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2010 NP172 C. Caquetensis Garcia Et Al

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Neotropical Primates 17(2), December 2010 37




Javier García1,2, Thomas R. Defler2, Marta L. Bueno2

Fundación Herencia Natural, Bogotá D. C., Colombia

Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D. C., Colombia



Moynihan (1976) mentioned an undescribed species of Callicebus between the ríos Caquetá and Orteguaza, Caquetá De-
partment, Colombia. In August 2008, we confirmed the new species, which is phylogenetically related to C. ornatus and
C. discolor to the north and south of the type locality respectively. We described this species as Callicebus caquetensis Defler
et al., 2010 establishing its distribution through direct observations and information from local communities. Eighty-two
animals were seen, including the holotype and paratype, which were collected. A review of historical archives of aerial pho-
tographs and satellite maps was carried out to assess the loss of the original vegetation of the area, and we found the habitat
in an advanced state of fragmentation caused by extensive ranching and illegal crop cultivation. Existing coverage is now
limited to small fragments of the original primary forest and secondary vegetation. We analyzed a Google Earth image of
75 km2 of this primate´s habitat and found only 32% of forest and secondary forest vegetation remaining in 2002, the year
the image was captured. We propose this Colombian endemic species should be considered as Critically Endangered (CR),
(based upon the criteria A3c,d,e, C2 of the IUCN). We suggest that the Colombian and Caquetá governments and private
individuals give special attention to this endemic primate, most importantly in the creation of reserves and in environmental
education initiatives. This is probably the most endangered of Colombia’s primates.

Key words: Callicebus caquetensis, endangered primates, endemics, Colombia


Martin Moynihan (1976) fue el primero en mencionar la existencia de una nueva especie de Callicebus en el Departamento
del Caquetá, Colombia. En Agosto del 2008 confirmamos la presencia de esta nueva especie, relacionada filogenéticamen-
te con Callicebus ornatus y Callicebus discolor al norte y al sur de su localidad tipo (entre los ríos Orteguaza y Caquetá) y
describimos la especie como Callicebus caquetensis Defler et al., 2010. La distribución de la especie fue establecida a través
de entrevistas con la comunidad local y observaciones directas. Un total de 82 animales fueron observados, incluyendo el
holotipo y el paratipo que fueron colectados. Una revisión histórica de fotografías aéreas y mapas satelitales fue llevada a
cabo para evaluar la disminución de la cobertura vegetal original en el área; encontramos el hábitat en un avanzado estado de
fragmentación causado por la ganadería extensiva y cultivos ilícitos. La cobertura existente esta relegada a pequeños bosques
primarios y vegetación secundaria. Analizamos imágenes de Google Earth de 100 km2 del hábitat de este primate y encontra-
mos solo 32% de bosque original y bosque secundario en el 2002, año de captura de la imagen. Proponemos que esta especie
debe ser considerada como Críticamente Amenazada (CR), (basados en los criterios A3c,d,e,C2 de la UICN). Sugerimos
al gobierno nacional y del Caquetá que presten especial atención a este primate endémico, estabilizando reservas en la zona,
estableciendo programas de ganadería sostenible, proyectos REDD y un programa de educación ambiental regional. Esta es
probablemente la especie de primate más amenazada de Colombia.

Palabras Claves: Callicebus caquetensis, primates amenazados, endémico, Colombia.

