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Evolution of Retail Sector in India

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Evolution of Retail Sector in India

Article · May 2018


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Volume-03 ISSN: 2455-3085 (Online)
Issue-05 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary
May-2018 [UGC Listed Journal]

Evolution of Retail Sector in India

*1 2
B. Anjan Kumar & Prof A.V.Satyanarayana Rao
Research Scholar, Reg. No. PPMAN.322, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool, AP (India)
Professor Emeritus, Department of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad, AP (India)


Article History The retail sector scenario in India is very dynamic and varied. With the phenomenal growth in
Published Online: 07 May 2018 this sector, India has become an attractive destination for the foreign players. Which
witnessed radical changes in the formats and retail marketing structure in the past few
Keywords decades? This rapid growth has shown the way to invasion of organized retailing in both
Retail, Evolution,
Food and Grocery, urban and rural areas. Traditionally the very nature of Indian retail sector is fragmented and
Retail Marketing unorganized. All these factors have led to a continuous change in consumer purchase
behavior and marketing philosophies. The present paper is devoted to explain the concepts
Corresponding Author of retailing and explore the various stages through which the retail industry has evolved.
Email: anjan2378[at]

1. Introduction a. Market size of Indian retail sector

Retailing can be traced back to the barter system where The retail sector in India is emerging as one of the largest
exchange of goods took place. With the evolution of human sectors in the economy. Indian retail industry has matured over
civilization the business function has transformed from the years; although it is still highly fragmented, with an
producer-to-consumer to business-to-consumer. Thus retailing estimated 12 to 15 million outlets. The total market size was
is an activity which sells products and services to customers in estimated to be around USD600 billion in 2015, thereby
the final stage of supply chain marketing. It does this by registering a CAGR(Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 7.45
procuring in large scale quantities from manufacturers and per cent since 2000. Retail industry is expected to grow to
supplying them to customers on a relatively small scale for their USD1.3 trillion by 2020, registering growth at a CAGR of 7.46
personal consumption or for family. Retailer is a person or agent per cent between 2000-2015 . Going forward, the overall retail
or agency or company or organization who is instrumental in sector growth is likely to witness a CAGR of 12-13 per cent,
reaching the goods or merchandise or services to the end user which would be worth INR55 trillion in 2018-19 (KPMG Report
or ultimate consumer. All the efforts of a retailers is to manage 2014) .
the business by attracting the consumers to their stores and
make them buy more and make repeat purchase with them.

Retail marketing has an element of eternity in the formats of

markets and the marketing ethos. In the post industrialization
era, economies have grown, purchasing power of the people
and markets have grown from strength to strength. Marketing
knowledge and strategies have created new styles of markets
not as a replacement of the old styles but as an addition to the
existing. The evolutionary process of marketing has undergone
sea change, still accommodating the old style of traditional
markets. Centuries after organized styles of marketing Source: BCG Retail, IBEF report, Pg-14
unorganized marketing is also living by its side.
Jones Lang LaSalle Retail in its Report in 2014 says, India
This is evident with the vast majority of middle and low has witnessed income growth of about 10%, enabling large
income segments in India still buy from one of the millions of sections of its population to move up the consumption, fashion
tiny kirana stores. In the past, researchers like Nikhilesh, Ruby and lifestyle pyramid. This has, naturally, driven demand for
et al in their study laid emphasis on coexistence of both organized retail space as opposed to traditional convenience
traditional and modern retail formats. This is because of India’s stores. With the increase in the usage of Smartphone's and
unique context – in terms of history, demographics, geography, digitally connected world, customers are more value-conscious
and traditions. Indian population living in villages as well towns while making purchase decisions (Shailesh, Pandey Et al,
and cities continue the rural practices of buying in unorganized 5
2014) . This has witnessed a sudden surge in the number of
markets and neighborhood shops. This paper focuses on retail online retailers in several industries across all corners of India.
marketing in food and grocery sector which is the largest Shopping in India has witnessed a revolution with the change in
segment that consumes every household irrespective of their the consumer buying behavior and the changes in the retail
socio-economic strata. format. Retail in India have become modern, which is from the
fact that there are multi-storied malls, huge shopping centers,

