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Tagbina National High School: 2 Grading Exam in Intro To Philosophy

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Republic of the Philipppines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Tagbina I District

Tagbina National High School

2nd Grading Exam in Intro to Philosophy

Direction: Write the letter of the best answer in the corresponding box provided in the Answer Sheet.

1. The following explains that the human person is a living paradox, except one.
a. Simple but complex b. inquiring subject as well as the inquired object
c. flesh spirit and divided union d. a perennial problem which is very easy to understand

2. This level of human nature refers to the bodily substance animated upon conception
a. Behavioural b. Somatic c. Paradox d. Attitudinal

3. This level of human nature is anchored on the principle that every human being has a behaviour distinctly unique
from other being
a. Attitudinal level b. Somatic level c. Paradoxial level d. Behavioural level

4. This manifests a human person’s drive to live a life he/she wants conditioned upon personal responsibility and
a. St Thomas Aquinas b. Human Nature c. Attitudinal Level d. Theological perspective

5. Which of the following statement is not true about the human person?
a. Human nature makes a person whom he really is c. man is a unity in diversity
b. Human person is a tripartite being d. man as a godly being exist only for himself

6. What makes a human person a divided being?

a. Humanity of a person is manifested in a physical body b. humans cannot live without a spirit
c. The soul, not the body is the real human person d. answer a,b &c are all correct

7. The doctrine that all the phenomena of the universe can be explained by two separate and distinct substances as
mind and matter
a. Dualism b. Idealism c. Realism d. Moderate Dualism

8. This philosopher propounded that the human persons existence realistically is a constitution of body and soul,
mind and matter, senses and intellect, passion and reason.
a. Aristotle b. Plato c. Socrates d. St Thomas Aquinas

9. Which of the following philosophers disagree that the human person is made up of body and soul and using the
scripture as basis, believed that the human person is a tripartite being which is body, soul and spirit
a. Aristotle & Plato b. St Thomas Aquinas & St Augustine of Hippo
c. Pope John Paul II & Immanuel Kant d. both a, b & c

10. Which of the following statement is true about monism?

a. the universe can be explained by one substance such as matter, mind, or some other single thing or force.
b. monism is split into idealist and materialist camps
c. a & b are all correct
d. none of the above

11. All of the statements are true about Filipino perspective on human person, except one:
a. Filipino philosophy of the human body is found to be non-dualistic, rather it is holistic
b. the spirit or “Diwa” is the essence of life
c. the ”Hininga” is the spirit of the human person
d. the power of “hininga” is derived from the air the human person breaths
12. Which of the following action demonstrates radical dualism during the Medieval period
a. Marking the body with the word of god as commanded in the bible
b. Early Christians living hermetic and ascetic lives so that virtues of the spirit were cultivated
c. giving the body more importance rather than the spirit
d. Answers a,b &c are all correct

13. The doctrine that started with the idea that the human person is a unitary being with a material existence that
has a mysterious dimension which belongs to the spiritual realm
a. Radical Dualism b. Moderate Dualism c. Monism d. New Monism

14. This philosopher claimed that the human person is purely a material entity, a cog of a machine
a. Thomas Hobbes b. Plato c. Immanuel Kant d. Karl Marx

15. The discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment and its non-human
a. ecological imbalance b . prudence c. Environmental philosophy d. Environmental morality

16. This view believes that humans are the most important species on the planet and they are free to transform
nature and use its resources
a. Feudalism b. Ethnocentrism c. Anthropocentrism d. Monism

17. What is the papal encyclical regarding the protection of mother earth?
a. Laudatu Si b. Fides set ratio c. Vox populi est vox Dei d. The Montreal Protocol

18. Which of the following action shows the humanness of a person as a social being?
a. Donating cash for charity by playing Sweepstakes b. Helping others even you yourself needs help
c. being present in all family occasions d. Being hospitable despite the lack of resources

19. cooking just enough food for the family everyday is an application of what philosophy?
a. prudence b. frugality social responsibility d. none of the above