38 Neotropical Primates 17(2), December 2010

Introduction part of Colombia. The local people are very mistrustful of

strangers. The study began at the village of Valparaíso, Ca-
In 2010, we described a new species of titi monkey, Callice- quetá, where Moynihan first observed the monkeys in 1969.
bus caquetensis Defler et al., 2010, from southern Caquetá
Department, Colombia. To date it has been found only In the 2010 survey, García concentrated on the region to
in forest patches on agricultural land that has been estab- the west of the previous observations of 2008 and 2009, as
lished in the region over past 50–60 years. This primate well as the municipalities (municipios) of Albania, San José
was mentioned by Moynihan (1976) from his travels in del Fragua and Curillo (see García, 2008; García & Defler,
the piedmont of Colombia in 1969, although Hershkovitz 2009 for details; in Colombia a municipio is more compa-
(1990) made no mention of it. In 2008, the first author, a rable to a county and often contains several different towns
native of Caquetá, agreed to attempt field work where the or cities; the term is not limited to one town as in the
titi monkey had been first observed by Moynihan (1976). United States). Six additional groups were located (Fig. 1).
The completely fragmented state of the forest was known
to us from satellite images. An analysis of Colombian Google Earth allowed an overall view of the study area; it
Amazonian forest cover by Defler (1992) indicated that depicts the region using two different scales or resolutions
about 70% of the forest had been lost in southern Caquetá for southern Caquetá. A baseline resolution of 15 m was
by 1985. A further analysis was carried out with satellite used for the majority of the area, but it is not a scale easily
images available to us from 2003. Caquetá is one of the analyzed for fragment sizes. A smaller percentage of area
principal colonization fronts in the Colombian Amazon, is depicted in a finer-grained resolution of 1 m, allowing
and in 1985 it was considered to be the Amazonian depart- analysis of forest condition and fragment area. Using a
ment that had suffered the most forest loss, with only about finer resolution, in an area centered around the coordinates
29.4% left, and 79.6% under varying stages of conversion 1°06'27.8"N, 75°32'57.6"W, 220 m altitude, we analyzed
(Defler, 1992). An assessment of the status of this species an image captured on 30 November, 2003 (10.7 km ×
was evidently a matter of urgency. 7.5 km or 75 km², and the latest image available to us) for
the extent of fragmentation. With the results of the field
Field work in the area was made difficult by the fact that work, and using the Google images, we identified six pos-
for past 50 years or so, the area where Moynihan (1976) sible reserves for C. caquetensis.
described this primate has been a continual zone of conflict,
with the presence of various insurgent groups on both ends Results and Discussion
of the political spectrum. Data collection in this region
demanded careful preparation for all forays into the coun- During the 82 days of surveys, we detected 82 (includ-
tryside, involving prior conversations with all possible con- ing the holotype and paratype) animals with an average
tacts about the advisability of working in particular zones, of four animals per group. Table 1 shows the breakdown
and by carefully following the advice given. Despite this, it per group for the 13 groups found, and the coordinates of
remained impossible to survey one of the most promising where they were seen. The animals were detected at an alti-
forest fragments for a possible reserve (described below). tudinal range of 190–270 m. Figure 1 shows the locations
Field work was facilitated by the fact that the first author of the sightings made during 2008, 2009, and 2010. The
was a native of the nearby capital of Caquetá Department, point on the map marked Callicebus torquatus identifies a
Florencia, and was able to establish some local contacts sighting of a C. torquatus group, suggesting that originally,
through his family. when the forest was intact, C. torquatus and C. caquetensis
were sympatric.
Cattle-raising and illicit cultivars are the main agricultural
activities in the region. While cattle-raising has been sup- All observations were made in forest fragments, some of
ported in the past by the Colombian government and by which were severely degraded. Moynihan (1976) reported
the World Bank (Andrade & Ruiz, 1988), in the last three seeing a group in a “medium-sized” patch of vegetation
decades official support for colonization and cattle ranch- mostly less than 7 m in height, and he made a number
ing has been reduced (Myers, 1980; República de Colom- of observations from “low second growth forest, except
bia, 1982; Jimeno, 1987; Jaramillo et al., 1989). for land between a broad river on one side and patches of
bamboo and abandoned crop fields on the other” (p.76).
Methods We delineated a square of land (Fig. 2) from the most re-
cently available Google World image (30 November, 2003)
The first author spent 22 days in April, 2008, 21 days in of 11 km × 7.5 km (75 km²) and calculated the percentage
May, 2008 and 39 days in June–July 2010 for a total of of remaining forest there. Existing Callicebus habitat was
82 days of field work (García, 2008, 2010; García & Defler, in the form of fragments and tree-lined streams, and rep-
2009). García’s field work involved contacting landowners resented about 32% of the total area (about 26.4 km² of
using his family contacts to visit farms where small, forest the total area) (1°07'45.74"N, 75°34'37.28"W, center of
patches remained. It is necessary to be connected to, and the rectangle) of vegetation that could sustain Callicebus
vouched for by, locals to guarantee personal security in this at that time.
Neotropical Primates 17(2), December 2010 39

