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People v. Regalario G.R. 174483

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Republic of the Philippines the latter serious and mortal wounds which directly caused his death, to the

SUPREME COURT damage and prejudice of his legal heirs.

On October 9, 1998, accused-appellants, duly assisted by their counsel,
G.R. No. 174483 March 31, 2009 entered a plea of "not guilty" to the offense charged.4 Thereafter, trial ensued.

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, The prosecution presented the following as its witnesses: Zaldy Siglos, Nancy
vs. Sara, Ryan Sara, Armando Cabais Poblete, Ronnie Siglos, Cynthia Sevilla,
RAMON REGALARIO, MARCIANO REGALARIO, SOTERO REGALARIO, Norma Torres, Policeman Jose Gregorio, Cenen Talagtag, Cesar Sazon and
BIENVENIDO REGALARIO and NOEL REGALARIO, Accused-Appellants. Dr. Mario Cerillo, while Antonio Relato and Nicanor Regonia testified on
rebuttal. Nancy Sara, Cynthia Sevilla and Ryan Sara were presented for a
DECISION second time also as rebuttal witnesses.

LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: On their part, accused-appellants took the witness stand. All raised the
defense of denial except for Ramon who admitted the act charged but claimed
For automatic review is the decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. self-defense. To corroborate their defense, Jose Poblete and Adonis Velasco
CR No. 01556 which affirmed with modification, an earlier decision2 of the were presented. The defense also presented Senior Police Officer 2 (SPO2)
Regional Trial Court of Ligao, Albay, Branch 13 in Criminal Case No. 3613, Jimmy Colisao, Harold Reolo, Ma. Julieta Razonable, and Dr. Leopoldo
finding accused-appellants Ramon, Marciano, Sotero, Bienvenido and Noel, all Barrosa II.
surnamed Regalario guilty of murder and sentencing them to suffer the penalty
of reclusion perpetua and to indemnify jointly and severally the heirs of the On August 24, 2000, the trial court rendered its decision5 giving full faith and
victim in the amount of ₱50,000.00, and another sum of ₱50,000.00 as moral credit to the prosecution’s evidence. It ruled out accused-appellant Ramon
damages and to pay the costs of the proceedings. Regalario’s claim of self defense, and held that there was conspiracy among
the accused-appellants in the commission of the crime as shown in the
In the court of origin, accused-appellants Ramon, Marciano, Sotero, manner in which all of them inflicted the wounds on the victim’s body. It further
Bienvenido and Noel were originally charged with Homicide. However, after ruled that the killing was qualified to murder by abuse of superior strength and
reinvestigation of the case, the Panel of Prosecutors of the Department of by their scoffing at the body of the victim. It also appreciated the presence of
Justice, Legaspi City, consisting of State Prosecutors Romulo SJ Tolentino, the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender. The pertinent dispositive
Mary May B. De Leoz and Elmer M. Lanuzo filed an amended portion of the said decision reads:
information3 charging the accused-appellants with murder, committed as
follows: WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered finding Ramon, Sotero,
Bienvenido, Marciano and Noel, all surnamed Regalario, guilty beyond
That on February 22, 1997 at about 11:00 in the evening, at Brgy. Natasan, reasonable doubt of the crime of Murder under Par. 1, of Art. 248 of the
Municipality of Libon, province of Albay, Philippines and within the jurisdiction Revised Penal Code, as amended, with the aggravating circumstance of
of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, conspiring, confederating scoffing at the corpse of the victim. However, accused are entitled to the
and helping one another, with intent to kill, did then and there willfully, benefit of the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender which offset the
unlawfully and feloniously with cruelty, treachery, abuse of superior strength, aggravating circumstance of scoffing at his corpse, hence, are hereby
nighttime attack, assault, strike and hit ROLANDO SEVILLA with wooden sentenced to suffer the Penalty of Reclusion Perpetua together with the
clubs (bahi) used as their night sticks, hitting the latter at the different parts of accessory penalties provided for by law.
his body and tying down his hands and feet with a rope, thereby inflicting upon
The accused are hereby ordered to indemnify jointly and severally the heirs of that evening, Rolando Sevilla and Armando Poblete were enjoying the
the late Rolando Sevilla the amount of ₱50,000.00 and another sum of festivities when appellant Sotero Regalario approached them (TSN, December
₱50,000.00 as moral damages and to pay the costs. 7, 1998, p.4). To avoid trouble, the two distanced themselves from Sotero.
Nevertheless, a commotion ensued. (ibid., p. 5). Appellants Sotero and
Pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Circular No. 2-92 the ₱200,000.00 Bienvenido Regalario were seen striking Rolando Sevilla several times with
bail bond put up by accused Marciano Regalario is hereby cancelled and is their respective nightsticks, locally known as bahi. (TSN, November 16, 1998,
ordered recommitted to jail. pp. 13-17, 32, 34, 36-37). The blows caused Sevilla to fall down in a sitting
position but after a short while he was able to get up (ibid., pp. 16-17). He ran
SO ORDERED. away in the direction of the house of appellant Mariano Regalario, the
barangay captain (ibid., pp. 18-38). Bienvenido and Sotero Regalario chased
Sevilla (ibid., p. 38, TSN, December 7, 1998. p. 6). When Sevilla was already
The record of this case was forwarded to this Court for automatic review, in
near Marciano’s house, he was waylaid by appellant Ramon Regalario and at
view of the penalty imposed.
this point, Marciano Regalario and his son Noel Regalario came out of their
house (TSN, December 7, 1998, pp. 7-9 and 35). Noel was carrying a seven-
In our Resolution6 of August 13, 2001, We accepted the appeal and directed inch knife. The five appellants caught the victim in front of Marciano’s house.
the Chief of the Judicial Records Office, to send notices to the parties to file Armed with their nightsticks, they took turns in hitting the victim until he
their respective briefs. The Court also required the Jail Warden, Municipal Jail, slumped to the ground face down (ibid., pp. 8, 35 and 38). In that position,
Polangui, Albay to transfer accused-appellants to the Bureau of Corrections, Sevilla was boxed by Marciano in the jaw. After a while, when Sevilla was no
Muntinlupa City, and make a report of such transfer within ten (10) days from longer moving, Marciano first ordered the others to kill the victim and to tie him
notice. Likewise, the Director of the Bureau of Corrections was required to up (ibid., pp. 36-37). Upon hearing the order, Bienvenido, with the help of
confirm the detention of accused-appellants. Accused-appellants filed their Sotero, tied the neck, hands and feet of the victim with a nylon rope used by
Appellants’ Brief7 on December 4, 2001, while the People, thru the Office of farmers for tying carabao. The rest of the group just stood by watching. (ibid.,
the Solicitor General, filed its Appellee's Brief8 on July 30, 2002. pp. 37-38).

