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The document discusses an interview experience at McKinsey & Co and provides details about the interview rounds and questions asked. It also includes tips for consulting interviews.

The candidate discusses being asked case study questions in the first round and sharing details about their work experience and other questions. Factors like being friendly, admitting mistakes, and knowing the industry were some of the tips.

Factors discussed include location, nearby attractions, food facilities, parking and other infrastructure. Seasonal promotions and group pricing were also suggested.

IIM Calcutta Consulting Club

Batch of 2019

Consulting Casebook


Bitan Chattopadhyay

1|P a g e
McKinsey & Co.

2|P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Arushi Jain

Interviewing Firm McKinsey & Co.

Interviewer Harsh Chhaparia (Associate Partner), Somnath Chatterjee (Partner)

Under-graduate College Delhi Technological University

Stream Computer Science

Work-experience ( Months) 10 months

Firm The Boston Consulting Group

Sector Industrial Goods

Friendly and encouraging. Started off with a question to ease me a
Preliminary/ Personal Questions little, and jumped straight into a case. No personals asked other
than the first question.

Round 1
Profitability (Automotive sector, Highly data intensive)

Interviewer So, how do you find Calcutta?

Mentioned about going there only once or so till now and how Joka has been quite an
(Smiling) So, should we start the case then? There's a 2-wheeler company which has
experienced flattened revenues in the past 2-3 years and they have come to you for help.
Okay, so we are looking at a 2-wheeler company whose revenues have flattened revenues
Candidate and we need to figure out the reason for the same. Is there any other thing I need to look
Interviewer No, please continue.
So before I move ahead with my analysis, I wish to understand some information about the
Industry, Company, Competitors, Products and the Customers.
Interviewer Sure.

Candidate Where is the company located and where are these flattened revenues experienced?

Interviewer The company is located Pan-India, and the revenues are also flattened throughout.

Candidate Okay. What part of the value chain is the company in?
The company is a 2-wheeler manufacturer as well as dealer. They have a third party exclusive
distribution network.
Candidate Do we have any information regarding the growth rate of the company and it's market share?

Interviewer Sure. We are growing at 1-2% with a market share of 50%

3|P a g e
Great, I'll move onto the competitive scenario now. How many competitors do we have, and
are they experiencing a similar situation?
Interviewer We have two competitors, and no they aren't experiencing this situation.
Do we have any information regarding the growth rate of the competitors and their market
So the first competitor is growing at a rate of 7-8% with a market share of 15% and the other
is growing at a rate of 10% with 25% market share.
Candidate So, compared to our competitors, we are not doing well at all. What products are we into?
So, there are three products. There is a scooter (<125cc), an economy motorcycle and a
premium motorcycle (>125 cc)
Alright. Do we have any information on the revenue split between these, and if the revenue
flattening is in any one segment or all?
So, the scooter segment has a 25% market share, the economy motorcycle has a 70% market
share and the premium motorcycle has a 5% market share.
How are these segments doing in terms of the growth rates, and how is our client doing in all
these three sectors?
The scooter segment is growing at a 25% rate, economy motorcycle at a 1% rate, and
premium motorcycle at 2-3% degrowth. What do you think is happening?
Candidate So, I'll be in a position to answer best once I know how our client is doing in these sectors.
In the scooter segment, the first competitor has 56% market share. Then there is the second
competitor and then us. We are growing at 5% here. In the economy motorcycle segment, we
have a market share of 70% and we are growing at 1%. Leave the motorcycle segment for
now. So, what do you think, which sector should we focus on?
Sure. Very evidently, we are not performing well in the premium scooter segment as our
Candidate growth rates are nowhere close to the industry growth rates. Which is contributing to the
flattened revenues? And I would want to now deep dive into this sector.
Interviewer Great! Go ahead. What do you want to know?

Candidate So, do we have any information about our customer segmentation?

The scooter segment is used by the younger generation belonging to the urban middle class.
For them, the USP is the mileage as well as the safety this vehicle offers. The economy
motorcycle is used by the rural people while the premium one is used by the rich adventurous
kids. The scooters offered by the first competitors are sturdy while ours are priced lower by
say 2000 rupees. The economy motorcycle offered by the client is durable, of higher quality
and is popular.
(I had an entire sheet of information given, and I had not started any analysis. But he was
patient which made me realise that the real test was not to solve the case but to stay very
calm with the information overload.) Can I please take 30 seconds to quickly summarize the
Interviewer Sure! Go ahead.

Candidate Summarized in a precise way from the beginning till now.

Interviewer Well done!

4|P a g e
So, since the competitors are doing well, while we are not, I believe there they either have a
product advantage, a cost advantage or the customer preference is in their favor. So I want to
look at the product features, awareness and distribution of the product to understand why
this is happening.
Interviewer Which all product features do you want to focus on?
I want to focus on Price, Mileage, Safety/Quality, Lifetime, Financing, Physical features,
Maximum speed.
Interviewer I think you are missing out on one aspect.

Candidate (Taking a few seconds) Oh yes. Wear and tear/maintenance.

Exactly, after sales service. Now, I want you to use digital technologies to reach youngsters in
order to attract them to your product.
Okay, how I want to proceed with this is that I want to look at the entire customer value chain
and identify points where digital can be incorporated
Interviewer Please define the customer value chain for me
So, the steps from the beginning are Awareness, Accessibility, Ambience, Product Selection,
Payment and After Sales Service
Interviewer How can you incorporate changes in the ambiene to make it more digital?
The ambience can be split into our five senses, sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. For the
purpose of the case touch, taste and smell can be left for now.
Interviewer (Smiles) Sure, for the others?
For vision, I would like to include digital displays (displaying discounts, store layout), ipads
Candidate (with the features of the products), technology assistants/bots to assist in the shopping
Interviewer Great, that will be it. Do you have any questions for me?
Asked about McK Kolkata and the team there. He answered, asked a few other questions
related to what he said.
Interviewer Very well done! And all the best.

Candidate Unconventional case

Round 2
Unconventional case
The interview style was professional. Only one personals question at the end. The focus of
the interview was to just see my structure.
So, let's begin with the case. You have been hired by the Government of Bengal, to start a
Interviewer campaign in order to make Bengal seem a good investment destination for foreign investors.
How would you go about doing this?
So, I need to layout a plan on how to make Bengal look more attractive for investment
opportunities. Is there any other objective I need to be looking at?
Interviewer No, that'll be all for now.

5|P a g e
What is the timeline for this plan, and are we focusing on any one particular industry
investors to attract?
The timeline is say 5 years, and not any particular industry. But what factors would you look
at when you decide which industry to attract?
So, when I look at what industries to attract, I would look at the USP of Kolkata. The first thing
I know is that the population density of Kolkata is very high. This means we can look at labour
intensive industries. Kolkata is also a port city, which makes it attractive for any edible oil
manufacturer for example.
Lets look at the fact that it is highly dense in terms of the population. What industries do you
think would be attracted by this?
Candidate The construction industry is one which is highly labour intensive.

Interviewer Any industry which needs skilled labour?

Candidate (After some thought) The IT services industry.

Interviewer Exactly. Now think about how you can make Bengal attractive for the IT industry.
(Did a quick 10-second summary to make the objective very clear) So, how I want to go about
this is that from the very beginning I will look at all the touch points. I will start with Financing,
Legal Barriers to entry, Government regulations, Land acquisition, Labour and labour laws,
Market access
Interviewer Okay. But don't you think some of these are not state issues.

Candidate Oh okay. Mostly labour is a state issue. Rest are essentially Central subjects.

Interviewer Yes.
So, for the IT industry, labour costs are the major costs. So that is one thing I want to deep
Candidate dive in. And the other thing we need to portray to make Bengal look attractive is the market
access they will get by investing in Bengal.
Okay. Great! I think we can close the case now. So what is the most interesting piece of work
you have done till now?
There have been two actually. Spoke about one case I worked on while at BCG highlighting
how I was hesitant to enter a new industry, but decided to work on it and gained a lot of
Candidate knowledge. Talked about a steep learning curve, collaborating with a global team etc. He was
almost getting up, when i mentioned about my entrepreneurial venture. That interested him
and he sat again to have a good 5-7 minute discussion on that.
Interviewer Great! Please wait outside, we'll let you know.

Candidate Thank you!

The interviewer is not necessarily looking for a solution. In both my cases,

no solution was reached as such. But the idea was to gauge how well I
handled excess data and an unconventional case. It's imperative to
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips understand where the interviewer is steering the case, and pick hints.
Also, a very good practice is to summarize the case in the middle once to
get everyone upto speed and focus the discussion.

6|P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Atyasha Sinha

Interviewing Firm McKinsey & Company

Interviewer Prasad Lad

Under-graduate College M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology

Stream Information Science and Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) Fresher

Firm NA

Sector NA

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Profitability/Growth; Friendly

Interviewer Tell me something about yourself.

Candidate 2 mins answer followed by him asking my rank in my UG college which was 11/161.
Let's start with a simple case. Suppose you own a nimbu paani stall outside Joka and you want
to increase your profit. How would you go about it?
I divided profit into revenue, costs and created a separate section for adding additional
revenue streams. We can increase our revenue by simply increasing the price by a small
amount for each nimbu paani which will not add much to the revenue. We can also look at
increasing the volume or the number of nimbu paanis sold. This can be done by looking at the
product quality and improving it, changing the location to a more accessible one, say next to
the bus stop, in a cooler area during the day and so on. Looking at promotions doesn't make
sense because of the simple fact that its a small nimbu paani stall and its customers will more
or less remain the same.
Interviewer Who will be your customers?

Candidate Probably some local people, some students from IIMC.

Interviewer I want you to mention a specific set of customers.

Candidate Students from the Kendriya Vidyalaya here?

Interviewer Yes. Now, can you find some new solutions?

We can try adding new revenue streams by introducing other drinks such as soda shikanji if
Candidate possible. We can also introduce a fancy way of making the drink or decorating the stall which
will attract more students.
Interviewer Anything else?

7|P a g e
A major problem here would be that the demand would suddenly increase either when the
students have recess or when they get done with classes for the day. It is very important to be
able to cater to this demand. This can be done by already keeping the nimbu paani ready and
serving it to the students as soon as possible.
Okay. Now let’s look at another case. How would you increase PayTM's profit? Its model
Interviewer already includes whatever it currently has from paying bills to recharging to online shopping
and whatever we are aware of. I want you to primarily focus on adding new revenue streams.
There are facilities to book movie tickets online. Recently, Netflix, Hotstar and Amazon Prime
Candidate have become extremely popular. An additional revenue stream could be having a tie up with
them which asks users to pay through PayTM when they subscribe to these websites
Interviewer Anything else?
Another existing feature PayTM has includes the coupons it offers. The coupons as we all
know are generally quite redundant. We can focus on making the coupons more useful. If we
provide more useful coupons which actually promote purchase, we can attract more
Interviewer Thank you, Atyasha

Candidate Thank You

Interviewer How did your first interview go?

After I told him that it went well, he told that he was going to test if I can think on my feet
and hence would change situations very quickly during the discussion
There is a fully loaded truck which has to be delivered from Paris to Zurich (straight line) and
we have to reduce the transportation cost by 25%.
I broke the transportation cost into different sections and started analysing how we could
reduce the different types of cost.
He was not looking for a specific solution. He just wanted to check if I followed a structured
approach in reducing the cost
Later, I also gave other suggestions for increasing revenue like having advertisements on the
truck when he changed the question
You have to set up a detergent plant in Africa where people use mud for cleaning purposes.
How will you decide the location and convince the CEO for the same? You have 2 mins.
Anything I suggested to decide the location was refuted by him. I assume he was checking the
Candidate number of ways I could come up with for deciding the location. I finally decided to suggest
Congo after which he changed the question.
Interviewer The CEO decided to leave. How would you now set up the plant?
I suggested multiple ways which he rejected. I finally suggested collaborating with a soaps
industry in Africa he had mentioned during the preliminary questions I had asked.

The cases for the first round were pretty simple and easier than the cases
we had practiced. Maintaining your calm and staying confident definitely
helps. As it was a stress Interview, the interviewer did not accept any
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips answer I gave. The only thing which helped me was my attempt to
structure my solution for everything he asked. Even if all your answers are
being rejected do not let any nervousness show on your face.

8|P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Ishita Agarwal

Interviewing Firm McKinsey & Co.

Under-graduate College Hans Raj College, Delhi University

Stream Economics

Work-experience ( Months) 0


Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Market Entry
Your client is a retail bank and now it wants to enter wealth management practice. Should it
enter or not?
I was a little scared because I had no idea about wealth management. So I asked in my
clarifying questions what wealth management was and other clarifying questions.
Interviewer He explained to me what wealth management is.
Estimated market size, market we can capture and estimated profits from that and then give
Candidate a recommendation if we should ennter or not. Important issues in this case were strengths
that the bank had and how it could use those to its adavantage.
Interviewer Why consulting?


Interviewer Guesstimate the number of passemgers in Delhi Metro in a day

Candidate Clarifying questions like For one line only, Metro operates from 6 AM to 11 PM,

Interviewer Asked me to calcuate it for one trip only.

Started with making assumptions that I will be calculating it for an 8 coach yellow line metro
with 20 stations
Interviewer He approved my assumptions
I started by dividing in 2 time perods - peak hours and non peak hours. Assumed capacity of
one coach on Metro is 50. Occuoany during peak times will be 100% and during non peak
hours will be 50%.Assumed 6 hours of peak traffic in a day. Assumed 20% people get off at
every station and there are 20 stations.

9|P a g e
Interviewer He asked me to do the calculation till the end

Candidate I made a minor calculation mistake but I realised it myself and corrected it.
He was patient and kept nodding all along. He then asked me to list the revenue and cost
streams of a newspaper agency.
Candidate I did this well and he seemed happy.

Interviewer He asked me to give him 2 minutes. I left the room

Candidate 2 minutes later he came out and offered mw the internship.

Just be calm and confident. The interviewer will try to help you. Take cues
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips from him. Even if you think your interview is going bad, don't give up or
get underconfident.

10 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Kunal Desai
Interviewing Firm McKinsey & Company
Interviewer Ankur Modi (Partner)
Under-graduate College IIT Kharagpur
Stream Mechanical Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 23 months

Firm ITC Limited
Sector Operations, Manufacturing
1. Introduce yourself
2. Why did you join IIM C? What if not IIM C?
3. How would you rate your academic performance in the
Preliminary/ Personal Questions first term? Which was your best course, and why?
4. What is your opinion on the MOOCS (online open courses)
revolution? What does it mean for the teaching profession?
What would you recommend a young school teacher to do?
Round 1
Rapidfire mini-cases: After a brief introduction exchange and 3/4 personal questions,
jumped directly to a series of short caselets
The interviewer told that he'll be firing short cases at me and wants to look at how I
approach those problems.
Case 1: Suppose you are a sales executive at P&G, looking after their ice-cream
product line. A Walmart store in your area needs to be convinced to open a dedicated
space for P&G ice-cream, and stop selling other brands of ice cream. Moreover, you
will offer them only half the competitors' margin. What would you do?
Demand+Supply side analysis: Started by understanding the P&G ice-cream brand
more - how it sells, Points of parity and points of difference as compared to other
brands; next moved to what's in it for the Walmart store - how much profit it makes
out of the current ice-cream sales and net benefit expected because of the P&G ice
cream introduction (both direct profits - due to ice cream sales, and indirect profits -
e.g. increased customer visits to store, new customers visiting store)
Case 2: You are an operations executive and are given the following problem
Reduce inventory of the warehouse
Increase service level
Reduce all logistics related cost
What would you do to achieve all of these simultaneously?

11 | P a g e
This was a tricky question. The fact that I had expected to get a few ops related
questions made me even more nervous to answer this one correctly. Started by asking
the product, company, distribution channels. Was told that it’s a single product -
Candidate cigarettes. I had been exposed to the Toyota Production system/Japanese operational
excellence frameworks in my previous work ex at ITC and explained that a mix of
those would serve the purpose. JIT/Lean led operations mixed with advanced
analytics driven network optimization system.
Case 3: A company wants to choose which geography to choose to launch a high-
nutritional value dog food product it has recently developed?
Assuming no bias/contraint - went on to list the important outcomes desired
(%market share and publicity effects), characteristics of an ideal market that will help
achieve this result. Identified the top markets the company operates in currently and
the external environment (suppliers, regulators), mapped them to the ideal
requirement, started listing down top countries of interest. Then on the basis of
market share growth in these countries, identified the best-suited country.
Interviewer Thanks. That'll be great for me. Do you have any questions for me?
The interviewer had mentioned about his previous experience with HUL. Asked him
about the reason for transition and how his functional expertise helps him.
The interview was based on a single case that the interviewer had already worked on.
No preliminary questions, just a round of mutual intros.
Our client is an India-based automobile manufacturer which has seen a decline in
Candidate revenue from the last year. You've been hired to find out the reason behind the same
and suggest recommendations.
Started by asking introductory questions regarding the company, geography,
products, competitors and the revenue decline situation. Turned out that this was a 2-
wheeler manufacturer, and out of 4 major products it sold, its scooter had hit poor
sales figures in the last year. Moreover, competing scooter brands were all doing just
fine (and better compared to their last year's figures). Proceeded to ask whether we
had cut prices, sales number drop or both.
Okay, so our scooter sales number has dropped by more than 40% from last year. We
Candidate haven't tinkered with the prices. However, we do find that the competitors are
gaining on the lost market share.
Okay. So it's a problem of declining number of scooters sold. I'll want to first
understand whether it's a supply side issue or a demand side issue. Have we
Interviewer expeirenced any issue with respect to meeting the demand forecast from
manufacuring side? Have we seen disruptions in our supply chain network
(logistics/warehouse/retailer) that has curbed our ability to serve customer demand?
Candidate None.
Okay, so this seems to be a consumer demand issue. Apparently, the consumers are
not demanding many of our scooters and instead moving towards the other scooter
brands. I'll start by eliciting the consumer purchase process :
1. Awareness (Does the consumer know about the existence of our product): Brand

12 | P a g e
image, promotions, advertisement efficiency and effectiveness
2. Likeability (Does the consumer peg our product high as compared to other
competing products), talking about product speciications, unique characteristics, price
point, after-sales service feedback
3. Accessibility (Given the consumer wants to purchase the product, is it available in
his preferred distribution channel e.g. online/offline stores/home delivery)
4. Purchase Action (Given the consumer finds the product at his preferred distribution
channel, can he complete his purchase completely e.g. availability of vehicle
loans/options of card payment or e-payment facilities)
That's an exhaustive enough framework. Assume all prducts were comparable in
terms of their features/prices. Let's assume it was a 'purchase action' issue.
Apparently the customers, while in store, changed their decision to buy our product.
Any reason you can think of?
Well assuming that competitor products were also displayed in the same store, the
possible reasons could exist that consumers switched their decision to a different
1. Sales pitch issue: Salesmen bias - differing margins/differing incentives OR salesmen
not knowledgeable enough of our product
2. Product marketing: Product not positioned/displayed at par, features not being
displayed aptly
3. Loan availability issue
Sure. The competitors had changed their strategy of marketing the scooters to attract
younger audiences - with a flamboyant in-store display of features, while our client
was focusing on the middle-aged people, kept only 2 colors of models with just a
brochure to refer to all product features. Any recommendations?
The client should conduct a market survey to understand consumer preferences in-
store and design a pilot to test the results. It should also focus on capturing other
channels of marketing for capturing the 'scooter for the young' sentiment - digital
could be an important channel to invest in.
Candidate Thanks.

13 | P a g e
A few pointers:

1. Please focus on structures! Even in a rapid-fire short cases type

scenario, it's best not to lose composure and focus on the first principles
on structuring the problem correctly and approaching the solution.
2. Not all questions are cases! The question related to supply chain/ops
was not a case, but was more of a CV-related thing. I had highlighted my
operations and manufacturing experience in my CV, and that could've
been the reason I was asked the JIT/Lean question.
3. If given an opportunity to ask questions do ask! And it'll be even better
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips if you could take out a thing or two from the interviewer's introduction
about himself and frame a question (looks more natural that way!)
4. The interviewer guided me a lot throughout my cases. It is essential
that you take cues from what he's leading you towards. He'll generally not
try to trick you and is always looking to help you reach the solution
5. Relax! In the interview room it may get tense if you are caught off
guard with some unusual piece of information/fact regarding some case.
You could take a paper and jot down your thoughts (in a legible and
structured manner), this buys you some time and lets the interviewer
know that you've not blanked out.

14 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Neerja Maheshwari

Interviewing Firm McKinsey & Co.

Under-graduate College Hansraj college, University of Delhi

Stream Commerce

Work-experience ( Months) NA

Firm NA

Sector NA
Quickly walk me through your resume. Tell me about your
research projects in detail. Tell me one thing which you like and
Preliminary/ Personal Questions which you don't like about consulting. Tell one event from your life
where you faced failure. Why Consulting?

Round 1
Market entry
Suppose you are a non-governmental organization who wish to enter India. He has come to
seek your advice as to how to go about it.
So, our client is an NGO who wishes to enter India. What exactly is the objective of our client?
Candidate What is the geography in which they currently operate? Which sectors are they currently
operating in? Why do they particularly want to enter India?
They are currently operating in health and education sector in US. They want to maximize
social welfare. They have no financial constraints and hence I would not like you to look the
problem from financial perspective. They want to enter India as they saw an opportunity of
social welfare considering the situation of India.
Okay. So, since the objective is to maximize social welfare, I would like to first look into the
sectors in which the client can enter, then evaluate all the sectors and then decide the se ctor
to enter keeping in mind the objective of maximizing social welfare. Then I would like to
discuss different ways in which our client can enter Indian market.
Interviewer Okay. Go ahead.
There are multiple areas in which the client can enter. It can be health, education,
environmental protection, urban planning, waste management, electricity, regional rural
bank, etc. Now I would like to evaluate each options in terms of number of lives impacted, the
extent of impact and the feasibility of entering in that particular sector.
Interviewer Sure.
The health and education sector will directly affect many lives but at the same time there are
multiple governmental and non-governmental organizations working in these areas.
Environmental protection is much needed but quick and direct impact of it's acti vities would
not be seen. Feasibility can be checked in terms of government regulations, support of local

15 | P a g e
bodies and NGOs, current capabilities of the client and the intentions of the client to establish
as a new entity alone or to join hands with any existing NGOs. In case of urban planning,
electricity generation and regional rural banks, there will be stringent govermental
regulations and multiple permissions would be needed to be taken.
Interviewer The client is open to all the options of new NGO or merging with an existing NGO.
So, considering the pros and cons of all the alternatives, it seems like health and education
seems a very good option because of multiple factors. Both the sectors need much attention
and many lives can be directly impacted through social work in these two sectors. Moreover,
the client has an added advantage in the form of existing capabilities to serve these two
areas. The client can easily enter into partnership with any existing local NGO to get
knowledge of the present state in India and how to go about development in these sectors.
Interviewer Okay. Thanks.

Candidate Profitability
Your client is a banking company who is presently facing profitability issues. How will you
solve their problem?
So, the client is a banking company and they are facing problems in profitability. It means that
their profits as a percentage of revenues has declined.
Interviewer Exactly.
Our client is what type of bank, an investment bank or a traditional bank? What is the
Candidate geography in which it operates? The issue is with any particular branch of with the entire
banking system of our client? Are our competitors facing similar issue in profitability?
Our client is a traditional bank which does the operation of accepting deposits and lending.
Interviewer The profitability issue is in one branch which is located in a rural area. Yes, it is an industry
wide issue.
So, I would like to understand what is driving profitability by studying its components. Then I
would proceed to identify the remedies for these issues. Profitability=profit/revenues, i.e. 1-
cost/revenue. There could be three reasons, Profit margins have reduced (Price of products -
variable cost per unit), Product mix have changed or fixed costs have shot up.
Interviewer Okay. Go ahead. I would like you to address these issues in banking terms.
First, I would like to check if the profit margins have reduced i.e. if there is any change in the
interest rates, lending rate, borrowing rate, repo rate or reverse repo rate because the basic
income of the banks come from the difference between the rate at which they borrow and
the rate at which they lend.
Interviewer There is no change.
Then I woud like to look into the second aspect of if there is a change in product mix. For this,
I would like to look into the different sources of revenues of the bank.
Interviewer Sure, go ahead.
Different loans, credit and debit cards, allied services. Is there any change in the percentage
of revenues coming from these three products.
There is no change in the percentage of revenues from these products. However, there is a
change in the mix of different types of loans. Can you tell the reason why?