Figure 3 shows a group of interconnected fragments on since other small reserves will continue to protect the spe-
the William Cuartas farm (1°8'17.9"N, 75°34'28.5"W) cies. Presuming that C. caquetensis groups defend territory
totaling about 2.5 km² of forest. Only one group of C. ca- similar in size to those defended by C. ornatus, we believe
quetensis was found there, even though this large fragment that a fair population could be preserved in some of the
could evidently harbor more, since groups of the closely re- larger available fragments between the Rios Orteguaza and
lated C. ornatus have been observed in territories of 3.29 ha, Caquetá. Part of our future work will involve the develop-
4.18 ha, and 3.5 ha in gallery forests in Meta and 14.2 ha ment of proposals for the establishment of biological corri-
in closed canopy forest (Defler, 2004; Mason, 1965, 1966). dors to connect some of these reserves. Below are some sug-
Robinson (1977) estimated densities for C. ornatus at gestions for small reserves to protect Callicebus caquetensis.
about 5 individuals/km², which would suggest that this
fragment could hold at least 12.5 animals (3–4 groups) of 1. El Dorado (municipio of Albania) contains Mauritia
C. caquetensis. flexuosa palm forests combined with gallery forest close
to a school (Institución Educativa Rural El Dorado) in
Although there are no large blocks of forest in the area con- El Dorado where environmental work could be carried
firmed as the range of C. caquetensis, there are still possibili- out with the added advantage of security. The forest
ties for small reserves for this species and we suggest several has easy access for the development of basic ecology or
here. An advantage of declaring several small reserves is behavior projects. These forests might provide connec-
the insurance against any large disaster in any one of them, tions to forests along the Río Pescado, although they are

Figure 1. Map of observations of Callicebus caquetensis 2008–2010.

40 Neotropical Primates 17(2), December 2010

Table 1. Size, composition and location of Callicebus caquetensis and Callicebus torquatus groups observed in 2008–2009.
M F Subad. Juv. Inf. Total Place Coordinates
1 1 1 1 1 0 4 Nilson Barragán farm 01°08'38.3"N
2 1 1 0 2 1 5 Nilson Barragán farm 01°08'40.8"N
3 1 1 0 1 0 3 Alirio Santanilla farm 01° 08'09.4"N
4 1 1 0 1 1 4 Hacienda William Cuartas 01°08'17.90"N
5 1 1 1 0 1 4 Resbalón Creek 01°06'30.4"N
6 1 1 2 0 1 5 Hacienda Moisés Cruz 01°06' 54.4"N
7 1 1 0 1 1 4 Fidelino Peña farm 01° 07'11.0"N
8 1 1 2 1 1 6 Vereda la Florida* 01°10'07.92"N
9 1 1 1 0 1 4 La Solita Creek 0°54'57.42"N
10 1 1 1 0 0 3 La Solita Creek 0°55'05.2"N
11 1 1 0 0 1 3 Yaneth Soto farm 0°54'12.6"N
12 1 1 0 0 1 3 Doña Amparo farm 0°55'15.4"N
13 1 1 1 2 1 6 Edilberto Suárez farm 0° 54'47.8"N
14 1 1 1 1 1 5 Libardo Rojas farm 01°06'24.35"N
15 1 1 1 1 4 Libardo Rojas farm 01°06'12.27"N
16 1 1 2 Bello Diamante farm 01°01'13.09"N
17 1 1 1 2 LOCATION 01°01'06.87"N
18 1 1 1 3 Road along a creek, 4 km from Albania to Valparaiso 01°14'23.55"N
19 1 1 1 1 4 Forest road to Valparaiso 01°13'00.43"N
20 1 1 1 3 Hacienda Don Félix 01°11'39.84"N
Total observed 80 Altitudes 190–270 m
Average group size 4
Holotype captured by locals LOCATION 01°08'24.61"N
Paratype captured by locals LOCATION 01°06'23.10"N
Callicebus torquatus group LOCATION 01°01'11.49"N
M: Adult male
F: Adult female
Neotropical Primates 17(2), December 2010 41

