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DynEd Pro English A2-A2+ Certificate Academic Plan Student Workbook – 1st Edition
© Copyright 2015-2017, DynEd International, Inc.
Used with permission from DynEd International, Inc.
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Learning Points & Index

English for Success – UNIT 8…………………………………………………………………….1

 Warm up: Seasons  World Talk Cards: Seasons, Time
Phrases, Time Clauses and Infinitive
 School Life: Dialogs 1 and 2 Grammar
Focus  Speaking-Up: Dialogs with Speech
 Geography 2: Planet Earth; Land &
Water; Locations, Quiz

Reading for Success UNIT 8 Tea and Coffee……………………………………………. 7

English for Success - UNIT 9 .............................................................................................. 13

 Warm up: Times of Life  World Talk Cards: Past, Future
 School Life: Dialogs 1 and 2. Grammar  Speaking-Up: Dialogs with Speech
Focus Recognition
 English 1: Aristotle; Alexander;
Cleopatra; Ramses, Quiz

Reading for Success UNIT 9 Confucius ........................................................................ 19

English for Success - UNIT 10 ........................................................................................... 26

 Warm up: Purpose and Use  Locations: Places and Purpose (where
you can buy; a place for students to
 School Life: Dialogs 1 and 2.
Grammar Focus
 Speaking-Up: Question Practice
 Math 3: Time Units, Temperature
with Speech Recognition
Units, Units of Weight & Distance, Quiz

Reading for Success UNIT 10 Calendars .................................................................... 32


Exercise A
▪ Unit 8
English for Success
English for Success
1. Look at the pictures in Unit 8 Warm-Up. Then complete the sentences with the
correct words or phrases.
are going to are leaving favorite finished finishes get home
going to it gets light return some of them wake up when

Example: After she gets up, she's going to eat breakfast.

1. People (a) __________ because (b) __________in the morning.

2. Evening is (a)__________most people (b) __________home from work.

3. After they (a) __________, they (b) __________ eat dinner.

4. School is (a)___________so the students (b) __________.

5. This is their (a) __________ time of day, and (b) __________ are going home.

2. Look at the pictures in Unit 8 Warm-Up. Fill in the correct answers.

a lot of finishes going to isn’t late
looking forward turning off turns it off to get up until

The girl is (1) _______ her alarm clock. After she (2) _______, she’s going (3)
_______ .

She’s (4) _______ to (5) _______ to school today.

It’s (6) _______ at night, but the boy isn’t sleeping. Unfortunately, he has (7)
_______ homework.

He (8) _______ going to bed (9) _______ he (10) _______ it.

3. Match the word with its opposite.

a. awake b. backward c. before d. dark e. fast f. go down

g. high h. small i. start j. tired k. turn on l. until

1. asleep _____ 2. slow _____ 3. light _____ 4. finish _____ 5. come up_____

6. low _____ 7. large _____ 8. after _____ 9. forward _____ 10. turn off _____

© DynEd International 1
English for Success ▪ Unit 8

Exercise B
1. Listen to Unit 8 Dialog 1 in School Life and fill in the missing words.

1. Nick: I'm _________________________________.

2. Nick: Tonight I'm _____________________________________.

3. Nick: Or _____________________________________ a movie on TV.

4. Alex: But ________________________________________________?

5. Nick: No problem. (a) ________________. (b) ________________________.

2. Connect the two parts of each sentence. Choose the best answer.

1. I’m tired _____ a. is the ketchup?

2. Tonight Nick _____ b. him another hamburger.

3. Maybe Nick _____ c. will go to bed early.

4. But what about _____ d. of homework.

e. will watch a movie on TV.
5. Hey, I’m still _____
f. forget to get the ketchup.
6. Could you get _____
g. in the bag.
7. Nick is going to get _____
h. hungry.
8. Wait! It’s right here _____
i. tomorrow’s math test?
9. Hey, where _____
j. one for me too?
10. Nick didn’t _____

3. Answer these questions.

1. What are you going to do tonight?

2. What is your favorite food for lunch?

3. How often do you eat a hamburger for lunch?

2 © DynEd International
English for Success ▪ Unit 8

Exercise C
1. Listen to Unit 8 Dialog 2 in School Life and fill in the spaces with the phrases from
the box.
Tiara: (1) _____
a. Oh right. When does it start?
Tina: Oh, Hi. I’m on my way to
b. We’re having a meeting after school
Tiara: (2) _____ c. Can you help us plan the winter
Tina: In about four minutes. What’s up? dance?
d. Hey Tina, do you have minute?
Tiara: (3) _____
e. It’ll be fun.
Tina: I don’t know. Maybe.
Tiara: (4) _____ You can find out more about it then. (5) _____
Tina: Okay. I’ll see you there.