Pursuant to our pronouncement in People v. Mateo9 which modified the In the early morning of February 23, 1997, Cynthia Sevilla, the victim’s widow,
provisions of the Rules of Court insofar as they provide for direct appeals from after she was informed of her husband’s death, went to the poblacion of Libon
the RTC to this Court in cases where the penalty imposed by the trial court is to report the incident at the town’s police station (TSN, December 8, 1998, pp.
death, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, this case was referred for 7-8). However, her statements were not entered in the police blotter because
appropriate action and disposition to the CA where it was docketed as CA- appellant Marciano Regalario had earlier reported to them, at two o’clock in the
G.R. No. 01556. morning, a different version of the incident, i.e., it was the victim Sevilla who
shot Marciano’s brother Ramon and that Sevilla, allegedly still alive, was
The evidence for the prosecution is summarized by the Office of the Solicitor placed under the custody of the barangay tanods. (ibid., p. 7; TSN, November
General, as follows: 20, 1998 [A.M. Session], pp. 9-10). At around eight o’clock of the same
morning, SPO4 Jose Gregorio, with some other police officers and Cynthia
Accused-appellants, all surnamed Regalario, are barangay officials of Sevilla, left the police station on board a truck and proceeded to the crime
Natasan, Libon, Albay and related to one another by consanguinity. Marciano, scene in Natasan. SPO4 Gregorio conducted an investigation of the incident.
barangay chairman, Sotero, barangay kagawad and Ramon, barangay tanod, (TSN, November 20, 1998 [A.M. Session], pp. 10-12). Thereafter, the
are brothers while Bienvenido Regalario, also barangay tanod, is their cousin policemen took the victim’s cadaver to the police station in the poblacion (ibid.,
and Noel is the son of Marciano. (TSN, November 16, 1998, p. 9; RTC Order p. 26) where pictures were taken showing the victim’s hands and legs tied
dated October 9, 1998, pp. 115-117) behind him [Exhibits ‘C’ and ‘D’] (ibid., pp. 14-15; TSN, December 8, 1998, p.
10; TSN, November 20, 1998 [P.M. Session], pp 5-7). On that same day,
On the night of February 22, 1997, a dance and singing contest was being SPO4 Gregorio requested the Libon’s Rural Health Unit to conduct an autopsy
held in the barangay pavilion of Natasan, Libon, Albay. At around ten o’clock on the victim’s body but since the municipal health officer was not around, it
was only performed the next day, February 24 (TSN, November 20, 1998 lower lip, Left.
[A.M. Session], p. 26; TSN, December 8, 1998, pp. 10-11; TSN, November 20,
1998 [P.M. Session], p. 11). After Dr. Mario Cerillo, Municipal Health Officer of Neck : Stab wound 2 cm.
Libon conducted the autopsy, he forthwith issued a Medico-Legal Report dated
February 24, 1997 (Exhibit ‘B’), the pertinent portions of which read: penetrating lateral base

