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2019 Hash Tags

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The Photographer’s Guide to

Instagram Hashtags


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Introduction 4
Travel 5
Portraits 10
Black and White 13
Street 17
Architecture 22
Minimalism 25
Documentary 29
Landscape 33
Film 37
Fine Art 42
Drones/Aerial 46
Nature/Wildlife 51
Still Life 55
Conclusion 59

© 2019 PhotoShelter, Inc

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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PhotoShelter, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of
this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
Photographed by MATT DIRKSEN The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation.
© Jonathan Lo, IG: @happymundane, seen on @acolorstory

When used effectively, Instagram hashtags can increase profile views and your photo. On the other hand, tagging your photo with a submittable
help photographers get profile visits from potential clients, fans, and photo hashtag submits your photo to a feature page for consideration. Once
editors. Hashtags are a key factor in getting your profile discovered so you submitted, editors can choose your photo to post to their feature page.
can find your audience and keep them engaged.
In this complete guide to hashtags, all suggested genre hashtags are just
We want you to gain exposure and stand out among millions of Instagram that—suggestions. Instagram has far more content available and ready
posts by becoming a pro. Our comprehensive guide will help increase your for tagging for search and submission.
profile views and engagement, making you a pro in the ever-evolving and
expanding world of hashtags. Organized by genre, our guide focuses on
niche interests to help get your work out there and in front of a targeted
audience of people with similar interests.

This guide details two types of hashtags: searchable tags and submittable
tags. What’s the difference? Searchable hashtags allow users to filter
photos by searching for a specific tag. For example, tagging a photo with
#bluesky allows people interested in that hashtag to search for it and find

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 4


Whether you consider yourself a travel
photographer or not, if you take photos
during your travels, we recommend
taking a look at this section. It’s one of
the largest and most popular sections
of Instagram, and interest in the
images goes beyond the traditional
photography circle.

© Emily Nathan, IG: @ernathan, seen on @tinyatlasquarterly

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 5

Travel companies, airlines, guides, magazines, and Travel searchable #travelphotographer The generic tags are often the
blogs look for inspiration from popular travel images #intothewild If you’ve seen the film adapted from most used, and also the easiest to find.
and Instagram profiles. The people searching for and Jon Krakauer’s non-fiction book of the same name,
taking these images are affected by a contagious you should be able to imagine the imagery and feel #traveldeeper The tag to use when your images go
wanderlust and desire to just go. Popular searchable of images with this hashtag. Solitude, the wilderness, beyond scraping the surface and instead strive to
travel hashtags here often allude to movies, books, adventure, frugality, and a backpack or camper as a deepen your travel experience by immersing yourself
or songs about being on the road—places where home feature frequently. in the culture or getting off the beaten path.
people gain travel inspiration. They also often hone in
on visual trends. It can be useful, even if not working #tinypeopleinbigplaces No selfies, facial features #suitcasetravels This hashtag is ideal for those
in this genre, to see what developments are being difficult to make out—as the hashtag suggests, the who enjoy comfort, boutique hotels, visits to historic
made in this field. From postcard-perfect captures figures in these pictures should be dwarfed by the chateaux, and drinking a glass of red with an ocean
of sunsets to grainy photographs of tiny people on surrounding environment—and this should ideally view. It’s also loved by travelers who wish to share
the road, there’s something here for everyone. Most be awe-inspiring. with the world the contents of their suitcase, or are
of the photographers we interviewed shared the curious as to what others pack.
same view that diversity of place can help get your #bestplacestogo Use this tag if you’re happy to
work noticed, though a unique approach that is well share your travel discoveries with the world. If #letsgosomewhere Use this to share your picturesque
executed is what will get your work chosen. you want to keep your destination secret, perhaps panoramas of beautiful places, grainy captures of road
better to avoid it. trips through the wilderness, and city sights; images
that inspire others to buy a plane ticket are more likely
#cityview Whether you’re looking down at the city to get noticed.
from a mountain pass, a high building, or flying a drone,
this is a good tag to show off your best cityscapes. #welltravelled Attach this to your travel pictures of
anywhere that has taken your breath away.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 6


Travel Submittable @passionpassport

@dametraveler Submissions: #passionpassport
Submissions: #dametraveler Followers: 1m
Followers: 522k Posts with this hashtag: 19,878,459
Posts with this hashtag: 3,980,676 The photographs shared in this international
“All images must have a female subject with a scenic community of travelers, storytellers, and creatives
backdrop. The smaller you are in the shot, the better,“ encourage viewers to keep exploring. Every image
writes Nastasia Wong, founder of dametraveler. “And is a colorful window into a unique destination,
this means no selfies.“ Photographers should use accompanied by a story or personal anecdote to paint
natural lighting and unique compositions that have a more vivid picture of the place and situation.
the ability to transport the viewer into a dream world.
@moodygrams Submissions: #lifeofadventure
Submissions: #moodygrams Followers: 421k
Followers: 1.1m Posts with this hashtag: 12,860,092
Posts with this hashtag: 24,427,088 Adrenaline sports, intrepid journeys, and vertiginous
“We are looking for a particular aesthetic,“ writes heights appear frequently in these typically grainy
moodygrams founder Shauna. “Photos edited with images. This hashtag is ideal for those who live frugally
© Denise Bartels, IG: @whereistheflow,
seen on @passionpassport fade, to give it a soft, subtle and moody look are on the road but know how to live life to the max.
more likely to get noticed. Anything on the sharper
#travelmemories Sometimes nostalgia strikes and side would more than likely be passed on.“ Shauna
you can’t help but look back at old photographs of is drawn to images that convey a feeling, though
your time on the beach or on the top of that mountain. she also recognizes that nature photographs are
If one catches your eye, share it with this hashtag. currently the most likely to appeal to the community.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 7


Submissions: #stayandwander
Followers: 723k
Posts with this hashtag: 8,782,274
Adventure inspiration for travelers whose idea of fun is
living in a log cabin in a remote wooded mountain valley.

Submissions: #mytinyatlas
Followers: 145k
Posts with this hashtag: 7,046,573
“Make sure your submission is in color (we tend to
prefer natural colors) and ensure that your images
have a geo-location—they can’t be secret,“ writes
tinyatlasquarterly founder Emily Nathan. The team is
drawn to photographs of destinations that are up-
and-coming and remote. Rather than selfies, they © Kyle Dempsey, IG: @kylefinndempsey © Larry McMillian, IG: @larrythephotographer
as seen on @livefolk as seen on @moodygrams
favor tiny people in big places.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 8


Submissions: #folkgood
Followers: 146k
Posts with this hashtag: 3,776,276
The typical photos shared by folkgood offer windows
into the great outdoors, specifically the most
northern and southern reaches of the planet, through
soft filters. Human presence should seamlessly blend
into the surrounding environment.

