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Working With Loops

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Working with Loops, Arrays, and Collections

in VBNET Game Development

(Page 1 of 4 )

This is the fifth article of a nine part series that teaches VB.NET via the development of a text-
based game. The last article started the discussion of loops, specifically the While loop and the
Do loop. This article will complete the discussion of loops and also go over arrays and
collections. Please join us as we continue our journey.
Loops are commonly used to loop a set number of times. You're probably familiar with the for
loop in other languages. The for loop iterates over a set of numbers. This can allow you to
perform some sort of operation on a specific range of numbers, or it can allow you to loop over a
set of instructions a set number of times. Either way, it's extremely useful, and Visual Basic, of
course, has its own implementation of it in the For ...Next structure.
Visual Basic's For loop is fairly straightforward -- more straightforward, perhaps, than other
languages' implementations. We define the counter variable, giving it an initial value, and then
we specify an end value. After each iteration of the loop, the counter variable will be
incremented, and when it reaches the end value, execution will skip to the next line after the
loop. For example, let's write the first hundred numbers out to the console:

For i As Integer = 1 To 100


There's not much to say about the above code. Again, it's fairly straightforward. One more thing
we can do with the For loop is specify the step. The step is simply the value that the counter is
incremented by after each iteration. For example, we can modify the above code to display only
odd numbers, which is done by specifying a step of two:

For i As Integer = 1 To 100 Step 2


The step doesn't have to be positive, either. If we want, instead of incrementing the counter, we
can decrement it by simply specifying a negative step. Let's count backward from one hundred to

For i As Integer = 100 To 1 Step -1


So far, we've defined the counter as an Integer . However, it's possible to use any object that
supports greater-than comparison, less-than comparison, addition and subtraction. For example,
let's make our counter a Double:

For i As Double = 1 To 100 Step 0.5


Working with Loops, Arrays, and Collections

in VBNET Game Development - For
(Page 2 of 4 )

The final loop we'll be working with is the For Each loop. It's extraordinarily useful and
implementations of it can be found in many other languages. The loop iterates over every
element in a given group. So, we could iterate over all of the items in an array or in a collection.
However, we haven't yet covered either arrays or collections, and so before we delve into the
For Each loop, let's take a short detour (our last before we begin, I promise!).
We'll start with arrays. As in any other language, they aren't too complex and so we won't need
to spend a lot of time on them. After all, an array is simply a series of objects of the same type.
There are two ways of declaring an array in Visual Basic, though declaring an array is very
similar to declaring a regular variable. Using these two methods, let's create two arrays of
Integer s:

Dim array1() As Integer

Dim array2 As Integer ()

As you can see, the two methods of array declaration differ only by placement of the
parentheses. However, the first method is the preferred method because we can specify array
bounds within the parentheses. Let's give the first array an upper bound of five:

Dim array1(5) As Integer

If you were to try this with the other method, you'd be given an error. Also, note that upper
bound is not length. Instead, it's the highest index we can work with.
We can now initialize our arrays. Since we've assigned our first array an upper bound, we can
assign each element individually using the element's zero-based index:

array1(0) = 1
array1(1) = 2
array1(2) = 3
array1(3) = 4
array1(4) = 5
array1(5) = 6

We can also make the assignment on a single line, and we can do this without having first
specified an upper bound. So, let's populate the second array:

array2 = New Integer () {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

As with other variables, though, we can both create and initialize an array in the same step:

Dim array3() As Integer = New Integer () {1, 2, 3}

We can shorten this further still. Notice how Integer appears twice in the above line. This is a
bit redundant, and we can cut out the second appearance entirely:

Dim array3() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

If we need to change the dimensions of an array at any time, we can use the ReDim statement:

ReDim array2(3)

By default, though, this will delete the existing elements of the array. In order to preserve the
existing elements, we need to use the Preserve keyword:

ReDim Preserve array2(3)

And, of course, we're not limited to arrays of Integer s:

Dim names() As String = { "Bob" , "Henry" , "Tom" }

In order to get the length of an array, we can use the Length property:

Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", array1.Length)

We can also get the upper bound of the array using the GetUpperBound method. This method
takes one argument, which is an Integer representing the dimension whose upper bound you
want to determine. This starts at zero. Since all of our arrays only have one dimension, we can
pass zero:

Console.WriteLine("Upper bound (first dimension): {0}",


That, of course, brings us to multidimensional arrays. Arrays can have more than one dimension.
We simply need to specify this when declaring an array. Inside of the parentheses, where we set
the upper bound, we actually set the upper bound for each of the array's dimensions. Let's create
a two-dimensional array with two elements in each dimension:

