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23 Benefits and Uses For Baking Soda

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11/9/2019 23 Benefits and Uses for Baking Soda

NUTRITION u Evidence Based

23 Benefits and Uses for Baking Soda

Written by Ryan Raman, MS, RD on November 24, 2017

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is widely used in baking.

This is because it has leavening properties, meaning it causes dough to

rise by producing carbon dioxide.

Aside from cooking, baking soda has a variety of additional household

uses and health benefits.

Here are 23 benefits and uses of baking soda.


1. Treat Heartburn

11/9/2019 23 Benefits and Uses for Baking Soda

Heartburn is also known as acid reflux. It is a painful, burning sensation

that rises in the upper region of your stomach and can spread up into
your throat (1  ).

It is caused by acid refluxing out of the stomach and up your esophagus,

the tube that connects your stomach to your mouth.

A few common causes of reflux are overeating, stress and eating greasy
or spicy foods.

Baking soda can help treat heartburn by neutralizing stomach acid.

Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of cold water and drink the
mixture slowly (2  ).

2. Mouthwash
Mouthwash is a great addition to a good oral hygiene routine. It reaches
corners of your mouth and crevices of your teeth, gums and tongue that
may be missed during brushing.

Many use baking soda as a replacement for mouthwash. It can help

freshen your breath and provides antibacterial and antimicrobial
properties (3  , 4  , 5).

The recipe for baking soda mouthwash is simple. Add half a teaspoon of
baking soda to half a glass of warm water, and then swish as usual.

11/9/2019 23 Benefits and Uses for Baking Soda

3. Soothe Canker Sores

Canker sores are small, painful ulcers that can form inside your mouth.
Unlike cold sores, canker sores do not form on the lips and aren’t

Research has found that baking soda mouthwash is great for soothing
pain caused by canker sores (6  , 7  ).

You can make baking soda mouthwash using the recipe in the previous
chapter. Rinse your mouth with this mixture once a day until the canker
sore heals.

4. Whiten Your Teeth

Baking soda is a popular home remedy for whitening teeth.

Many studies have found that toothpaste containing baking soda is better
for whitening teeth and removing plaque than toothpaste without baking
soda (8  , 9  , 10  ).

This is likely because baking soda has mild abrasive properties that let it
break the bonds of molecules that stain the teeth. It also has antibacterial
and antimicrobial properties that can help fight harmful bacteria (11  , 12  ).

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11/9/2019 23 Benefits and Uses for Baking Soda

5. Deodorant
Surprisingly, human sweat is odorless.

Sweat only gains an odor after it is broken down by bacteria in your

armpits. These bacteria convert your sweat into acidic waste products
that give sweat its odor (13  , 14  ).

Baking soda can eliminate the smell of sweat by making the odors less
acidic. Try patting baking soda onto your armpits and you may notice the
difference (15).

6. May Improve Exercise Performance

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a popular supplement
among athletes.

Some studies show that baking soda can help you perform at your peak
for longer, especially during anaerobic exercises like high-intensity
training and sprinting (16  , 17).

During high-intensity exercise, your muscle cells start producing lactic

acid, which is responsible for the burning feeling you get during exercise.
Lactic acid also lowers the pH inside your cells, which may cause your
muscles to tire.

Baking soda has a high pH, which may help delay fatigue, allowing you to
exercise at your peak for longer (18  , 19  ).

For example, one study found that people who took baking soda
exercised for an average of 4.5 minutes longer than people who didn’t
take baking soda (20  ).

11/9/2019 23 Benefits and Uses for Baking Soda

7. Relieve Itchy Skin and Sunburns

A baking soda bath is often recommended to soothe itchy skin. These
baths are especially effective at soothing itches from bug bites and bee
stings (21, 22, 23).

Additionally, baking soda may help soothe itching from sunburns. It

seems more effective when combined with other ingredients like
cornstarch and oatmeal (24, 25, 26).

To make a baking soda bath, add 1–2 cups of baking soda to a lukewarm
bath. Make sure the affected area is soaked thoroughly.

For more specific areas, you can create a paste with baking soda and a
bit of water. Apply a thick layer of paste to the affected area (27).

8. May Treat Calluses

Calluses are hard, rough patches of skin that are caused by longtime
friction or pressure. Activities that typically cause calluses are frequent
walking, gardening or sports.

While calluses aren’t necessarily serious, they can cause pain and
discomfort when applying pressure.