Submissions: #ourplanetdaily
Followers: 2.7m
Posts with this hashtag: 8,728,765
Ourplanetdaily seeks outstanding photographs of
nature, wildlife, and different regions of the planet.
Unusual destinations, in addition to flora and fauna,
are going to generate the most interest. © Umberto Mezzadra, IG: @umbetravel
as seen on @ourplanetdaily

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 9


From close-up shots in an environment
that provides context to a full body image
against a neutral background, portraits
allow you to show off your personal
style. Whether you capture portraits in a
studio or with natural light on the street,
there are plenty of suggestions here to
help you stand out.

© Anna Garbowska, IG: @anka_nyc, seen on @portrait_perfection

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 10


Portraits searchable #postmoreportraits Whether you interpret this

#portraitphotography Join one of the largest as a reminder to take more portraits or see it as a
collections of portrait-only images using this self- request to other Instagrammers to follow suit, use
explanatory hashtag. this hashtag to draw more attention to your personal
portrait photography.
#portraits Similar to the above, though a search
may yield results for paintings, drawings, and #makeportraits Another hashtag that can be read
other multimedia projects. This may play to your as both self-encouragement and a challenge to
advantage, though, so you can reach new audiences. your followers.

#portraitperfection For when you’re particularly

Portrait submittable
pleased with a portrait and want it shown with the
best of the best.
Submissions: #pursuitofportraits
Followers: 242k
#portraitoftheday This one’s applicable to almost
Posts with this hashtag: 6,050,547
any kind of portrait, whether it’s a formal studio shot
Saunak Shah, the founder of this feature page,
or an on-the-go snap of a friend, and you can also
reveals what he looks for in submissions: “The
use it as a daily nudge to keep shooting regularly.
perfect image that represents the pursuit of portrait
is one that emulates a moment captured in time, a
sense of place, and an emotion.“

© Francesco Giordano, IG: @fotogiordano

image of @dianazugaro as seen on @quietthechaos

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 11


@quietthechaos @discoverportrait
Submissions: #quietthechaos Submissions: #discoverportrait
Followers: 175k Followers: 75.1k
Posts with this hashtag: 4,536,501 Posts with this hashtag: 3,730,439
A popular lifestyle feature page with a mix of If you check out this feature page, you’ll get a feel
traditional portraits, mysterious shots taken from for the distinctive aesthetic they go for—a lot of
behind, and environmental portraits. In some of close-up images of people. Photographs of women
these, there are also tiny people in big places. are also more common, though male subjects do
appear occasionally.
Submissions: #postthepeople @portrait_perfection
Followers: 78.4k Submissions: #portrait_perfection
Posts with this hashtag: 6,981,392 Followers: 27.6k
A variety of traditional and unconventional Post with this hashtag: 4,631,892
perspectives, as well as diverse subjects make Showcasing the full spectrum of portraiture,
up this fashion-inspired portrait feature page. portraits of men, women, and children are featured
Submissions must include a short story to in both color and black and white. There’s a variety
accompany the portrait. of styles and genres, as well as some group
portraits in the mix.

© Paige Margulies, IG: @drelladarko,

seen on @discoverportrait

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 12


Black and white

Employed by traditional and
contemporary photographers alike, black
and white images have an undeniable
appeal. If it was good enough for Henri
Cartier-Bresson and Robert Frank, it
should be enough for you—right?

© Romain Estebanr, IG: @romestebanr, seen on @bnw_planet

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 13


Shooting in black and white is as challenging as it #blackandwhiteart If your work is in black and white
is appealing: without color, one is forced to focus and also fits the fine art genre, use this hashtag.
on other compositional aspects like form and
geometry. Although the feature pages suggested #blackandwhiteonly Unfortunately, many
below differ in their willingness to stretch the popular hashtags become commandeered by
definition of black and white to sepia, they all share spammers, from time to time. To avoid getting
an interest in the altered world presented to us by lost in the shuffle, try adding “only“ to the end to
monochrome vision. ensure that your images reach the right people.

#blackandwhite_perfection If you’ve taken a

Black and white searchable
black and white shot you’re particularly proud of,
#monochrome To be used with any photograph
use this hashtag.
taken in black and white, or when there are varying
tones of only one colour.
Black and white submittable
#blackandwhitephotography To be used exclusively @flair_bw
with photographs taken in black and white. Submissions: #flair_bw
Followers: 98.4k © Lan IG: @axislan_photography, seen on @bnw_captures

#bwphotography Same thing, different wording. Posts with this hashtag: 875,536
This page is part of pr0ject_uno, an Instagram “Every day I look through hundreds of hashtags, so
#instablackandwhite Adding the prefix insta- to community that hosts over 20 feature pages. first of all the image has to jump out at me from a
a genre instantly turns it into a popular searchable The community has partnered with INSPADES thumbnail view.“ She tends to go for images which
Instagram hashtag. Magazine to promote and publish the work of somehow move her, often selecting images that are
artists. Carol Gong, creator of pr0ject_uno writes, “dramatic, edgy and artistic.“

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 14


Submissions: #bnw_captures
Followers: 74.2k
Posts with this hashtag: 7,391,185
Many specialties are shown on this page, including
portraits, documentary, and landscape photography.
The only requirement is that your image is in black
and white. Without colour to guide the way, allow for
some negative space to make for easier viewing in

Submissions: #bnw_life
Followers: 39.8k
Posts with this hashtag: 6,048,991
Many of the photos here portray people in their
environment or hint at human presence. All of the
images featured are monochromatic.

Submissions: #bnw_city
© Saminglefinch, IG: @saminglefinch, seen on @bnw_city
Followers: 30.3k
Posts with this hashtag: 2,047,312

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 15


Despite the inclusion of “city“ in the name, bnw_

city accepts black and white photographs covering
everything from fine art, documentary, portraits,
landscapes, and architecture.