Dim twoByTwo(1, 1) As Integer

When we assign to it, we just need to consider both dimensions:

twoByTwo(0, 1) = 3

If we don't want to specify the upper bound of each dimension, then we omit each, but we still
need the proper amount of commas. Here, we create a three-dimensional array, but we don't
specify any upper bounds:

Dim threeDimensional(,,) As Integer

Working with Loops, Arrays, and Collections

in VBNET Game Development - Collections
(Page 3 of 4 )

Arrays are fine for some circumstances, but in other circumstances, such as when the length of a
group is a variable or when more complex behavior (e.g. a key, value combination) is needed,
arrays aren't enough for the job. That's where collections come into play. These are collections of
objects more complex than arrays.
There are two groups of collections in .NET. The first group of collections contains non-generic
collections. They were implemented in Visual Basic first, but they are not type-safe, and so you
can stick any type of object in one of these collections no matter what type the other elements are
or how the collection is used. This isn't a good thing and we won't be using these collections. The
second group of collections contain generic collections. When a collection is created, you must
specify a type for the elements. This type is enforced and so you can't mix and match types.
We'll be looking at generic collections.
The most array-like collection is List(T) (the “T” in “(T)” stands for “type” and it indicates
that we're using a generic class). It's created like this:

Dim collection1 As New List( Of Integer )

Notice how we specify the type name with the Of keyword. This is done with all generics and,
as noted above, this type is enforced. We can only add Integer s to the collection, just as we
can only add Integer s to an Integer array. Also notice how we don't specify an upper
bound as we do with arrays. This is because collections are not confined to a fixed size. Rather,
you can add and remove elements as needed. We can add elements to the collection using the
Add procedure:


If we need to remove an element, we can use the Remove method, which accepts an object and
then removes the first occurrence of that object. Let's remove the number 3 from our collection:


We can also use RemoveAt, which removes the element at a given index. Let's remove the first


Or, if we want to remove every element, we can use Clear:


The size of the collection can be obtained using the Count property:

Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", collection1.Count)

Another collection is the Dictionary (TKey, TValue) collection. It's similar to what
other languages may call an associative array or a hash table. Instead of matching elements to
consecutive zero-based indexes, a dictionary maps values to keys. For example, say we want to
associate names and ages. We could use a dictionary for this where the name is the key and the
age is the value. The name, of course, would be stored as a String, and the age would be
stored as an Integer. Let's create a Dictionary that matches this situation:

Dim people As New Dictionary( Of String , Integer )

Key-value pairs are added using Add :

people.Add("Bob", 35)
people.Add("Henry", 40)

We can remove elements using Remove, which removes an element with a given key:


There are more collections out there, and even the ones that have been mentioned have more to
them, but we'll worry about that later on if we need to. A full tutorial on even the basic
collections and their members would take up quite a bit of space.

Working with Loops, Arrays, and Collections

in VBNET Game Development - For
Each...Next (For Real This Time)
(Page 4 of 4 )
Now we can move on to the For Each loop. The For Each Loop, as noted before, iterates
over all of the elements in a given group. We could iterate over all of the elements of an array or
a collection. Let's jump right into an example. Let's create an array, populate it, and then write
each element out to the screen:

Dim numbers() As Integer = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}

For Each number As Integer In numbers

In the above example, we create and initialize an array of numbers in one line. We then enter into
a For Each loop where we create a variable, "number," that represents an element of the array.
The value of this variable is, of course, updated before each iteration.
We can loop through a List(T) the same way:

Dim moreNumbers As New List( Of Integer )


For Each number As Integer In moreNumbers


A Dictionary (TKey, TValue), however, must be treated differently, since we have

both a key and a value that we need to iterate over. In order to loop over both, we need to treat
both as a single KeyValuePair (Of TKey, TValue), which is a generic class used to
represent both a key and a value. Let's loop over names matched to phone numbers:

Dim phoneNumbers As New Dictionary( Of String , String )

phoneNumbers.Add("Tom", "555-5551" )
phoneNumbers.Add("Chuck", "555-5552" )
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair( Of String , String ) In phoneNumbers
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value)

As you can see, the KeyValuePair (Of TKey, TValue) class allows us to access both
the key and the value. If, however, we do not need both the key and the value, we can just loop
over one or the other:
' Display all names

For Each name As String In phoneNumbers.Keys()


' Display all phone numbers

For Each number As String In phoneNumbers.Values()


Now that we've looked at all of the loops offered in Visual Basic, we can begin constructing the

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