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Teacher Judith E.

Delos Santos Grade Level 11

Teaching Dates June 3,4 & 7,8 ( Holiday June 5) Learning Area Personal Development
Lesson Log Teaching Time Quarter First Quarter
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
I. Learning Targets/
Specific Objectives
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of himself/herself during middle and late adolescence

B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to conduct self-exploration and simple disclosure

The learners shall:

C. Learning Competencies/ 1.1 explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths and limitations and dealing with others better EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.1
Objectives (L.C. Code) 1.2 share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.2
1.3 maintain a journal
The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to
The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to
explain that knowing oneself can share his/her unique
explain that knowing oneself can
make a person accept his/her characteristics, habits, and
make a person accept his/her share his/her unique characteristics,
Specific (Daily) Objective/s strengths and limitations and experiences
strengths and limitations and dealing habits, and experiences
dealing with others better
with others better
maintain a journal

1. Knowing Oneself Understanding 1. Knowing Oneself

oneself during middle and late Understanding oneself during middle 1. Knowing Oneself 1. Knowing Oneself
II. Learning Content adolescence and late adolescence Understanding oneself during Understanding oneself during middle
middle and late adolescence and late adolescence

III. Learning Resources

A. References Personal Development Personal Development Personal Development Personal Development
1. Teacher's Guide Pages p1 p 2-4 p 5-6 p 6-8
2. Learner's Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pp.
4. Additional Materials from
LR portal

B. Other Learning Resources

Orientation to Personal

What do you know understand

A. Reviewing Elicit: about Personal Development? How does the age and stage of
previous (The activities in
What is Personal Development? development of a person
this section will
lesson or evoke or draw out
presenting the prior concepts or Materials for Personal influence his her personal
prior experiences
new lesson from the students) Development development?
a. Journal Notebook
b. Large brown envelop
c. several sheets of white
B. Establishing a Engage: Introduction of one’s self
purpose for the (The activities in
(Use a Nametag Match Maker)
lesson this section will
stimulate their
How does the age and stage of
C. Presenting
thinking and help development of a person influence his
them access and Cite an example of how personal
connect prior her personal development?
knowledge as a development happens in real life.
instances of the jumpstart to the
present lesson.)
new lesson
Introduce the three aspects or Activity: Assign as seatwork Short lecture on Personal
domains of Human effectiveness
Development in Psychology Watch the video: Ted Talks- The Activity : Self-Concept
( Papalia and Feldman 2012) Hidden Power of Smiling, Ron Inventory: Exploring One’s Differentiate:
Gunman Strengths and Limitations a. Experience
(In this section, 1. Physical Development b. Knowledge
students will be
given time to think, 2. Cognitive Development Discuss in class the reactions of Take a look at your own self- c. Skills
D. Discussing new plan, investigate,
and organize 3. Psychosocial Development students to the video. concept inventory in your
concepts & collected
information; or the journal. Give a rating using
practicing new performance of the
skills #1 planned/prepared Group the students and discuss the scale given.
activities from the
students’ manual among themselves the issue below
with data gathering
with Guide Ask students to write their
Human Development is also insights and realizations in
influenced by; their journal.
1. Heredity
2. Environment
3. Maturation

What is self-concept?
E. Discussing new
concepts & Imagine yourself looking into a
practicing new mirror. What do you see? Do
skills #2 you see your ideal self or actual
Explain: Question: How Positive Psychology is affects our
(In this section,
students will be personality?
involved in an
analysis of their Is it Personality Development or
exploration. Their
understanding is Personal Development? Positive Psychology is the scientific
clarified and
study of the strengths and virtues that
modified because of
F. Developing
enable individuals and communities to
1. What is ideal self? Actual
mastery of the gathered data
thrive. The field is founded on the
and results and be
self? Self-knowledge? Ideal self?
able to answer the
Guide Questions
belief that people want to lead
leading to the focus
concept or topic for
meaningful and fulfilling lives, to
the day.) cultivate what is best within them, and
to enhance their experiences of love,
work and play.
G. Finding What are your personal
practical Elaborate: experiences as an adolescent in
applications of (This section will How can our talents develop your Discuss the journal of
give students the terms of the way you think,
concepts and opportunity to personality? students.
skills in daily expand and reason, feel, and the way you
living their understanding express yourself?
of the concept
H. Making and/or apply it to a What is Personal Development?
generalizations real-world situation)

and abstraction
Evaluation: Search for Outstanding Qualities
(This section will
provide Showcase of Talents
opportunities for
concept check test Rubric for assessment
items and answer
I. Evaluating key which are 25%- Originality
aligned to the
Learning learning objectives 25%- Creativity/Resourcefulness
– content and
performance 25%-Teamwork and Coordination
standards and
address 25%- Audience
misconceptions- if

(This section gives
situation that Assignment ( Presentation will be
explains the topic in
a new context, or on June 7, 2019)
integrate it to
concern) Group the students according to
their interest. Let them choose a
J. Additional
activities for
application and Activity 1. Showcase of Talents
Rubric for assessment
25%- Originality
25%- Creativity/Resourcefulness
25%-Teamwork and Coordination
25%- Audience

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?

Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Subject Teacher OIC-Head Teacher Principal III


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