tracing the alphabet. Multi-
sensory activities like writing with his or her finger in sand or with chalk, is another great way to help
him or her memorize the correct way to write his or her letters.

8. What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrument
Developed? (05 marks)

Data Collections
To obtain the findings, sets of data collections will be distribute to conduct the research. The study will
make use of both quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis as well as descriptive and
inferential analysis. Following methods will be used to elaborate the findings:
Set of Data 1
Quantitative data collection of structured instruments of English assessment result that shows diversity
in results that is easy to be summarized and to compare
Students’ capabilities in writing.
Set of Data 2
Conduct face to face interviews to the teachers and students in order to obtain distinct advantage in
enabling good rapport with potential participants and gain their cooperation. This session also allow the
researcher to clarify ambiguous answers and when appropriate, seek follow up information.
Set of Data 3
Distributes paper pencil questionnaires to the students of 4 Amanah. The questionnaires contains of 9
questions that will be analyze as descriptive and inferential analysis.
Set of Data 4

Survey based questionnaires of students background will provide useful information to understand the
findings behind observation results
And assess causes in students’ perceptions of
Factor affecting their writing skills. Questionnaires conducted will help to clarify quantitative evaluation

9. What were the findings and conclusion? (Provide instruments and analysis as appendix) (10

Finding and Discussion

Following are the questions raised during the interview session with students:
1) What are the reasons behind the weakness of your writing?
2) Do you aware of your weakness? Explain.
3) Do you satisfied with the learning process conducted by your English teacher?
Most of the students didn’t get higher banned in the writing task because of several reasons. Students
declared that their weakness of writing because of grammatical errors, lack of knowledge and
understanding, less practice of writing in English, and lack of self-motivations. It is mentioned by all the
interviewees in this study that they are unable to write a short paragraph, article, or passage without a
lot of grammatical mistakes.
Students Questionnaires
To discuss further of this study researcher decide to elaborate and analysis 4 questions from the
students questionnaires. Below are the selected questions:
1) Indicate which of the following four skills is the most difficult one?
2) How often do you practice writing?
3) Do you find difficulties when writing English?
4) Your weaknesses in writing are due to the Indicate which of the following four skills is the most
difficult one?
5) Writing is a complex intellectual task involving many component skills, some students may lack
completely, some of which they may have only partially mastered. Writing skills, including writing
mechanics such as grammar, sentence structure, spelling, planning a writing strategy, communicating
ideas clearly and concisely, constructing a reasoned, demonstrable argument effectively, marshaling
evidence and using sources appropriately and organizing ideas effectively.
Data analysis
Data analysis results from students’ questionnaires. There are endless possibilities for appropriate
Solution to improve writing and it is impossible to investigate every single one there is in research
action however researcher has selected appropriate methods to elaborate the various
Factors affecting students’ writing skills and to shows that the intensity of all parties were related to
each other’s. Writing skills are in dispen
Sable in lifelong learning, without proper writing skills from primary level soon students will encounter
problems when pursuing higher education. Researcher acknowledged that it was evidently true that
learning writing skill poses a number
of problems to the students, as it is a skill that is difficult to master; teachers too faces greatchallenge to
teach writing skills as students may sometimes find it confusing and difficult to understand or failed to
produce effective writing in English. The findings of the study revealed that there are a number of
factors that contribute to poor writing skills among students and consequently, these factors affect the
quality of student writing and the issues need to be addressed if students’ writing skill is to be improved.

10. Summary of the Project (05 marks)

This research is conducted to prove that there are various factors affecting students' performance in
writing skills. It is obviously shows that the intensity of all parties related to each
Teachers and school’s administrators need to collaborate in motivating students to improve their writing
skills. When students gain confidence in writing skills, they continue to set even more challenging goals

and this will contribute to upgrade the students’ examination percentage in English writing This can lead
to better performance in schools’ examination results in terms of higher grades in writing and other
challenging task.
Teachers’ perseverance also can affect how well a student performs in school. School administrator
should encourage teachers and parents to take more active role in the learning process. These
connection shows that students and teachers should work together to increase the confidence and
indirectly motivate students to improve writing skills.