16 | P a g e
There could be multiple reasons. Since the bank is operating in rural area, there could have
been an increase in the amount of loans offered to farmers at low interest rates. There could
be an increase in NPAs. Alternatively, there could have been a change in the sectoral lending
requirements by the RBI. Since it is given that the interest rates are constant, another
possibility is changes in the margin requirements. Also, there is one bleak possibility of
dishonest branch manager approving loans to some selected industrialists at lower rates.
Great. It is because the bank has started offering the loans at lower interest rates to farmers.
Also, NPAs have increased. How can you solve the problem?
Proper background check of the borrower to judge his credit worthiness. Collaterals should be
made compulsory for people with low credit worthiness. Moreover, bank should try to
Candidate increase lending to different sectors like car loans, home loans, etc. where default rates are
low, interest rates are high and the repayment is not directly dependent on uncertain event
like rainfall.
Interviewer Okay thanks. That would be all.

Candidate Guesstimate

Interviewer Calculate the number of taxis in kolkata.

(Had already practised similar guesstimate) What kind of taxis, call cabs like ola and uber, or
yellow taxis?
Interviewer Calculate the yellow taxies only.
I would like to use demand based approach. Number of taxis= (Total #Taxi fares per hour) /
(Avg. fares per taxi in a hour). The above analysis can be done for any hour in the day.
However we should choose the hour on the basis of ease of computation. For this let us
choose the morning time, since we know most people need to leave home to go to work or
Candidate college at that time. This is better than choosing some other time like afternoon/evening
where demand can come for a wide variety of purposes (like going for shopping, theatre) and
will make it difficult to compute. We can compute the (Total # Taxi fares) in the morning time
(7am-12pm) and divide by number of morning hours to arrive at (Total #Taxi fares per hour)
in the morning.
Okay. Let us do another guesstimate. Calculate the number of marriages in India in one year
Interviewer and simplify calculations as much as possible.(Probably the interviewer realized that I have
already practised similar guesstimate).
Overall strategy- We need to calculate the number of marriages in India in one year. First we
would calculate the average number of people who are in the marrying age in the country.
Then we would factor in the aspects of people already married, who don't want to marry,
child marriages and remarriages.
Interviewer Assume that there are no child marriages and remarriages.
Okay. The population of India is approximately 1.25 billion. Assuming a uniform distribution
Candidate across all the ages, population between age 0-10= 10-20=20-30=30-40=40-50=50-60=60-
80=approximately 178 million. We would assume it to be around 180 million each.
Fair enough. Take that to be 200 million each. Assume that only the people between the age
group of 20-40 marry. No marriages of people below 20 and above 40.
Assume that 70% people marry between 20-30 years and rest 30% marry between 30-40
Candidate years of age. Out of 100 million, 70 million marry between 20-30 and so number of people
between age 20-30 marrying in one year is 70million/10=7 million. And so the number of

17 | P a g e
marriages=7M/2= 3.5 million.

Interviewer Fine. How will you calculate number of marriages of people between the age group 30-40.
Out of 100 million people between 30-40 age group, 70% are already married. So 30% will
marry when they are between 30-40. So number of people marrying in one year is 30M/10=3
million. Again considering 50% men and 50% women, numner of marriages is 3M/2 which is
1.5 million.
Interviewer Okay.

Candidate So the total marriages is 3.5+1.5= 5 million.

Interviewer Okay. Fine. Thanks.

Do not panic. Try to give structure to the case even if it looks like an
unconventional case with no structure. Practice sufficient number of
guesstimates to increase calculation speed. Try to follow MECE approach
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips in both conventional as well as non conventional cases. If the interviewer
is asking to simplify calculations, simplify it as much as you can. What the
interviewer is looking for is not numbers but the approach.

18 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Radhika Gupta

Interviewing Firm Mckinsey & Co.

Interviewer Partners

Under-graduate College Delhi University

Stream Economics Hons.

Work-experience ( Months) NIL

Firm N.A.


Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer You are from Delhi, tell me something about Delhi.

Candidate Had a small talk.
Interviewer Estimate the number of marriages in India in a year
I started with clarifying questions, some of which are listed down: What types of marriages?
Should I consider child marriages, remarriages? Marriages in India or Marriages of Indians?
He asked me to ignore child marriages, remarriages etc. He asked me look at marriages of
I discussed the approach with the interviewer and took the nod to move ahead with it. I
started with the entire population of India, looked at the marriageable age and found the
population in that range. I then listed down the factors that could determine the proportion
of population that would get married in that range. The interviewer was more keen on
knowing the factors than finding it numerically. I divided the original number with the
relevant range to find the annual number and then divided it by 2 to get the final number.
Interviewer Do you have any questions?
Candidate Asked a question.
Interviewer Cased-based
Candidate Why consulting?
Interviewer Discussed the reasons with him.
The interviewer laid down the structure of the interview. It had 3 parts, first theory based,
Candidate then quantitative and then interpretation. The case was: There is a local retail bank based in
UK dealing with individual customers, i.e. no corporate clients. The product offered are

19 | P a g e
savings account, current account, and loans.

First Part: The bank has seen an increase in revenues but their profitability has reduced in the
last 3 years. Find the reason.
Candidate The case was of declining profitability. I gave a structure and listed all the possible reasons.
The problem was increasing costs. Mention all the costs associated with the bank. Identify
Interviewer which cost could have increased to the extent that it has caused such a large hit to
Candidate I listed all the costs under 3 buckets: Administrative, operations, set-up costs/fixed costs.
The next part was quantitative: I was given data on the number of customers of 3 different
banks, the average number of products sold, and the average profit per customer. The
operating cost per customer reduces by 4.175% if there is an addition of 100,000 customers
Interviewer (take the reduction to be linear). The operational cost is 60% of revenues. Luxemburg bank
wants to grow its customers base to equate it to the next best bank. Its present customer
base is 400,000 and wants to make it 1200,000. The current profit per customer is given. Find
out the final operational cost for the bank.
So the increase in customers is 800,000. The final operational cost per customer will be
present operating cost*0.96825*8*1200,000. All that is left to find is the present operational
cost, that we can find out from the profit per customer and the relationship between op cost
and revenue.
Interviewer Interpret the data.
Candidate Interpreted.
Interviewer Do you have any questions?
Candidate No

DOs and DONTs/Important Tips Prepare all the types of cases and try to cover most of the industries.

20 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Rishi Gupta

Interviewing Firm McKinsey and Company

Under-graduate College IIT Kanpur

Stream Electrical Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 10 Months

Firm EXL Service Gurgaon

Sector Consulting

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Started with tell me about yourself, why is your CGPA low, what all did you do in you under-
Candidate Told him about my under-graduation and PORs and that is the reason for low CGPA.

Interviewer Moved to the guesstimate, he asked to find the amount of cement used in India last month.
Started with clarifying the objective and asked whether I need to consider only residential
construction or commercial as well.
Interviewer Told to ignore commercial constructions.
Took the population of India and divided by rural and urban areas. Found out the number of
Candidate families and considered 2 types of constructions (Families building their first home and
families already having home & building another one).
Interviewer Was happy with the approach and asked to tell 10 other ways to find the same thing.

Candidate Started telling approaches and listing them on paper.

Interviewer Leave the pen and paper and let's just have discussion.
Told 3-4 approaches like property registrations, land dealings, government data on taxes etc.
and got stuck.
Interviewer helped me with it, and told to think in terms of other things other dependent things.
Took the clue, and then was able to tell 8-9 ways (sales of iron bars, bricks, furniture,
electronic fitting items etc.). Basically things related to new house.
Interviewer He was happy with the approach and asked to wait outside for next interview.

Candidate Guesstimate

21 | P a g e
Interviewer How many interviews you already had (he meant with McKinsey).

Candidate I answered 3 (had 2 interviews with BCG before)

Interviewer He was surprised, how come I am having 4th interview.

Candidate Clarified that I meant 2 with BCG & 1 with McKinsey (followed by little bit of laugh)

Interviewer Tell me about yourself and what all you like to do.
Told about my hobbies what I did in under-graduation. Told about what all I can cook (told
cooing as my hobby)
Interviewer How many marriages take place in India in an year?
Clarified the objective and explained my approach, told that I will be considering two types of
marriages (re-marriages and first time marriages)
Interviewer Go ahead
Started with population and divided by gender. Told the age group that I will be considering
for marriage for each gender. Calculated the proportion of this pool that will be marrying this
Candidate year (kept a lower bound on number of females as population ratio is not same for both
genders). Then took assumptions about remarriages using some data about divorces and
proportion of divorced people marrying again.
He was satisfied with the approach and liked few points I covered like remarriages and lower
bound on number of females. Asked me about how was my day till now and had a little bit of
chit-chat before asking me to wait outside. After sometime both the interviewers came out
and congratulated me for the offer.

1. Do not panic at all, I could not get through even after going at 8 AM.
Sometimes things don't go as planned, but need to get the confidence
back and nail the next interview you get into.
2. Explain you approach properly and ask if you have any doubts before
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips going into case. Interviewers are very helpful and will help you in between
if you get stuck.
3. Prepare hard, number of cases is not as important as doing different
kind of cases. This is necessary to be confident in final interview. All the
best!!! :)

22 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Samarth Agarwal

Interviewing Firm McKinsey

Interviewer 8 o clock

Under-graduate College NSIT

Stream ECE

Work-experience ( Months) 2 yrs

Firm Royal Bank of Scotland

Sector Software Engineer, Big Data

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Give me an anecdote of a time you have failed, and what did you do about it.
Give me an anecdote of a time when people were not agreeing your opinions and how did
you handle the situation.
Interviewer (Was able to give examples of both from my work)

Candidate Case Type - Unconventional

The case had two parts, first we talked about a bank's value chain and the various cost drivers
in it (for about 10min)
The second part was very quant heavy, where I had to calculate cost incurred based on
various aspects discussed above.
Interviewer The numbers were provided by him and the concepts were not too complex.
Interview Over. I felt he was testing whether I was able to drive the discussion of the first part
though numbers.

Candidate Case Type - Guestimate

Interviewer No personals, jumped directly onto the case

Candidate The interview was telephonic, not face to face.

Interviewer Q - How many golf balls are sold in scotland in an year?

Candidate Divided the population into age groups

23 | P a g e
The interviewer gave me the details of the demographics and also mentioned that Scotland is
a golfing country
Accounted for young kids training golf (hence hire percentage of players) and partially
reduced as the grew up, since some stopped playing
Accounted for durability of an average ball, number of balls an average person uses in a
game, number of games played in an year
Candidate Accounted for balls getting lost in trees, water bodies etc
Accounted for seniors passing on balls to their kids/juniors once they stopped playing -- I
don’t think he was expecting this
He mentioned one element was missing. I was unable to came up it, so he mentioned that
half of the balls lost in trees etc get found are are kept by the finder.
He mentioned its something very specific to golf, so not figuring it out is understandable. I
accounted for this in the calculations
Candidate Guestimate Over

Interviewer Discussed a little about golf and its spread in India.

Candidate Ended the interview.

Prepare personals and guesstimates well

DOs and DONTs/Important Tips Feel free to ask questions in case the industry (in my case, sport) is very
alien to you

24 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Sateesh Chandran

Interviewing Firm McKinsey & Co.

Interviewer Sujit Chakrabarty (Round 1), Nitesh Gupta (Round 2)

Under-graduate College IIT Madras

Stream Mechanical Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 22 months

Firm Flipkart Internet Pvt. Ltd.

Sector Business Analytics

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Let's get into the case then?

Candidate Sure
India sees a rise in the HIV affected population (% wise) in recent times. Figure out the
Frankly stumped at that point. How recent has this trend been seen? Do we have any details
regarding the main factors that spread HIV, or should I make some assumptions?
Let's say this has been happening for the past 5 years. We know that HIV is spread primarily
from sex workers, then their primary customers and then spreads from there
Candidate Do we know who their primary customers are?
Sure. They are mostly truck drivers, who travel from city to city and halt at such places where
sex workers are common.
Candidate Ok. Can I take a minute to collect my thoughts around the problem?

Interviewer Sure
About 30-45 secs later… From the data that we have now, it seems that the number of people
affected by HIV is rising in India. Has there been any changes regarding the sex workers'
business. Has it been expanding? Do we have data around that? Have any regulatory barriers
been lifted or relaxed for that business?
Interviewer No
Has there been a rise in awareness regarding HIV in the country, due to which more cases are
being reported? Maybe some government initiative to increase HIV awareness?
You are right about more cases being reported. But not due to an increase in awareness as

25 | P a g e
Do we know if there has been a rise in the number of truck drivers in India? Maybe due to the
Candidate growing economy there is an increased need for transportation and hence truck drivers. Is
that the case?
No. No such changes have happened. I can help you out with some data regarding South
Africa where we saw the similar problem in the 70s. We saw a steady proportion of
population which contracted HIV for the first 5 years then a sudden spike. He gave me some
numbers regarding the rise in HIV cases
So this seems to me to be a normal trend that happens with HIV cases. Is it safe to assume
Interviewer Sure. Go ahead. Lets figure out the reason for this rise
Well, in case of South Africa, I can think of the Apartheid scare that existed in the past. A
revolution regarding abolishing Apartheid in South Africa might lead to people being open to
sexual encounters with a larger chunk of the population (including the blacks). That might be
the cause of the rise. But the same explanation would not apply for India
Good thinking. But, as you said the same cannot be applied to India. And that was not the
case for South Africa as well
Candidate Was quite stumped at this juncture. Did not know what to do.
Think in terms of what happens after the truck drivers (the primary contractors of the
disease) get AIDS? How does it further spread?
Candidate Oh. The truck drivers have sexual encounters with the larger population.

Interviewer Correct

Candidate So this would lead to an exponential rise in the rate of spreading of HIV across the country.

Interviewer You're right. Let's close the case here.

The interview ended very abruptly because of lack of time, and frankly didn't go well at all. But
McKinsey gives a second chance. So I was hopeful
Interviewer Makes me comfortable by asking me some questions about myself

Candidate I answer those questions

Interviewer Let's get into the case then?

Candidate Sure
Let's say your client is a retail bank. And they are seeing a drop in their profitability. They have
consulted you to provide them with possible reasons for the drop.
Sure. Let me first understand the client's situation a bit better. Where do they operate? Who
Candidate are their customers? Are they the general population or do we cater to a specific segment of
customers? How long has there been an issue with profitability?
They operate in India. They cater to all kinds of customers similar to a normal retail bank. Let's
say this issue has surfaced in the last 2 years
Ok. We know that profitability is a ratio of profits and revenue, and profits can further be split
Candidate into Revenues-Costs. So, in totality it just depends on Revenues and Costs. Has there been a
similar drop in Revenues? Or a rise in Costs?

26 | P a g e
There has been a slight rise in the Revenues for the bank. But the costs in the last 2 years have
Interviewer increased much more. And keep in mind that they are just looking for possible causes for this
problem. So let's focus on identifying possible reasons why the bank would see a rise in costs.
Sure. I'll just take a minute to lay down my thoughts on paper. Proceed to lay down a
structure for the various costs that a bank has
Interviewer Sure
I am going to divide the costs of the bank into three parts. Operational costs, which is the
daily costs incurred by the bank for their operations. Maintenance Costs, which would include
all costs incurred by their branches, for maintenance, supplies etc. The third branch would be
labeled as other costs/losses, which would include unforeseen losses
Ok. Let's go through them one by one. Could you list down what could be the factors in each
category of costs, that causes a rise in Revenues as well as costs, but increases costs further.
Ok. In operational costs, banks basically make money from the difference in loan interest rate
and the bank deposit interest rate. So, if there was a rise in deposits as compared to loans
Candidate taken then it would cause the effect that we are seeing. This can be due to some government
initiative urging people to save more. Gave more reasons like marketing campaigns, hiring
costs etc.
Interviewer Ok. How about maintenance costs?
If they have opened any new branches recently, that would incur them a huge fixed cost while
also pulling in more customers, hence increasing both revenues and costs. Or if they have
invested in some sort of training programme or new software which are designed to increase
Candidate employee productivity, then although it would incur a huge initial cost would still improve
productivity and hence number of customers served, which translates to revenue. Gave some
more generic factors as examples like new security features, renovation of existing branches
Interviewer Good. What about the unforeseen losses?
Ok. One reason could be loan write offs. Loan write offs would show up as an expense in the
bank's balance sheet.
Interviewer Ok. Good. But how does that translate to revenues?
Changing the loan write off policy would indicate that there is some change in the leadership,
Candidate which wants to bring more focus into areas that bring the bank revenues and eliminate loss
making ventures. Such focus would result in an increase in revenue.
Hmm. That's interesting. Now, I have some data regarding some banks here. As you can see
Interviewer bank A has lower revenue but higher growth rate than bank B. Can you figure out how many
years it would take them to overtake bank B in revenue?
Sure. Should I assume that the growth rates would remain constant for perpetuity, or at least
until bank A crosses bank B in revenues?
Interviewer Yes. You can assume that
Now it was a straightforward compounded growth equation. The numbers were a bit
complicated, but I could solve it in some time.
Great. It was good talking to you Sateesh. Please wait outside. Give us some time to tell you
your results
Candidate Sure. Thanks

27 | P a g e
The important thing during such interviews is to stay calm. The cases
would mostly be at least a tad unfamiliar. So, if you keep your cool you
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips should be able to go through the case well. Also it is important to not lose
heart after one bad interview. I had a bad first interview. But I could cope
up in my second interview, which led me to get the offer.

28 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Shubham Lalwani

Interviewing Firm McKinsey and Company

Interviewer Piyush & Puneeth

Under-graduate College IIT Bombay

Stream Computer Science

Work-experience ( Months) 22 months

Firm Optiver, LSL Engineers

Sector Trading, Business Development

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
2 cases, both guestimates [ 1 direct guestimate, other in the form of market entry ]

Interviewer Hello Shubham, How are you?

I am a bit stressed about the interview. Yesterday (Day -1) was a tough day involving my
Candidate rejecting a firm, and I find it absolutely necessary to convert this interview, McKinsey being
my dream firm.
Interviewer No worries, have some water.

Candidate Sure sir

Let us begin with a small guesstimate. Estimate the number of people travelling through the
Delhi Metro on a daily basis.
Let us begin with considering peak and non peak hours. Assuming 10 coaches, and inter-
Candidate arrival time of 2mins and 5 mins for peak and non peak, we get a total of 30/hr * 7hr/day*
10*100%*100 + 12/hr* 11hr/day*10*50%*100 = 276000
Interviewer Aren't you missing out on something?
(Thinking for a bit) Yes, there'll will be a few major stations which will involve people getting
Candidate out, and new people climbing in. Thus, assuming a turn-around of 4 i.e., the people in the
metro get overhauled 4 times, we get a total of 4*276000 = 1104000
Good, let us move on to another case. A Marathi newspaper wants to enter Nagpur. Plan its
GTM strategy.
I would divide a GTM strategy into 3 categories - pre entry, during entry, post entry. Firstly, I
would check for the industry attractiveness. (I asked a few preliminary questions regarding
Nagpur, and newsaper industry, Porter's Analysis). Following this, I began to estimate market
size and the market share we could grab. Lastly, looking at synergies and feasibility, I
presented a wholesome structure before digging deeper. For market size, I was helped by the
interviewer who gave me the data for the number of newspapers in businesses(hotels,

29 | P a g e
airports etc.) to be 10% of the total of subscription and on-the-go newspaper buyers.

Interviewer Good( stopping me in midway ) Do you have any questions for me?

Candidate Any advice on what one must keep in mind while entering the firm as an intern?

Interviewer You'll do fine, don't worry too much.

Candidate Thank you sir.

A telecom giant wants to enter the banking industry by acquiring someone. What would you
(Thinking for a bit, Initially I thought it was an M&A case. But then, I went about thinking
about it as just another case) What are the objectives of the acquisition?
Getting market share, break-even in 2-3 years, ultimately becoming profitable. But I want you
to focus on the qualitative aspects.
I would primarily look at my expertise currently, and the kind of synergies I'll be getting in
banking. I would also consider the costs involved, and do a cost benefit analysis.
Interviewer What synergies do you think could be got?
Looking at the banking process, one major synergy is the customer base that I already have. I
could directly link them and get a huge advantage at a very low cost.
(seemed very satisfied with this point. We dealt around with very specific aspects for some
Interviewer more time, much of which was just a response to what was being asked) All right. Only 5
minutes left now. Do you have any questions for me?
Yes sir. What advice would you give a new joinee, looking at the experience you've had in the
2 points. First, don’t be put out by the fact that you might not be the smartest in the firm
anymore. Second keep exploring different areas as and when possible.
Candidate Thank you so much sir.

1. Practise cases. This cannot be under stressed. I had seen the newspaper
guesstimate before, and it went on pretty smoothly in the interview.
2. Integrate the answers to why consulting and why McKenzie in normal
interactions itself, which gives an inkling that you are a good fit, even
without being asked about it.
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips 3. Stay calm and interact a lot with your buddy. Keep on pestering them
for cases until he/she gets sick of it. Don’t be afraid that it might be
evaluative. In the end, buddies are there primarily to help prep you up for
the interview. And McKenzie will definitely interview you, if shortlisted.
Good luck!

30 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Shubhangi Nigam

Interviewing Firm McKinsey and Co.

Interviewer Ankit Arora( Associate Partner), Sujit Chakraborty (Partner)

Under-graduate College IIT(BHU) Varanasi

Stream Metallurgical Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 0, Fresher


Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Good morning!! Stressed out or not?

Good morning. No, not at all. (Had little conversation in and around anxiety during summers
for 5-7 min. )
This is a case which is currently undertaken by my team and we are going to give the final
recommendations today itself. I would like you to analyze this case and give your insights.
Candidate Yes, definitely.(Maintaining a smile all the time)
Lets get on with the case. Our client is a leading IT company, say for eg. IBM. Another
Interviewer company, say, Compaq has approached it to get in a deal to provide its services. Should it
make the deal or not?
Candidate Clarified the problem. What is the metric that the client is looking for to carry out the deal?

Interviewer Long term growth

I would like to work out on the problem knowing the 5 dimensions: 1.Industry:Growth
2.Company:Existing business;Synergies;Technical, Human,Financial Capital 3.Competitors:
Market share;Numbers 4.Service/Product: Point of differentiation 5.Customers:Preferances
(Quality, Price, Convenience);Segment;Growth.
Interviewer Go ahead. Shoot!(Preliminary questions)

Candidate What is the industry outlook?Is it growing or not?

Interviewer There is sufficient growth in the industry.

How is company performing relative to its competitors? And are the competitors also
undergoing these type of deals?

31 | P a g e
Currently it is well positioned with respect to its competitors. We have no other information
of our competitors.
Candidate What kind of services do we provide? How are they different from our competitors?
We provide services like a traditional IT service firm does. We differentiate ourselves with
quality of services we provide.
Candidate Do we have the sufficient financial, technical and human capital to carry on the deal?

Interviewer What exactly do you mean by human capital?

Candidate The availability of the skilled labor required for the job.

Interviewer Fine. So, yes, we have enough of all of them. Can you tell how will you proceed from here?
So, understanding the background of the company, further I would like to drill down upon the
Candidate kind of service we will provide and what implications this deal has:1. Financial 2.Technologi cal
and then evaluate the risks associated with the deal.
Interviewer Okay, nice. Go ahead with it..
1. Calculated the estimated profit coming out of the deal according to the data given by
Candidate interviewer(Marginal increase from present value) 2. As the technology is evolving fast and
being in IT sector, we need to determine whether the deal will bind us from growing.
Good thought process. So, the service they are asking from us is based on traditional
Interviewer tehnology while our competitors are shifting to new ones. This deal will restrict us to invest in
R&D of new services.
Candidate So, I think we have hit on a major cause of concern for the company regarding the deal.
According to information received so far, what recommendations you want to make. Should
we go ahead with the deal or not and why?
Keeping the long term in mind, even though this deal gets us a good client with some
increased profits, in my opinion we shouldn't go ahead with the deal as technology will fast
Candidate and our other customers might switch to our competitor's firms in case we are not able to
update the technology within time. This deal will actually handicap us from growing as
traditional services are required, so we should reject the offer from Compaq.
Interviewer Okay,Shubhangi. It was nice talking to you. Do you have any questions for me?
I asked 2. First of them was, what was recommendation that they were actually going to make
and second was previously prepared one.
Interviewer Answered and wished me luck for the next round.
This interview went pretty well. I was relaxed and laid out a fine structure which the
interviewer was impressed with.
Interviewer Hi, good morning. Let's jump to the case directly and not waste much time.

