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Mathstrek Schreier-Sims Algorithm - Mathematics and Such

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11/1/2019 Schreier-Sims Algorithm | Mathematics and Such

Mathematics and Such

Just mathematics – Olympiad or

Schreier-Sims Algorithm
Posted on June 12, 2018

Throughout this article, we let G be a subgroup of generated by a subset We wish to consider the
following questions.

Given A, how do we compute the order of G?

How do we determine if an element lies in G?
Assuming , how do we represent g as a product of elements of A and their inverses?

In general, the order of G is comparable to even for moderately-sized A so brute force is not a good

We will answer the first two questions in this article. The third is trickier, but there is a nice algorithm by
Minkwitz which works for most practical instances.


We can represent the group of transformations of the Rubik’s cube as a subgroup of generated by a set S of 6
permutations. The idea is to label each non-central unit square of each face by a number; a transformation of the
Rubik’s cube then corresponds to a permutation of these 6 × 8 = 48 unit squares.

[Image from official Rubik’s cube website.]

Our link above gives the exact order of the Rubik’s cube group (43252003274489856000), as computed by the
open source algebra package GAP 4. How does it do that, without enumerating all the elements of the group? The
answer will be given below.

Schreier-Sims Algorithm 1/6
11/1/2019 Schreier-Sims Algorithm | Mathematics and Such

To describe the Schreier-Sims algorithm, we use the following notations:

is some subset represented in the computer’s memory;

is a subgroup of ;
G acts on the set

Let us pick some random element and consider its orbit under G. From the theory of group actions, we

where is the isotropy group of k. Now it is easy to compute the orbit of k: we start by setting
the orbit to be the singleton {k}, then expand it by letting elements of A act on elements of this set. The process
stops if we can’t add any more elements via this iteration. A more detailed algorithm will be provided later.

Thus, if we could effectively obtain a set of generators for , our task would be complete since we could
recursively apply the process to . [Or so it seems: there’ll be a slight complication.]

For that, we pick a set U of representatives for the left cosets as follows. For each , we pick some
element which maps , and for j = k we pick the identity. To facilitate this process, we use a data
structure called a Schreier vector.

Schreier Vector for Computing Orbits

Warning: our description of the Schreier vector differs slightly from the usual implementation, since we admit
the inverse of a generator.

Let us label the elements of the generating set

Initialize an array (v[1], v[2], …, v[n]) of integers to -1.

Set v[k] := 0.
For each i = 1, 2, …, n:
If v[i] = -1 we ignore the next step.
For each r = 1, 2, …, m, we set g = gr:
set j := g(i); if v[j] = -1, then set v[j] = 2r-1;
set j := g-1(i): if v[j] = -1, then set v[j] = 2r.
Repeat the previous step until no more changes were made to v.

The idea is that v contains a “pointer” to an element of A (or its inverse) which brings it one step closer to k.


Suppose we have elements 2/6
11/1/2019 Schreier-Sims Algorithm | Mathematics and Such

Labelling and , we obtain the following Schreier vector for k=1:

Thus the orbit of 1 is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9}. To compute an element which maps 1 to, say, 9, the vector gives us
Hence we can pick the following for U

Key Lemma
Next, we define the map which takes to the unique such that (i.e. u is the unique
element of U satisfying u(k) = g(k)). Our main result is:

Schreier’s Lemma.

The subgroup is generated by the following set


First note that takes k to itself: indeed by definition takes k to Thus we see that each
as desired so .

Next, observe that B is precisely the set of all for and which lies in Indeed for such an
element, u’ must be the unique element of U which maps k to and so

Now suppose ; we write it as a product of elements of A and their inverses: 3/6
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We will write

where are elements to be recursively chosen. Specifically we start with , and for each
we set . Note that each term in parentheses is an element of Thus, the expression
lies in

So we have . Since , this gives as well so we have obtained h as a product of elements

of B and their inverses. ♦

Consider the subgroup generated by

If we pick k = 1, its orbit is For the coset representatives U, we take:

Now the subgroup is generated by the following 6 elements:

Let be the subgroup generated by these 6 elements; after removing the identity elements we are left with 4.
Now if we pick k = 2 next, we obtain 5 representatives for the next U and thus, we obtain up to 20 generators for
the stabilizer of {1, 2} in G.


The number of generators for the stabilizer groups seems to be ballooning: we started off with 2 examples, then
expanded to 6 (but trimmed down to 4), then blew up to 20 after the second iteration.

Indeed, if we naively pick over all , then the number of generator increases times,
while the order of the group decreases times as well. Thus, at worst, the number of generators is comparable to
the order of the group, which is unmanageable.

Thankfully, we have a way to pare down the number of generators.

Sims Filter
Sims Filter achieves the following. 4/6
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Given a set , there is an effective algorithm to replace by some satisfying


Let us explain the filter now. For any non-identity permutation , let be the pair (i, j) with
such that for all and

Now we will construct a set B such that and the elements all have distinct It thus follows that

1. Label
2. Prepare a table indexed by (i, j) for all . Initially this table is empty.
3. For each , if we drop it.
4. Otherwise, consider . If the table entry at (i, j) is empty, we fill in. Otherwise, if the entry is ,
we replace with and repeat step 3.
Note that this new group element takes i to i so if it is non-identity, we have with

After the whole process, the entries in the table give us the new set B. Clearly, we have


As above, let us take A = {a, b} with

First step: since J(a) = (1, 5) we fill the element a in the table at (1, 5).

Second step: we also have J(b) = (1, 5), so now we have to replace b with

Now we have J(b’) = (2, 6) so this is allowed.

Summary and Applications

In summary, we denote and

For i = 1, 2, … 5/6
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Pick a point not picked earlier.

Let be the stabilizer group for under the action of From , we use Schreier’s lemma to
obtain a generating set for
Use Sims filter to reduce this set to obtain of at most elements.
If is empty, quit.

Thus are distinct such that each of the groups

has an explicit set of generators of at most elements. Here are some applications of having this data.

1. Computing |G|.

It suffices to compute for each i. Since is the stabilizer group for the action of on we need to
compute the size of the orbit for each i. Since we have a generating set for each , this is easy.

2. Determining if a given lies in G.

To check if we first check whether lies in the orbit If it weren’t, Otherwise we pick some
such that Replacing g with , we may thus assume that , and it follows that
if and only if Thus we can solve the problem inductively.

Generalizing, we can determine if is a subgroup of , when H and G are given by explicit sets of

3. Checking if is a normal subgroup of

Writing and , we claim that H is normal in G if and only if:

First we fix Since and , we see that But both groups are
of the same finite cardinality so equality holds. Thus as well. It follows that for all

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