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Wire Rope Specifications

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IS 2266 : 1969

Indian Standard
( Third Revision }

UDC 611~12i

0 BIS 1990


NEW DELHI 110002

Price Group 1
Wire Ropes and Wire Products Sectional Committee, HMD 10


This Indian Standard (Third Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on
23 October 1989, after the draft finalized by the Wire Ropes and Wire Products Sectional Committee
had been approved by the Heavy Mechanical Engineering Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1963. In order to align the standard with the corresponding IS0
Standard IS0 2408 : 1973 ‘Steel wire ropes for general purposes - Characteristics’, the standard was
iirst revised in 1970.
In the second revision published in 1977, certain changes in the list of constructions were made. In
view of the experience gained in the industry, the Committee decided to revise the standard.
Accordingly, in this third revision, the construction 6 x 19 ( 12/6/l ) with steel core ( IWRC ) has
been added and Tables 2 and 3 and requirements for galvanizing have been modified.
IS 2266 : 1989

lndinu Standard
( Third Revision /
1.1 This standard covers general requirements 3.1 For terminology, referencemay be made to
for steel wire ropesfor usewith cranes, excava- IS 2363: 1981.
tars and for generalengineeringpurposes. The
following rope constructions,tensile designations 4 ROPE SIZE AND TOLERANCE
andsize rangesare covered: 4.1 The size of the rope, designatedas ‘nominal
Consfruction Tensile Designation CO&-e
i 570 1770 1960 Fibrc

6x 7
6 x 19 ( 12/6/l )
6 x 19 ( 12/6/l )
6 x 37 (18/12/6/l )
6 x 37 ( 18/1216/l )
6 x 17 (8/8/I )
6 x 19 (9/9/l )
6x 19 (12/6+6F/I)
6 x 26 ( IO/S & 5/5/i )
6x31 (12/6&6/G/l)
6 x 36 ( 14/7 8.27/7/l )
6 x 41 (16/8&8/8/l)
6 x 49 ( 16/8 Rr S/S/S,!1 )
6 X 55 ( 16/S & 8/8/8;6/1 )
8 x 19 (9/9/l )
8 x 19 ( 12!6 ?- 6F/l )
17 x 7 (6/l )
18 x 7 (611 )
34 x 7 (.6/i )
36 x 7 (6/t )
12 x 6 over 3 x 24
6 X 25 ( 12/12/A )

2 REFERENCES diameter’, shall be one of thosegiven in Tables I

2.1 The following Indian Standardsax necessuy lied12.
to The actual diameterof the rope as supp
shall be within :e percent of the nominal
adjunctsto this standard: diameter.
1835 : 1916 Round steel wire for ropes 5.1 The minimum breakingload shall be as given
( fllird reaisimz) in Tables 1 to 12.
2363 : 1981 Glossary of terms relating to
wire ropes(first revision ) 6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
2500 : Sampling inspection tables : 6.1 The wire ropes shall conform to IS 6594:
(Part 1) 1973 Part 1 Inspection by attributes 1977and shall also meet the following require-
and by count of defects(Jir.~! me”ts.
revisimr) 6.2 Core
6594 : 1917 Technicalsupply conditions for Where a steel core is used,the comtruction shall
steel wire ropes and strands be an independentwire rope (1WRC) except
( firsf wvision ) that the rope sizessmaller than 13mm d&meter
IS 2266 : 1989

steel core may be a strand ( WSC ). In case of 8 SAMPLING PLAN

multi-strand ropes, the construction of steel core 8.1 Lot
shall be a strand ( WSC ).
All steel wire ropes of the same size menufactor-
cd from the same material under similar condi-
6.3 Joints tions of production shell be grouped together to
constitute a lot.
Tucked joints may be used for wires of 0.5 mm 8.2 For ascertaining the conformity of lot, the
diameter and smaller. procedure for sampling and inspeciion as given
in IS 2500 ( Part 1 ) : 1973 shall be followed.
6.4 Performing 8.2.1 For dimensions, a single sampling plan with
inspection level IV and AQL of 25 percent as
All ropes except those of multi-strand construe given in Tables I and 2 of IS 2500 (Part I ) : 1973
tion shall be performed, unless otherwise agreed shall be followed.
to between the purchaser and the supplier. 8.2.2 For breaking load, a single sampling plan
with inspection level IV and AQL of 25 percent
as given in Tables 1 and 2 of IS 2500 ( Part 1 ) :
7 GALVANIZING 1973 shall be followed.
7.1 When galvanizing is required, it shall conform 9 MARKING
to Type A or Type B of IS 1835 : 1976 as may 9.1 For marking, reference inay be made tc
be specified by the purchaser. IS 6594 : 1977.

