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NCP About Fluid Intake

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ALAPA, Nesreen C.

BSN 2 – 2



Subjective cues: Risk for After 30  Limit fluids

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Objective cues: secondary to lifestyle to a variety of
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How Hydration During Pregnancy Can Benefit You and Your Baby
When you're pregnant, you need more water than the average person in order to form amniotic
fluid, produce extra blood, build new tissue, carry nutrients, enhance digestion, and flush out wastes
and toxins.

Benefits of Staying Hydrated

Especially during hot summer months, you’ll want to make sure you stay adequately hydrated. Here
are just some of the benefits of staying hydrated during your pregnancy:

 Decreases constipation/hemorrhoids
 Reduces swelling
 Softens skin
 Increases energy
 Keeps you cooler
 Decreases risk of urinary tract infections
 Decreases risk of preterm labor and preterm birth

Since you need more water during pregnancy, how much is enough? It’s recommended that you
drink 8-12 glasses of water a day, or 2.3 liters. If your trips to the bathroom are frequent and your
urine is pale or colorless, you're drinking is on track.

If you have a hard time getting enough water every day, here are a few tips to help prevent

1. Add fruits such as lemons, limes, and frozen raspberries to your water.
2. Avoid caffeine.
3. Increase your fruit and vegetable intake (they have water, too!).
4. Milk, juice, sparkling water, tea, and soups all count as water or fluid intake.
5. Listen to your body; drink enough fluids that you rarely feel thirsty.
6. Drink enough fluids that your urine is and colorless or light yellow.
7. Stay out of the heat. Exercise indoors or early or late in the day.
8. Increase your fluid intake when you increase your activity level.

Dehydration during pregnancy can result in mild symptoms to serious complications.

Signs of dehydration
 Maternal overheating
 Headaches/sluggishness
 Dark or concentrated urine
 Serious Complications
 Low amniotic fluid
 Kidney stones
 Swelling
 Birth defects
 Urinary tract infections, which can lead to preterm labor and preterm birth.
In addition to the many benefits of staying adequately hydrated during your pregnancy, it’s also
essential to the health of your baby. Talk to your provider if you have any questions.

Are You Drinking Enough Water During Pregnancy?

Drinking water is extra-important during pregnancy, and it's more important than ever to ensure
your source is safe. There’s more to H2O than meets the... mouth.
 Water delivers essentials to your fetus
Ever wonder how all the good stuff in the prenatal vitamins and healthy foods you're faithfully
consuming every day are shipped to your fetus? It all starts with water, which helps your body
absorb essential nutrients into the cells and transports vitamins, minerals and hormones to the
blood cells. It's those nutrient-rich blood cells that reach the placenta and ultimately your baby — all
with the help of H2O.

 Your recommended daily water intake is higher during pregnancy

To that end, you’ll need more water to keep your system running for two during pregnancy. Though
it really varies based on your body type and size, how active you are, and so on, the general rule of
thumb is somewhere between eight and 10 8-ounce glasses of water (from all sources) a day. But be
sure to talk to your practitioner about what works for you and your situation.

Try to space out your sips to keep them coming steadily throughout the day rather than gulping a lot
at once, which could leave you feeling uncomfortably full. Since most of us don’t drink enough fluids,
filling a water bottle or two every morning and keeping it handy all day takes the hassle out of

Be sure to sip before, during and after you work out, or if you find yourself outside on a hot day.
Note, too, that if you feel thirsty, it’s a sign that your body is already on its way to being dehydrated.

 Water can help prevent UTIs, constipation and hemorrhoids

Now that you're pregnant, you're not just eating and drinking for two — you're also excreting for
two (ew, but true). That means you'll have more trash to take out of your system than ever before.
Enter water, which dissolves the waste products and helps flush them from the kidneys.

Drinking enough water also keeps your urine diluted, which not only keeps things flowing but also
keeps UTIs at bay (urine that hangs out too long in your bladder can become a breeding ground for
infection-triggering bacteria), as well as bladder infections and kidney infections (which are types of

A copious consumption of water also helps immeasurably in the poop department, helping to move
solid wastes more speedily down the digestive path. And, since constipation is pretty common in
pregnant women — not to mention the fact that constipation pressure can cause hemorrhoids —
well...bottoms up! (Couldn’t help it!)