Interestingly, studies have found that soaking calluses in a baking soda

bath may help soften them, remove any scales and reduce discomfort (28,

11/9/2019 23 Benefits and Uses for Baking Soda

9. May Slow the Progression of Chronic Kidney

People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) slowly lose function of their

The kidneys are incredibly important because they help remove excess
waste and water from the blood. At the same time, they help balance
important minerals like potassium, sodium and calcium (30  ).

Research shows that baking soda may help slow the progression of CKD
(31  , 32  , 33).

In a study including 134 adults with CKD, it was found that those taking
sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) supplements were 36% less likely to
rapidly develop kidney failure than people who did not take the
supplements (33).

10. May Improve Certain Cancer Treatments

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide (34  ).

It is often treated with chemotherapy, which works by slowing or stopping

the growth of cancer cells. Normally, cancer cells grow and divide at a
rapid rate (35  ).

Some research shows that baking soda could help chemotherapy

medicines work more effectively. Baking soda may make the environment
for tumors less acidic, which benefits chemotherapy treatments (36  ,
37  , 38  ).

However, the evidence is limited to preliminary indications from animal

and cell studies, so more human-based research is needed.

11. Neutralize Fridge Odors

Have you ever opened your fridge and come across a surprisingly foul

Chances are that some foods in your fridge have overstayed their
welcome and started spoiling. This foul odor may stick around long after… 6/18
11/9/2019 23 Benefits and Uses for Baking Soda

emptying the fridge and cleaning it thoroughly.

Fortunately, baking soda can help freshen a smelly fridge by neutralizing

bad odors. It interacts with the odor particles to eliminate them, rather
than just masking their smell (39).

Fill a cup with baking soda and place it in the back of your fridge to
neutralize bad odors.

12. Air Freshener

Not all commercial air fresheners eliminate bad odors. Instead, some
simply release fragrance molecules that mask bad smells.

In addition, fewer than 10% of air fresheners tell you what they contain.
This can be problematic if you are sensitive to chemicals that may be
found in air fresheners (40).

Baking soda is an excellent and safe alternative to commercial air

fresheners. It interacts with odor particles and neutralizes them, rather
than masking them.

To create a baking soda air freshener, you will need:

A small jar

1/3 cup baking soda

10–15 drops of your favorite essential oils

A piece of cloth or paper

String or ribbon

Add the baking soda and essential oils to the jar. Cover it with the cloth or
paper, and then secure it in place with the string. When the scent starts to
fade, give the jar a shake.

13. May Whiten Your Laundry

Baking soda is an inexpensive way to whiten and clean your laundry.

Baking soda is an alkali — a soluble salt that can help remove dirt and

stains. When dissolved in water, an alkali such as baking soda can interact… 7/18
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with acids from stains and help remove them (41, 42).

Add half a cup of baking soda to your regular amount of laundry

detergent. It also helps soften the water, which means you may need less
detergent than usual (43).

14. Kitchen Cleaner

The versatility of baking soda makes it a great kitchen cleaner. Not only
can it remove tough stains, it also helps eliminate foul odors (44).

To use baking soda in your kitchen, make a paste by mixing baking soda
with a small amount of water. Apply the paste to the desired surface with
a sponge or cloth and scrub thoroughly.

Here are a few things found in the kitchen you can clean with baking

Stained coffee cups

Stained marble

Grease stains

Kitchen tiles

Clogged drains

Tarnished silver


15. Eliminate Garbage Odor

Garbage bags often have a putrid odor because they contain a variety of
decaying waste products. Unfortunately, this odor can spread to your
kitchen and other areas of your home.

Fortunately, baking soda can help eliminate garbage odors. These odors
are often acidic, so baking soda can interact with odor molecules and
neutralize them.

In fact, scientists found that spreading baking soda at the bottom of waste
bins can help neutralize garbage odor by 70% (45  ).… 8/18
11/9/2019 23 Benefits and Uses for Baking Soda

16. Remove Stubborn Carpet Stains

A combination of baking soda and vinegar can remove the most stubborn
carpet stains.

When baking soda and vinegar are mixed, they create a compound called
carbonic acid, which is a common ingredient in cleaning products. This
reaction creates a lot of fizzing, which may help break down tough stains

Here’s how you can eliminate stubborn carpet stains with just baking
soda and vinegar:

1. First, cover the carpet stain with a thin layer of baking soda.

2. Next, fill an empty spray bottle with a 1:1 mixture of vinegar and
water and spray over the stained area.

3. Wait up to an hour or until the surface becomes dry.

4. Scrub the baking soda loose with a brush and vacuum the residue.

5. The stain should now be completely removed. If there is some

baking soda residue left on the carpet, wipe it up with a damp towel.