20. The environmentalist show G-Diaries of ABS-CBN anchored by the late Gina Lopez shows which philosophy of
the environment?
a. Environmental ethics b. Prudence & Frugality
c. Environmental morality d. All of the above
21. The following environmental problems were considered natural phenomenon, except one
a.Tsunami b.Earthquake c.Typhoon d.Deforestation

22. Which of the following shows natural destruction of ecological balance?

a. Converting of agricultural lands for residential purposes
b. Converting the Goji Dessert into a Forest by planting million trees on it.
c. Covering the sea with rocks and soil to give way for building houses to the squatters
d. Wild fires in the amazon leading to the destruction of many flora and fauna

23. The following are considered as Society and Environmental shaping events, except one
a. Agricultural Revolution b. Industrial Revolution
c. answers A & B d. None of the above

24. The phenomenon that severed and disturbed the harmonious co-existence and dependency of humanity to the
a. frugality b. tsunami c. ecological imbalance d. prudence

25. It is a theory in philosophy that your own existence is the only thing that is real or that can be known
a. solipsism b.Intersubjectivity C.Ontology D.
26. This philosopher taught that the social dimension is represented by “We relation
a. Karol Wojtyla b. Immanuel Kant C. Martin Buber D. None of the above
27. Martin Buber - the interpersonal dimension is represented by the “I – You relation.”
a. Karol Wojtyla b. Immanuel Kant C. Martin Buber D. None of the above
28. The I-IT mode – human persons treat his fellow human persons as objects, tools or instrument

29. In this mode of relationship, the human person considers his fellow human as subjects evident with an
atmosphere of openness, commitment, reciprocity, personal involvement, care and love
30. Which of the following is true about a human person in relation to his totality?
a. The human person experiences his wholeness not in virtue of his relation to one’s self, but in
virtue in his relation to another self
b. The human person is a natural born winner and experiences his totality when he accomplishes his
purpose in life.
c. Human being as a social being is responsible for his own self and hi accomplishment ends only
with him.
d. All of the above
31. WE – shows humanness of a person as a social being
a.i-you b.we C.i-thou D.i-it
32. dialogue – happens when two persons truly acknowledge each others presence and treat each other as equals.
a.monologue b. Dialogue c. Interhuman d. We relationship

33. The following situations support the claim that the earth is not flat, except one
a. Discovery of Christopher Columbus of the “Americas”
b. Discovery of Copernicus
c. Circumnavigation of Ferdinand Magellan
d. The scientific discoveries of Isaac Newton
34. Under Feudalism, why do peasants need to seek a Lord or a Nobility?
a. To become soldiers and fight for the lord
b. To plant more crops and have a bountiful harvest
c. To have a better, longer life expectancy and have protection from the lord
d. So that they could give their tithes and offerings

35. Which of the following is true about the society?

a. The human person creates society, but society also creates the human person
b. There can be no society without humans, just as there can be no humans without society.
c. The human person, a citizen of the state is a creature of the state just as the state is a creature of its
d. answers a,b & c are all correct

36. He initiated the Reformation with 95 theses to the door of the church at Wittenberg questioning mostly the
beliefs of the Medieval Catholic Church
a. Martin Luther-King b. Pope John Paul II c. Martin Luther d. St Augustine of Hippo

37. Which of the following is the smallest unit of society?

a. state b. Barangay c. Family d. tribe

38. Is a society or community of persons more or less numerous , permanently occupying a definite portion of
territory, independent of external control (sovereinty)and possessing an organized government to which the great
body of inhabitants render habitual obedience.
a. social class b. State c. Monarch d. nation
39. a member of the polity and inhabitant of the state
a. resident being b. State c. Monarch d. citizen
40. Is the belief that God and the universe are the same, or the doctrine that God is an expression of the physical
forces of nature. This theory is about state absolutism which has absolute power, dominion and control over its
a. Pantheistic Theory b. Christian Theory c. Social Contract Theory d. Divine

41. which of the following is true about the Divine Right Theory?
a. the state is a divine institution, heriditary monarchy is the only lawful government
b. As divinely instituted its ruler holds office by divine right and is directly answerable to God and not
accountable to the people
c. All power emanate from God and not from people
d. Answers a,b and c are all correct