11. How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt? (Self-reflection) (10

The study of language learning and how one is successful at the task of obtaining excellent in English
writing is the question many have posed. This research, which
researcher proposing to accomplish, is to look into the problem occurs in English writing skills and try to
discover its factors affect(s) if any on the year five primary school students. According to research alike,
there is suggestion that the learner’s self-efficacy attributes to their success rate I suggested that this
could be true in any academic setting therefore researcher seek to discover the obstacles of the
students experiences and factors affected students in writing skills.
There is a common agreement that writing is the most complex and difficult skill for it requires a lot of
training. Like all learning problems, difficulties in producing a good piece of writing can be devastating
to the learners' education, self-esteem, self-confidence, and motivation to write.
Hence this research will determine the factors affecting students writing skills and what hinders
students to writing correctly especially among year five students. Among an endless number of factors,
researcher will try to sketch a general picture of the factors affecting behind the students' lack of writing
skill and the causes of it. And since the teaching/learning process cannot take place only with the
presence of the teacher and the learner
This research will be entirely devoted to speak about the influence of teachers and students capabilities
that will affect the students writing skill. Results and discussions of some important issues that concern
the teacher’s approaches, methods and techniques in teaching writing will be interviewed to the
students to analyze the reaction to the teaching.
The session used qualitative approach to enable the researchers to reinforce the argument for finding
and to understand the reasons of the weakness in writing. Essentially, this method consists of flexible
strategies for focusing and expediting qualitative data collection and analysis. Material from the
interview results are intended to reinforce finding on factors affecting students writing skills. Following
are the questions raised during the interview session:1) What are the reasons behind the weakness of
your writing?2) Are you aware of your weakness? Explain.3) Are you satisfied with the learning process
conducted by your English teacher?

This research is based on various literary sources, interviews with teachers, students, questionnaires
with students and the background information is the basis for the interview questions and the
questionnaire. There are endless possibilities for appropriate solution to improve writing and it is
impossible to investigate every single one there is in a research action report. Researcher however has
selected the appropriate methods, which will be described in this research. In order to evaluate factors
affecting students writing skill, the researcher needs to be prepared and know what to focus on the
study as it is in progress.

12. What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher? (05 marks)

While teaching can certainly be a challenge, as a teacher, your role is to help each and every
student improve themselves, acquire new skills, and become a better individual by the end of
their time spent in college. Even though one cannot improve their skills without working hard and
having a desire to make progress, a teacher can definitely get involved and make huge differences
concerning this matter. If you follow these tips, you’ll soon notice great improvements in your students'
writing skills.

If you want performance, you must ask for it. Some teachers expect good results, but they never do
anything in order to motivate their students. Stress the fact that good, thoughtful, and clear writing will
be greatly rewarded. Let your students know that bonus points will be available for those who make
greater efforts to express themselves better on paper.
Sometimes, stating clear rules and expectations is just not enough. It may not work for every student of
yours. That’s why you should also take a “lighter” path. What does that mean? It means that you can
use non-intrusive motivation techniques that will inspire your students instead of scaring them.
Every human skill gets better with constant, repetitive practice. In your case, you could easily make a
small change in your classroom routine, and organize brief writing sessions each and every day. Ask
your students to write a relatively small amount of words on a specific subject every day. It may be
painful for them at first, but the more they write, the better their writing will get.
The moment you provide your students with a specific assignment, take a few moments and explain to
them how they should go about it. I’m talking about general and specific tips and tricks on how to
approach a specific type of essay. For example, you can emphasize the importance of creating clear
and concise outlines before they start writing.
When it comes to improving writing skills—for everybody, not just for students—feedback plays a huge
role during the process. As a teacher, you have a great deal of knowledge compared to your fellow
students. They see you as a role model, especially if you’re the one who’s training them.
Most successful writers are also keen readers. Try to make your students understand the importance of
everyday reading, and the link between reading and writing. A good way to make it easier for them is to
give those clear instructions and reading material.

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