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G.R. No. L-5889 - United States vs. Look Chaw

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G.R. No. L-5889 July 12, 1911

THE UNITED STATES, Plaintiff-Appellee, vs.

LOOK CHAW ( alias LUK CHIU), Defendant-

Thos. D. Aitken for appellant.

Attorney-General Villamor for appellee. 1/7
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This case is a separate part of Case No. 5887

and bears No. 5889 on the general docket of this
court, and No. 377 on the docket of the Court of
First Instance of Cebu. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

The complaint in this case states:

That, on or about the 18th of August,

1909, within the boundaries of the
municipality of Cebu of this province
and judicial district, the said Look
Chaw ( alias Luk Chiu) did, without
having obtained authorization from the
Collector of Internal Revenue and
without being authorized in any
manner and traffic in the same.

C.J. Milliron, an internal-revenue agent, testified

that Vicente Base took to the governor of Cebu a
can of opium containing 200 grammes of the
said drug, in order to show him that the accused
had sold opium to Base, and the governor called
the witness in order that he might take part in
this case. After the accused was arrested, he
confessed before the witness and the provincial
fiscal that he had sold to Vicente Base thirty cans
of opium on the 15th of August, 1909, but that
he had received the price thereof, and that the
money which was found in a box of his on board
the British steamship Erroll, P1,500 in amount,
was obtained in Manila and was seized by the
captain of the vessel. According to the accused,
he had purchased in Hongkong 137 cans of
opium for the purpose of introducing it as
contraband into Mexico, the destination of the
vessel, but that as the latter changed its route
touching first at Manila, the opium arrived at
Cebu. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Vicente Base testified that he had negotiated

with the accused with respect to the sale of the
three sacks of opium which were seized while in
the latter's possession an were the subject
matter of the previous cause; that these three
sacks were not taken ashore, because the
accused would not permit this to be done
without previous delivery of the whole price of
P1,000, of which witness had only paid P533;
that he therefore only took one can from one of
the said sacks. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

The Court of First Instance of Cebu sentenced

the accused to one year's imprisonment and the
payment of a fine of P2,000, with additional
subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency,
not to exceed one-third of the principal penalty,
and to the payment of the costs of the trial. It
was ordered in the judgment that the exhibits
connected with the case should be confiscated,
and that, in case of an appeal, and even after
the sentence had been served, the defendant 2/7
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should not be released from custody, but

delivered to the customs authorities for the
purpose of the enforcement of the existing
immigration laws. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

The defendant appealed and has alleged before

this court that he can not punished in
accordance with section 15 of Act No. 1761,
under which the complaint was drawn. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

This said section 15 reads thus:

( a) No person shall import, cook, or

prepare opium, or engage in the
business of purchasing or selling opium
or of dealing or trafficking therein,
unless he shall first have secured from
the Collector of Internal Revenue a
license to transact such business and
shall have paid the license tax
prescribed by this Act. . . .

To make an isolated sale, says the appellant, is

not to engage in the business of selling. To
negotiate the sale of opium does not mean
clandestinely to sell opium once. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

In our opinion, the act defined in section 15 is

distinct from that penalized in section 5; the act
referred to in the latter is any act of sale, while
that concerned in the former relates to the
business of selling, in an habitual, professional
manner, as one of an undertaking or occupation,
without license.

SEC. 5. ( a) It shall be unlawful to sell,

transfer, give, or deliver opium to any
person except to a duly licensed and
practicing physician, pharmacist, or
second-class pharmacist, or a duly
licensed dispensator of opium, or duly
registered confirmed user of opium in
a licensed opium dispensary for
consumption therein only, and in
accordance with the provisions of this
Act: . . . chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

( b) Any person violating the provisions

of the preceding subsection shall be
punished by a fine not exceeding one
thousand pesos, or by imprisonment
for a period not exceeding one year, or
both such fine and imprisonment, in
the discretion of the court: . . .

The crime concerned in this case, according to

this section 5, is compromised within the
language of the complaint which charges the act
of selling opium without the authorization of the
Collector of Internal Revenue. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

The other ground of the appeal is that the

confession of the accused were taken into
account for the purpose of his conviction. The 3/7
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trial court pronounced its sentence after

considering that "sufficient proof has been
furnished by the evidence,' and the evidence did
not consist solely in the confession that the
accused, on the day and at the place mentioned
in the complaint, contracted with Vicente Base
for the sale of the opium, the subject matter of
the present prosecution; and as this finding does
not appear to be erroneous nor contrary to the
conclusions reached from the evidence, it is
accepted by this court in order that thereby the
judgment appealed from may be dully affirmed,
as we do affirm the same. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

This disposes of the appeal; but, in the opinion

of this court, the defense of double jeopardy
alleged by the accused in first instance, with
exception to the order disallowing it, can not but
be taken into consideration, although in this
instance, on appeal, that defense was not
reproduced with the allegation that its
disallowance was an error committed by the
lower court in its judgment. This point appears
to involve a question of jurisdiction. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Before separating the two causes, as related at

the beginning of this decision, there was but one
single complaint and there would have been only
one trial for the possession of opium and for the
sale of opium. But the defendant's counsel set
up a demurrer, arguing that the complaint was
defective inasmuch as it charged two distinct
crimes, for according to the defense, it was
alleged to be one crime to possess opium and
another different crime to sell opium; and the
court deferred to this pretension and ordered the
filing of two complaints, one for the possession
of opium and another for the sale of opium; that
for the possession of opium was the one first
tried by the lower court. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

In answering the second complaint for the sale

of opium, the defendant alleged that he had
already been in jeopardy.