2. Fill in the correct answer.

after can go having know plan

see you starts sure talking to go way

Example: She isn’t sure if she can help.

Tina and Tiara are (1)______ before class. Tina is on her (2)______ to orchestra

class. It (3)______ in about four minutes. Tiara asks her if she (4)______ help

them (5)______ the winter dance. Tina doesn’t (6)______ if she can help. Tiara

tells Tina that they’re (7)______ a meeting in the gym (8)______ school

tomorrow. Tina agrees (9)______ to the meeting and says, “Okay, I’ll (10)_______


3. Answer these questions.

1. What kind of events do students plan at your school?

2. How often do you go to meetings at school?

3. When is the next important event at your school?

© DynEd International 3
English for Success ▪ Unit 8

Exercise D
1. Fill in the correct words.

add add to before connect describes help

like meaning phrase sentence type ways

Example: Adjectives and adverbs both add meaning to other words.

1. Adjectives (1) _____ or change the (2) _____of a noun or pronoun.

2. Adjectives (3) _____answer questions (4)_____what kind and which one.

3. Sometimes an adjective comes (5) _____ the word it (6) _____.

4. Conjunctions (7) _____other words in different (8) _____.

5. Prepositions are another (9) _____ of word. They usually come before a noun
or noun (10) _____.

2. Listen to Unit 8 School Subjects Adjectives & Adverbs and write in the correct

1. Adjectives and adverbs both (a) ________________ to (b) _______________.

2. They (a) ________________ things or (b) ________________.

3. Adjectives (a) _______________or (b) _________________________ of a

noun or pronoun.

4. The word tall is not a (a) _______________________________.

5. It (a) __________________________, such as a (b) __________________ or


3. Answer these questions.

1. What type of word is tall? Why? The word tall is


2. Why is the word and a conjunction? It’s a conjunction

3. In the sentence, ‘The boy is inside the box.’, inside is what type of word? It’s

4. What type of word adds meaning to a verb? An

4 © DynEd International
English for Success ▪ Unit 8

Exercise E
1. Listen to Adjectives & Adverbs and put the words into the correct order.
Example: Adverbs /or/ /nouns/ /describe/ /don’t/ /pronouns/.
Adverbs don’t describe nouns or pronouns.

1. adjectives and adverbs /both / /meaning/ /words/ /other/ /add/ /to/.

2. /the meaning / /add to/ /or change/ /adjectives/ /a noun or pronoun/ /of/.

3. what /word/ /of/ /describes/ /or pronoun/ /type/ /a noun/?

4. an adjective /something / /describes/ /such as/ /a person/ / thing/ /or/.

5. adverbs /other adverbs/ /and/ /add meaning/ /to verbs/.

2. What types of words are these?

noun (n); verb (v); adjective (adj); adverb (adv); preposition (prep);
conjunction (conj)
Example: Elephants (n)

1. table __________ 6. attract__________11. colder __________

2. on __________ 7. positive__________12. length__________

3. slowly __________ 8. nucleus__________13. through__________

4. because _________ 9. by __________14. behind__________

5. sometimes _______10.depend on________15. within__________

© DynEd International 5
English for Success ▪ Unit 8

Exercise F
1. Listen to Unit 8 World Talk Cards several times to complete this exercise.
Complete the sentences with the correct words
Example: This couple often eats at a restaurant.

1. ___________________________, they look at the restaurant's menu.

2. When they are ready to order, ____________________________________.

3. The man (a)_____________ has pasta (b)________________________ salad.

4. The woman likes fresh vegetables ______________________ fruit.

5. The man (a) _____________________, such as chicken, (b) _________


6. The woman (a)________________ seafood (b)_____________meat.

7. They usually have dessert _______________________ of their meal.

2. Put the words into the correct order.

1. What /order/ /before/ /do/ /they/ /do they/ ?

2. What /salad/ /does/ /of/ /the man/ /instead/ /have/ ?

3. What /the woman/ /to/ /does/ /prefer/ /meat/ ?

4. What /or vegetables/ /have - / /would/ /rather/ /the woman/ /fresh fruit/ ?

5. What /they are/ /to order/ /do/ /ready/ /when/ /do they/ ?

3. Answer these questions.

1. Do you prefer beef or chicken? I

2. What is your favorite type of vegetable? My

3. Would you rather have meat or fish? I’d rather

6 © DynEd International
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 8
Reading for Success 8: TEA AND COFFEE

