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Analysis of Energy Management in Micro Grid - A Hybrid BFOA and ANN Approach

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Letter to the Editor

Analysis of energy management in micro grid – A hybrid BFOA and ANN approach


Keywords: This paper introduces a hybrid strategy for an ideal operation programming of electrical frameworks through
WT minimization of production cost and in addition better usage of renewable energy resources. The hybrid
PV technique is the combined performance of bacterial foraging optimization algorithm (BFOA) and artificial
MT neural network (ANN) technique. Here, the photovoltaic (PV) system, wind turbine (WT) and storage system
are considered in micro gird (MG) system. The proposed control strategy is to manage the power flows between
the energy sources and the grid. To achieve this point, demand response (DR), customer response, offer priority,
ABC DR magnitude, duration, and minimum cost of energy (COE) is determined. The proposed method is
Cost implemented in MATLAB/Simulink working platform and compared with the exiting methods such as, genetic
algorithm (GA) and artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) respectively. In the proposed method, the maximum
generated power of PV, WT, MT and battery is 7.5 kW, 9 kW, 15.5 kW and 4.5 kW respectively. By using GA, the
generated powers are 5.5 kW, 7.5 kW, 11 kW and 3.5 kW respectively. The SOC of the proposed method is
analyzed and is about 80%. The proposed method has less cost effective based on their load demand.

1. Introduction

This century is expected to witness unprecedented growth and challenges in power generation, delivery, and usage. Environmental friendly
power generation technologies will play an important role in future power supply [3]. These technologies include power generation from renewable
energy (RE) resources, such as wind, PV, micro hydro (MH), biomass, geothermal, ocean wave and tides, and clean alternative energy (AE) power
generation technologies [1]. The benefits of renewable energy penetration include a decrease in external energy dependence, decrease in
transmission and transformation losses and further improve the system reliability, etc [4,16]. To increase the energy reliability, wind and solar
energy are used as dual energy sources. However, seasonal climatic conditions and geographic conditions affect the wind-solar energy output [8].
Therefore, a third energy system is needed to improve the energy supply reliability. Thus, the PEM fuel cell ideally fulfills the need for any start up
power. When the wind-solar system energy output is insufficient, the fuel cell backups the supply system [9]. A general power system uses battery
energy storage to avoid a power outage or power surges caused by natural environmental factors.
The recent trend of renewable energy development is a combination of distributed power sources and energy storage subsystems to form a small
micro-grid that can reduce loss of energy from power transmission lines over long distances [7]. A renewable-based micro grid can be understood as
a particular case of a more general concept called a ‘smart grid’ [2]. The modern concept of micro grid is highly promising as a solution to the
problem due to scarcity of fossil fuel in future in conventional power generation. Micro grid is a platform to integrate DERs into distribution
network. The DERs may include DGs and distributed storage (DS) [12]. Micro grids operate in grid-connected or island mode, and may entail
distribution networks with residential or commercial end-users, in rural or urban areas [14,19]. Operation of micro grid depends on successful
integration of DERs which is related with several factors like power quality issues. The PQ issues should be carefully dealt with to achieve
satisfactory values of voltage and frequency. These are tested under the grid connected and islanded mode of micro grid in steady state and as well
as, during dynamic state [6,20].
The energy obtained from the RES is clean and creates no pollution, but on the other hand it is stochastic and consequently difficult to control. Due
to this drawback, a high penetration of the RES can create stability, reliability and power quality problems in the main electrical grid. Thus, an
optimum way of integrating the energy obtained from the RES must be designed [10,17]. In this respect, the hybrid system, formed by interconnecting
small, modular generation and storage devices. It has proved to be the best means of meeting the energy demand with high reliability, flexibility and
cost effectiveness [5,11]. Energy management of hybrid energy systems is essential for ensuring optimal energy utilization and energy sustainability to
the maximum extent [13,18]. Dynamic interaction between the load demand and the renewable energy source can lead to critical problems of stability
and power quality. Therefore, managing the flow of energy throughout the hybrid system is essential to increase the operating life of the membrane and
to ensure the continuous energy flow. The increasing number of renewable energy sources and distributed generators requires new strategies for their
operations in order to maintain the energy balance between the renewable sources and utility grid or micro-grid [15]. Therefore, an efficient hybrid
BFOA and ANN technique is proposed in the paper. The main objective of the process was the optimum operation of micro-sources for decreasing the
electricity production cost by hourly day-ahead and real time scheduling. The algorithm was based on BFOA method and was able to analyze the
technical and economic time dependent constraints. In the document, Section 2 brings out a bird's eye-view of the most modern research works related
to the subject. Section 3, on the other hand, offers a fascinating summary of the innovative technique. The performance of the proposed method is well-
illustrated in Section 4. The conclusion part of the document enriches the contents of Section 5 with deductions and recommendations.
Received 22 November 2016; Received in revised form 23 May 2017; Accepted 9 July 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Letter to the Editor Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