42. Roman Catholic Church was a single most influential institution that stood for the common good amid the
turmoil of the Middle Ages
a. Christianity b. Feudalism c. The Nobles and Kings d. The Roman Catholic Church

43. How is that Jean Jacques Rousseau’s theory on Social Contract was categorized as Absolute Democracy &
a. human beings delegated authority to the government when they form a social contract to live in society,
but they retain their sovereignty and the power to withdraw that authority when necessary.
b. society’s authority is dependent on the trust bestowed unto it and has no complete control over its
c. human beings freely entered and delegated authority to society and has the capacity to withdraw such
authority at will
d. none of the above is correct

44. Why is it that although the Romans were defeated by the barbarians in the Medieval Period, eventually it is the
barbarians that were tamed by the Romans.
a. the barbarians were un-educated and accepted the way of life of the Romans
b. the barbarians learned to live with the Romans and become early christians
c. the Romans effectively used their arts, culture and religion to influence the barbarians
d. The Romans exploited the weakness of the barbarians and educated the barbarians turning them to be
more sociable beings from their original ways as barbaric beings.

45. Bill Gates and Marck Zuckerberg are people who failed in their classes but were successful because of
technology, which of the following statements are true about the information age?
a. people don’t need information because education can be learn from experience
b.people who fail in their class needs to focus on technology in order to succeed
c. education specially in computer and technology is very vital today in order to compete globally
d.all the information needed by any person can be access thru the internet and it’s already enough

46 This type of society relied on their surroundings for survival—they hunted wild animals and foraged for
uncultivated plants for food
a. Hunter-Gatherer Society b. Pastoral Society c. Agricultural Society d. Feudalism

47. How does the spirit complete the humanness of a person as a tripartite being?
a. the spirit has a binder that invisibly binds the body and the soul to make the human being complete.
b. the spirit is the animating force which gives life to the body of the human person, without it, the body and
the soul will be a lifeless being.
c. the spirit controls the body and the soul and is the real authority behind the human person
d. the spirit automatically comes into being the moment a human person is conceived.

48. This philosophy believes that humans are not the only significant species on the planet, also this view advocates
ethical treatment of animals.
a. Animalism b. Anthropocentrism c. Biocentrism d. Ecocentrism
49. Environmental view which is a moral approach that analyzes the relationship between humans and the
a. environmental ethics b. Environmental aestheticsc. Environmentalism d. Sustainability

50. which among this philosopher taught that “the social dimension is represented by “We relation, Thru
participation we maintain the humanness of others”
a. Pope John Paul II b. Karol Wojtyla c. Immanuel Kant d. St Thomas Aquinas
Republic of the Philipppines SET A
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Tagbina I District

Tagbina National High School

2nd Grading Exam in Intro to Philosophy

Direction: Write the letter of the best answer in the corresponding box provided in the Answer Sheet.

1. The following explains that the human person is a living paradox, except one.
a. Simple but complex b. inquiring subject as well as the inquired object
c. flesh spirit and divided union d. a perennial problem which is very easy to understand

2. This level of human nature refers to the bodily substance animated upon conception
a. Behavioural b. Somatic c. Paradox d. Attitudinal

3. This level of human nature is anchored on the principle that every human being has a behaviour distinctly unique from
other being
a. Attitudinal level b. Somatic level c. Paradoxial level d. Behavioural level

4. This manifests a human person’s drive to live a life he/she wants conditioned upon personal responsibility and
a. St Thomas Aquinas b. Human Nature c. Attitudinal Level d. Theological perspective

5. Which of the following statement is not true about the human person?
a. Human nature makes a person whom he really is c. man is a unity in diversity
b. Human person is a tripartite being d. man as a godly being exist only for himself

6. What makes a human person a divided being?

a. Humanity of a person is manifested in a physical body b. humans cannot live without a spirit
c. The soul, not the body is the real human person d. answer a,b &c are all correct

7. The doctrine that all the phenomena of the universe can be explained by two separate and distinct substances as mind
and matter
a. Dualism b. Idealism c. Realism d. Moderate Dualism

