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Exogenous Research

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Exogenous Processes refers to the phenomena that occur on the surface of the Earth. It
occurs because of the impact of exogenic forces. The different types of exogenous
processes are Weathering, Soil Formation, and Erosion. These activities are occurring
naturally that makes a transformation on the Earth’s surface. It also leaves a significant
change in the actual biological community of an area. All of these are related to the
atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.

Exogenic factors and methods could similarly need sources outside the Earth. For
example, the influence toward the Sun and Moon. Also, the factors of nature are
capable of doing these exogenous processes. It is the the wind, water, waves, etc. They
are called as exogenic geomorphic agent. Their rate and development constantly
depends upon local conditions. Exogenic and endogenic processes are the factors that
influence the change in the Earth's surface.

The exogenic forces derive their energy from environment determined by means of the
last energy from the sun and also the gradient created through tectonic elements. Inside
the earth or on the surface of the earth, all of the movements happen because of
gradients from higher ranges to decrease ranges, from high pressure to low pressure
etc. It is recognized that the force carried out in line with unit vicinity is referred to as a
strain. Strain is produced in a solid with the aid of pushing or pulling. The gravitational
pressure acts upon all earth substances having sloping floor and tend to supply motion
of remember within the down-slope course. This creates strain and induces deformation
to the debris.

The gravitational force acts upon all earth materials having a sloping surface and tend
to produce movement of matter in down slope direction. Force applied per unit area is
called stress. Stress is produced in a solid by pushing or pulling. This causes
deformation. Forces acting along the faces of earth materials are shear stresses

(separating forces). It is this stress that breaks rocks and other earth materials. The
shear stresses result in angular displacement or slippage. Aside from the gravitational
stress earth materials that are due to some factors of change in temperature changes,
crystallisation and melting are the most common. Chemical processes usually lead to
loosening of forces that join things together between grains, dissolving of soluble
minerals or cementing materials. So, the basic reason that leads to weathering, mass
movements, and wearing away is development of stresses in the body of the earth

As there are different climatic areas on the earth's surface the exogenic geomorphic
processes change from area to area. Temperature and climate are the two important
climatic elements that control different processes.
All the exogenic geomorphic processes are covered under a general term, denudation.
The word 'denude' means to strip off or to uncover. Weathering, mass wasting, wearing
away and transportation are included in denudation processes and their respective
driving forces. It should become clear from this chart that for each process there exists
a clear driving force or energy.

As there are different climatic areas on the earth's surface because of thermal inclines
created by latitudinal, seasonal and land and water spread different versions, the
exogenic geomorphic processes differ from area to area. The density, type and
distribution of green plants that mostly depend upon the climate and temperature use
influence indirectly on exogenic geomorphic processes. Within different climatic areas
there may be local differences of the effects of different climatic elements due to height-
related differences, aspect differences/different versions and the difference in the
amount of sun exposure received by north and south facing slopes as compared to east
and west facing slopes. Further, due to differences in wind speeds and directions,
amount and kind of climate, its strength, the relation between climate and evaporation,
daily range of temperature, freezing and melting frequency, depth of frost penetration,
the geomorphic processes change/differ within any climatic area.

II. Concept Map

Exogenous Processes


Physical Weathering

- Unloading and Expansion

- Change in Temperature
- Freezing
BIological Weathering


- Weathering

- Carbonation
- Hydration


Wind Sheet Rill Gully

Mass Wasting

Fall Slide Flow

III. Weathering

A. Definition

Weathering makes the disintegration of rocks close the surface of the earth. Plant and
animal life, condition and water are the critical explanations behind weathering.
Weathering isolates and discharges the surface minerals of rocks so they can be
transported away by geomorphic agents of breaking down, such as the water, wind and
ice. There are three sorts of weathering: mechanical, biological and chemical.

Weathering is movement of components of climate and atmosphere over geomorphic

agents. There are various procedures in weathering which act either independently or
together to influence the earth materials keeping in mind the end goal to diminish them
to fragmental state. Weathering forms are adapted by many structures related to where
mountains, rivers are located.

Figure 3.0
4 Climatic regimes and depth of weathering mantles EXOGENOUS PROCESSES
B. Types of Weathering

1. Physical Weathering

Physical or also known as mechanical weathering is the breaking down of rocks into
smaller fragments without any change within the chemical composition. Physical
weathering quickens chemical weathering through exposing a larger surface area of
rocks to chemical methods. Physical weathering is due to temperature changes, frost
action, pressure release, and alternate wetting and drying.

