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Construction of Paver Blocks From Waste Materials

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)








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ABSTRACT coloring agents such as red oxide. Hence

in this thesis an attempt is made to study
Day by day our environment is regard the properties of Paver blocks
polluted by large amount of plastic which is manufactured using plastic
wastes. However there are several plastic waste.
waste recycled & reused, They are not
done effectively. In order to prevent the Keywords : Waste Plastics, River Sand,
environment pollution caused by plastic Paver blocks
waste, We decided to utilize it
effectively in the manufacturing of paver INTRODUCTION
blocks. Large amount of plastic wastes The composition of waste is different
have been collected from several places in different areas based on the
such as tourist and public places etc., socioeconomic characters, waste
High density polyethylene bags are management programs and consumption
collected, cleaned and used as a patterns but the amount of plastic in the
replacement for cement in the overall waste composition is high. The
manufacturing of Paver Blocks. The major constituents of plastic waste is
molten state of plastic is added with Fine polyethylene and polypropylene. There are
aggregate (sand) at different percentages several methods available to recycle and
to obtain high strength Paver Blocks that reuse the waste effectively. Since plastic has
possess good thermal properties and long service life, they can be recycled
compressive strength. The plastic waste effectively.
is available in large quantity and hence
the cost factor comes down. Different The biggest problem with plastic
shades can be obtained by mixing bags is that they don’t readily breakdown in

ISSN (ONLINE):2456-5717 231 Vol.4, Issue.5, May 2018

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

the environment. It takes 20 – 1000 years remains uncollected. In India the plastic
based on their composition. The average waste are majorly disposed by burning and
plastic waste produced in India per year is only less amount of plastic waste is recycled
15432 tonnes among which 6000 tonnes

MATERIAL USED 2 Max. Continued use 65ºC

temperature (149ºF)
1. Waste plastics 3 Thermal Coefficient (100-200) x
of Expansion −6
By definition the plastics can be made to
4 Melting Point 126ºC
different shapes when they are heated in
closest environment it exists in the different
forms such as cups, furniture’s, basins, 5 Density 0.941-0.965
plastic bags, food and drinking containers, g/cm3
and they are become waste material.
Accumulation of such wastes can result into
hazardous effects to both human and plant
life. Therefore, need for proper disposal,
and, if possible, use of these wastes in their
recycled forms, occurs. This can be done 2. River sand
through process of plastic management. Sand is naturally occurring granular material
Waste management in respect to plastic can which is composed of mineral particles and
be done by recycling. If they are not finely divided material. The composition of
recycled then they will become big pollutant sand varies depending on the local rock
to the environment as they not decompose conditions and sources, but the most
easily and also not allow the water to constituent of sand in Inland continental
percolate in to the soil and they are also settings and non-tropical coastal region is
poisonous. silica dioxide (Sio2) in the form of quartz.
The second commonly used sand is the
calcium carbonate, for example aragonite,
which has mostly been created, over the past
half billion years, by various forms of life,
like coral and shellfish. Sand are now used
in all the construction process.

Fig.1 Waste plastics




Fig.2 River Sand
1 Tensile Strength 0.2-.4

ISSN (ONLINE):2456-5717 232 Vol.4, Issue.5, May 2018

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

3. Red Oxide(ferric oxide) to the paver blocks. They are red, odourless
Iron (III) oxide or ferric oxide is the and their density is 5.26 g/cm3. their melting
inorganic point is also at 2851 degrees Fahrenheit.
compound with the formula Fe2O3. It is one
of the three main oxides of iron, the other CONTROL MIX DESIGN
two being iron (II) oxide (FeO), which is
rare, and iron (II, III) oxide (Fe3O4), which In order to find the plastic soil blocks
that they possess high compressive strength
also occurs naturally as the mineral
with various mix proportions are made and
magnetite. As the mineral known as they are tested using compressive testing
hematite, Fe2O3 is the main source of iron machine. The mix proportion were in the
for the steel industry. Fe2O3 is ratio of (1:2,
ferromagnetic, dark red, and readily attacked 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6)
by acids. Iron (III) oxide is often called rust,
and to some extent this label is useful, These are the ratio which represent the
plastic, river sand respectively.
because rust shares several properties and
has a similar composition. To a chemist, rust In first step we should collect the
is considered an ill-defined material, waste plastic bags and the polyethylene bags
described as hydrated ferric oxide. are sorted out and remaining are disposed
Next the collected waste bags are cleaned
water and dried to remove the water present
in it after this the plastics are burned out by
using stones and firewood.

The stones are arranged to hold the drum

and the firewood is placed in the gap
between the stones and it is ignited. The
drum is placed over the above setup and it is
heated to remove the moisture present in it.
Then the plastic bags are added to the drum
one by one and the river sand is added to the
plastic when it turns into hot liquid. The
Fig 3: Red oxide
sand is added is mixed thoroughly using rod
and trowel before it hardens. The mixture
has a very short setting hence mixing
process must not consume more time on the
Iron(III) oxide which can be used as other hand the process should be complete.
a pigment in the name of “pigment brown In case of Paver blocks, Red oxide is added
6”,"pigment brown 7","pigment red 101”. (less than 10% of the total weight) to impart
for example, pigment brown and the dark red colour.
pigment red are used in food and drug
administration and also in cosmetics The
properties of red oxide is to make colouring

ISSN (ONLINE):2456-5717 233 Vol.4, Issue.5, May 2018

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

TEST PROCEDURES TABLE 2: Compressive strength of Plastic

sand paver`
To know the quality of plastic sand paver
blocks following tests can be performed. In SI TYPE OF VALUE
these tests some are performed in laboratory NO PAVER BLOCK
and the rest are on field. 1 Plastic Sand
blocks(without 1 N/mm2
1. Compressive test hydraulic press)
2 Plastic Sand 5 N/mm2
Compression testing is a very common blocks(with hydraulic
testing method that is used to establish the press)
compressive force or crush resistance of a
material. 2. Water absorption test

Generally five specimens of blocks are taken In this test, paver blocks are weighed in
to laboratory for testing and tested one by dry condition and let them immersed in
one. In this test a paver block specimen is fresh water for 24 hours. After 24 hours of
put on crushing machine and applied immersion, those are taken out from water
pressure till it breaks. The ultimate pressure
and wipe out with cloth.
at which block is crushed is taken into
account. All five paver block specimens are Then paver block is weighed in wet
tested one by one and average result is taken
as paver block’s compressive strength. condition. the difference between weights is
the water absorbed by the paver block. the
The plastic sand paver blocks of different percentage of water absorption is then
ratios are tested one by one and in this the calculated.
high compression.
The less water absorbed by the paver block
the greater its quality. Good quality paver
block doesn’t absorb more than 5% of its
own weight.

Water absorption of test specimen = 2.2 %

As per IS 15658:2006 water absorption

percentage within 5%, the result of
Fig 4: Compressive strength for plastic sand specimen is 2.2% hence it is satisfied.
paver blocks 3. Fire resistance test
The Plastic is highly susceptible
to fire but in case of Plastic sand Paver
blocks the presence of sand imparts
insulation. There is no change in the
structural properties of block up to
180ºC above which visible cracks are

ISSN (ONLINE):2456-5717 234 Vol.4, Issue.5, May 2018

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

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