8. This philosopher propounded that the human persons existence realistically is a constitution of body and soul, mind
and matter, senses and intellect, passion and reason.
a. Aristotle b. Plato c. Socrates d. St Thomas Aquinas

9. Which of the following philosophers disagree that the human person is made up of body and soul and using the
scripture as basis, believed that the human person is a tripartite being which is body, soul and spirit
a. Aristotle & Plato b. St Thomas Aquinas & St Augustine of Hippo
c. Pope John Paul II & Immanuel Kant d. both a, b & c

10. Which of the following statement is true about monism?

a. the universe can be explained by one substance such as matter, mind, or some other single thing or force.
b. monism is split into idealist and materialist camps
c. a & b are all correct
d. none of the above

11. All of the statements are true about Filipino perspective on human person, except one:
a. Filipino philosophy of the human body is found to be non-dualistic, rather it is holistic
b. the spirit or “Diwa” is the essence of life
c. the ”Hininga” is the spirit of the human person
d. the power of “hininga” is derived from the air the human person breaths
12. Which of the following action demonstrates radical dualism during the Medieval period
a. Marking the body with the word of god as commanded in the bible
b. Early Christians living hermetic and ascetic lives so that virtues of the spirit were cultivated
c. giving the body more importance rather than the spirit
d. Answers a,b &c are all correct

13. The doctrine that started with the idea that the human person is a unitary being with a material existence that has a
mysterious dimension which belongs to the spiritual realm
a. Radical Dualism b. Moderate Dualism c. Monism d. New Monism

14. This philosopher claimed that the human person is purely a material entity, a cog of a machine
a. Thomas Hobbes b. Plato c. Immanuel Kant d. Karl Marx

15. The discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment and its non-human contents.
a. ecological imbalance b . prudence c. Environmental philosophy d. Environmental morality

16. This view believes that humans are the most important species on the planet and they are free to transform nature
and use its resources
a. Feudalism b. Ethnocentrism c. Anthropocentrism d. Monism

17. What is the papal encyclical regarding the protection of mother earth?
a. Laudatu Si b. Fides set ratio c. Vox populi est vox Dei d. The Montreal Protocol

18. Which of the following action shows the humanness of a person as a social being?
a. Donating cash for charity by playing Sweepstakes b. Helping others even you yourself needs help
c. being present in all family occasions d. Being hospitable despite the lack of resources

19. Cooking just enough food for the family everyday is an application of what philosophy?
a. prudence b. frugality social responsibility d. none of the above

20. The environmentalist show G-Diaries of ABS-CBN anchored by the late Gina Lopez shows which philosophy of the
a. Environmental ethics b. Prudence & Frugality
c. Environmental morality d. All of the above

21. The following environmental problems were considered natural phenomenon, except one
a.Tsunami b.Earthquake c.Typhoon d.Deforestation

22. Which of the following shows natural destruction of ecological balance?

a. Converting of agricultural lands for residential purposes
b. Converting the Goji Dessert into a Forest by planting million trees on it.
c. Covering the sea with rocks and soil to give way for building houses to the squatters
d. Wild fires in the amazon leading to the destruction of many flora and fauna

23. The following are considered as Society and Environmental shaping events, except one
a. Agricultural Revolution b. Industrial Revolution
c. answers A & B d. None of the above

24. The phenomenon that severed and disturbed the harmonious co-existence and dependency of humanity to the
a. frugality b. tsunami c. ecological imbalance d. prudence

25. It is a theory in philosophy that your own existence is the only thing that is real or that can be known
a. solipsism b.Intersubjectivity C.Ontology D.

