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J. Zool., Lond. (2002) 258, 131±137 # 2002 The Zoological Society of London Printed in the United Kingdom DOI:10.


Hordes of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx): extreme group size

and seasonal male presence

K. A. Abernethy1,2*, L. J. T. White3 and E. J. Wickings1

Centre International de Recherches MeÂdicales de Franceville, BP 769, Franceville, Gabon
Department of Biological and Molecular Sciences, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland, U.K.
Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY 10460-1099, New York, U.S.A.
(Accepted 16 October 2001)

Mandrill Mandrillus sphinx hordes in the Lope Reserve, Gabon, the approximate centre of the mandrill
species range, were studied over 3 years from 1996 to 1999. Part of the study site included gallery forests
within savanna areas, allowing observation of entire hordes, hitherto impossible in dense forest habitat.
Horde size and composition (sex and age classes) were documented using exact records on video ®lm
whenever a horde or subgroup crossed an open space. Mean horde size was 620, and hordes of up to 845
individuals were documented, probably the largest stable group size found in any wild, unprovisioned
primate population. Hordes were cohesive throughout the study period and did not seem to be aggregations
of smaller units. Mandrill societies seem to be quite different from the baboon societies, to which they have
been compared to date. Mature, breeding-age males were not resident members of hordes, but entered at
the onset of seasonal cycles in the females (as deduced by the presence of sexual tumescence) and emigrated
once female sexual cycles ceased. The number of breeding males present in the horde at any one time is best
explained by the number of sexually attractive females. It is postulated that the extreme coloration of males
and strong sexual dimorphism in mandrills may have evolved through an enhanced need for competitive
signals in a situation where no long-term social bonds between breeding partners exist.

Key words: mandrill, Mandrillus sphinx, group size, social organization, Gabon

INTRODUCTION Mandrills are among the largest of the cercopithe-

cine primates. Morphologically they are similar to
Mandrills Mandrillus sphinx are found only in the baboons (Papio spp. and Theropithecus gelada) and
rain forests of central Africa from Cameroon, south like the baboons they are mainly ground dwelling,
of the Sanaga River, through Equatorial Guinea and omnivorous and eclectic in diet and highly social.
Gabon, to southern Congo, west of the Congo River These characteristics led, until recently, to taxonomic
(see Fig. 1; Harrison, 1988; Blom et al., 1992; classi®cation of the Mandrillus species with the
Kingdon, 1997). The species is recognized by IUCN baboons. However, contemporary genetic and mor-
as near-threatened (Baillie & Groombridge, 1996; phological studies show convincingly that Mandrillus
Oates, 1996), a classi®cation awarded because of its species are more similar to the terrestrial Cercocebus
limited geographic distribution, known human mangabeys (Disotell, 1993; Fleagle & McGraw, 1999).
hunting pressure and habitat loss throughout the The previous grouping of Mandrillus with Papio led to
range. Very little is understood about mandrills in the the interpretation of the scant data on wild mandrills
wild. Only a few short studies have been made and in terms of the patterns of social organization de-
all authors report great dif®culty in ®nding and scribed for baboon societies, e.g. patterns described by
following mandrills for more than a few days at a Altmann & Altmann (1970) or Kummer (1995). Man-
time (Sabater Pi, 1972; Jouventin, 1975; Hoshino et drills have generally been represented as living in one
al., 1984; Lahm, 1985, 1986; Hoshino, 1986; Harrison, male units (a dominant breeding male with a multi-
1988; Rogers et al., 1996). female harem) occasionally aggregating to form large
multi-male hordes (Sabater Pi, 1972; Jouventin, 1975;
*All correspondence to: K. Abernethy, Centre International de Rogers et al., 1996)
Recherches MeÂdicales de Franceville, BP 769, Franceville, Gabon. Visibility is poor in the mandrill's habitat and much
E-mail: of the published data on group structure has been based
132 K. A. Abernethy, L. J. T. White and E. J. Wickings

Study area
Lopé Reserve
Mandrill range
200 km
Unconfirmed range
Fig. 2. Vegetation map of the northern part of the study area
at LopeÂ, showing the Ogooue River at the north edge.
Fig. 1. The current geographic range of Mandrillus sphinx. `Gallery' forests form thin corridors along watercourses in the
The Lope study area is in the approximate centre. The savanna areas. Supervised visual interpretation from ERS
existence of mandrills in the coastal area between the Equator radar image 1996, Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 32S,
and the Monts Doudou is possible, but their presence is WGS 84.
currently uncon®rmed. Sources: Grubb (1973); Harrison
(1988); Blom et al. (1992); Idiata, Mbina & Mihindou (2000).