Table 1 Breaking Load and Mass for 6 x 7 ( 6/l ) Construction

(C/auses I.I,4.1 and ;.I )

With Fibre Core ( FC ) With Steel Core ( WSC )

Nominal Approximate Mass Minimum Breaking Load Corresponding to Tensile Designation

Dlametfr of Wires of
--- 1170 1960
Fibrc Steel Fibre Fibre SlCCl Fibre Steel
(I) (2) (3) (4) --...-. (7) I (8) I (9)
mm kg/l00 m kg/l@0 m kN kN kN kN kN kN
._..-._.-- -- ,.-.-.-.....- ~--. --
i 229 25’2
31’8 33 36 :; ‘ii i: 2:
1: 43’2
g; 47.6
393 2 268 71
59 77
64 65 2
12 51’5 56% ;z 81 85 91 :: 101

IS 2266 : 1989

Table 2 Rrcakiog Load and %lass for G x 19 ( 12j6/1 ) Constraction

(Clauses 1.1, 4.1 Olld 5.1)

8 to 52 mm 8 to 26 mm
With Fibre Core ( FC) With Steel Core ( IWRC )
, ;4gez: .- Approximate Mass Minimum Breaking Load Correspondiog to Tensllc
Fibro Steel Designation of Wires of
core Core i 1 570 1770 1960
Steel Fibre SlCCl Fibrc St4

221 24’3 31
kN i Core

I 30’8 39 42 z 47’5
g:; 38’0 48 52 58.7
41’9 46’0 58 63 2 71’0

58’5 64’3 2 84‘6 87 93‘G

49.8 54’0 i: 2 102
88’6 74‘5
97’4 124
95 1;: z; PB, 118 1::
150 154 166

112 123’0 I56 176 190 195 210

138 137‘0
IWO 174
193 iii
208 196 212 SE 234
167 184’0 234 252 218
263 235 260
204 292 314

234 g:; 278
$8” :E 313 338 347 375
271 .. - i%i 397 407 439
472 -
354 - 494 -_ 557 - 617

448 - 625 70s

697 -
785 q
%.i - 772
934 -
870 -
670 1053

797 - - - I 388 -
936 - i 2; - ti;: - 1 629 -

col 5,obtain
?I” To 9 by 1.191. aggregate
7 and CACulatcd braking loads, multiply the figures given in co! 4. 6 and 8 by 1’163 and tpost

2 The nominal diameter 28 to 52 mm arc non-prcierred: ropes above 2G mm diameter can be advantageously
used to equal lay construction ( seeTables 4 and 5 ),

IS 2266 : 1989

Table 3 Breaking Load and Mass for 6 x 37 ( 18/12/6/l ) Construction

( Clatrses 1.1, 4.1 and 5.1 )

8 to 56 mm 8 to 40 mm
With Fibre Core ( FC ) With Steel Core ( IWRC )

Nominal Approximate Mass Minimum Breaking Load Corr&pondin8 to Tensile

Diameter Designation of Wires of

;;:; 64’3
54’8 78
67 72 ;i L2 83
678 74% 91 2 102 110 1;: 122
88’6 97’4 118 I2b 134 144 148 160

112 123 150 162 12; 203

183 187 202
125 137 167 180 225
138 152 185 209 225 iiT 250
167 184 224 Z% 253 273 280 302

199 219 261 288 301 325 333 359

234 257 313 338 353 381 391 422
271 297 363 392 409 442 453 489
354 389 474 512 534 577 592 639

448 492 2:: 648 676 749 809

499 549 722 753 2; 834 901
554 608 741 880 835 902 924 998
678 - 896 - 1010 - 1 119 -

797 I 066 - I 202 1 331 -

936 I 252 - 1411 1 562 -
1 085 - I 451 I 636 - 1812 -

t TO obtain c&xdalcd aggre8atc breaking loads, multiply the figures given in co1 4, 6 and 8 by 1.213 and those
given in col 5. 7 and 9 by 1’316.
z The nominal diameter 28 to 56 are non-prcfcrrcd; ropes abovc 26 mm diameter can be advantageously used
m equal lay construction ( see Table 6 ).

