Aspects of Delay Diversity in Ofdm: Gerhard Bauch Docomo Euro-Labs Landsberger Strasse 312, 80687 Munich, Germany
Aspects of Delay Diversity in Ofdm: Gerhard Bauch Docomo Euro-Labs Landsberger Strasse 312, 80687 Munich, Germany
Aspects of Delay Diversity in Ofdm: Gerhard Bauch Docomo Euro-Labs Landsberger Strasse 312, 80687 Munich, Germany
1, March 2006
Abstract— We consider several aspects of delay diversity in virtual antennas over which cyclically delayed versions of the
coded OFDM. The cyclic properties of the FFT allow to do same signal are transmitted. The application of cyclic delay
delay diversity in a cyclic manner without exceeding the guard diversity to multi-carrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) was presented
interval. We investigate the impact of different cyclic delays in
terms of achievable diversity level, information theory and BER in [7].
performance. Furthermore, we propose an interleaving and user In [8], cyclic delay diversity was analyzed with means of
assignment strategy which allows multiple users to exploit the full coding theory using the design criteria for space-time codes
spatial diversity in an OFDMA system with appropriately chosen which where presented in [9]. Requirements for the outer FEC
cyclic delays. Finally, we introduce a scheme with low delay and code and an interleaver are given which allow to obtain full
low reference symbol overhead for differential modulation in
frequency direction which can be detected non-coherently and diversity in frequency-flat and frequency-selective channels.
is able to cope with the increased frequency-selectivity which is Space-frequency code construction based on cyclic delay
caused by the cyclic delays. diversity and additional shifts in frequency direction is con-
sidered in [10]. The additional shift in frequency allows to
derive a detector which exploits the spatial diversity without
I. I NTRODUCTION the need for an outer FEC decoder.
Transmit antenna diversity techniques play an important In this paper, we treat various further aspects of cyclic
role in wireless communications for establishing a reliable delay diversity such as an information theoretic investigation
link in fading environments. Besides performance, complexity of the optimum cyclic delays, an interleaving strategy for
and backward compatibility are essential design parameters. bit-interleaved coded modulation and multi-user aspects on
A very simple transmit antenna diversity method is delay Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA),
diversity [1], [2]. Delay diversity techniques have regained where we propose an assignment of users to subcarriers, which
attraction recently as simple transmit antenna diversity meth- allows multiple users to exploit the full spatial diversity.
ods. The idea is to transmit delayed replicas of a signal Furthermore, we address the application of differential mod-
simultaneously from several antennas which are separated ulation which can be detected non-coherently, i.e. without any
far enough in order to provide uncorrelated fading channels. channel estimation at the receiver. This is of relevance since
Essentially, when delay diversity is applied, the receiver sees a disadvantage of cyclic delay diversity, which is neglected
an equivalent single-input channel with increased frequency- in most papers, is that channel estimation becomes a more
selectivity which can be exploited by an equalizer. difficult task due to the increased frequency-selectivity. It has
A problem associated with delay diversity is that the delays been shown in [11], [12] that with nT transmit antennas, the
may exceed the capability of an equalizer or require a longer number of required pilot symbols is increased at least by a
guard interval which means reduced bandwidth-efficiency. An factor of nT compared to a single transmit antenna system,
elegant solution to provide delay diversity without exceeding which results in lower bandwidth efficiency.
the guard interval in orthogonal frequency division multiplex The paper is organized as follows: First, we present the
(OFDM) is to do the delays in a cyclic manner. This was channel model in Section II. The principle of cyclic delay
proposed as cyclic delay diversity in [3] and in [4] where it diversity is explained in Section III before we investigate in
was named circular generalized delay diversity. In this paper, Section IV the impact of different choices of the cyclic delay
we refer to the scheme as cyclic delay diversity. Since OFDM on the effective channel and the achievable diversity level.
applies only a one tap equalizer, the increased frequency The capacity of cyclic delay diversity is derived in Section
diversity needs to be exploited by a forward error correcting V. The impact of particular realizations of the cyclic delay as
decoder. well as the capacity gains over single transmit antenna systems
Initial papers aimed to apply cyclic delay diversity in are evaluated. Section VI proposes a scheme which allows
existing systems without modification of standards. E.g. [3] multiple users to exploit spatial diversity in OFDMA. Finally,
considered the implementation of cyclic delay diversity in the application of differential modulation with cyclic delay
terrestrial digital video broadcasting (DVB-T). The gains for diversity is proposed and evaluated in Section VII.
different values of the cyclic delay were investigated by means
of simulation. The impact of different cyclic delays on the
performance is investigated in more detail in [5].
