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Transportation Forecasting: What Is It?

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Transportation Forecasting

What is it?

Transportation Forecasting is used to estimate the

number of travelers or vehicles that will use a given
transportation facility in the future

The conventional approach to transportation

forecasting is based on what is commonly know as
the ‘four step model’
The Four Step Model

• Trip Generation
Estimates the number of trips from given origins and
• Trip Distribution
Determines the destination for each trip from a given origin
• Mode Choice
Determines the mode choice for each trip
• Route Assignment
Determines the specific route for each trip
Trip Generation

Trip Generation model is used to estimate the number of person-trips that

will begin or end in a given traffic analysis zone

2 5

4 8

The unit of analysis for traffic generation is the TAZ

Trip Generation Model

Target year Calibrated
Target year
socio-economic, Model No. of Trips
land use data
Trip Generation
What is Predicted?

Trip generation models predict so called TRIP ENDS for each zone

The trip ends maybe classified as either




The two sets of terms sound similar but there is a technical difference
Origins and Destinations


A worker leaves Zone 1 in the morning to Non-residential
go to work in Zone 8
This results in 2 trip ends:
• One Origin for Zone 1
• One Destination for Zone 8
Total Number of Trip Ends
When that same worker leaves Zone 8 in
the evening to go to home to Zone 1 Zone 1: 2 Trip Ends (1 O, 1 D)

Zone 8: 2 Trip Ends (1 O, 1 D)

This results in another 2 trip ends:
• One Destination for Zone 1
• One Origin for Zone 8
Productions and Attractions


A worker leaves Zone 1 in the morning to Non-residential
go to work in Zone 8
This results in 2 trip ends:
• One Production for Zone 1
• One Attraction for Zone 8
Total Number of Trip Ends
When that same worker leaves Zone 8 in
the evening to go to home to Zone 1 Zone 1: 2 Trip Ends (2 Productions)

Zone 8: 2 Trip Ends (2 Attractions)

This results in another 2 trip ends:
• One Production for Zone 1
• One Attraction for Zone 8
Origins and Destinations??
Productions and Attractions??

Based on the convention of trip generation models

Origins and Destinations are defined in terms of the direction of

the trip

Productions and Attractions are defined by the land use

Residential Land use PRODUCES trip ends

Non-residential land use ATTRACTS trip ends

This is a useful distinction because of how trip generation models

are typically developed based on this.

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