IS 2266 : 1989

Table 4 Breaking Load and Mass CW 6 x 17 ( 8/8/l ) and 6 x 19 ( 9/9;1 ) Constructions

( Clauses 1.1, 4.1 und 5.1 and Table 2 )

6 x 17 (S/8/1 ) 6 x 17 ( ala/1 )
With Fibre Core ( FC 1 With Steel Core ( IWRC )

6 x 19 (9/9/l ) 6 x 19 (9/9/I )
With Fibre Core ( FC ) With Steel Core ( IWRC )

Nominal Appr.,&“at Minimum Breaking Load Corresponding to Tensile

Diameter Designation of Wires of

_.__ 1 570
,,, .._..... -- 1 770 1960 -
Fibre , Steel Fibre Steel Fibrc Steel Fibre Steel
(1) “(“2;” (3) (7) (8) (9)
mm kg/100m kg/100 m ts I 5% !c% I kN kN kN

; 23‘3 26.2
33’2 33
42 :4 2 i? 2: 2
11 g::
45’1 41.0
49.6 52
63 56
68 :: z Gi 2
91 93 101
:; 63.0
53’1 59’0
693 8785 ;: ;9” 107 118
124 f$ 137
tz 73’0
95’4 105
w3 133
102 110
144 115
150 162 166 179
18 121 133 168 182 190 205 210 227
:: 135 148
164 188 203
224 211 “2:! E 253
21 f$ 198 $2: 272 :z 306 314 ::;
;;t 252
215 236
211 351
299 379
323 337
396 364
428 2;: 403
28 292 321 407 440 459 496 508 549
32 382 420 532 575 600 648 664 717
36 483 531 759 820 841 908
1 121
2 596
721 656 1036
z: 1 086
2; I 937
134 1012 1E 1 356
48 858 2 :z 1 293 1 349 : 2; 1 494 1 614
52 1 005 I 108 1517 1 584 1711 1 154 1 a94
_ . ,~~.^.~~.._I,. ~~~3
IS 2266 : 1989

Table 5 Breaking Load and Mass for 6 x 19 ( 12/6 + 6F/l ) Construction

( Cktrrses I. 1, 4. I nrtd 5.1 and Tnb/e:2 )

With Fibre Core (FC ) With Steel Core ( IWRC )

Nominal App;;iytc Minimum Breaki& Load Corresponding to Tensile
Diameter Designation of \I’ires of
1 570 I 770 I 960
Fibre SlWl Fibrc 1 StCCl
Core COW EE 2: Core
(1) (2) (3) $i
111111 kg/l00 m ; kg/100 m $4 I 8 kN !%I

12 54‘7 60’2 9’; 82 Iti 1% 95 103

13 64.3 70’7 97 112 121
z 97.3
145 107
820 136
104 112
147 117
153 127
165 I69
130 140

2 137
123 I35
151 1’9: 207
186 194
216 209
233 214
239 ::;
20 I52 I67 212 229 258 ZGS 286
22 184 202 257 277 ;;; 312 320 346

2 ::I: 241 305

358 387
330 344 436
372 381 483
:i 389
298 428
:;i 416
543 449
586 612
% 506
661 2;
678 560

36 493 542 742 775 837 858 926

40 2; 2: 2; 916 956 1 033 I “59 I 144
2 576 964 i%4 I 109
319 I1 377
157 I 250
487 1I 281
525 :zz
52 I 028 1 131 I 434 I 548 I616 1 745 1 790 1 933

NOTE-To obtain calculated aggregate breakins loads, multiply tbc figures given ill col 4, 6 and 8 by 1’163 and
those given in col 5, 7 and 9 by 1,270.

IS 2266 : 1989

Table 6 @caking Load and Mass for 6 x 26 ( 1015 & 5/5/l ), 6 x 31 ( 1216 & 6/6/l ),
6 x 36 ( 1417 & 7/7/l ), 6 x 41 ( 1618 & 8!8/1 ), 6 x 49 (1618 & 8/8/8/1 ) and
6 x 55 ( 1618 & 8/5/8/6/l ) Constructions
( Clauses 1 .I, 4.1 mrcf 5.1 and 7-&c 3 )

6 x 26 ( IO/S c? S/S/l.) ( FC ) 9 lo.40mlll 6 x 26 ( IO/5 &5/5/l ) ( IWRC )

6 X 31 ( 1216 & G/G/i ) ( FC ) II fo40mm 6 x 31 ( 12/6 Rr G/G/i ) ( IWRC )

6 x 36 ( 14/7 Pr 7/7/l ) ( FC ) I3 to 56 111111 6 x 36 ( 14/7 & 7/7/l ) ( IWRC )

G x 41 ( 16/S &8/8/l 1 ( FC 1 16toGOmm 6 x 41 ( lG;S &S/8/1 ) ( WRC )

