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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-1131 16 September 2015

Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow
Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Authorization.................................................. 2
3 Detailed Instructions for Relief Valve
Authorization through SAP Workflow............. 3
4 Applicable Documents................................. 10
5 Sub-Committee Members............................ 11

Table I - Inlet/Outlet Sizes.................................. 12

Table IIa - Flanged/Threaded End RV's
Rating Type.......................................... 12
Table IIb - Flanged/Threaded End RV's
Connection Type.................................. 13
Table III - Orifice Size (Area) Type..................... 13
Table IV - Set Pressure, Vacuum Pressure
and Pallet Weight................................. 14
Table V - Temperature Units.............................. 15
Table VI - Service Code...................................... 15
Table VII - Installation/Spare Code..................... 15
Table VIII - Interval............................................. 16
Table IX - Disassembly Code............................. 16
Table X - Design Code....................................... 16

Previous Issue: 31 July 2010 Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018

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Primary contact: Kakpovbia, Anthony Eyankwiere (kakpovte) on 966-13-8801772

Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2015. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1131
Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

1 Scope

1.1 This Procedure contains instructions for Saudi Aramco Relief Device
Authorization through SAP Workflow. It contains Authorization requirements
and detailed instructions for completing each data field.

1.2 The referenced tables are standard values attached for guidance. Each user can
display these tables using the SAP Transaction ZI0006 “PM Z Table
Maintenance” as required.

1.3 The applicable Z-Table identification code within SAP PM Transaction ZI0006
is shown as Table Name, i.e., ZIPMMANUF and ZISERVICECODE for PM
Manufacturer's name and Service codes, respectively, etc.

2 Authorization

2.1 To authorize a new RV installation, the Originating Engineer completes,

attaches the Instrument Specification Sheet (ISS) Form SA 8020-6xx-ENG and
other relevant documents, then starts the Relief Valve SAP Workflow.

2.1.1 The Originating Engineer should coordinate with the Maintenance

Division and the local RV Coordinator in order to fill in the
Maintenance Plant, Functional Location, and Plant Number in SAP.
If the Plant Number does not exist in the SAP system, the Originating
Engineer or his assignee shall make a request to the Hydrocarbon
Applications Department (HAD)/Plant Maintenance & Industrial
Services Applications Group to add the new Saudi Aramco
Engineering Plant Number (EPN) to the SAP Location Table.

2.1.2 The Originating Engineer enters the data into the corporate SAP
system using the Transaction code IE01 (Create Equipment). At this
stage of the process, the RV is assigned a permanent number which
should be kept in a permanent RV data records having “CRTD”
Created mode in User Status. Once all required RV data records are
entered, then the Originator should select “Awaiting Approval” mode
in User Status field of the SAP system.
Commentary Note:

The RV data entered in SAP system shall be verified for correctness

and accuracy by the Originating Engineer before starting the SAP WF.
All applicable RV data shall be attached in the RV equipment record in
SAP system.

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1131
Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

2.1.3 After the final approval by the RV Administrator, an automated email

will be sent to the Originating Engineer and the RV Coordinator. Then
the Originating Engineer must notify the Maintenance Plan processor
to create RV Task List by using SAP Transaction code IA01,
Maintenance Plan (by using Transaction code IP10) and set Start Date
in SAP system. To initiate the Maintenance Order for the newly
created RV, Maintenance Plan Processor creates Manual Call to
release the Order and have a RV Order printout.

2.1.4 The Originating Engineer shall notify the Operations Foreman or

Project Supervisor to execute the RV Maintenance Order for testing
and field installation.
Commentary Note:

After RV physical installation, RV's shall be verified and documented in

the RV Monthly Operation Checklist.

3 Detailed Instructions for Relief Valve Authorization In-put in SAP System

3.1 IE01 TRANSACTION in SAP: Create new RV equipment



RV LOCATION Field: Enter the closest physical location
description in order to locate the RV in the field (plant).