Candidate Yes, sir, sure.

So we have a company supplying glasses to opthalmologists. It is thinking to shift from manual
Interviewer to automation. Whether it is wise or not? What all aspects will you be looking at?(He laid out
all the supply chain process of the company. Explained that end product won't be affected.)

32 | P a g e
I started out by laying 4 factors :1.Industry 2.Competition 3. Company 4.Product and reasoned
my structure one by one while listing.
Interviewer Cross-questioned every factor. What else will you look at?
We have previously not considered the financial implications of this shift. We need to fi nd out
what this technology will cost us.
Okay, I was waiting for this eagerly. Glad you asked yoursself.(Takes out a sheet completely
Interviewer loaded with data with old and new technology changes, explains the situation and asks me to
calculate the breakeven point)
I can't understand the Cost equivalent term. (I consistently asked him until I understood the
term, but it took almost 5 min to comprehend, too late, I guess. There were too many
Candidate numbers, this time I panicked a bit. He wasn't helping. I came up with the answer almost
knowing that I took a lot of time, and had tanked the interview. I had missed a factor which I
realised after he asked to check again.
Depreciation rate|Cost|Utilisation rate|Hourly rate of operating|Wages rates|Life of
Candidate machine: These were given and the life differed from 3 years which I missed in the
depreciation calculation.(Sorry, I couldn't recall the data)
Can you draw the Iron Carbon diagram for me. I want everything to be accurate with all the
temperature and compositions.
Candidate Yes, definitely.(Though was not really sure but replied confidently, smiling)
Okay,let's leave that. I will ask you 3 questions. I want the answers within a minute for each of
Candidate Okay, sure.

Interviewer Tell the number of steps you took to come to the interview room today.

Candidate (Easy one) Came up with an answer.

Interviewer Tell the number of people affected by malaria each year in India.
Went with dividing India's population:BPL and APL and then according to the probability of
catching malaria according to the 1. age and 2. geography
Interviewer Are all the factors considered?
(He was consistently telling about the time left) Took a while to consider in the seasonality
Candidate factor for India considering it to be a tropical country with high incidence and recalculated the
Interviewer What should be done to increase India's growth after demonetisation?
After demonetisation, the currency had to be disposed off either in banks or to immediately
buy goods/services. Growth of a country is reflected by GDP of that country and GDP is in turn
related on 4 factors-1. Consumption expenditure 2.Investment 3. Government expenditure 4.
Candidate Exports-Imports(Net exports). To increase GDP, we need to see which factors we can focus
on. After demonetisation, consumption decreased because currency in circulation had
reduced by more than 50%. Reasoned out subsequently to increase government expenditure
and investment, both of which will drive the GDP of the country.

33 | P a g e
1. Keep smiling; show that you are enthusiastic and not anxious.
2.Practice number intensive cases
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips
Don't panic and keep track of time when you are clarifying your doubt
from interviewer.
Don't overdo it which I did in my 2nd interview.

34 | P a g e
Boston Consulting Group

35 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Abhinav Bibhu

Interviewing Firm Boston Consulting Group

Interviewer 8:00 AM

Under-graduate College IIT Kanpur

Stream Chemical Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 2 years

Firm PwC Diamond

Sector Consulting

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Market Entry

Interviewer Hi, tell me something about yourself?

Candidate Answered.
Ok let’s get down to the case. It is 1990. Our client is Starbucks and they want to enter the
Cambodian market. Suggest how they should go about it.
Candidate Paraphrased the problem statement and checked if there are any other objectives.

Interviewer No.
Asked a few preliminary question to understand the objective behind this market entry, why
Cambodia specifically, the product Starbucks planned to offer.
Interviewer Gave short answers.
Came up with a structure on how to assess the market. The structure primarily looked at if it
made sense to enter the market and if yes, what could be the best way to enter the market.
Interviewer Let’s focus on the substitutes available and competitors.

Candidate Discussed the substitutes in details asking him about details about the Cambodia market.

Interviewer The interviewer seemed satisfied with the analysis. Asked me to come up with market size.
Laid out a guess estimate structure which he seemed fine with but was asked to come up with
a final number as well which I did.
Interviewer Suggest some proxy we can use for market size if we don’t have the population data.

Candidate Suggested other fast food chains (since no other coffee shop was present)

36 | P a g e
Interviewer He ended the case and asked a few questions on the resume.

Interviewer Asked me to introduce myself

Candidate Done.

Interviewer He was a fan of United too and asked me if Pogba was worth the dollars spent.

Candidate Gave a detailed analysis as to why Pogba deserves 89 mn dollars and his role in the team.
Our client is a manufacturer of tools and has 4% market share in India which has been
consistent for the last 3 years. The client has been struggling hard to improve its market share
but it has failed to do so till now. The global management has given the Indian firm a deadline
of 3 years to get into the top 3 players by market share or pull out of the Indian market.
Asked a few preliminary questions and then laid out a basic growth strategy framework.
Started with the existing revenue channels and if there is a chance of optimizing it further.
Seemed happy with the structure. Told me that the existing channels are pretty optimized
once I laid out the structure in detail.
Candidate Next I looked at new products, new geographies (basically the Ansoff matrix).

Interviewer Again these were dead end since we were present everywhere we could be.
The last part of the structure talked about acquisitions. Asked him if we had enough cash flow
to support acquisitions.
Interviewer Yes, we do.
Looked at the market share of the top 4 players who had >7% market share and suggested
Candidate that we can acquire the 4th largest player with a market share of 8%. This made more sense
because of the synergy present in terms of tools made and geographies catered to.
Seemed satisfied with the analysis. Apparently this was a case he had worked on before and
the final recommendation to the client was the same as I mentioned.

1. Don’t panic even if you are given a case where you don’t have a lot of
context. Ask questions to get more clarity.
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips 2. Be very precise with your calculations if given a guess estimate as part
of the case.

37 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Aditi Gupta

Interviewing Firm BCG

Interviewer Round 1 by Principal and Round 2 by Partner

Under-graduate College PEC University of Technology

Stream Electrical

Work-experience ( Months) 21 Months

Firm Grail Research

Sector Market Research and Strategy Consulting

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Good. Let us start with the case. Our client is a logistic service provider. His network is such
that he enables delivery within one day. He wants to increase his profit 2 times.
Re-iterated the problem and asked some clarifying questions about mode of logistics (trucks),
Candidate area of operation, time in which he wanted to achieve these profits etc. Divided Profit into
revenue and cost. Asked him to focus on which aspect.
Interviewer He Pointed Towards Cost
Listed the entire value chain of the firm and associated cost at each level. Suggested cost
reduction methods at each level such as fuel efficiency, ownership of trucks
Interviewer Asked me to move towards revenues

Candidate Divided into number of orders and revenue per order

Interviewer Revenue per order cannot be increased. Focus on number of orders

Listed out three possible ways of growth: Existing Clients, New Clients and Business
Interviewer Start with existing clients
Listed out ways such as re-negotiate contract, business in other geographies (All the cost
control measures I had already listed, so avoided that)
Interviewer Okay now lets move to new clients. How will you pitch to them

Candidate Asked about some details of the target client's current vendors
The current vendor charges lower than us and takes 2 days to deliver the order. Also, our firm
is in no way ready to decline our prices

38 | P a g e
Candidate Started to draw the possible ways we can pitch
Asked me to stop and just say what will be the best pitch supposing my prospective client is
I said that with FMCG goods, inventory management is an issue. There is a possible scenario
that the cumulative cost that comes out of handling the inventory because of 2 day lead
period and transportation cost may be more than what we charge. Asked him for numbers to
prove my hypothesis.
At this point he asked to stop the case. Said he got what he was looking for and asked me to
wait while he left the room

Interviewer Asked me to tell me something about myself. One thing that I got to do in my day.

Candidate Answered
Two-wheeler firm wants to enter the Indian market. Evaluate the decision and develop a
strategy for entering
Re-iterated the problem and asked some clarifying questions such as the purpose behind
entering the market, kind of product, any particular value proposition
Interviewer Answered basic things and asked me to not get in detail and move ahead with the case
This was the time I realised I was asking too many clarifying questions, so started with my
case. Asked for a minute and made a tree. Divided the decision into opportunities and
threats. Under opportunities, mentioned industry attractiveness and business evaluation.
Under risks mentioned execution barrier and risks
Interviewer She asked me to start with industry attractiveness
I asked about market size, growth, no of competitors. Based on the information provides,
industry looked attractive
Interviewer Move on to business evaluation

Candidate I asked about the price of our product vs competitors

Interviewer Told our product was priced higher but our maintenance cost was less. Shared the numbers
Calculated how the overall cost of our product (initial price and maintenance) was lower than
that of competitor's. Made a little mistake but the partner guided me. I proceeded to
calculate the final revenue numbers we can earn but she asked me to move to the next step
on the possible ways of market entry. I started to tell her the ways while building the tree but
Candidate she asked me to take my time and first write down what I had in mind. I laid down the entire
value chain that the firm will have to set-up for entry and mentioned the three modes of
entry: Set-up own operations, acquisition and joint venture. I told her the same and said that
synergies is the key that will drive the final decision. I asked her that which aspect she wants
me to look into next.
By this time, she was satisfied with the value chain I laid down and asked me to stop with the
case. She asked me to wait and left the room.

39 | P a g e
Starting questions are very important. If they are right, it is like the half
job done. Moreover don't have any pre-conceived notions about the case,
even if you have done a similar one before. Solve the case one step at a
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips time, because usually there is a tweak even in a seemingly similar case.
Also try to do unconventional cases, they help you think faster and deal
with uncertainty

40 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Avani Deora

Interviewing Firm Boston Consulting Group

Interviewer Partner

Under-graduate College DJ Sanghvi College of Engineering, University of Mumbai

Stream Information Technology

Work-experience ( Months) 22 months

Firm JP Morgan Chase and Co.

Sector Mortgage Banking

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
No particular type but closest to growth strategy type of cases
Was going through my CV. Asked me to briefly explain about myself while covering the points
mentioned in the CV.
I answer this. Went on for rather long. I took pauses in case he wanted to ask me anything
related to whatever I was speaking. But he asked me to continue.
Interviewer Favourite subject in Term 1?

Candidate I answer Marketing Management and OB

Interviewer Okay so lets do a case on Marketing, STP, Etc. pick ANY brand, label, etc

Candidate I picked starbucks.

"You are the CMO/CEO of starbucks and you want to devise a 5- year strategy to keep
Interviewer starbucks relevant in the market. Also, 50 percent of your pay is variable, so you should be
bottom line focussed too."
Re-iterate the objectives and understand what do we mean by relevant and should relevance
take first priority or the increase in revenues.
Interviewer You are the CEO, you decide.
I will consider both, increase revenues sustainabily. I make two divisions, where is starbucks
now, what do I want it to be 5 years hence. I was told to assume any and everything. When I
asked if starbucks has any particular mission, I was told that I should also decide the mission
as the CEO.
okay, that’s a fair approach. Go on. (since it was a vague case where there was no information
provided, I kept pausing to take his approval.
I pointed out the things I feel are good in starbucks and areas of improvements from personal
Candidate experience. I then jotted down the points where starbucks is facing problems of fading brand
value which I had read in an HBS case in MM.

41 | P a g e
He looked convinced with the initial structuring. Then wanted me to take a focussed approach
to address STP.
I picked up each of the issues with starbucks which I had listed down, one by one. And started
jotting down solutions or suggestions for each. While doing so I realised this is going hay-wire.
So after listing them down, I bucketed them again in single sreas such as marketing,
infrastructure, operations, etc.
what else can you do? (He was expecting an answer around IT and marketing, big data
analysis, etc)
I couldn’t precisely reach his point but I had mentioned how starbucks is already leveraging
Candidate social media marketing. Gave an example of how starbucks employees intentionally write the
wrong name so that the customer would take a photo and upload it.
Interviewer We were out of time so he decided to wrap it up and asked me summarise

Candidate Summarised the case.

Was convinced with the suggestions and how I touched upon different aspects. Gave me
Interviewer feedback around how I could have come to actual solution of the case a little faster and that
bringing in the relevant personal experience in the field of technology would have hel ped.
After asking a little bit about my college, work ex, jumped to the case in 2-3 mins. Your client
Interviewer is an automobile company who wants to enter into African country called Angola. Should
they? If yes, how?
Asked prelim questions about- company, product, current market, why expansion,
competitors, criteria of decision?
Gave precise answers to each question. Also said, I can ask specific questions for getting more
data instead of making any assumptions on my own. Told the company's expansion depends
on whether they will be able to capture 'x'% market share. And there is only one other
competitor in the market.
Asked more about the potential market.-What do customers look for while buying
Interviewer Customers are price sensitive. They look for lowest 'Total cost of Ownership'
Listed down factors that contribute to TCO- initial purchase, fuel, maintenance cost. Asked
about details about life of car, all expenses.
Interviewer Gave all details, with numbers
Calculated TCO for client and the competitor. Inspite of higher downpayment, TCO for client
Candidate was better because of lower fuel costs. Suggested that client should enter the market and use
and market it with lower 'Running cost'.
Looked convinced and liked that I followed of structure of first analysing client, product,
customer base and competition.

During an unconventional case, it’s important to get the interviewers buy-

DOs and DONTs/Important Tips in at each stage. They might guide you in the direction they want you to
think about.

42 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Kopal Gupta

Interviewing Firm BCG

Interviewer 8:30 am

Under-graduate College IIT Roorkee

Stream Architecture

Work-experience ( Months) 21 months

Firm Citi, Axtria

Sector Risk Analytics

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Your client is an oil manufacturer and the profits are down, suggest him the reason
I followed the usual case objective clarification process and asked more about the company,
competition, consumer and product.
The company manufactures edible oil, has multiple factories and doesn’t have a lot of
competition. Retailers buy oil from the company's warehouses.
I made the profitability structure and asked if the revenues were going down, the cost were
going up or both of them simultaneously
Interviewer Cost is going down

Candidate I made the value chain and he started to ask me details for each part of the value chain

Interviewer I want you to concentrate on the outbound logistics part now

Since there were multiple factories, I listed the cost of outbound logistics as the product of #
Candidate of Kms travelled and the cost per Km. I suggested possible areas of improvement as capacity
utilization of the tankers, the optimization of trips/path and the cost of fuel, taxes etc.
Interviewer What other factors can you think which can reduce this cost?
After much of discussion, the factor came out to be the demand & supply gap. There were
Candidate multiple products and each factory didn’t produce all of them while the demand varied across
the regions.
Interviewer Someone knocked the door to signal the time constraint and the interview got over
Your client is an automobile manufacturer in India and wants to enter the Angola market.
What all factors will you consider to decide the entry?
I re-stated the problem and asked the preliminary questions regarding the company and the

43 | P a g e
Our client only manufactures motorcycle and the objective to enter the market is to increase
I laid down the structure to evaluate the market size, probable market share and the
expected profit per unit. Then listed some non-financial aspects to be considered.
Candidate Let's decide how much market share can you expect in the first year.

Interviewer I asked about the existing competition and what all differentiates our product from theirs
The competitor’s product was 15K cheaper but our product had 15Km/l better mileage than
the competitor’s
I suggested that either we can reduce the price, if possible, or market the better mileage to
compensate on price. Then I calculated how in a span of 7 years, it was cheaper to use our
product than our competitor’s. The interviewer discussed some other factors and closed the
Candidate M&A
Post some 10-15 minutes of personals, the interviewer presented the market share, revenues,
revenue split and EBITA of 7 telecom firms.
We discussed the numbers of our client firm and decided what all business should they retain
and sell. Then I suggested that our firm can merge with another to improve its position.
Imagine you are the CEO of the client's firm and I am the CEO of the larger firm, with whom
the merger will take place, let's negotiate the deal.
We negotiated for the next 5 minutes with all sorts of offers and counter offers. Somewhere
during this conversation, he offered a handshake while asking - do you want to join BCG.

44 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Kritin Gupta

Interviewing Firm The Boston Consulting Group

Neetu Vasanta (Principal at BCG Delhi Office, worked in the
Interviewer Automotive Practice)
Under-graduate College NSIT, Delhi University

Stream Instrumentation & Control Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 10 months

Firm The Boston Consulting Group

Sector Consulting

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
2 mini cases - GTM & Growth & 1 guesstimate
Good morning Kritin! I am Neetu Vasanta, I work in BCG's Delhi office. I just went through
your CV, why don't you tell me about yourself a little?
Candidate <gave her my introduction, mentioned quizzing as one of my interests>

Interviewer Yes, your CV does have a lot of quizzing…

Candidate <the next 5 min revolved around quizzing and how it is similar to consulting>
So let’s begin with a case. There is an auto-parts manufacture in India. They are looking to
Interviewer expand into a new country in Africa. How would you go about it? What factors would you
<repeated the case objective to ensure that we are on the same page> I would like to ask
some clarifying questions just to get some context. What products does the company make?
The company makes a clutch-friction disk (some other technical details were given, but they
Interviewer were not important) that is used in cars and bikes. They last for around 10 years or 25,000km,
after which it has to be replaced.
Candidate Are CFDs generic or are they specific to a car model?
Good question. CFDs are particular to a car model and our client supplies to only one
automotive company.
Candidate What are the business segments of the company?
So there are 2 segments, one is the OEM and the other is Replacement Parts. Concentrate on
the replacement parts market only.How would you enter this market?
Candidate Could I take some time to structure my thoughts?

Interviewer Yes sure!

45 | P a g e
So, I would structure the case into three parts. First I'd try and determine if our client has a
Cost Advantage, ie can sell the same products cheaper than competitors, a product advantage
ie has superior products than the competitors or if there is a supply demand gap ie the
current players are not able to adequately meet the demand in the country. Then I'd
determine our client's capabilities and based on that would suggest either Organic, ie on their
own or Inorganic means - JV or M&A
<interrupts> so we have 1 competitor that has a 100% market share in the country. Their
Interviewer products cost roughly half of our client's products. So there is no cost advantage as such. The
competitor is meeting all the demand in the market.
Candidate Do we have any information on the market size of this segment?

Interviewer Why don't you estimate that. Just ask me whatever information you need
So as our product depends on the number of cars sold, I'd first estimate the number of cars
Interviewer <Gave me the sales of last 10 years of car sales, averaged around 50,000 to 60,000>

Candidate <Got stuck here, thought of estimating the future car sales etc. >

Interviewer So, what else would you need? When would someone buy a CFD?

Candidate A customer would buy a CFD when the one in their car breaks down. So…
So you would need the probability of the breakdown of CFD in the last 10 years sales. <Gave
Interviewer me the probability of the a CFD breaking down in a car sold 1,2,3…10 years ago, starting from
0.1 to 0.25 rising in 0.05 steps and then rising in 0.15 steps, plateauing at 0.8>
<Calculated the expected CFD sales, this gave me a clue that the lifetime of the two products
Candidate was key here> So you mentioned that our competitors products cost half of our client, but do
we have any information on how long does it last?
Interviewer Yes, their product last roughly 5 years or 10,000km
So my hypothesis here is that although our products cost more, in the entire lifetime of the
customer, it would come out to be cheaper for the customers
Interviewer Show me how.
<I assumed the lifetime of a car as 100,000km and calculated the utility in per km terms by
simply dividing price/km, our product was cheaper on a per km basis. Also, showed that our
product would be replaced 5 times a lifetime of a car while that of our competitor would be
10 times>
Interviewer So how will you enter the market
Using this calculation as our basis, I would advertise and show how our product is not only
Candidate superior in quality, but would in fact result, in greater savings for our customers over the
lifetime of a car.
Okay, so lets say that this player also wants to grow within India, how would you structure
your approach?
(took 5 minute and, as it was similar to the Growth Strategy cases done before, drew a MECE
Candidate structure, felt that this was the strong point of the interview as she seemed happy with the

46 | P a g e
So, lets focus on the growing within the current geographic segment and in the esisting
product line only. What measure would you suggest?
<took 30 seconds and structured my recommendations> First, I would try and market the
product through garages and mechanics as my hypothesis is that for such a specialized
product, customers would rely on the discretion of the ones installing it in the car. Second, I
would focus on R&D and try and develop a CFD that can be ubiquitously used across all
models if possible. I realize that this may not be possible but nonetheless feel that this should
option should be explored as the payoffs are high. Lastly, I would try and offer warranties and
perhaps bundle the CFD with other complementary products like tyres, would explore a
partnership in such a direction

I got the feeling that the interviewer was placing emphasis on the
structure and approach rather than the actual solutions or answers.
Would recommend devising your own structures with your case groups for
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips the regular types of cases like Profitability, GTM and Growth Strategy.
Don't neglect personals as the first 5 min are usually those and help set
the tone for the interview!

47 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Naina Raturi
Interviewing Firm BCG
Interviewer Partner
Under-graduate College NSIT
Stream Instrumentation and Control

Work-experience ( Months) 10 months

Firm BCG
Sector Analytics

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Hi. Can you tell me a little about the work you did at BCG?
Candidate Explained the project I had worked on
(After a few follow up questions on my project) I want you to estimate BCG's annual
Asked a few clarifying questions - was finally told to estimate BCG India's annual
revenue and not by using an approach where I could look at the projects BCG works
on but was asked to think of something else. I then said that we could calculate the
revenue by looking at what salary the employees earn . We could then calculate it for
the whole year for different employee segments like consultants, principals, partners
Interviewer What would vary for these segments?
Billing rate and possibly the kind of work they do- partners would be more involved in
bringing business to BCG and have more client interaction whereas the consultants
would have to finally give the deliverables. Also partners oversee a larger number of
projects at a given time than their juniors
Interviewer What would be its implications?
(After some prodding and hints given by the interviewer)Billing rate is not actually
Candidate charged till the partners bring the project, that would probably mean that partners
can't charge for the billing rate until they bring it and actually start working on it.
Interviewer Let's calculate it now.
Candidate We can do it this way: number of employees* billing rate per hour*number of hours

48 | P a g e
worked per employee. We can calculate this for consultants, project leaders, partners
etc separately and then add them up
Interviewer How would you estimate the number of hours worked?
No of days worked* no of hours worked per day: For no of days we can exclude the
Candidate national and religious holidays and account 7 -10 days for vacation and another 4-5
sick days. Consultants work for about 10-12 hours a day .
Interviewer They may work for 10-12 hours a day but do they really charge for that much?
Realized my mistake and corrected by saying that no the upper limit is 8 hours per day
Interviewer Gave me some numbers to calculate.
Candidate Solved and reached at the final number.
By this point of time I was nervous, so the interviewer started with an anecdote from
his college days to calm me down. He then gave me a numbers -heavy case. A telecom
company was our client and it had 3 business divisions: landline, broadband and
enterprise. Balance sheet and income statement of the client was shown to me.
Figures for industry and company growth figures for the 3 divisions was also given. I
had to figure out what was going wrong for the company.
Did some calculations to find that the company was making a huge loss, particularly
because of one of the business divisions
Candidate Asked me the possible options for the client
I suggested that they could acquire a competitor that's doing well or sell off their
Asked me the rationale behind these suggestions. Then showed me some financial
figures for 5 competitors of the client.
After analyzing the competitors' position and our client's financials I suggested that
Interviewer the business should be sold off or closed down which was the answer he was looking

Stay calm. Don't let the pressure of Day 0 get to you. Practice a lot as it
would give you confidence on the interview day and you won't be easily
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips flustered by some never-seen-before case. The interviewer would try to
give hints when he/she sees you are going down the wrong path; take
those hints.