Submissions: #bnwmood
Followers: 78k
Posts with this hashtag: 4,111,749
Most images shown on this feature page are
characterized by strong compositional elements like
geometric lines and curves. As demonstrated by
many black and white images, negative space can be
used to great effect in photography—such images
are regularly selected by feature page editors.
© Emilio Hernandez, IG: @emiliobarrioneuv0, seen on @bnwmood © Ted Chin, IG: @eye.c, seen on @bnw_life
Submissions: #bnw_planet
Followers: 239k
Posts with this hashtag: 3,921,491
This page showcases realistic and surreal images
from around the globe, usually in sepia tone or
black and white—the occasional color photo
sneaks in from time to time, too.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 16


Those who shoot street often adhere
closely to its traditional conventions
and, quite rightly, view it as one of the
most challenging and rewarding uses of
the medium. Sizing up the background
composition and honing in on subjects
as they move in and out of the frame,
one must think and act fast. In any given
photo, there’s going to be an element of
intention and an element of chance.

© Gareth Bragdon, IG: @the_bragdon_brothers, seen on @ourstreets_

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 17


Due to its misleading name, the term street Street searchable

photography is often misunderstood and interpreted #streetphotography If your photograph is in this
as “photographs of the street,“ or simple cityscapes. genre, this hashtag should enable street photography
Photographs in this category, though, can pertain to fans to find your work more easily.
any image caught in a public area, be it the street, a
park, or even a beach. #streetphoto This may sound much like the
precedent, though your photograph might be found by
A long-established genre, feature pages and a new audience with the slight change of wording. It
devotees have developed differing opinions about pays to experiment as there are many combinations of
shooting in black and white or color, the best lens words used and searched for by different people.
choice, the use of flash, how candid the image should
be, and the necessity of images even containing #photostreet Case in point, sometimes you can
human subjects. Our suggestions provide a starting simply swap the words around to get your work seen
point, so you can share your street photographs with by more people who think differently.
potential fans and enthusiasts.
#bnw_street This hashtag speaks for itself. Use it
if you shoot street and your images are black and
white—and get your work seen by others who
© David Sark, IG: @_davidsark, seen on @streetdreamsmag
appreciate this aesthetic.

#streetview If you use this hashtag, your image

should should show more of the street than a
regular closeup image, capturing the background and
architecture, as well as the foreground.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 18


#streetportrait A street portrait is a photograph of

a stranger in a public environment, which you have
captured with their prior permission. Unlike more
candid photos, the subject must be aware of being
photographed. There is often a lot of support from
fellow Instagram street photographers who are
aware of the fear and taxing time constraints that
come with taking street portraits.

#streetphotographers Often used by those who

consider themselves dedicated followers of the
genre, this hashtag can be a good way of accruing
like-minded followers.

#ig_street A good tip: Adding ig_ as a prefix

works for many genres to reach an entirely
new demographic of enthusiasts and practiced

© Patrick Dreuning, IG: @patrickdreuning, seen on @storyofthestreet

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 19


Street submittable
Submissions: #streetleaks
Followers: 86.6k
Posts with this hashtag: 2,199,648
The majority of images featured by streetleaks are
street portraits and candid close-ups of people,
though this feature page is open to unconventional
shots too. There are some photographs that feature
tiny, unrecognizable people in big, open spaces, or
pictures of people taken from behind.

Submissions: #friendsinperson
Followers: 132k
Posts with this hashtag: 1,223,670
Almost immediately upon landing on their page,
you’ll get a feel for the distinctive aesthetic of
friendsinperson. Shadows, silhouettes, reflections,
and shrouded faces make for some very mysterious © Taisir Mahdi, IG: @taisirphoto, seen on @friendsinperson
images, showing our world through a strange and
often surreal filter.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 20


@ourstreets_ @storyofthestreet
Submissions: #ourstreets Submissions: #storyofthestreet
Followers: 70.9k Followers: 70.1k
Posts with this hashtag: 1,439,801 Posts with this hashtag: 1,890,282
“As a group, we all like different things, so when This page generally features what most people
looking for photos to feature, we keep an open mind,“ expect from street photography; most of the images
writes Joe Brazil of ourstreets_. “We also understand shown here were captured on the street and convey
that we are all at different stages of our journey and cityscapes, usually with human subjects. They feature
like to give people that are showing progress a chance.“ black and white and color images—notice that black
and white stripes (pedestrian crossings and jagged
@streetdreamsmag shadows) appear frequently in their feed.
Submissions: #streetdreamsmag
Followers: 270k
Posts with this hashtag: 10,900,041
Additional hashtag: #sdmfeatures
Posts with this hashtag: 280,188
Streetdreamsmag is a popular Instagram feature
page, a quarterly photography publication, and a
content creation studio. They feature a diverse mix of
traditional and more experimental street photos, and
the tangible possibility of print publication makes it
all the more appealing to professional photographers
looking for more exposure.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 21


When walking in a town or city with a camera
or phone, it’s hard not to look up at impressive
feats of architecture and feel compelled to
turn your lens upwards—or downwards if
standing at the top of a skyscraper. Beyond
the allure of straightforward architecture
photography, street and documentary
photographs are also often made or enhanced
by the strong geometries of the architecture in
which the subject exists.

© Mark Den Hartog, IG: @markdenhartogphotography, seen on @minimal_lookup

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 22


Whether it’s a contemporary building or one with Architecture submittable

more history, man-made structures are interesting @minimal_lookup
both as the background to another subject or the Submissions: #minimal_lookup
main focus of your capture. Followers: 91.1k
Posts with this hashtag: 590,419
If you’ve taken a minimalist photograph of a building
Architecture searchable
against a blue or white sky, or captured it looking up
#architecturelovers Use this hashtag to accompany
from the ground level, it might be worth submitting
an architecture photo and show off your work to like-
to this feature page. In order to get noticed, the
minded architecture enthusiasts.
few components of your image should be bold—
geometric shapes often catch editors’ eyes.
#architecturephotography A simple hashtag to
denote the genre in which you’re shooting.
Submissions: #skyscraping_architecture
#archidaily A classic hashtag used by those who love
Followers: 80.2k
architecture and architecture photography to share
Posts with this hashtag: 278,889
work with others with this common interest.
“I am looking for bright shots with an interesting
point of view,“ writes Stanish Stanishev, the owner
#architexture This popular hashtag can be used with © Roc Isern, IG: @stoptheroc, seen on @creative_architecture
and sole moderator of this feature page. “I tend to go
close-up images of architecture that clearly convey
for images that haven’t been seen before on other
its curves, geometrical forms, and lines.
feature pages,“ he says.