Findings: of the neck just above

Head : Lacerated wound 4 cm the clavicle, Right.

frontal area, Right. : Stab wound 2 cm., 6 cm.

: Lacerated wound 8 cm. depth lateral base of the

occipital area, Right. neck just above the

: Lacerated wound 4 cm. clavicle, Right.

with fractured skull Trunk : Hematoma 10 x 8 cm.

(post auricular area), clavicular area, Right.

Right. : Multiple abrasion chest

: Abrasion 4 x 2 cm. : Contusion 7 x 2 cm.,

eyebrow, Right. 7th Intercorsal space and

: Abrasion 2 cm. x 1 cm. clavicular line, left.

with lacerated wound Extremities : Multiple abrasion and

1 cm. eyebrow, Left. contusion on both Right

: Periorbital Hematoma and Left arm and forearm.

Left and Right eye. : Abrasion (Ropemark)

: Lacerated wound 1 cm. around Right and Left wrist.

: Abrasion (Ropemark) around order to disable Sevilla from firing more shots, which might prove fatal, he
struck his assailant with his nightstick and hit him at the back of his head. This
distal 3rd of both Right and is the blow which Nancy Sara and Zaldy Siglos said were delivered by Sotero
and Bienvenido. This blow caused Sevilla to reel backward and lean on the
Left leg. bamboo fence. To prevent Sevilla from regaining his balance, Ramon pressed
his counter-attack by continuing to harass him with blows of his nightstick. As
Ramon pressed on forward, Sevilla retreated backward. Ramon kept him busy
xxx xxx xxx xxx
parrying the blows which hit his arms and front part of the body, as they were
face to face with each other. But even in the course of such harassment,
Cause of Death: Sevilla was able to fire a second shot which missed Ramon.