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Volume-03, Issue-05, May-2018 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary
and sprawling complexes which offer food, shopping, and for a profit" . Even today these formats of retail are still
entertainment all under the same roof. prevalent in some corners of India.

b. Organized vs unorganized retail industry in India At the time of independence in 1947, India was in poverty
with low percaptia income. Retail was more focused on fulfilling
basic necessities rather than luxury items. Accordingly kirana
stores formed the basis for the emergence of retail in India.
These stores catered to the fulfillment of human needs of the
local communities. For many years, retail in India has evolved to
support the unique needs of the diversified population, size and
complexity. Kirana stores were also known as multipurpose
departmental stores located in the residential areas that stocked
multiple utility and were with the purpose of providing
convenient buying near door step of the consumer.

The evolution of PDS (Public Distribution System) of Grains

in India having its origin in the rationing system introduced by
Source: Ernst & Young Report 2006 the British during World War II. Eventually the government
supported the rural retail and many indigenous franchise stores
came up with the help of Khadi & Village Industries
Commission. The economy began to open up in the 1980s
resulting in the change of retailing. Bombay Dyeing, S Kumar's
and Raymonds are the companies that came with retail chains
in textile sector. Later Titan launched retail showrooms in the
organized retail sector.

a. Stages of Evolution of Retail in India

 Pre Economic reforms stage(Before 1990)
 Post Economic reforms stage(1990-05)
 Retail Expansion Stage (2005 through 2010)
 Consolidation Stage - 2010 onwards

Source: KPMG Connect Report 2014

With over 92 per cent of the business coming from the

fragmented unorganized sector, such as traditional family run
mom and pop stores and corner stores, the Indian retail sector
offers immense potential for growth and consolidation in the
year 2014. The revenue generated from organized retail was
INR0.9 trillion in 2009, INR2.4trillion in 2012, and is expected to
grow at a remarkable rate to a projected INR5.5trillion by 2019.
It is evident from the images that organized retail industry share
in 2006 was at 3% and has raised to 8% in 2014.
Source: Technopak Advisors Pvt Ltd, BCG, TechSci Research. IBEF
2. Evolution of Retail Report, Pg-8
Barter system is considered as the oldest form of doing
business in India. Then it is Haats, Mandis and Melas are the Pre Economic reforms stage - This stage was basically
retail formats that have been a part of Indian landscape in the dominated by manufacturers setting up their own retail outlets.
medieval period. For centuries, most merchandise was sold in This was initiated by Government establishing Mother Diary,
these retail formats of the local market place that operated Super Bazaars, and private brands like Bombay Dyeing,
weekly by displaying their produce. As the journey was far and Raymond, S Kumars in apparel business, established their retail
too slow, consumers were dependent on local sources of outlets across the country. These were followed by Bata in
supplies for perishable goods. However for specialty items footwear and RPG groups Foodworld in the supermarket
customers travelled long distances and traders fetched from segment.
abroad. International trade thrived from times immemorial.
Other than these local markets, it is peddlers who travelled long Post Economic reforms stage - Modern retail took off in
distances to bring products to locations which were in short India with the liberalization and globalization of Indian economy
supply of goods. “They could be termed as early entrepreneurs in the early 1990's. Due to the initiation of this policy, Indian
who saw the opportunity in serving the needs of the consumers markets have witnessed increase in consumer purchasing
power. Shopping malls emerged in the urban areas giving a

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Volume-03, Issue-05, May-2018 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary

world-class experience to the customers. Eventually shopping and adapted these patterns which suits to their
hypermarkets and supermarkets emerged. Pure-Play retailers fad and whishes.
entered the Indian retail market. Pantaloons, Shoppers’ Stop  There is an increase in disposable incomes in middle
and Lifestyle set up their chain of outlets. Subsequently class and lower middle class with increase in
international brands made entry into India included McDonald’s, employment opportunities for young adults in IT and
Benetton, Levi Strauss, , Adidas, Reebok and Nike, to name a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) sectors. These
few. customers tend to lookout for luxury and modern outlets
to cater to their needs.
Retail Expansion Stage - This is probably the most  Working-women population in India is increasing and
dynamic period of the Indian retail industry in terms of growth, work life balance has become a challenge. This led the
with the foray of new retailers and development of new formats. women search for newer options to procure products of
With virtually unlimited potential on desk, Reliance, Tata, Aditya their choice which is more convenient and suits to their
Birla and Mahindras entered the bandwagon. Their success lifestyles and time.
brought in global retailers such as Metro AG, Carrefour, Tesco  With both the husband and wife working in a house, time
and Zara made entry in to Indian retail segment. The FDI policy has become the major concern. Customer of this nature
initiated by Govt. in 2005-2006 allowing single-brand foreign consider time as one of the major deciding factor while
retailers to take up to 51% stake in a joint venture with a local they so shopping. One-Stop shopping, convenient
firm, saw the entry of several premium brands Gucci, Walmart, timings of store, packaged food and small queue at
Armani etc. payment counters make to visit the stores of these
Towards Consolidation - Organized retail in India, today  Problems of travelling in the cities by crossing huge
holds a fraction (8%) of the market share in India. It has risen traffic brought in health hazards due to pollution. Also
from Zero to 8% in a very short period mainly on Volumes and very time consuming which exerts stress.
not a value-driven growth. With the approval of FDI limit in multi-  Proliferation of Mall culture in urban areas. Which serves
brand retail upto 51% has given thrust to the rise of large-scale dual purpose of travel and tourism delight? It house
entry of international brands. This foray has an impact on Indian many services under one roof like children's pleasure
brands and consolidation of industry started taking place. subways, food chains and all household requirements at
Kumar Rajagopalan, CEO, Retailers Association of India (RAI) one place.
feels that the next couple of years will see more consolidation  Tech savvy customers carrying robust mobile gadgets
and a much greater maturity of Omni-channel retail and are getting accustomed to online and app based
sustainable retailing practices. “The brick and mortar (B&M) business models. Which is evident with the number of
retailers have to do things to achieve scale and amid increasing online players entering into the business?
consumption and competition, there is a scramble among
serious players to increase scale through Mergers and 4. Selling to Marketing
Acquisitions” . E-commerce has emerged as one of the major
segment targeting the users of internet to move from brick-and- Selling is a concept which believes that the customer would
mortar to online space. Last year giants like Reliance, Mahindra not buy, or buy less if left alone. Accordingly, salesmanship was
and Future Group expanded their own online ventures to take an art of persuasion. So, if the customer show buying inertia,
on players like Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal. the salesman may persuade them to buy. But, if the same
concept is practiced more aggressively, the retailer might not
3. Reasons for the emergence of different stages only end losing sales, but might also lose his long-term
customer, or damage the customers’ loyalty.

The future of Indian retail industry is promising with the Today, customers remain updated about products and
consistent growth. Government policies are becoming more services through various media. When they are interested in
favorable and emerging technologies are facilitating both sellers buying a specific product, they search out for even the smallest
and buyers. Modern retail has entered India as seen in regarding the same. For young and educated customers
sprawling shopping centers, multi-storied malls and huge internet has reduced the time and energy spent searching for
complexes offer shopping, entertainment and food all under one alternatives, and they are able to read reviews, and compare
roof. products. Hence, retailers should follow a noticeable approach
The Indian population is witnessing a significant change in in response to the rising consumer awareness.
its demographics has started adapting to newer ways to procure
the goods and services of their need with the changing Retailing is a convenient, convincing and comfortable
lifestyles. The reasons for adapting different stages in evolution method of selling goods and services. Retailing, though as old
of retail: as business, trade and commerce has now taken new forms
and shapes. This is because of new management techniques,
 As per the census 2011 fifty percent of the population in marketing techniques and also due to ever changing and
the working group falls under 15 to 54 years . This dynamic consumer psychology. With more number of educated
segment is much influenced by the modern technologies and literate consumers entering the economy and market, the
and changing lifestyles. Always ready to adapt to the need for reading the pulse of the consumers has become very
change in the environment surrounding them. This essential.
population has always welcomed the new formats of