#minimalarchitecture If your photograph of

architecture is minimalist, use this hashtag to reach
out to others who appreciate this aesthetic.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 23


@architectonics_world @creative_architecture
Submissions: #architectonics_world Submissions: #creative_architecture
Followers: 7,483 Followers: 36.7k
Posts with this hashtag: 317,509 Posts with this hashtag: 653,408
“We look for representative architectural works of For all styles of architectural photographs taken in
each country,“ writes Oscar Solís, architectonics_ either color or black and white, including minimal,
world founder. “We select photographs of all types, abstract, and realistic. Many of the images shown
always related to architecture, with excellent include tiny people in big places and a worm’s eye
composition, symmetry, color, angle and most view of ornate ceilings and roofs.
importantly, beauty.“

Submissions: #icu_architecture
Followers: 18.2k
Posts with this hashtag: 602,985
“We’re looking for high quality shots of contemporary
architecture,“ writes Marco de Groot, who helps curate
icu_architecture. “When choosing submissions, I’m
© Andy Hendrata, IG: @andyhendrata, seen on @icu_architecture
looking for balance in a picture; symmetry, patterns
and rhythm can really help a picture pop out.“

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 24


If you like removing the superfluous and
capturing the essence of a scene, you should
read through this section. Photographers
who shoot street, documentary, travel
or any other genre might benefit from
reviewing the suggestions below. Though if
you’re a dedicated professional minimalist
photographer, we also have plenty to
help promote that bold and colorful candy
minimal aesthetic, as well as something
more conservative.
© Noemie Forget, IG: @noemieforget, seen on @learnminimalism

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 25


Minimalism searchable

#mindtheminimal A classic hashtag loved and used

by other minimalists to share their best work and
find new exciting minimalist photographers.

#killerminimal Another very popular classic

hashtag used by professional minimalist

#minimalphotography Sometimes using a simple

hashtag to label the genre will enable those who
like this aesthetic to find your work.

#minimalist A simple hashtag to explain your

aesthetic preference. This can be used for any
content with minimal compositions.
© Charlotte Savely, IG: @charlottelittlewolf, seen on @minimalmood © Maco Kirahvi, IG: @maco_kirahvi, seen on @minimalmood

#minimalism The same applies to this hashtag.

#best_minimal If you’re particularly proud of a #ig_minimalistic Applicable to any genre/aesthetic,
#minimal_shots Another hashtag that can used for minimalist shot, you can try using this hashtag to get to create a new hashtag simply add the prefix ig_ to
any photographs that are minimalist in composition. it seen by others looking for la crème de la crème. be found by a new demographic.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 26


Minimalism submittable @candyminimal

@minimalmood Submissions: #candyminimal
Submissions: #minimalmood Followers: 132k
Followers: 157k Posts with this hashtag: 610,978
Posts with this hashtag: 3,126,208 Quintessentially what it describes itself as; you can
Minimalmood tends to go for images with strong expect vibrant and pastel candy-like colors, bold
lines, geometric shapes, curves, and shadows. shapes and quirky subjects. Many of the images
Humans are often present, though they are tiny in chosen feature prominently pink and/or blue.
relation to the minimalist world in which they reside.
@learnminimalism Submissions: #minimal_perfection
Submissions: #learnminimalism Followers: 47.9k
Followers: 14k Posts with this hashtag: 1,555,659
Posts with this hashtag: 527,199 “I look for the rule of thirds in a minimalist image—
“I look at the overall balance and composition—is it’s important to leave enough space between the
the color palette good? Is it staged? We tend not subject and the background,“ writes Luigi Stranieri,
to go for staged photographs, and the less editing, founder of minimal_perfection. “I don’t have a
the better,“ writes Prakash Ghai, founder and owner favorite style.“
of learnminimalism. “We’re also looking for images
that have an emotional appeal, story, or relate to a
certain mood.“
© Collin Pollard, IG: @collpoll19, seen on @minimal_perfection

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 27


Submissions: #minimalism
Followers: 157k
Posts with this hashtag: 13,599,139
The components of the images shared by this page
are reduced to the bare minimal, creating a zen-like
feel that for a moment distracts us from the chaos
of the real world. In contrast to candy minimal, the
colors favored by minimalism are less saturated.

© Erin Summer, IG: @erinsummer, seen on @candyminimal

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 28


Photojournalists and documentary photographers
around the world endeavor to fill in the holes left
by mainstream media, effectively contributing
to a collective movement that documents and
remembers more than just the lives of the 1%.
Photo stories can highlight where you live or travels
abroad; they can focus on human, environmental, or
wildlife issues, though often these exist side by side.
They can be the product of assignments or even
ongoing personal long-term projects. Check out the
suggestions below to see where best to share the
stories you want to tell. © Aik Beng Chia, IG: @aikbengchia, seen on @everydayasia

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 29


Documentary searchable
#photojournalism An umbrella hashtag to cover
anything related to reportage.

#photojournalist Use this hashtag if you identify as a


#35mmsyndrome For those partaking in the

renaissance of film photography.

#documentaryphotography Whether the work is

personal or journalistic, documentary photography is a
tag for those interested in storytelling through images.

#documentary A broader hashtag that encompasses

any record of life.

#reportage Use if your photograph is journalistic, in

its purest form. © Jared Moossy, IG: @jaredmoossy, seen on @everydayusa

#environmentalportrait Use this hashtag if you #streetscene Overlap between street and
#documentyourdays Photographs with this hashtag
portray your subject in a natural context, i.e. the documentary photography is to be expected, for
tend to focus on the everyday and the ordinary,
place they live, work, or where the story they are both genres have similar aspirations of capturing raw
because documentary doesn’t always have to be
part of unfolds. moments as they happen. Use this hashtag with any
about serious issues.
unstaged photographs captured in public areas.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 30


#photodocumentary Another way of describing Documentary submittable

documentary photo is to swap the words around. @everydayasia
Use this hashtag to reach another audience. Submissions: #everydayasia
Followers: 195k
#onassignment If you’re on assignment and Posts with this hashtag: 645,770
want to share some behind-the-scenes moments Another part of the #everydayeverywhere family, this
or preview what you’re doing—providing the feature page concentrates on exactly what it says it
organization who commissioned you gave you does. If you’ve captured a specific social event or your
permission to do so—this one’s for you. It’s a good long-term documentary work was carried out in Asia,
hashtag to use both to demonstrate to editors that here’s your hashtag.
you’re a working professional photographer, and
thus reliable and in-demand, and appeal to other @everydayeverywhere
people’s curiosities. Submissions: #everydayeverywhere
Followers: 206k
© Fidel Carrillo, IG:,
#photostory If the photo you’re sharing is part of a Posts with this hashtag: 1,985,027 seen on @everydaylatinamerica

larger photo story, or conveys a message as a single “When looking for images, I prefer to feature the work
frame, use this hashtag to communicate it. of photographers who are dedicating themselves @everydayusa
to larger projects and themes, rather than focusing Submissions: #everydayusa
strictly on aesthetics,“ writes Tristan Spinski, a Followers: 100k
guest curator at everydayeverywhere. “Some of Posts with this hashtag: 51,149
the themes I’ve been interested in highlighting are Any photograph captured in the USA which conveys
identity, migration, community, human rights and the a story—political or more introspective—can be
relationship between people and the landscape.“ submitted to this page.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 31