26. This philosopher taught that the social dimension is represented by “We relation
a. Karol Wojtyla b. Immanuel Kant C. Martin Buber D. None of the above
27. Martin Buber - the interpersonal dimension is represented by the “I – You relation.”
a. Karol Wojtyla b. Immanuel Kant C. Martin Buber D. None of the above
28. The I-IT mode – human persons treat his fellow human persons as objects, tools or instrument

29. In this mode of relationship, the human person considers his fellow human as subjects evident with an atmosphere of
openness, commitment, reciprocity, personal involvement, care and love

30. Which of the following is true about a human person in relation to his totality?
e. The human person experiences his wholeness not in virtue of his relation to one’s self, but in virtue in
his relation to another self
f. The human person is a natural born winner and experiences his totality when he accomplishes his
purpose in life.
g. Human being as a social being is responsible for his own self and hi accomplishment ends only with
h. All of the above

31. __________ shows humanness of a person as a social being

A.I-You B.We C.I-Thou D.I-It

32. ___________ happens when two persons truly acknowledge each others presence and treat each other as equals.
a.monologue b. Dialogue c. Interhuman d. We relationship

33. The following situations support the claim that the earth is not flat, except one
a. Discovery of Christopher Columbus of the “Americas”
b. Discovery of Copernicus
c. Circumnavigation of Ferdinand Magellan
d. The scientific discoveries of Isaac Newton

34. Under Feudalism, why do peasants need to seek a Lord or a Nobility?

a. To become soldiers and fight for the lord
b. To plant more crops and have a bountiful harvest
c. To have a better, longer life expectancy and have protection from the lord
d. So that they could give their tithes and offerings

35. Which of the following is true about the society?

a. The human person creates society, but society also creates the human person
b. There can be no society without humans, just as there can be no humans without society.
c. The human person, a citizen of the state is a creature of the state just as the state is a creature of its citizenry
d. answers a,b & c are all correct

36. He initiated the Reformation with 95 theses to the door of the church at Wittenberg questioning mostly the beliefs of
the Medieval Catholic Church
a. Martin Luther-King b. Pope John Paul II c. Martin Luther d. St Augustine of Hippo

37. Which of the following is the smallest unit of society?

a. state b. Barangay c. Family d. tribe

38. Is a society or community of persons more or less numerous , permanently occupying a definite portion of territory,
independent of external control (sovereinty)and possessing an organized government to which the great body of
inhabitants render habitual obedience.
a. social class b. State c. Monarch d. nation
39. A member of the polity and inhabitant of the state
a. resident being b. State c. Monarch d. Citizen

40. Is the belief that God and the universe are the same, or the doctrine that God is an expression of the physical forces of
nature. This theory is about state absolutism which has absolute power, dominion and control over its citizens
a. Pantheistic Theory b. Christian Theory c. Social Contract Theory d. Divine

41. Which of the following is true about the Divine Right Theory?
a. the state is a divine institution, heriditary monarchy is the only lawful government
b. As divinely instituted its ruler holds office by divine right and is directly answerable to God and not
accountable to the people
c. All power emanate from God and not from people
d. Answers a,b and c are all correct

42. ___________________ was a single most influential institution that stood for the common good amid the turmoil of
the Middle Ages
a. Christianity b. Feudalism c. The Nobles and Kings d. The Roman Catholic Church