Equipment Category R
Object type 77X (Code for RVs)
Enter Start Up Date (Entry date)
Manufacturer (RV Manufacturer)
Model Number (RV Model Number)


MAINTENANCE PLANT No. field: Enter Plant number. Format must
be the official Saudi Aramco Engineering Plant Number (EPN) as
designated by the Facility Planning Department. Hydrocarbon
Applications Dept (HAD) is responsible for adding the new EPN to the
SAP Location Table upon request from the operating proponent.
Example: Maintenance Plant (Plant Code, e.g., A009 Yanbu Gas Plant)

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Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

Commentary Note:

The Maintenance Plant No. in the SAP System refers to the physical
location custodian of the RV

Location: Identifies the exact location of RV installation)

ABC Indicator: Input
A for Critical equipment
B for Important equipment
C for Normal equipment


Account Assignment:
Company Code: select from drop down menu
Cost Center: select from drop down menu
Planning Plant: select from drop down menu
Planner Group: select from drop down menu
Maintenance Work Center: select from drop down menu
Catalogue Profile: select PM0900002 Relief valves Inspection from drop
down menu
This is the code that uniquely identifies the functional location in which
the RV is installed on. This functional location consists of levels that
specify the structure under a Maintenance Plant. The structure has an
edit mask that is created by the authorized Functional Location Processor
of that Maintenance Plant.
Description: RV location

RV Type: Select the RV type specified by Form 8020-6xx-
ENG. from the drop down menu
BODY MATERIAL field: Select the body material type
specified by Form 8020-6xx-ENG. from the drop down menu

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1131
Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

Commentary Note:

When new materials are required to be added to the SAP

system, the RV Administrator should be contacted. This
request must be supported by an Instrument Specification
Sheet (ISS) for verification of the materials.

NOZZLE & DISC (TRIM) MATERIAL field: Select the

nozzle & disc (trim) material specified by Saudi Aramco
Form 8020-6xx-ENG. from the drop down menu. ROW 2
SPRING/PIN MATERIAL field: Select the spring or pin
material specified by Form 8020-6xx-ENG. from the drop
down menu
BELLOW MATERIAL field: Select the bellow material
specified by Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG. from the
drop down menu ROW 3
INLET SIZE field: Enter the inlet size in inches, from Saudi
Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG. Use the attached Inlet/Outlet
Size standardized Material Abbreviation Entry Code Table I.
In the Other tab, the pull down menu of the field will display
the applicable table and enable you to make the appropriate
INLET RATING field: Enter the inlet rating from Saudi
Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG, i.e., 150, 300, 3000, 6000,
1500. Use the attached Flanged/Threaded end RV
Rating/Connection type standardized Material Abbreviation
Entry Code Table IIa or Z-Table ZIINLETRATING. Using
Z-Table (SAP), the field will display the applicable table and
enable you to make the appropriate selection.
INLET CONNECTION TYPE field: Enter the inlet
connection type from Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG,
i.e.; RF, RJ, FF, NPTM, or NPTF. Use the attached
Flanged/Threaded end RV Rating/Connection type
standardized Material Abbreviation Entry Code Table IIb or
Z-Table ZIINLETCONNE. Using Z-Table (SAP), the field
will display the applicable table and enable you to make the
appropriate selection.

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1131
Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

ORIFICE TYPE: Enter the orifice type as specified by Saudi

Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG. Use the attached Orifice
Size(area)/Type Standard Entry Table III or by displaying
Z-Table (SAP) named ZIRVORFICE. Using Z-Table, the field
will display the applicable table and enable you to make the
appropriate selection.
Commentary Note:

