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Mini Project Prog

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GULAPA, Allizandra Janina Z.
IPSIOCO, Gio Mickey Osh C.

P a g e 1 | 24
 Demonstrate knowledge and skills in developing C++-based programs.
 Develop a C++ program social 2.
 Practice a good communication skills through team work interaction.


The First Periodic Table

In the 1860s, a scientist named Dmitri Mendeleev also saw the need to organize the
elements. He created a table in which he arranged all of the elements by increasing
atomic mass from left to right across each row. When he placed eight elements in
each row and then started again in the next row, each column of the table contained
elements with similar properties. He called the columns of elements groups.
Mendeleev’s table is called a periodic table and the rows are called periods. That’s
because the table keeps repeating from row to row, and periodic means “repeating.”

The Modern Periodic Table

A periodic table is still used today to organize the elements. You can see a simple
version of the modern periodic table in the Figure below. The modern table is based
on Mendeleev’s table, except the modern table arranges the elements by increasing
atomic number instead of atomic mass. Atomic number is the number of protons in
an atom, and this number is unique for each element. The modern table has more
elements than Mendeleev’s table because many elements have been discovered
since Mendeleev’s time.

[Type here]
Reading the Table
In the Figure above, each element is represented by its chemical symbol, which
consists of one or two letters. The first letter of the symbol is always written in upper
case, and the second letter—if there is one—is always written in lower case. For
example, the symbol for copper is Cu. It stands for cuprum, which is the Latin word
for copper. The number above each symbol in the table is its unique atomic number.
Notice how the atomic numbers increase from left to right and from top to bottom in
the table.

Periods of the Modern Periodic Table

Rows of the modern periodic table are called periods, as they are in Mendeleev’s
table. From left to right across a period, each element has one more proton than the
element before it. Some periods in the modern periodic table are longer than others.
For example, period 1 contains only two elements: hydrogen (H) and helium (He). In
contrast, periods 6 and 7 are so long that many of their elements are placed below
the main part of the table. They are the elements starting with lanthanum (La) in
period 6 and actinium (Ac) in period 7. Some of the elements in period 7 have
recently been discovered and named. The number of each period represents the
number of energy levels that have electrons in them for atoms of each element in
that period. In December 2015, the International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry (IUPAC) verified the existence of four new elements 113, 115, 117, and
118 and approved their addition to the periodic table. These elements complete
period 7 of the periodic table.

Here are the new element names and their origins:

 Element 113 was named Nihonium, symbol Nh, proposed by Japanese
researchers after the Japanese word Nihon, which means Japan.
 A team of scientists from Russia and the United States named element 115,
Moscovium, symbol Mc, after Moscow and element 117, Tennessine, symbol
Ts, after Tennessee.
 The Russian team that discovered element 118 named it Oganesson, symbol
Og, after Yuri Oganessian, a prolific element hunter.

Groups of the Modern Periodic Table

Columns of the modern table are called groups, as they are in Mendeleev’s table.
However, the modern table has many more groups—18 compared with just 8 in
Mendeleev’s table. Elements in the same group have similar properties. For
example, all elements in group 18 are colorless, odorless gases, such as neon (Ne).
(Neon is the element inside the light in opening photo C.) In contrast, all elements in
group 1 are very reactive solids. They react explosively with water

[Type here]
Classes of Elements
All elements can be classified in one of three classes: metals, metalloids, or
nonmetals. Elements in each class share certain basic properties. For example,
elements in the metals class can conduct electricity, whereas elements in the
nonmetals class generally cannot. Elements in the metalloids class fall in between
the metals and nonmetals in their properties. An example of a metalloid is arsenic
(As). (Arsenic is the element in opening photo B.) In the periodic table above,
elements are color coded to show their class. As you move from left to right across
each period of the table, the elements change from metals to metalloids to


Welcome screen/Options

[Type here]
Adding an Element (from the user)

Searching an Element

[Type here]
A. By Element Name

B. By Symbol

[Type here]
Quit the program

How does this program work?
This program has a set of commands to ask the user regarding Modern Periodic
Table. For instance, when the user run it, there will be A, B and C options. A is for
Adding new element, B is for Searching an element and C is for Quitting the
 When the user input A, the program will ask the following information:
Element Name, Element Symbol, Atomic Number and Atomic Weight. After
that, the program will save what the user has input.
 When the user input B, the program will ask if the user wants to search
element by name or by symbol, and then whatever chosen will provide
information such as name, symbol, weight and number.
 When the used input C, the program will automatically close.

How does this program work? What kind of commands/codes used

 Loop – The welcome screen starting “MODERN PERIODIC TABLE” is
continuously appearing regardless of what letter the user choose because it is
 If else – Used to input information of elements of the modern periodic table.
The command is simultaneously for searching by name and by symbol. else if
(code == 'b'||code=='B')
 cout – used to store words and appear when the program has been run.

[Type here]

[Type here]
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[Type here]
[Type here]
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[Type here]
[Type here]
[Type here]
[Type here]
[Type here]
[Type here]
[Type here]
[Type here]

[Type here]
[Type here]

What I have learned in this project , for me this project was kind of challenging to do
but , as an engineering student you have to be logical ,you have to think fast in order
to do these things , for me this subject is very important, it helps me use my critical
thinking very well , and I know this course will help me In my future , having a basic
knowledge of C++ can help you in the future , not only In your job but also in helping
others as well ,before to be truly honest I disliked this course but in the end I loved it
it enhanced my critical thinking, this project is very relevant to my course a modern
periodic table
First its very hard bit we searched and studied the videos at YouTube finding out
that it is very easy , its only if else statement , first its kind of confusing
But in the end we finished it just in time of the submission, and this project
I learned the true meaning of team work. (Ipsioco, Gio)

When I graduated Senior High School, I really want to pursue Agricultural

Engineering, I never see myself taking up other engineering field because I want to
help farmers. However, I was not able to get a slot for Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering in University of the Philippines, Los Banos, although I passed UPCAT,
still I cannot pursue STEM related course since my strand was Accountancy,
Business and Management. I was only offered Accountancy in Diliman or
Management Economics in Baguio. Devastated, I tried Polytechnic University of the
Philippines, unfortunately I was not able to get slot for any engineering course again
though I passed, so I tried to enroll in their Information Technology. But, I did not see
myself pursuing IT course because I really do not dream of becoming one. So, I just
chose National University, my home for 4 years. I know how competitive the
engineering department is, I put my trust in my alma mater, and now, I am taking this
course. At first, I really liked the topic, I was able to get high grade results but I was
disappointed because everyone was told to review power points given for the
midterm exam and suddenly the midterm exam becomes programming, I did not
review so well regarding coding but I remember some since I have already done
experiment 1 that time. As time passes by, things become more difficult, I even do
not know how to code exercises, I spend a lot of time watching YouTube tutorials for
me to understand codes, what they mean, what are they for, because module itself
given was not enough to sustain my questions in mind regarding the programs. I
really want to know more about this course but everything is not provided on the
internet, it is limited, so when there are things that confuse my mind, it is really hard
for me to come up with a program.
Now, this project was given for us to do and pass the course. At first I really do not
know how to do commands that will able users to store information. I just searched
several YouTube videos for me to learn, I searched how if else works, case data,
loop, and more. I spent the whole Sunday, sleepless until now. But it was fulfilling for

[Type here]
me because I have done it. Gio and I have done this, and it is really heartwarming to
see your codes successfully run, and show the things you needed. I am grateful for
the challenges and opportunities to grow. (Gulapa, Janina)

[Type here]

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