1S 2266 : 1989

6 x 49 ( 16/S & 8/8/8/i ) ( FC ) 48 to 92 mm G x 49 ( 16:s & 8:8/8/l ) ( IWRC )

6 x 55 ( 16/S & 8/8/8/6/l ) ( FC ) 48 to 92 mm 6 x 55 ( 16/S & 8,8/8/6/l ) ( IWRC )

Minimum Breaking Load Corresponding to Tensile
Designation of Wires of
I 770 1 960

1; 30’8
38’0 33’9
41.8 42 45 47 51
z: :A
46’0 50’8 2: 2 :; !lz
t: 54’7 GO.2 75 81 84 92 2 18
13 64’3 70’7 1:; 2 99 Ei 1;; II8
2 7&5
97’3 82.0 133 143’ ::i 161 166 178
18 123 K 168 I81 189 204 210 226

:; 1:: 167
151 207
187 202 2il
234 228
252 233 252
22 184 202 251 “2:‘: 283 30s ::: 338
24 219 241 298 322 336 363 372 402

sg 257
298 328
283 4CG
350 378 458
395 426
494 437
507 472
12 389 428 530 “,:i: 598 646 662 715
36 493 542 671 725 757 817 840 905
2 736
608 Ei 1829
on3 1 083
895 1 934
I31 I 009
22i ; t;: I117
48 876 964 I 193 f :3 I 345 I 453 t ‘2 f ai;
52 1 028 1131 1401 I 579 I 705 I 888
2: I1 369
192 II311
506 I 865
624 2I 014
754 2,831
102 2I 978
270 2 028
328 22514
64 1 557 I713 2 122 2 291 2 392 2 583 : E 2 860
68 I 758 ,934 2 39s 2 387 2 700 2916 3 229
72 I 971 2 685 2 900 3 027 3 269 3 352 3 620
76 2 196 :;z 2 992 3 231 3 373 3 643 3 755 4 034
ii 2 683
433 2 676
2951 3 655
31s 3 947
580 43 737
I?0 4 036
450 4 138
562 44928

88 23% ::i; 4011 :::: 4 522 : E 5 007 5 408

92 4 384 4 942 5 473 5 910
IS 2266 : 1989

Table 7 Breaking Load and Mass for 8 x 19 ( 9/9/l ) Construction

( C/artses I. I. 4. I mid 5. I )

With Fibre Core ( FC ) With Steel Core ( IWRC )

Nominal Minimum Breaking Load Corresponding to Tensile

Diameter Designation of Wires of
I 770 1 960


; 28.2
22’3 34‘4
272 29
36 34 41
33 :; 36 42

10 34’8 5”: iI :; z6” 2

II 42’2 :::: 5”: 64 68 80

12 50.2 65 86 96
13 2;:; 4;:; 76 2 2 101 :: 112
;; 89’2 109
83’3 2 136
104 100
130 t:: 144
110 170

18 113 172 I65 194 182 215

:: 126
139 f:!
170 180
12 213
192 203
183 216
240 203
225 240
22 169 206 218 257 246 2?A 272 321

2 236
201 245
287 260 :s 293
343 405
345 324
380 382
:i ::: 435
333 it: 544
417 520
398 470 441 520
461 G14 576 680
36 452 551 584 689 658 777 729 860

NOTE- TO obtain calculated aggregate breaking loads, multiply the figures given in col 4, 6 and 8 by 1’191 and
those given in col 5, 7 and 9 by 1.336.

IS 2266 : 1989

Table 8 Breaking Load and Mass for 8 x 19 ( 12/6 + 6F/l ) Construction

(C/mscs I.I,4.1 and 5.1 )

With Fibre Core ( FC ) With Steel Core ( IWRC )

Nominal ApPlg=? Minimum Breaking Load Corresponding to Tensile

Diameter Designation of Wires of
I 570 1 770 I 960
Fibrc Steel Fibre Steel Fibre Steel Fibre Steel
(1) (3) (6) (9)
mm kg,% m kg/100 m I% I 8 kN Ia l% I kN

12 53 62’6 79
1: 4: 73’5
85’2 7:
90 1% 8’: 1:: z: IE
I6 94 III 118 139 102 120 113 133
133 157 147 174

:;I8 118
132 141
157 149
:*z I76
196 I68
188 199
221 208
186 220

22 % 211 223 263 208 245 230 272

251 297 278 329

2 247
210 294
251 2: 313
368 299 353 331 391
351 414 389

g 474
8: 445
564 471
361 705
557 2; 481
628 451
589 2:
673 795 746 880

NOTE,- TO obtain c&ulated agg&ato breaking loads, mulfiply the figures given in col 4, 6 and 8 by I.191 and
those given in col S. 7 and 9 by 1.327.