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Volume-03, Issue-05, May-2018 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary

becomes the focal point in long term-relationship9. Almost every

Retail marketing is going through radical restructuring. This company is running a loyalty program to retain their customers.
is for the reason that of increase in Gross Domestic Product, Today's large number of supermarket chain and malls offer
increase in per capita income, increases in buying power and Customer Loyalty Card, where reward points are for every
also the ever shifting tastes and preferences of the community purchase enhancing repeated purchases. This is motivating the
by enhanced learning and awareness available through media customer to revisit the store and get the benefit out of it by
and IT. The entry of plastic currency, ATMs, credit cards and offering a win-win situation.
debit cards and all other financial instruments, the taste for the
branded goods is going up since consumers feel time constraint Trust is the pillar of any business, without which no business
for searching and negotiating. entity whatever its size can exist. Trust could be gained by
offering good quality products, brand, value for money services,
Retail marketing is not just buying and selling but also consistent performance, and credibility of the promises made by
depicting all other personalized consumer services. This not the store. All these factors will develop trust in the minds of the
only increased the demand for an assortment of merchandise in customers and may lead to positive feelings towards the stores
the market but also made retail marketing the second major of their choice. This can be seen in the neighborhood
employment area, the primary being agriculture. Retail industry convenience store, where the long term relationship of seller
has contributed to the economic growth of several countries and and buyer enhances the trustworthiness of both the parties and
is unquestionably one of the fastest changing and dynamic acts as time saver in judging the quality of the product or
industries in the world in the present day. selecting the best out of several options. Facilities exist to get a
consignment procured to the doorstep with a phone call to the
5. Changes in the buyer behaviour seller. Adding services to products has become imminent
because of competition from among the small stores and with
Bargaining between sellers and buyers started from
the large conglomerates.
inception of exchange of goods and services first in Barter
System then in selling concept, when sellers were to push the
a. Convenience
goods and services on buyers if necessary with false promises.
But Marketing concept helped in replacing confrontation with There are people who are nostalgic about past and live
collaboration between sellers and buyers. It was the duty of there, there are people who only believe in the present and
every marketer to empathize with the needs and requirements there are people who are futuristic. Society consists of
of buyers and mould their goods and services accordingly. The communities, families and individuals with varying
whole concept of shopping has altered in terms of format and demographics. Marketing habits like other habits don't change
consumer buying behavior, ushering in a revolution in shopping so easily. The old people who have plenty of time at their
in the west followed by other developed countries and emulated disposal use buying to while away time by examining the range
by the developing countries. India too passed through these of brands and negotiating. People who are busy running behind
stages by enhancing profitability in business which is the crux of the time take the help of technology and word of mouth (from
capitalism. colleagues, relatives & friends) for making buying decisions.
This is how the people with their buying habits and time
Retailing in India is evolving rapidly, with the increase in constraints resort to various types of retail outlets. On line
consumer spending. Looking at the growth many global players marketing doesn't mean traditional markets will disappear. They
invested in this sector by bringing in the newer business models all exist side by side and customers select any one of them
successfully adapted in developed countries. This exerted according to their convenience.
pressure on domestic retail firms both in organized and
unorganized sector, thus entrusting transformation to meet the b. Two-way Comfort
global standards. This has an unprecedented impact on buyer
Two-way comfort for the customers and the retailers
behavior in their spending patterns and purchasing styles. The
become essential when you have multiple requirements of
working population in our country is giving more importance to
customers provided at one place. It is the wide range of
more comfortable living, travel and free time. The buyer
products offered by retailers and the multiple requirements
philosophies of first save and then spend the remaining has
(whose number is growing as the purchasing power grows) of
undergone a revolutionary change. Commoners now think first
the customers which facilitate a multibrand or huge variety of
to spend and save the remaining. Consumerism and tourism
products to be stored in one place. It is not only food and
have increased by leaps and bounds to the extent that borrow
grocery but also other day to day needs like, clothing, footwear,
through credit cards and spend tomorrow’s income for today's
electronics and household gadgets put in one place. Then the
large stores also offer food chains for entertaining the members
of the family at the stores. As any day to day requirements like
It is easy to make the customer purchase for first time by
hair salons, beauty parlors, nails, tattooing and even shoe
giving offers, but making the customer to repeat purchase is a
polishing is offered as the large stores which have a large
challenge faced by every marketer. There are many options
parking area, so that without worry or hurry the customers can
available to customer before buying any product, which makes
buy all the comforts at one place and spend long hours of time.
consumer behavior irrelevant for a neighborhood store, since
Getting so many requirements met in one place is such a
neighborhood itself is growing with increased number of
comfort what with the traffic snarls and pollution of moving on
customers. And for seller maintaining customer relationship for
long term is the key to success of their business. "Loyalty"