43. How is that Jean Jacques Rousseau’s theory on Social Contract was categorized as Absolute Democracy &
a. human beings delegated authority to the government when they form a social contract to live in society, but
they retain their sovereignty and the power to withdraw that authority when necessary.
b. society’s authority is dependent on the trust bestowed unto it and has no complete control over its citizenry
c. human beings freely entered and delegated authority to society and has the capacity to withdraw such
authority at will
d. none of the above is correct
44. Why is it that although the Romans were defeated by the barbarians in the Medieval Period, eventually it is the
barbarians that were tamed by the Romans.
a. the barbarians were un-educated and accepted the way of life of the Romans
b. the barbarians learned to live with the Romans and become early christians
c. the Romans effectively used their arts, culture and religion to influence the barbarians
d. The Romans exploited the weakness of the barbarians and educated the barbarians turning them to be more
sociable beings from their original ways as barbaric beings.
45. Bill Gates and Marck Zuckerberg are people who failed in their classes but were successful because of technology,
which of the following statements are true about the information age?
a. people don’t need information because education can be learn from experience
b.people who fail in their class needs to focus on technology in order to succeed
c. education specially in computer and technology is very vital today in order to compete globally
d.all the information needed by any person can be access thru the internet and it’s already enough
46 This type of society relied on their surroundings for survival—they hunted wild animals and foraged for uncultivated
plants for food
a. Hunter-Gatherer Society b. Pastoral Society c. Agricultural Society d. Feudalism
47. How does the spirit complete the humanness of a person as a tripartite being?
a. the spirit has a binder that invisibly binds the body and the soul to make the human being complete.
b. the spirit is the animating force which gives life to the body of the human person, without it, the body and
the soul will be a lifeless being.
c. the spirit controls the body and the soul and is the real authority behind the human person
d. the spirit automatically comes into being the moment a human person is conceived.
48. This philosophy believes that humans are not the only significant species on the planet, also this view advocates
ethical treatment of animals.
a. Animalism b. Anthropocentrism c. Biocentrism d. Ecocentrism
49. A moral approach that analyzes the relationship between humans and the environment
a. environmental ethics b. Environmental aesthetics c. Environmentalism d. Sustainability
50. Which among this philosopher taught that “the social dimension is represented by “We relation, Thru participation we
maintain the humanness of others”
a. Pope John Paul II b. Karol Wojtyla c. Immanuel Kant d. St Thomas Aquinas

Prepared by:
Checked by:
Asst. School Head

Approved by:


Principal II
Republic of the Philipppines SET B
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Sur
Tagbina I District

Tagbina National High School

2nd Grading Exam in Intro to Philosophy

Direction: Write the letter of the best answer in the corresponding box provided in the Answer Sheet.

1. Which of the following is true about the society?

a. The human person creates society, but society also creates the human person
b. There can be no society without humans, just as there can be no humans without society.
c. The human person, a citizen of the state is a creature of the state just as the state is a creature of its citizenry
d. answers a,b & c are all correct

2. He initiated the Reformation with 95 theses to the door of the church at Wittenberg questioning mostly the beliefs of
the Medieval Catholic Church
a. Martin Luther-King b. Pope John Paul II c. Martin Luther d. St Augustine of Hippo

3. Which of the following is the smallest unit of society?

a. state b. Barangay c. Family d. tribe

4. Is a society or community of persons more or less numerous , permanently occupying a definite portion of territory,
independent of external control (sovereinty)and possessing an organized government to which the great body of
inhabitants render habitual obedience.
a. social class b. State c. Monarch d. nation
5. A member of the polity and inhabitant of the state
a. resident being b. State c. Monarch d. Citizen

6. Is the belief that God and the universe are the same, or the doctrine that God is an expression of the physical forces of
nature. This theory is about state absolutism which has absolute power, dominion and control over its citizens
a. Pantheistic Theory b. Christian Theory c. Social Contract Theory d. Divine

7. Which of the following is true about the Divine Right Theory?

e. the state is a divine institution, heriditary monarchy is the only lawful government
f. As divinely instituted its ruler holds office by divine right and is directly answerable to God and not
accountable to the people
g. All power emanate from God and not from people
h. Answers a,b and c are all correct

8. ___________________ was a single most influential institution that stood for the common good amid the turmoil of
the Middle Ages
a. Christianity b. Feudalism c. The Nobles and Kings d. The Roman Catholic Church