Getting Started
Complete the chart with the words and phrases below.

a. firstusedinChinaandJapan
b. has two main types: black and green
c. first used in East Africa and the Middle East
d. made by roasting plant materials
e. uses plant leaves
f. made by pouring hot water over plant materials
g. usesplantseeds
h. used as part of social customs
i. made by drying plant materials

© DynEd International 7
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 8

Comprehension Check 1
Write a complete sentence to answer each question.

1. Why do people drink coffee and tea?


2. Which drink has the longer history, tea or coffee?


3. How was tea from China introduced to the world?


4. How do tea leaves change after they are picked?


5. What are the most popular kinds of tea?


6. What do people add to tea when it is served?


Vocabulary Practice 1
Rearrange the letters to make the correct word to fill in the blank. Write the word in
the blank.

1. gresevabe Tea and coffee are two of the world's most popular .

Tea is the most widely _ beverage in the world,

2. monusced
except for water.
Coffee to Italy from East Africa and the Middle
3. ardeps
Tea is made by pouring _ water over dried tea
4. niblogi
Spices or other are sometimes mixed with dried
5. nidtengiers
tea leaves to give special flavors to the tea.

8 © DynEd International
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 8

Language Focus 1
Fill in the missing words. Two words will not be used.

color lemon
beverage mix
popular begin
flavors even though
green pouring
plant China
over climates

Tea is made by pouring boiling water over the dried leaves of the tea (1) .

The tea plant grows best in warm, wet (2) ______ and in high areas, such

as on mountains. (3) tea was first grown in China, Japan

and India, tea is now grown in countries all (4) __

the world.

The two most (5) kinds of tea are green tea and black tea. All tea

leaves are (6) until they are picked. After they are picked,

the leaves (7) to dry and become darker in (8) .

People sometimes (9) spices or other ingredients with the dried tea

leaves to give special (10) _____ to the tea. In many cultures, people add milk,

sugar, or (11) to tea when it is served.

© DynEd International 9
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 8

Comprehension Check 2
Circle or highlight the correct answer.

1. The seeds of the coffee plant are inside the .

a. beans
b. leaves
c. berries

2. To produce coffee, coffee beans must be .

a. picked, dried, and mixed with spices
b. picked, dried, roasted, and ground
c. mixed with boiling water

3. The country that grows the most coffee is .

a. Brazil
b. India
c. Italy

4. How do people in Arab cultures use tea?

a. They use special ceremonies for serving tea.
b. They roast and grind tea.
c. They always offer tea to guests when they arrive.

5. In which part of the world did coffee shops become popular in the late 20th
a. Europe and North America
b. Vietnam and Brazil
c. East Africa and the Middle East

6. What has promoted coffee drinking in recent years?

a. coffee ceremonies
b. chains of coffee shops
c. coffee production

10 © DynEd International
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 8

Vocabulary Practice 2
1. Match the words to make a phrase from the readings.

1. the rest a) beans

2. recent b) beverage
3. it spread c) gathering
4. the most widely d) history
5. boiling e) leaves
6. all over f) of coffee
7. chains g) of coffee shops
8. tea h) of the world the rest of the world
9. coffee i) the world
10. a cup j) to Italy
11. a social k) water

2. Then write three sentences about coffee and tea. Each sentence must
use at least one phrase from the chart.


Language Focus 2
Write in the passive form of the verb in parentheses.

The process of producing coffee has several steps. First, the berries are picked
(pick) by hand or by machine. Then, the seeds (1) ________(remove) from the
berries and (2) (clean) and dried. These dried coffee beans
(3) (call) “green coffee.” The next step in the
process is roasting at a high temperature. The coffee beans get darker as they (4)
______(roast). After that, the coffee beans (5) ___________ (grind) into small
pieces, using a coffee grinder. Finally, hot water (6) __ (pour) through
the ground coffee to make a cup of coffee.

© DynEd International 11
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 8

Choose one of the suggested topics or questions, or a similar one that you’d prefer, and
write at least two paragraphs on the subject.

1. Explain a common practice or ritual in your culture that includes tea, coffee, or
another beverage.
2. Write about your favorite experience with tea or coffee.
3. Do you prefer tea or coffee? Why?