on estimated group compositions (Sabater Pi 1972; Study area

Jouventin, 1975; Harrison, 1988; Ancrenaz, Tutin &
Fernandez, 1994). No study has yet been able to provide The ongoing study of mandrill ecology is based in the
a precise breakdown of group composition, nor include area around the Station d'Etudes des Gorilles et Chim-
data on seasonal changes in mandrill societies. panzeÂs (SEGC) in the northern part of the LopeÂ
In this paper, new data are presented on the compo- Reserve, central Gabon (0012S, 1136E). This is roughly
sition and social organization of mandrill hordes from in the centre of the species range (see Fig. 1). The region
a 4-year study in the Lope Reserve, Gabon. These data to the south of the SEGC research station is continuous
show that mandrills live in much larger and more semi-deciduous Guineo-Congolian lowland rainforest.
stable societies than previously documented, forming However, for 15 km to the north, the vegetation is a
the largest permanent groups of any wild primate. It is mosaic of ancient savanna grasslands and natural forest
shown that the social organization of wild mandrill fragments, bordered by the Ogooue River which is a
hordes in central Gabon does not follow any of the natural barrier to most terrestrial mammals (Fig. 2).
models proposed for baboon societies, nor is it very The thin corridors of forest within the savanna regions
similar to any other cercopithecine social system yet afford a unique opportunity to observe all members of a
described. A novel explanation is presented for man- group as they travel along the corridor. These detailed
drill social organization and the implications of the observations are impossible in areas of continuous
new data in the evolution of the mandrill phenotype forest where many individuals moving in a widely
are discussed. dispersed group are hidden by dense ground cover. The
Mandrills congregate in large numbers, variously vegetation of the Reserve is described in detail by White
referred to in past literature as `groups', `supergroups' (1995); White & Abernethy (1997) and White et al. (in
or `hordes' (Ancrenaz et al., 1994; Rogers et al., 1996). press). Annual rainfall at SEGC is 1509 mm (1984±99)
Here, the term `horde' is used for a known, stable and the region experiences 2 dry seasons a year: a
aggregation of mandrills. The term `group' may refer variable `short' dry spell of 3±6 weeks during
to any number of individuals together, for any reason, December±February and a long dry season of
and is therefore not used to indicate the stable social c. 3 months from mid-June to mid-September. Tem-
unit. peratures vary little through the year with mean
Group size and seasonal variation in mandrill hordes 133