2. Recent research works: A brief review

Numerous research works are already existed in literature which based on micro grid energy management system. Some of them reviewed here.
Najibi et al. [21] have conducted to one thermal and electrical model for photovoltaic. Moreover, one probabilistic framework was introduced for
considering all uncertainties in the optimal energy management of Micro Grid (MG) problem. The uncertainties of market price variation,
photovoltaic and wind turbine output power change and load demand error were covered by the suggested probabilistic framework. Therefore, in
addition to the simulated thermal model and suggested probabilistic framework, an algorithm was also introduced.
Marzband et al. [22] have presented an algorithm for energy management system (EMS) based on multi-layer ant colony optimization (EMS-
MACO) to find energy scheduling in MG. The main objective of the process was the optimum operation of micro-sources for decreasing the
electricity production cost by hourly day-ahead and real time scheduling. The algorithm was based on ant colony optimization (ACO) method and
was able to analyze the technical and economic time dependent constraints. That algorithm attempts to meet the required load demand with
minimum energy cost in a local energy market (LEM) structure.
Roy et al. [23] have introduced an Improved Artificial Bee Colony (IABC) algorithm for modeling and managing MG connected system. IABC
differs from ABC because of its inclusion of Gravitational search algorithm (GSA) in the scout bee phase. Mohanty et al. [24] have proposed the
application of fractional order PID controller (FOPID) for reactive power compensation and stability analysis in a stand-alone micro grid. For
enhancement of voltage stability and reactive compensation of the isolated system, a SVC based controller has been incorporated. That paper
emphasizes the role of fractional PID based SVC controller for reactive power management and improved stability in the stand alone micro grid, as
it provides a special advantage of having two more degree of freedom for accurate tuning in comparison with the conventional controller. The
system performance, particularly the variations in different parameters values were studied properly with different input parameters and loading
conditions. Further improvement of stability margin and optimization of the system parameters have been achieved by the controller, based on
Imperialist competitive algorithm.
Deihimi et al. [25] have presented MOUWCA (multi-objective uniform water cycle algorithm) for optimal OM (operation management) of MG
considering operation cost and emission as objectives. Roy et al. [26] have proposed a hybrid optimization algorithm for modeling and managing
the micro grid (MG) system. The perfect economic model of energy source of the MG units were needed to describe the operating cost of the output
power generated, the objective of the hybrid model was to minimize the fuel cost of the MG sources such as FC, MT and DG.
Marzband et al. [27] have proposed a multi-period artificial bee colony (MABC) optimization algorithm for economic dispatch considering
generation, storage and responsive load offers. The better performance of their proposed algorithm was shown in comparison with the modified
conventional energy management system (MCEMS) and its effectiveness was validated experimentally over a Microgrid (MG) Testbed. Their
obtained results show cost reduction (by around 30%), convergence speed increase as well as remarkable improvement of efficiency and accuracy
under uncertain conditions. An artificial neural network (ANN) combined with Markov-chain (MC) (ANN-MC) approach was used to predict non-
dispatchable power generation and load demand considering uncertainties. The review of the recent research work shows that, the advantage of
centralized generation of distributed energy resources, potential alternatives plays an important role in research recently. The management of
distributed energy with micro grid is one of the multi-objective problems in energy management. Because, perfect economic model of energy source
of micro grid units are needed to describe the operating cost taking into report the output power generated. So, the constraints of the multi-objective
optimization problem is transform in to an easier sub problem that can then be solved and used as the basis of an iterative process. Genetic
algorithm is one of the global optimization techniques which used to solve the optimization problem. For that reason, the best solution is converged
to the global solution rather than to a local solution. Nevertheless, this dissimilarity happens to uncertain while running with multi-objective
optimization, which typically involves a set of solution points. Mathematically, a single global solution to a multi-objective optimization problem
does not be present unless the optimal solution happens to be attainable. Also, the optimization process is depending on the genetic operators such
as crossover, mutation, reproduction and etc. So, the computational complexity and time taken to converge the solution of this algorithm is
increased. In literature very few works are presented to solve this problem and the presented works are ineffectively providing the best solution.

