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The following are the most common and famous delicacies/dishes in the National Capital Region (NCR):
• Adobo – this is a viand cooked with either chicken or pork meat with soy sauce, vinegar, and garlic.
However, some also use squid, goat meat, veal, beef, shrimp, etc.
• Kaldereta – it is a hearty meat dish using chevon (goat meat), beef, or pork combined with potatoes, carrots,
tomato sauce, and liver spread or liver paste.
• Sinigang – this is a sour soup native to the Philippines. It uses pork as the main ingredient though beef,
shrimp, fish, and even chicken can be used. The bony parts of a pig known as “buto-buto” are usually
preferred for this dish. These parts can be either of the following: pork neck bone, chopped spare ribs,
chopped baby back ribs, and pork belly. Sometimes pork kasim and pigue (pork ham) are also used.
• Pares – it is a dish made of cubed beef briskets cooked with different spices and tenderized to perfection.

City/Municipality Tourist Destinations Festivals

First District
Manila City Rizal Park Flores de Mayo
It is a monument of the Philippines’ National It is a festival wherein a daily offering
Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. It stands where he was of flowers to Mary, the mother of
executed and commemorates what Rizal did Jesus, is observed by locals
for the country. throughout the month of May. It
culminates with a Santacruzan, which
Fort Santiago is a parade participated by teenage
In Spanish, this tourist destination is called girls dressed in flower-adorned
Fuerte de Santiago. It is built by the gowns as biblical and allegorical
Spaniards, which is one (1) of the oldest fort figures. It also includes beauty
in the Philippines. It brings visitors to the life pageants and several religious
and culture during the Spanish times. This is education exercises.
also where Dr. Jose Rizal spent his last days
and had written his final pieces. Here, Filipino Heritage Festival
tourists can see Rizal’s anecdote, novels, It is a festival mandated by the Office
attires, and his room when he was still a of the President and the National
prisoner. Commission for Culture and the Arts
(NCCA), which showcases the talents
National Museum of the Philippines of Filipinos in art and music to
It is the repository and guardian of the preserve the Filipino heritage. This is
Philippines' natural and cultural heritage. As held in any date within May.
one (1) of the lead government cultural
agencies, it is tasked to achieve the goals of Feast of the Black Nazarene
instilling cultural consciousness and a sense This is a celebration held every
of pride and nationalism among Filipino January 9 wherein Filipinos goes to
citizens through its activities covering the Quiapo Church, Manila to honor the
sciences, education, and culture. Visitors can miraculous wooden black statue of
see all the important ethnographic, Jesus Christ carried by male devotees
anthropological, and visual artistry of the during a procession.
Philippines as well as relics from the
Paleolithic, Neolithic, Metal, and Ceramic
periods of the Philippines.
Second District
Mandaluyong City Dove of Peace Arch Senakulo sa Barangka
This site is also known as Dambana ng This celebration is a theatrical
Kagitingan. It is the city’s tribute to the depiction of the life and passion of
peaceful People Power or EDSA Revolution Christ held every night at Plaza
Barangka Ibaba during Holy Week.
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City/Municipality Tourist Destinations Festivals

of 1986, which ousted the former President Lavandero Festival
Ferdinand E. Marcos. This is a festival that features street-
dancing, which is a tribute to the good
Dambana ng mga Alaala
laundrymen and women of
This is a monument for the people who
Mandaluyong. There are activities
struggled for liberty and freedom during the
and side shows held by the banks of
revolution period.
the famed and legendary Pasig River.
SM Megamall
It is a large shopping mall located at the
Ortigas Business Center, which is one (1) of
the largest SM Supermalls developed and
operated by SM Prime Holdings. It has two
(2) (Building A and B) main buildings
interconnected with a bridge. In 2014, it
added one (1) more building (Mega Fashion
Hall) in the middle of Building A and B. Also,
a 50-story office tower completed by 2019 is
beside Mega Fashion Hall. The mall has a
maximum capacity of four (4) million people,
which is as large as the Changi Airport
Terminal 2 in Singapore.
Marikina City Shoe Museum Ka-Angkan Festival
This museum was created in 1998 under This festival celebrates kinship,
Mayor Bayani Fernando. The museum has belongingness, and the solidarity of
3,000 different types of shoes where 800 the city's multi-clan makeup. Banners
pairs are of Mrs. Imelda Marcos (wife of pennants and the invigorating sounds
former President Ferdinand Marcos). Also, of drums and bugles are standard
animal skins like alligator, snake, pigskin, fare, as well as the parade of clans.
calfskin, and sheepskin can be found here. Members of each clan turn up in huge
numbers, proudly proclaiming their
Philippine Science Centrum bansag or special title, be it derived
It is a museum with over 100 interactive from their clannish occupation,
exhibits within 10 galleries. It has bodyworks distinct features, traits, or
to test visitors’ thinking and physical skills. It mannerisms. This event also coincides
showcases earth science, how different with the celebration of Marikina's
occurrences shape the earth, electricity and founding anniversary.
magnetism, how visible forces come to life,
and how light behaves and affects daily lives. Rehiyon-Rehiyon
It also shows mathematics, the wonders of It is a feast that pays tribute to
number, equations, and formulas. Lastly, migrants who have chosen to stay in
visitors can explore the different forces that Marikina for their significant
formed the stars, planets, and galaxies. contribution to the city's progress. It
is celebrated every ninth of
December. It highlights the theme,
"Iba't ibang rehiyon, iba't ibang ugali,
pinag-iisa sa lungsod ng Marikina."
During this time, locals wear native
costumes, conduct street dancing,
and perform regional production