monthly minima of 20±23 8C and maxima of 26±33 8C appearance changes little with age (Wickings & Dixon,
(1984±98), but are lowest during July±August. 1992a). As the exact age of coloured males could not be
further determined in the ®eld, they were pooled into
1 class: mature males. Within the adult female class,
Observations and follows females carrying ventral infants and those with sexual
swellings were noted separately. Sexual receptivity in
Hordes of mandrills, numbering several hundred indivi- female mandrills is signalled, as in many primates, by
duals, were ®rst documented at Lope in 1995 (Rogers et sexual tumescence: the swelling and reddening of the
al., 1996; Tutin, White & Mackanga-Missandzou, skin around the anus and vulva. This is easily visible in
1997). Throughout the 39-month period from June 1996 ®lms shot at close range and was reliably scored for the
to August 1999, foot patrols of the forested parts of the groups encountered from June 1997 to August 1999.
study area were made on 5 days/week, such that the Males of 3 and 4 years are indistinguishable from
whole area was covered every 2 weeks. A daily drive adult females in the colony when observed from 50 m or
(5 days in 7) was also made through the forest±savanna more, and are rarely distinguishable in the ®eld. These
mosaic area. Mandrills were located by sight, or by the young males were necessarily included in the adult
long-distance contact calls of the females, which carry female class in the initial video analysis. Males > 5 years
up to 1 km across savanna areas and several hundred are identi®able in the ®eld. A correction for the number
metres even within the forest. No attempt was made to of 3- to 4-year-old males included in the adult female
follow lone males, but groups were followed for as long class was subsequently made as follows. A sex ratio of
as possible on each occasion. 1:1 at birth was assumed (observed in the CIRMF
Reliable counts of group members proved impossible colony; Wickings & Dixon, 1992a) and equal mortality
within the forest, so observers were stationed at a of each sex during the ®rst 3 years of life (which may
hidden position in front of the group, to record them as slightly underestimate the number of males surviving in
they crossed an open area. Evidently these special these cohorts; Dittus, 1980). The number of 2-year-old
circumstances required for accurate counts meant that a males is then 1/4 of the total juvenile cohort (2 sexes
horde count was not possible on each occasion that over 2 years). The mid-point between the 2-year-old and
mandrills were encountered. A permanent record of the 5-year-old male cohort sizes was then calculated and
each horde was made on video ®lm as well as a direct this was approximated as representing the mean size of
observer count (no permanent record) whenever they both the 3- and 4-year-old cohorts.
were observed crossing an open area. Only ®lm records Any decline in male cohort size under 6 years is
including every member of the group were used in the assumed to result from mortality. Field observations of
current analyses of group size and composition. lone males indicate that males > 6 years old may emi-
However, as mature males are not numerous and were grate from the group, thus the decline in cohort size will
easily identi®ed, numbers of mature males in the group re¯ect a combination of emigration and mortality.
could sometimes be counted, even when a total record
of other members was not possible. All mature male
counts are used in the analysis of their seasonal pre- RESULTS
sence. Each ®lm record was analysed by at least 2
observers, who noted the sex and age class of each Group size
animal. Observers were trained by watching a captive
group of known-age mandrills in a semi-free ranging Mandrills were encountered on 41 occasions in 27
colony at the Centre International de Recherches MeÂd- different months throughout the study period. In
icales de Franceville in Gabon (for a description of this months when they were not encountered, they were
colony see Feistner & Cooper, 1986; Wickings & Dixon, assumed to have ranged outside the searched study area
1992a). Inter-observer reliability was also tested in (Fig. 2). A record of all horde members was possible on
`blind' trials on these animals. A computer program 20 different occasions in 14 different months (Table 1).
(`Mandrill'; P.Walsh, 1998), was developed to analyse These 20 full counts include at least four, and probably
video ®lm frame-by-frame, to maximize the accuracy more, different hordes. On most occasions we were
and repeatability of counts. unsure of the identity of the mandrills and could not
Individuals were assigned to the following age-sex assign the count with certainty to a particular, named
classes, which were found to be reliably differentiated horde. The exceptions are the two counts in July 1997,
by observers trained on the captive colony: infant (0± known to be the same horde (`Crete horde'), and the
12 months), juvenile (13±36 months), adult female two counts in early December 1998, known to be
(> 3 years), 5- to 6-year-old male, sub-mature (6- to 9- `Walt's horde'; a different one from that counted in July
year-old) male and mature male. Of course, it is not 1997. In the absence of certain identi®cations, all counts
known whether physical characters develop at the same are treated here as individual assessments of horde size,
rate in the ®eld as in captivity. The years attributed to however, the likelihood of several repeat counts in the
age±sex classes here must be viewed as an approximate measure may mean that true variation in horde sizes is
guide. Captive males attain full size and coloration at found in future to be greater than currently reported.
c. 10 years old (sexual maturity) and thereafter physical Slight variation between counts of the same horde on
134 K. A. Abernethy, L. J. T. White and E. J. Wickings

Table 1. Group sizes and age±sex structures of the Mandrillus sphinx hordes ®lmed at Lope between September 1996 and
August 1999

Date Gr 0±12 1±2 year Adult Males

®lmed size months olds females 3±4 years 5 years 6±9 years > 10 years
n % n % n % n % n % n % n %