Physical weathering caused by temperature changes has 3 types. it is the Exfoliation,

Granular Disintegration and Block
Disintegration. Exfoliation is usual in fine-
grained rocks of uniform structure. The
alternate heating and cooling causes
alternate expansion and contraction. In
exfoliation, the interior of the rock has a
relatively smaller temperature alternate,

Figure 3.1 subsequently a smaller expansion and

Exfoliation Dome in Yosemite

Granular Disintegration is usual in coarse-grained rocks made of various minerals,

which include granite. The alternate heating and cooling also causes alternate
expansion and contraction. Distinctive mineral grains have different rates of growth and
contraction. The rock breaks down grain through grain.

Block Disintegration is usual in areas with well-jointed rocks, which include granite.
Repeated enlargement and contraction causes stress in the rock and widens the joints.
The blocks of rock may additionally split away from the rock mass.

Physical weathering due to freeze-thaw action or frost action is common in which daily
temperatures range above and under freezing point (0oC). It takes place on high
mountains and in temperate latitudes, specifically in regions with well-jointed rocks.
While water freezes, its extent will increase via 9%.

Physical weathering caused by stress release because of unloading is the pressure of

the overlying rocks maintains the underlying rock mass in a state of contraction. When
the overlying rocks are eliminated through erosion, the stress on the rock mass is
launched due to unloading. The rocks enlarge and cracks parallel to the rock surface
develops. Large sheets of rock are cut up far from the figure rock.

Another physical weathering is resulting from exchange wetting and drying. When
certain minerals of rocks absorb water, the rocks increase. The rocks are dried and
settlement while heated by the solar. The alternate wetting and drying causes alternate
enlargement and contraction within the rock. This is usual along the coasts where the
rise and fall of sea level result in wetting and drying on rocks.

Figure 3.2
Fatigue cracking as a result of frost action

2. Biological Weathering

Natural weathering or also called the natural weathering is the weakening and resulting
breaking down of rocks by plants, creatures and bacteria.

Developing plant roots can apply stress or

weight on rocks. Even though the procedure is
physical, the weight is applied by a natural
procedure, for example, developing roots.
Natural procedures can also deliver compound
weathering, for instance where plant roots or
microorganisms create natural acids, which

Figure 3.3
help to break up minerals.
Lichen covered rock at Lake Superior

Microbial movement separates rock minerals by changing the stone's substance

creation, subsequently making it more helpless to weathering. One case of microbial
movement is lichen. It is a fungi and algae, living in a symbiotic relationship. Organisms
discharge chemicals that separate rock minerals. The minerals along these discharged
from rock are eaten by the algae. As this procedure move forward with, openings and
holes keep on developing on the stone, uncovering the stone further to physical and
substance weathering.

Tunneling creatures can move rock pieces to

the surface, presenting the stone to more
exceptional chemical, physical, and organic
procedures thus by result, improving the
procedure of rock weathering. Although
physical, compound, and organic weathering
are separate procedures, a few or most of the
Figure 3.4
procedures can act together in nature. Circular lichen in Great Falls,Superior

3. Chemical Weathering

Compound weathering changes the first material into a substance with an alternate
synthesis and diverse physical qualities. The new substance is ordinarily significantly
milder and more powerless to operators of
disintegration than the first material. The rate of
concoction weathering is significantly quickened
by the nearness of warm temperatures and
dampness. Likewise, a few minerals are more
helpless against substance weathering than
others. For instance, feldspar is much more

Figure 3.5 receptive than quartz.

Weathered rock in Walnut Canyon near
Flagstaff, ArizonaFalls,Superior
The gathering of weathering forms are arrangement, carbonation, hydration, oxidation
and lessening follow up on the stones to disintegrate, break down or diminish them to a
fine clastic state through concoction responses by oxygen, surface or potentially soil
water and different acids. Water and air (oxygen
and carbon dioxide) alongside warm should be
available to accelerate every substance
response. Far beyond the carbon dioxide show
noticeable all around, deterioration of plants
and creatures expands the amount of carbon
dioxide underground. These substance
responses on different minerals are particularly

Figure 3.6 like the synthetic responses in a research facility.

