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Module 4 Step 4 Choice Board

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Tic-Tac-Toe Systems of Linear Equations

Make a PowerPoint presentation to introduce Create a 15 questions quiz involving solving Interview a high school junior or senior math
the three methods for solving systems of systems of linear equations. Include 5 student for tips on organizing/showing their
linear equations. Your Powerpoint should questions for each method. Your quiz must work solving systems of linear equations. Give
include at least 5 slides, include examples, be include an accurate answer key. an oral report of your findings. Submit your
neat, appealing, and accurate. interview questions, as well as responses.

Create a scaffolded page of notes that Go on and use your notes Create a music video that includes a rap/
introduces how to solve systems of linear and knowledge of the chapter to create a rhyme poem or song to help remember the
equations. Your page should be neat, review quiz. Please make sure your Kahoot! steps to solving systems of linear equations.
appealing, and accurate. review covers concepts from each of the 5 You may use iMovie or any other video
lessons. You will need a total of at least 10 creating program. Must be 30 seconds to 1
questions, but no more than 20. minute long.

Create six word problems that require writing Create a poster that explains how to solve Using the problem(s) provided, find the errors
and solving a system of equations. Provide systems of linear equations. Your poster in how the problem was solved. Write a well
an accurate answer key. should be neat, appealing, and accurate developed sentence explaining the error and
then find the correct answer. You must show
your work.

At the end of the chapter, students will demonstrate their knowledge of the concepts in a variety of ways instead of a traditional
chapter test. The Tic-Tac-Toe will allow students of different learning styles to use their learning strengths to demonstrate their
knowledge as well as use resources and technology to strengthen their skills. Since this activity will be taking the place of the
traditional formative assessment students will be working on their own. Teacher will provide class time and provide students with
computers to be able to complete the technology options. Teacher will plan to give students 3 days of class time, but will vary
based on student needs.

This activity will be focusing on ISTE Student Standards, including Empowered Learner, Digital Citizen, and Creative Communicator.

As Digital Citizens, students will need to maintain a positive digital identity as they use online resources like Kahoot! to
communicate not only with their classmates and teachers, but also the online community or teachers and learners. As they use
these online digital resources they will be able to become Empowered Learners to improve their learning outcomes. They will be
able to demonstrate their knowledge by choosing the activities they feel best will show their knowledge of the content. Finally,
students will become Creative Communicators by using visualizations and modules.

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