The combination of cyclic delay diversity with beamforming We consider an equivalent baseband multiple–input
has been considered in [6], where several beams are used as multiple–output (MIMO) channel with nT transmit antennas
African Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2006
and nR receive antennas. The impulse response from transmit single-input multiple-output (SIMO) channel with increased
antenna n to receive antenna m at time t is given by the 1 × Ns frequency-selectivity, i.e. the spatial diversity is transformed
vector into frequency diversity which can be picked up by an outer
(nm) (nm) (nm)
i FEC decoder. In case of a convolutional code, the maximum
ht = ht (0), ht (1), ..., ht (D), 0, ..., 0 , (1)
diversity level which can be exploited by the decoder is
where D is the memory per subchannel from a transmit to determined by the free distance of the code.
a receive antenna and Ns is the FFT size of the OFDM
modulator. The channel coefficients ht (d) are complex IV. I MPACT OF THE C YCLIC D ELAYS ON THE E FFECTIVE
Gaussian random variables and the power delay profile is the C HANNEL I MPULSE R ESPONSE AND THE D IVERSITY
same for all transmit antennas. The channel is assumed to L EVEL
be constant during transmission of an OFDM symbol such The characteristic of the resulting frequency domain channel
that - in case of a sufficiently long guard interval - no inter- depends on the choice of the cyclic delays ∆n . The channel
carrier interference occurs. Additive white Gaussian noise coefficient of the d-th subcarrier at receive antenna m in the
with variance σ 2 per real dimension is added at each receive k-th OFDM symbol is given by
antenna. The total transmit energy per time slot is denoted Es , nT
d = 0, ..., Ns − 1,
i.e. the energy per symbol transmitted from each antenna is (d)e− j2π d∆n /Ns ,
(m) (nm)
Hk (d) = Hk (5)
given by Es /nT . m = 1, ..., nR ,
xɶ2 xɶ1 xɶ0 xɶ3 ht(2) where ∆n is normalized to the FFT sample spacing, ∆1 = 0,
xɶ1 xɶ0 xɶ3 xɶ2 the assumed maximum length of the impulse response, the
∆nT GI
cyclic delay could be chosen according to
Fig. 1. Cyclic delay diversity in coded OFDM. Transmitter. ∆n = G + 1 + ∆n−1. (8)
Another save option is to choose the maximum possible cyclic
encoder. After an optional interleaver Π, the code bits are delays according to
mapped e.g. on QAM or PSK symbols. OFDM is implemented
Ns (n − 1) Ns
using the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) of size Ns , ∆n = = + ∆n−1. (9)
where Ns is the number of subcarriers. The output symbols nT nT
of the IFFT are denoted x̃t , t = 0, ..., Ns − 1. Each antenna This particular choice of the cyclic delays has consequences
introduces a different cyclic delay ∆n , n = 1, ..., nT , i.e. the for the effective channel frequency response: In case of nT = 2
transmit symbol from antenna n at time t is given by transmit antennas and a cyclic delay of ∆2 = Ns /2, the term
(n) e− j2π d∆n/Ns in (5) can take two different values resulting in
xt = x̃(t−∆n ) mod Ns ,t = 0, ..., Ns − 1, n = 1, ..., nT . (2)
the effective channel coefficients
Before transmission, a cyclic guard interval (GI) is included (m) (1m) (2m)
Hk (d) = Hk (d) + Hk (d), d even
at each transmit antenna as it is usually done in OFDM.
(m) (1m) (2m)
The system is equivalent to transmission of the sequence Hk (d) = Hk (d) − Hk (d), d odd. (10)
x̃ = [x̃0 , ..., x̃Ns −1 ] over a frequency-selective channel with one
Given a uniform power delay profile for all transmit antennas,
transmit antenna and impulse response
h i adjacent subcarriers happen to be uncorrelated, whereas the
(1m) (1m) (1m)
hequ,t = hequ,t (0), ..., hequ,t (Ns − 1) (3) channel taps of every second subcarrier are correlated or even
identical in case of a flat fading channel. Hence, in a flat fading
to receive antenna m, m = 1, ..., nR , where with (1) channel, we observe only two different states of the effective
nT frequency domain channel within an OFDM symbol.