The defendant was convicted

yesterday," said his attorney, "for the
violation of law committed, of
possessing opium, and has already
been sentenced by this court to five
year's imprisonment and in addition to
pay a fine of ten thousand pesos.
According to the principles of penal
law, when a crime has been committed
which is necessary in order to commit
another, the delinquent, of course, can
not be punished for the two crimes,
but must suffer for the crime for which
the greater penalty was provided.

The court rejected this allegation: first, because

the prosecution of two crimes instead of one was
brought about by the defense itself; and second, 4/7
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because, in the opinion of the trial judge, if the

defendant had first been convicted for selling
opium, he certainly would have been in jeopardy
in the cause prosecuted for possessing opium,
for the reason that really one can not sell opium
without possessing it, while, if the terms are
inverted, the same result does not follow,
because one may posses opium without selling
it, and consequently in the present cause the
allegation of double jeopardy is an admissible. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary

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True it is, we assert, that it is one crime to

possess opium, punished by section 31 of the
Act, and another, to sell opium, penalized by
section 5 of the same Act before cited. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

And it is also true that when one single act

constitutes two or more crimes, or when one of
them is a necessary means for the commission
of the other, only the penalty corresponding to
the more serious crime shall be imposed, in its
maximum degree, and thus, he who smokes
opium in a pipe, by one single act lays himself
liable to three penalties of the law, one of them,
merely for the fact of possessing opium, another,
for the mere possession of a pipe in which opium
is smoked, and the other, for the act of smoking
opium; but the penalties corresponding to these
three crimes ought not to be imposed upon the
defendant in this case, and only the penalty for
the most serious of these crimes. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

But the illegal possession of 137 cans of opium

and the illegal sale of 30 cans of opium, which
are two acts confessed by the accused, are not
one act which constitutes two crimes, nor a
crime which is a necessary means for the
commission of another. They are two isolated
acts, punishable, each of them, in themselves.
Only in the event where all the amount of the
opium possessed and seized be in its totality the
same as that which was possessed with the sole
purpose of being delivered as the matter or
subject of a sale previously agree upon, could it
be said, in the opinion of this court, that the
possession of the opium was a necessary means
to effect the delivery by reason of the sale, and
that the sale agreed upon was the sole reason
for the possession of the opium seized. The
possession of the quantity contained in the pipe
can not be considered as a different crime from
that of smoking opium in a pipe, nor the
possession of the pipe, as a crime different from
that of smoking opium in a pipe. But if the
person surprised in smoking opium in a pipe was
also surprised in the possession of the thirty
cans sold by the accused, it could not properly
be inferred that the possession of these thirty
cans, which in itself is a crime, was a necessary
means for the commission of the other crime of
smoking opium in a pipe, and that the person in
whose possession the thirty cans were seized, 5/7
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possessed the same solely and exclusively for

the purpose of smoking opium in a pipe. It might
very well have been that he had acquired the
drug for the purpose of inhaling, injecting,
chewing, swallowing, or other uses, and that
only by chance did it occur to him to try to
smoke it in a pipe, on the very occasion when he
was surprised, this being the evident fact of the
commission of the crime which can not, in its
essence, include the existence of thirty cans, not
then contained in the pipe, each can certainly
being susceptible of other various uses, every
one of which might by its nature constitute a
different crime. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

We consider this doctrine equally applicable to

crimes which are evils by their very nature, as
well as to those which are merely malum quia
prohibitum; because it not only aims at a more
or less strict application of a penal precept
which, undoubtedly, in the practice of this court,
usually tends toward the lesser severity and,
occasionally, the greatest benignity when the
second class, or conventional crimes, are
concerned, but also because that doctrine is the
logical result of the process of the intelligence in
the derivation of consequences from the
principles constitute of the nature of things. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Thus it is that we find the institution of this

cause, and its separation from the previous one,
to be founded on law and juridical principles, and
the judgment appealed from, to be in accordance
with right and equity, except with regard to the
amount of the penalty, which we reduce, in
harmony with the provisions of section 5
aforementioned, to six months' imprisonment
and a fine of P1,000 Philippine currency. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Therefore, with the understanding that the

imprisonment and the fine imposed shall be,
respectively, six months and P1,000 Philippine
Currency, we affirm, as to all the rest, the
judgment appealed from, with the costs of this
instance against the appellant. So ordered. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanrobles virtual law library

Torres, Mapa, and Johnson, JJ., concur.

Carson, J., concurs in the result.


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