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Six Sigma and The University: Teaching, Research, and Meso-Analysis

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Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree Doctor of Philosophy

In the Graduate School of The Ohio State University


James E. Brady, B.S., M.S., MBA, P.E.

The Ohio State University


Dissertation Committee: Approved by

Dr. Theodore T. Allen, Adviser

Graduate Program in Industrial
Dr. Allen R. Miller and Systems Engineering

Dr. Clark A. Mount-Campbell


Six Sigma was introduced by industry practitioners and consultants as a means

to improve any given company’s competitive position. Its acceptance by industry has

been widespread over the past two decades, yet academic research on Six Sigma has

been surprisingly limited. Further, most of the research has been focused on the tools

and statistical techniques used in Six Sigma. Its relationship with university activities

including teaching, research, and service is not clear. The purpose of this dissertation

is to explore selected aspects of the relationship between Six Sigma and universities

more fully. In doing so, there is an attempt to answer these fundamental questions:

(i) What is Six Sigma? (ii) What roles can academics usefully play in relation to Six

Sigma? and (iii) How can academia help companies to better use the new project

related data sources created by Six Sigma. Results here divide into three chapters.

First, the literature on Six Sigma is reviewed and synthesized. This includes detailed

descriptions of research trends with an emphasis on establishing its relationship to

quality management theory and topics for future research. Secondly, case base training

is examined as a method to improve Six Sigma education and increase usage on the

job among university student learners. Third, with Six Sigma’s emphasis on

management by data and project based data collection, industry is starting to

accumulate many large databases of “meta-data” concerning the successes or failures

of individual quality improvement projects. We propose methods specifically for

making use of the project data and illustrate their application using 39 case studies

form a mid-western manufacturing firm.


Reflecting on my long and continuing education process, I find it difficult to

adequately acknowledge the incredible support I have received form so many people

I am sincerely grateful to my advisor, Dr. Allen, for all of his continuous assistance

and direction. I would like to thank my other committee members: Dr. Mount-

Campbell, and Dr. Miller as well as Chaitanya Joshi who helped in the early

formulation of some of the goals. I appreciate Lucent Technologies, Inc. and LaBarge,

Inc for the support they provided during my recent studies. I owe a debt to my Aunt

Joan for instilling in me the value and love of learning, my children and grandchildren

for the sacrifice of their time. Finally, I would like to thank my wife. This dissertation

is dedicated to her endless encouragement and support over these many years.

1951 ……………………………………………… Born – Tucson, Arizona

1974 ……………………………………………… BS Aeronautical Engineering

Wichita State University
Wichita, Kansas

1974-1976 ……………………………………….. US Air Force

W-PAFB, Ohio

1977 ……………………………………………… MS Mechanical Engineering

University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas

1977 -2001………………………………………… Lucent Technologies Bell Labs,

AT&T, Sandia National Labs,
Western Electric
Various locations and subsidiaries

1980 ……………………………………………… MBA Marketing

Avila College
Kansas City, Missouri

1997 - Present …………………………………… Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio

2001-Present ……………………………………… LaBarge, Inc

Joplin, Missouri


Major Field: Industrial and Systems Engineering

Minor Field: Computational Methods


Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………. i
Acknowledgements ………………………………………………………………….. ii
VITA …………………………………………………………………………………. v
List of Tables ………………………………………………………………………. viii
List of Figures ……………………………………………………………………….. x

Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Plan of Study ........................................................................................................ 3
Chapter 2 Six Sigma Overview and History .............................................................. 5
2.1 Overview of Six Sigma ........................................................................................ 5
2.2 History of Six Sigma .......................................................................................... 12
Chapter 3 Literature Review..................................................................................... 19
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 19
3.2 Literature Review Methods and List of Articles ................................................ 19
3.3 The Classification Scheme ................................................................................. 22
3.4 Literature Trends ................................................................................................ 24
3.5 Literature Research Topics and Methods ........................................................... 28
3.6 Success Factors................................................................................................... 35
3.7 Six Sigma in the context of Management Theory.............................................. 36
3.8 The Academic Contribution of Six Sigma ......................................................... 37
3.9 Defining Six Sigma ............................................................................................ 39
3.10 The Quality Performance Model ...................................................................... 42
3.11 Review of Empirical Evaluations of Six Sigma ............................................... 44
3.12 Synthesis and Future Research......................................................................... 46
3.13 Literature Review Summary ............................................................................ 50
Chapter 4 Case Study Based Training ..................................................................... 53
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 54
4.2 Case Study Exercises.......................................................................................... 58
4.3 Sample Case Study “Improving the Yields of Printed Circuit Boards”............. 59
4.4 The Problem Statement ...................................................................................... 60