12 © DynEd International
English for Success ▪ Unit 9
English for Success
Exercise A
1. Look at the pictures in Unit 9 Warm-Up. Then complete the sentences with the
correct phrases.
a. after they marry b. how to read c. how to write d. spending time
e. to spend time f. supposed to g. to support h. when they

Example: The man is teaching his granddaughter (b) .

1. The two boys are learning _______.

2. Many adults have jobs _______ their families.

3. Older people enjoy ________ with their families.

4. People often stop working ________ get old.

5. Adults often have children ________.

2. Fill in the correct words.

always difficult getting good finish most

interested interesting next often to learn when

People begin (1) _____ their first language (2) _____ they are very young.

For the (3) _____ few years, they go to school. When they (4) _____ school,

(5) _____ people get a job.

After (6) ______ a job, they (7) _____ get married and have a family.

Without a (8) _____ job, it’s (9) _____ to support a family. A good job can also

be very (10) _____.

© DynEd International 13
English for Success ▪ Unit 9

Exercise B
1. Listen to Unit 9 Dialog 1 in School Life and fill in the missing words.

1. Tiara: What’s (a) __________?

Tina: Nothing. I’m (b) __________________.I (c) ________________ much

sleep (d) ___________________. I worked on my science paper (e)

2. Tiara: Did you (a) _______________________? Tina: (b) ____________ kidding?

It’s (c) ______________________________. Now

3. Tiara: I’m (e)_________________________________ Mr. Gatton as a teacher.

2. Listen to Unit 9 Dialog 2 in School Life and fill in the missing words.

1. Alex: Hey Nick! How (a) __________________________________math test?

Nick: Not so good. I (b) ______________________.

Alex: Oh, (c) ______________________.

2. Nick: How (a) _______________________?

Alex: I did okay. I (b) ___________________________.

Nick: That’s great! That (c) _______________________________.

I think (d) ______________________________ 90.

3. Alex: Are you (a) _______________________the biology test?

Nick: No, I’m not. I’m (b) _______________________________ this


14 © DynEd International
English for Success ▪ Unit 9

Exercise C
1. Listen to Unit 9 Dialogs in School Life. Then fill in the correct words.

angry better explain last much next

ready textbook to ask understand weekend will

Example: Alex did better than Nick did on the test.

1. Tina didn’t get _________ sleep _________ night.

2. Nick isn’t ________ for the biology test. He’s going to study for it this ______ .

3. Alex _________ look at the notes and study the _________ .

4. Alex doesn’t want _________ his parents for help, because they always
_________ too much.

5. Sometimes his dad gets _________ if he doesn’t _________.

2. Put the words into the correct order.

Example: /tired/ /she/ /is/ /why/?
Why is she tired?

1. /didn’t/ /Nick/ /do/ /on the test/ /well/.

2. /on the test/ /better/ /who/ /did/?

3. /Tina/ /finished/ /what/ /has/?

4. /finished/ /she/ /the outline/ /has/.

5. /the paper/ /hasn’t/ /she/ /finished/ /still/.

© DynEd International 15
English for Success ▪ Unit 9

Exercise D
1. Listen to Unit 9 Aristotle in School Subjects and fill in the correct words.

ago became famous own returned started

studied wrote about was went were wrote

Example: He was born more than two thousand years ago .

1. When Aristotle ______ seventeen, he ______ to Athens, Greece.

2. In Athens, he _____at a _____ school.

3. In 335 B.C., after Alexander ______ king, Aristotle ______ to Athens.

4. In Athens, he ______ his ______ school.

5. He ______ many books and ______ many subjects.

2. Listen to Unit 9 Alexander in School Subjects and write in the correct words.

1. Alexander was (a) _________ , handsome, and well-educated. When he was

thirteen, Aristotle (b) ___________ his teacher. In 336 B.C., after the (c)
_____________ of his father, Alexander (d) ___________ king.

2. After (a) _______________king, Alexander (b) __________ his army in many

battles. In all those battles, his army never (c) __________.

3. In 327 B.C., he (a) _________his army into India, where he (b) _________ many
battles. Two years (c) __________, after a long and difficult journey, he
returned to Persia.

3. Write in the past tense form, V(d), of each verb.

Example: lose lost

1. become ______ 2. go _______3. study ______ 4. lead _____5. return ______

6. start _______ 7. is ______ 8. teach _______ 9. win _____ 10. write _______

16 © DynEd International
English for Success ▪ Unit 9

Exercise E
1. Listen to Unit 9 Cleopatra in School Subjects and fill in the correct words.

became caused died fell interesting left

met old result took war went

Example: She is one of the most interesting women in history.