Sever blood loss secondary to stab wound and multiple lacerated When they reached the end of the road pavement, Sevilla lost his footing on
wound, probably secondary to intracranial hemorrhage. edge of the pavement and fell down. At that juncture, Sotero arrived and
shouted to Ramon to stop beating Rolando. But Ramon told him that Rolando
On the witness stand, Dr. Cerillo opined that the victim’s lacerated wounds still had the gun. So, Sotero plunged at Rolando and they wrestled on the
could have been caused by a blunt instrument like a hard stick, a stone or iron ground for the possession of the gun. As they struggled, the gun went off but
bar, his stab wounds by a sharp-edged instrument or knife, his contusions and no one was hurt. When Rolando raised his arms to move the gun away from
hematoma by a fist blow or through contact with a blunt instrument. Also Sotero, Ramon knocked the gun off his hand and it fell near the place where
according to the physician, the sharp object which caused the victim’s stab Jose Poblete was standing. Poblete just arrived at the scene along with
wounds could have been a knife 2 cm. wide and 6 cm. long because they were Marciano Regalario who was already told that his brother Ramon was shot by
clean cut wounds. (TSN, November 20, 1998 [P.M. Session], pp. 14-15).10 Sevilla. Poblete picked up the gun. He was instructed by Marciano to keep it
until it is turned over to the authorities.
On the other hand, the accused-appellants’ Brief presents a different story:
The wounded Ramon Regalario was brought to town for treatment and later to
At the time of the incident in question, accused Marciano Regalario was the the provincial hospital. Marciano and Sotero proceeded to the police station to
incumbent barangay captain of Natasan, Libon, Albay. Accused Sotero was a report the shooting of Ramon.
kagawad, while Ramon and Bienvenido were barangay tanods of the same
place. Noel Regalario had no public position. He is the son of one of the other Bienvenido Regalario, the barangay tanod, arrived at the scene after the fact.
accused. He was instructed by Marciano, the barangay captain to effect the arrest of
Rolando Sevilla for the crime of shooting Ramon. According to Bienvenido,
On the night of February 22, 1997, a public dance and singing contest was they were taught in their training seminar to just use a rope in lieu of handcuffs
held in their barangay. Naturally, being barangay officials, the accused, because they could not be supplied with it. So, he tied the hands and feet of
(except Noel who is not an official and whose wife has just given birth) were at Rolando Sevilla for fear that he might be able to escape.
the place of the celebration, discharging their peace-keeping duties. They were
posted at different places in that vicinity. On the early morning of February 23, a team of policemen went to Natasan
and found the dead body of Rolando Sevilla. Jose Poblete also turned over to
At first, a fire broke out in the toilet of the Day Care Center. It was attended to the police, Rolando Sevilla’s gun. Meanwhile, Noel Regalario, after learning of
by the persons assigned in that area. A while later, there was another the incident, scoured the place where the third shot was fired during the
commotion in the area assigned to accused Ramon Regalario. When he struggle between Sotero and Rolando. He found a .38 caliber slug which was
approached the group where the disturbance was taking place and tried to also turned over to the police.11
investigate, Rolando Sevilla suddenly emerged from the group and without any
ado, fired a shot at him. He was hit at the left shoulder. Instinctively, and in
On May 31, 2006, the CA promulgated the herein challenged decision OF ABUSE OF SUPERIOR STRENGTH AND SCOFFING AT THE BODY OF
affirming for the most part the decision of the trial court with modification as to THE VICTIM;
the penalty imposed. Unlike the trial court, the CA did not appreciate the
mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender in favor of the accused- 4. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN NOT FINDING THAT THE DECEASED
appellants. Thus, the penalty was changed from reclusion perpetua to death, WAS KILLED IN SELF-DEFENSE AND/OR DEFENSE OF RELATIVE
and an additional award of ₱25,000.00 as exemplary damages was likewise
imposed. Pertinently, the CA decision reads in part: 5. THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN AWARDING DAMAGES TO THE HEIRS
WHEREFORE, the assailed decision is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. The
accused-appellants are hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of DEATH and We begin our evaluation with accused-appellant Ramon Regalario’s claim of
to pay, jointly and severally, the heirs of Rolando Sevilla the amount of self-defense. Both the CA and the trial court gave no credence to this theory of
₱25,000.00 as exemplary damages. self-defense.

