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An Unknown Girl - Wai PDF

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An Unknown Girl

In the evening bazaar

studded with neon
an unknown girl Comment [U1]: These are repeated 3 times – Divide poem into 3 three
is hennaing my hand sections:
-Girl + Henna process
She squeezes a wet brown line -India + Where she is
from a nozzle. -How she wants to stay
She is icing my hand,
Short lines (spontaneous) + No stanzas
which she steadies with hers -Different = Non western
on her satin-peach knee. -Short time in India
In the evening bazaar -Doesn’t want to end = No stanzas
for a few rupees It is also a cycle because first words similar to last words – coming and
an unknown girl going, process will happen again and again
is hennaing my hand. Comment [U2]: Hennaing = trying to adopt Indian culture but it is only
As a little air catches temporary, like the henna it won’t last
my shadow-stitched kameez2 Comment [U3]: Enjambment
a peacock spreads its lines -Everything is so fast – her time in India is running through her hands
across my palm. -So full of energy, it runs over the lines
Colours leave the street Comment [U4]: “Specifically India” Exotic – represents India, beautiful
float up in balloons. needs to be explored, opened up, lively and colorful
Dummies in shop-fronts Comment [U5]: Possibly Indians influenced by the west, or Western
tilt and stare tourists who look out of place, or mannequins modeling Western clothes
which look awkward and don’t belong there
with their Western perms.
Banners for Miss India 1993, Comment [U6]: -Artificial
-Fake = ‘Miss World’ one of the worst examples of western influences
for curtain cloth -Out of place, West is intruding India
and sofa cloth
canopy me. Comment [U7]: All the things surrounding her represents India. The word
I have new brown veins. “Canopy” suggests how she feels India is protecting her
In the evening bazaar Comment [U8]: 1 sentence – short, definite and imply sense of pride
very deftly -Discovered new things as if India is a part of her, in her ‘vein’
-New life in India
an unknown girl
is hennaing my hand. Comment [U9]: Repetition of “an unknown girl” to emphasize the fact that
she is mysterious like India, it also the ‘unknown’ side of the persona
I am clinging
Comment [U10]: Feeling of desperation to hold on
to these firm peacock lines -wants to find out more
like people who cling -can’t let go
to the sides of a train.
Now the furious streets Comment [U11]: Simile compared to the people who cling to the train
are hushed. sides, those people usually hold on very tightly because if they let go they
would die
I’ll scrape off
the dry brown lines
before I sleep,
reveal soft as a snail trail Comment [U12]: Digging Deeper into “India”
the amber bird beneath. -Scraping pass the surface
It will fade in a week. Comment [U13]: Sibilance = soft, gentle, smooth, time not going fast
When India appears and reappears Comment [U14]: Although she is desperate to hold on to the memories
I’ll lean across a country about India, it will still fade because henna suggests that it’s temporary, she
will not have enough of it
with my hands outstretched
-Tone = Regret
longing for the unknown girl
Comment [U15]: Begging, Desperate to stay
in the neon bazaar.

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