1. Her father ______ when she was seventeen years ______.

2. After her brother _____ away her power, he _____ king and she ______

3. When Caesar ______ her, he ______ in love with her.

4. Mark Antony’s relationship with Cleopatra ______ many problems. As a

________, the Roman Empire declared _______ on Egypt.

2. Listen to Unit 9 Ramses in School Subjects and put the words into the correct
Example: He /born/ /was/ /3,000 years/ /more/ /ago/ /than/.
He was born more than 3,000 years ago.

1. He /long/ /lived/ /very/ /a/ /life/.

2. He /80 years/ /than/ /for/ /lived/ /more/.

3. Unfortunately, /his sons/ /died/ /of/ /he/ /did/ /before/ /many/.

4. For many Egyptians, Ramses /the only/ /lifetime/ /their/ /king/ /during/ /was/.

5. When he finally died, /king/ /of/ /became/ /sons/ /one/ /his/.

© DynEd International 17
English for Success ▪ Unit 9

Exercise F
1. Fill in the correct answer.

bought buy gets going got leaving

line stood take took wait went

Example: He’s going to take a taxi to his hotel.

1. He _____ a trip last month. Before ______, he ______ an airplane ticket.

When he _____ to the airport, he _____ in a long _____.

2. Next month he is ______ on a trip. Before leaving, he’ll _______ an airplane

ticket. When he _____ to the airport, he will _____ in a long line.

2. Put the sentences into the past tense.

1. I (buy) __________ my airplane ticket more than a month ago.

2. We (get) ______ to the airport late, so we (miss) ________ our flight.

3. We (have to) _______ wait two hours for the next flight.

4. We (are) _______ very tired when we finally (arrive) ________ at our hotel.

5. An hour after we (check in) _________ to the hotel, we (eat) ______ dinner.

3. Write in the correct form of the verb.

1. Next week, she’s (plan) ____________ to travel to Australia.

2. After we get to the hotel, we may (rent) __________ a car.

3. If we don’t rent a car, we’ll (go) _______ by bus or train instead.

4. We (are) _______ all very tired when we finally (get) ________ home last

5. It (rain) ________ last night, so her mother (drive) _________ us home.

18 © DynEd International
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 9
Reading for Success 9: CONFUCIUS

Getting Started
Complete this timeline of Confucius's life, using the words below.

55 years old became famous as teacher

born in 551BCE died in 479 BCE
father died teachings collected into nine books
travelled throughout China worked for local government

© DynEd International 19
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 9

Comprehension Check 1

Write a complete sentence to answer each question.

1. As a philosopher, what did Confucius teach?

2. How did Confucius say that people should treat others?

3. What did Confucius believe government leaders should do? Why?

4. How did people learn about Confucius's ideas?

5. What is contained in the Four Books and the Five Classics?

Vocabulary Practice 1

Listen and read Unit 9 Part 1 Reading. For each word in the list, find a different form
of the word in the readings. What part of speech is it?

For example:

Word from text Part of speech

teach teachings noun

Word from text Part of speech

1. collect
2. generosity
3. important
4. tradition
5. philosophy
6. govern
7. study
8. valuable

20 © DynEd International
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 9

Language Focus 1
Fill in the missing words.

are called a great influence

in many cultures of the family
what you do not want should treat others
traditional Chinese teachings who studied and taught
into two collections the importance of

Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who studied and taught about life and how people

should act. He taught the value (1) and of respect for older

people. He also taught (2) being kind and generous. Confucius wrote: “Do not

do to others (3) done to yourself.” This moral idea means that you

(4) in the same way that you would like to be treated. This “Golden

Rule” is found (5) around the world.

Confucius taught both his own ideas and (6) .

These teachings were organized (7) . The collections (8) the Four

Books and the Five Classics. These nine books have had (9) on Chinese


© DynEd International 21
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 9

Comprehension Check 2
Circle or highlight the correct answer.

1. “Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.” This means:
a. Not everything is beautiful.
b. If you look, you can find value in everything.
c. Everyone sees the same thing.

2. “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” This means:
a. The best way to learn something is to do it.
b. You can learn a lot by listening.
c. When you look at something, you forget it easily.

3. “You cannot open a book without learning something.” This means:

a. You should not open every book.
b. If you open too many books, you will become confused.
c. All books have important information and it is always good to read them.

4. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” This means:
a. If you choose a job you enjoy, you will make a lot of money.
b. When you enjoy your job, it does not feel like work.
c. It is better not to work.

5. “Wherever you go, go with your heart.” This means:

a. You should be yourself and act generously wherever you go.
b. You should always travel with a friend.
c. If you do not like a place, you should not go there.

22 © DynEd International
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 9

Vocabulary Practice 2
Read the text to find a word with the same or similar meaning.

1. encourage to give some a reason or confidence to do

2. be __ __ __ __ to act in a certain way

3. re __ __ __ __ __ __ not forget

4. re __ __ __ __ __ to have a good opinion of someone

5. mo __ __ __ based on ideas of what is right and wrong

6. co __ __ __ __ __ __ not understanding

7. op __ __ __ __ __ what someone thinks about something

8. im __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ right away

© DynEd International 23
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 9

Language Focus 2

Circle or highlight the words that best fit the correct meaning.

(1) (One day / At another time) Zi Lu, one of Confucius's best students, asked Confucius:

“ (2) (When / Why) we hear a good idea, should we follow it immediately?” Confucius gave

this answer: “ (3) (Before / Until) you act, you should always ask the opinion of someone

with more experience.”

(4) (Before / At another time), the student Ran You asked the same question. (5) (This time

/ Again) Confucius answered: “Of course, (6) (if / even though) it's a good idea, you should

do it right away.”

A third student heard both answers and he was confused. He asked Confucius: “ (7)

(When / Why) did you give two completely different answers to the same question?”

Confucius explained: “Zi Lu acts quickly without thinking. (8) (But / So) I told him to think

before he acts. (9) (On the other hand / Similarly), Ran You has a hard time making

decisions. (10) (But / So) I encouraged him to act more quickly. People are different, (11)

(and / if) so they need different answers.”

24 © DynEd International
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 9

Choose one of the suggested topics or questions, or a similar one that you’d prefer, and write at
least two paragraphs on the subject.

1. Write a brief biography of Confucius.

2. Write your favorite Confucian saying and explain why you find it helpful.
3. What is your country’s most influential philosopher?

© DynEd International 25
English for Success ▪ Unit 10
English for Success
Exercise A
1. Look at the pictures in Unit 10 Warm-Up. Then complete the sentences with the
correct phrases.
are using for finding is used is using

many uses to find to weigh useful

Example: Calculators are useful for doing math.

1. Without a scale, it’s difficult _______ an object’s weight.

2. The two students are using the scale _______ a white ball.

3. A ruler ________ for measuring length. 00

4. Computers are important and have ________.

5. Calculators are good _______ answers quickly.

2. Fill in the correct words.

an object’s at by cut out finding length

measures measuring ruler to measure used using

A ruler is an important (1) __________ tool. It’s (2) __________ for measuring (3)

The girl is (4) __________ a ruler (5) ___________ the length of some cloth. After she
(6) __________ the cloth, she’s going to (7) __________ a piece 80 centimeters long
(8) ___________ 70 centimeters wide.

Without a (9) __________ it’s difficult to measure length. It’s often very important to
know (10)__________ length.

26 © DynEd International
English for Success ▪ Unit 10

Exercise B
1. Listen to Unit 10 Dialog 1 in School Life and fill in the missing words.

1. Nick: What are you and Elmar (a) ___________________________________?

Alex: We’re playing soccer. (b) ______________________________ on

How about you?

Nick: I can’t (c) ____________________________ this weekend.

My grandparents (d) _______________________________________.

2. Alex: Don’t you like sports?

Nick: Yeah, but (a) I’m ________________at sports.(b) _________________.

Alex: You’re not (c) __________________, and (d) _____________________.

Nick: Ah, it (e) ___________________. Sports is (f) ______________________.

2. Listen to Unit 10 Dialog 2 in School Life and fill in the missing words.

1. Tina: What are you doing (a) ____________________________?

Melanie: I (b) _________________ with my mom, but (c)

_______________. Why?

Tina: (d) ____________________________________ to the library.

We’re (e) __________________________________________

2. Melanie: Oh, for Friday’s (a) ________________________?

Tina: Yes. We (b) _______________________________________.

(c) ________________________________________ learn.

Melanie: (d) _________________________________, okay?

I’m (e) ______________________________________’yes’.