3. Problem formulation

The microgrid considered as the non-dispatchable resources, dispatchable resources and ES. The non dispatchable resources are the WT, PV and
the dispatchable resource is the MT. The ES sources are considered as the EWH and DR/loads. The objective of the paper is specified as the
Of = min ∑ Δδ (CδND + CδD + CδES − − CδL − CδES + + ψδ )
δ (1)

N → Simulation periods in time
CδND → Cost of energy generated by non dispatchable resources
CδD → Cost of energy generated by dispatchable resources
CδES− → Energy generation cost by ES during charging mode
CδES+ → Energy generation cost by ES during charging mode
CδL → Cost of energy consumed by responsive load
ψδ Penalty cost for the MG operator during the time period δ
From the above equation, the total production cost is minimized while satisfying generation resources constraints. The penalty cost is included
in the objective function, which is considered for the MG operator to avoid undelivered power to the NRL. Each one of these costs can be calculated
as follows
The cost of energy generated by non dispatchable resources is evaluated by utilizing the following equation,
CδND = ∑ Pδi,ND (πδi,ND )
i =1 (2)

Letter to the Editor Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

The cost of energy generated by dispatchable resources is evaluated by utilizing the following equation,
CδD = ∑ Pδi,D (πδi,D )
i =1 (3)

Based on the above two equations, the cost of the dispatchable and non-dispatchable resources are evaluated. The parameters are specified as
below of Eq. (4). After that, determine the generation cost of load and ES. The related acronyms of the MG is specified in Appendix A. The following
equation specified the cost of energy consumed by responsive load,
CδL = ∑ Pδi,L (πδik,L )
i =1 (4)
From the above equations, the πδi, ND and πδi, ND are the i non dispatchable resources, dispatchable resources, Pδi, ND and Pδi, D are the output power
generated by the ith non dispatchable and dispatchable resources. Then the NND and the ND are the number of non-dispatchable and dispatchable
resources in the MG system. Moreover, the cost of energy consumed by ES is evaluated by utilizing the following equation,
CδES + = ∑ Pδi,ES +(πδi,ES +XδES )
i =1 (5)
CδES − = ∑ Pδi,ES −. πδi,ES −(1 − XδES )
i =1 (6)

ψδ = πδUP. PδUP (7)

From the above equation, the πδUP is the offer price when the system is encountered with the UP and .PδUP is the amount of power is not supplied
by MG. Here, XδES denoted as the status of the ES operation mode. XδES = 0 when the ES is discharging mode and XδES = 1 is the charging mode. The
πδi, ND , πδi, D , πδi, L and πδi, ES values are evaluated from the [28]. For achieving the objective function, the following constraints are analyzed and

3.1. Constraints

Here, equality and inequality constraints are determined

3.1.1. Equality constraints

The power balance equation is specified as the following,
∑ Pδi,ND + ∑ Pδi,D + ∑ Pδi,ES −(1 − Xδi,ES ) + PδUP
i =1 i =1 i =1
= ∑ Pδi, L + ∑ Pδi, ES +(Xδi, ES ) + PδNRL
i =1 i =1 (8)

3.1.2. Inequality constraints

The inequality constraints of non dispatchable resources is specified as the following,
0≤ ∑ Pδi,ND ≤ Pδm,ND
i =1 (9)

Where, Pδm, ND
is the maximum power generated by non dispatchable generation units during the time period δ .
The remaining constraints are considered and determined from [27]. Therefore, the summation of consumed power by these customers should
be equal to the summation of EGP during a daily operation system [29,37]. In the paper, a hybrid technique is proposed for solving the above
optimization problem. Here, the ANN and BFOA are utilized for getting the optimal outputs. The detailed explanation of the proposed method is
described in the following section.