For non standard orifice areas which do not have

corresponding letter designations in Table III, the data entered
in SAP should contain three significant digits, i.e., 0.074 under
orifice size below. ROW 4
OUTLET SIZE field: Enter the outlet size in inches, from
Form 8020-6xx-ENG. Use the attached Inlet/Outlet Size
standardized Material Abbreviation Entry Code Table I. In the
Other tab, the pull down menu of the field will display the
applicable table and enable you to make the appropriate
OUTLET RATING field: Enter the outlet rating from Saudi
Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG, i.e., 150, 300, 3000, 6000,
1500. Use the attached Flanged/Threaded end RV
Rating/Connection type standardized Material Abbreviation
Entry Code Table IIa or Z-Table ZIINLETRATING. Using
Z-Table (SAP), the field will display the applicable table and
enable you to make the appropriate selection.
OUTLET CONNECTION TYPE field: Enter the outlet
connection type from Form 8020-6xx-ENG, i.e.; RF, RJ, FF,
NPTM, or NPTF. Use the attached Flanged/Threaded end RV
Rating/Connection type standardized Material Abbreviation
Entry Code Table IIa or Z-Table ZIINLETCONNE. Using
Z-Table (SAP), the field will display the applicable table and
enable you to make the appropriate selection.
ORIFICE SIZE field: Enter the orifice size as specified by
Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG. Ensure that the entry
contains three significant digits as in the commentary above
under Orifice Type.

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1131
Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow ROW 5
SPRING LOW field: Enter the low value for the actual spring
installed as specified by Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG
SPRING HIGH field: Enter the high value for the actual spring
installed as specified by Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG
Commentary Note:

RV's with unknown spring range are not authorized to be

installed in Saudi Aramco facilities.

SPRING NUMBER field: Enter the spring number based on

the manufacturer's specifications and as specified by Saudi
Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG.
BACK PRESSURE field: Enter the superimposed back
pressure from Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG. Use the
same unit as in the PRESSURE UNIT field. ROW 6
CDTP field: Enter CDTP, Cold Differential Test Pressure
(i.e., the pressure at which the RV is adjusted to open on the
test stand) from Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-EN.
CDTP is required for all spring operated RVs with
superimposed (constant) back pressure (unless they contain a
bellows), and for some manufacturer's valves depending on the
operating temperature. Contact P&CSD, Dhahran for
calculation methods.
SET PRESSURE field: Enter set pressure from Saudi Aramco
Form 8020-6xx-ENG.
PRESSURE UNIT: field: Enter pressure units (PSIG, kPa, or
INWG, etc.) from Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG. Use
the attached standardized Pressure Unit Entry Code Table IV.
In the Other tab, the pull down menu of the field will display
the applicable table and enable you to make the appropriate
selection. ROW 7
VACUUM PRESSURE field:: Enter Vacuum Pressure from
Saudi Aramco Form 8020-613-ENG.

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1131
Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

VACUUM UNIT: field: Enter Vacuum Pressure Units (PSI,

kPa, INW) from Saudi Aramco Form 8020-613-ENG. Use the
attached standardized Pressure Unit Entry Code Table IV. In
the Other tab, the pull down menu of the field will display the
applicable table and enable you to make the appropriate
OPERATING TEMPERATURE: Enter one of the following
values from Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG:
a) Relieving temperature for thermal relief valves
b) Relieving temperature for Crosby relief valves
c) Normal operating temperature for other manufacturers
TEMPERATURE UNIT: Enter the temperature unit (i.e., °F,
°C, °K, or °R) from Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG. Use
the standardized Temperature Unit Entry Code Table V. In the
Other tab, the pull down menu of the field will display the
applicable table and enable you to make the appropriate
selection. ROW 8
PALLET WEIGHT field: Enter the pallet weight for pallet type
PALLET WEIGHT UNIT field: Enter the pallet weight unit
(LB, oz, gm, kg). Use the attached standardized Pressure Unit
Entry Code Table IV. In the Other tab, the pull down menu of
the field will display the applicable table and enable you to
make the appropriate selection.
Commentary Note:

If the RV has two pallet weights (one for pressure and one for
vacuum), then the value for the pressure pallet shall be filled in
the pallet weight field and the vacuum pallet weight shall be
filled in the vacuum pressure field.

INTERVAL MONTH field: Enter the inspection interval in

months. Refer to SAEP-319, for interval determination.
Enter “0” for replacement at the specified interval.
Enter “1” for disassembly at every test interval.

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Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

Enter “2” for disassembly at every second test interval.