Figure 2. 75-km2 quadrate analyzed for fragmentation and per- Figure 3. Area around the Hacienda William Quartas (4 km ×
cent of forest cover (Image Google Earth, 2003). 2.75 km) showing ongoing fragmentation. (Image Google Earth,

extremely fragmented. Local people confirm that C. ca- can surmise that this would be adequate habitat for
quetensis eats Mauritia flexuosa fruits, just as has been C. caquetensis (Moynihan, 1976; Defler, 1994; Van
observed for Callicebus torquatus lugens by Palacios et al. Roosmalen et al., 2002). This fragment is a prime
(1997) and Callicebus t. lucifer by TRD (unpubl. data). choice for further evaluation in the future when the
security situation improves.
2. Both C. torquatus and C. caquetensis occur in the for-
ests of Canelo Creek. From the north it is easy to enter 5. Another possible reserve for this species could be es-
the area, although there are some security issues at this tablished along La Solita Creek to the west of La Solita.
time. Canelo Creek flows into the Río Caquetá and Callicebus caquetensis has been registered there and, al-
would be important as a protective zone for that part of though the forest is not as extensive as to the east of La
the river. Solita, there is adequate vegetation along this creek for
at least 6 km, and at its mouth the vegetation (probably
3. Aguas Negras Creek (municipios of Milán and Valpara- seasonally flooded and attractive to this titi monkey)
iso) is a corridor that has sizeable forests along most of extends to a width of 5 km. To the north C. ornatus
its length and may serve as habitat for C. caquetensis. is very common in riparian (gallery) forests or forests
South of it is a small forest of 90 ha, but it is being along creeks and this preference is probably shared with
logged and will soon be ruined, although secondary C. caquetensis. The advantage of reserves being estab-
vegetation probably would be attractive for this pri- lished in these two patches of large fragments is that
mate. Access to this forest is via the Río Orteguaza and they could be administered in part from the village of
Valparaíso. La Solita, situated between the two.

4. One of the largest fragments that probably protects 6. Other large fragments of forest still persist to the
C. caquetensis is immediately east of the town of La east, towards the mouth of the Río Orteguaza, where
Solita. Because of local security concerns it has not yet it flows into the Río Caquetá. The largest fragment
been possible to survey the fragment to determine if (6 km × 4 km) is across the river from “Tres Esquinas”,
the species is there, although it has been confirmed the Colombian air force base “Ernesto Esguerra” and
nearby to the north. This fragment, about 17 km in village, where security might be stronger due to the mil-
length and 1–4 km wide, lies alongside the Río Ca- itary presence and where a reserve might be more easily
quetá. The species complex C. ornatus, C. caquetensis, protected. However, presently it is conjecture whether
C. discolor, and C. cupreus is particularly attracted to it contains C. caquetensis, since this part of the inter-
low-lying land alongside rivers, so the forest could be fluvium of the Orteguaza and Caquetá has not been
prime habitat for this small monkey (Defler, 2010). We surveyed.
have detected Pithecia monachus, Lagothrix lagothricha
lugens, Saimiri sciureus, Saguinus nigricollis hernandezi, The species might be present in some other large fragments
and Cebus apella in other, nearby fragments, and this in this part of the interfluvium, but the fragments have
large fragment might well protect small populations of not been surveyed, and they are isolated in terms of trans-
C. caquetensis as well (García, 2008; García & Defler, portation and security. Forests along the right bank of the
2009). The forest is probably scrubby, since lumbering Río Orteguaza seem promising, since these are wide frag-
in the region has long ago harvested the largest trees. ments and the forest following the right bank is continuous
Callicebus from this species group are also known to from just below Valparaíso. If this forest has not been cut
do well in scrubby and secondary vegetation, so we
42 Neotropical Primates 17(2), December 2010