IS 2266 : 1989

Table 9 Breaking Load and Mass for 17 X 7 ( 6/l ) and 18 x 7 ( 6/l ) Constructions
( cIulrscs I. 1, 4. I rind 5. I )

17 x 7 ("I' ) ( FC) 17~7(6/1)(WSC)

18 x 7 ( 6/l ) ( FC ) 18 x 7 ( 6/l ) ( wsc )

Nominal ( Minimum Breaking Load Corresponding to Tensile

Diameter I Designation of Wires of



231 338
392 442
325 422
32 % 412 512 % 577 :z 639 G59
2 496
612 643
521 z% 824
668 902
731 753
929 809
999 833
1 029

NOTE-To obtain calculated aggregate breaking loads, multiply the figures given in col 4, 6 and 8 by l’2g3 and
those given in col 5, 7 and 9 by 1’344.

IS 2266 : 1989

‘Cable 10 Breaking Load and Mass for 34 x 7 ( 6/l ) and 36 x 7 ( 6/l ) Constructions
( c/auses I. I, 4.1 mn 5.1 )

36 x 7 ( 6/l ) ( FC , 36 x 7 ( 6,!1 ) ( WSC )

Nominal Minimum Breaking Load Corresponding to Tensile

Diameter Desianstion of Wires of
1 570

12 56’2 579 80 88 90
1: 7@5
65’9 78’8
679 2 98
ii 1:: 110i: 120
103 105
16 99’9 103 1% 128 141 144 157 160

18 126 130 159 162 179 183 198 202

19 141 145 177 181 199 203 221 225
;i 189
156 195
161 237
196 E 267
221 273
225 245
296 Z” 2

24 22s 231 282 288 325 352 359

2G % 272 331 338 :2 381 414’ 422
2 400 31.5
412 502
384 512
392 566
433 577
442 627
480 489

:: 624
SOG 643
521 784
634 648
800 716
884 902
730 979
793 809

NOTE-To obtain calculated aggregate breaking loads, multiply the figures given in col4,G and 8 by 1.334 and
those given in co1 5, 7 and 9 by 1.366.

..-.- --._--
Nominal : .Appr~a~tc Minimum Breaking Load Corresponding to Tensile
Diameter , Designation of Wires of

,570 1770 1 960

(1) !--_-
/ (2) ..- (3) - - (4) (5)
/ mm i kg/i00 m kN kN kN

9" 29'3
23‘2 38
30 43
34 2

I? 43'8
36'2 57
47 64
53 71


121 I51

18 117 153 172 191

:; 131
145 188
170 192 2:
22 175 228 ::: 285

;i 209
245 271 359
306 :2
28 234 ::z 416 461
32 371 483 544 602

36 469 611 688 762

40 579 754 850 941

IS 2266 : 1989

Table 12 Breaking Load and Mass for 6 x 25 ( 12/12/A ) Construction

(Chscs 1.1, 4.1 and5.1 )

With Fibre Core ( FC ) With Steel Core ( IWRC )

Nominal App;;;yte Minimum Breaking Load Corresponding to Tensile

Diameter Designation of Wires of
1570 1770 I 960

~~ -FE-; gz FZ.’ ;gl 1 ;f cff 1 fi!,

.--.- .._- --.... . ..-_ ..--

13 69’9 g:; 12 98 fE 110 2; 122

14 ;y; 113 127 141
1: 115
146 ::; 2: 12! 167
211 220
174 234

:‘o 2; 163 218

197 208
231 222
246 235
2aI 246
272 2

ii % 260
;Yi :f‘i ::z :z 375
315 329
392 415

;: 279
324 353
305 368 i: 2: % 2:; 2;

:z 423 462 706

;z 748
591 629 :z 881
696 738
40 56;; % 871 924 i% lo41 1088 1153

1 To obtain the calculated a&sate breaking !oads, multiply the figures given in col 4,G and 8 by 1’177 and
thosegiven in col 5,7 and 9 by 1’251.
2 in case of p, wire, 3 or more round wires may be used.

( Third Ke vision )

NO. 2 MARCH 1993
(Third Revision)
(Page 2, clause 6.4 )-Substitute ‘PrefomCng’/or ‘Perfomiing’.
(Page 2, clause 6.4, line 2) - Substiote ‘prefomwY/or ‘perfomwd’.
(Page 3, Table 2, col9,line4) - Substitute ‘78.7’for 70.7’.
(Page 4, Table 3, co/ 8, line 4) - Substitule ‘7O’/or ‘78’.


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