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Volume-03, Issue-05, May-2018 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary

the congested roads. Larger the city larger the difficulties Foreign Direct Investment in Indian retail Landscape
commuters face on the road. FDI %
Type Companies
Multi-Brand 51 Tesco-Tata
6. New avatars of selling
Single-Brand 100 H&M, IKEA
 Advertising: Advertising played vital role in selling Wholesale,
100 Metro, Walmart
phase and it continued to dominate marketing phase with Cash-&-Carry
shift of focus to what consumers want rather than what Amazon, Flipkart,
B2C 100
Snapdeal, Metro
the sellers can offer. Producers, dealers and retailers are
B2B 100 Walmart, Alibaba
utilizing all means of media like print media, TV, SMS
and social media to advertise their products.
 Offering Discounts: Most retailers have advanced off-
8. Food and Grocery Retail Market
season sales from 15 days to a month with discounts of
20-70 per cent on certain products. Higher discounts and The three top categories of products for which global retail
other value-added services for members. These are sales are the higher are grocery, apparel and furniture. Grocery
advertised in news papers with several products and retailing has the highest sales because of its crucial position in
their original price and discounted price to arouse satisfying one of the basic needs of any human being i.e food.
immediate purchase interest to procure and get the price As per the findings of the 2016 edition of the India Food Report
and quantity benefits by customers Food Retail sector comprising Food & Grocery and Food
 Offering value-added services: Companies offer Service, is valued at INR 25,12,962 crore (2014) and holds a 65
innovative value-added services, such as customer per cent share in the country’s total retail market pie. Out of this,
loyalty programmes and happy hours on shopping deals. Food and Grocery (F&G) retail is worth INR 23,03,496 crore
Offers around various categories of customers like, and Foodservice (FS) market is valued at INR 2,09,466 crore.
youth, children, ladies, senior citizens and. Then there The average rate of growth during the past four years in F&G
are offers like buy one and take one free apart from has been 15 per cent p.a. and 22 per cent p.a. in FS. The
offering luxury cars and other valuable gifts by lottery of respective growth rates are estimated to take these retail
customers in a time frame. markets to INR 54,20,789 crore and INR 6,90,672 crore by
 Partnership: Marketers are offering multiple household 2020 .A large part of this growth will be driven by inflationary
requirements at one place while partnering with price increase, and the balance by demand growth led by
manufacturers, service providers and financial institutions increasing population, increasing incomes and thereby higher
to give price benefit to customers. spends on foods and lastly urbanization, which is changing food
 Bulk purchase: Shoppers purchase in bulk quantities habits. India’s Food and Grocery retail market offers one of the
directly from producers for less prices and transfer part of largest opportunity areas for business and dominates the
the profit margins or give additional quantities to targeted industry in next five years.
customer segments.
 Strong supply chain: Critical components of supply Lakshmi Narayana k et al, 2019 in their study identified
chain planning help retailers to maintain profit margins. factors such as location convenience, goodwill, credit facility,
Retailers develop innovative solutions for managing the bargaining, loose items, convenient timings, and home delivery
supply chain problems and making products available for are attracting customers towards unorganized retail. In addition
sale to customers at their convenience of time and “customized services” and “easy goods return/exchange
distance. facilities” drive a customer towards kirana stores, where as
“product choice”, “efficient store- management” and “value-
7. Role of foreign direct investment(FDI) in retail enhancing services” attract customers towards modern retailers.