9. How is that Jean Jacques Rousseau’s theory on Social Contract was categorized as Absolute Democracy &
a. human beings delegated authority to the government when they form a social contract to live in society, but
they retain their sovereignty and the power to withdraw that authority when necessary.
b. society’s authority is dependent on the trust bestowed unto it and has no complete control over its citizenry
c. human beings freely entered and delegated authority to society and has the capacity to withdraw such
authority at will
d. none of the above is correct
10. Why is it that although the Romans were defeated by the barbarians in the Medieval Period, eventually it is the
barbarians that were tamed by the Romans.
a. the barbarians were un-educated and accepted the way of life of the Romans
b. the barbarians learned to live with the Romans and become early christians
c. the Romans effectively used their arts, culture and religion to influence the barbarians
d. The Romans exploited the weakness of the barbarians and educated the barbarians turning them to be more
sociable beings from their original ways as barbaric beings.
11. Bill Gates and Marck Zuckerberg are people who failed in their classes but were successful because of technology,
which of the following statements are true about the information age?
a. people don’t need information because education can be learn from experience
b.people who fail in their class needs to focus on technology in order to succeed
c. education specially in computer and technology is very vital today in order to compete globally
d.all the information needed by any person can be access thru the internet and it’s already enough
12. This type of society relied on their surroundings for survival—they hunted wild animals and foraged for uncultivated
plants for food
b. Hunter-Gatherer Society b. Pastoral Society c. Agricultural Society d. Feudalism
13. How does the spirit complete the humanness of a person as a tripartite being?
a. the spirit has a binder that invisibly binds the body and the soul to make the human being complete.
b. the spirit is the animating force which gives life to the body of the human person, without it, the body and
the soul will be a lifeless being.
c. the spirit controls the body and the soul and is the real authority behind the human person
d. the spirit automatically comes into being the moment a human person is conceived.
14. This philosophy believes that humans are not the only significant species on the planet, also this view advocates
ethical treatment of animals.
a. Animalism b. Anthropocentrism c. Biocentrism d. Ecocentrism
15. A moral approach that analyzes the relationship between humans and the environment
a. environmental ethics b. Environmental aesthetics c. Environmentalism d. Sustainability
16. Which among this philosopher taught that “the social dimension is represented by “We relation, Thru participation we
maintain the humanness of others”
a. Pope John Paul II b. Karol Wojtyla c. Immanuel Kant d. St Thomas Aquinas
17. The following explains that the human person is a living paradox, except one.
a. Simple but complex b. inquiring subject as well as the inquired object
c. flesh spirit and divided union d. a perennial problem which is very easy to understand

18. This level of human nature refers to the bodily substance animated upon conception
a. Behavioural b. Somatic c. Paradox d. Attitudinal

19. This level of human nature is anchored on the principle that every human being has a behaviour distinctly unique from
other being
a. Attitudinal level b. Somatic level c. Paradoxial level d. Behavioural level

20. This manifests a human person’s drive to live a life he/she wants conditioned upon personal responsibility and
a. St Thomas Aquinas b. Human Nature c. Attitudinal Level d. Theological perspective

21. Which of the following statement is not true about the human person?
a. Human nature makes a person whom he really is c. man is a unity in diversity
b. Human person is a tripartite being d. man as a godly being exist only for himself

22. What makes a human person a divided being?

a. Humanity of a person is manifested in a physical body b. humans cannot live without a spirit
c. The soul, not the body is the real human person d. answer a,b &c are all correct

23. The doctrine that all the phenomena of the universe can be explained by two separate and distinct substances as mind
and matter
a. Dualism b. Idealism c. Realism d. Moderate Dualism

24. This philosopher propounded that the human persons existence realistically is a constitution of body and soul, mind
and matter, senses and intellect, passion and reason.
a. Aristotle b. Plato c. Socrates d. St Thomas Aquinas

25. Which of the following philosophers disagree that the human person is made up of body and soul and using the
scripture as basis, believed that the human person is a tripartite being which is body, soul and spirit
a. Aristotle & Plato b. St Thomas Aquinas & St Augustine of Hippo
c. Pope John Paul II & Immanuel Kant d. both a, b & c

26. Which of the following statement is true about monism?

a. the universe can be explained by one substance such as matter, mind, or some other single thing or force.
b. monism is split into idealist and materialist camps
c. a & b are all correct
d. none of the above

27. All of the statements are true about Filipino perspective on human person, except one:
a. Filipino philosophy of the human body is found to be non-dualistic, rather it is holistic
b. the spirit or “Diwa” is the essence of life
c. the ”Hininga” is the spirit of the human person
d. the power of “hininga” is derived from the air the human person breaths
28. Which of the following action demonstrates radical dualism during the Medieval period
a. Marking the body with the word of god as commanded in the bible
b. Early Christians living hermetic and ascetic lives so that virtues of the spirit were cultivated
c. giving the body more importance rather than the spirit
d. Answers a,b &c are all correct