© DynEd International 27
English for Success ▪ Unit 10

Exercise C
1. Listen to the Unit 10 Dialog 2 in School Life. Then fill in the correct words.

anything anytime ask because can doesn’t

it rains sure there to visit will

Example: Melanie isn’t sure what she’s going to do after school.

1. Nick can’t do ______ this weekend ______ his grandparents are coming

2. Nick can play with his computer game _______ he wants.

3. If it _____, Nick’s P.E. class ______ run in the gym.

4. Nick’s P.E. class will run around the track if ______ ______ rain.

5. Melanie is going to _____ her mom if she _____ go to the library.

2. Put the words into the correct order.

Example: /on Saturday/ /is/ /do/ /going to/ /what/ /Alex/?
What is Alex going to do on Saturday?

1. /can’t/ /Nick/ /anything/ /do/ /this Saturday/ /why/?

2. /anytime/ /can/ /what/ /do/ /he/ /he wants/?

3. /sports/ /good/ /he/ /why/ /isn’t/ /at/?

4. /rains/ /it/ /where/ /if/ /they/ /will/ /run/?

5. /her mother/ /is/ /Melanie/ /going to/ /why/ /call/?

28 © DynEd International
English for Success ▪ Unit 10

Exercise D
1. Listen to Unit 10 Units of Time in School Subjects and fill in the correct words.

another change larger length know how measure

measured other units use used week

Example: A week is seven days.

1. A clock is ______ to ______ time. Time is _____ in _____ of seconds.

2. It’s important to _____ to _____ from one unit to _____.

3. If you measure a long _____ of time, you usually ______ a ______ unit of

2. Listen to Unit 10 Units of Temperature in School Subjects and write in the correct

1. A thermometer is used (a) ___________________ temperature. There are two

temperature scales commonly (b) __________. These two (c) _________ of
measure are (d) ___________Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit. In degrees
Celsius, water (e) ______________ at 0 degrees.

2. A (a) __________________ room temperature is 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, (b)

___________ is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Normal human (c)
_____________ temperature is 98.6 degrees, which is 37 degrees Celsius.

3. Inside the Sun, the temperature (a) ______ be as (b) ________ as 15,000,000
degrees Celsius.

3. Write in the passive form of each verb.

Example: change is changed

1. use _______2. measure ________ 3. increase _______ 4. heat ________

5. cool ______6. divide ________ 7. weigh _________ 8. drop ________

© DynEd International 29
English for Success ▪ Unit 10

Exercise E
1. Listen to Unit 10 Units of Weight & Distance in School Subjects and fill in the
correct words.

approximately as at average calculate in

measuring longer shorter use weighs will

Example: Two units for measuring distance are the meter and the foot.

1. A kilogram is ___________ 2.2 pounds. An ___________ person ___________

about 60 kilograms.

2. For small objects, we __________ grams ___________ the unit of weight.

3. A meter is a bit ___________ than three feet.

4. If a car travels __________ a speed of 60 kilometers per second, we can

___________ how many meters it ___________ travel ___________ thirty

2. Put the words into the correct order.

Example: /a week/ /how many/ /there/ /are/ /days/ /in/?
How many days are there in a week?

1. /take/ /long/ /does/ /how/ /does/ /it/ /100 meters/ /to run/?

2. If the time is 8:45, /it/ /what/ /was/ /ago/ /time/ /30 minutes/?

3. We use hours /how long/ /to measure/ /to fly/ /it takes/ /around the world/.

4. /surface/ /on/ /the Sun’s/ /how/ /hot/ /it/ /is/?

5. /the test/ /more/ /to finish/ /how much/ /have/ /do you/ /time/?

30 © DynEd International
English for Success ▪ Unit 10

Exercise F
1. Listen to Unit 10 World Talk Cards, then fill in the correct answer.

a lot buy mail often place spend

standing to buy to read to relax to see where

Example: Students spend most of their time in a classroom.

1. The people are ________ in line ________ a movie.

2. You can ________ stamps and ________ things at a post office.

3. He _________ comes to the beach __________ and look at the ocean.

4. This supermarket is ________ many people go ________ food.

5. A library is a good ________ for students _________ and study.

2. Complete the sentences with the words from the lesson.

1. Supermarkets have many different ______________________________food.

2. A classroom is __________________________ most of their time during


3. Banks (a) ___________ this one are (b) __________________ can change

4. The beach is a (a) _______________to take (b) ____________.

5. He’s at the post office _______________________________ to a friend.

6. The students are at the library _____________________________________


7. Classrooms are (a) ________________________ subjects (b) __________

English and math.