(1m) (nm)
((d − ∆n ) mod Ns ).
hequ,t (d) = ht (4) In the sequel, we denote the number of different channel
n=1 states which would result in a frequency-flat channel by S,
The receiver is a standard OFDM receiver which removes e.g. S = 2 for nT = 2 and ∆2 = Ns /2. I.e. the spatial diversity
the guard interval and performs the FFT before QAM/PSK is transformed into frequency diversity over a well defined
demapping, deinterleaving and decoding. number of S adjacent subcarriers. If we choose a cyclic delay
Basically, cyclic delay diversity has transformed the of ∆2 = N4s with nT = 2, the term e− j2π d∆n /Ns in (5) can
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel into a take four different values, i.e. in a frequency-flat channel we
African Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2006
observe four different channel states of the resulting frequency where H(x) and H(x|y, H̃k ) denote the entropy and the condi-
domain channel Hk . For ∆2 = N8s , we obtain 8 different states tional entropy, respectively, and x(d), y(d) and H̃k (d)) refer
etc. Similarly, in case of nT = 4 transmit antennas and cyclic to the transmitted symbols, received symbols and the SIMO
delays according to (9), we observe four different channel channel, respectively, for subcarrier d.
states resulting from (5) in an OFDM symbol. The transmit symbols xt are assumed to be equally likely,
We will exploit this property of the FFT in the following i.e. the entropy is given by
H(x(d)) = log2 M. (14)
14 nT=2, channel capacity Note that even though we gave examples for BPSK and
12 n =2, CDD, all ∆ ≠ 32
T 2 QPSK modulation, the aforementioned effects are independent
10 nT=2, CDD, ∆2=32
n =1, channel capacity
of the particular modulation method. In contrast to [5], we
8 T
found no dependence of the optimum cyclic delays on the
6 n =2
R modulation alphabet but rather on the code rate. Due to a
4 higher diversity level, the aforementioned effects are reduced
2 n =1 if multiple receive antennas are applied. The same is true for
0 frequency-selective channels, where we found that all cyclic
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Es/N0 in dB
delays which meet ∆n > ∆n−1 + D show similar performance.
For frequency-selective channels, we also investigated differ-
Fig. 2. 1% outage capacity. Frequency-flat channel, Gaussian transmit
symbols, Ns = 64. ent FFT sizes (Ns = 64, 128, 512, 1024) and found no depen-
dence of the capacity results on the number of subcarriers
given that the cyclic delays are chosen as the same fraction of
2 ∆ relatively Ns .
1.8 prime to Ns ∆ =2,6,10,14,18,
2) Capacity Gain of Cyclic Delay Diversity Over Single
∆ =16 22,26,30 Transmit Antenna Systems: Finally, we investigate how much
1.6 2
∆ =4,12,20,28 we can gain in terms of capacity using cyclic delay diversity
∆ =32
MI1 in bit/channel use
1.4 n =2 2 ∆ =8,24
∆ =16
2 in frequency-selective channels. Frequency-selective channels
∆ =32 already provide a significant amount of frequency diversity.
1 Consequently, the gain obtained by additional spatial diversity
decreases with increasing level of frequency diversity.
∆ =16 ∆ =16
2 2
∆ =32 ∆ =32
2 2
0.4 6 Gaussian
QPSK, R=1/2
Gain in dB
0 4 nR=1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
E /N in dB
s 0
Fig. 3. 1% outage capacity. Frequency-flat channel, BPSK and QPSK, nT = 2, nR=2
Ns = 64. 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
pick up the full spatial diversity. In order to achieve this, we Furthermore, the choice of the cyclic delay should also be
make use of the finding of Section IV that with cyclic delays taken into consideration in the design of the bit interleavers Π.
which are not relatively prime to Ns , the spatial diversity is A convolutional code picks up the maximum diversity if suc-
distributed over a defined block of S adjacent subcarriers. For cessive code bits are transmitted via uncorrelated subcarriers.
simplicity, we assume code rates R ≤ 0.5 in the following, Therefore, we propose to split the stream of code bits into S
i.e. the cyclic delays are chosen according to (9. For higher streams. The bits in each stream are optionally interleaved and
code rates, the respective cyclic delays have to be adapted as mapped on constellation elements of a modulation scheme.
explained in Section V-B.1. The complete transmitter is depicted in Figure 6. The bits
of each user are encoded by a forward error control code. A
0 serial to parallel converter splits the stream of code bits into
user 1 FEC
Π QAM/PSK S streams. The first bit goes to stream 1, the second to stream
2 etc.. Within each stream, an optional bit interleaver Π(s)
permutes the code bits before mapping them to constellation
elements of a digital modulation method such as QAM or PSK.