Let the entire records of this case be elevated to the Supreme Court for its When self-defense is invoked by an accused charged with murder or homicide
review, pursuant to AM No. 00-5-03-SC (Amendments to the Revised Rules of he necessarily owns up to the killing but may escape criminal liability by
Criminal Procedure to Govern Death Penalty Cases) which took effect on proving that it was justified and that he incurred no criminal liability therefor.
October 15, 2004. Hence, the three (3) elements of self-defense, namely: (a) unlawful aggression
on the part of the victim; (b) reasonable necessity of the means employed to
SO ORDERED.12 prevent or repel the aggression; and (c) lack of sufficient provocation on the
part of the person defending himself, must be proved by clear and convincing
As can be gleaned from the above quote, the CA elevated the instant case to evidence. However, without unlawful aggression, there can be no self-defense,
this Court in view of the penalty imposed. In our Resolution13 dated November either complete or incomplete.17
14, 2006, we required the parties to simultaneously submit their respective
supplemental briefs. On December 12, 2006, the people filed a Accused-appellant Ramon contends that the victim Rolando Sevilla committed
manifestation14 stating that it is waiving the filing of a supplemental brief. an act of unlawful aggression with no provocation on his [Ramon’s] part.
Accused-appellants filed their supplemental brief15 on February 15, 2007. Ramon testified that he was trying to investigate a commotion when, without
warning, Rolando emerged from the group, thrust and fired his gun at him,
In their Brief, accused-appellants raise the following assignment of errors: hitting him in the left shoulder. To disable Rolando from firing more shots,
Ramon struck the victim’s head at the back with his nightstick, causing the
1. THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT ALL OF THE ACCUSED victim to reel backward and lean on the bamboo fence. He continued hitting
PARTICIPATED IN THE KILLING OF ROLANDO SEVILLA AND BASING ITS Rolando to prevent the latter from regaining his balance and, as he pressed on
DECISION, NOT ON DIRECT EVIDENCE BUT ON ITS OWN farther, the victim retreated backward.
By Ramon’s own account, after he was shot, he hit the victim at the back of the
2. THE TRIAL COURT GRIEVOUSLY MISAPPRECIATED THE EVIDENCE latter’s head and he continued hitting the victim who retreated backward. From
AND DISPLAYED BIAS WHEN IT LEANED IN FAVOR OF THE that moment, the inceptive unlawful aggression on the part of the victim
PROSECUTION EVIDENCE DESPITE THEIR VITAL CONTRADICTIONS ceased to exist and the continuation of the offensive stance of Ramon put him
AND OBVIOUS FALSEHOODS; in the place of an aggressor. There was clearly no longer any danger, but still
Ramon went beyond the call of self-preservation. In People v. Cajurao,18 we
…The settled rule in jurisprudence is that when unlawful aggression ceases, Bienvenido asserted that he arrived at the crime scene after the shooting
the defender no longer has the right to kill or even wound the former incident. He was asked by Marciano to arrest Rolando.
aggressor. Retaliation is not a justifying circumstance. Upon the cessation of
the unlawful aggression and the danger or risk to life and limb, the necessity Lastly, Noel insisted that he was not present when the shooting incident took
for the person invoking self-defense to attack his adversary ceases. If he

place. He was inside their house sleeping, as his wife had just given birth.
persists in attacking his adversary, he can no longer invoke the justifying
circumstance of self-defense. Self-defense does not justify the unnecessary We are not convinced.
killing of an aggressor who is retreating from the fray. (Emphasis supplied)
Accused-appellants’ denials cannot overcome the positive identification by the
Ramon’s claim of self-defense is further belied by the presence of two (2) stab prosecution’s witnesses. Elementary is the rule that positive identification,
wounds on the neck, four (4) lacerated wounds on the head, as well as where categorical and consistent, prevails over unsubstantiated denials
multiple abrasions and contusions on different parts of the victim’s body, as because the latter are negative and self-serving, and thus, cannot be given
shown in the Medico-Legal Report. Dr. Mario Cerillo who conducted the post- any weight on the scales of justice.19 The participation of each of the accused-
mortem examination on the victim revealed that the victim’s lacerated wounds appellants can be fully ascertained from the clear, categorical and
could have been caused by a blunt instrument like a hard stick, a stone or an spontaneous testimony given by prosecution witness, Ronnie Siglos, who was
iron bar; his stab wounds by a sharp-edged instrument or knife; his contusions at the scene of the crime, thus:
and hematoma by a fist blow or through contact with a blunt instrument. He
also declared that the sharp object which caused the victim’s stab wounds
could have been a knife 2 centimeters (cms.) wide and 6 cms. long because
they were clean-cut wounds. Indeed, even if it were true that the victim fired a
gun at Ramon, the number, nature and severity of the injuries suffered by the Q While you were walking on your way home, was there an unusual
victim indicated that the force used against him by Ramon and his co-accused incident and can you recall?
was not only to disarm the victim or prevent him from doing harm to others.
A Yes, ma’am
The four (4) other accused-appellants, namely, Sotero, Marciano, Bienvenido
and Noel, to exonerate themselves, denied their involvement in inflicting Q What was that incident about?
wounds on Rolando.
A While I was on my way towards the house of my parents, I just
Sotero claimed that he arrived at the scene of the crime at the time when suddenly saw a person being beaten on the road.
Rolando lost his footing on the edge of the pavement and fell down. He even
shouted at Ramon to stop beating Rolando. However, when Ramon told him Q When you first noticed that there was a man being beaten along the
that Rolando still had the gun, he jumped on Rolando and they wrestled on the road, how far were you?
ground for the possession of the gun.
A I was about more or less 9 to 10 meters.
Marciano maintained that he, together with Jose Poblete, arrived at the crime
scene when Ramon had already knocked the gun out of Rolando’s hand and xxx xxx xxx
the gun fell near the place where Jose Poblete was standing. When he went to
that place, he already knew that his brother (Ramon) had been shot, so, he Q When you saw a man being beaten what did you do?
told the latter to go to the hospital. Thereafter, he and Sotero proceeded to the
police station to report the shooting incident.
1avv phi 1