3.2. Hybrid method for optimal energy management system with MG

In the paper, a hybrid control technique is proposed for energy management of micro grid with distribution system resources with micro grids.
The hybrid technique is the combination of bacterial foraging optimization algorithm (BFOA) and artificial neural network (ANN) technique. Here,
the photovoltaic (PV) system, wind turbine (WT) and storage system is considered as the micro gird system. The proposed control strategy is to
manage the power flows between the energy sources and the grid. The proposed technique is to meet the available renewable energy power and to
maintain the grid power demand from the grid operator. The electrical power needed by the grid operator is given as a reference to the input of
micro grid. The proposed strategy must be distributed the entire power reference between the system parts properly. In the proposed technique, the
objective function is the minimization of generation cost of MG which is defined by the system data subject to equality and inequality constraints.
The constraints are the availability of the PV power, wind power, power demand and the state of charge of storage elements [39]. Battery is utilized
as an energy source, to stabilize and permit the renewable power system units to keep running at a steady and stable output power. Initially, the PV,
WT, MT and battery demands are predicted for 24 h using the ANN technique. After that, the predicted values are given to the input of the BFOA
and get the optimal outputs for the MG system.

Letter to the Editor Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

3.3. Prediction of load demand using ANN

This section discusses about the load demand prediction using the ANN technique, which works on the basis of a machine learning approach
that models a human brain and consists of a number of artificial neurons [38]. The presented neurons have the interior connections and each
neuron in ANN receives a number of inputs, depending on the activation functions of the ANN results in the output level of the neuron. The learning
task is given in the form of examples, which is known as training examples [30,31]. Generally, the ANN structure consists of three layers like input
layer, hidden layer and output layer, which is explained in the following Fig. 1. Here, we are training the ANN using the target power demand with
the corresponding input time intervals of a day, i.e., daily demand dataset based on the available WT and PV energy. The back propagation
algorithm is utilized for the training process. The training process is explained in the following.
Back propagation learning algorithm steps:

Step 1: Initialization of the input layer, hidden layer and output layer weights of the neural network. Here, the time interval T is the input of the
network, power demand PWT (t ) is the output of the network.
Step 2: Learning the network according to the input and the corresponding target.
Step 3: Calculate the back propagation error of the target PWT (1), PWT (2) and PWT (n ).
BPerror = PWT (1) NN (tar ) − PWT (1) NN (out ) ⎫

BPerror = PWT (2) NN (tar ) − PWT (2) NN (out ) ⎬

n ⎪
BPerror = PWT (n ) NN (tar ) − PWT (n ) NN (out ) ⎭ (10)
Where, PWT (n ) NN (tar ) is the network target of the nth node and PWT (n ) NN (out ) is the current output of the network.

Step 4: The output of the network is determined by following them,

PWT (1) NN (out ) = α1 + ∑n =1 w1n PWT (1) NN (k ) ⎫


PWT (2) NN (out ) = α2 + ∑n =1 w1n PWT (2) NN (k ) ⎬

PWT (n ) NN (out ) = αn + ∑n =1 w1n PWT (n ) NN (k ) ⎪
⎭ (11)
Where, α1 α2 and αn are the bias function of the node 1, 2 and n respectively.

PWT (1) NN (k ) =
1 ⎫
1 + exp(−w1n PWT (1) − w 2n PWT (2)) ⎪
1 ⎪
PWT (2) NN (k ) = 1 + exp(−w1n PWT (2) − w 2n PWT (n ))

PWT (n ) NN (k ) =

1 + exp(−w1n PWT (n ) − w 2n PWT (1)) ⎭ (12)

Step 5: The new weights of the each neurons of the network are updated by wnew = wold + Δw . Here, wnew is the new weight, wold is the previous
weight and Δw is the change of weight of each output. The change of weight is determined as follows:
Δw1 = δ. PWT (1). BPerror ⎫

Δw2 = δ. PWT (2). BPerror ⎬
n ⎪
Δwk = δ. PWT (n ). BPerror ⎭ (13)
Where, δ is the learning rate 0.2–0.5).

Step 6: Repeat the above steps till the BPerror gets minimized BPerror < 0.1.

Once the neural network training process is completed, the network is trained well for the identifying power demand according to the input time
interval [32]. Based on the output of the network, the BFOA algorithm optimizes the management of MG. Similarly, the PV power demands are
evaluated for 24 h. The BFOA algorithm is explained in the following Section 3.3.