49 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Nandini Bagaria

Interviewing Firm BCG

Interviewer 1st - Partner 2nd- Project lead

Under-graduate College St. Xavier's College + CA

Stream Commerce

Work-experience ( Months) 29 months

Firm Barclays

Sector Financial Services

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Started with tell me about yourself and then some general chatting about my background and
work experience.
Case was not a normal structured case. The client was a telecommunications company. He
gave me a sheet of paper which had financials (Revenues, Cost, Capital Structure etc) of three
divisions of a company- Fixed Line, Mobile and one more. He asked me to fist tell him
whether the company was making money or not.
On calculating the EBITDA and interest cost it was seen that the company was not generating
Candidate enough cash to cover its interest cost as well. So i spoke about how it is in a debt trap and it is
possibly borrowing more money to pay off its interest.
Then he gave me growth rates and market shares of each division and asked him to advise on
what should the company do.
I spoke about which divisions the company should focus on and which it can possibly look to
exit to generate some cash and come out of the situation.
I even suggested a merger, on which he gave me some additional data about competitors and
their market shares and asked me to advice on who should we merge with. From there it
became a discussion and he gave me some insights about the industry and told me why some
of the ideas I gave may not be practical.
He asked whether I had any questions and I just asked about whether it was an actual case
and what was the solution to it.
Asked me about how IIM Calcutta has been till now and what activities I have been a part of.
This was a structured case about declining profits of a cement manufacturer. The problem
was on the revenue side and with a particular segment of customer. Following a proper
structure helped.

50 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Pallavi Grover

Interviewing Firm BCG

Interviewer Don’t remember

Under-graduate College IIT Delhi

Stream Chemical Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 22 months

Firm PwC Diamond Consulting

Sector Consulting

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Gave his introduction, asked generic questions from my CV

Candidate Answered questions

Okay, so you are CEO of a solar panel company and your product is going to be launched next
year, what will be the things you need to take care of?
(Clarified the problem statement and started with prelim questions about product types,
geography, market etc)
The company is in India, there are 2 types of products, 1 for factories and the other for
Interviewer residences, the market is estimated to grow at 20% and there are no major competitors
Candidate Okay, I would like to have a minute to come up with a structure

Interviewer Sure, go ahead

(Started drawing the structure, breaking it into supply demand and then further segments
and started explaining my structure)
Interviewer Lets not get into structures, lets discuss the major points that you have in mind
(stopped with the structure and asked for a minute) started discussing the major points
related to how much of each type to produce based on surveys and analytics
Interviewer Sure,, go ahead
We will also need to developing competitive advantage who will definitely come up in an year
Candidate or soon after that, we can look up to tying up with government for their projects and
developing longer duration contracts with forms
Interviewer Good point

51 | P a g e
(talked about it some more and a few other things related to marketing and getting suppliers,
no structure was followed)
Okay, we did all this, launched our products. The business did well for the first 4 years, started
failing after that, can you look into it why
(clarified the problem statement) okay, so we have not been able to sell our products as much
for 2 years now, we have to find out why
Interviewer Yes

Candidate (Asked questions about market share of each product, prices, type of customers)
Major revenue is generated from panels in factories, we are getting less repeat orders now as
Candidate May I take a minute to come up with a structure

Interviewer Sure
(started drawing internal external framework, including government regulations, substitutes,
macroeconomic conditions) started explaining the factors
Interviewer Yes, this is right. We can end here. Wait here. (Got offer in a couple of minutes)

DOs and DONTs/Important Tips Keep on communicating and clarifying your thoughts with the interviewer.

52 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Rahi Jain

Interviewing Firm The Boston Consulting Group

Interviewer Partner

Under-graduate College IIT(BHU), Varanasi

Stream Chemical Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 24 months

Firm OYO Rooms

Sector Business Associate (Hospitality Industry)

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Short case on Growth (Market share)

Interviewer Please tell me about yourself.

Candidate Told him about my background, hobbies and how different nodes converged to IIMC

Interviewer Can you briefly tell me about the projects you did at OYO Rooms
Talked about various projects I did and their deliverables. Since he knew one of my seniors
(who is an ex BCG), we talked about his projects as well.
Gave me the case question- The client was a global tool (power tools and hand tools)
manufacturing company which entered Indian market some time back. They are in Top 3 in
hand tools industry but have very less market share in Power tools. They have 18 months to
improve this condition or else they will leave the market.
Asked preliminary questions about entry strategy adopted by the firm, competitors in the
market and consumer base.
Told me that the firm started from scratch (were an old player in hand tools market but have
entered power tools market < 5 years ago), had three major competitors in power tools who
had major market share and the consumers were other industries. They had tried various
strategies but nothing helped them get market share
(I asked for some time to think and started forming a structure on my sheet). After 2-3
minutes I started explaining my approach to him..
He cut me off and asked to tell him just one thing that I would recommend as he was running
short on time
(Took 30 seconds to think) Since the company had tried various strategies and had just 18
Candidate months to come in top 3, recommended to acquire an existing company. (I had read in
casebooks previously that it is the best way to gain customers quickly)
At this point the interviewer got interested in the case and asked me which of the three
companies I would go for.

53 | P a g e
I told we could go for any of the companies with #2 or #3 market share. We can decide this
Candidate depending upon their Market share in hand tools segment, cost of acquisition and values of
the firm (so as to have synergy)
Interviewer Told that he is done from his end and if I would like to ask anything.

Candidate I asked the strategy that BCG adopted to help this client.
He told me that they did pretty much the same- acquired #3 company after #2 company

It is very important to be calm in the interview and weigh everything

before you speak. The interviewers are helpful and will give subtle hints.
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips Try to understand them to be concise correct answers.
Also, its important to do well in buddy cases. I did one case each with my
primary and secondary buddy. Doing those well make a lot of difference.

54 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Rohan Pratap Singh

Interviewing Firm Boston Consulting Group

Interviewer Both were Partners

Under-graduate College IIT Delhi

Stream Production and Industrial Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 32 months

Firm Fractal Analytics, OYO Rooms, Towntrot Inc. Ltd

Sector Analytics and E-Comm

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Brand Equity (Growth)
Hi Rohan - How are you ? I haven't had a chance to look at your CV can you please run me
through it
(I gave a well rehearsed answer) I pointed out my startup experience and my positions of
responsibility as those were the strong suits on my CV
Why do you want to move into consulting given you did your own startup don't you wanna
focus on that?
Told him how consulting would help me further and how since my days at IIT I always wanted
to move into consulting (A good story in short)
Interviewer What is your favorite subject in 1st year?

Candidate I told him I liked Organizational Behaviour

Interviewer Don't you like courses on strategy or Finance?

(He was under the impression that I have completed first year) I told him that we have just
been through the first term
Interviewer Can you explain what you did exactly in this Marketing Study project which you did for Fractal
Explained everything from Brand levers, how regression was performed, ROI for the company,
Candidate market dynamics of UK (The project was on UK data). I also explained what happened once
we delivered the project and how good were the results once the project was delivered
I see you have done some trekking - can I tell you what is the motivation to do that and what
do you like about it
Spoke two points - one was the innate desire for exploration and the other the challenge
related to it
Interviewer What is your favorite brand - say anything that comes to your mind.

55 | P a g e
Candidate I asked should it be retail only (really don't know why I did that)

Interviewer No anything - just say something don't think

Candidate Starbucks
Ok so you are the Marketing head of starbucks and you have to increase the Brand Equity of
starbucks in the next 3 years. How will you go about it?
(I was totally stumped as I hadn't encountered a case like this). Divided starbucks operations
into External and Internal. Drew the supply chain
Interviewer He told me to focus on the marketing part of the job
I told him a few campaigns we can run (To get the people who are in the lower i ncome
Candidate bracket to come to starbucks store). I covered a lot of different marketing solutions with
respect to different kind of media
I am impressed by some of the things which you have said here but you could have structured
your answer a little better
Candidate (Goner !)
Starbucks is not just coffee its an experience and all the touchpoints with the customer from
Interviewer the time he/she places the order and gets coffee are important and even some touchpoints
after that (after sales service etc)
Candidate Yes Sir

Interviewer This was outside the interview. Nice talking to you. You will have one more round

Candidate Thank you sir the pleasure was mine

Interviewer Hi Rohan - What is this Towntrot on your CV

Candidate Explained him my startup and the business model

Ok Lets do a case , Your client is a solar panel maufacturer and electricty producer in India -
the client is performing really well in the commercial segment and is the market leader but
struggles in the home users segment. You need to find out the reason and suggest some
things to improve this
I asked some preliminary questions with regards to other players, the share and since how
long has this been happening
Interviewer The home user space is fairly new. The client invested in it but has not got the desired returns

Candidate How long back did they enter

Interviewer So they entered 5 years back but the money dried up after first 2 years back
Ok give me a moment to structure my thoughts ( I drew a prelimnary structure as to why its
not working - external and internal factors)
Interviewer Lets focus on the external factors as of now

Candidate The area in which the service is launched , plus the type of consumers , regulatory issues

56 | P a g e
Interviewer How can you segment consumers
I segmented them with respect to income - so bills were not being paid on time that is the
reason - there is a dearth of cash and heavy default rate
Yes as the solar panels are installed in villages where these people are being provided
Interviewer electricity at subsidized cost but don't pay the bills on time. But what can be the reason of
cash drying up 2 years back and 3 years the bills were paid
My guess is that the company wanted to gain the market share initially and provided the
Candidate panels at subsidized cost but as the company gained market share it removed the discount
which led to higher defaults
Interviewer Yeah that is correct - That will be all.

The cases which you practice would help you in deciphering a difficult and
novel situation. Also be calm and look for cues the interviewer gives you.
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips Focus on your prep and do not worry much about how many cases other
people are doing.

57 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Vaibhav Chowdhury

Interviewing Firm BCG

Interviewer Partner

Under-graduate College SRCC

Stream B.Com(H)

Work-experience ( Months) NA

Firm NA

Sector NA

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Cost reduction
So, I see that you have completed graduation from SRCC. And there you were a part of
Interviewer Enactus. My younger sister was also in Enactus at SRCC. She kind of helped in founding it. So
can you tell me what is happening now and what was your role in it ?
Yeah. I told him about how we started a couple of new projects and how we have gradually
Candidate phased out of the earlier projects. I had a keen interest in Enactus and could drive the
conversation. This seemed like the initial ice breaker as well as a CV point question.
Interviewer Should we then move into the case ?

Candidate Yeah sure.

Okay so your client is an edible oil manufacturer and he has hired you to optimize his costs as
he feels his competitor has a cost structure lower than his.
So, my client is an edible oil manufacturer who want to reduce costs to become competitive.
Any other objectives ?
Interviewer No. Focus on only this for now.

Candidate What kind of edible oil ? How much do we have to reduce costs by ?
He sells mustard oil. You tell me all avenues where he can reduce costs. He would like to
reduce it as much as possible.
Sure. I would like to know a little more about my client before proceediing into the case. So
Candidate where does he operate ? Where in the Value chain does he operate ? What all products does
he sell ?
He sells only one kind of edible oil. Only in India. And he procures raw materials and
manufactures the oil and then sells it to the distributor.
He seemed to be rushing through it. So I thought I should now jump into the case. I wanted to
ask about competitors also, but I thought of tackling it later. I then asked him - I would like to

58 | P a g e
go through the entire value chain of our client and look for cost reduction avenues. Is this
approach fine ?
Interviewer Yeah sure.
I drew out the entire value chain. Started with raw material suppliers, inbound logistics,
Candidate inventory, manufacturing process, inventory, outbound logistics, distributor. I asked him- Is
this value chain sifficent or have I missed out on any stage relevant for this case ?
Interviewer He looked at it. This is fine. Go ahead.
Throughout this analysis, I am going to benchmark our client's activities with the competitors
as we have to reduce costs to match theirs.
Interviewer Ok. Good. ( Boosted my confidence)
So, first focussing on the raw materials. Where do we get our seeds from ? Is it different from
competitors ?
We get our seeds locally from India. Our competitors get it from some South American
Candidate Is it cheaper there ?
Not always. That price is set by some exchanges internationally. It keeps on fluctuating. It has
a standard price lower than India, but during the harvest season here, Indian seed is cheaper.
We would also have to factor in Transportation costs before comparing the Indian and South
American seeds.
Interviewer Yes. Even after comparing the transportation costs, it is generally cheaper.
Ok. Any constraints in the quality there or our machinery's capablity of processing different
seeds ?
Interviewer No.
So, we can design an inventory management program, whereby we can place orders based on
where it is available cheaper at what time of the year and save costs here. We can use
information from the futures market to get an idea of the fluctuating prices of seeds. Use
historic information to predict prices of Indian seeds and then devise a plan.
Interviewer Ok. Move on.
I saw inbound logistics. And I figured it was already kind of discussed. He asked me to move
Candidate onto the next stage. So now we have the Inventory. I would like to know about how and
where we store our raw materials as compared to our competitor
Interviewer Just tell me the cost drivers for the inventory and how can you save costs in each driver.
Ordering costs : You can save by ordering in bulk and hence placing lesser number of orders
which we can do by following the above discussed plan. Then Inventory carrying costs which
Candidate includes the rent paid for the warehouses and the labout costs involved in maintaining it. Also
the costs involved in wastages and all. These can be saved by striking better deals., taking
longer leases, maybe owning warehouses, we will have to see it according to the case
Interviewer Ok. Any thing else you are missing ?
I thought a lot but couldn’t come up with anything. I got a little nervous. I cant think of
anything else at the moment.

59 | P a g e
So if you manage orders and get it in bulk from south america during the off season, what
costs will you have to bear ?
We would need a larger warehouse and costs associated with it. Also there would be
wastages and losses due to that.
What else ? Why don’t you get 10 litres of oil at once for your kitchen apart from the fact that
it may get spoilt ?
I was sweating. I was nervous. But then it struck me. The working capital costs sir. The
amount of money held up here will have an opportunity cost which also has to be factored in
Interviewer Good. Move on.
Next we move on to the Manufacuring processes. I would like to know about the
manufacturing processes in this industry.
Interviewer He said something about refining. I don’t remember exactly.
I divded the costs here into variable and fixed. He said to elaborate on variable costs. I listed
out the items : labour, input costs, electricity, spares, admin costs.
Interviewer Any other thing important for refining ?
I thought about it and then said that the input output ratio must be important. I mean how
Candidate much is going in and how much edible oil is coming out ? What is the wastage and how do we
use it ?
Interviewer Good. Suppose you have all that information. What will you do with it ?
I would measure the efficiency of our plant with the competitors and see which parameter we
can improve on.
Interviewer Why competitors?
Because we have to match his cost structure. I then thought a little and said we can also use
Candidate industry standards if any and see if we are operating below them. We can reseaarch and find
out ways to improve the efficiency here to gain cost advantage over our competitors.
Interviewer Okay. Move on.

Candidate Now we have outbound logistics.

Interviewer Just tell me the drivers for transportation costs.

I had knew the costs associated with transportations because of the number of cases it was
used in. I drew a nice flowchart and explained it to him.
Interviewer Okay well done. We can close the case now.

Candidate I summarised the case including the recommendations at each stage.

Interviewer Okay. Wait here

I was waiting. I heard sounds outside of people getting the offer. A senior from BCG walked in.
I was very tensed. He asked me if I needed water. I smiled at him. He left and then came back
30 seconds later. It seemed like a lot longer then. He then said: This is the best part of coming
to campus. And then he hugged me.

60 | P a g e
Follow where the interviewer is trying to lead you. Practice all types of
cases. Have a flexible framework and be willing to shift it around as and
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips when the case demands. Don’t rush through the case. Take your time. Be
absolutely sure of what you are going to do or say.

61 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Varuni Goel

Interviewing Firm BCG

Interviewer 8:00 AM

Under-graduate College IIT Delhi

Biochemical Engg. And Biotechnology (Dual Degree, B. Tech. and
Stream M. Tech.)
Work-experience ( Months) 22 months

Firm EY - Business Advisory

Sector Consulting

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Your client is a professional services firm that provides five major services to its clients, mainly
in the areas of consulting, IT services, financial advisory, manpower management and
assurance. Can you identify certain problems that migth arise from a Go-To-Market
GTM in a services based company was a bit unconventional. Couldn't think of a sturcture to
the problem right away, decided go about the preliminary questions first.
Repeated the problem statement.
Could you tell me how the client's firm is structured?
There is a CEO under which there are 5 separate teams for each of the business divisions.
Interviewer Each of the business units has its its own head, who reports directly to the CEO. Each of the
heads form teams for prjects from withing their respective departemnts.
How does the client get projects right now ? (Realised it was a bit vague question, but
couldn’t think of a better questioon)
Interviewer It works like any other professional servies firm.
I would like to break down the exsisting process into sub parts and identify potential areas of
Interviewer Good. You can proceed with that.
Broke down the process into parts:
Identification of a potential client/ project + Approaching the client + Building a proposal +
Presentation to client + Defining scope of project work + Negotiation on terms and conditions
+ Team formation + Project execution + Project closure
Good. You have covered the entire chain of events. For now, lets focus on the first and second
Each of the bubsiness unit heads would apporach a different person at the CXO level in the
client's firm. Consulting head - CEO, IT services - CTO, Financial advisory - CFO, Manpower -

62 | P a g e
HR head, Assurance - CFO.
I would like to break down the problem into two parts:
1. Approaching new clients
2. Getting repeat business
Interviewer Focus on getting repeat business fo now
If we are alrrady doing a certain project for a client and there is a potential new project. In
such a scenario the client would discuss the requirement with the existing head working with
them. The head may not be intersted in the opportunity if it doesnt directly involve him/ her.
The possibililty of getting a repeat business from the client would be lost.
Interviewer So how do you think the client should sturcture its teams instead?
1. Referral of projects to other heads should be recognised and incentivised.
2.We should have a common resource pool within the organisation upto a certain level. A lot
Candidate of prjects require expertise multiple domains adn therefore nny new project that comes up
should pick resources across the business units to form a team specific for the project.
Resources sshould be allowed to move laterally.
Interviewer Good. You did well. That will be all for now.
1. I didn't ask too many questions trying to understand the 5 different services that the client,
which was good. They were not really relevant to identifying the problems mentioned above.
2. Although I had worked on Go-To-Market projects before, I had never applied it in a services
context. Drew a parallel between my previous organization and the client's firm.

63 | P a g e
Bain & Co.

64 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Alipt Doshi

Interviewing Firm Bain & Co.

Interviewer Mihir

Under-graduate College IIT Kharagpur

Stream Aerospace Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 11 months

Firm Credit Suisse

Sector Risk model validation

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
The case study I want to discuss with you today is pertaining to single piston internal
combustion engines. These engines are used for automotive purposes but are considerably
smaller than the ones you see in cars and trucks. They are used typically in three wheeler
Candidate Like auto-rickshaws you mean?
Yes. Our client works in the B2B space and has a monopoly on the market for single piston
Interviewer engines. He supplies to all the manufacturers of three wheeler vehicles in India. The client is
seeing a decline in his profits for about a year now and is a little worried about it.
Candidate Alright. So I would like to know a little bit about the client and the product…
Let's not talk about single piston engines. Let's talk about the three-wheeler industry as there
has been a decline in demand for three wheelers in the country.
Ok. You mentioned that the engine supplier supplies to all the three wheeler manufacturers. I
would imagine two different sorts of three wheelers that are in production. These are your
typical auto-rickshaws that are used like cabs across the country and goods transport vehicles
like small trucks and lorries.
Interviewer Correct. Let's call these uses commercial and transport.
Ok. I would imagine that the reduction in demand for three wheelers is an industry wide
problem as the supplier for engines supplies to the entire industry.
Interviewer Absolutely correct. It is an industry wide problem.

Candidate Now, is this reduction in demand across both the vehicle types or specific to one?

Interviewer The commercial sector has not really taken a hit. The drop is specific to the transport sector.

65 | P a g e
Alright. Within the transport sector, there are probably different kinds of industries that use
three wheelers to move their goods. Is the reduction in demand specific to an industry?
Interviewer Let's classify that into small goods and large goods.
Ok. Just to understand, an example of small goods would be FMCG products like shampoo,
soap or chips and large goods would be things like washing machines and refrigerators.
Correct. If you were to draw the value chains of these types of industries what would be the
difference you would spot pertaining to transport vehicles.
For the small goods inductries the value chain would comprise supply production and retail
with transport vehicles moving raw material from the suppliers to the manufacturing unit and
Candidate finished goods from the manufacturing units to retail outlets. In the case of large goods, I
would imagine home delivery to be a norm. So to the previous value chain there would be an
extra movement of products from retail outlets to customers homes for delivery purposes.
Perfect. We conducted some studies and analyzed some historical data and found out that
Interviewer the reduction in engine sales is a business cycle and the sale would come back to its original
levels which did happen. Can you summarize the case for me.
Sure. Our client is a single piston engine manufacturer and controls the industry in India. He is
facing a reduction is due to a business cycle and the profitability would resurrect itself. Our
conclusion came from an analysis of the three wheeler industry in which we saw a reduction
in demand in three wheeler transport vehicles causing our profitability reduction.
Interviewer Thank you.

Candidate Thank you.

Our client is a polymer rope manufacturing company. These ropes are used for various
Interviewer purposes. They are thinking of expanding into the fisheries business by developing fishing
nets. They have come to us to figure out how to go about it.
So essentially the client wants to enter into the fishing nets business. What is the purpose of
this entry?
Interviewer Our client believes that the market is more or less untapped and hence lucrative.

Candidate Alright, and the client wants us to help him make the decision about entering?
No. They are more or less sure that they want to enter. They want to know about how to go
about it.
Alright. Could you please give me some information about the product they have in mind and
who the existing players in the market are.
The current market is fairly fragmented in nature and the product they want to enter with is a
nylon polymer net that tends to have a much larger life span than the current one. They also
want to sell the rope to allow net weavers to intertwine our rope with a cheaper variety to
create a sort of hybrid net.
Alright. To assess the options at hand I would like to consider the following parameters: the
Candidate competitive landscape, barriers to entry and exit, market size, modes of entry and risks and
Interviewer Let's look at the market sizing part of it.
Alright. I can estimate the market size based on supply or demand. I would imagine this
business to be demand constrained and hence would like to estimate it based on demand.

66 | P a g e
Go ahead. Assume you know the annual consumption of fish. Do not plug in numbers, just
walk me through the process.
Ok. (At this point I created a formula based on the following averages: Fishing frequency,
depth of net, distance into sea, aerial density of fish with respect to depth and distance etc.)
All of the variables mentioned in the formula are subject to seasonal variations and the
answer would hence have some seasonality to it.
Interviewer That is fine but it seems you missed…
Yes. The formula calculates the area of net required to catch the annual demand of fish. The
number would have to be divided by the life span of the net for market size.
Interviewer Thank you.

Candidate Thank you.

67 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Ashish Singhal

Interviewing Firm Bain & Co.

Interviewer Sriwatsan Krishnan (Principal) and Marzi Patell (Manager)

Under-graduate College IIT Delhi

Stream Production and Industrial Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 12 months

Firm MakeMyTrip

Sector E-commerce

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Cost Reduction

Interviewer Introduced himself and asked for my introduction

Candidate My introduction followed by brief chat

Moving on to the case. Our client is a BPO which is looking to reduce costs without laying off
Candidate Clarified the problem statement. Asked a few questions about the client and the market
Client is based in India while its customers are major firms across the world. Assume that the
market is growing at a healthy rate. Their customers are big companies in USA and Europe.
Candidate May I take a minute to come up with a structure?

Interviewer Yeah Sure.

Drew a structure on paper. In order to reduce costs, I would first like to know about the cost
Candidate streams. I believe the costs can be segregated into salaries, rent, equipment cost, electricity
cost, telephone costs and some other overheads. Can you tell if I am missing anything?
Interviewer No, go ahead.

Candidate Ok, can you tell me the percentage contribution of different costs?
Provided the contributions of the different cost components. Major areas were employee
salaries, land and equipment costs
Since major costs were employee salaries, I want to first explore how these costs can be
Candidate reduced. Employee salaries can be divided into the number of employees and the average
salary. Can I assume that all employees have similar salaries?
Interviewer Yes, go ahead.

68 | P a g e
Since laying off employees is not an option, I would like to explore the possibility of reducing
their wages.
Interviewer The client pays the industry standard which cannot be reduced.

Candidate Perhaps we can explore the variable pay structure.

Interviewer Yes, this can be done. But let's move on.