Submissions: #everydaylatinamerica
Followers: 72.6k
Posts with this hashtag: 269,483
Every Friday, they feature images from
photographers who use the hashtag
everydaylatinamerica. Co-founder Oscar Durand
provides more insight into what they’re looking for
in submissions: “More than just beautiful frames
that present Latin America as an exotic destination,
we are looking for images that highlight our
similarities with other parts of the world.“

Submissions: #everydayclimatechange
Followers: 122k
Posts with this hashtag: 24,351
Photos submitted to this page should in some
way aim to raise awareness about climate change,
exposing the droughts, loss of habitats and © Georgina Goodwin/CARE, IG: @ggkenya, seen on @everydayclimatechange

livelihoods that are putting much of the world, its

people and biodiversity in jeopardy.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 32


Landscapes convey terrain, environment, and
habitat. They provide context to long-term
documentary projects; for the stories that unfold
do so in a certain place. Chances are you’ve
photographed a landscape even if you’re not a
landscape photographer. Though if you are, you’ll be
familiar with the diversity of topography, light and
climate that can be found on earth—the diversity
that makes landscape photography exciting. Our
suggestions below cover a variety of environments
and styles, so as to help meet the needs of urban
explorers and those who prefer the wilderness. © Anton Glavas, IG: @antong_hrv, seen on @guardiancities

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 33


Landscape searchable #landscape_hunter The landscapes under this

#landscape The most simple hashtag to accompany hashtag tend to be quieter and more elusive—the
a photograph of a landscape. discoveries photographers make on long walks
through the wilderness.
#landscapephotography Another straightforward
hashtag to indicate the specialty. #landscape_specialist Whether your landscape
photograph captures the great outdoors, includes
#landscapecaptures Use this popular hashtag traces of man’s presence, or focuses on an urban
to have your work seen by fellow landscape area, use this for your postcard perfect images.
#sunsetonthebeach Does your landscape picture
#liveoutdoors Use this hashtag if your photograph capture something specific like a sunset on the
was taken in the wilderness, in a national park, beach? Tell people and it will be easier to filter
mountain range, or by the sea—not to be used with your photo from the crowds. This is a particularly
urban landscape captures. common shot.

#landscapelovers An extremely popular hashtag #mountainscape Another popular shot and hashtag
used to show enthusiasm toward landscapes and to be used with landscape captures of mountains. ©, IG: @nois7, seen on @way2ill_

landscape photography.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 34


Landscape submittable @way2ill_

@landscape_captures Submissions: #way2ill
Submissions: #landscape_captures Followers: 307k
Followers: 60k Posts with this hashtag: 11,308,946
Posts with this hashtag: 7,691,701 “We feature different types of photos, including
“A wise friend once told me that everything has landscapes and streetscapes,“ writes curator Eric
already been photographed, so I look for the one that Do. “Photos that do well tend to show a location
sets them apart,“ writes moderator Pamela DuMarc. in a new way. This can be the framing, the lighting,
“It has to draw attention not just by the flashy the edit, etc. Dark edits do well for urban shots, and
colors of sunsets and sunrises. I also prefer seeing brighter edits do well for nature shots.“
a more natural color rather than a super edited
representation of the natural landscape.“ @urbanromantix
Submissions: #urbanromantix
@sunset_vision Followers: 110k
Submissions: #sunset_vision Posts with this hashtag: 4,113,377
Followers: 220k This feature page selects a variety of images
Posts with this hashtag: 1,872,183 captured in the setting of modern downtowns and
Sharp, professional images that go beyond the more historical old towns around the world. People,
usual sunset captures, and instead exploit the light lines, and bold structures appear frequently.
© Ed Rader, IG: @edraderphotography, as seen on @sunset_vision
in these twilight hours to create visually interesting,
altered landscapes.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 35


Submissions: #guardiancities
Followers: 86.4k
Posts with this hashtag: 1,089,60
An official feature page from The Guardian featuring
the best urban photographs, including street,
cityscapes, and architecture. Images may include
people, and it’s important to hashtag the location of
where your photograph was taken.

© Grebil Garcia, IG: @gs.pov, as seen on @urbanromantix

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 36


Film is making a comeback, solidified by Kodak
bringing back the classic KODAK EKTACHROME
Film to meet popular demand. With limited
shots due to the price of film and associated
processing costs, film photographers tend to be
more selective than digital photographers in what
they capture. Some love the process of changing
rolls and developing in a darkroom, while others
prefer the medium for its distinctive aesthetic and
colors. There is a tightly-knit community of film
photographers and enthusiasts on Instagram, and
the following suggestions will help you find them. © Jacqueline Cuervo, IG: @jackiecuervo, seen on @thefilmcommunity

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 37


Film searchable
#filmisnotdead With recent announcements from
big and smaller-scale film companies alike, this
hashtag will be more relevant than ever in the
coming years.

#ishootfilm If you want to differentiate yourself from

the crowd, use this hashtag.

#largeformat Digital might rival film in many aspects,

but there is still no affordable technology that can
produce the quality of large format film.

#shootfilmstaybroke If you suffer financially for your

art, this hashtag is for you.

#staybrokeshootfilm Another way of showing your

© Haley Rackliffe, IG: @thegroovediaries, seen on @istillshootfilm_official
(painful) dedication.

#analog Using analog cameras not only affects the #analogphotography Another hashtag to distinguish #alternativeprocess Because photography doesn't
aesthetic but the process as well. Use this hashtag to your craft. always have to show accurate colors.
highlight the distinction.
#keepfilmalive Use this hashtag to openly show that #darkroom Many photographers can't stop using
you're fighting for the cause. film for this reason alone.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 38


#shootfilmnotmegapixels Use this hashtag to show

support toward the film cause.

#shootmorefilm Fuel your addiction with this hashtag.

#mediumformat Medium format is one of the

reasons why many photographers choose film.
Why not give it a go and use this hashtag to share
your results?

#35mm The format that started it all. Use this

hashtag for any photo that fits the classic and
indisputably perfect 3:2 ratio.