Π(S) QAM/PSK S be assigned to user 1 in the first OFDM symbol but to user
2 in the second OFDM symbol. The receiver performs the
FEC B. Simulation Results
user U
For the simulation results presented in this section, we
restrict ourselves to BPSK modulation since we found that
Fig. 6. OFDMA with multi-stream interleaving Π(s) and group frequency in principle the results are independent of the particular
interleaver Π f .
modulation format. We apply a convolutional code with rate
R = 1/2, constraint length 3, and free distance d f = 5 for
In a conventional OFDMA system, the subcarriers which channel coding. The FFT size is Ns = 64 subcarriers. We
are allocated to a particular user are either a set of adjacent assume a spatially uncorrelated channel with nT = 2 transmit
subcarriers or a block frequency interleaver distributes the and nR = 1 receive antennas and quasistatic fading, i.e. the
symbols of a user on subcarriers with a fixed spacing in order channel coefficients are constant during transmission of a
to exploit frequency diversity. If cyclic delays according to coded frame and change independently from one frame to
(9) are applied, such a block interleaving may result in a the next. In principle, the results hold true also for more
complete failure to exploit spatial diversity. The problem is antennas. First, we present results for flat fading channels in
illuminated in Figure 5 for the example of U = 4 users. The order to isolate the spatial effects. Later, we consider also
subcarriers d = 0, 4, 8, ... are allocated to user 1. However, as frequency-selective channels with D + 1 sample-spaced taps
explained above, user 1 can pick up spatial diversity only if of equal mean power where additional frequency diversity is
neighbouring subcarriers are allocated to him. Therefore, we available. In case of frequency-selective channels, we assume
propose to allocate groups of S neighbouring subcarriers to a sufficiently long guard interval.
each user as indicated in Figure 6. An additional groupwise 1) Impact of the Cyclic Delay: In Sections IV and VI-A we
frequency interleaving Π f enables exploitation of frequency proposed to choose the cyclic delay according to (9) such that
diversity which is available due to the frequency selectivity adjacent subcarriers are uncorrelated and multiple users can
of the channel. Since with cyclic delays according to (9), the exploit the spatial diversity. Simulation results on the frame
spatial diversity is transformed into S adjacent subcarriers, we error rate (FER) in a flat fading channel are depicted in Figure
can assign up to ⌊Ns /S⌋ users in an OFDM symbol and provide 7 for different values ∆2 of the cyclic delay.
full spatial diversity for each user, where ⌊.⌋ indicates the floor The results demonstrate the superiority of the choice ∆2 =
function. However, in frequency-selective channels, a smaller Ns /2 = 32 according to (9), where the interleaving strategy
number of users should be assigned to each OFDM symbol in with S = 2 streams as proposed in Section VI has been applied.
order to allow also the exploitation of frequency diversity. From the slope of the FER curve it can be observed that the
African Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2006
full spatial diversity order of nT nR = 2 is exploited. Whereas 10
other delays ∆2 show almost identical performance, there is a −2
1 dB gain with ∆2 = 32.
10 −4
10 block Πf
1 Tx 1 branch Π(s), group Π
−1 f
10 2 branch Π(s), group Πf
block Πf
−6 (s)
1 branch Π , group Πf
−2 10
2 Tx, ∆ = 1,2,8 2 branch Π(s), group Π
2 −7
0 5 10 15 20
10 2 Tx, ∆ = 32 Eb/N0 in dB
diff. 1
according to (9), adjacent subcarriers are uncorrelated and, Π (1)
2 modulator
block Π
FEC ∆2
... ...
therefore, straight forward differential modulation in frequency GI
encoder Ns-S
direction will fail. In the sequel, we will analyze the effect of Π (S ) diff.
different cyclic delays and particularly propose a solution for
2 modulator Ns ∆ nT GI
cyclic delays according to (9).