4.5 Background Information .................................................................................... 60
4.6 In-class Exercise for PCB Study ........................................................................ 63
4.7 The Team Actions and Results........................................................................... 64
4.8 Student Feedback ............................................................................................... 68
Chapter 5 The challenge of Six Sigma Project Meso-Analysis............................... 70
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 70
5.2 Potential Use of Database................................................................................... 72
5.3 Database Example .............................................................................................. 73
5.4 General Procedure .............................................................................................. 74
5.5 Data Collection................................................................................................... 75
5.6 Statistical Process Control.................................................................................. 79
5.7 Regression .......................................................................................................... 84
5.8 Regression Data Analysis................................................................................... 87
5.9 Regression Results ............................................................................................. 94
5.10 Markov Decision Processes.............................................................................. 96
5.11 Markov Decision Process Analysis................................................................ 103
5.12 Sample MDP Example ................................................................................... 115
5.13 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 122
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Research ........................................................ 126
6.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 126
6.2 Summary of Findings ....................................................................................... 127
6.3 Limitations and Future Research...................................................................... 130

Appendix A The Article Database.………………………………………………. 133

Appendix B Project Database……………………………………………………. 140

Bibliography………………………………………………………………………. 143


Table 1 List of journals or proceedings with at least one article in the study. ............. 21
Table 2 Descriptors used to classify articles. ............................................................... 24
Table 3 Tabulations of articles by focus and authorship.............................................. 30
Table 4 Literature pertinent to evaluation of Six Sigma’s effects on firm performance.
(BP – Business Performance, C – Core, SSC – Six Sigma Core, SSI – Six Sigma
Infrastructure, OP – Operational Performance, QP – Quality Performance) ....... 45
Table 5 The yields achieved for 16 weeks prior to the initial teams activities. ........... 61
Table 6 The initial team's predicted yield improvements by adjusting each factor. .... 62
Table 7 The performance after the implementation of the initial team's
recommendations.................................................................................................. 62
Table 8 The yields for the 5 weeks subsequent to the initial intervention. .................. 65
Table 9 The data for a Pareto chart of the data from week 1 to week 16..................... 66
Table 10 The data from the fractional factorial design in four factors......................... 67
Table 11 The confirmation runs establishing the process shift/improvement.............. 68
Table 12 Definition of variables................................................................................... 77
Table 13 Summary statistics for the 39 projects, duration team memberrs and profits78
Table 14 Characteristics of the Study Variables .......................................................... 79
Table 15 Summary statistics for model. ....................................................................... 89
Table 16 Coefficient estimates ..................................................................................... 89
Table 17 Regression Checklist. .................................................................................... 91
Table 18 Summary statistics for Simple model............................................................ 94
Table 19 Coefficients for Simple model. ..................................................................... 94
Table 20 Costs and rewards (in $K), rt(st,a), of applying actions (a) in different states
(st).Coefficient estimates .................................................................................... 104
Table 21 Assumed transition probabilities for applying DOE, pt(st+1= j|st= i,a = $$
DOE)................................................................................................................... 105
Table 22 Optimal decision policy for five decision periods....................................... 106
Table 23 The expected reward, ERt*(st = i), in $K as a function of period and state. 106
Table 24 Component Method of Six Sigma. .............................................................. 108
Table 25 State Description Mapped to DMAIC for Sample MDP. ........................... 115
Table 26 Actions and Rewards for Sample MDP. ..................................................... 115
Table 27 Tabulation of State Transitions for Sample MDP. ...................................... 117
Table 28 Bayesian Estimate of State Transitions for Sample MDP........................... 118
Table 29 State Transitions for Sample MDP.............................................................. 120
Table 30 Optimal Policy for Sample MDP. ............................................................... 121

Table 31 Comparison of strengths and limitations for meso-analysis methods used. 124

Figure 1 The yearly number of Six Sigma related articles and their authorship. ......... 26
Figure 2 The percentage of articles focused on manufacturing tropics........................ 27
Figure 3 Percentages of articles sponsored by difference societies or areas................ 28
Figure 4 Pareto chart of articles by research approach ................................................ 31
Figure 5 Journal impact factors associated with articles by different types of authors.32
Figure 6 Journal impact factors of publications pertinent to business sectors. ............ 33
Figure 7 Journal impact factors associated with articles focusing on people (Pe), Tools
and Techniques (To), Systems (Sy), or a combination of these. .......................... 34
Figure 8 Journal impact factors associated with articles focusing on philosophy (Ph),
practices (Pr), Tools and Techniques (To), or a combination of these................. 35
Figure 9 Percentages of articles mentioning each of 14 success factors...................... 36
Figure 10 Extended quality performance model of Garvin.......................................... 43
Figure 11 Control chart for the entire study period...................................................... 65
Figure 12 Normal Probability Chart for Six Sigma Projects........................................ 80
Figure 13 EWMA Control Chart for first 25 Six Sigma Projects. ............................... 82
Figure 14 EWMA Control Chart for Six Sigma Projects............................................. 83
Figure 15 Main Effects Plot of Regression Model. ...................................................... 88
Figure 16 3-D plot of the results.................................................................................. 90
Figure 17 Normal sores vs. residuals. .......................................................................... 91
Figure 18 Main Effects Plot of Simple Regression Model........................................... 93
Figure 19 Flow Chart of DMAIC Six Sigma Project. ................................................ 110
Figure 20 Morkov Decision Process for Six Sigma. .................................................. 114