Since laying off is not possible, and the market is growing, we can work on making our current
Candidate set of employees more productive so that we do not need to hire more people for increased
Interviewer Good point. Go ahead.
In this case, should we measure productivity by the number of calls answered or by the
number of queries resolved?
Interviewer Number of queries resolved.
Okay, number of queries resolved is equal to number of hours in a day *number of calls per
hour * query resolution rate per call. Can we increase the number of working hours per day?
Interviewer No, the number of hours is fixed. We can move to increasing the number of calls per hour.
Sure. There are calls which require manual help while some calls are pretty standard. We can
Candidate employ IVR system to answer the standard problems so that our workforce mostly works with
the non-standard calls. This would increase the total number of calls we can handle.
Interviewer Assume that the company already has a good IVR system in place.
Okay, in order to increase the number of manual calls, we need to reduce the idle time of
each agent. Also we need to reduce the time spent on each call.
We can work on a call routing system which reduces the idle time. We can work on
distribution of workforce by specialization so that the query resolution time can be reduced.
The company already has used the best practices in routing an IVR. Now lets move on to
equipment and land costs.
Candidate Discussed that we can look at leasing the equipment and land, look at cheaper suppliers etc.

Interviewer What else?

Candidate I was pretty confused at this point and the interviewer had understood.

Interviewer Most of the customers who call are centered in US. What can you make of that?
Was still confused.
May I take a minute to think.
Interviewer Sure
Took some time then started thinking out loud. I am thinking on the lines of the time
Interviewer Go ahead.
If most of our clients are in US, then most of our resources would be used in the nightshift.
Candidate This means that most of our resource utilization would be something like this. Drew a
diagram on the paper showing low utilization in day hours while high at night.

69 | P a g e
So if we try to diversify our clients and work with Asian and European clients as well, we can
use our resources during other hours as well.
Interviewer Yes, this is what I was looking for.
Since the land and equipment costs are fixed costs, increasing the shifts would increase the
utilization and reduce the unit costs.
Yes, we can close the case now.
Interviewer The interviewer then asks me to wait for a minute while he goes out of the room to bring in
the other interviewer.

Hi, in the interest of time, I would just introduce myself and then we will quickly start with a
guesstimate. Introduces himself.
Now let's start with the guesstimate. Estimate the number of taxis in a city of your choosing.
Candidate I am from Delhi, so can I do it for Delhi?

Interviewer Yeah sure, estimate the number of taxis in Delhi.

So before I start, I want to clarify whether I should consider just passenger taxis li ke Ola, Uber
etc. or also the shared company cabs as well.
Interviewer No need to look at shared cabs. You can just find out the number of regular taxis.

Candidate Great. Can I have a minute to come up with a structure.

Interviewer Sure.
Drew a structure on paper. So in order to calculate the number of taxis, I would calculate the
demand of the taxis. For this I want to start with calculating how many taxi trips are required
Candidate in Delhi. With that and the average number of trips per taxi, we can calculate the number of
taxis in Delhi. We can also consider a demand satisfaction percentage since not all taxi
demand will be fulfilled.
Interviewer Okay, so how would you calculate the total demand.
For that, I will calculate the number of people in Delhi who use a taxi and their average
number of trips
Interviewer Okay, go ahead.
I will start with the population of Delhi. I will first like to calculate the number of people who
have a regular need for transportation. Then I will calculate that among these people, how
Candidate many can actually afford the taxis since they are quite expensive. Finally among these people,
some people might still use other modes of vehicles. So I will calculate the percentage of
people who will use a taxi.
Interviewer Hmmm, sounds good.
Segregated people with age, gender, profession type to establish the need of
Candidate transportation.Then segregated further on the basis of income to establish the number of
people who have a need and can afford a taxi
Interviewer So now how do you differentiate in mode of transport?

70 | P a g e
Firstly I will establish the different modes of transport - buses, metro, private vehicle, taxis.
People belonging to different income segment would opt for a different mix of vehicles. For
Candidate example, a middle income segment might oscillate between metro, private vehicle and taxi
while a rich person might oscillate between private vehice and taxi. So I would like to build on
the previous income based segregation to have a mix of transportation modes.
Interviewer Interesting, go ahead.

Candidate Did my calculations, came up with a number.

Interviewer Is this the demand? Isn't anything missing?

Yeah, the average frequency of travel is still missing. For average travel I will distribute
between weekdays and weekends. Assuming that a person requires to travel everyday on
Candidate weekdays, hence two trips on every weekday. And on weekends, can I take one travel a week,
thus making 12 taxi rides a week? There will be other trips as well, but I think they will be rare
enough to be ignored. Should I include those as well?
Interviewer No, this sounds good. Now what is left?
Yeah so now we have the total demand. We need to figure out the number of trips per taxi.
Candidate We can calculate that by taking average number of hours a taxi operates, utilization rate of
the taxi and the average trip duration.
Yeah, I think you have it covered. We can stop now. Please wait outside for some time. They
gave the offer after a couple of minutes.

Stay calm. Listen to the interviewer clearly and ask for clarity or help
wherever you are stuck. Explain what you are trying to do so that the
interviewer is on the same page as you. Try to keep the conversation
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips going and confirm your assumptions with the interviewer.

Relax for at least a couple of days before Day 0. Last minute prep will not
be beneficial in this case.

71 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Nikhil Hegde

Interviewing Firm Bain & Co.

Topiwala National Medical college and B.Y.L. Nair Ch. Hospital ,
Under-graduate College Mumbai
Stream M.B.B.S

Work-experience ( Months) Nil.


Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Your client is a manufacturer of consumer durables , currently facing low profitablity and has
come to you for help
From what I understand our client is facing a low profitablity and he is the manufacturer of
Candidate consumer durables , could you please clarify what consumer durables imply? What is the
product spectrum
Interviewer Refrigerators , washing machines , microwaves and other general appliances

Candidate Is there any specific segment in which the client is facing a decline?
No, it a general trend across all products. Further , only our client is facing it and no other
competitor in the market
Candidate (Realising Ive forgotten to ask duration) How long has the profitablity been declining?

Interviewer 1 Year.
Typically I look at proftability as profit divided by revenue. Should I look at revenues
specefically or is it a cost side issue?
Interviewer We seem to be incurring higher costs than our competitors.
Drawing the Porters' value chain , we can benchmark our costs with those of competitors and
Candidate specifically see where we are incurring higher costs. Do we have a higher cost of raw
materials than our competitors?
Interviewer What do you mean? There would be multiple components which would be required
Right, before I actually get into the value chain , I want to understand which parts of the value
Candidate chain our client operates in (shouldve asked this early on) if our client manufactures from
scratch or if he sources parts , assembles them and handles the distribution and marketing

72 | P a g e
This is typically how the players in the Industry operate, they source parts from OEMs and
handle the downstream value chain
So , in understanding this sourcing I would like to benchmark the quality, location of the
source and quantity - since this would influence bulk discounts , with that of our competition
Interviewer We source higher quality parts from OEMs in Japan , our competition sources it locally
This could be a reason of disparity since higher quality parts would cost more and shipping
charges would also be higher, perhaps import duties might also be applicable, if the
customers arent price sensitive we could perhaps increase our price , or else we could source
locally as well if theyre inelastic to quality (realising Ive given recommendations too soon) ,
but we should analyze the rest of the value chain before we can make any definitive
conclusions. Should we analyze the manufacturing costs next?
Interviewer What would you include in manufacturing costs?
Under manufacturing we could look at - direct labour , other employee costs and overheads -
like utilities , electricity , rent of facility and depriciation of equipment
Interviewer These seem to be inline with industry standards
How do we distribute our products ? Also do we have our own showrooms or do we sell to
third party retailers?
Interviewer We have our own showrooms

Candidate Is this similar to our competitors?

Interviewer No, they rely on third party retailers , and handle only their own marketing
So, our client could possibly be incurring selling expenses in the form of hiring salesman ,
Candidate renting out facilitites , and advertising expenses in excess of those of the competitors , is
there anything further that I should explore in value chain for example - after sales service?
Interviewer Yes , go ahead.
Costs that I cant think of which would be incurred would belong to the following categories -
returns and warranties , installation and technical support , repairs and maintainance.
We incur all of those costs , our competitors outsources it to a third party. What are your
Our client , a consumers durable manufacturers had a profitability below that of the
competition. We identified 3 main difference from that of the competition. Aftersales service
, retailing and sourcing of parts. We seem to be highly forward integrated and should look at
each individually. 1st we should analyze if the aftersales service is generating enough
Candidate revenues to be sustainable ie. how many free services we are offering as opposed to
chargable service and charge them accordingly. 2nd we should look at outsourcing most of
the retailing to large supermarket chains which could help us drive down rental costs of
standalone stores. 3rdly we could look at sourcing parts locally or backward intergrate and
manufacture it ourselves to help drive down costs.
The case was primarily to check my structure and though I did not have the time to write
down a lot of things I communicated everything that I was thinking of and how I was planning
to proceed which kept the interviewer in conversation and helped me get more clues and

73 | P a g e
Because I did not practice too many cases without writing them down I kept moving back and
forth in my structure. Shouldve asked a lot of prelimnary questions before proceeding into
Candidate the case a lot of which I realised later. I couldve used the profit & loss statement approach to
list down costs which wouldve covered a lot more things included fixed and variable costs
which wasnt well demarcated using the value chain approach
Interviewer GTM

Candidate Dinkar Ayilavarapu - Partner - Delhi office

Was a bit intrigued about my background , asked about my internship and a bit of small talk
to get me comfortable.
We have a pharmaceutical case with us , that I worked on back in 2007. So basically , its this
Candidate chain of pathology labs , you’ve probably heard the name or figured it out by now, that wants
to expand into the US and you’ve to give me a market entry strategy
Asking prelimnary questions - What is the main objective of our client wanting to enter the
Candidate You tell me, what could be the possible reasons?

Interviewer profitability , diversification , growth

Yeah so growth and hedging against risk , that’s primarily why companies would think of
Are we looking to start from scratch or a JV or acquiring any players? I want to understand if
we have enough capital.
Candidate that’s what the client is trying to figure out
(Tried my basic framework of GTM) So primarily we will look at the following factors before
deciding whether to enter the market. 1. Barriers to entry…
Candidate What could be the barriers to entry?
there could be legal regulation and possibly even patent protection for certain procedures
and tests
How do you think the synergies would play out? I mean the diseases arent common between
India and the US
Yes , so we'd analyze the capabilities of the company - 1. The scale it enjoys in terms of
numbers and size of labs 2.The capital 3. its current profitablility 4. lead time between testing
and the results and check if we could use any of these capabilities to while expanding
Candidate What else would you look at ?
The market size and market share - In the market size I would typically look at incidence of
disease, the number of blood tests being conducted annualy , the number of specimens
tested annually , average ticket size and in market share I would look at number of
competitors , the geographies they cater to , the customer segments
Candidate The interview ended as we were running out of time.

Interviewer It was an industry I had an idea about so I could give insights about it

Candidate Because I did not write down my structure initially , it became a free flowing conversation and

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I missed out a lot of prelimnary questions like - what is the company's business , what is its
India presence , do they have any experience expanding abroad , what are its competencies ,
which customer segment does it cater to.
Profitability (Schedule optimization)

Interviewer Sriwatsan Krishnan (Watsan) - Bain and Co.

Candidate Tell me about yourself…

Your client is a BPO located out of Gurgaon , they have had a steady growth of about 10%
Interviewer over the last 5 years , but since the last quarter they have seen a decline in profits and have
hired you to figure out why and help them fix the issue
So , to clarify our client is a BPO , seeing decline in profits over the last quarter and has hired
us to figure out why. Could you tell me about the operations of the client in detail?
They mainly handle international clients , they are a subsidiary of an IT company and the
Interviewer working hours are inline with those of the clients. The employees mainly handle the calls ,
resolve the issue or transfer it to the appropriate authority.
I typically look at profits as revenue minus costs. Do we know if there has been a decline in
revenues , increase in costs or both?
Interviewer There has been both a decline in revenues as well as an increase in costs
Should I begin with declining revenues which would be the price charged per customer
multiplied by the number of customers , since this would be a more pressing matter
Interviewer We are actually losing customers because of decline in quality of service.
Id further like to analyse why the quality of sevice is declining , also since the number of
Candidate customers are declining our cost per customer would increase. Ill trace out the customer
journey from placing the call , to the hold time, to the service time , to the resolution time.
Yes, there has been an increase in the service time, the hold time is practically zero since the
number of customers have declined
Candidate Do we know why there has been a increase in service time?
The requirements are becoming more complex, the issues are taking longer to resolve. How
can we tackle this?
(Drawing reference from a case that I had read in a casebook about an interview being about
employee motivation and organizational culture) We could hold training programs for the
new recruits and also make them familiar with common issues and rehearse the typical
responses beforehand and also familiarize them with the various redirects they can give for
various issues. Further we can also motivate the employees by linking their incetive to
reduced response time and rewarding them proportianally.
Don’t you think this would affect the quality even further as employees would try to reduce
time at the cost of service quality? I was looking for a more hard approach. Work them
Interviewer overtime and in breaks to meet client needs fully. If you work the employees overtime or in
breaks because of the decreased number of customer there would be free employees. So
how would you reduce costs?
We could look at diversifying the business , probably assign the employees to other services
and even a few to training to improve the qaulity of training.
I was looking for a more simple answer , the growth is at 10% right? So just stop hiring new
candidates and lay off the old ones.

75 | P a g e
Candidate Asked prelimnary questions properly other than that nothing
Was trying to draw references from past cases that I had done. There the interviewer had led
the candidate down a different path. This interviewer was expecting simple analytical
approach and drawing reference from the other case hardwired my brain to think in a
particular way. Sometimes the easiest answer is the most apt.
Candidate Profitability

Interviewer Vibhor Gupta - Manager - New Delhi office

Candidate Straight to the case

Interviewer Your client is a cement manufacturer , who has seen a decline in profitability
Company - Where is the client located , which all parts of the value chain does he operate in ,
since when has there been a decline in profitability? Is it an industry wide issue? How many
competitors are there? Does he have a single product range or multiproduct range? Who are
the customers?
Client is located in North India near Haryana, UP. Procures raw material in the form of
Interviewer limestone etc manufactures cement and distributes it to the end customer which are usually
construction companies. He has a single product line. The decline has been since 3 years
I typically look at profits as revenue minus costs. Do we know if there has been a decline in
revenues , increase in costs or both?
Interviewer There has actually been an increase in revenues
That must mean that the cost has disproportinately increase. Since revenues are prices
Candidate multiplied by number of customers , do we know if either have contributed to increase in
Obviously prices have increased as per inflation but the important contributor to the growth
has been increased demand
Since we are talking about disproportionate increase in costs I would speceficall y like to focus
on that , If that’s alright?
Interviewer Sure, Go ahead.
Costs would typically be fixed and variable. Fixed costs would include - Rent , Depreciation
Candidate expense , insurance , interest expense. Could any of these have increased since we have new
added capacity to serve additional demand?
Interviewer No , none of these have increased. We havent addded new capacity
Under variable costs , I would typically look at per unit costs , in case of cement perhaps per
kg costs?
Interviewer Okay.
Variable costs would fall under various headers like Raw-Materials -Inbound logistics -
Candidate Manufacturing (Direct labour , utilities , electricity) - Outbound logistics - Sales and general
admin - After-sales service
Interviewer You seem pretty calm for a guy on his 4th interview but are you missing something?
(Realising I shouldve clarified) So I have actually clubbed storage and transportation costs
under the header of inbound and ourbound logistics

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Interviewer Yes , so our outbound logistics cost has actually increased
Since we are located in only one central location , my hypothesis would be that we have
increased demand from a far off location that could possibly increase transportation cost.
Interviewer and?
Yes , even storage costs would increase as we would have to keep inventory on hand if there
is fluctuating demand, possibly even increased toll charges for multiple trips
Interviewer What would recommend they do?
They could employ 3 approaches. 1. Outsource the transportation to a 3rd party or ask the
client to bear the transportation costs 2. Rent out additional storage facilities for handling
enough inventory and preventing frequent restocking 3. JV with another manufacturer based
on the demand from the particular region

Kept calm even though my previous cases didn’t go quite as well. Made
sure I did not repeat the mistakes I made in the previous cases. Structured
my answers properly and took the time to write them out clearly. Made
sure I was walking the interviewer through everything I was writing
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips
Should have clarified what each component of the value chain had under
it. Should’ve structured the recommendations a little better by doing a
cost benefit analysis

77 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Nishit Misra

Interviewing Firm Bain & Co.

Mahima (Principal) , Vibhor Gupta (Manager), Dinkar Ayiilavarapu
Interviewer (Partner)
Under-graduate College IIT Roorkee

Stream Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 22 months

Firm Axtria, EXL Service

Sector Analytics, Consulting

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Hi, we would start off with a case straight away - Our client is an FMCG firm for which the
Interviewer revenues have increased over the past few months but the EBITDA has decreased. Can you
help the client out with it.
Sure. If I understand the problem correctly, the revenues have been increasing yet the EBITDA
has decreased over the past few years. I would like to ask a few clarifying questions to
understand the problem better - What geographies does the plant operate in and what are
the major categories in which the FMCG firm has products
Interviewer The firm operates across India and it has products in the Skin care and Hair Care categories.
Ok. Has the firm been experiencing declining EBITDA across both the categories or is it a
category specific problem?
Interviewer The firm has been experiencing issues specifically in the Skin Care category
Ok. Also, has this been an industry wise issue specifically in the Skin Care category or is it
specific to our client only?
The issue has specifically been with our client. The industry has been showing growing EBITDA
trends over the past few months.
Ok. Since the EBITDA has been decreasing despite increasing revenues, I can safely assume
that the costs have increased over the past few months. I would like to investigate the
Candidate products and I would go through the value chain and analyze the cost involved at each step
and check in which part of the value chain the costs have increased. Before that can I get some
clarity on what part of the value chain does the client control.
The client controls the entire value chain from R&D to Marketing itself. Go ahead with the
value chain analysis
Described the value chain. Asked about each of the components of the value chain for an
Candidate increase in costs recently. Figured out that the Raw Material costs had increased over the past
few months. Inquired about the products that the firm has in the Skin Care category and if the

78 | P a g e
trends are consistent across all the products in the category?

The firm has different categories of soaps - However, for this one specific type of soap, the
raw material costs have increased.
Asked about the different raw materials required in making this specific soap. Came to know
that it is made up of animal fats, oil and other ingredients for fragrance. Asked if the costs had
increased due to increase in the costs of a specific raw material or due to change in the
composition of the raw material.
Interviewer The latter
Ok. So in this case, one of the components out of the 3 have been increased, which are
Candidate relatively higher in price and thus have resulted in increasing the costs and thus decreasing the
EBITDA of the firm.
Correct. The oil used in making these soaps have been increased due to which the
manufacturing cost of these soaps have gone up. Let us assume that the soap was initially
Interviewer sold at Rs. 15 to the customers and the margin of the shopkeeper was 20% on it. At what
price should we price the product now, considering the costs have gone up by Rs.2 so that we
maintain the same margins over our sale.
For doing these calculations, we would like to know more about the margins that the firm
used to earn earlier from the sales of these soaps.
Interviewer Good. The firm used to earn 33% margins on the sale of the soap
In that case, assuming, the soap was sold to the final customers at Rs.15 with 20% margins,
Candidate the shopkeepers would be buying the soaps from the firm at Rs.12. Considering 33% margins,
we can safely assume that the cost in making the soaps initially was Rs.8
Interviewer Right
Now, since the costs have increased by Rs.2 due to the increase in the quantity of oil added in
the soap, the costs of producing these soaps would now be Rs.10. Assuming we still want to
earn 33% margins on the soap, we would have to price the soap to the shopkeepers at Rs.15.
instead of Rs. 12
Good. Thanks Nishit, that would be it. You can wait in the room, have some cookies and wait
for further communications.
Candidate Increase Revenues
Hi Nishit, is this the first firm you are interviewing? You seem to be a bit nervous. Have some
water and relax down a bit.
Candidate Calmed down a bit and shared my experience in the previous interview when asked about it
So, let us get started with the case. So, your client is Delhi Metro - DMRC who wish to increase
its revenues. What would you suggest our client to do?
Sure. If I understand the problem correctly, our client DMRC wishes to increase their revenues
and we need to suggest them a method to do so. I would like to ask a few scoping questions
before I approach the problem statement. I would first like to know more about the client.
What is the business model of the firm like?
DMRC runs the metro in Delhi and earns revenues through various sources. IT has been
running the metro for around 10 hours now
Ok. I would like to understand the current revenue streams for DMRC and see how can we
increase the revenues for the firm. As per my understanding the revenues for DMRC would

79 | P a g e
primarily be from 4 basic revenue streams: Ticket sales, Kiosks and stalls, Parking lots and
Advertisement. Would you want me think about any more revenue streams?
Interviewer No, that is it. How would you go about increasing the revenues then.
I can either add a new revenue stream or try to increase the revenues from the existing
streams itself. Which one would you want me to take up
Interviewer Let us see how you can increase the revenues from the existing sources itself.
I would like to investigate each of the 4 revenue streams one by one: Ticket Sales, Kiosks and
stalls, Parking lots, Advertisements. For increasing the ticket sales we can either increase the
#customers or the Avg. ticket size or the price of the ticket. For increasing the number of
customers I would look to understand the occupancy of the metro
The metro usually stays occupied during the peak office hours. Infact the metro stays
Interviewer overcrowded during the office hours and apart from the office hours the occupancy of the
metro is usually around 60-70%
Is the occupancy the same for both the genders. Since we know that females have specific
seats and coaches for them, is there any difference in the occupancy of the two genders? I
Candidate would also like to know if the occupancy data remains the same throughout the metro
network or is there any specific part of the metro which has a significantly higher occupancy
rate than the others.
No. The occupancy remains same for the two genders. The occupancy doesn't usually remain
the same for all the metro lines - Specifically on the blue line stays heavily overcrowded.
In that case, specifically during the peak hours we can either add more coaches to the metros
Candidate - Have more metros with 8 coaches rather than 6 coaches or have more metros running
(increasing the frequency of the metros)
Interviewer Ok. Which plan according to you would be more effective?
Increasing the frequency of the metros during the peak hours would be more effective since
the same metros would be running during the non-peak hours as well and having an 8 coach
metro in the non peak hours would mean lower occupancy during the non-peak hours since
during those hours we have a demand constrainst and not a supply constraint.
Ok. Assuming we go ahead with the plan to increase the frequency of the metros during the
Interviewer peak hours, would you run the metros for the entire length of the blue line which stays
Depends. We will have to see if the metro stays overcrowded for the entire length of the blue
line. Because if we extra metros for the entire length and the demand is specifically between
Candidate some 10 stations then the metro would go unoccupied for the rest of the distance
unnecessarily adding onto the fuel costs. So, it would be recommended to add more metros
only for the overcrowded section of the blue line
Interviewer Ok. What else would you suggest?
We can increase the #customers by improving the customer experience quality apart from
reducing the crowds in these metros, like reducing the queue lengths at the ticket counter,
Candidate baggage counter or security counters. We can also increase the ticket revenues by increasing
the prices of the metro, but ensuring that it does not have an impact on the demand of the
metros due to significant competition. Can I know more about the competitors of DMRC?
Interviewer Ok, fine. Can you summarize the case for me now.

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Summarized the case(Started with the primary recommendation of increasing the frequency
of trains during the peak hours between the 2 stations having overcrowded metros)
Interviewer Unconventional - Personals

Candidate Hi Nishit, how many interviews have you had till now? (Was sitting with my CV in his hand)

Interviewer I've had 2 rounds of case interviews till now. This is my third round.
OK. So you are from Bareilly. I think I have passed through Bareilly, probably when I was
visiting Nainital. Is it correct?
Yes, Bareilly is pretty close to Nainital. I visited Nainital quite often during my childhood. (Had
a small discussion over that)
Candidate Ok, so you worked with Axtria and EXL Services. What exactly was your job profile?
We did business analytics for US and UK based clients.I specifically worked for three different
Interviewer sectors - Pharma and life sciences, Banking and financial sevices and retail sector. We used to
take key decisions based on the various analytical tools.
Candidate So, you basically built models for financial services and pharms clients?
Yes, we used logistic regression models or machine learning algorithms to build models for the
Interviewer client - Building a promotion response model for the a retail client, building a default
prediction model for a leading US based bank etc
Candidate Ok, so how exactly do you predict the probability of default for a Bank?
We use historical data to identify what are the variables which are able to predict the
Interviewer delinquencies of the customers.We use that logistic regression model then to predict
customers have a high probability of default in the future.
Candidate How do you find out the strength of your model, do you check it using the DW statistic?