Fig. 10. Transmitter for cyclic delay diversity with multi-stream differential
B. Differential Modulation and Cyclic Delay Diversity
We consider two options for the application of differen-
tial modulation in combination with cyclic delay diversity: The receiver is equipped with nR antennas. After removing
A straight forward solution is to choose the cyclic delays the guard interval, the FFT is taken at each receive antenna.
according to (8), i.e. larger than the guard interval, in order The block deinterleaver Π−1 assigns the nR received signals
to meet the full spatial diversity criterion (7) and to perform of each stream to the differential detectors, which also work
standard differential modulation in frequency direction. In as receive diversity combiners. After deinterleaving according
(s) −1
order to allow simple non-coherent detection, the coherence to Π2 and/or Π−1
1 , an FEC decoder picks up the frequency
bandwidth of the effective channel (5) should be larger than diversity and delivers soft or hard decisions on the information
two subcarrier spacings. This might become critical since bits.
cyclic delay diversity increases the frequency-selectivity of the In order to exploit the full available diversity and coding
channel. gain, the differential detectors should deliver soft outputs. The
problem is that even in flat fading channels, the streams face
2 different channel states and, therefore, the weighting of the
decisions in different channel states is essential. Actually, this
1.5 stream 1 would require channel state information. A soft-output detector
is derived in [20].
encoding 1) Simulation Results: In this section, we present simula-
stream 2 tion results for a quasistatic spatially uncorrelated channel with
0 5 10 15 20 25 Ns−1
d nT = 2 transmit and nR = 1 receive antenna, i.e. the channel
is constant in time over one FEC coded block and changes
Fig. 9. Differential encoding with two streams for cyclic delay diversity independently from one block to the next.
with nT = 2 transmit antennas and cyclic delay ∆2 = N2s . Frequency-selective First, in Figure 11 we demonstrate the effect of multi-stream
differential modulation and the impact of the interleaving
scheme for a flat fading channel, DQPSK modulation, Ns = 64
Therefore, we propose another option: We propose to split subcarriers and a block size of 122 uncoded bits. We use a
the data into S streams, where S is the number of different rate 1/2 convolutional code with constraint length 5 for FEC
states of the effective frequency domain channel which would coding.
result from (5) in a frequency-flat original channel. Separate In Figure 11, we also included the BER for a single transmit
differential modulation is performed in each of the S streams. antenna system with differential modulation. Using cyclic
Each stream is then transmitted over subcarriers with high delay diversity with ∆2 = 1 yields the expected diversity level
correlation. of 2. With ∆2 = 32 and S = 1 stream, detection fails completely
An example for nT = 2 transmit antennas is given in since the effective channel taps of adjacent subcarriers are
Figure 9. According to (10), we have S = 2. One stream uncorrelated. However, we can pick up diversity by splitting
is transmitted over the even numbered subcarriers, the other the data stream into S = 2 streams.
stream is transmitted over the odd numbered subcarriers. The The impact of the interleaving strategy can be observed from
(cheap) price we pay is one additional reference symbol which Figure 10. For the same reasons as explained in Section VI-
is required for the second stream. The transmitter of our B.2, Figure 8, per stream interleaving Π2 instead of a single
proposed scheme is depicted in Figure 10. For non-coherent random interleaver Π1 is essential in order to pick up the full
detection, the effective channel needs to be constant over two diversity with convolutional codes of limited contraint length..
subcarriers within each stream. I.e. the original channel has to For the evaluation in frequency-selective channels, we
be constant over three subcarriers. consider a uniform power delay profile with D + 1 sample
The assignment of transmit symbols to subcarriers can be spaced taps per subchannel, Ns = 2048 subcarriers and DQPSK
realized by a block interleaver with interleaving depth S, i.e. modulation. FEC coding is done over one OFDM symbol
an S × Ns /S matrix in which we write rowwise and from using a rate 1/2 convolutional code with constraint length 3.
which we read columnwise. OFDM modulation and cyclic Figure 12 shows the BER for different lengths D of the
delay diversity are then performed as described in Section III. channel impuls response. We compare cyclic delays of ∆2 =
African Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2006
∆2=100, 1 stream
∆2=11, 1 stream
−1 ∆ =1024, 2 streams
10 ∆2=1 2
∆2=32, 1 stream 0 5 10 15
E /N in dB
20 25
(s) b 0
∆2=32, 2−stream, Π2
∆2=32, 2−stream, Π1 Fig. 14. Frequency-selective channel with uniform power delay profile, D =
10 taps, nT = 2, nR = 1, DQPSK, Ns = 2048.