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City/Municipality Tourist Destinations Festivals

Sapatos Festival
This festival is opened with the
launching of the Patio Del Zapateros
or the Courtyard of the Shoemakers
(formerly Ava and Eve Store). This
aims to revitalize the city’s shoe
industry and give recognition to
Marikina-made shoes, which gave the
city its name the Shoe Capital of the
Philippines. Its highlights include the
Shoe Caravan, which aims to
reawaken other cities' consciousness
about the city of Marikina being the
Shoe Capital of the Philippines as well
as to promote and showcase proudly
Marikina-made shoes.
Pasig City Pasig Rave Forest Araw ng Pasig
This is a well-maintained rainforest and is This festival pays homage to the
open for people who seek an escape from original patroness of Pasig and its
the busy city. It was established in 1977. It establishment as a parish in 1573.
has a waterpark, flower garden, petting zoo, During this event, the local
chess pavilion, kiddie playground, mini train, government conducts different
and labyrinth wall garden. activities such as the Mutya ng Pasig
pageant, the Outstanding Pasigueno
Ark Avilon Zoo Awards, and the street dance
The structure of this zoo was inspired by competition. It is held ever July 2.
Noah’s Ark. (In the bible, it is written that
God told Noah to build a big boat for the Paskotitap
animals because of the great flood.) It is This festival features a number of
currently the largest zoological institution in themed floats, all marvelously
the Philippines. It has 3,000 specimens of designed and crafted by some of the
exotic wildlife representing more than 500 city’s most acclaimed artists. Each
species of birds, mammals, reptiles, float is accompanied by a group of
amphibians, freshwater fishes, and dancers in accouterments consistent
invertebrates. with the float’s theme. This is held
any time during the Christmas season.
Lopez Museum
It is the oldest privately-owned museum and
library, which was founded on February 13,
1960 by Eugenio Lopez. It holds rare books,
manuscripts, dictionaries, literary works in
western and vernacular languages, religious
tracts, periodicals, newspaper, coffee table
volumes, academic treatises, contemporary
writing, maps, archival photographs,
cartoons, and microfilms.
San Juan City Pinaglabanan Shrine The Feast Day of San Juan
This shrine is a memorial of the first battle of This is a celebration of the life of Saint
the Kataastaasang, Kagalang-galang na John the Baptist. As a tradition,
Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (KKK) also motorists or passersby in San Juan are
known as Katipunan (a group of Filipinos splashed with water as part of the
fighting against Spaniard colonizers), Andres
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City/Municipality Tourist Destinations Festivals

Bonifacio, and his men against the Spanish day’s festivities. This is held every
colonizers. The battle of the Katipuneros June 24.
took place on the 30th of August 1896. As
stated in history, shortly after the
Katipuneros cried out for freedom in
Balintawak, the leader of the movement,
Andres Bonifacio, began to plot their next
move against the Spanish colonial
government, an attack on the Spanish
gunpowder depot in San Juan del Monte
called El Polvorin. The Katipuneros managed
to prevail at first as the Spaniards retreated
to defend the Manila waterworks building.
Unfortunately for the Katipuneros, enemy
reinforcements arrived from Fort Santiago
who managed to wipe out about 150 men
and captured about 200 others. Bonifacio
and the rest of his men retreated, thus
avoiding capture. It was the first major battle
of what would become the Philippine

Museo Pambata
This museum features hands-on exhibits that
encourage children to explore and discover
various concepts while they play. It also
produces educational workshops and