© DynEd International 31
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 10
Reading for Success 10: CALENDARS

Getting Started
1. Complete the chart using the words and numbers below
354 lunar
365 Romans
365.25 solar

History of the Calendar

Ancient Culture Type of Calendar Number of Days



2. Write 3 sentences using the information from the chart.




32 © DynEd International
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 10

Comprehension Check 1

Circle or highlight the correct answer.

1. Ancient people first measured a year’s time according to .

a. the four phases of the moon
b. the amount of time it took the earth to travel around the sun
c. the season when they planted their crops

2. A lunar calendar is based on .

a. 12 cycles of 29.5 days
b. day and night and the changing seasons
c. 365 days

3. Ancient cultures needed calendars to .

a. study the stars
b. understand the phases of the moon
c. predict when natural events would occur

4. The ancient Egyptians marked the beginning of the year as _____.

a. when the star Sirius rose in the sky with the sun
b. the 12 cycles of the moon from spring to spring
c. the changing of the seasons

5. The solar calendar is easier to use than the lunar calendar because ________ .
a. the sun does not have different phases
b. the seasons are based on the movement of the Earth around the sun
c. it is easier to see the sun than to see the moon

© DynEd International 33
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 10

Vocabulary Practice 1
Complete this crossword puzzle.

1. to say what will happen in the future
6. real, correct
7. concerning the sun
8. concerning the moon
9. one stage in a process or cycle
10. a chart that shows the months and days of the year.

2. to move around something in a circular path
3. a series of events that repeat again and again in the same order
4. to find out the size, length, or amount of something
5. to happen

34 © DynEd International
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 10

Language Focus 1

Fill in the missing words. Two words will not be used.

every noticed
flooded measure
based takes
time took place
year natural
way calendar

Ancient people used calendars to predict when natural events would occur. For

example, in Egypt, the Nile River (1) every year. However, on the 354-

day lunar calendar, the flooding (2) at a different time every year. The

Egyptians needed a different (3) to measure time.

About 6,000 years ago, the Egyptians (4) that once a year, the star

Sirius rose in the sky at the same (5) _ as the sun. This happened

about (6) 365 days, around the same

time that the Nile River flooded. So, they made a new calendar (7) on this

365-day year. When Sirius appeared, a new (8) began. This was the first

solar calendar, based on the actual time that it (9)_ for the Earth to revolve

around the sun.

© DynEd International 35
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 10

Comprehension Check 2

True or False? If the sentence is false, rewrite the sentence as a true sentence.

1. The Julian calendar is based on the lunar year of 354 days.

True False

2. The Julian calendar is named after Pope Julius Caesar.

True False

3. A year with an extra day added every four years is a called a “leap year.”
True False

4. The English names of the month come from the Egyptian calendar.
True False

5. Pope Gregory adjusted the Julian calendar because it lost a day every 28 to 31
True False

6. Today, the Julian calendar is used as the international calendar.

True False

36 © DynEd International
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 10

Vocabulary Practice 2

Match the words to make a phrase from the reading. Then write the complete phrase in
Column 3.

1. a lunar a) crops
2. a leap b) cycle a lunar cycle
3. a full c) cultures
4. ancient d) moon
5. the changing e) place
6. to revolve f) seasons
7. to plant g) around the sun
8. to take h) year

Language Focus 2

Fill in the correct form of the verb. Decide if the verb should be present or past tense.
Some verbs are passive.

In 45 BCE, Roman leader Julius Caesar adopted (adopt) a new calendar. It (1)

(base) on the solar year of 365.25 days. This new calendar (2) (know)

as the Julian calendar. Since the Romans (3)

(measure) each year to be 365 days plus six hours, they (4) (add) an

extra day every four years. Today, a year with an extra day (5) (call) a

“leap year.”

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII (6) _ (adjust) the calendar dates so the

seasons would begin at the right time. He also (7) (make) a few

other changes to keep the calendar accurate. Today, the Gregorian calendar (8)

(use) all around the world as an

international calendar.

© DynEd International 37
Reading for Success ▪ Unit 10

Choose one of the suggested topics or questions, or a similar one that you’d prefer, and
write at least two paragraphs on the subject.

1. Does your country use a different calendar from the Gregorian calendar? If so, what
is that calendar like?
2. Write about your favorite annual holiday.
3. Do you think the first day of the week on a calendar should be Sunday, or Monday?

38 © DynEd International

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