4 Sep 96 609 107 17.6 210 34.5 158 25.9 78 12.7 25 4.1 14 2.3 17 2.8
16 Nov 96 646 96 14.9 123 19.0 288 44.6 64 9.9 33 5.1 27 4.2 15 2.3
27 Jun 97 817 156 19.1 245 30.0 210 25.7 116 14.2 55 6.7 24 2.9 11 1.3
28 Jun 97 791 136 17.2 247 31.2 222 28.1 109 13.7 47 5.9 17 2.1 13 1.6
2 Jul 97 845 173 20.5 226 26.7 272 32.2 95 11.2 38 4.5 26 3.1 15 1.8
10 Jul 97 815 154 18.9 247 30.3 238 29.2 102 12.5 40 4.9 25 3.1 11 1.3
28 Jan 98 681 175 25.7 182 26.7 236 34.7 62 9.0 16 2.3 10 1.5 1 0.1
11 Feb 98 775 165 21.3 247 31.9 232 29.9 93 12.0 31 4.0 6 0.8 1 0.1
23 Feb 98 711 95 13.4 268 37.7 229 32.2 85 12.0 18 2.5 14 2.0 2 0.3
12 Jun 98 411 58 14.1 142 34.5 128 31.1 50 12.0 14 3.4 13 3.2 6 1.5
5 Sep 98 340 38 11.2 100 29.4 100 29.4 42 12.4 17 5.0 20 5.9 13 3.8
20 Oct 98 338 36 10.7 113 33.4 98 29.0 51 15.2 23 6.8 15 4.4 2 0.6
3 Nov 98 395 47 11.9 148 37.5 94 23.8 62 15.7 25 6.3 15 3.8 4 1.0
30 Nov 98 397 60 15.1 130 32.7 97 24.4 53 13.2 20 5.0 19 4.8 3 0.8
5 Dec 98 551 71 12.9 200 36.3 130 23.6 82 14.9 32 5.8 16 2.9 1 0.2
8 Dec 98 575 11 1.9 252 43.8 188 32.7 87 15.1 24 4.2 10 1.7 2 0.3
22 Dec 98 664 9 1.4 340 51.2 160 24.1 113 17.0 28 4.2 13 2.0 1 0.2
1 Feb 99 689 35 5.1 295 42.8 158 22.9 122 17.7 48 7.0 30 4.4 1 0.1
6 Jun 99 747 155 20.7 216 28.9 199 26.6 92 12.3 38 5.1 32 4.3 15 2.0
9 Aug 99 607 79 13.0 192 31.6 196 32.3 73 12.0 25 4.1 31 5.1 13 2.1
Mean 620.2 92.8 14.3 206.2 33.5 181.7 29.1 81.4 13.2 29.9 4.9 18.9 3.2 7.4 1.2
sd 166.3 56.4 6.3 64.8 7.0 60.3 5.1 24.0 2.2 11.5 1.3 7.6 1.4 6.1 1.0

different dates may be explained by birth or mortality assumed to be permanent group members as they were
(especially among infants), male immigration and emi- never seen as solitary individuals. The size of the 5-year-
gration and exceptionally by some animals being missed old class showed a positive Spearman correlation with
on ®lm. Splitting off of small sub-groups was never group size (d.f. = 20, rs= 0.616, P < 0.01) consistent with
observed, though hordes were observed being forced to this hypothesis.
divide when their passage across an open space was Females and immature classes were relatively stable
disrupted. On these occasions the horde always reunited throughout the year, but for males over 6 years old,
within a few days, but for unknown groups it is possible group membership ¯uctuated greatly between months.
that fractions of a disrupted horde were counted as a When tested across all months the number of > 6-year-
total horde in error during this period. old males present in a group was independent of group
The mean number of individuals was 620.2 ‹ 166.3, size for either sub-mature or mature males (d.f. = 20, rs
range 340±845 (see also Table 1). Although exact counts (sub-mature)= 0.164, P < 0.5, NS; rs (mature) = 0.173,
could not be made during the remaining 21 encounters, P < 0.5, NS).
®eld observers established minimum counts for these Mature males were counted in the groups in 22 out of
hordes, the least of which was 425 individuals. As the 39 months. In two counted months, no mature
mature males are so large and easily distinguishable, males were present in the groups (April and May 1998;
they were reliably counted on four of these occasions, Fig. 3).
even though total group counts were not possible.
Mature males were encountered in hordes with
females and young, or as solitary individuals, but never Mating seasons
in bachelor groups.
The presence of females with sexual swellings in a group
was used to divide the observations into those when
Group composition mating was taking place and those outside the mating
season. Only 18 counts were used as the two ®lms shot
The composition of each of the ®lmed groups, including in 1996 were not of suf®cient quality to score tumes-
the corrections for 3- and 4-year-old males originally cence reliably. Mating seasons were found to be annual,
assigned to the adult female class, is shown in Table 1. with sexual swellings seen only from June to November
Adult females and their dependent offspring (infants, in any of the 3 years 1996±98 and May±October 1999.
juveniles and < 6-year-old males) formed 96% of the Group size was independent of reproductive activity
group (mean 96.1 ‹ 2.6) and the remaining 4% included (mean group size = 610.6 in mating months and 630 in
sub-mature and mature males. Five-year-old males were other months, tunmatched = 0.241, d.f. = 16, NS).
Group size and seasonal variation in mandrill hordes 135