Greenhills Shopping Center

This is the biggest yet unequaled flea market
in the Philippines where shoppers
experience exciting bargaining almost the
whole year through. During Christmas
holidays, it brings an incomparable plenitude
of goods and shoppers crowding the vicinity
with an animated Christmas show.
Quezon City People Power Monument University of the Philippines (UP) Fair
This is a memorial of the battle against the This is a fair that injects a new
Marcos administration during the People dimension to partying and
Power Revolution. This is because of the merrymaking with different band
corruption and dictatorship of former performers, which indulges large
President Ferdinand Marcos as believed by crowds to flock the University of the
participating protestors. Philippines. This is typically held from
February 15 to 19.
Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center
It is a 64- hectare zoological and botanical Feast of La Naval de Manila
park. It is a wildlife rescue center that acts as This is an annual celebration for the
a temporary shelter for donated, rescued, Blessed Virgin Mary of La Naval held
abandoned and confiscated endemic, in any Sunday of October. During this
indigenous, and exotic wildlife in the event, the Sto. Domingo Church’s
statue of Our Lady of La Naval de
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City/Municipality Tourist Destinations Festivals

country. The park is filled with trees, has a Manila is paraded around the parish
lake, and a fishing village. to inspire devotees to strengthen
their faith and actualize the virtues
La Mesa Eco Park taught by the rosary in their daily
This is an ecological nature reserve and also lives.
a part of Angat-Ipo-La Mesa water system,
which supplies most of the water in Metro
Manila. The La Mesa Dam whose reservoir
can hold up to 50.5 million cubic meters, can
be found here. This park also has swimming
pools, fishing areas, biking areas, zip line,
bungee jumping, and picnic areas.
Third District
Caloocan City Bonifacio Monument Pamaypay ng Caloocan
This monument is built for the bravery and This is a celebration of the city’s
nationalism of Andres Bonifacio, the founder foundation day, which is held every
of the Katipunan. This is for the time he February 16. This showcases the use
fought for independence against the Spanish of pamaypay (hand-held fan) on
colonial. techno-modern folk street dancing
The Horace Higgins Hall
It used to be a two-story storage building of Pajotan de Sto. Niño Festival
the Manila Railroad Company (MRR) – now This is a colorful procession/parade of
known as the Philippine National Railways different Sto. Niños. Thousands of
(PNR). It was named after Horace Longwood devotees dance their way to the tune
Higgins, the first General Manager of the of different groups of Ati-atihan. This
MRR. It was built in 1929 for the records of is celebrated every last Sunday of
the Manila Railroad Company on the first January.
floor and the Stores Department and Printing
Offices on the second floor. Exhibits such
Dubs No. 17 "Urdaneta" and the Presidential
Car ABB-1 were formerly on display beside
the Higgins Hall during the early 80s. ABB-1
was transferred to the Tutuban Terminal
after being given a marker for its historical
significance. Urdaneta was also transferred
there until it was brought back beside the
Higgins Hall for the Centennial Anniversary of
the Philippine National Railways in 1992.

Thai To Taoist Temple Pagoda

This is an old Taoist temple and was built by
the Chinese community. It is a hundred-year-
old temple.
Malabon City Asilo de Huertanos Luglugan Pancit Malabon Festival
This is where the La Independencia, the It is a culinary festival that is
organ of the Katipunan, was printed. This highlighted with street-dancing and
place also served as an orphanage to those marching band exhibitions, which
who were affected by the plague of 1882. showcases the Giant Bilaos of Pancit
Malabon. This is celebrated every
December 10.

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City/Municipality Tourist Destinations Festivals

