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Rubric For Group Project Write Up: Pubh 6489

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PubH 6489

Evaluation of Food and Nutrition Programs and Policies

Rubric for Group Project Write Up

How to format papers:
● Total number of pages: Papers should not exceed 8 pages, excluding Appendix with diagrams/flow charts or PIP.
● All write-ups must have a cover page with the name of the students, and the total number of pages. The cover page does not count
towards page limit.
● All pages must be numbered.
● Spacing: All papers should be double-spaced, with 12-pt font, Times New Roman, with at least 1 inch margin on each side.
● Writing Style: The papers should be crisp and clear, with short sentences, paragraphs and as few words as possible. Write one idea per
paragraph. Each statement should be supported by evidence (and corresponding references).
● Reference Format: Use Harvard style of referencing for referencing in text (Last name of first author, year of publication) and for the
How to reference papers:
All papers must have Harvard Style citation and bibliography. To help speed up citations in your papers, please ask your librarian about
the use of Endnote or Refworks.

Grading rubric:
Did not complete Partial Complete Total Points
1. Format Points: 0 (2 or more not Points: 0.25 (one not followed) Points: 0.5
followed) Formatted correctly.
Did not follow format
(spacing, font, cover
page, bibliography format,
page limit).
2. Description of target Points: 0 Points: 0.5-2.5 Points: 3
population and Nutrition Paper does not include Provides indicator statistics, but does not provide trends, or Clearly defines target population using a variety
Situation indicators of nutritional a discussion about the trends of the indicators, or of indicators.
status. comparisons with other groups.
Did not complete Partial Complete Total Points
Provides statistics of the nutrition and other
pertinent indicators for the vulnerable/target
population as they pertain to the evaluation.

3. Identification of Points: 0 Points: 1-2 Points: 3

indicators and Limited information about Presentation of a list of indicators, measurements and some Write-up comprehensively identifies and
measurements indicators justification about their appropriateness. defines appropriate indicators and methods for
measuring them, defending their choice of
proposed indicators and measurement.
4. Description of Points: 0 Points: 0.5-2.5 Points: 3
programs or Limited command of  Paper provides a generic understanding of program or The student uses the UNICEF framework to
interventions program knowledge intervention. describe the intervention, using appropriate
terminology (i.e. nutrition-sensitive, nutrition-
specific, etc.) and how the program/intervention
is intended to act upon the target population
and evaluation questions.
5. Identification of Actors Points: 0 Points: 0.5-2.5 Points: 3
The write up does identify There is a generic description of stakeholders, but it is not Describes who is currently working in program,
stakeholders involved. clear how they work together in this evaluation. what they are achieving or not achieving, and
thinks of multisectoral actors.
6. Identification of Points: 0 Points: 0.5-2.5 Points: 3
externalities No identification of Write up discusses some externalities. Paper uses the UNICEF framework to identify
externalities. externalities to the evaluation (addressing
potential limitations, and proposing ways to
address those limitations)
7. Writing style and Points: 0 Points: 1.5-2.5 Points: 3
referencing Paper contains Paper contains no spelling or punctuation errors, but the Final write up is cohesive, and follows the
substantial grammar, paragraphs do not follow any logical order or do not flow. stated format and/or does not contain
punctuation and spelling Final write up is not cohesive. substantial grammar, punctuation and spelling
errors. errors and is properly referenced.
8. Program Impact Points: 0 Points: 1-2 Points: 3
Pathway Some discussion of the Appropriate ability to explain (in diagram and narrative form) Superb ability to explain, in a clear diagram and
program/strategy impact the impact pathway to outcomes and study design for an narrative the flow chart, impact pathway,
pathway, but the PIP is evaluation. assumptions and critique appropriateness of
missing critical points, study design for an evaluation.
assumptions, or
9. Self and group Points: 0 Points: 1.5
evaluation One or more of the Group worked well together. Each student in
members of the group did the group demonstrated to the instructor that
not contribute significantly s/he contributed significantly to the preparation
to the preparation of of drafts, finalization of written drafts,
group deliverables. presentation of the project and discussion (craft
questions, answer questions from the
TOTAL Maximum Points: 20
Grading Rubric for Group Project Presentation
Poor Good Excellent Total Comments
Program Knowledge Points: 0-5 Points: 6-8 Points: 9-10
Unable to explain or describe Able to explain the Demonstrates substantial command of
the program/strategy. program/strategy. the program, definitions, intended
Demonstrates limited outcomes, target populations, relevant
command of the subject. evaluation questions, etc.
Program Impact Points: 0-5 Points: 6-8 Points: 9-10
Pathway Limited discussion of the Ability to explain Superb ability to explain flow chart,
program/strategy impact impact pathway to impact pathway, assumptions, and
pathway. affect outcomes and critique appropriateness of study
study design. design.

Indicators and Points: 0-5 Points: 6-8 Points: 9-10

measurements Limited ability to present Ability to present Demonstrates ability to identify and
indicators indicators, define appropriate indicators and
measurement and propose appropriate methods for
justify their measuring indicators, providing
appropriateness. substantial program details and
defending their choice of
Facilitation of Points: 0-5 Points: 6-8 Points: 9-10
Discussion Limited ability to pose thought Ability to create a Demonstrates superb ability to pose
questions to audience. discussion around the questions to the audience and create a
topic. discussion.
Presentation Quality Points: 0-5 Points: 6-8 Points: 9-10
Limited presentation skills: Good use of images, a. Slides: not too crowded; right
Read from slides; audience good pacing and flow, balance between text and graphics;
unable to read slides; varied good eye contact. uniform format throughout the slides
format; crowded slides. (font, size, colors, etc.)
b. Use of images: graphs or tables
used when possible, to illustrate
c. Sequence: good pacing and flow
of presentation between presenters.
d. Sensitivity to audience: maintains
eye contact, engages the audience.
TOTAL Maximum Points: 50

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