Mean no. of mature males present in horde

15 15 15

13 13 13 13
12 12 12



6 6
2 2
1 1 1
0 0
0 * * * * * * * * * * *
Oct 97
Nov 97
Dec 97
Apr 97
May 97
Jun 97

Aug 97
Sep 97
Jul 97
Jan 97
Feb 97
Mar 97
Oct 96

Nov 96
Dec 96

Feb 98

Jan 99

Feb 99
Sep 96

Mar 99
Apr 99
May 99
Jun 99
Jul 99
Aug 99
Jan 98

Mar 98
Apr 98
May 98
Jun 98
Jul 98
Aug 98
Sep 98

Nov 98
Oct 98

Dec 98
Fig. 3. Seasonal presence of mature Mandrillus sphinx males in the hordes. Data from 20 full counts and four additional counts
when mature males were reliably scored, although total numbers were not able to be accurately recorded. *, month for which no
data were recorded.

1.6 (Fig. 4). After natural log (Ln) transformation, a

Pearson moment correlation showed strong associations
r 2 = 0.60 between tumescent females and mature males
1.2 (r2 = 0.951, P < 0.001) and also slightly weaker associa-
tions between the sub-mature male class and these
Ln males in horde

females (r2 = 0.600, P < 0.01). Mature males enter and
0.8 r 2 = 0.914
leave the group during the mating season, with the
numbers present on any 1 day being dependent on the
0.6 number of tumescent females.
0.4 Mature males

Sub-mature males DISCUSSION

0 The data presented above document a much larger

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 average group size for mandrills than previous authors
Ln tumescant females in horde
have described for any wild primate (Jouventin, 1972;
Fig. 4. The relationship between mature and sub-mature Sabater Pi, 1975; Hoshino et al., 1984; Harrison, 1988;
Mandrillus sphinx male numbers in the hordes and female White, 1994).
sexual receptivity, as denoted by sexual tumescence. Data Two possible explanations exist for the difference
from the 10 full horde counts during mating seasons where between past published group sizes and the new data:
female tumescence was visible. (1) group sizes at Lope are exceptionally large; (2)
other authors underestimated group size. Other authors
have presented estimates for groups numbering several
Mature and sub-mature males emigrated from the hundred from various different locations, (Jouventin,
group outside the mating season. Whilst group size 1972; Hoshino, 1984; Hoshino et al., 1985; Lahm,
remained stable, the mean number of mature males in 1986; Harrison, 1988), and have visited Lope without
the groups dropped from 9.4 ‹ 4.7, in mating months, to noting great differences in group size, so it seems
1.5 ‹ 0.8 in other months, a sixfold difference. unlikely that Lope is exceptional. As few previous
Male numbers were not correlated to total group size studies have detailed their methods for group size
even within the mating season months (d.f. = 10, estimation, it is dif®cult to assess their accuracy, but
rs = 0.568, P < 0.2, NS), but were highly positively when a ®lm record cannot be made, accurate counts
correlated to the number of females with visible sexual are unlikely. In our study, when recording video ®lm, a
tumescence. Within the 10 mating season counts, these second count by direct observation was attempted in
relationships were best described by logarithmic curves case of problems with the ®lm apparatus. Observers
136 K. A. Abernethy, L. J. T. White and E. J. Wickings