Enter “3” for disassembly at every third test interval. ROW 9
MANUFACTURER field: Enter the name of manufacturer
from Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG. Use the
standardized Manufacturer Entry Code Table ZIPMMANUF.
In this Z-table, the field will display the applicable table and
enable you to make the appropriate selection. If the RV's
manufacturer does not exist in the table, call the RV
Administrator for assistance. The request for a new
manufacturer must be supported by a specification sheet or
manufacturer's catalog, etc. in order to validate the request.
RV MODEL NUMBER field: Enter the RV Manufacturer's
Model number from Form 8020-6xx-ENG.
OUTER SEAT DIAMETER field: This field is only required
to be filled in if a Hydraulic Assisted Test (i.e., Trevitesting) is
to be used on the valve. If used, enter the measured outer
diameter of the valve seat, in inches. Valve must be
disassembled and measured to ± 25.4 um (0.001 inch). Do not
include unit description.
INNER SEAT DIAMETER field: This field is only required to
be filled in if a Hydraulic Assisted Test (i.e., Trevitesting) is to
be used on the valve. If used, enter the measured inner
diameter of the valve seat, in inches. Valve must be
disassembled and measured to ± 25.4 um (0.001 inch). Do not
include unit description. ROW 10
PZV TAG NO. field: Enter the Saudi Aramco Instrument Tag
Number (PZV) from Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG. Do
not include “PZV” within the tag number.
ISS DRAWING NO. field: Enter the Saudi Aramco drawing
number of Saudi Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG or the
applicable ISS drawing number based on the RV type, located
at bottom right corner. This is the “DE-xxxx” drawing no.
SERVICE field: Note the service fluid from Saudi Aramco
Form 8020-6xx-ENG. Use the standardized Service Entry
Code ZIRVSERVICE in SAP system. Using Z-Table, the field

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1131
Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

will display the applicable table and enable you to make the
appropriate selection. If the appropriate service code does not
exist in the table, call the RV Administrator for assistance.
Service field shall be the actual service handled by the RV.
SERVICE CODE field: Enter code 'A' for Air, 'L' for Liquid,
'G' for gas/vapor or 'S' for steam. Service code shall be the
actual service handled by the RV.
DESIGN CODE field: Enter the design code from Saudi
Aramco Form 8020-6xx-ENG.
Enter “1” for ASME SEC I RV's.
Enter “8” for ASME SEC VIII D1 RV's and Buckling
(Rupture) Pins.
Enter “P” for API type RVs.
Enter “R” for Rupture Discs & Surge Relief Valve

4 Applicable Documents

The requirements contained in the following documents apply to the extent specified in
this procedure.

4.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

SAEP-318 Pressure Relief Valve Program Authorization for
Installation, Deletion and Changes
SAEP-319 Pressure Relief Valves - Routine Test, Inspection,
Quality Assurance and Regulation

Saudi Aramco Forms and Data Sheets

SA 8020-611-ENG Instrument Specification Sheet - Pressure Relief
Valves Conventional and Balanced Types
SA 8020-612-ENG Instrument Specification Sheet - Safety Relief
Valves Pilot Operated Types
SA 8020-613-ENG Instrument Specification Sheet- Pressure/Vacuum
Relief Valves Types
SA 8020-614-ENG Instrument Specification Sheet- Rupture Disc

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Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

SA 8020-615-ENG Instrument Specification Sheet- Buckling

(Rupture) Pin
SA 8020-605-ENG Instrument Specification Sheet- Surge Relief
Valves Types

4.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Petroleum Institute

API RP 520 Recommended Practice for the Design and
Installation of Pressure Relieving Systems in
Refineries Part II Installations

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME SEC I Rules for Construction of Power Boilers
ASME SEC VIII D1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels

5 Relief Valve Procedures’ Sub-Committee Members

Name Department Logon ID Tel. No

Anthony E. Kakpovbia,
ID kakpovte (03) 8747226
Mohammed R. Khunaizi,
ID khunaimr (03) 874 7517
Nassir S. Shammary BGPD shamns0b (03) 678-7290
Osama M. Bokhari YRD bokharom (04) 397 8099
Yasser M. Mowaled YNGLFD mowaleym (04) 397 4528
Abdulelah A. Sammary CRDD sammaraa (01) 285 1943
Bader N. Awdah NGPD awdahbn (03) 572 2295
Omar M. Amri CSD amriom0a (03) 876 0176

Revision Summary
16 September 2015 Revised the Next Planned Update, reaffirmed the content of the document, and reissued
as major revision.