Interviewer Had a long discussion about GINI coefficient of the models, DW statistic etc
In that case how do you identify which of the customers are False positves and False
negatives, do any of these Indices help you out with that?
Interviewer Talked more about KS Index and some more metrics.

Candidate Ok Nishit, that would be it. Thanks a lot!!

Interviewer Thank you!!

1. Structured approach - Follow the MECE structure as much as possible,

avoid speculations
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips 2. Focus on solving the cases and do not worry too much about the slot in
the interview. DO NOT get tensed or freaked out.
3. Take time and go slow when doing the numerical part

81 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Nishtha Manchanda

Interviewing Firm Bain & Co.

Under-graduate College Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi University

Stream BA (Economics)

Work-experience ( Months) 33 Months

Firm ZS Associates, Gurgaon

Sector Consulting

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Market Sizing

Interviewer Estimate the market size of cabs in a your city

Candidate # of cabs? Delhi?

Interviewer Yes

Candidate I will take the population approach (started estimating while still thinking through it..)

Interviewer Are you sure you want to take this approach?

(Taken aback) Umm actually I would divide the problems in two parts. First, I would make an
Candidate estimate for app affiliated cabs. Second, I would look at major train and bus stations, and look
for cab usage from those sources
Interviewer Okay let's look at the second part then
There are two main railways station in Delhi, and two main bus stations. I think we could start
with the railway station as that will form the bulk of the traffic
Interviewer Fair enough
I'll divide the train station traffic into low and peak hours. Then I would look at number of
trains arriving in an hour, number of AC coach passengers (slicing for affordability), split into
different mode of last minute transport metro, pick ups or cabs. (Did the estimate and arrived
at a number).
Interviewer okay

Candidate Do you want me to pick up the first part?

Interviewer No, that'll be all. Thanks

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Candidate Cost optimization
Hello. Lets get started quickly. So there's this call center client they want to reduce their costs.
Interviewer We need to tell them a way forward. (Gave a lot of information on revenue, size , location etc,
almost covered all basic questions)
Let me chalk down the main cost streams. After listing, we eliminated almost all and started
looking at increasing the producitivity of the employees.
Candidate I started a bit of guesswork here. Talked about giving employees a checklist to ensure quick
responses and reduce call time. Spoke through the day of the employee but couldnt arrive at
anything considerable.
Interviewer Well don’t you think, we could cut off the lunch time a bit.

Candidate Yes, that could be a way.

Interviewer Thank you

Candidate Market Entry

Interviewer Hi Nishtha! Tell me about yourself. Why consulting? Why Bain?

Candidate Answered satisfactorily

Okay, lets get started. There's a Chinese medical implant manufacturer who wants to enter
Interviewer India. The implant is for knee surgery. Two types of implant X and Y. We need to gauge
whether to enter the Indian market.
Candidate What is the objective for the client? Maximize profits/revenue/market share?

Interviewer Profits
Thank you. I am going to divide this problem into three parts: Pre Entry, At Entry and Post
Entry considerations. Within the first part, I would like to look at the market size and growth
Candidate of the knee implants industry and if there are any barriers to entry. In the second part, I
would estimate the profits that can be expected and the mode of entry (JV/Organic/
Acquisition) and finally, I would look sustainance and barriers to exit.
Interviewer this looks good.
So starting with the first part can you tell me a little bit about the market size and growth in
India and China?
Chinese market is roughly $1.5 Bn and India is a fraction of it but it is a sizeable market. Indian
market is growing at 15% and China at 5%.
Can you tell me a little bit about the knee implants available in India? Who are our major
There is one knee implant which is comparable to ours in terms of quality. It has 40% market
share. Rest is fragmented
okay. Are there any regulatory barriers to entry to the Indian market? If not, we can move on
to estimate the profits expected
Interviewer No there are none. Sure, go ahead and estimate the profits.
Estimated the market size, took buy-ins at each points. Took input on margins of each
product. After estimating, recommended one of the product to be launched as flagship

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product and the other as alternative to cater to relatively low income customers.

Interviewer Okay, what next? Anything else?

Yes, do our existing plants have manufacturing capacity to meet the Indian demand we
estimated just now?
Yes, we would like to import our implants than manufacture in India. Does that affect
anything in our analysis?
umm (thinking) Yes, we need to pay import duty now so that could affect our margins and in
turn the profits because our margins were comparable to China right now
Interviewer Cool, so then should they enter the market?

Candidate Oh yes, as per our analysis, they should

Interviewer Thank you

Case 1: The interviewer was looking for an approach which is structured. It

was an easy guesstimate but I had not done a lot of guesstimates before,
it was slightly rough in the beginning. I was able to find a way through it.
Write down the estimate info clearly as the interviewer is looking at your
calculations, while you are on them. For me, this was really a structured
thinking + basic math check. This round was a clear yes.

Case 2: The interviewer was a little intimidating and my thought process

DOs and DONTs/Important Tips was not clear. I tried to go about it in a structured manner but failed to
look at obvious things as reducing lunch time. Probably felt it was too
harsh to do such a thing. Went for a third round after this..

Case 3: Interviews at Bain don’t cover Personals in depth but basics should
be very clear. Since my work ex was in pharma consulting, it's possible
that medical implant case was given because of that. My case prep
structure was really helpful here and I was able to work through it for this
case. This was a yes and was given an offer after this round.

84 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Priyal Motwani

Interviewing Firm Bain & Company

Under-graduate College IIT Delhi

Stream Civil Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) Fresher

Firm -

Sector -

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Open ended

Interviewer Delhi Metro wants to increase their revenues. How should they go about it?

Candidate Listed down the various sources of revenue and was asked to focus on passenger fare

Interviewer How can you increase the total passenger fares?

Broke it down into (Average total number of daily passengers * average daily passenger fare/
pax). Further tried to break down each element into further parts.
Average daily passengers was divided into no. of routes and average no. of passengers /
route. Talked about the type of routes it was targeting, frequency about each route, no. of
trains and coach size. Talked about targeting the routes where occupancy ratio or capacity
utilzation was high and opening new routes where business hubs/ commercial areas and
residential areas were being targeted. Talked about the occupancy ratio with respect to the
peak/ non peak hours. Talked about how different customer segments can be targeted for
non peak hours (house wives, non office goers) by providing them with an incentive scheme.
Further break down into people not using the metro beacuse of isues like- accessibility,
convenience, income segment etc. and talked about how each issue can be handled.
Average daily passenger fare/pax- Increasing average fare/ each customer using dynmaic
pricing, changing pricing scheme, penalising for shorter distance trips, monthly trip packs or
metro cards
Guided along each branch and told me to focus on only specific elements. Was testing for
MECE structures and how innovative the ideas were
Candidate Profitability
A consumer products (FMCG) company has been facing a decline in its profits lately. Figure
out why.
Asked preliminary questions on its location, business model, part of the value chain, products,
inductsry, competitors and the recency of decline, market share

85 | P a g e
It's operating in India. Facing decline only for the soaps segment and since the last 12 months.
Interviewer The decline is unform across all the regions of operation. Only our client has been facing the
Profits can be written as revenues - cost. Which element has changed with respect to the past
figures and competitors' values.
Interviewer The costs have been increasing but please stat the entire structure
Stated the entire structure, while stating the possible reasons for decline in revenue and
increase in cost.Focused on the supply demand dynamics
Interviewer Let's focus on the costs now
Broke down the cost on the basis of the value chain and enlisted the G&A, finance costs
involved. Tested each pasrt of thevalue chain and if the cost specific to that part has increased
in the past year and how it has evolved for the competitors as well (Have to focus on only the
company specific cost increases). Talked about the raw material cost, inbound cost,
manufcaturing cost (input output efficiencies), out bound logistics, wastage/spoilage, G&A
Candidate costs, marekting/ trade promotion costs etc. Was told the costs have remained the same.
Talked about the raw material (quantity* quality) and how the no. of units being
manufcatured per unit of raw material could have declined due to quality of raw material.
Talked about the efficiencies of manufacturing processes. (For each element of the value
chain, try to break down the cost quantitatively in a MECE manner and list down the possible
scenarios that could have taken place. Be as exhaustive as possible)
Interviewer She asked me to stop and told me that the quality of raw material has detroriated

Candidate Gave recommendations for reducing cost

Gave margins of 3 processes and asked me to calcuate the cost price, based on the market
Candidate Made a silly mistake while calculating and took time to figure out the mistake.

Interviewer Was sent to the partner and had a 2-3 mins chat about my CV and was given an offer.

Follow a MECE structure and try to break each element into more
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips components in an exhaustive manner. Be enthusiastic while solving the
case and try to provide your analysis at each step.

86 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Rishabh Bararia

Interviewing Firm Bain & Company

Interviewer Srikumar Ramanathan(Manager), Sriwatsan Krishnan(Principal)

Under-graduate College SRCC

Stream Economics

Work-experience ( Months) 11 months

Firm Co-founder, PocketAd


Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Unconventional (Short and quick case)

Interviewer Interviewer told about himself. Asked me to introduce myself.

Candidate Introduced.
You are the manager of a supermarket and your sales have been coming down. You are
considering whether to launch this new advertising scheme or not. The scheme involves
asking a person to toss ten coins if his purchases exceed Rs. 1000. If he gets all tails or all
heads, he would be allowed to do a "floor sweep".
Candidate Clarified the problem statement and the objective. Asked about "floor sweep".

Interviewer In a floor sweep, a consumer can pick up as many items from the supermarket in 5 minutes.
Asked some quick preliminary questions like how much worth of goods could be picked up by
an average consumer in 5 minutes?
Interviewer 2 lakh
Explained the approach. I would analyse two aspects- viability(quantitative) and scheme
attractiveness(qualitative). Should I proceed?
Interviewer Fair enough. Go ahead.
For viability, I'll calculate the probability of consumer winning. It is 1/512. After this I would do
Candidate a cost-benefit analysis. So in order to ascertain benefits, we need average profit per
customer. (per annum)
Just to confuse me, asked a couple of questions about probability. Asked me to proceed
further and assume 10% average profits.
Candidate Do we have data for other costs like promotion or recruitment for execution of this scheme?

87 | P a g e
Interviewer Ignore these expenses for now.

Candidate Did a quick break even analysis.

Interviewer Asked a couple of counter questions. Now, lets move on to qualitative analysis.
Scheme attractiveness has two parts external and internal. External includes number of
people attracted and internal includes handling of the scheme. These depend on how the
scheme is promoted (are customers actually attracted by such a scheme) and then internal
logistical issues (whether a consumer plays the game after coming in)
Interviewer The scheme is being promoted properly. Lets look at the logistic issues in detail.
Used 3Ws for logistic analysis. When, where and who - timing of the scheme(before billing or
Candidate after billing), which part of the store would be used and personnel (training and quality of
people to handle crowd).
Interviewer Good. Quickly summarise the case


Interviewer Unconventional (Cost cutting)

Your client is an Indian BPO. They want to reduce costs by 60 lakhs. However, you cannot fire
labour. How would you go about it?
Reiterated the problem statement. Clarified the business model. Asked about major clients,
number of offices and their location etc.
Regular BPO business model. Alongwith this, sales pitches made to potential clients. Two
major clients and 1 office.
Stated overall approach and listed down the various cost heads for a BPO. (salary, rent,
training, utilities, depreciation etc.)
Candidate Asked me to write approximate percentages for each of the cost heads.

Interviewer Salary - 50-60%, Rent - depends on location, Training - 10-15%, Utilities: 10-15%.

Candidate Asked a couple of questions about rent and then asked to deep dive into salary.

Interviewer Since we cannot fire people, we will have to increase the productivity of workers.

Candidate How would you increase productivity?

Did a quick analysis of number of calls per employee, time taken per call, fixed vs variable part
of the message etc. Found utilisation was only 60%. Hence needed to increase utilisation.
Candidate How can we increase utilisation?
Suggested 3 methods - Improve efficiency of employees by training of employees (so that
Interviewer they understand the problems quickly and therfore providing solutions quickly). Use of IVR for
standardisation. Expertise development by sub-dividing problems into groups.
Candidate Discussed all three quickly. Well done. Offered internship.

88 | P a g e
This was a very fast case. The key was to remain calm and take the
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips interviewer's cues appropriately.

89 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Sanket Shah

Interviewing Firm Bain & Co.

Dinkar Ayilavarapu (Partner) for round 1, Vibhor Gupta (Manager)
Interviewer for round 2
Under-graduate College IIT Gandhinagar

Stream Mechanical Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 10 Months

Firm Synersoft, Toppr

Sector IT, EduTech

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Market Entry
(Looking at my CV) I see they have an IIT in Gandhinagar too, now! (Asked a little about
myself, extra-curriculars and internships)
(Told him about my experiences, roles and responsibilites - mostly answers that I had
Interviewer Let’s start the case?

Candidate Sure
Your client is one of the biggest Pathology players in the world. They would like to enter India.
They've come to you for recommendations
(Rephrased the problem statement and verified whether there was any other objective to be
Candidate considered) I'd like to know a little about our client, it's business and the kind of industry it
operates in
Interviewer Sure!
What does our client do? Why are they considering to enter India? What geographies are they
currently present in? What about our primary competitors in those regions?
Our client is based in the US and runs Pathology chains - which means they mainly do medical
testing. They are the leading chain in the world with ~80 % market share. However, their
presence in mainly in US and UK, and they're looking to enter India as their next market to
expand their global presence. They want to break even in 5 years
If they have ~80 global market share, can I assume that there are no other major competitors
Candidate and that the rest of the market is frafgmented? Also, do you want me to evaluate the
prospect of entering India, or have they decided that, and they just want a roadmap?
You can assume that the rest of the market is fragmented. For your second question - yes
they have decided to enter India. You need to plan their entry strategy.

90 | P a g e
Before I start with the solution, I'd like to understand how the Indian pathology market
Candidate operates. If it is similar to the UK market in any way, we can utilize our experience of entering
Interviewer The markets are not similar. What do you think would be happening in India?

Candidate Are we looking at both urban and rural areas?

Interviewer Assume that we are only looking at urban areas for now.
What about the different kind of services we offer. In what way are our services different?
What is the cutomer base we cater to?
You can assume that we offer generalized medical tests - common to typcial pathology chains.
Interviewer However, the quality of our service is significantly better than the exisiting services in India.
What kind of customers, you think, will be present in India?
I would say that pathology chains of India have three major segments - Customers coming for
checkups on their own, customers being referred by local GPs (General Physicians) and other
local doctors, and customers being referred by hospitals). There would be some comissions
involved in the latter two. I do not know about the major players in the industry though
That's precisely what the case is. What kind of data would you need to evaluate the market
and major players?
(I realized that the preliminary questions were over and the solution had started) While
Candidate evaluating any industry, I typically look at market size, market share, margins and growth
Here's some data to help you out (Gave me some numbers telling me about each revenue
source's market size, market share (competiton) and growth rates)
It is evident that the "Customers being referred by local doctors" segment was the biggest
and most attractive (in terms of competition and growth rates)
That is correct. Proceed with your analysis considering that we hsve decided to cater to that
segment first
(Confused that the case was moving too quickly) There are three typical ways to enter - we
could choose to establish our own facilities and start from scratch, or we could acquire an
Candidate existing player, or enter into a joint venture. Since there are no all-India existing players, could
we rule out the third option? Are there any budget/funding constraints that I need to be
aware of?
Interviewer That seems fair. We have no budget constraints
(At this stage, I fumbled around with a few questions to identify the proper metric to evaluate
Candidate the mathods to enter. Eventually, he hinted me towards the aspect of industry drivers, and
then helped me zero-in on customer trust and loyalty)
Considering the disproportionate importance of customer trust and loyalty, I am inclined
towards the acquisition appriach - aquiring local players throughout the country and
streamlining operations. However, I need to look at its feasinility first and whether this
satisfies our overall objective of breaking even in the next 5 years.
Candidate In the interest of time, let's close this case here. Do you have any questions for me?

Interviewer Was this a live case? What did they do?

Of course this was a live case! Your suggestion was similar to what we recommended, and
they evetually ended up following it!

91 | P a g e
(Introduced himself, asked me to introduce myself, and directly started the case) Let's do a
guesstimate first?
Candidate Sure! (Mentally thanking the OCR)

Interviewer Guesstimate the number of marriages happening every year in India

Before we begin, I'd like to clarify that we are considering only human marriages. I've read
about people marrying cows as well.
Interviewer That's quite a controversial statement though. Let's consider human marri ages only.
(trying to think of more clarifying questions to narrow down the problem)Is it safe to assume
that we're considering marriages above the age of 18?
You're making a lot of controversial statements today. Yes, we will be considering only legal
(I had become visbly nervous at this point, and decided to proceed) Okay. I would like to
propose that marriages mainly happen between the age group of 21-33.
Interviewer For the sake of simplicity, assume marriages happen from 20-30.

Candidate Okay. Can I also assume a uniform distribution of population in this age group?

Interviewer Yes.

Candidate Are we looking at both urban and rural markets?

Interviewer Consider only the urban market

I'll take a moment to make calculations. (Assumed a percentage of people in every age group
Candidate to get married every year, and came up with a number based on standard demograhic
assumptions of population, urbal/rural split, age bracket and sex ratio)
Interviewer I can see that you're not confident with your number since you are sweating.
(He was right - I was sweating hard). The number does look slightly off. I'll take another look
at my assumptions and calculations.
Never mind. You missed out a few factors like re-marriages etc. Anyway, can you think of
another approach to solve this?
Candidate Maybe we could look into the supply side of things - marriage halls and grounds?
I'm looking for something that you can measure easily - a data point which you can obtain
Interviewer through a simple search. (At this point, I was really nervous and sweating continuously.He
even told me - "You don't need to worry, you're doing fine")
Candidate How about birth rates?

Interviewer Okay interesting. How would you use birth rates to extrapolate the number of marriages?
Obtain data about the overall percentage of births being the "first child", and obtain
Candidate information about the average difference between marriage and childbirth to arrive at an
estimate. (We deliberated over this for a while. After that, he did not have much time left)
Let’s do a quick case. Because we do not have time, I do not want you to solve it for me, but
just outline the approach you would use.

92 | P a g e
Candidate (After this point, I have no memory of what happened in that interview)

1. Try to communicate whatever you are thinking - so that the interviewer

can follow your line of thought.
2. Ensure that you're structures and frameworks are rock solid, and try to
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips be MECE at all times. Always attempt to break things down, even towards
the end of the case.
3. Smile and be confident (or at least try to :P)
4. Do not ignore your Personals

93 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Saurabh Siddhartha

Interviewing Firm Bain and Company

Interviewer Manager

Under-graduate College Delhi College of Engineering

Stream Environmental Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 10 months

Firm ZS Associates

Sector Sales and Marketing Consulting

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Market Entry
I see you have worked at ZS Associates. I'm assuming that you are familiar with the
pharmaceutical industry.
Candidate Yes, I am.
Okay. So, your client is medical device manufacturer in China. They are exploring the
possibility of entering into the Indian market.
What are the devices that our client manufacturers? Have the decided on the products they
want to introduce in India?
Our client produces 3 medical devices. But we can limit the discusssion to just 1 product. It is
a knee replacement implant.
Candidate Has the client decided on any paramter to based their decision on?

Interviewer Profits
Okay. Could you tell me a bit about the pharmaceutical industry of China? I'm aware about
the pharmaceutical industry in India, but I'm not familiar with the market conditions of China.
Candidate In particular, I want know about the process through which people buy their drugs. Is the
majority of the expense covered by insurance,as in the case of US or do you people have
significant out-of-pocket costs?
Medical expenses in China are mainly taken care by government-controlled insurance firms.
People have very insignificant out-of-pocket costs. It is somewhat like Medicaid in the US.
Okay. (Took a minute to absorb all the information) Here is how I would like to proceed. I
would first like to analyse the Indian Pharmaceutical industry, relevant for out product, on the
following parameters - Size, Growth, Margin, Competitive Landscape and Barriers. Then I
would like to do a compartive analysis with the existing competitors in India to identfy a cost
advantage or a product advantage. Then I would like to map the identified advantage with a
segment that values it to estimate out market share. This would answer the question of

94 | P a g e
entering Indian market or not. Next, I would like to look at ways in which we can enter the
Indian Market. (At this point, I took his buy-in before proceeding)
Seems fair. The current margins in China is 10%, while it is 20% in India. The market for the
implant is growing at 15%, compared to 5% in China.
Interesting. So the Indian market seems to be a very high growth and high margin market.
May I know the price at which our competition is selling their implant in India?
The price of a implant varies on the quality. In terms of quality, curre ntly there is only one
Interviewer implant in the Indian market which comes close to matching our implant. Price of that implant
in India is $1200.
That would put the production cost to around $960. May I know what is our production cost
as of now?
Interviewer $800
Okay. While we can look at how we want to enter the Indian market later, may I know what
Candidate will be the costs involved in importing the implant from China itself and if we have enough
capacity in China to cater to the demand from India?
The entire cost of importing from China, including import duty, transportation and other
Interviewer transaction chargers would be $200. As far as capacity is concerned, we have unused capacity
at our manufacturing unit in China
That brings our total cost of importing an implant from China to about $1000. Even if we price
our implant at $1200, we get a better margin in India. And given that our implant is our
Candidate superior quality, we have a product advantage and can price our product in excess of $1200.
So far, the Indian market looks promising. I would like to look at the size of the Indian markets
and any barrier to entry.
I would like you to estimate the market size in India. There are no regulatory issues or barriers
to enter the market.
Estimated the market size. Understood about the disease first to segment the population in
India. Took a lot of inputs from the interviewer to arrive at an estimate.
Interviewer Seemed satisfied with the estimate
So, we looked at the Indian market. Given the size of the market, the margins, the growth rate
and the lack of any regulations prohibiting entry, I would suggest that we make an entry in
the Indian market. Do you want me to look at the various modes through which we can
Interviewer No, that should be all. Thank you

Candidate Thanks!


Interviewer Hi Saurabh. How are you doing today?

Candidate I'm fine. How are you?

Interviewer I'm doing good too. So how is IIM Calcutta treating you.
Talked about my experiences at IIM Calcutta. During our conversation, I found out that she
gradutated from IIM Ahmedabad. I asked her about her experiences.

95 | P a g e
Okay Saurabh. So lets do a small case. Our client is into the business of manufacturing steel
sheets. These sheets are packed in small containers and send to various customers. I want
you to just focus on the packaging aspect. You need to analyze what can the client do to
optimize the process.
Thank you. I would like to know more about the process of packaging. What is the process
that the kind is following currently?
Currently, the steel sheets are stacked together and put in wodden cartons. There is a layer of
a cardboard-like material between two sheets to preserve the quality of sheets.
Candidate Thanks for the clarification. Can we do anything to alter the dimensions of the steel sheets.

Interviewer Unfortunately, you can't. You just need to focus on the packaging aspect itself.
Okay. So, I see there are a few steps involved in the entire packaging process. One would be
Candidate the manufacturing of the wodden carton and the cardboard layer, the inventory of these
items and then the process of packaging itself. I would like to analyze all of them.
Interviewer Go ahead.
Starting with manufacturing, we can explore the possibility of changing the dimensions of the
wodden carton to pack more number of sheets in 1 carton. This would allow us to pack more
Candidate number of sheets in the same space as less space will be occupied by the carton itself. As for
the cardboard layer, we can look at other materials, which will preserve the quality of the
sheets, but is thin compared to the cardboard layer.
Makes sense. Do you think there will be any impact on our customers if we change the size of
the cartons?
Yes, we will have to see if our existing customers have the required capabilities to handle
carton of larger size.
Interviewer Okay. What else do you have in mind?
I would like to look at the inventory system used by our client. Is there any wastage of cartons
when they are kept in the warehouse?
Interviewer Yes, around 20 percent of the cartons are rejected due to defects.

Candidate What is the primary cause of the defect?