29. The doctrine that started with the idea that the human person is a unitary being with a material existence that has a
mysterious dimension which belongs to the spiritual realm
a. Radical Dualism b. Moderate Dualism c. Monism d. New Monism

30. This philosopher claimed that the human person is purely a material entity, a cog of a machine
a. Thomas Hobbes b. Plato c. Immanuel Kant d. Karl Marx

31. The discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment and its non-human contents.
a. ecological imbalance b . prudence c. Environmental philosophy d. Environmental morality

32. This view believes that humans are the most important species on the planet and they are free to transform nature
and use its resources
a. Feudalism b. Ethnocentrism c. Anthropocentrism d. Monism

33. What is the papal encyclical regarding the protection of mother earth?
a. Laudatu Si b. Fides set ratio c. Vox populi est vox Dei d. The Montreal Protocol

34. Which of the following action shows the humanness of a person as a social being?
a. Donating cash for charity by playing Sweepstakes b. Helping others even you yourself needs help
c. being present in all family occasions d. Being hospitable despite the lack of resources

35. Cooking just enough food for the family everyday is an application of what philosophy?
a. prudence b. frugality social responsibility d. none of the above

36. The environmentalist show G-Diaries of ABS-CBN anchored by the late Gina Lopez shows which philosophy of the
a. Environmental ethics b. Prudence & Frugality
c. Environmental morality d. All of the above

37. The following environmental problems were considered natural phenomenon, except one
a.Tsunami b.Earthquake c.Typhoon d.Deforestation

38. Which of the following shows natural destruction of ecological balance?

a. Converting of agricultural lands for residential purposes
b. Converting the Goji Dessert into a Forest by planting million trees on it.
c. Covering the sea with rocks and soil to give way for building houses to the squatters
d. Wild fires in the amazon leading to the destruction of many flora and fauna

39. The following are considered as Society and Environmental shaping events, except one
a. Agricultural Revolution b. Industrial Revolution
c. answers A & B d. None of the above
40. The phenomenon that severed and disturbed the harmonious co-existence and dependency of humanity to the
a. frugality b. tsunami c. ecological imbalance d. prudence

41. It is a theory in philosophy that your own existence is the only thing that is real or that can be known
a. solipsism b.Intersubjectivity C.Ontology D.

42. This philosopher taught that the social dimension is represented by “We relation
a. Karol Wojtyla b. Immanuel Kant C. Martin Buber D. None of the above
43. Martin Buber - the interpersonal dimension is represented by the “I – You relation.”
a. Karol Wojtyla b. Immanuel Kant C. Martin Buber D. None of the above

44. The I-IT mode – human persons treat his fellow human persons as objects, tools or instrument

45. In this mode of relationship, the human person considers his fellow human as subjects evident with an atmosphere of
openness, commitment, reciprocity, personal involvement, care and love

46. Which of the following is true about a human person in relation to his totality?
i. The human person experiences his wholeness not in virtue of his relation to one’s self, but in virtue in
his relation to another self
j. The human person is a natural born winner and experiences his totality when he accomplishes his
purpose in life.
k. Human being as a social being is responsible for his own self and hi accomplishment ends only with
l. All of the above

47. __________ shows humanness of a person as a social being

A.I-You B.We C.I-Thou D.I-It

48. ___________ happens when two persons truly acknowledge each others presence and treat each other as equals.
a.monologue b. Dialogue c. Interhuman d. We relationship

49. The following situations support the claim that the earth is not flat, except one
a. Discovery of Christopher Columbus of the “Americas”
b. Discovery of Copernicus
c. Circumnavigation of Ferdinand Magellan
d. The scientific discoveries of Isaac Newton

50. Under Feudalism, why do peasants need to seek a Lord or a Nobility?

a. To become soldiers and fight for the lord
b. To plant more crops and have a bountiful harvest
c. To have a better, longer life expectancy and have protection from the lord
d. So that they could give their tithes and offerings

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Asst. School Head

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Principal II

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