3.4. Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm for optimal management of MG

Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA) is proposed by Kevin Passino, is a new comer to the family of nature inspired optimization
algorithms. Application of group foraging strategy of a swarm of E.coli bacteria in multi-optimal function optimization is the key idea of this new
algorithm. Bacteria search for nutrients is a manner to maximize energy obtained per unit time. Individual bacterium also communicates with
others by sending signals. A bacterium takes foraging decisions after considering two previous factors. The process, in which a bacterium moves by
taking small steps while searching for nutrients, is called chemotaxis [33,34]. The key idea of BFOA is mimicking chemo tactic movement of virtual
bacteria in the problem search space

P: Dimension of the search space,

S: Total number of bacteria in the population,
No: The number of chemo tactic steps,
Ns: The swimming length.
Nerd: The number of reproduction steps,
Ned: The number of elimination-dispersal events,

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Pad: Elimination-dispersal probability,

C(I): The size of the step taken in the random direction specified by the tumble.

Foraging theory is based on the assumption that animals search for and obtain nutrients in a way that maximizes their energy intake E per unit
time T spent foraging. Hence, they try to maximize a function like E/T (or they maximize their long-term average rate of energy intake).
Maximization of such a function provides nutrient sources to survive and additional time for other important activities (e.g., fighting, fleeing,
mating, reproducing, sleeping, or shelter building). Shelter building and mate finding activities sometimes bear similarities to foraging. Clearly,
foraging is very different for different species. Herbivores generally find food easily but must eat a lot of it. Carnivores generally find it difficult to
locate food but do not have to eat as much since their food is of high energy value. The “environment” establishes the pattern of nutrients that are
available (e.g., via what other organisms are nutrients available, geological constraints such as rivers and mountains and weather patterns) and it
places constraints on obtaining that food (e.g., small portions of food may be separated by large distances). During foraging there can be risks due to
predators, the prey may be mobile so it must be chased and the physiological characteristics of the forager constrain its capabilities and ultimate
success. Bacterial Foraging optimization theory is explained by following steps.

1. Chemotaxis
2. Swarming
3. Reproduction and
4. Elimination-Dispersal

3.4.1. Chemotaxis
This process simulates the movement of an E.coli cell through swimming and tumbling via flagella. Biologically an E.coli bacterium can move in
two different ways. It can swim for a period of time in the same direction or it may tumble and alternate between these two modes of operation for
the entire lifetime. Suppose θ i ( j + 1, k , l ) represents ith bacterium at jet chemo tactic, kith reproductive and lath elimination-dispersal step. C (i ) is
the size of the step taken in the random direction specified by the tumble (run length unit). Then in computational chemotaxis the movement of the
bacterium may be represented by
Δ (i )
θ i ( j + 1, k , l ) = θ i ( j , k , l ) + C (i )
ΔT (i ) Δ (i ) (14)
Where Δ indicates a vector in the random direction whose elements lie in [−1, 1].

3.4.2. Swarming
An interesting group behaviour has been observed for several motile species of bacteria including E.coli and S. Typhimurium, where intricate
and stable spatio-temporal patterns (swarms) are formed in semisolid nutrient medium. A group of E.coli cells arrange themselves in a traveling
ring by moving up the nutrient gradient when placed amidst a semisolid matrix with a single nutrient chemo-effecter. The cells when stimulated by a
high level of succinate, release an attractant a spertate, which helps them to aggregate into groups and thus move as concentric patterns of swarms
with high bacterial density.

3.4.3. Reproduction
The least healthy bacteria eventually die when each of the healthier bacteria (which yielding lower value of the objective function) asexually split
into two bacteria, which are then placed in the same location. This keeps the swarm size constant.

3.4.4. Elimination and dispersal

Gradual or sudden changes in the local environment where a bacterium population lives may occur due to various reasons. Events can occur such that
all the bacteria in a region are killed or a group is dispersed into a new part of the environment. For example, a significant local rise of temperature may kill
a group of bacteria that are currently in a region with a high concentration of nutrient gradients. Events can take place in such a fashion that all the bacteria
in a region are killed or a group is dispersed into a new location. Over long periods of time, such events had spread various types of bacteria into every part
of our environment from our intestines to hot springs and underground environments. To simulate this phenomenon in BFOA some bacteria are liquidated
at random with a very small probability while the new replacements are randomly initialized over the search space. Elimination and dispersal events have
the effect of possibly destroying chemotactic progress, but they also have the effect of assisting in chemotaxis, since dispersal may place the bacteria near
good food sources. From a broad perspective, elimination and dispersal are parts of the population level long-distance motile behaviour [35,36].
In the paper, BFOA is utilized for providing the optimal management of MG and getting the minimum generation cost of MG. The inputs are
considered as the WT power, PV power, MT power and battery power. The objective function of the proposed algorithm is the minimization of cost
function. Based on the objective the optimal management process is determined. The detailed process of BFOA is described in the following,