 Water can help with fatigue, headaches, swelling and overheating

Is it crazy-hot in here — or are you pregnant? It’s true, the heat is on (high!) when you're expecting.
But if you drink water during pregnancy, you can keep the body's cooling system running smoothly
— even when your inner thermostat is cranked all the way up — by dispersing excess heat in the
form of sweat.

An ample flow of fluids also keeps pregnancy fatigue in check — one of the first symptoms of
dehydration is exhaustion — and can keep headaches at bay (another dehydration symptom). It also
helps your body get rid of excess sodium among other things, minimizing swelling — particularly
swollen feet or ankles (your doctor might call it “edema”).

 Ensuring your water’s safe

It’s never a bad idea to assess the cleanliness of your drinking water — and that’s especially true
when you’re pregnant. While most of the water you drink likely comes from public water systems
and is generally safe to drink, it can be contaminated with high levels of chemicals that could harm a
fetus, including lead, mercury and arsenic. In addition, there is increasing evidence that BPA (an
industrial chemical that mimics estrogen and is found in some plastics) can be problematic when
you're expecting.

 Water isn’t the only way to hydrate

Water is the best drink around, but what if you’re all watered out? There are plenty of other liquids
that make the cut: Milk (an 8-ounce glass of skim yields just over 7 ounces of water), sparkling or
flavored waters, fruit and vegetable juices (watch out for added sugar in fruit juice and added
sodium in veggie drinks) and decaffeinated teas are all great choices — just be sure you keep an eye
on pasteurization, calorie info and all that.

You should, however, limit your intake of soda (nothing but empty calories), as well as other
beverages containing caffeine, since they have a diuretic effect (besides the other reasons to cut the
caffeine during pregnancy).

Keep in mind, too, that about 20 percent of your daily water intake comes from food sources. Fruits
pack the most water: One cup of watermelon or cantaloupe provides just under 5 ounces of water; a
medium-size pear or one cup of strawberries provides about 4 and a half ounces; a medium size
orange has 4 ounces. Got the sniffles? A cup of chicken soup yields roughly 6 ounces of water.


During pregnancy we need extra water to cope with the demands of our ever-changing bodies and
to keep us fit and well.


Water is needed to flush out toxins, aid digestion and ensure our bodies absorb the essential
nutrients from the food we eat. It also helps to restore and revitalise our bodies.

During pregnancy these essential functions are even more important as we strive to cope with our
changing body and maintain a healthy environment for our unborn baby. Water is also a key
component of breast milk so it’s essential for good lactation.

An adult’s body weight is comprised of between 50-70% water and, without regular top-ups, our
body’s survival time is limited to a matter of hours or days.


Water is a major component of our blood, carrying essential nutrients to cells and flushing away
harmful waste products. It also helps our bodies to absorb essential nutrients from food and speeds
up the rate at which glucose is absorbed thereby boosting our energy levels.

The average adult loses about two litres of fluid a day – even more in hot weather, during exercise,
or when carrying extra weight through pregnancy. It is vital that these fluids are replenished


When the body does not get enough fluid it becomes dehydrated which, even in mild cases, can lead
to health problems like constipation, headaches, anxiety, fatigue and dull skin. In pregnancy severe
dehydration can cause miscarriage and preterm labour.
Drinking water rehydrates our tissues and improves our complexion. Some pregnant women find
that drinking water at regular intervals can actually relieve the symptoms of morning sickness,
heartburn and indigestion.

Drinking plenty of water also dilutes the urine, reducing the risk of urinary infections, which can be
common in pregnancy.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends a daily intake of between 1.5 and two litres of
water (eight 250mls or 8fl oz.).

When you are pregnant this should increase by another two to four glasses (up to three litres) a day
if the weather is warm or you are exercising.

 3 ways to increase your daily intake of water:

1. Drink a glass of water when you get up in the morning instead of decaffeinated tea or
decaffeinated coffee (hot water with fresh lemon is a wonderful natural cleanser)
2. Never get thirsty. Thirst is a symptom of dehydration so try to not deprive your body for it to
reach this stage
3. Avoid caffeinated drinks and high sugar drinks as these can actually worsen dehydration

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