Interviewer Termites!
Interesting! I have some recommendations here for the client. The client opt for regular
termite control program to reduce the wastage of cartons. Additionally, we can explore other
materials which can be used to make the cartons. Of course, the new cartons will have to be
termite resistant and we will need to look at the costs involved.
Okay. So the average customer order is of 100 cartons. The overall cost of packaging is $50
Interviewer per carton. Out of the $50, the cost of carton is $10. If you are able to solve the issue of
termites, can you calcuate the overall savings per customer order?
Candidate Calculated the overall savings both in absolute dollar terms and percentage terms.

Interviewer So, would you recommed our client to go for the termite conttrol program?

Candidate If the cost of the termite control program is less than the savings, then definitely yes!

96 | P a g e
Interviewer Okay Saurabh. That should be it. Thank you

Candidate Thanks a lot!

1) Don’t be hesitant to take inputs from the interviewer.
2) Always take the interviewer's buy-in before proceeding.
3) Be confident and stick to structures. If you come across a type of case
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips that you have not practiced before, try to understand the context and
scope of the case and then structure your approach
1) Don't rush into solving a case.
2) Long gaps between conversations should be avoided.

97 | P a g e

98 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Oishee Dutta

Interviewing Firm A.T.Kearney

Interviewer Partner

Under-graduate College St. Xavier's College, Kolkata

Stream Economics Hons. (B.Sc.)

Work-experience ( Months) Sales & Marketing (26 months)

Firm Reckitt Benckiser

Sector FMCG

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Unconventional Interview

Interviewer Hi. How are you doing today?

Candidate I'm doing well - How are you?

Interviewer I'm okay but you seem to be abit nervous. Are you?

Candidate Yes, I am definitely slightly nervous

Interviewer Why are you nervous?

Candidate I tend to place people on a pedestal due to pre-concieved notions and then
If you want to be a consultant and place a client on a pedestal you will get chewed alive.We
are all mere mortals. What do you want to do in life?
Candidate I want to help people people improve their lives through whatever I do.

Interviewer Then why become a consultant - why don't you become a social worker?
I believe consultancy can improve business practices, increase efficiencies and have a huge
impact on people's lives. As an individual one of my core strengths have been my problem
solving and communication skills and I believe consultancy is one profession where I can truly
use my skills to analyze a business problem and then communicate and present ideas and
strategic solutions to different stakeholders that will help them understand the positive
impact the changes can make on their business.
That's great - communication and changing people's lives - why don't you become a
motivational speaker?
Well a motivational speaker can just speak about their ideas - as a consultant I can help
Candidate businesses implement the solution once the stakeholders are convinced with the idea and
actually observe as well as quantify the degree of change that our solution has brought to the

99 | P a g e
business and thereby the people associated with it.

Interviewer Great. So we've heard a bit aout your strengths - tell me about you weaknesses.
One of my weaknesses are - I tend to sometimes have strong opinions which I always stand by
and tend to avoid opposite viewpoints that may be brought forth…
Interviewer So tell me an instance when this has been a hindrance
There was this one time where I insisted that we must plan a social responsibility led
marketing campaign in such a way that the evaluation parameter should only be the
socialimpact and increase in perceived brand equity and not on the monetary return on
investment. When the plan was presented to a director he wanted a component that
measured the expected increase in sales and certain specific return on investment targets as a
parameter to track and judge the success of the campaign. We had to rework the entire plan
and this was a setback for the team as I had enforced my opinion and insisted on a viewpoint
which on hindsight was counterproductive.
Interviewer Okay…. So let me get your opinion on something…

Candidate Yes. Sure!

Interviewer draws 3 overlapping circles like a venn diagram - If the intersection of these 3
circles is "What makes a Perfect Career?" what are each of these circles
Thought for 30 seconds. Completely confused but did not allow it to reflect on my face. If I
break it down - I would look first at what the job gives me, second what I am able to give to
the job and thirdly what else I can get from outside of the job that is intrinsically linked to my
Interviewer Interesting… could you elaborate?
Spent 5 minutes explaining that what the job gives us should fulfill us, how we should be able
to do the job well and give much more than an average individual would contribute in the
same position and how the job should be also the conduit for us to be able to indulge in other
things in life that make us happy
That's very close to what I was looking for. I read once that the intersection of what you love,
what you're good at and what pays well makes for the perfect career. Does that make sense.
Candidate That makes perfect sense

Interviewer Are you calmer now?

Candidate Yes - I am very much at ease

Interviewer Thank you for your time - You could wait outside

Candidate Oh! Thank you so much.

Interviewer Thank you !

100 | P a g e
Don't be too hard on yourself. Don't second guess yourself or be nervous -
if you are prepared, hard working and you feel that you are a good fit for
the company, there is no need to be under confident. Do be well prepared
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips with your personals. Do be genuine. Do smile, maintain eye contact and
show an attitude that you are ready and eager to take on and answer any
kind of questions/cases/problems that any interviewer may throw at you.

101 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Rushikesh Bhagat

Interviewing Firm ATKearney

Interviewer Arpit Mathur - Manager

Under-graduate College IIT Madras

Stream Dual Degree - Automotive Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 2 Years

Firm Urban Ladder

Sector Business Analytics and Development, E-commerce

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
No specific format - 20-25 mins
(The process started around 8.20 which was behind schedule. The interviewer was waiting for
Interviewer me to arrive at the location. As soon as I arrived I was called in)
Lets straightway get into the case, we have lost some time.
Candidate Sure

Interviewer (looking at my resume) So you worked at Urban Ladder?

Candidate Yes
Okay. So the Amazon wants to set up a new headquarters apart from the one they have in
Interviewer Seattle and are looking for a new location. What all things you would look for while choosing
a new location? (This must have come from my relevant work ex in e-commerce industry)
Okay, before we go into defining different parameters in order to evaluate different locations
I want to clarify some things.
Interviewer Sure, go ahead.

Candidate Why are we looking for an another headquarter?

Interviewer Why do you think?

I think, Amazon is growing very rapidly in different business segments and the current
Candidate headqurters is not able to handle the increasing strength of the employees required at the
headquarters and sustain supporting functions.
Interviewer That is correct.
Okay, though I have a general sense of how a headquarter works I would like to know more in
detail about how exactly it functions and what all tasks it undertakes

102 | P a g e
Fair enough. Before I tell you about it, you can tell me whats your understanding of a
It is generally the place where the leadership operates from. Maybe the initial location from
where the business started in its early days. It will also have HR, IT, Catering apart from the
strategic leadership team comprising of middle and higher level managers and C-suite
That is true. By and large you have correctly mentioned who all works in a headquarter. There
Interviewer will be a large legal team also. Also fair bit of support staff like cleaners etc but that would not
be too relevant.
Candidate Alright, what geographies are we looking at? Anywhere in the world?

Interviewer No really, we are looking in United Stated only.

Okay, any particular reason for this? It seems little counter intuitive considering they are
Candidate present almost everywhere in the world, a location away from home would seem strategically
Interviewer Good point, but lets stick to the USA for some reasons.

Candidate Okay. Can I take some time to gather my thoughts ?

Interviewer Sure
(After a minute or so) I have tried to identify some of the major factors that should be
considered while deciding a location.
- Connectivity (Road and Air Transport, distance from frequent visiting destinations)
- Tax advantages
Candidate - Synnergetic for all the business segments
- Hiring (Easily available talent pool nearby to the location + people should prefer working
- Availability of modifiable real estate ( Build or Rent - design of the workspace) etc (dont
remember all the points now)
Interviewer Okay. Lets go into each one of these one by one.
(so I spent some time on each of these aspects explaining what details we should look for in
Candidate these aspects especially the tax and legal parts and synnergy among the different business
segments - exploring what other businesses amazon just entered or will enter and how that
should affect the location of the headquarter)
Interviewer Okay, thank you.
Thank you. (The case was very unconventional and tested how you can think on your feet
putting aside the frameworks that you have learnt in the prep so far. I took some time initially
Candidate from the interviewer to understand what exactly has been asked of me and what should be
the line of thinking. Could not think of any framework that could fit the bill so just listed all the
relevant factors. Inteviewer was happy about the tax and hiring ease points)

Candidate Partner Round - 10-15 mins

103 | P a g e
Interviewer Hello Rushikesh

Candidate Hello Sir

Interviewer So you are from Maharashtra?

Candidate Yes Sir

Interviewer Where in Maharashtra?

Candidate I belong from Sangli District and also have completed my higher secondary eduction in Pune.

Interviewer Ohh, nice. Whats so special about Sangli?

It is known for the Sugar factories, one of the largest sugar producing districts in India also
one of the largest exporter of grapes.
Interviewer okay, nice. So who all are there in your family.

Candidate (Told)

Interviewer So you worked in Urban Ladder, what did you do there?

Candidate (Explained in detail about my work and achievements)

Interviewer Tell me your 2 biggest learnings from Urban Ladder

Candidate (again I had prepared for this question, so gave that answer)

Interviewer Alright, how is Urban Ladder doing now financially?

(Explained in detail about my work and achievements) I think it is doing really well to hang on
to its margins in the current state of the e-commerce industry.
Interviewer Is it profitable?

Candidate No, not right now. But I am quite sure it will get there in near future.

Interviewer Why are you so sure? What do you mean by near future?
By near future I meant a 3-5 years time period. Also the business model followed in UL is not
based on discounting. The biggest competitor to UL is pepperfry is nothing but a amazon like
marketplace for furniture which just aggregares the furniture retailers and its growth is fueled
by discounts to a great extent. Contrary to that UL is building its own aspirational brand
sustainably and it is not too far from breaking even. Also the scales are not too different,
Pepperfry is about 1.5 times larger than UL. (You should have the basic knowledge of the
industry that you worked in and not just limited to your jonb profile) In the long run, UL is
going to win over its competition. Also IKEA is entering into the Indian market and if they
decide to go online no one can compare with their prices no matter how big a discount you
offer. In this case UL is more insulated than Pepperfry. Also the NPS score of UL is above 0.75
consistently which is unheard of in any industry let alone the e-commerce, which is again a
clear indication of the strength of the brand. And I also believe that the leadership at the helm
is very able who are the seasoned experts having more than 10 years of exposure in different
industries unlike lot of young CEOs we see these days. So I think UL has bright prospects in the

104 | P a g e
future and looking forward to the day it goes public.

okay, good to hear. (Asked some questions about my extra-curriculars, don’t remember
exactly now)
Candidate okay, good to hear.

(the second round was mostly personals and work ex, be thorough with
your prep using basic and advanced personals. Communication skills and
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips your general attitude is tested. Before going in for the partner round, I
was told by the first interviewer that my interview had gone well and just
be normal and calm and you should get through)

105 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Shalini Sharma

Interviewing Firm A. T. Kearney

Interviewer Manager

Under-graduate College NIT Hamirpur

Stream Electronics & Communication

Work-experience ( Months) 23 months

Firm Verizon

Sector IT

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Hey Shalini. How are you doing?

Candidate I'm doing good. How are you?

I'm doing good too. So, lets start the case. Your client is in the business of manufacturing
pumps. They are facing declining profits. So, you need to find the reason for the same.
Candidate Okay. Before we proceed, I have some questions.

Interviewer Go ahead.
I would like to know since when has the client been facing this problem and if this is just
Candidate restricted to our client or is it a industry wide problem? I would also like to know about the
type and usage of the pumps.
We are facing this problem since the past 6 months. This is a client-specific problem. The
client manufacturs water pumps. Are you aware about its usage?
As far as I know, a water pump can have various uses depending on the sector in which it is
used, such as domestic, agriculture, commercial, military etc.
Yes are correct, though there are additional uses. For simplicity, you can stick to these 4
Interviewer sectors. Let me give you some data and I would like you to calculate our overall market share
and sector-specific market share.
Calculated the market shares based on the data provided. Asked if the declining profits was
limited to any one specific sector.
Interviewer The problem is specific to domestic sector.

Candidate Thanks. I would like to understand the value chain of the industry and where we lie in it.
Okay. So, we are the manufacturers of the pumps. We then sell our products to wholesalers.
The pumps reach the customers through retailers. We do not have exclusive contracts with

106 | P a g e
these wholesalers and retailers. Even our competition uses the same wholesalers and
Thanks for the information. So I would like to look at revenues and costs and how they have
changed in the past 6 months.
Interviewer The revenues have declined. Costs are pretty much the same.

Candidate Have we seen a decline in the number of units that we sell?

Interviewer You are correct.

Candidate So, the decline in sale could be a result of the decline in supply or a decline in demand.

Interviewer Supply does not seem to be a problem.

Coming to demand, it could be a result of a lack of push from our distibutors end or due to
Candidate lack of customer pull. I would like to look at both these factors and benchmark our process
with the competition.
Interviewer Makes sense. Go ahead with the distributor push issues.
Distributors push could be a result of monetary and non-monetary factors, like margins that
we provide, the length of contracts, buy-back policies etc.
The margins that our competition provide is better. They revised their margins 6 months
Better margins to the distributors is a big incentive for the distributors to push the product of
our competition. I would like to further analyze why they have revised their margins but we
did not. At this point, I would like to look at customer demand for pumps. It will depend on
the awareness of the products, prices, quality etc.
Interviewer Let's look at awareness. The client uses TV commercial as its primary source of advertisement.

Candidate Has our competition changed its strategy as far as awareness is concerned?

Interviewer They hired a popular movie star for their TV commercial.

Candidate Do we have any information to analyze the impact of this new commercial?
Yes, we did conduct a market survey. The new advertisement has been received very well by
the coustomers and have created a positive image of the competitor's product.
Okay, so it seems that the advertisement has done the trick. It has led to increased demand
Candidate for the competitor's product. Because of this increased demand, they are able to provide
better margins to the wholesalers.
Interviewer Okay.

Candidate Do you want me to look at other factors which could have impacted our profits?

Interviewer No, that will be all. Thank you!

Candidate Thanks!

107 | P a g e
1) Ask as many questions as you want to understand the problem.
2) For quant heavy cases, take your time. A wrong calculation can do
more harm than a slow calculation.
3) Structure your thoughts well. It is quite possible that you won't reach
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips the end of the case, so solution/recommendations are not that important.
1) Don't take too long to respond. (More than 40-45 seconds)
2) Don't be nervous. Cases are very easy compared to what you have

108 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Surabhi Agarwal

Interviewing Firm AT Kearney

Interviewer Partner, AT Kearney

Under-graduate College ISM Dhanbad

Stream Electronics Engineering

Work-experience ( Months)
Firm Analytics Quotient

Sector Analytics

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1
Profit Loss Case
There is a company that provides srvices for vacation/holiday. It hasn't been making as much
revenue as expected. Find out why?
Candidate Sure. Since hhow long has the company existed? And has there been a decline in revenues?
Company has existed for the past 4 years and no decline in revenues, nearly constant but less
than industry average.
Candidate Okay. Do you want me to look only on the revenue side or the costs side as well?

Interviewer Only the revenue side.

Candidate Sure. Do we have information about he geographies we are spread in?

We have offices in 7 major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahemdabad, Pune, Kolkata
and Bhopal.
Candidate Okay. And what are the travel destinations we offer?

Interviewer Anywhere in India and all the famous destinations in South east Asia and Europe.
Great. Do you want me to focus on all the offices or is there any particular office where there
has been relatively declining or stagnant growth?
Good question. The problem exists with the numbers of sll the offices. However, looking at
possible problems in Ahembdabad and Hyderabad can help.
I think I have enough information to start with. Revenue for a travel company would be
number of customers * average income per customers. I would first like to look at the average
Candidate income per customer. It would depend on the travel destinations, the kind of facilities we are
providing and the cost we are charging for those activities. Is our average income per
customer less than the industry average?

109 | P a g e
Interviewer No

Candidate So, we have an issue with the number of customers?

Interviewer Yes.
So, with customers we can either have a problem in attracting new customers or in retaining
them or both. Do we have any information on whether we are able to retain our customers?
Interviewer Good insight. We are having problem with both attracting new customers and reatining them.
Okay. So first, I would like to look into attracting new customers. For that I would like to
Candidate understand the whole process how a customer makes a booking with us starting from who
are our target consumers and how do we reach them?
We target the middle class and upper middle class people. And our customers come to our
office when they are interestd to go for a vacation.
Candidate Okay. But how do they come o know about our company?

Interviewer Mostly banners and posters.

Candidate Okay. Where are these posters displayed?

Interviewer Near the offices.

And where are the offices located in the cities. Is it somewhere where the target consumers
can be reached.
Interviewer No, they are located in the residential areas but not of our target consumers.
Oh, okay. So this seems one of the problems. Don’t we do any digital marketing for reaching
the customers?
Interviewer No, it is just the banners and posters.

Candidate Okay, that means we need to work a lot on ways to reach the proper target segment.
Yes, you can move on to the issues with retaining the customers and then give all your
suggestions at once.
Sure. For understanding why we are not able to retain customers, I would like to look at the
Candidate whole customer journey starting from the ay they make the booking, the kind of service we
provide them during their trip and the post trip experience.
Okay. So once they decide they want to go for a trip, they come to our office. All the bookings
Interviewer are done over there. We provide them both travelling and accomodation services. Based on
customer demand, other services are provided.
Candidate Interesting. Do we provide individual tour packages or group packages or both?

Interviewer Both
Which is our main source of revenue in these two types of packages and is there any one that
you would like me to concentrate on?
Interviewer Our main source of revenue are the group packages and would like to concentrate on that
So, is it that the experience that we provide in the group packages isnt satisfactory enough
because of lack of individual focus.

110 | P a g e
That is right. There are people from various cultures in the group and the kind of services like
the cuisine they expect is very different and we havent been able to cater to that.
Okay, so we should focus on solving this issue as well as our main promotion in this industry is
Candidate word of mouth and for that we should offer a distinguished and satisfactory experience.Is
there something else you would want me to look at?
Interviewer No. Just summarise the case for me and provide your recommendations.
Okay. We looked at a holiday tour client whose revenue was not at par with the industry. We
identified it is neither able to attract new customers nor retain them. For attracting new
customers, it should shift its offices to locations where it is more visible, office areas and the
residential areas of the target population. Digital marketing can be one means of reaching the
target customers. For retaining the customers, individual focus should be maintained.
Customized packages to accomodate the various cultures of the country.
Interviewer Great. Is there anything you want to ask?
I just wanted to know whether clients implement the suggestions provided by us and are we
get the chance to be involved in the implementation process?
Interviewer Yes, with some projects you can see the implementation while working on the project itself

Candidate Guestimate

Interviewer Do a guestimate for the demand of number of electric vehicles by 2050

Candidate Okay. Which geography should I do it for?

Interviewer India

Candidate Okay. Give me a minute to structure my thoughts.

Interviewer Sure
There are three aspects I would start with. 1 The number of potential customers for electric
Candidate car 2. Assumption for the pecentage of the potential customer who would shift to electric car
3. Average Frequency of the replacement of the cars
Interviewer Okay
So to start with the potential customers, do we have any information of the range of price for
these vehicles around 2050s?
Interviewer It will vary from around 10 Lakhs to 40 Lakhs
Okay. So, the income class that will have the capacity and the willingness to buy the electric
vehicles will be upper middle class and the rich people.
Yeah. You can move ahead to the assumption of the percentage of potential customers who
would shift. On what factors would that depend on?
1. Infratructure for the electrc vehicles as in the number of charging stations and the average
distance between these stations 2. Push from the government in terms of discount, exchange
schemes,etc 3.Ease of use of electric vehicles, facilities compared to the normal petrol/diesel
Okay. This is fairly a diificult guestimatebut you havementioned the relevant factors. Is there
any question you want to ask?

111 | P a g e
What kind of media and communication project does the company gets as I am particularly
interested in that domain
Interviewer Why are you interested in this domain?

Candidate I related it with my graduation

112 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Vidhi Mukhija

Interviewing Firm A.T. Kearney

Interviewer Siddharth Jain - Principal Consultant

Under-graduate College V.I.T. University - Vellore

Stream B.Tech - E.C.E.

Work-experience ( Months) 26 months

Firm Z.S. Associates

Sector Sales and Marketing Consulting

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

We have tested your case solving skills already. You have done pretty well in buddy cases and
your resume is really impressive. Don't take it as a case. Let's just chat on the current client
Interviewer sitaution I am working at. Your client is a major Indian soap manufacturer who wants to know
the impact of their promotional campaigns on the sales of the soap. How would you go about
it ?
I am assuming our client is a big player and operating PAN India and they want to understand
Candidate the impact of promotional campaigns to know the ROI and plan for future campaigns. Is there
any other reason and What kind of promotional campaigns are we looking at ?
You are right. Client wants to know the effectiveness of their promotions. You can take any
Indian soap brand as a proxy and our client uses similar promotional channels.
Okay then it would be advertisements through mass media (celebrity endorsements etc.),
sponsoring events, offers at retail stores like bundling and discounts.
Interviewer Yes you can consider those and social media promotions.
Right. Given my past experience with sales analysis I have a bias to go for regression if we
have enough data.
Interviewer You have monthly sales data for past 5 years. How would you go about it ?
In that case the steps would be to understand the data, clarify any doubts we have, generate
hypothesis, test data for correlations using scatter plots and them try to form a regression
equation. Another important step would be to relate the right data, i.e. at finding the relevant
granularity of geography and time period of sales.
Interviewer Which factors would you consider for testing the impact on sales?
Let me take a minute to list down. Took a pause. I will look at different promotional channels,
Candidate carry-over sales (if we do not do any promotions then also there will be some sales carried
over because of past), growth of the industry, competitior sales/market share growth, any

113 | P a g e
other economic factors and error term. There could be as many variables added given the
industry's internal and external factors, but these would be the primary ones. Also i will
cluster similar geographies and to analyze together.
Interviewer Can you elaborate more on the grography clustering part ?
Yes. So there could be one region which has less population than the other, or there are more
local player competing in one geography. So the impact of same promotional activity would
be different in different geographies. It would be best to do the analysis at lowest granularity
and roll-up. But if we have certain geographies which are similar, those can be clustered.
Let's come back to the client situation. I will make it easier for you. Let's say we are looking at
Interviewer only one geography and there is only one type of promotion done, i.e. discounts and we have
the sales data available. Which factors you think we should consider ?
Alright. We will look at the sales before and during the discount period. The hypothesis would
be that when we are giving discounts there would be increase in sales primarily because of
two factors, customers switching from competitors and new customers who weren't using
soaps earlier.
Interviewer Any other detail you should have in your hypothesis ?
I took a step back and re-iterated crisp of discussion till that point but couldn't come up with
anything new.
Interviewer Think about the soap industry would the consumption increase because of discounts ?
Okay. Yeah, there will be people who will buy in bulk and that would affect our sales in future
when the discount period is over. So there is a shift in demand on the time axis but the overall
Candidate consumption would be same per customer. It will definitely increase for us considering the
customers switching. In this industry brand loyalty is less and customers would switch back to
a compitetor when they offer a lower price.
Interviewer Let's close the case.

My interview was based more on my CV as I had done a lot of analytics

projects in the past. One thing whch eased out the entire process was the
fact that the Principal (interviewer) remembered me from both company
ppt and formal dinner and we had a good chat eearlier. Also, I had done
well in my buddy cases as well as the manager case. So Day 0 was more
on grilling my CV. I had another round of interview with a Partner which
was mostly HR and fit questions.
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips Dos : Go with a positive attitude. Don't try to force fit frameworks
everywhere. Structuring you thoughts and articulating your ideas is
important. Take the hints your interviewer is giving. Ask for time to think
whenever required rather than just blabbering every idea which comes in
your mind.
Donts : Don't panic. Don't take the interview as your last chance in life.
Remember the bigger picture, it will help take off stress and stay

114 | P a g e
Accenture Strategy

115 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Abhinav Agarwal

Interviewing Firm Accenture Strategy

Interviewer Abinil Mukherjee, Vinod Kumar

Under-graduate College IIT Delhi

Stream Electrical

Work-experience ( Months) 4 years

Firm PwC, Kiranamanager, Shadowfax

Sector Consulting, e-commerce, logistics

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Which subjects do you like the most in IIMC curriculum?

Organizational Behavior. I explained the reasons why that is so and how is it important in any
business setting
Interviewer Can I ask you something about product life cycle?