3.4.5. Step by step process of BFOA

Step 1: Initialization

Initially, initialize the parameters S, No, Ns, Nerd, Ned, Pad and the C (i), (i =1, 2,…, i =1, 2,…, S). Choose the initial value for the θ i i = 1, 2... S .
These must be done in areas where an optimum value is likely to exist. The control variables (θ i ) are the WT, PV, MT and battery power and their
constraints are initialized. The control variables are randomly generated based on their demand values and it specified across the domain of the
optimization space. After computation of θ i completed, the value of P (position of each member in the population of the position of each member in
the population of the S bacteria bacteria) is updated automatically and termination test is done for maximum number of specified iterations.

Letter to the Editor Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Step 2: Elimination loop

Here, the elimination dispersal loop is encountered i.e., l = l + 1

Step 3: Reproduction loop

In the section, the reproduction loop is considered and updated by the following manner.

Step 4: Chemo taxis loop

In the following equation represents the Chemo taxis updation.


(i) For i= 1, 2,….,S take a chemo tactic step for bacterium ‘i′ as follows:
(ii) Compute cost from the Eq. (1)
(iii) Find the better cost value
(iv) Tumble: Generate a random vector Δ (i ) ∈ Rp with each element Δm (i ), m = 1, 2...... p . A random number on (−1,1). Where R is a real number.
(v) Move let
Δ (i )
θ i ( j + 1, k , l ) = θ i ( j , k , l ) + C (i )
ΔT (i ) Δ (i )

This results in a step of size C (i) in a direction of the tumble for bacterium i

3.4.6. Compute cost

The values of MG, PV, WT, MT and battery generation cost are calculated. If the cost function is minimum then next step can be carried out else
go to step (iii)

Step 5: Swim

(i) Let m=0 (counter for swim length)

While m < Ns
(ii) Let m=m+1
Find the better minimum cost function and compute the function again,
Δ (i )
θ i ( j + 1, k , l ) = θ i ( j , k , l ) + C (i )
ΔT (i ) Δ (i )

(iii) Compute new fitness for the new solution,

Go to next bacterium (i+1) if i S

Step 6:

In the step, the following condition is checked. If j < Nc go to step 3. In this case, continue chemo taxis, since the life of the bacteria is not over.

Step 7: Reproduction

For the given k and l, and for each i=1,2,….,S, let the healthy bacteria is evaluated from the following,
jhealth = ∑ J (i , j , k , l )
j =1

It is the health of bacterium i. Sort bacteria and chemo tactic parameter C(i) in order of ascending cost jhealth .
The Sr bacterium with the highest jhealth values die and the other Sr bacteria with the best values split.

Step 8:

If k < Nre , go to step 2. In this case we have not reached the number of specified reproduction steps.

Step 9: Elimination-dispersal

For i=1,2,…..,S with probability Ped, eliminate and disperse each bacterium. Eliminate a bacterium and disperse one to a random location on the
optimization domain.

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Fig. 1. Structure of the ANN.

Fig. 2. Flowchart of proposed BFO algorithm.

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Table 1
Implementation parameters.

S.No Description Values

1 Dimension of search space 3

2 Number of bacteria 10
3 Length of swim 4
4 Number of reproduction steps 4
5 Elimination dispersal events 2
6 Number of hidden layers 20

Table 2
Energy Resources parameters.

Description Resources Ranges

Wind Speed WT 5.7

Cut in speed 3.5
Cut out speed 18
Rated speed 17.5
irradiance PV 1000
temperature 25
Cell temperature 55
System Voltage Battery 200
Capacity 6.5
SoC max 100
Di DG 0.4333
Ei 0.2333
Fi 0.0074
cost FC 0.00175

Fig. 3. Analysis of power generated by (a) PV (b) WT (c) MT and (d) battery using proposed method.

If l < Nd , then go to step 1, otherwise end. The PV, WT, MT and battery power and costs are obtained separately. The flowchart for the proposed
algorithm is shown in Fig. 2. The performance analysis of proposed method is described in the Section 4.

4. Results and discussion

In this paper, a hybrid technique is proposed for minimizing the total generation cost and maximizing the power. The hybrid technique is the

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Fig. 4. Analysis of SOC using (a) GA (b) ABC and (c) proposed method.