because it is low-lying and seasonally flooded, it is a good sustain cattle production has begun to decrease and this
possibility for establishing reserves for C. caquetensis. forces land owners to convert what land is left into pasture
(SINCHI, 2007). Conversion to cattle pastures involves
Reynaldo Ruíz (a colonist of the area) mentioned the his- clear cutting and burning, supplying a pulse of nutrients
toric presence of C. caquetensis in the floodplain of the Río that can be assimilated by introduced grasses. But once the
Fragua (see Fig. 1), but it seems to be locally extinct there soils are leached and eroded, the maintenance of a healthy
due to intense agricultural activities. This would be the pasture becomes untenable, and further forest is cut. Forest
westernmost point of its distribution and the point closest recovery is seriously jeopardized and slow. Such is the pro-
to the Cordillera de los Andes. Field work in 2010 con- cess that gradually lays waste to enormous tracts of land,
firmed the absence of the species west of the Río Pescado unproductive for crops or as cattle pasture. To illustrate
(veredas [= a subdivision of a municipio in Colombia], La the trend, one forest section where groups of C. caquetensis
Esperalda and Rochela, in the municipio of Morelia). We were observed in 2008 was found to be completely clear
suppose that the western range extension of the species cut in 2010 (Fig. 4). Unfortunately the margins of rivers
might prove to be more extensive than we have been able that maintain gallery forest so appealing to Callicebus, pro-
to demonstrate to date and this has important implications. vide the most productive soils, and these forest are the first
Unfortunately the Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos to be converted to grassland, even though this is prohib-
of Colombia is planning extensive oil exploration in this ited by law (Article 4, Decree 2278, 1953). The fragmen-
western part of Colombia, but it is unclear whether such tation isolates these primates, and impedes dispersal. The
development will include safeguards for the conservation environmental impacts of cattle ranching are numerous:
of the flora and fauna (< negative influences of erosion and soil compaction, genetic
php?id=1>). uniformity from the grass monoculture, elimination of sec-
ondary vegetation using herbicides or uprooting, drying
Cattle ranching is an important economic activity in the out of wetlands, construction of more roads, an increased
department of Caquetá, even though the soils are not ap- demand for posts for fencing, corrals, contamination of
propriate (oxisols, poor in nutrients); one hectare of land water and soil using synthetic fertilizers and insecticides, as
can sustain an average of only 0.58 cattle (Ruiz et al., well as gas emissions produced by forest burning and the
2007). A study by the Colombian government concluded flatulence of the cattle.
that Amazonian departments were not apt for this use
due to the poor soils and environmental factors that favor In 2001, more than 50% of the territory of nine munici-
persistent diseases which tend to decrease natality (PRO- palities of Caquetá had been converted to grassland. Our
RADAM, 1979). Paradoxically such use has been encour- calculation based on satellite images (2003) of 75 km²
aged by the government. Lately the capacity of the land to of land near Valparaiso yielded a conversion of 68%.

Figure 4. Pasture cut from former study forest. (Photo by Javier García).
Neotropical Primates 17(2), December 2010 43