Asilo de Huerfanos de Tambobong
The walls of this place are made up of adobe
and it is the only historical site that was left
after the fire that burned its second floor
during the war between the Filipinos and the
Navotas City San Jose de Navotas Parish Church Pangisdaan Festival
This is the oldest parish church in Navotas. It This is a celebration featuring a float
was built in 1838 to 1862. It was canonically and a street-dancing competition
erected on July 1, 1859. It was in 1860, under focusing on the fishing industry of the
the helm of Rev. Fr. Matias Naboa that the city. Float design and street-dancers'
main altar was completed, the cemetery was costumes and props are made from
inaugurated, and the belfry was erected. any indigenous materials used for
Right from the start, the parish boasted of a fishing like lambat, baklad, kawayan,
spacious churchyard. etc. This is held every January 11 to
Navotas Centennial Park
It is a waterfront park that opened on Penitensiya
January 16, 2006, during the celebration of It is an event wherein devotees,
the 100th anniversary of Navotas City. This is mostly men, do acts of contrition by
where the annual Pangisdaan Festival is held. hitting their backs several times with
small bamboo sticks attached at the
end of strings in their belief that their
sins will be forgiven. This is done
during Holy Friday of the Holy Week.
Valenzuela City Residence of Dr. Pio Valenzuela Mano Po San Roque Festival
This is the home of Pio Valenzuela, a member It is a festival celebrated with street-
of the triumvirate of the Katipuneros and dancing and procession along the
also its revolutionary leader. He formed a city's streets. This is done in
secret chamber in the place, called Camara commemoration of the Feast of San
Reina, together with Andres Bonifacio and Roque, which highlights the customs
Emilio Jacinto. and traditions of the locals. This is
held every May 12.
Bell tower of San Diego de Alcala Church
This church is more than 400 years old. It was Feast of San Diego de Alcala
built during the time when Spain occupied This is a celebration of the feast of the
the Philippines. The bell tower is the only oldest church in Valenzuela City, San
remaining structure of the original church Diego de Alcala Church. It features
because the main building was destroyed annual boat racing, street-dancing,
during the Japanese occupation. and other festivities. This is held
every November 12.
Museo ng Valenzuela
This is a house with a wide range of artifacts
and memorabilia that shows the rich history
and progress of the city. The museum has an
impressive architecture with Spanish
aesthetic. It also showcases the history of
Valenzuela, its culture and artistic events.
Fourth District
Las Piñas City Bamboo Organ Museum Bamboo Organ Festival
This museum can be found at St. Joseph This festival features musical and
Parish Church. It houses a 19th century-old cultural presentations showcasing the
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City/Municipality Tourist Destinations Festivals

organ with unique pipes, most of it are made bamboo organ’s unique qualities and
entirely with bamboo and was completed in best attributes. It is held every
1824. The organ was declared as a National February 17 to 23.
Cultural Treasure of the Philippines in 2003.

Zapote Bridge
This is the site where the Battle of Zapote
River, also known as the Battle of Zapote
Bridge, happened on June 13, 1899. It was
between 3,000 Americans and 5,000
Filipinos. It was the second largest battle of
the Philippine-American War.

Sarao Jeepney Factory

This is a jeepney factory that made Las Piñas
the Jeep Producing center of Metro Manila.
They produce almost all the jeepneys in the
Makati City Ayala Museum Bailes de los Arcos
This museum features exhibits of Filipino This is a commemoration of the feast
culture, art, and history. It has 60 dioramas days of both apostles Paul and Peter.
explaining the history of a courageous nation Filipinos make colorful and floral-
and a collection of Pre-Hispanic gold jewelry. inspired arcs and prepare unique
dancing to show gratitude towards
Greenbelt Chapel the two (2) apostles. It is held every
This is a chapel that is found at the center of June 29 and 30.
colored grounds within Greenbelt malls. It
holds masses thrice a day. The chapel is Likhang Kamay
intended for meditation and prayer within It is a celebration hosted by the
the city. It is surrounded by beautiful trees. Yuchengco Museum and is held for
three (3) days. This is an extended
Ayala Triangle exhibition of all the regions of the
It is an urban park in Makati that has over a Philippines from local champions in
hundred of trees such as rain trees, golden culture and handicrafts. The items
palms, fire trees, kamuning, and podocarpus. exhibited during this festival include
Every Christmas, there is a light show in the woven materials, pottery, and wood
area, which is visited by many. carvings. This is held during the last
quarter of the year, usually in

Caracol sa Makati
This is a festival wherein groups of
locals dress as endangered flora and
fauna to express the need to preserve
and conserve the country’s natural
heritage. Caracol is a Spanish term for
snail. This is held every last Sunday in
Muntinlupa City Aguinaldo Shrine Dinagsa
It was built in 1845 which started as a house It is a celebration in honor of the city's
made of wood. It was reconstructed twice Patron Saint, Sto. Niño de
and is where the Philippine Independence Muntinlupa. This event is highlighted
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City/Municipality Tourist Destinations Festivals