10 15 20 25 30 as a rule of thumb definition for the coherence bandwidth,
Eb/N0 in dB
where στ is the rms delay spread of the channel.
Fig. 11. Flat fading channel, nT = 2, nR = 1, DQPSK, Ns = 64.
It can be observed that the coherence bandwidth is de-
creased by cyclic delay diversity compared to a single transmit
antenna system. Using a cyclic delay ∆2 = D + 1 with single
stream differential modulation and our proposal ∆2 = Ns /2
0 with 2-stream differential modulation yield virtually the same
∆2=Ns/2, 2 streams result, where in the latter case we measure the relevant
∆ =D+1, 1 stream coherence bandwith within each stream. This explains that
−2 both options show comparable performance in Figure 12.
D=1 However, setting the cyclic delay to ∆2 = D + 1 requires
D=5 knowledge of the instantaneous length of the channel impulse
−4 response at the transmitter. In general, this knowledge will
not be available. The guard interval G will be designed longer
than the maximum expected length of the channel impulse
0 5 10
respons. Typical values are 10-20% of the OFDM symbol
E /N15in dB 20 25 30
b 0 duration. The transmitter can then choose the cyclic delay
according to ∆2 = G + 1 ≥ D + 1. If the instantaneous channel
Fig. 12. Frequency-selective channels with uniform power delay profile,
D + 1 taps, nT = 2, nR = 1, DQPSK, Ns = 2048. impulse response is shorter than the guard interval, i.e. D < G,
the coherence bandwidth of the effective channel will be
mainly determined by the cyclic delay ∆2 . Examples for guard
intervals of 5-20% of the OFDM symbol duration are included
10 in Figure 13 (∆2 = 100, 200, 400).
nT=1 It can be concluded that our proposal of 2-stream differential
B in subcarrier spacings
∆ =400
2 included the performance of coherent QPSK which yields the
0 usual 3 dB advantage over differential modulation.
1 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 13. Coherence bandwidth of the effective SIMO channel with cyclic VIII. C ONCLUSIONS
delay diversity in subcarrier spacings. Frequency-selective channels with
uniform power delay profile, D + 1 taps, Ns = 2048 subcarriers, nT = 2 We considered several aspects of cyclic delay diversity
transmit antennas. as a simple and powerful transmit antenna diversity method
for OFDM which enables substantial diversity gains even in
bandwidth of the effective SIMO channel for different cyclic relatively strong frequency-selective channels. We discussed
delays in Figure 13 as a performance measure for differential the impact of the choice of the cyclic delays on the achievable
modulation. We use diversity level and for enabling multiple users to pick up the
1 full spatial diversity in OFDMA. We derived the capacity of
Bc = (17)
15στ cyclic delay diversity and showed that the optimum cyclic
African Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2006
delay depend on the code rate but not on the modulation [13] J. Winters, “The diversity gain of transmit diversity in wireless fading
alphabet. We propose to choose the cyclic delays at differ- systems with Rayleigh fading,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Tech-
nology, vol. 47, pp. 119–123, February 1998.
ent antennas realively prime which yields close to optimum [14] G. Bauch and J. Malik, “Parameter optimization, interleaving and
performance. multiple access in OFDM with cyclic delay diversity,” in IEEE Vehicular
Furthermore, we have presented a scheme for differential Technology Conference (VTC), May 2004.
[15] T. Cover and J. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory. New York:
modulation in frequency direction in OFDM with cyclic de- John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2nd edition ed., 1991.
lay diversity which can cope with the increased frequency- [16] S. Sandhu and A. Paulraj, “Space-time block codes: a capacity perspec-
selectivity. Our multi-stream proposal yields superior perfor- tive,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 4, pp. 384–386, December
mance compared to straight forward single-stream differential [17] G. Bauch, J. Hagenauer, and N. Seshadri, “Turbo processing in trans-
modulation in the likely case that the instantaneous chan- mit antenna diversity systems,” Annals of Telecommunications, Special
nel impulse response is shorter than the guard interval and Issue: Turbo codes - a widespreading technique, vol. 56, pp. 455–471,
August 2001.
comparable performance if the instantaneous channel impulse [18] G. Bauch, “Capacity optimization of cyclic delay diversity,” in IEEE
response is as long as the guard interval. Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), September 2004.