Manganese dendritic growths on a
quartzite bedding plane
When something is broken down in water or acids, the water or corrosive with
disintegrated substance is called arrangement. This procedure includes evacuation of
solids in arrangement and relies on solvency of a mineral in water or feeble acids. On

interacting with water numerous solids break down and stir up as suspension in water.
Solvent shake shaping minerals like nitrates,
sulphates, and potassium and so on are
influenced by this procedure. Thus, these
minerals are effectively filtered out without
leaving any buildup in stormy atmospheres and
gather in dry areas. Minerals like calcium
carbonate and calcium magnesium bicarbonate

display in limestones are solvent in water Figure 3.7

containing carbonic corrosive (framed with the Limestone pavement that has been
chemically weathered by rain
expansion of carbon dioxide in water), and are diverted in water as arrangement.
Carbon dioxide created by rotting natural issue alongside soil water significantly helps in
this response. Regular salt is additionally a stone-shaping mineral and is vulnerable to
this procedure of arrangement.

Carbonation is the response of carbonate and bicarbonate with minerals and is a typical
procedure helping the separating of feldspars
and carbonate minerals. Carbon dioxide from
the air and soil air is consumed by water, to
frame carbonic corrosive that goes about as a
feeble corrosive. Calcium carbonates and
magnesium carbonates are broken up in

carbonic corrosive and are evacuated in an Figure 3.8

As the water flowed continuously and over
answer without leaving any buildup bringing time, it created a hole
about buckle arrangement.

Hydration is the concoction expansion of water. Minerals take up water and extend. This
development causes an expansion in the volume of the material itself. Calcium sulphate
takes in water and swings to gypsum, which is weaker than calcium sulphate. This

procedure is reversible and long, proceeded with redundancy of this procedure causes
weakness in the stones and may prompt their breaking down.
Numerous dirt minerals swell and contract amid wetting and drying and a redundancy of
this procedure brings about splitting of overlying materials. Salts in pore spaces
experience fast and rehashed hydration and help in shake breaking. The volume
changes in minerals because of hydration will likewise help in physical weathering
through peeling and granular breaking down.

In weathering, oxidation implies a mix of a mineral with oxygen to shape oxides or

hydroxides. Oxidation happens where there is a prepared access to the climate and
oxygenated waters. The minerals most ordinarily associated with this procedure are
press, manganese, sulphur and so forth. At the point when oxidized minerals are put in
a domain where oxygen is missing, diminishment happens. Such conditions exist
ordinarily beneath the water table, in regions of dormant water and waterlogged ground.
Red shade of iron upon diminishment swings to greenish or pale blue dim.

Figure 3.9
Oxidation has caused this rock to rust, or break down its layers

C. Examples

1. Inside the country

Physical Weathering

Many rock surfaces have small crevices on them, this image after the water expanded
by 9%, when it freezes. As it expands, it exerts
up to 4.3 million pounds per square foot of
pressure. Since water seeks low points,
repeated freezing a thawing can lead to deep
vertical fissures as cracks are extended
downward. Cracks that allow entry of roots lead
to similar wedging. Roots end up in cracks in
rocks, they eventually grow larger and can split
Figure 3.10
the rock apart. Root wedging is physical Bohol Forest: Man made Mahogany
weathering cause by plant and tree roots splitting the rocks apart.

Chemical Weathering

In this image in the underground river in Puerto

Princesa, water causes both mechanical
weathering and chemical weathering.
Mechanical weathering happens when water
drips of streams over the stone for over a period
of time. Chemical weathering happens when
water disintegrates minerals in a stone, creating
Figure 3.11
Puerto Princesa, Underground River new mixes. This reaction is called hydrolysis.

Biological Weathering

In this image from Tikling Island the pinkish white beach of Matnog, Sorsogon. Roots
can grow into fractures in the rock and pry the rock apart, causing mechanical
fracturing. In this case, biological weathering happens through the disintegration of
rocks by plants. While it is happening plants gain nutrients from rocks and makes tiny
holes for the roots to grow. Plants gain nutrients from rocks and make tiny holes for the
rootlets to grow into. Either way, the rock is weathered.