was first declared. It was a place for the by street-dancing participated by
revolutionaries in 1800s to hold their representatives from different
meetings and make decisions. barangays, schools, youth sectors,
and groups from other cities in Metro
The Japanese Garden Cemetery Manila. This is held every February
.This cemetery is located inside the New 16 to 27.
Bilibid Prison (NBP) Reservation Compound
dedicated to the imprisoned Japanese Banyahan Festival
soldiers who died during the war. Legend has This is a yearly thanksgiving
it that General Tomoyuki Yamashita, the celebration for the patron Impong
Japanese general who became famous Kulas de Tolentino. It is similar to the
during the Japanese occupation in the celebration of the Ati-Atihan of Kalibo
country, tagged as the “Tiger of Malaya,” was and Sinulog of Cebu. It is also done to
buried in the same place. Japanese tourists recognize the baklad, which is the
drop by the cemetery to pay respect to their main work of people from Brgy.
ancestors. A Filipino-Japanese Peace Cupang and Brgy. Buli. Baklad is an
Monument is also located in the area. activity wherein locals fish on the lake
which is a part of the festival. This is
Memorial Hill held every September 10.
This is a small hill that cradles a World War II
vintage canon. This is also the burial place of
Eriberto Misa, a prison director from 1937 to
Parañaque City Tambo Mangroves Avian Reserve Sambalilo
This mangrove is visited by hundreds of bird This is a festival wherein
species from all over the Asia Pacific region. Parañaque celebrates its cityhood
This serves as a sanctuary of immigrant birds. with dance contests all throughout
Metro Manila. It is held every
Redemptorist Church February 1 to 28.
This is the most visited Church in Asia. It can
hold up to 3,000 seats and another 9,000 for
standing devotees.

Roligon Mega Cockpit

This is the largest and most modern cockpit
in Asia. Foreigners from all over the country
visit this place.
Pasay City Coconut Palace Sto. Niño Festival
This was the former residence and workplace This is a yearly celebration in honor of
of the Vice President of the Philippines. This the Sto. Niño, marked by the opening
was one (1) of Imelda Marcos' great white of an exhibit featuring various Sto.
elephant projects in the 1970s. It was so Niño images. It highlights a grand
named because of the extensive use of procession held every January 18 to
coconut building materials in its 31.
construction. Nowadays, the palace is used
mainly for official functions. It is managed by Fertility Rites/Feast Day of Sta.Clara
the Government Service Insurance System. This is a festival wherein childless
couples, businessmen, politicians,
Star City and grateful parents walk and dance
It is a family amusement park with different along the streets as a thanksgiving for
types of rides. It contains a small museum all the blessings they have previously
with pre-historic artifacts and small theaters. received and to ask for other favor as
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City/Municipality Tourist Destinations Festivals

It also has the tallest Ferris Wheel in the well. This is held every second Sunday
Philippines with 32 air-conditioned gondolas. of February.

Philippine Air Force Museum Serenata

It is a military museum of the Armed Forces This festival showcases a series of
of the Philippines. It shows a variety of rondalla and brass band concerts. It is
weapons, uniforms, miniatures, and the also a revival of open-air musical
Philippines Air Force (PAF) organization. The performances held at the Sta. Clara
museum’s art corner shows skillful drawings Church patio in celebration of Saint
that portray PAF history. The aircraft park Claire's feast day. It is held every
shows the historic PAF aircrafts. second week of February.
Taguig City American Cemetery and Memorial Sta. Anang Banak Taguig River
This cemetery was dedicated to the Festival
American soldiers who fought and died It is a fluvial parade in honor of the
during the World War II. It was built in the city’s patroness, St. Anne. The thrills
year 1947 at Fort Bonifacio. This memorial and excitement of the fishes are
ground is a destination for tourist and war replayed year after year by the
veterans. "pasubo" where fluvial parade
participants in colorful boats and
Archdiocesan Shrine of St. Anne spectators by the riverbanks toss
It is one (1) of the oldest churches in the goodies of fruits and native delicacies
Philippines built during the term of Fr. Diego to each other. It is held every July 26.
It was built in 1587 in Barangay Sta. Ana,
Taguig City and was established by the Pagiikan Mini Olympics
Augustinian priests under the patronage of This is an event wherein native games
St. Anne. Inside, visitors can see beautiful are conducted/played such as
architecture and visit the Museo de Sta.Ana habulan ng biik, hulihan ng itik,
where relics and artifacts are displayed. patintero, arnis, tumbang preso, and
many others brought to the level of
Dambanang Kawayan the Paralympics.
It is a century old church with an altar,
sidings, and benches that are made with
pure and native bamboo.
Pateros San Roque Church Balot sa Puti Festival
This church was built in the year 1815. It has It is a food festival featuring a cooking
a high tower on the right side where the competition of the famous Philippine
church bell is placed. The interior of the delicacy known as Balot (a developing
church is well furnished. duck embryo that is boiled and eaten
from the shell). It is also held to
Alfombra Slippers promote the image of Pateros as a
This is a company that manufactures producer of the best quality Balot in
slippers. It is visited by tourists to see how the world. This is held every January
alfombra slippers are made. 31.

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12 Handout 1 *Property of STI

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