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1131
Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

Table I – Inlet/Outlet Sizes

Standard Entry Table

Size, (inch) Size, (inch)

0.25 30.0
0.50 32.0
0.75 34.0
1.0 36.0
1.5 38.0
2.0 40.0
3.0 42.0
4.0 44.0
6.0 46.00
8.0 48.00

Table IIa – Flanged/Threaded End RV's Rating Type

Standard Entry Table

Flanged/Threaded End Ratings, psi

150 1500
300 2000
400 2500
600 3000
800 5000
900 6000

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1131
Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

Table IIb – Flanged/Threaded End RV's Connection Type

Standard Entry Table

Connection Type Entry Code

Raised Face RF
Flat Face FF
Ring Joint RJ
Nominal Pipe Thread-Male NPTM
Nominal Pipe Thread-Female NPTF

Table III – Orifice Size (Area) Type

Standard Entry Table

The standard orifice areas and their corresponding letter designations are:
Square inches Letter Designation

0.110 D
0.196 E
0.307 F
0.503 G
0.785 H
1.287 J
1.838 K
2.853 L
3.60 M
4.34 N
6.38 P
11.05 Q
16.00 R
26.00 T

The above table is to be used as a cross reference for Orifice Sizes and Orifice Type.

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-1131
Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

Table IV – Set Pressure, Vacuum Pressure and Pallet Weight

Standard Units Entry Table

Pressure Unit Designation Entry Code

Pound / sq. in. PSI

Pound / sq. in. gauge PSIG
Kilopascals KPa
In. of water gauge INWG
In. of Water Column INWC
Bar Bar
Atmosphere Atm
Millimeter of mercury mmHg
In. of mercury InHg
Kilograms / sq. centimeter Kg/cm²

Vacuum Unit Entry Code Designation

Pound / sq. in. PSI

Kilopascals KPa
In. of water gauge INWG
In. of Water Column INWC
In. of water INW
Kilograms / sq. centimeter Kg/cm2
Ounces/ sq. in. OZ/in2

Pallet Weight Unit Entry Code Designation

Pounds Lb
Kilograms Kg
Grams gm
Ounces oz

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Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

Table V – Temperature Units

Standard Entry Table

Temperature Unit Entry Code Designation

Fahrenheit F
Centigrade C
Kelvin K
Rankine R

K = 1.8 x R F = 32 + 1.8 x C F = R - 459.67

Table VI – Service Code

Standard Entry Table

Service Type Entry Code Designation

Liquid L
Gas/Vapor G
Steam S
Air A

Table VII – Installation/Spare Code

Standard Entry Table

Installation/Spare Type Entry Code Designation

In-Service On-line RV INON

In-Service Isolated RV INIS
Off-Line Spare RV for OFSP
specific location
Mothballed RV MOTH
Abandoned RV ABND

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Issue Date: 16 September 2015
Next Planned Update: 16 September 2018 Pressure Relief Device Authorization through SAP Workflow

Table VIII – Interval

Standard Entry Table

Interval (Months)
6 36
12 42
18 48
24 54
30 60

* Special Intervals: 61 & 96 months (SAEP-319)

Table IX – Disassembly Code

Standard Entry Table

Disassembly Code Entry Code Designation

Replacement at the specified interval 0

Disassembly at every interval 1
Disassembly at every second interval 2
Disassembly at every third interval 3

Table X – Design Code

Standard Entry Table

Design Standard Entry Code Designation

API Type Valves P
Rupture Discs & Surge Relief Valves R

*RP – Buckling Pin and also called Rupture Pin

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