Fig. 5. Comparison analysis of generated power using PV.

combinations of the ANN and BFOA technique, which is utilized for an optimal operation of micro grid. Here, the microgrid is considered the
renewable energy sources and the energy storage system. The novelty of the paper is to analyze the energy management based on their Demand
Response (DR) and minimum cost of energy (COE). Moreover, the concept for the generation sources derived from demand resources has been
analyzed to estimate the optimal scheduling of generation resources. The proposed method gives the optimal programming for generation
scheduling combined with DR has been performed to minimize the operation cost of MG linked to customer information. The ANN is utilized to get
the demand response of the microgrid. This MG has two non-dispatchable resources (PV and WT), a dispatchable resource (MT), and ES integrated
with some responsive (EWH and DR). Based on the DR, the WT, PV, MT and Battery powers are evaluated using ANN. Subsequently, the generation
cost of the microgrid is minimized while utilizing the BFOA. In the BFOA, the inputs are considered as the PV, WT, ES, MT powers with in the
minimum maximum limits. The proposed technique is implemented in Matab R2015a platform. The performance of the proposed method is

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Fig. 6. Comparison analysis of generated power using WT.

Fig. 7. Comparison analysis of generated power using MT.

Fig. 8. Comparison analysis of generated power using battery.

Table 3
Comparison Analysis of SoC using Various Methods.

SoC Methods
Proposed method ABC GA BESS [41] PSO [42]
80% 78% 75% 70% 40%

evaluated and compared with the existing technique such as, GA and ABC respectively, which is helpful for identifying the effectiveness of the
proposed method. The total costs are analyzed in the various load demand. The minimum and maximum constraints of dispatchable and non-
dispatchable resources are determined from [40]. The implementation parameter of the proposed method is tabulated in Tables 1, 2.

4.1. Performance analysis

In the subsection, the results of proposed algorithm over MG are presented. During the 24 h periods, the WT, PV, MT and ES power values are
determined using the proposed technique. As it is observed in Figs. 3–6. During the initial period, the battery is charged in the time period 1–12 h.
At the time instant, SOC is determined and at the end of this operation. In the discharging mode, the battery power is utilized in the time instant
t=12–16 h. However, the power needed for charging the ES is provided by MT. As a result, SOC is reached about to 70% at the end of this time
interval. More SOC causes the increase of the ability for supplying the loads during the rest of the system daily operation. Similarly, the remaining
time period, the ES is evaluated for supplying a part of power shortage, while using the proposed technique is operated in the charging mode and

Letter to the Editor Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 9. Comparison analysis of SOC using various methods.

Fig. 10. Comparison analysis of costs using various methods.

Fig. 11. Comparison analysis of elapsed time using various methods.

continuing to reach SOC. Likewise, the existing methods GA and ABC are utilized to get the optimal outputs and compared with the proposed
method (Fig. 7).
From the above Fig. 3, the generated power of microgrid is analyzed in 24 h. During the peak hours (t=10–17 h), the maximum PV power is
generated and utilized, which is shown in Fig. 4(a). While using WT, the maximum power is generated based on the wind speed. By utilizing the
proposed method, the time instant (t=16–20 h) maximum power is generated. Similarly, the other dispatchable and non-dispatchable resources are
In the Fig. 4(a), the generated power of PV is analyzed using the proposed method. In the time instant (t=1–7 h), the PV is attained the
maximum power 2.3 kW and in the peak hours (t=8–17 h) it is increased about 5.8 kW. It is increased up to 3.5 kW after the time instant (t=18–
24 h), again it is reduced about 0.6 kW. While analyzing the wind power, in the time instant (t=1 to 7 h), the generated power is decreased from 3.5
to 2.5 kW. After that, the power is increased to 8.5 kW in the time instant (t=8–17 h). Again, the power is reduced up to 4 kW (5.5–1.5 kW) in the
particular time instant (t=18–24 h). For analyzing the MT generated power, it is reaches the maximum power (11.9 kW) in the particular time
instant (t=8–17 h). But the remaining time instants, the variations are occurred. While analyzing the battery power, the battery is working in the
charging mode at the time instant (t=1–12 h). After that, the time instant (t=13–16 h) the maximum power (295 kW) is evaluated from the battery,
which is in discharging mode of operation. Similarly, the other existing methods are utilized to analyze the generated power of micro grid. Moreover,
the maximum generated powers and utilized powers are analyzed in the proposed method and contrasted with the existing techniques. After that,
the total generation cost is analyzed and compared with the existing methods. Fig. 5 shows that the analysis of SOC of the system using the proposed
and existing methods. The comparison analysis of generated power, SOC and cost of microgrid is analyzed and depicted in the following figures.
As seen in this figure, the system can meet all the power demands by the load during normal operation despite in the proposed algorithms MT is
served and ES is fully discharged, MG is not able to completely supply the load demand. During the time instant t= 18–24 h, ES in operates in
discharging mode reaching SOC. After that, the ES operates in the charging mode at the particular time intervals. However, by proper selection of
MT, ES is operated in the charging mode in EMS with the proposed algorithm and the SOC is reached about 80%. Despite of higher MT offer relative
to ES, the proposed method has recognized that if it can use MT for compensating the shortage of power and meanwhile use the rest of the