generally were only able to count c. 60% of the true wild males, grunting may be continuous for up to 12
group size. The number of animals visible on encoun- h/day, whenever they are in the presence of sexually
tering a group of known size in the forest was also receptive females in a horde, which may be 6 consecu-
noted. A maximum of 26 individuals was seen during tive months for a male who joins the horde for the
such a scan, and a mean of 6.1, representing only 1.2% entire mating season. It seems probable that the devel-
of the actual group. It thus seems probable that groups opment of these costly displays must be of ultimate
could be seriously underestimated in forest using bene®t to lifetime reproductive success, either by their
methods other than ®lm records and that this may in¯uence on female mate choice, or male±male compe-
explain all, or at least part, of the discrepancy between tition (or both).
existing data and the new Lope data. Clearly an effort In captive mature male mandrills, plasma testosterone
to census mandrill hordes using the new ®lm methods is correlated to the intensity of skin coloration and body
over a much wider area will be necessary to con®rm bulk, the frequency of grunting and to ultimate repro-
how representative Lope really is. ductive success. The colours of captive males are
Groups of females and dependent offspring are brightest when they are dominant and have had most
cohesive throughout the year, but male presence is reproductive success (Wickings et al., 1993). Wild males
seasonal. A regular pattern of mature and sub-mature display equivalent bright coloration to captive males,
male immigration and emigration was repeated over and emit grunts throughout the time they are with
the 4 years of the study and is best explained by receptive females, but not once they are solitary, even if
changes in female attractiveness and receptivity. Males this occurs within the mating season months. In captive
are solitary when outside the horde and enter and mandrills, testosterone levels and skin colour intensity
leave independently. Bachelor groups have never been of subordinate males can be inhibited by the presence of
seen. a dominant individual (Wickings et al., 1993) suggesting
There is no evidence in the wild mandrill hordes of that the evolution of the coloration of the mature male
baboon-like `one male units'. Small, stable groups with mandrill has probably been driven at least in part by
a single mature male were never found, although occa- intrasexual competition.
sionally hordes were forced to split if they were The pressure on the itinerant males to impose dom-
interrupted crossing an open space. On these occasions, inance on rivals and potential mates without lengthy
the two parties always reunited after a few days. Male social interactions, as in most other primates (for
numbers were not correlated to horde size, as would be reviews see Smuts, 1985; Fleagle et al., 1999), is intense.
expected if hordes were aggregations of one-male units. The founding of success on display, rather than invest-
As most males are absent from the horde during half the ment in social interactions, could explain the evolution
year, it seems highly unlikely that they play any role in of these extreme secondary sexual characters.
horde cohesion, protection or leadership of sub-units
within the horde. The organization of mandrill hordes
seems to be as a female-led society, in which males play Acknowledgements
a peripheral role.
Unlike the breeding behaviour documented in most We thank M. Emile Mamfoumbi-Kombila, Directeur
cercopithecine societies, mature male mandrills interact de la Faune et Chasse du MinisteÁre des Eaux et ForeÃts
socially with other mandrills only when mating is du Gabon, for permission to work in the Lope Reserve
underway, thus they cannot form the long-term social and for his enthusiasm and support for our research;
bonds typical of the lives of most adult cercopithecines Alphonse Mackanga-Missandzou, Esther Ntsame
(for review of primate societies see Smuts et al., 1987 Alloghe, Jean Tondangoye and Simon AngoueÂ, heads
or Fleagle et al., 1999). At the start of the mating of the `Brigade de Faune' at Lope during the project, for
season, males return to the horde subsequent to the their help and collaboration in the ®eld: the ecoguides at
onset of sexual cycling amongst females, hence, mating the Lope Reserve, la Brigade de Faune de la LopeÂ, and
opportunities are immediate and any partner choice Aime Batsielili, Chris Fairgrieve, Gabriella Frediksson,
must be exercised quickly. Darwin (1871) noted that Miguel LeÂal, Ernestine Ntsame Effa, Natacha Bengone
`no other member in the whole class of mammals is N'ssi, Benoit Nziengui, Liz Rogers, Caroline Tutin,
coloured in so extraordinary a manner as the male Peter Walsh and especially, Jean-Thoussaint Dikanga-
mandrill' and mandrills have also one of the largest dissi, Edmond Dimoto, Jean-Gael Emptaz-Collomb,
sexual dimorphisms of the primates, with males Olivier Houe and William Karesh for help in the ®eld;
weighing more than three times the average female Joanna Setchell for help in animal identi®cation and
body weight (Wickings & Dixon, 1992b). Male man- useful discussion. The project was ®nancially supported
drills have evolved heavy investments in visual, by the Centre International de Recherches MeÂdicales de
auditory and olfactory displays. Not only the bright Franceville, The Wildlife Conservation Society, The
colours and large size, but also an intense grunting Disney Foundation and Edith and John Newberry. We
vocalization emitted by the breeding males when in the thank Drs Mike Bruford, Stephen Clifford, Liz Rogers,
presence of tumescent females, and scent marking by Caroline Tutin, Natasha Shah and two anonymous
rubbing trees against glands in the chest (Wickings & reviewers for discussion and comments on the manu-
Dixon, 1992a; Wickings, Bossi & Dixon, 1993). In script.
Group size and seasonal variation in mandrill hordes 137

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