17. Multipurpose Bathroom Cleaner

Like kitchens, bathrooms can be difficult to clean. They have a variety of
surfaces that are frequently used and thus need to be cleaned often.

While a variety of commercial bathroom cleaners are available, many

people prefer a more natural and cost-effective cleaning option. Baking
soda comes in handy because it whitens and disinfects many bathroom
surfaces (47  , 48).

Here are a few surfaces you can clean with baking soda:

Bathroom tiles




Bathroom sinks… 9/18
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Make a paste using baking soda and a bit of water. Using a sponge or a
cloth, rub the mixture thoroughly onto the surface you want to clean.

Wipe down the surface 15–20 minutes later with a damp cloth.

18. Clean Fruits and Veggies

Many people worry about pesticides on foods. Pesticides are used to
prevent crops from damage by insects, germs, rodents and weeds.

Peeling fruit is the best way to remove pesticides. However, it also means
you don’t get the important nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins and minerals,
found in the skins of many fruits.

Interestingly, recent research has found that soaking fruits and veggies in
a baking soda wash is the most effective way to remove pesticides
without peeling them.

One study found that soaking fruit in a solution of baking soda and water
for 12–15 minutes removed nearly all of the pesticides (49).

19. Polish Silverware

Baking soda is a handy alternative to commercial silver polishes.

For this you will need:

An aluminum baking pan or a baking dish lined with aluminum foil

1 cup of boiling water

1 tablespoon of baking soda

1/2 cup of white vinegar

Add the baking soda to the aluminum baking pan and slowly pour in the
vinegar. Next, pour in the boiling water and then place the silver in the
baking pan.

Almost immediately, the tarnish should begin to disappear, and you can
remove most silverware from the pan within thirty seconds. However,
heavily tarnishedA Dsilverware 
V E R T I S E M E N T may need to sit in the mixture for up to a

minute.… 10/18
11/9/2019 23 Benefits and Uses for Baking Soda

In this mixture, silver undergoes a chemical reaction with the aluminum

pan and baking soda. It transfers the tarnish from the silverware onto the
aluminum pan or may create pale, yellow residue at the bottom of the pan

20. Save a Scorched Pot

Many people have inadvertently scorched the bottom of a pot while

These can be a nightmare to clean. Fortunately, you can save a scorched

pot easily with baking soda and water.

Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the bottom of the pot
and add enough water to cover the burnt areas. Bring the mixture to a
boil and empty the pan as usual.

If stubborn stains remain, grab a scourer, add a small amount of washing

liquid and gently remove the remaining burnt bits. SUBSCRIBE

21. Extinguish Oil and Grease Fires

Interestingly, some fire extinguishers contain baking soda.

They are known as dry chemical fire extinguishers and are used to
extinguish oil, grease and electrical fires. Baking soda reacts with the heat
to produce carbon dioxide, which smothers and extinguishes the fire.

This means that baking soda can be used to extinguish small oil and
grease fires.

However, don’t expect baking soda to extinguish larger house fires.

Larger fires draw in more oxygen and can counter the effects of baking

22. Homemade Weed Killer

Weeds are pesky plants that can grow in the cracks of your walkways and
driveways. They often have deep roots, making them hard to kill without 
using a chemical weed killer.… 11/18
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Fortunately, you can use baking soda as a cheaper and safer alternative.
That’s because baking soda is high in sodium, which creates a harsh
environment for weeds.

Sprinkle a few handfuls of baking soda over weeds that are growing in
the cracks of your sidewalk, driveways and other weed-infested areas.

However, avoid using baking soda to kill weeds in your flowerbeds and
gardens, as it may kill your other plants as well.

23. Shoe Deodorizer

Having stinky shoes is a common problem that can be quite

Luckily, baking soda is also a great remedy for freshening up stinky


Pour two tablespoons of baking soda into two cheesecloths or thin pieces
of fabric. Secure the cloths with a rubber band or string and place one in
each shoe.

Remove the baking soda bags when you want to wear your shoes.

The Bottom Line

Baking soda is a versatile ingredient that has many uses besides cooking.

It shines when it comes to neutralizing odors and cleaning. This

household staple can help remove tough stains, eliminate foul odors and
help clean difficult areas like the oven, microwave and even tile grout.

In addition, baking soda has a variety of health benefits. For example, it

can help treat heartburn, soothe canker sores and even whiten your

What’s more, baking soda is inexpensive and widely available. You can
grab a container of baking soda from your local grocery store.

So the next timeAyou need to remove a tough stain or odor, reach for the

baking soda.… 12/18
11/9/2019 23 Benefits and Uses for Baking Soda


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