Figure 3.12
Tikling Island, Matnog Sorsogon

2. Outside the country

Physical Weathering

In this image the great white granite domes and

cliffs of the High Sierra, like half dome, owe their
appearance to exfoliation. These rocks were
emplaced as molten bodies, or plutons, deep
underground, raising the Sierra Nevada range.
The standard explanation is that the disintegratio
n process is happened, then unroofed the
plutons and took away the weight of the overlyin Figure 3.13
Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, Western
g rock. As a result, the solid rock acquired fine United States
cracks through pressure – release jointing

Chemical Weathering

In this image living organisms perform chemical reactions to obtain minerals from soil
and rocks. Many chemical changes are possible. Lichens can have a profound effect on
rock. Lichens, combinations of algae and fungi, produce weak acid that can dissolve
rock. Plant roots are also an important source of
chemical weathering. As roots expand into rock,
acids can change the minerals in the rock.
Plants also use carbon dioxide, thus changing
the chemistry of the soil.

Figure 3.14
Barnacles and other aquatic organisms lead
to weathering

Biological Weathering

In this image ants and thermites can contribute to the physical breakdown of rocks,
these animals can also contribute to their biological degradation. Aside from making
openings and sinkholes to the ground, these living things make it possible to create a
passageway of oxygen and water to the dirt, which thusly, bring the dissolution of soil,
rocks, and rock particles alike. At the point when creatures pass on, their bodies are
changed over to substances, which when joined with minerals found in the dirt rocks,
that can contribute to their condition.

Figure 3.15
Serengeti Plains, Africa

IV. Erosion

A. Definition

Erosion is the process wherein agents of erosion like running water, wind, gravity, and
broke up rocks are the cause of rocks on the earth's surface to be taken away. The soil
or rock debris moves from one place to another in the process of erosion. It takes place
when there is wind, hurricane, tornado, melting of ice like glaciers, and freezing,
seawater intrusion, flooding, running water in the river, and rainfall. Capable of
exfoliating and discard the surface and exposing the layers below it, whether malleable
or violent. Erosion can also occur during the movement of land animals during migration
or stampede. In addition, soil erosion is the result of deforestation, urbanization, and
overgrazing of farm animals; in other words, because of human activities. Sometimes,
erosion can cause enormous deterioration and demolition of surface structure and
foundation, which may become risky in the safety of establishments and communities.

Figure 4.0
A natural arch produced by wind erosion of weathered rock.

B. Types of Soil Erosion

1. Wind Erosion

Anywhere the soil is finely granulated,

loose, dry or mostly in plane, bare
areas; dry, and sandy soils, these are
the places where wind erosion
commonly occurs. It destructs land and
natural vegetation by working away soil
from one place and depositing it in
Figure 4.1
another. It also causes soil reduction, Process of Wind Erosion
witheredness and deterioration of soil
formation, nutrient and productivity depletion and air pollution. Dispersed dust and dirt is
unstoppably deposited over everything. It goes on and inside the houses, highways and
covers streets, and smothers crops.

2. Gully Erosion

Figure 4.2
Farm management techniques to prevent gully erosion

Surface water runoff eliminates soil along drainage lines. Gullies will continue to move
by headward erosion or by slumping of the side walls unless steps are taken to stabilise
the disturbance when it started.

The techniques to prevent gully erosions are (See Figure 4.3):

 Hold the remains of plants along narrow valleys where rivers usually flow and
zones of recharge .
 Keep up tracks and courses to limit the erosive energy of spillover water/
 Dam narrow valleys to control stream with due thought to spillways.
 Guarantee a reasonable stocking rate with the goal that the field isn't harmed.
 Set up and keep up a healthy established fields.
 Redirect water far from disintegration inclined zones using distraction banks.
 Construct a structure of narrow valley where a river usually flows to reduce the
power of water Fence and deal with the land as per its ability.

3. Rill Erosion

Concentrated water running through little

streamlets, or headcuts take away soil. Spliting in
a rill occurs if the sediment in the flow is
underneath the amount the load can deliver and if
the flow surpass the soil's resistance to splitting.
As splitting continues or flow inflates, rills will
become deeper and wider. Figure 4.3
Small Channels in Soil

4. Sheet Erosion

Forces of raindrops and overland flow are the causes of constant elimination of soil in
thin layers. It can be efficacious erosive process because it can consume large areas of
sloping land and go neglected for quite some time.

Figure 4.4
Destroyed crops due to sheet erosion.

C. Examples

1. Inside the country

Wind Erosion

A natural arch weathered rock in

Napinto Cave, Quezon Province.
This is produced because of the
wind erosion. Transporting the rock
fragments until it forms an arch
such like this.