#35mmfilm Another hashtag to try if you want to

make sure everyone knows you're using film.

#thirtyfivefuckingmillimeter Give your analog

passion an edgy angle.

#analoguevibes If you can't get enough of the

distinctive quality of film.

© Félix Bernier, IG: @_felixbernier, seen on @analogue_people

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 39


#filmcamera Whether you want to show off your Film submittable

new gear or what you create with it, this hashtag will @sharpfilm
certainly attract analog enthusiasts. Submissions: #sharpenmyfilm
Followers: 24.1k
#filmisalive It is indeed alive. Long live film! Posts with this hashtag: 387,198
“We gravitate toward photos that have bold lighting,
#shotonfilm Use this hashtag to let everyone know interesting placement of the subject, and beautiful
that you're not a machine gun photographer. clothing, makeup and models; we mainly feature
fashion and portrait work. Think Petra Collins and
#grainisgood If you’re a fan of organic-looking grain, Harley Weir,“ writes Gillian Cohen, the founder of
this hashtag is for you. sharpfilm. “Our Instagram feed is sorted by color,
so the color scheme of a photo also plays a part,
#buyfilmnotmegapixels For those who are part of although if we like a photo we’ll just save it until it
the analog revolution. matches the feed.“

#expiredfilm Just like perishable foodstuff, the @thefilmcommunity

quality of film deprecates with time if it's not Submissions: #thefilmcommunity
refrigerated. Unlike food, however, it's still safe for Followers: 116k
consumption after its expiration date. Just keep in Posts with this hashtag: 1,646,609
mind the colors might look a bit off. So long as it’s shot on film, email your image to for a chance to be
© Amber Maree, IG: @analogcreature, seen on @sharpfilm
featured. Their feed includes a diverse variety of
genres, from minimalism and landscapes to portraits,
street, and travel photography.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 40


Submissions: #heyfsc
Followers: 60.3k
Posts with this hashtag: 584,281
“Sometimes, I have an idea of the type of photo I
want to feature (street, landscape, portrait, b&w,
color, etc),“ writes curator and collective member of
filmshooterscollective Amy Jasek. “Fundamentals
such as composition and exposure come into
play, but I definitely strive to look beyond just
pieces that suit my own personal taste. And, of
course, the first rule is that the photograph has
to have been made with film; I like to know about
the camera and film used, so I can pass that
information on to our followers.“

Submissions: #analoguepeople © Nick Dantzer, IG: @americana.nervana, seen on @filmshooterscollective
Followers: 138k
Posts with this hashtag: 578,853
The photographs captured here tend to center on spot for imperfections, which he feels convey a
the hazy, mysterious aspect of film, notable for its certain form of melancholy. He reveals that he looks
quality of graininess and distinctive colors. Founder at submissions to other film-related hashtags as
and curator Christophe Mauberqué also has a soft well, so it might be worth using a variety.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 41


Fine Art
Fine art photography represents the vision of
the photographer as an artist. The results are
often less direct representations of a concept
when compared to photography specialties
that aspire to capture the truth more literally,
such as photojournalism.

© Reese Cooper Inc., IG: @reesecoop, seen on @rentalmagazine

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 42


In fine art photography, the image is at times subject #macro For those extreme close-up images where
to interpretation due to its ambiguous imagery, or you can make out the features of a bumblebee, the
the feeling conveyed through color and form. There cross-stitching of a scarf, or the detail of the stigma
is often overlap between fine art photography and of a flower.
other genres such as documentary and minimalism.
The following suggestions should enable you to #popsofcolor Colorful images that belong to the
discover new work and increase the likelihood of your candy minimal aesthetic are often accompanied by
best work being seen. this hashtag.

#ihavethisthingwithshadows The hashtag says it

Fine art searchable
all—if you’re obsessed with working shadows in your
#artphotography A hashtag to show that your
photography works, here’s a hashtag to attract the
photography is artistic and creative.
interest of like-minded people.

#fineartphotography A clear indicator of the genre

#longexposure For photos with a long exposure.
you’re shooting in. The biggest distinction between
this and the previous is the ambiguous notion of an
#longexpo The same, for those with less time.
added intellectual element.

#conceptualphotography If your work indirectly

#contemporaryphotography For photographs
points toward an idea but instead sends subtle cues,
that are in line with contemporary trends, or are © Anna Hahoutoff, IG: @annahahoutoff, seen on @broadmagazine
this hashtag is for you.
innovative and/or experimental in their own way.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 43


Fine art submittable

Submissions: #haftakeover
Followers: 38.7k
Posts with this hashtag: 48,793
“We look for images that are a little weird, off the
cuff,“ writes founder Jon Feinstein. “Our takeovers
range from photographers looking to get eyes on a
specific project to those who treat their time with us
like a true ‘residency,’ experimenting with a range of
approaches. Think of the advice that so many photo
magazines tell you re: ‘how to make Instagram photos
that pop and shine,’ and do the opposite of that.“

Submissions: #fisheyelemag
Followers: 76.2k
Posts with this hashtag: 573,399
The official feature page of French magazine Fisheye,
fisheyelemag shows an eclectic variety of fine art © Merel Schoneveld, IG: @merel_schoneveld, seen on @humbleartsfoundation

photographs. They also feature the best submissions

on their website.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 44


@acolorstory @broadmagazine
Submissions: #acolorstory Submissions: #broadmag
Followers: 650k Followers: 57.7k
Posts with this hashtag: 2,269,935 Posts with this hashtag: 1,108,159
A very popular feature page showing fine art “When picking photographs to feature, we often
photography that is, as you might have guessed, keep an eye out for less well-known photographers,“
colorful and reminiscent of the candy minimal reveals editor Gergo Farkas. “The amount of likes
aesthetic. and shares are definitely not the deciding factor.“
On aesthetic preference he says: “I love street
@rentalmagazine photography in all of its mutations so it tends to be
Submissions: #rentalmag heavily featured in our feed, and we admittedly go for
Followers: 92.9k a unique aesthetic. We also draw a group of followers
Posts with this hashtag: 1,351,781 heavily into minimalist compositions.“
“I am of course attracted to those photos that make
you stop scrolling and stare for a moment because
of something almost surreal happening in the
composition,“ writes Pat of rentalmagazine. “I love
the use of natural light in photos, either to create
an interesting shadow or just to light up the subject
© Jonathan Lo, IG: @happymundane, seen on @acolorstory
beautifully.“ Submit using hashtag or email your work

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 45


What’s it like to view the ground from a
bird’s perspective? Drone pilots have already
experienced it and many professional
photographers are following suit. This new
aerial perspective of our world challenges our
pre-existing thoughts about it, and shows
detail we didn’t necessarily know was there.