A I continue walking, but upon reaching that place near the person
being beaten, I stopped.
Q Why did you stop? xxx xxx xxx

A To verify and know as to who that person being beaten. Q What kind of weapon was being held by Noel Regalario?

xxx xxx xxx A A knife.

Q And who was that person being beaten? xxx xxx xxx

A Rolando Sevilla. Q Now, when you saw Rolando Sevilla being beaten by the persons
you mentioned before, what did you notice on the condition of Rolando
Q Who were the persons beating Rolando Sevilla? Sevilla?

A Marciano Regalario, Sotero Regalario, Ramon Regalario, Bienvenido A He was lying on his stomach.
Regalario, Noel Regalario, Ernani Regalario, Reynante Regalario, Jose
Poblete, Jose Quinno and Virgilio Rebanal. Q Did you see the face of Rolando Sevilla?

Q Who else? A Yes.

A Cecilio Lunas. Q How were you able to see the face of Rolando Sevilla?

Q If some of the persons you saw beating Rolando Sevilla are present A Because Sotero was holding him by his hair.
in this court room, will you be able to point and identify them?
Q What was your observation on the condition of Rolando Sevilla?
A Yes, ma’am.
xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx
He was already motionless. He is not moving anymore.
Q You stated that you saw the persons you have just named as
beating Rolando Sevilla. Were there weapons used in beating Rolando PROSECUTOR:
Of the persons you named as holding weapons, you did not mention
A Yes. Marciano Regalario as holding any weapon. What was Marciano
Regalario doing then?
Q What kind of weapons (was) used?
A He boxed Rolando Sevilla and Rolando was hit on his jaw.
A Sotero was armed with bahi wood, and also Ramon. Bienvenido was
also armed with bahi, as well as Cecilio Lunas, Jose Quinno were also Q What else did Marciano Regalario do if any?
armed with ‘malo-palo.’
A After he boxed Rolando Sevilla, he went inside his house but after A Yes.
about one (1) minute he again return(ed) back.
Q Who were the persons, if any?
Q After Marciano Regalario returned back, what did he do if any?
A Sotero Regalario.
A He shouted to kill that.
Q Aside from Sotero, was there anybody else who helped Bienvenido
Q After you heard Marciano Regalario (say) to kill "that," what did you Regalario in tying Rolando Sevilla?
A No more.
A I proceeded towards home.
Q While Rolando Sevilla was being hog tied, where were the persons
Q While you were walking, was there any unusual incident which again of Marciano Regalario, Noel Regalario, Ramon Regalario and the rest
happened? of the persons whom you just mentioned awhile ago?

A Yes. A They were there standing beside Rolando Sevilla and they were
Q And, what was that incident?
Q Did you notice whether Rolando Sevilla was still moving when he
A While I was walking towards home, again I heard Marciano was still being tied up by Bienvenido and Sotero?
Regalario shouted to tie him, that is why I again stopped.
A He was not moving anymore.20
Q When you heard Marciano Regalario to tie him how far were you
from him? The aforequoted testimony of Ronnie Siglos is corroborated by the
following testimony of Armando Poblete:
A More or less 7 meters.
Q While you were standing by the road, what did you notice?
Q You said that upon hearing Marciano Regalario, you stopped. What
else happened? A Then I saw Rolando Sevilla being chased by Bienvenido and Sotero
both surnamed Regalario
A Bienvenido Regalario passed by me and went to that sleigh
(pababa) which is on the lower portion and got a rope. Q To what direction was Rolando Sevilla being chased by Sotero and
Bienvenido Regalario?
Q What did Bienvenido Regalario do with the rope?
A Towards the place of Kapitan.
A He tied Rolando Sevilla by placing he rope around his neck and tied
his hands. xxx xxx xxx

Q Was there somebody who assisted Bienvenido Regalario in tying PROSECUTOR RESARI:
Rolando Sevilla?
Q Considering that was already nighttime, how were you able to know A Yes, their night sticks.
that the person being chased was Rolando Sevilla and the persons
chasing him were the two (2) Regalarios which you have identified? Q When Bienvenido and Sotero caught up with Rolando Sevilla; and
the three (3) other accused also joined the two (2), how far was your
A Because, I was with Sevilla during that time and it was moonlit night. distance to them?