Eighty-nine percent of La Solita had been converted by Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation,
2001; 98% of the municipality of Albania. Like other spe- see <
cies of Callicebus, from this complex, C. caquetensis seems approved_for_Global_Activities/tabid/1413/language/
tolerant of human activities, and habituated animals read- en-US/Default.aspx>) and financial support for communi-
ily move and probably disperse using very scarce vegetation ties that practice sustainable development in the region, as
or none at all. We saw a number of groups that seemed well as support for conservation priorities such as the Work-
unconcerned by our presence. One animal was seen to pass shop–90: Biological Priorities for Conservation in Amazonia
over barbed wire from one patch of vegetation to another that identified conservation priorities, such as an endemic
(Fig. 5). Another animal ate unconcernedly while being fish fauna in the Río Orteguaza (Rylands et al. 1991; Kress
photographed (Fig. 6). Since primates are mostly ignored et al., 1998). We would hope that organizations such as
in this part of Colombia, the major pressure is forest con- Parques Nacionales Naturales, Corpoamazonía, the Insti-
version, although “poor”, “broken-up”, “isolated patches”, tuto de Investigaciones Amazónicas (SINCHI), the gov-
“bamboo thickets”, “dense vegetation, crowded and rela- ernment of Caquetá and mayors of the different municipios
tively low forests, thickets, and tangles” and secondary veg- would agree to consolidate the area as a biological corridor
etation is sometimes used by this primate and by closely between the Colombian Amazon and the Andes, just as we
related species (Mason, 1965, 1966; Moynihan, 1976; soon hope to propose.
Kinzey, 1981; Defler, 2004).
Illegal crops such as marijuana, poppy and coca have tradi-
We believe that alternatives need to be supported that allow tionally been a problem in this part of Colombia, although
for a change in the mentality in this part of Colombia so in the last decade coca plants have become dominant and
heavily given to cattle ranching. But even though the low continued to increase in Currillo, Milan, Solita and Val-
prices of milk and meat do not support successful cattle paraiso during the period 2008–2009 (SIMCI II, 2010; see
production, the frontier mentality in rural Colombia places <>]).
a high premium on this activity, just as it does in so many The opening of a coca plot usually takes place in the center
other nations. Part of the solution in the area between the of a patch of forest to avoid detection, thus, although pro-
Ríos Orteguaza and Caquetá must be inclusion into na- moting the permanence of some forest, contributes to its
tional strategies such as the Project Sustainable Colombian degradation and fragmentation (Fig. 7).
Cattle-ranching supported by the Federación Colombi-
ana de Ganaderos (FEDEGAN), see <http://portal.fede- Herbicide is known to affect aquatic habitats and to cause malformation of tadpoles (Giesy, 2000; Chivian & Bern-
para%20publicar.pdf>), international agreements such stein, 2008). Continuing fumigation of illegal crops with
as the United Nations’ Programa de REDD (Reducing glyphosate causes environmental pollution and has never

Figure 5. Callicebus caquetensis negotiating barbed wire fence between two fragments. (Photo by Javier García).
44 Neotropical Primates 17(2), December 2010

Figure 6. Callicebus caquetensis eating a guava fruit. (Photo by Figure 7. Coca plantation in a forest fragment. (Photo by Javier
Javier García). García).