© Josh Carr-Hummerston, IG:, seen on @drone.globe

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 46


From the sky, artists are finding patterns in shadows, #dronestagram As with many genres, sticking the
as well when viewing both natural and human suffix -stagram at the end usually turns it into a new
environments. The possibilities are endless. With searchable hashtag.
or without a drone already in your possession,
the following suggestions should help you gain #dronesarefun Hobbyists and professional
inspiration or enable you to share your best work photographers alike can use this hashtag if they find
with professionals and hobbyists alike. the process enjoyable.

#dronepics Use this hashtag if your photograph was

Drones/Aerial searchable
taken with a drone.
#dronesaregood If you use a drone to take
photographs, you can use this hashtag.
#dronephoto Same as above, different wording to
reach more drone enthusiasts.
#dronelife This hashtag is usually used to show
human life from an aerial perspective: roads, urban
#aerialphoto Another hashtag that can be used by
areas, anything that hints at the presence of people.
anyone who photographs from an aerial perspective.

#aerialphotography Sky’s the limit really for this one.

#droneshot Synonymous with the previous two, a
As long as your photographs are taken from above © By Daily Overview, source imagery @DigitalGlobe, Eli Anderson,
tweak in wording means your photograph will be seen on @dailyoverview
the ground you can use this hashtag to get your work
seen by an entirely new demographic of searchers.
seen by others with this interest.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 47


#birdseyeview This hashtag can be use for any Drones/Aerial submittable

photographs taken from a bird’s perspective. While @droneoftheday
this usually means photographs of the ground taken Submissions: #droneoftheday
with a drone, it can also include photographs of the Followers: 255k
ground taken from high points such as skyscrapers Posts with this hashtag: 1,945,824
of cliffs. As the name suggests, droneoftheday features one
photograph per day and given this relative infrequency,
#dronepilot Whether you’re a qualified drone pilot the page is very selective in which pictures it shares.
or an aspiring one, this hashtag is likely to attract Sharp, interesting aerial images or videos that are
attention from those who take aerial photography chosen will be seen by over 160k follows.
#droneview Not necessarily a shot of the ground, Submissions: #droneporn
this hashtag can be used for any photographs Followers: 17.7k
captured with a drone. Posts with this hashtag: 681,377
If you’re more interested in sharing your gear with the
#aerialview This hashtag can be used for any world than the images themselves (even if it’s that
photographs taken from an aerial perspective. one time), here’s a hashtag that will help you reach © Faisal Sultan, IG: @friskygeek, seen on @fromwhereidrone
out to the rest of the gear-obsessed community.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 48


Submissions: #droneglobe
Followers: 61.5k
Posts with this hashtag: 133,903
Check out their page to get a better feel for their
preferred aesthetic—most images shown here are
sharp, filtered beautiful aerial captures taken all
around the world. For a chance to be selected, focus
on taking compositionally beautiful images in diverse
climates and terrains.

Submissions: #fromwhereidrone
Followers: 226k
Posts with this hashtag: 938,419
“I look for an image that makes me ask a question,“
writes Dirk Dallas, founder of fromwhereidrone. “The
question could be anything from ‘wow, where in the
world is that?’ to ‘how’d they capture or edit that?’“

© Roberto Hernandez, IG: @dronerobert, seen on @droneoftheday

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 49


Submissions: #dronesdaily
Followers: 51.9k
Posts with this hashtag: 880,304
“We look for a unique image. Something that draws
our followers’ eyes to the picture and makes them
stop scrolling through their feed,“ reveals dronesdaily.
“Whether it is something that makes you want to
travel to that location because of its natural beauty or
makes you question what exactly you are looking at.“

Submissions: #dronegear
Followers: 152k
Posts with this hashtag: 1,005,357
This feature page posts a mix of photographs taken
from an aerial perspective and images of gear, so it
appeals to tech-lovers and adventurers alike. If you
have a mind-blowing behind-the-scenes shot, this
one is perfect.
© Drones of Prey, IG: @dronesofprey, seen on @dronegear

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 50


Nature and wildlife photography provides a
new perspective about the world around us.
From a close-up of a praying mantis balancing
on a tree limb to a family of bears fording a
river, nature and wildlife photography has a
way of intriguing and captivating everyone.
It’s a genre that educates the audience
on the vast landscapes of the earth, while
showcasing the diverse and gorgeous
inhabitants of the world we live in.

© Dennis Hellwig, IG: @dennis.hellwig, as seen on @wildlifeplanet

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 51


The following hashtag and profile suggestions will

give you informative insight to the world of nature
and wildlife photography, outlining ways to share
your own work amongst the ever-growing nature
and wildlife photography communities.

Nature/Wildlife Searchable
#natureaddict An inspiring hashtag to show true
dedication to the art of nature photography.

#earthfocus For gorgeous landscapes and new

perspectives of earth, this hashtag is for earth lovers.

#mothernature This all-inclusive hashtag is a catch-all

© Benjamin Williamson, IG: @benjaminwilliamsonphotography, © Jon Langeland, IG: @leftjohn, as seen on @discoverwildlife
for anything and everything related to mother nature. as seen on @sonyalpha

#naturephotography From birds perfectly perched #naturelover Admirers of nature and all its forms use #earthpics See the earth from a new lens with
to fields of remarkably colored flowers, this hashtag this hashtag. this hashtag.
includes nature in all forms.
#wildlifephotography Whether your subject is a #natureshot Sunsets, landscapes and wildlife abound
#NatGeo Known for its quality wildlife captures, the roaring lion cub or an elk standing tall, explore this with this hashtag.
best of the best can be found here. hashtag to take a peek inside the life of the wild.
#planetearth This hashtag explores planet earth and
all its beauty.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 52