Q When the two (2) were chasing Rolando Sevilla, what happened A More or less 14 to 15 meters.21
We agree with the findings of the two courts below as to the presence of
A Ramon waylaid Rolando Sevilla. conspiracy. Conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to an
agreement concerning the commission of a felony and decide to commit it.
xxx xxx xxx Direct proof of conspiracy is rarely found, for criminals do not write down their
lawless plans and plots. The agreement to commit a crime, however, may be
Q After you saw Ramon Regalario waylaid Rolando Sevilla, what else deduced from the mode and manner of the commission of the offense or
did you see? inferred from acts that point to a joint purpose and design, concerted action,
and community of intent. It does not matter who inflicted the mortal wound, as
the act of one is the act of all, and each incurs the same criminal liability.22 We
A After that I saw the group of Sotero, Regalario, Marciano, Noel,
quote with approval the findings and observations of the CA, thus:
caught up with Rolando.
The eyewitnesses’ account surrounding Rolando Sevilla’s death shows that
xxx xxx xxx
the accused-appellants performed concerted acts in pursuit of a common
objective. Sotero, Bienvenido, and Ramon, armed with nightsticks, and Noel
PROSECUTOR RESARI: armed with a knife, seven inches in length, beat Rolando Sevilla. All five
accused-appellants caught up with the victim, blocked all means through which
Q Since Bienvenido Regalario and Sotero Regalario were the ones the victim could escape and ensured the achievement of their plan to kill
chasing Rolando Sevilla, from what direction did Ramon Regalario Rolando Sevilla even as the latter already fell to the ground. Accused-
come from when he waylaid Rolando Sevilla? appellant Marciano hit the victim on his jaw and later, ordered his co-accused
to kill and tie the victim. Upon hearing Marciano’s instruction, Bienvenido
A That side, left side going towards the house of Kapitan. Regalario tied Rolando’s neck, hands and feet with a rope. The collective act
of the accused-appellants is sufficient to make them co-principals to the
Q And where did Marciano and Noel xxx come from? killing.23

A From their house. Considering the foregoing, as well as the manner in which the attack against
Rolando was carried out, and the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses
Q After the five (5) caught up with Rolando Sevilla, what happened to positively identifying the accused-appellants as the assailants, we concur in
Rolando Sevilla? the rulings of the CA, affirming those of the trial court, in (a) disregarding
Ramon Regalario’s declaration that he attacked the victim in self-defense and
A They took turns in beating him. (b) holding that all the accused-appellants acted in concert and killed Rolando.

We likewise rule that both the CA and the trial court were correct in
Q Did they use any weapon in beating Rolando Sevilla?
appreciating the qualifying circumstance of abuse of superior strength in killing
Rolando Sevilla. To take advantage of superior strength is to use force out of
proportion to the means available to the person attacked to defend himself. In circumstance, the CA correctly sentenced accused-appellants to death in
order to be appreciated, it must be clearly shown that there was deliberate accordance with Art. 248, as amended by Republic Act No. 7659, in relation to
intent on the part of the malefactors to take advantage thereof.24 In this case, Art. 63(1) of the revised Penal Code.
as testified to by the prosecution eyewitnesses, accused-appellants Ramon,
Sotero and Bienvenido, with the exception of Marciano, were armed with In view, however, of the passage of Republic Act No. 9346,27 the imposition of
nightsticks (bahi) while Noel was holding a knife. Clearly they took advantage the death penalty has been prohibited. Thus, the penalty imposed upon
of their superiority in number and arms in killing the victim, as shown by accused-appellants should be reduced to reclusion perpetua, without eligibility
numerous wounds the latter suffered in different parts of his body. for parole.