[19] D. Divsalar and M. Simon, “Multiple-symbol differential detection of
Further studies which are not reported in this paper com- MPSK,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 38, pp. 300–308,
pared cyclic delay diversity to orthogonal space-time block March 1990.
codes as a well established transmit diversity scheme which [20] G. Bauch, “Multi-stream differential modulation for cyclic delay diver-
sity in OFDM,” in IEEE International Conference on Communications
in contrast to cyclic delay diversity performs maximum ratio (ICC), June 2004.
combining. In case of 2 transmit and 1 receive antenna, orthog-
onal space-time block codes outperform cyclic delay diversity
by about 1.5-1.7 dB both in frequency-flat and frequency-
selective channels. For more than 2 transmit antennas, cyclic
delay diversity shows higher capacity since in contrast to
orthogonal space-time block codes it does not suffer from a
rate loss.
[1] A. Wittneben, “A new bandwidth efficient transmit antenna modulation
diversity scheme for linear digital modulation,” in International Confer-
ence on Communications (ICC), pp. 1630–1633, IEEE, 1993.
[2] N. Seshadri and J. H. Winters, “Two signaling schemes for improving
the error performance of frequency-division-duplex (fdd) transmission
systems using transmitter antenna diversity,” International Journal of
Gerhard Bauch received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-
Wireless Information Networks, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 49–59, 1994.
Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering from Munich
[3] A. Dammann and S. Kaiser, “Standard conformable antenna diversity University of Technology in 1995 and 2001, re-
techniques for OFDM systems and its application to the DVB-T system,” spectively, and the Diplom-Volkswirt degree from
in IEEE Globecom, pp. 3100–3105, November 2001. FernUniversität Hagen, Germany, in 2002. In 1996,
[4] D. Gore, S. Sandhu, and A. Paulraj, “Delay diversity codes for frequency he was with the German Aerospace Center (DLR),
selective channels,” in International Conference on Communications Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. From 1996-2001 he
(ICC), pp. 1949–1953, IEEE, April 2002. was member of scientific staff at Munich University
[5] M. Bossert, A. Huebner, F. Schuehlein, H. Haas, and E. Costa, “On of Technology (TUM). In 1998 and 1999 he was
cyclic delay diversity in OFDM based transmission schemes,” in OFDM visiting researcher at AT&T Labs Research, Florham
Workshop, 2002. Park, NJ, USA. In 2002 he joined DoCoMo Euro-
[6] A. Dammann, R. Raulefs, and S. Kaiser, “Beamforming in combination Labs, Munich, Germany, where he is currently manager of the Advanced
with space-time diversity for broadband OFDM systems,” in IEEE Radio Transmission Group. Since October 2003 he has also been an adjunct
International Conference on Communications (ICC), pp. 165–171, April professor at Munich University of Technology (TUM). He received the best
2002. paper award of the European Personal Mobile Communications Conference
[7] A. Dammann, R. Raulefs, G. Auer, and G. Bauch, “Comparison of (EPMCC) 1997, the Texas Instruments Award of TUM 2001 and the award
space-time block coding and cyclic delay diversity for a broadband of the German Information Technology Society (ITG in VDE) 2002 (ITG
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[8] J. Tan and G. Stuber, “Multicarrier delay diversity modulation,” in IEEE ing in multi-antenna systems (MIMO).
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[9] V. Tarokh, N. Seshadri, and A. Calderbank, “Space-time codes for high
data rate wireless communication: Performance criterion and code con-
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[10] A. Huebner, F. Schühlein, M. Bossert, E. Costa, and H. Haas, “On
space-frequency coding using cyclic delay diversity for OFDM-based
transmission systems,” European Transactions on Telecommununication
(ETT), vol. 14, pp. 491–500, November/December 2003.
[11] G. Auer, “Channel estimation for OFDM with cyclic delay diversity,” in
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC), September 2004.
[12] G. Auer, “Channel estimation by set partitioning for OFDM with
cyclic delay diversity,” in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC),
September 2004.