Figure 4.5
Natural arch in Quezon Province, Philippines

Gully Erosion

The picture shows a gully erosion occurred in

the Philippines, specifically in Ilagan City. Gully
erosion occurs after a severe rainfall leading to
the loss of topsoil, the formation of ditch-like

features on sloping areas, and the deterioration of productive agricultural lands.

Figure 4.6
Gully erosion appears at the study site near
Ilagan City, Isabela Province, Philippines

2. Outside the country

Wind Erosion

In this picture this shows how wind erosion

become a significant problem in the arid
grazing Islands of inland Queensland. It is
most likely to occur when strong winds blow
over light-textured soils that have been heavily
grazed during drought periods. Wind erosion
occurs when wind take particles such as dirt
and dust from an area and can be move to
Figure 4.7
other places. Dust storm,
western Queensland, in October 2007

Gully Erosion

The picture shows an exposure of utility cable

because of gully erosion in the State of Nigeria.
Gully erosion is a water worn channel or
drainage channel. Gullies can be active or

Figure 4.8
Exposure of utility cable by gully erosion,
Minna, Niger State of Nigeria

Rill Erosion

This picture shows an eroding rill from Country

Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Rills are formed
when water erodes the topsoil on hillsides. It is
also due to seasonal weather patterns.

Figure 4.9
A downslope view of part of the eroding rill

Sheet Erosion

This picture show an sheet erosion occurred in Queensland. Sheet erosion occurs when
a thin layer of topsoil is removed over a whole hillside paddock. Prone to this kind of
erosion are hill slopes.

Figure 4.10
Rill and sheet erosion on a cultivated paddock.

V. Mass Wasting

A. Definition

Mass wasting is the process wherein rocks, soil, and other earth materials moves down
a slope due to gravitational forces. This is dangerous for people because it could cause
destruction like landslides wherein it is a destructive, rapid mass wasting event. It is
dangerous because if a landslide happens a part of a high mountain or cliff will fall down
and if there are houses below that mountain. The lives of the people will be
endangered. Sometimes instead of rock that falls from the mountains, mud flows down
from the mountain that can affect the
houses of the people. There is a
variety of conditions that affects the
development of mass wasting in a
particular area. Steep slopes is the
loose earth material or considered as
weak slopes, frequent freezing and
thawing, high water content in the
earth material, dry conditions with
Figure 5.0 occasional heavy rainfall, and scattered
Mass wasting at Palo Duro Canyon, West Texas
vegetation are the factors that
contribute to the unstable conditions that result in mass wasting. Movements can be
triggered by the motion of earthquakes or too much weight added to the upper part of a

slope, such as snowpack. Aside from earthquakes, there are different or other natural
causes of mass wasting like excess water on slope due to heavy rains, but humans is
also responsible for mass wasting. The deforestation is one of them due to illegal
logging and numerous cutting of trees. Without the trees, the soils are not supported
from the force of raindrops, which is the result of loose rocks and soils.

B. Types of Mass Wasting

1. Fall

This is the fastest of all landslide types and

occurs when a rock fall due to gravity.
Rocks fall because of the heavy
precipitation in a falling steep slope,
causing the rocks to lose its friction and fall.
That is the reason where the earth
materials free-falls or bounces down a cliff.
The rock material may also loosen by Figure 5.1
Rock falls at Hunstanton cliffs, Norfolk, England
earthquakes. It is usually occur at very steep slopes such as cliff face.

2. Slide

A descending rock mass remaining relatively coherent, moving along one or more well
defined surfaces. A rockslide is the rapid sliding of a mass of bedrock along an inclined
surface of weakness. In contrast, a
rock avalanche is a very rapidly moving,

turbulent mass of broken-up bedrock. Slide

also known, as rockslide is destructive for

people, because it could lead to destruction
of houses or sometimes landslides or
rockslides take the life of an individual. Figure 5.2
Holbeck Hall landslide, Scarborough, North

3. Flow

Flow is a mixture of soil and water channeling down from the mountain, its travel is very
slow due the water is mixed up with soil. The flow happens when a mass of sediment
becomes completely saturated with water, the mass loses strength, to the extent that
the grains are pushed apart, and it will flow, even on a gentle slope. This can happen
during rapid spring snowmelt or heavy rains.