Letter to the Editor Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

generated power for charging ES, the total generation cost will be minimized. In addition to cost reduction, ES stored more energy for supplying the
loads in the next day. The bar graphs of ES charging/ discharging and State of charge, SOC (%) is depicted in Fig. 8. During the system operation,
the SOC is analyzed. Similarly, the WT power, PV power and Battery power [kW] are analyzed using the proposed method and contrasted with the
existing methods. In the Table 3, the SOC comparison analysis of the proposed and existing methods is presented. The SOC is highly achieved in the
proposed method. The comparison method of PSO algorithm is evaluated from [42] and BESS is determined from [41] (Fig. 9 and 10).
Analysis of generated powers of PV, WT, MT and battery is analyzed in the proposed method and existing methods. In the proposed method, the
maximum generated power of PV, WT, MT and battery is 7.5 kW, 9 kW, 15.5 kW and 4.5 kW respectively. The SOC of the proposed method is
analyzed and is about 80%. In the ABC method, these are 6 kW, 7.5 kW, 13 kW and 3.5 kW respectively. By using GA, the generated powers are
5.5 kW, 7.5 kW, 11 kW and 3.5 kW respectively. It shows that, the proposed method gives maximum generated power of PV, WT, MT and battery.
After that, the total generation costs are evaluated. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the computation time, total
generation cost and fitness graphs are evaluated and compared with the existing methods. The elapsed time and fitness graphs are depicted in the
Fig. 11 and 12. The proposed method has less cost effective based on their load demand. It is clearly shows that the proposed method achieves better
results when compared to the other techniques.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, a hybrid technique is proposed for optimal operation of micro grid. The objective of the proposed method is minimized the
production cost as well as better utilization of renewable energy resources. The micro gird connected system is based on the PV system, WT and
storage system. For achieving the objective function, DR is evaluated utilizing the ANN which gives the information of customer response and
duration. The DR information of other consumers and the excess power generated has been modelled to obtain the minimum total generation cost.
The optimal programming for generation scheduling combined with DR has been performed to minimize the operation cost of MG linked to
customer information. Since number of approaches to analyze economic dispatch in MGs would be stochastic rather than deterministic. After that,
the BFOA is utilized to solve the economic dispatch issues to evaluate the generation, storage and responsive load offers. The proposed method is
implemented in MATLAB/Simulink working platform and their performance is tested. The performance of the proposed method is compared with
the exiting methods such as, GA and ABC respectively. The obtained results show the reduction of the total generation cost 25% in each time interval
with adequate and real time control of DR. The proposed method has less computation time when compared with other techniques.

Appendix A

Variables Description

N Simulation periods in time

CδND Cost of energy generated by non dispatchable resources
CδD Cost of energy generated by dispatchable resources
CδES− Energy generation cost by ES during charging mode
CδES+ Energy generation cost by ES during charging mode
CδL Cost of energy consumed by responsive load
ψδ Penalty cost for the MG operator during the time period
πδi, ND ith non dispatchable resources
πδi, ND ith dispatchable resources
Pδi, ND output power generated by the ith non dispatchable resources
Pδi, D output power generated by the ith dispatchable resources
NND number of non-dispatchable resources
ND number of dispatchable resources
πδUP offer price when the system is encountered with the UP
PδUP amount of power is not supplied by MG
XδES status of the ES operation mode


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Kallol Roya, , Kamal Krishna Mandalb, Atis Chandra Mandalc, Sankar Narayan Patrad
University of Burdwan, India
Department of Power Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700098, India
Department of Physics, Burdwan University, India
Department of Instrumentation Science, Jadavpur University, India
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Corresponding author.


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