Nature/Wildlife Submittable @wildlife

@nature.geography Submissions: #WildlifeiG
Submissions: #naturegeography Followers: 362k
Followers: 2.2m Posts with this hashtag: 30,356
Posts with this hashtag: 703,824 Stare into the eyes of a red-eyed tree frog, swim
Nature.geography explores every corner of this world’s with a polar bear, watch a cheetah run as you scroll
natural beauty. Geographically diverse, this profile wildlife’s mesmerizing feed.
showcases landscapes of all types. From forests
to mountains, lakes and oceans, nature.geography @earthofficial
shows just how magically beautiful this world’s Submissions: #earthofficial
geography truly is. Followers: 2.7m
Posts with this hashtag: 3,409,772
@wilderness_culture Earthofficial aims to share photos of nature, travel
Submissions: #wildernessculture and wildlife in order to raise awareness of the beauty
Followers: 2m of our planet and the need to preserve it. Earthofficial
Posts with this hashtag: 9,362,738 showcases mother nature in all forms from bountiful
Wilderness_culture posts daily inspirational photos landscapes to the earth’s most amazing creatures.
of outdoor and travel adventures. Captivating photos
© Alex Zouaghi, IG: @a_ontheroad, as seen on @earthofficial
under the Northern Lights in Finland, camping near
New Zealand’s stunning mountain ranges and more,
wilderness_culture leaves you wanting to go on an
adventure of your own.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 53


Submissions: #WildlifePlanet
Followers: 3.3m
Posts with this hashtag: 1,531,028
Wildlifeplanet is proud to be Instagram’s largest
wildlife community with over 3 million followers.
Alongside stunning photos of animals and wildlife in
their natural environments, wildlifeplanet also posts
wildlife-related memes, and hosts giveaways for
participating followers.
© Shannon Wild, IG: @shannon_wild, as seen on @wildlife

Submissions: #Discoverwildlife @sonyalpha
Followers: 472k Submissions: #sonyalpha
Posts with this hashtag: 102,572 Followers: 1.3m
DiscoverWildlife gives viewers the opportunity Posts with this hashtag: 8,436,302
to discover the lives of nature’s wild inhabitants Sonyalpha is a community of showcased
through video and photo. It will leave you inspired as photographers. Their tagline is “Captured by you.
you look through candid photos of a tiger licking her Shared by us.“ —a promise sonyalpha keeps. For a
tiger cub, an Orca whale jumping 15 feet above the chance to have your nature and wildlife photography
ocean, and more. shared by sonyalpha, be sure to tag their handle and
hashtag on your post. © Derek Butler, IG: @hikester_, as seen on @wilderness_culture

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 54


Still Life
Still life photography is the photographic
counterpart to still life painting. Perfecting the art
of composition and lighting to create a beautiful
still life image certainly takes an understanding
of technique. Common subjects often include
natural items like flowers, produce, plants, and
rocks, combined with man-made items for
contrast or a bold visual statement. A branch
of still life photography, tabletop photography
focuses on capturing items placed on a table
whose subjects are often food and products.
© Marina Kuznetcova, IG: @00coffeecat00, as seen on @jj_still_life

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 55


The following suggestions can help amateurs and

professionals alike with still life inspiration and ways
to share your work.

Still Life Searchable

#stilllife This all-inclusive hashtag showcases still
life photographs and paintings alike.

#beautifulcuisines Creative and decadent, this

hashtag highlights tabletop photography of food.

#slowdownwithstills Slow down and enjoy the little

things in life with this hashtag.

#simpleandstill Minimalism at its finest as this

hashtag shows life’s simpler items.

#stilllifephotography Highlighting still life

photography specifically, this hashtag demonstrates
© Elizabeth Hammond Pyle, IG: @bottlebranch, as seen on @tv_stilllife
it’s a catch-all for still life enthusiasts.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 56


#stilllife_perfection Lighting and composition Still Life Submittable

are placed in highest regard with this hashtag’s @still_life_gallery_
perfection theme. Submissions: #still_life_gallery or #stilllifegallery
Followers: 209k
#simplethingsmadebeautiful Life is really about the Posts with this hashtag: 1,041,143 or 210,126
little things and this hashtag proves it. Still_life_gallery_ is a family owned and operated
gallery. Fall foliage, books, and food are all well-
#thebotanicalseries This hashtag focuses on the composed and lit in these beautiful and inspiring still
delicate beauty of flowers in still life form. lifes. The subjects and displays are so true to life it’s
as if you can smell them through the screen.
#petalsandprops Much like #thebotanicalseries,
this hashtag is used in imagery of flowers, close-up @country_stilllife
still life shots of petals, and the graceful staging and Submissions: #country_stilllife
waiting game of wilting flowers. Followers: 79.6k
Posts with this hashtag: 157,521
Country_stilllife showcases country life with still life
compositions set against a natural background with
natural lighting. Either near a window or outside,
country_stilllife creates inspiring moments with floral © Ronja Gruenkern, IG: @miss_gruenkern, as seen on @still_life_mood

arrangements, candles, and food.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 57


Submissions: #tv_stilllife
Followers: 124k
Posts with this hashtag: 805,798
Tv_stilllife includes many textures in one
composition. A smooth apple, a fuzzy sweater, a
crunchy leaf, a wet coffee all set with a wooden
background demonstrates the diversity in texture,
color, shapes to explore with still lifes.

Submissions: #still_life_mood
Followers: 23.9k
© Marta Batruch, IG:, as seen on @still_life_gallery_
Posts with this hashtag: 63,428
Still_life_mood makes inspiring still life photography
with spoonfuls of spices, cups of tea, books, and
macaroons. Colors and compositions that will leave © Jamie Jamison, IG: @alajamie, as seen on @country_stilllife
you inspired and appreciative of life’s simpler things.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 58


In this guide, hashtags for a variety of niche genres are listed and labeled For submittable hashtags, do your research on feature pages. Feature
as either searchable or submittable tags. Hashtags are a useful tool in pages, depending on their following, can be either large and competitive
getting your work seen by editors and posted on Instagram feature pages. (which could lead to more exposure if selected) or small and niche (which
This could lead to more work and assignments, a larger audience, and the could be less competitive and equally as rewarding if chosen). Like with
attention of potential clients. In addition to the photography genre, hashtags searchable hashtags, be on the lookout for new submittable hashtags and
can also provide information about the image, including camera type, watch out for those overloaded with spam content.
format, and location, for example.
We hope that this guide will inform you to grow your audience, and get
For more promotion of your photography, there are many ways to use your work seen. But, most importantly, we hope you have fun and get
Instagram hashtags. There’s a 30-hashtag limit in general—searchable or creative with hashtag use. Along with a consistent, quality feed, and
submittable, although you can add more in multiple comments. However, regularly scheduled posts, an interesting profile will draw and retain your
many photographers typically use less than 10 tags per post to avoid clutter, audience. Have fun!
and opt to tag them at the end of their caption. Most importantly, avoid
spam hashtags like #like4like to steer clear from attracting fake accounts
and an unwanted audience.

The 2019 Photographer’s Guide to Instagram Hashtags Page 59


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