The Government of India, through its reforms in FDI for Local kirana stores and street hawkers will however
retailing seems to be repositioning the Indian retail sector on the continue to dominate the food and grocery market with a 90
global map of investments. India categorizes retail trading into per cent plus share, even in 2025. Although, consumption is on
single brand retail trading (SBRT) and multi-brand retail trading the rise and most formats of retail are proliferating in important
(MBRT). Currently, FDI under SBRT is permitted to the extent of developing markets, yet the penetration of large format modern
100% and FDI under MBRT is permitted to the extent of 51% retailing in India has not even crossed the 10 per cent mark.
with select conditions and Government approval. While the FDI
policy for SBRT has received favorable response, the FDI policy Looking into the future, the Indian market will be unique in
for MBRT has been slow to gain the traction among its own way and will be a medley of extremes of the
international retailers. Given this, the Govt. of India seems to be unorganized, organized and online players, who will co-exist in
working toward relaxing some aspects of the FDI policy, which the Indian retail ecosystem and will expand the market for each
could propel more international retailers to invest in the other, as all have unique strengths and the sector is large
country . Experts in retail sector in India believe that allowing enough to accommodate all participants. It is expected that
FDI in online retail, investment in back-end supply chain and unique partnership models will emerge as the retail market
limiting the role of the state could be some of the changes which matures and this partnership will further push the sector growth.
may shift momentum to FDI in retailing by leveraging benefits to
consumers. a. Food & grocery revenues share in India

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Volume-03, Issue-05, May-2018 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary

By 2020, food & grocery segment is expected to account for aware of, talk to friends and family and consider product
66 per cent of the total revenues in the retail sector, followed by experiences they have had.
apparel segment. Demand for Western outfits and readymade
garments has been growing at 40–45 per cent annually; apparel
penetration was expected to increase to 30-35 per cent by 9. Future scenarios of Retailing
India is the fifth largest preferred retail destination globally.
The sector is experiencing exponential growth, with retail
development taking place not just in major cities and metros,
but also in Tier-II and Tier-III cities. With increasing investment
in infrastructure, retailers would be able to increase their access
to high-growth potential rural markets.

The income of an average Indian is increasing thus there is

an improvement in purchasing power. In the backdrop the retail
infrastructure is improving with latest advancements that is
enhancing the purchasing facilities to the convenience of the
customers. Policies governed by the government institutions are
liberal and making way to the increased investments in the
retail sector from domestic and international firms.
Source: Technopak, India Retail Market 2013, Deloitte, Pg-16
On the other side, consumer is informed about the goods
The shopper is moving seamlessly between the physical and services which they wanted to buy. This has happened with
and digital world, and the mobile phone is fast becoming the the invasion of internet into every household and into the hands
central processing unit of consumers. Consumers are buying of consumer with advanced mobile technologies. By
more and more food online – grocery buying on the internet has understanding the above factors one can predict a promising
grown by 14 per cent over the past two years. Over all, Food & future for the retail sector in India.
Grocery e-tailing is the fastest growing category in India. Digital
technology poses both an opportunity and a threat to the 10. Conclusion
organized retail sector. Companies that use the Internet, Social
Media and CRM can improve their engagement with customers Retail in India has gone through many variations in its style
and move them up the ladder of engagement (Smith and Zook, of business and being attributed by the consumers in various
2011) . segments since its evolutionary stages. Like other growing
economies India is experiencing major transformations in retail
Cash buying Vs Digitization which erupted as an issue in the sector. The market is maturing as most retailers are now
wake of demonetization in Nov 2016 with the questions what focusing on profitable growth. Established retailers are tapping
will happen to the illiterate masses both rural and urban who are into growing retail market by introducing innovative
prone to use cash for deals came to the fore. The answer is technologies, different store formats and payment mechanisms
developing the digital infrastructure in all parts of the country to gain market leadership. Whereas the number of traditional
apart from improving shields to use technology to the illiterate retail outlets sustaining their business with maximum share of
people. the retail business in India. The advancement in mobile
technologies and easy availability of internet has given impetus
In India, the online market stands at about at 1 per cent of to online businesses. The news that the owner of
the total retailing market (CRISIL Research Report 2014) but "" founder Jeff Bezos is the Forbes richest person
considering that the country’s tech-savvy, young generation has on the world, confirming to the growing power of the e-
made India the third-largest country in terms of internet users, retailers16. Many retailers all over the world are converging
the growth in electronic commerce may happen more rapidly from brick and mortar businesses to click and mortar
than expected. The e-tailing sector is booming on the growing businesses.
internet user base, which was projected to cross around 400
million users by 2020. Consumers purchasing decisions thus
are influenced by information that is available to them. When
making buying decisions they consider brands that they are


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