Also affirmed is the ruling of both courts appreciating the presence of the While the new law prohibits the imposition of the death penalty, the penalty
generic aggravating circumstance of scoffing at the body of the victim. provided for by law for a heinous offense is still death and the offense is still
Accused-appellants did not just kill the victim. They tied him hog-style after heinous.28 Consequently, the civil indemnity for the victim is still ₱75,000.00. In
rendering him immobilized. This action constituted outraging or scoffing at the People v. Quiachon,29 we explained that even if the penalty of death is not to
corpse of the victim. In this connection, we agree with the trial court’s be imposed on appellant because of the prohibition in Republic Act No. 9346,
observation: the civil indemnity of ₱75,000.00 is still proper because, following the
ratiocination in People v. Victor (292 SCRA 186), the said award is not
…The concerted acts committed by all the accused mostly armed with wooden dependent on the actual imposition of the death penalty but on the fact that
clubs and one with a 7-inch long knife after the victim fell pummeling him with qualifying circumstances warranting the imposition of the death penalty
mortal blows on the forehead and back of his head and stab wounds on his attended the commission of the offense.
neck and one of them telling his co-accused to kill the victim clearly proved
that the Regalarios conspired and took advantage of their strength and As to the award of moral and exemplary damages, the CA correctly held
number. Not satisfied with delivering mortal blows even when their hapless accused-appellants jointly and severally liable to pay the heirs of Rolando
victim was already immobile, Bienvenido and Sotero, upon order of their co- Sevilla for the same. Moral damages are awarded despite the absence of
accused Marciano, tied their victim hog style. The manner by which Rolando proof of mental and emotional suffering of the victim’s heirs. As borne out by
was tied as vividly captured in the picture (Exhs. ‘C’ & ‘D’) clearly speaks for human nature and experience, a violent death invariably and necessarily
itself that it was nothing but to scoff at their victim.25 brings about emotional pain and anguish on the part of the victim’s family.30 If a
crime is committed with an aggravating circumstance, either qualifying or
The CA was likewise correct in not appreciating the mitigating circumstance of generic, an award of exemplary damages is justified under Article 2230 of the
voluntary surrender in favor of accused-appellants. For said circumstance to New Civil Code. This kind of damage is intended to serve as deterrent to
be appreciated, it must be spontaneous, in such a manner that it shows the serious wrongdoings and as vindication of undue sufferings and wanton
intent of the accused to surrender unconditionally to the authorities, either invasion of the rights of an injured, or as a punishment for those guilty of
because he acknowledges his guilt or because he wishes to save them the outrageous conduct.31 However, consistent with recent jurisprudence on
trouble and expense of finding and capturing him.26 In the case at bar, heinous crimes where the imposable penalty is death but reduced to reclusion
accused-appellants remained at large even after Judge Jose S. Sañez issued perpetua pursuant to Republic Act No. 9346, the award of moral damages
the warrant for their arrest on February 6, 1998. Accused-appellants should be increased from ₱50,000.00 to ₱75,000.0032 while the award of
surrendered only on September 9, 1998 after several alias warrants of arrest exemplary damages should be increased from ₱25,000.00 to ₱30,000.00.33
were issued against them. Hence, voluntary surrender cannot be appreciated
in their favor as mitigating circumstance. WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals dated May 31, 2006 in
CA-G.R. CR No. 01556 is hereby AFFIRMED with the following modifications:
The accused-appellants’ acts plainly amount to murder, qualified by abuse of (1) the penalty of death imposed on accused-appellants is lowered to reclusion
superior strength. As the generic aggravating circumstance of scoffing at the perpetua without eligibility for parole; (2) the monetary awards to be paid jointly
body of the victim was alleged and proven, and as there was no mitigating and severally by accused-appellants are as follows: ₱75,000.00 as civil
indemnity, ₱75,000.00 as moral damages and ₱30,000.00 as exemplary
damages; and (3) interest on all the damages awarded at the legal rate of 6% (On leave)
from this date until fully paid is imposed.34 ARTURO D. BRION DIOSDADO M. PERALTA
Associate Justice Associate Justice


Associate Justice
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the
WE CONCUR: conclusions in the above decision had been reached in consultation before the
case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court.
Chief Justice REYNATO S. PUNO
Chief Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice


Associate Justice
Associate Justice

Associate Justice
Associate Justice

(On leave)
Associate Justice Associate Justice

(No part)
Associate Justice Associate Justice

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