Figure 5.3
Tlahuitoltepec mudflow exhibits thixotropic material flowing downslope due to gravity.



1. Inside the country


The occurrence of rockfall on Abaca Mountain on Luzon Island in the Philippines,
around 150 km upper east of Manila, is because of heavy downpours. Rockfall are a
typical issue after extreme climate occasions, as abundance pore water weight can beat
union in soil and residue, enabling them to stream like fluids.

Figure 5.4
The approximate location of the 9 September 2013 Abaca Mountain


The Philippines has additionally been influenced

via slide occurrences. Landslides incorporate an

extensive variety of developments in the ground, for example, a profound failure of

A massive landslide hit Antipolo City, Philippines, on August 3, 1999. Because of a

great deal of heavy precipitation moving toward Figure 5.5
the tropical storm Olga. This landslide caused a Landslide on Cherry Hills, Antipolo Rizal,
ton of harm and death toll. It turned into a passing trap when the establishments were
loaded with water and the entire complex slid down slopes.


In November of 2006, Typhoon Reming hit the

Philippines causing many lives lost when
mudflows from the Mayon Volcano covered
many towns because of solid breezes and
substantial downpours. Tropical storm Reming
killed very nearly 2,000 individuals, and left
many more individuals missing.
Figure 5.6
Mayon Volcano caused mud flow after it

2. Outside the country


This photo is from the Goosenecks zone of the San Juan River in southern Utah. The
picture demonstrates the layer of limestone that structures the edge of the rock along
the gully, with vast obstructs that have isolated from the stone outcrop.

Figure 5.7
Goosenecks area of the San Juan River,
in Utah


This mountain edge in the San Gabriel

Mountains of California demonstrates the
pathways for rockslides, both past and future.
These straight for mountain climbers, desolate
regions give fast access to higher height, yet
they are very hazardous.

Figure 5.8
Rock avalanche paths in San Gabriel
Mountains of California


Cable Canyon, close to San Bernardino, California, was the site of a destructive
mudflow in December of 2003. In October of 2003, an out of control fire had cleared
over the inclines of the San Bernardino Mountains above Cable Canyon, destroying the
vast majority of the crops that are present on the path of the mountain. As rain fell on

these soils in December, the dilute hurried in the mountain inclines. As the sloppy mud
ended up plainly engaged in little stream channels, its vitality for transporting bigger
particles expanded drastically. As the seething stream entered Cable Canyon it turned
into a mud flow with trees, rocks and anything in its way down gully and in the long run
through a KOA campground. Campers in RV's and tents were cleared up. Once the
natural hazard was ended, a few people were dead and destroyed vehicles and trailers
were littered up to a half mile down from the campground.

Figure 5.9
Cable Canyon in the foreground

VI. Conclusion

Geological processes are caused by the sources of energy that are found outside the
world's surface. These sources are mostly the sun-powered radiation, with the power of

Exogenous processes are the occurrences that happen at the Earth’s surface. It
contains weathering and the geographical activity of wind, streaming surface and
groundwater, lakes, the waters of the oceans and seas, and ice sheets. The most
critical indications of exogenous processes on the world's surface are the disintegration
or decomposition of rocks and substance, change of their minerals, the evacuation and
transport of the rock fragments released and dissolvable items by water, wind, and ice
sheets, and the gathering of these items as sediments and their steady change into
sedimentary rocks

Exogenous processes together with endogenous processes, contribute to the molding

of the world's structure. In this way, for instance, metals of aluminum (bauxites), iron,
nickel, and different minerals shape under states of weathering and sedimentation. The
particular statement of minerals by streaming waters brings about the arrangement of
gold and diamonds. Burnable minerals frame under the conditions of natural issue and
sedimentary layers rich in such thing.

VII. Bibliography


Iakushova, A. F. Dinamicheskaia geologiia. Moscow, 1970.
Gorshkov, G. P., and A. F. Iakushova. Obshchaia geologiia, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1973.
Obshchaia geologiia. Moscow, 1974.
Graniczny M. (2006) Exogenic Geological Processes As a Landform-Shaping Factor. In:
Zektser I.S., Marker B., Ridgway J., Rogachevskaya L., Vartanyan G. (eds)
Geology and Ecosystems. Springer, Boston, MA
Oliva M. (2016) Earth Science (STEM Track) Makati City, Philippines: DIWA Learning
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