been evaluated in terms of its damage to arboreal fauna A3(c,e). Population size is estimated to number fewer
such as titi monkeys. Genotoxic, hormonal, and enzymatic than 250 mature individuals, there is an estimated con-
effects of glyphosate in mammals have been reported, nev- tinuing decline of at least 25% within three years, and
ertheless (Lioi et al., 1998; Peluso et al., 1998; Daruich et no subpopulation is estimated to contain more than
al., 2001). In rats, glyphosate has been found to decrease 50 mature individuals — C1, 2a(i).
the activity of some detoxifying enzymes, cytochrome
P-450, and monooxygenase activities and the intestinal ac- Conservation of Callicebus caquetensis
tivity of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase when injected into
the abdomen (Hietanen et al., 1983). The fact that this Our studies suggest that a variety of actions urgently need
primate depends on vegetation that may often be sprayed to be taken to ensure a future for this and other wildlife in
with glyphosate around coca fields means that the animals the region.
are subjected to yet another environmental assault, which
has never been evaluated—die-back of a part of their habi- 1. Continued study is needed to clarify the conservation
tat due to spraying, the ingestion of affected fruits, or even status of the species. The first author plans to do his
being directly coated by the herbicide. master´s degree research on the region and on the spe-
cies’ conservation status.
General poverty in southern Caquetá means that any con-
servation effort needs to be seen to provide economic advan- 2. One or two reserves need to be established immedi-
tages to the local communities. Socioeconomic conditions ately. We suggest six possible reserves in this paper.
in southern Caquetá are difficult, and the rural population
suffers from the lack of basic necessities (for example, inad- 3. The local people need to be convinced of the im-
equate housing with overcrowding, poor sanitation, poor portance of preserving their local fauna. This small
structural integrity, and poor school attendance). The last monkey evidently does not represent an important
national census of the Departamento Administrativo Na- food source to local people, but this point must be
cional de Estadística (DANE) (2005: <http://www.dane. researched in the future., showed this to be true for 54.59% of the rural
population from the municipios of Milan, Valparaiso, Solita, 4. Political leaders and environmental agencies need to
Currillo, and Albania where we have found C. caquetensis. be brought into the conservation process to provide
These conditions threaten the species in as much as many for socio-economic improvements with an under-
people use the forest fragments to satisfy basic needs, nota- standing that the well-being of these local communi-
bly hunting for food. These problems urgently need to be ties lies in the maintenance of healthy ecosystems for
addressed in order to guarantee a future for this endemic the provision of the natural resources they need.
and endangered primate.
5. Colombians need to hear about their newest and most
For the reasons above, we recommend that this species endangered species of primate, and allies need to be
be classified as Critically Endangered (CR) on the IUCN identified to protect this animal and its habitat.
Red List of Threatened Species applying a number of crite-
ria. We believe that there has been a population reduction 6. Before the possibilities are lost, a biological corridor
of more 80% in the last 10 years or three generations must be established that connects the last relict forests
due to a reduction of the area of occupation, and the of southern Caquetá with the east slopes of the east-
causes of the reduction have certainly not stopped, and ern cordillera of the Andes, thus helping to protect a
they are affected by introduced taxa and contaminants modicum of the region’s wealth of biodiversity.
Neotropical Primates 17(2), December 2010 45

Acknowledgments amenazada. Informe Final Técnico, para la Fundación

Omacha y Conservación Internacional, Fondo de Acción
We are grateful for the company in the field of the biolo- Ambiental, Programa de Becas Jorge Ignacio Hernández
gists Victor Luna, Gabriel Beltrán and Juan Pablo Parra Camacho, Iniciativa de Especies Amenazadas.
and the kind hospitality and advice of the families in this Giesy, J. P., Solomon, K. R. and Dobson, S. 2000. Eco-
part of southern Caquetá. We thank the biologist John toxicological risk assessment for Roundup herbicide. Rev.
Fredy Jiménez for help drawing the map. Without this Env. Contam. Toxicol. 167: 35–120
support it would have been very difficult to gather the Hershkovitz, P. 1990. Titis. New World monkeys of the
information included here. We are grateful to the Fondo genus Callicebus (Cebidae, Platyrrhini): a preliminary
para la Acción Ambiental y la Niñez, Programa de Becas taxonomic review. Fieldiana Zool. N.S. (55): 1–109.
Jorge Ignacio Hernández-Camacho – Iniciativa de Especies Hietanen, E., Linnainmaa, K. and Vainio, H. 1983. Ef-
Amenazadas of Conservación Internacional Colombia, to fects of phenoxyherbicides and glyphosate on the hepatic
the Primate Action Fund of Conservation International, to and intestinal biotransformation activities in the rat. Acta
the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Idea Wild, and the Pharmacol. Toxicol. 53: 103–112.
Conservation Leadership Programme for supporting the SINCHI. 2007. Balance Anual sobre el Estado de los Eco-
first conservation initiatives for Callicebus caquetensis in the sistemas y el Ambiente de la Amazonia Colombiana 2006.
area. Google Earth images of southern Caquetá enabled us Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas
to calculate areas of fragments and condition of the forest (SINCHI), Bogotá, DC.
(García, 2008, 2010). We thank an anonymous editor for IUCN. 2001. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Ver-
many helpful suggestions for the text of this article. sion 3.1. International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN), Species Survival Commission (SSC), Gland,
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