Candidate Sure.
If your startup has products in the growth phase, how would you ensure that you keep your
employees on track and not loose your focus on the core values
Candidate Gave the answer from my experience with a startup

Interviewer If your startup is in a decline phase, how would hold the morale high of your team?

Candidate Used a few theories to answer this but could not satisfactorily answer

Interviewer In which phase of the product life cycle do you think the role of a leader is more important?

Candidate Opted for 'growth' phase and gave the reasons for the same

Interviewer Which sector would you choose to work for if you join a consulting company?

Candidate Agriculture, preferably agri-tech

Interviewer Why would you do that? It is a politically sensitive area and has low attractiveness
I explained how it has not been able to receive sufficient attention from the techies around
the world and how new technologies like aquaponics and hydroponics promise a better

116 | P a g e
future for the sector

You have been hired by Government of India to design a communication method for the
Interviewer farmers, providing them with information on prices, monsoon or anything that you would
consider appropriate. How would you do that?
Candidate Would it be monetized or is a free service?

Interviewer It is a free service

(I started drawing a diagram to list down some of the services that can be provided, method
of doing so, etc)
Interviewer Don’t write it, just share whatever ideas you have and try not to repeat
I spoke about 5-6 services and various modes like daily SMS, IVRS calls, manned computer
facilities in a cluster of villages to provide assisstance.
Interviewer Thank you. Do you have any questions about Accenture?
Asked about the assigning of candidates to IB and CN teams. Also the projects that Accenture
is working on in agri-tech space

I did not get any case where a standard framework had to be applied. I
think I answered the questions with a good reasoning and kept calm. I had
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips another HR round after this and a partner call too. They asked me things
like my career plan, some of my weaknesses, etc.

117 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Chitransh Agrawal

Interviewing Firm Accenture Strategy

Under-graduate College BITS Pilani

Stream Civil Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 3 yrs.

Firm Capgemini, Tesco

Sector Consulting, Analytics

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Tell me about yourself --->>> how come you worked in this sector?

Candidate Talked about internships leading to interest in the field.

Elaborate on a project mentioned in the CV, how did you get the leadership to agree for the
change in offering?
Candidate Explained
Suppose our client is in organized retail domain, how will you identify opportunities to
implement digital strategy?
Basically told examples from different stages in value chain and then was able to identify that
primarily the link is that these tasks were repetitive in nature.
Interviewer Tell me about a time when you showed leadership qualities?

Candidate Told something from personals prep.

Interviewer What other consulting calls do you have? ------>> Why not?

Candidate Told whatever I believed to be the reason. Talked a little about my weaknesses here.
A few more questions about projects mentioned on CV, whatever caught his eye (workex
Candidate Simply elaborated using CAR framework (roughly)

Interviewer How do you think you did in your previous interview?

Candidate I think it was fine. Could have been better.

118 | P a g e
Interviewer Okay, tell me about yourself. (remained silent probably hinting me to tell more)
Told the long version from the personals prep. Nothing fancy simple education background,
work ex. and hobbies etc.
Interviewer Tell me about demonetization and your opinion about the issue.

Candidate Told facts and remained unbiased.

Interviewer Asked specifically about my 'opinion' about shortcomings of the same, and how to resolve it.
Something about using the PAN data and analytics on anomaly detection (quoted example
from workex). Few other generic ideas.
Guesstimate (Number of cigarettes smoked in India), did not let me do it on paper, told me to
just tell the approach.
Told everything to his satisfaction except for one. Took 10-15 seconds to point out the
assumption that men will smoke more than women.
Interviewer You forgot that easy assumption. (smiled)

Candidate Casual apology.

Interviewer I don’t think you will be a good fit in a consulting role. I don't see the passion.
Put up an argument about analytical abilities, tangible results and client satisfaction in
previous roles.
Interviewer Tell me three things that are different from others. And stark differences please.

Candidate Answered with a few qualities I truly believed were different about myself.
Seemed partially convinced. If I tell you lack of passion is your weakness, how will you try and
fix that?
Talked about how I thought passion was overrated and maybe I will change that thought
Candidate process to start with. Will try to have people around me who are passionate about similar

119 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Jayaditya Sirasani

Interviewing Firm Accenture Strategy

Interviewer Multiple Rounds(6-7 with a telephonic MD round)

Under-graduate College Indian Institute of Technology( Benaras Hindu University)

Stream Electrical Engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 22 Months

Firm Cisco Systems Inc.

Sector Information Technology(Computer Networks)

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

I see that you've directed a short-film in your college days. Been a member of an international
Interviewer organization, head of marketing for a departmental fest, joined Cisco, helped client averts
losses of millions of dollars. So tell me are you Superman or are you lying ?
Everything on the CV is the complete truth so I'm definitly not lying, but I don't think doing
them makes one a Superman.
Interviewer I've directed a short-film myself, it was screened at the Sundance Film Festival.

Candidate Wow, that great. What was your film about ?

Interviewer You've heard of Sundance ? So tell me what was your short-film about ?

Candidate Mine was a fomulaic romantic comedy of a guy in a college.

Okay. Let's get into the interview, give me an estimate of the yearly attendance to the Eye of
Candidate So I just want to clarify, the Eye of London is the Ferris Wheel in London beside Thames
Yes, let move this fast, there are 10 boxes which can fit 10 people and it takes 1 hr for the ride
to be completed and they're open for 10 hrs.
Okay. So that just leaves us with the occupancy %age for each box. I'm assuming they're open
52 weeks, 7 days a week.
Sure, that seems like a fair assumption. So just give me the structure in a formula, you don't
have to do the calculations.
Sure, so I'd like to divide this up into weekdays and weekends. And then the 10 hours into
peak and non-peak hours with more peak hours during weekends.
Interviewer Why do you think peak hours are higher in weekends ?

120 | P a g e
During the weekends, the local population would also be coming to visit, while the weekdays
would have more tourists.
Interviewer Fair enough.
Oh also, I've made a mistake in the calculations I need to multiply the weekend figure by 5
and weekend figure by 2. (5 weekdays and 2 weekends)
Interviewer Good, I was gonna point it out. Tell me how you'd hande seasonality variation ?
Instead of putting it into 52 weeks, I can divide it in 12months*4.33 weeks per month. And for
each month I can add a seasonality factor out of 1.
Interviewer Okay. So what are the factors you would price the tickets on ?
Supply and Demand. If the demand is low like during the winter months I'd reduce the price
Candidate to improve the sales. And I'll look at my supply costs, like if they're higher in Winter or if
electricity rates are varying.
No I don't think you understood, I mean if you're pricing differentially what factors would you
base it on ?
Oh okay, in that case I can look into different prices for locals vs tourists. I'd do this because
I'm assuming the local demand doesn't have much variation compared to tourists.
Interviewer Are there any other ?

Candidate There might be but I'm not able to come up with in such a short time.
Sure, so we can price them differently for children vs adults; lower prices for someone doing
advanced booking; lower prices if they're buying in bulk.
Yes, we can do that but bulk discounts might lead to arbitration and London Eye is a world-
famous location, doing bulk discounts might hurt their premium brand value.
Interviewer Yes, that could be a possible side-effect. So tell me about yourself.

Candidate *Talked about school, college, work experience*

Interviewer So why did you leave Cisco, it's a great name in it's field. I'm sure they paid well enough.
Yes, it was a great place but I didn't want to be limited to just technical consulting. I want to
be more generalist which is why I think consulting is the perfect place for me.
Interviewer Great. I think that's it we'll let you know.

I'm looking at the comments from the previous interview. So tell me what were the things you
had discussed there?
Candidate *Reiterated the whole thing.*

Interviewer So do you remember the factors he had mentioned in the end ?

Candidate Yes, they were age, advance booking and bulk discounts.

Interviewer Tell me something about your background.

*Gave the same answer as the last interview. Told him I was from Vijayawada, Andhra

121 | P a g e
Interviewer Okay.So tell me something about your job what exactly is the job of a Network Consultant.
*Explained how technical consulting works. Explained my department and the organizational
*Tried to build a market estimation case for networking devices for the upcoming capital city
of Andhra Pradesh.*
It's not a simple estimation case as it's a B2B domain, so we'll have to take into account the
future growth model of population and infrastructure demand. Tried to give a basic structure.
Interviewer I guess it's too complicated to be solved now. That would be it for now. Thank you.

Do not try to rush into the answer. Ask questions before giving the
structure Better to clarify things instead of solving the wrong problem.
Also keep asking if they're okay with your assumptions and structure.
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips They're looking for a personality and will ask questions which will throw
you off-balance. The way handle criticism/accusation and how you
perform the case analysis is what they're looking for. Also any CV points
can be probed, be prepared with a minute of talking points for each line.

122 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Komal Agarwal

Interviewing Firm Accenture Strategy

Under-graduate College IIT Guwahati

Stream CSE

Work-experience ( Months) 3 years

Firm Samsung R&D bangalore

Sector Health Sector (Technology)

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer First few intro questions and their general answers. Do you follow any specific industry?
Frankly, I had no idea about any industry at that point in time. Neither had I mastered in any
Candidate one of them. But I had to answer one. So I answered Health industry because I had work-ex in
that domain where I thought I would be able to answer few of the questions.
He asked me about the health industry which I wasn’t aware of as I was working in the
Interviewer technical side of the Health industry. Then he asked me to come up with an analysis of a
diabetic patient and what will you recommend to him.
At first, I didn't understand that he is asking me a case whichs need to have some specific
framework. I thought it was a general question so was not following any specific framework.
Candidate Then he asked me to follow some structure as I lack one. After that, I gave a structure to the
question from analyzing whether a patient is a diabetic or a potential diabetic patient.
Whether there is any evidence of the hereditary.
Interviewer Conside patient is suffering from diabetic.

Candidate Gave the structure related to patient's food habits, medication and his glucose level etc.
He was convinced with my approach and my overall understanding about how to go about
Interviewer undertanding the regime of a diabetic patient. Finally he asked me to conclude and the
recommendation which you can give to them.
Gave recommendation regarding what should be the schedule of a diabetic patient. Smartly
understand his medication schedule and give an alert message whether he missed on his
medication. Recommendation about his work out habits etc. I also mentioned how we need
to take care about not giving the wrong information to the patient as in health industry it
involves a lot of legal as well as medical assurance before giving any recommendation to any

123 | P a g e
He asked few repetitive question as that of Round 1. Then he asked me whether I will be able
to make applications for proof of concept.
I had done this before for which I confidently answered yes. I felt they were looking for a
Candidate manager who is a developer where a manager need not wait for a developer to convince the
client about the proof of concept and a task can be done without involving the third party.
Interviewer Then he asked me what the future potential scope for health app was.
I could answer this very well as I had worked in the proof of concept and research field before
where I had to research the potential field where health sector can venture into.
Case: I have a smartwatch having the best feature available but its sale is very less. I have to
convince the interviewer what could be the probable reason why the sale is so low and what
can be done to bring up the sale. Should we even go with the sale of the smartwatch or call
off the same.
I tried convincing them with all the probable reason about what could be reason for low sale
where I targeted the female customers which consisted about majority of the section of our
society where the sale depends mostly on fashion (Psychological factors) rather than on
technology. Somehow I was able to convince them though not completely.
After which the discussion went on Accenture strategy where they specifically grilled me on
the fact that I was sitting there for the strategy role and not for the technology role. They
Candidate mentioned 3 times that there is another branch of technology where you would be willing to
work more than this branch.They asked me to specifically mention what is written in the JD
and what does strategy mean.
I was somehow able to convince them that I can work in this domain as well. *Went for about
an hour.

Interviewer MD interview where he asked me about my intro and my international work experience.
A well-prepared answer where I had to mostly talk about my international learnings and work
experience. He didn’t ask many questions (Went around for half an hour)

First two rounds were basic screening round conducted by their associate
managers where they would select the candidates whom they would like
not to reject.
3rd round was the stress round conducted by the main panel who
especially came for recruitment (HR and the main managers) to
understand whether you can handle the stress or not.
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips 4th round is the MD round. If you are called for the MD round where the
rejection rate is close to zero.
Be through with the JD and the role for which they are recruiting. Have a
thorough understanding of at least one industry (better if it is related to
your work ex). An edge if you have an international work ex as you can
lead your interview towards that direction.

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Interview Experiences
Name Meghabarna Das

Interviewing Firm Accenture Strategy

Under-graduate College IIT Madras

Stream Electrical Engineering (DD)

Work-experience ( Months)
Firm Eaton Corporation

Sector Energy Solutions, IoT, Digital Transformation

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Asked questions related to CV, work experience and personal background
Read out the case statement - Summary : a retail bank in northern India wants to launch a
digital banking system. How should it go about it?
Interviewer Asked clarifying questions regarding current size, locations, no of branches

Candidate Answered relevant data

Calculated current spread of operations. Asked whether to approach based on consumer
segments or location
Candidate Go ahead with with consumer segments

Interviewer Based on three tiers of cities, assumed different segments and customers

Candidate Aproved the same. Gave relevant numbers for each segment

Interviewer Estimated the size of each segment. Asked about potential revenues from each segment

Candidate Provided relevant numbers

Estimated the profitability of each segment, and suggested which customer segment to target
first, as a result
Candidate Agreed with the answer, and asked what possible solutions could I suggest

Interviewer Gave two options based on the relevant segment

Candidate Any other questions?

Interviewer Asked her two questions

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Answered them in detail, and seemed to be ok with the overall interview. (She was supportive
Asked a few questions about my work experience, my time at IIT Madras, about my CGPA and
progress over semesters. He had a friendly approach and was impressed by my composed and
honest answers. I was relaxed the whole time, which helped in building a positive image
throughout the interview.
Interviewer The profitability of a bank is going down in the past few years. What could be the problem?

Candidate Asked questions regarding the size, location and current customers of the bank.

Interviewer Gave relevant data.

Candidate Estimated size and asked further questions regarding customer segments

Interviewer Expansion in recent years - gave data

Candidate Calculated sizes of customer segments across geographies prior and post expansion

Interviewer Approved, and asked to further think

Asked about the type of solutions offered, asked for relevant data and did calculations based
on that. Standard offering was not viable post expansion, and led to declining profits.
Two partners of the firm took the interview. It was a general interview where they asked
quetsions about my CV and my projects related to IoT and digital transformation during my
Interviewer work-ex period. They further asked futuristic ideas which can bring about positive
macroecomic impacts. They also asked what kind of career do I expect in Accenture, and what
is it that Im expecting to gain out of it.

1. Be very thorough about the firm - it's structure, nature of projects and
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips 2. Stay calm and composed. Adopt a friendly approach; portray to be at
ease even when under stress.
3. Be very thorough with personals, as they delve deep into it.

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Interview Experiences
Name Meghana Duvvuri

Interviewing Firm Accenture Strategy

Under-graduate College NIT Trichy

Stream Computer Science

Work-experience ( Months)
Firm Samsung R&D


Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1 Telecommunication

Interviewer Would you like to do a case first or talk about your CV?
Candidate I would like to do the case first
Okay, I want you to estimate the price of a ride on the Big Ben. (He explained what Big Ben
was, a giant wheel-like structure in London)
I first estimated the cost of maintaining the ride and then the average prices of attractions in
London( I assumed a ballpark figure after confirming with the interviewer). I also estimated
the average number of customers during a typical day and was able to come up with the
answer. He seemed more interested in the approach than the final figure.
Interviewer This is good, now I want you to tell me what could affect the prices of the ticket.
I gave three factors, the age of the customers, the seasonality of demand and in case of bulk
That's good, now what else could affect the ticket prices? Think along the lines of flight
Candidate I said that pre-booking the ticket could be offered at a lower price.
That's it with the case, he then looked over my CV and said that it was hard to believe that I
could have done everything in there
I said that I was always organized and even as a kid would manage my time between playing,
studying and reading books and this habit stuck on throughout my life.
Interviewer Why do you want to join Accenture?
I explained how the reason to do an MBA was because I thought technology could be used to
make our lives much easier than it already is and I wanted to make it more accessible to
everyone. And Accenture does that providing the complete package, providing the strategy
and also implementing the same.

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Interviewer No further questions, thank you.

(He had a brief discussion with the previous interviewer and also went through the
guesstimate I had done). He started by asking me to tell me about myself.
Candidate I gave a 30-second answer.
Interviewer What is your biggest failure?
Candidate I gave an example of a situation at work
Interviewer What is your biggest personal failure?
( I had an answer prepared but I asked for a minute to think because he said it was a tough
question) I gave an answer and he said that I had answered well.
He then explained the different sectors that Accenture was hiring for asked me what I would
Initially I said I was open to any sector, but on being pushed I said I would like to work in the
Median domain on a whim.
Interviewer He asked why
I explained about it was a growing industry and also something I had no experience in so I
thought that it would be a great learning opportunity
Interviewer He asked me what kind of problems I thought there would be
I gave a few examples and he picked up on the one on hotstar and asked me what their
marketing strategy was
Luckily I had attended the STAR ppt where they had explained the same so I rattled it off from
memory while adding my own spin to it
He then asked me why I wanted to do consulting when he thought I would be great at
Candidate It took some convincing from my side he was satisfied with my answer.

My interviews did not involve a single case and only one guesstimate.
While they made the offer they told me that they liked my confidence and
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips positive body language. It's important to smile and not be flustered even
when things don't well.

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Interview Experiences
Name Prateek Bansal

Interviewing Firm Accenture Strategy

Under-graduate College DTU, Delhi

Stream B. Tech, ECE

Work-experience ( Months) 33 Months

Firm Airtel, Design Domain Corporation(Entrepreneurial Venture)

Sector Telecom, Home Interiors

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Walk me through your profile.

Candidate You want details mentioned in CV or something not there?

Interviewer Both

Candidate Gives a quick 1-2 minute answer

Interviewer It did not have anything which is not on CV.

Candidate repeated the points to highlight them.

Lets do a quick guesstimate in your sector itself. What would be the total 4G revenue in 2020.
take your time to think.
a few basic questions on the assumptions to take, region to consider, of a particular player or
all companies combined.
Interviewer PAN India, all users combined
thinking and then starts to write down explaining to the interviewer, we can do by taking
Candidate current 4G revenues and then taking an expected growth rates of telecom, internet and
handset penetration, inflation, and we can find it
Jot down 4-5 different methods to calculate this revenue (interviewer stopped me from doing
any calculation or even taking numbers, just wanted to know the components I'll consider)
Candidate could think of only 2 more ways there.

Interviewer That’s all, Next guesstimate, find the number of new mobiles bought in India every year.

Candidate Basic questions on smartphone or any phone, any specific location.

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Interviewer Smartphones, whole India. Share 3-4 methods

Candidate Method 1 - calculate from supplier side, phones brought = phones sold

Interviewer He asked me to go into more details, break up into various factors.

Candidate Split into rural, urban, first time purchases/replacements/extra handset

Interviewer That'll be all.

Candidate You have decent case skills, lets talk about the vertical you want to join.
Mentioning telecom or Media based on interest and past experience. However I am open to
experience other fields since I have little knowledge about them.
Candidate But these are dying fields. I am from telecom myself and would not want to stay in it.

Interviewer But sir, it is evolving rapidly, I am it is the future.

Yes, but more as a commodity, very little genuine work. You should go for insurance industry
(based on my actuarial course)
Interviewer I am open to all the industries, I was telling you from my first instinct only.
(Rest of the interview was based on how he tried to convince me to join Insurance field in

Be confident, try to give as many as possible ways to solutions, they are

looking at the breadth of possibility and an open mind. They are not
looking for numerical values. They want analytical mind, keen to learn. If
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips they tell something and you genuinely feel is right, accept the mistake and
incorporate in the next question, I was given opportunity to fix my

130 | P a g e
Interview Experiences
Name Shefali Agrawal

Interviewing Firm Accenture Strategy

Under-graduate College NIT Surat

Stream Electronics & Communication engineering

Work-experience ( Months) 13 months

Firm Mu sigma Business solutions Pvt Ltd

Sector Analytics

Preliminary/ Personal Questions

Round 1

Interviewer Friendly conversation initially. Tell me what you did in your company

Candidate Told him about the two project that I did. One on Insurance, other on retail
Told me he was from insurance as well. Asked me what I did in the project. How could you
improve it further. How did it help the client
Told him about the recommendations we gave to the client. I basically had to detect the
fradulent claims in the insurance project. SO told him how my team did that, how we could
Candidate have improved the efficiency of the claims handling team by developing fraud detection
mechanism. What factors could possibly be taken into consideration while developing the
mechanism, etc
Gave a market entry case of a telecom provider entering in Gujarat for the first time and
estimate the customers
Explained through market entry framework. For estimation, calculated approx no of mobile
Candidate phone users by taking into consideration factors like penetration, no. of users already using
some other network willing to switch to a new network, etc
Interviewer Asked about the recent trends in retail industry and my opinion on it
Told him about omnichannel retailing, technology like Augmented reality (gave example of
some companies like Tesco who are using it), Boutique + Café trennd, Amazon go, Walmart's
"scan & go" app. Explained how brick & mortar stores can make customer journey better by
offering a smooth experience, reducing checkout time, inventory forecasting, etc. Had a

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pretty chill discussion on these topics

Interviewer Thanked and asked me to wait outside for another round


Interviewer Greeted well and asked how was the previous interview. Tell me about yourself


Interviewer Guesstimate the revenue of London Eye (Ferris Wheel)

Asked him basic Qs like per annum, how are seats arranged in London Eye, If I can assume
ticket price on my own for people across ages
Mentioned that there are say 20 cabins in London eye, each cabin having a capacity of 5
Interviewer people. Told to assume ticket price to be 100. He wanted to see the approach and what all
factors to consider while calculating ticket prices
Tried telling him step by step approach with calculations taking into consideration factors like
Candidate weekends, public holidays, festive seasons, a day off for maintenance, ticket prices for
children, adults, etc.
Interviewer Some other factors that you can think of that can affect London Eye's revenue ?
Location (whether it is located at a far off place or in the city), other public attractions nearby
like movie theatres, museums, parks, etc because people quite often come out to visit several
places of attraction at once, F&B facilities inside the park where London eye is locatwd, other
infra facilities like parking etc
Interviewer What suggestions can you give to the London eye in the context of ticket pricing ?
They can keep promotional offers timely, raise ticket prices on festive se asons, form ticket
Candidate packages (eg. science city offers packages for the no. of activities ), also based on number of
people coming together, say for ex. They can keep an offer for 10+ people coming as a group
Interviewer Ok thank you. You can wait outside for further communication

Greeted warmly. How were the other 2 rounds. Asked about my hostel, recent changes in
Joka (He was an alum), about how Mohan da was doing, etc
Candidate Had a friendly interaction
Asked about the projects I did in my company and the marketing internship at IIM
Interviewer Ahmedabad. What difference did you feel in IIMA & IIMC. What can IIMC do to improve its
Answered. Regarding IIMA & IIMC, I mentioned how the Incubation centre of IIMA (CIIE)
stands out for me and why I think it is renowned, what can C do in similar ground, etc
Interviewer Tell me what is going on in the Insurance industry
Explained about recent news that I read and recollected for Insurance industry, mentioned
Candidate about the players who are performing well and others who are struggling, government
insurance policies, crop insurance etc.
Interviewer How lucrative is Insurance industry in general? Tell me in the context of Porter's five forces if

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you know what it is

Candidate I read about the Porter's five forces during prep so was able to answer it

Interviewer What does an Underwriter do ?

Candidate Explained the primary work of an underwriter

Last question. Tell me 3 things about you that will leave an ever lasting impression of you in
my mind
This was sudden and came as a surprise (because I had just been discussing cases,
Candidate guesstimates and insurance all this while). But I asked for some time, thought about it for 2-3
minutes and answered
Interviewer Thank you. It was nice talking to you. We will communicate the results to you shortly

~ Be friendly and confident. These are the most important thing that they
are looking for. They want people who can be the face of the company in
front of their clients
~ Admit if you have made a mistake. Don’t be adamant. They won’t like if
you keep arguing with them after they have stated that you are wrong.
Admit and acknowledge that you missed the point and it was good to
DOs and DONTs/Important Tips know it from them
~ Know in and out about the sectors you have worked in. Recent trends,
improvements that you can suggest, how is the industry performing,
major players, key competencies of the players, technology trends, future
of the industry, etc
~ Be prepared with basic frameworks like profitability, market entry,
value chain, porter's five forces to analyze the industry, etc

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