1.1 Overview
Six Sigma was born approximately two decades ago as a process improvement

philosophy to help improve business financial performance. It was developed in

industry and spread largely by professional consultants. Since its introduction it has

found its way into most sectors of today’s business society. Mostly led by practitioners

Six Sigma has acquired a strong prescriptive stance with practices often being

advocated as universally applicable, “one size fits all”. Yet, Six Sigma has already

spawned a large number of published articles in pier reviewed journals. One of the

main objectives of this dissertation is to review this information and identify

opportunities for additional contributions for the academy.

While Six Sigma has made a big impact on industry, the relationship between

the university, industry and Six Sigma has not been studied. University-industry

partnerships are expected to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and

innovation in the production of competitive products, processes and services and

ultimately contribute to the welfare of society.

The major problems addressed in this dissertation are:

1. With reference to past academic contributions, what is Six Sigma? Also,

what are the on-going research trends?

2. What are the implications of Six Sigma philosophy and methods for

university education?

3. What methods should be used to mine the new databases about project

financial results? Also, what insights can be gained form studying data at a

real company?

This dissertation addresses these three aspects of the university-industry

relationship with Six Sigma. For the first question, the literature covering a fourteen

year timeframe describing the trends, sources, and findings of Six Sigma is reviewed.

The aim is to provide a description of the Six Sigma literature with an emphasis on

establishing its relationship to quality management theory and to business practices in

general and to identify topics for future research.

Secondly, case base training is examined as a method to improve Six Sigma

education and increase usage on the job among university student learners. From the

literature review, one of the major themes and “success factors” identified by authors

of Six Sigma articles is education of practitioners in the use of statistical tools. Six

Sigma differs form most quality management systems by its emphases on training

what people need to know to implement improvement programs effectively. A subset

of this topic is the education of non-statisticians in the use of statistical tools. A major

concept than becomes how to effectively educate participants in the necessary tools

and techniques of Six Sigma.

Third, with Six Sigma’s emphasis on management by data and project based

data collection, industry is starting to accumulate a large database on quality

improvement programs. Quality/cost improvement project data was collected over a

30 month period at a U.S. based mid-west manufacturing firm. A study was

undertaken to look at this database in a way that could help management decision-

making applied to improvement projects. Three levels of decision-making are defined


Micro – related to the use of individual statistical methods.

Meso – supervisor level decision-making about method selection and timing.

Macro – dealing with overall quality programs and stock performance.

This study investigates the use of Six Sigma databases in Meso-Analysis for decision-


1.2 Plan of Study

The remainder of the study is organized as follows:

• Chapter 2 is an overview and history of Six Sigma. It describes how

financial accountability for each project is established by the literature

as a key component of Six Sigma philosophy and methods. As a result,

databases about the financial successes or failures of individual projects

have been generated in many companies for the first time.

• Chapter 3 covers a review of the literature concerning Six Sigma from

1990 through 2003. This chapter presents a classification scheme for

the articles, trends, topics covered, contributions, and tabulates

identified success factors for Six Sigma. A definition of Six Sigma is

given based on a synthesis of the literature.

• Chapter 4 examines case based instruction in classes on SPC and DOE

at Ohio State University. The approach is illustrated with an exercise

based on an actual case study of increasing yields for manufacturing

electronic components.

• Chapter 5 describes methods for mining the Six Sigma project

databases appearing at many companies and the properties of these new

data sources. The results of a study based on 39 quality improvement

projects conducted at a U.S. based mid-west manufacturing firm are

used to investigate how this new database might be used to help

operational management in the area of quality management practices.

• Chapter 6 summarizes the findings, limitations, and conclusions of the

study and discusses potential areas for future research.



2.1 Overview of Six Sigma

One definition of “Six Sigma” is a target for quality characteristics of units

produced by the engineered system being improved (Shina, 2002; Tadikamalla, 1994).

It is a rating that signifies “best in class”, with only 3.4 defects per million units or

operations. A part or item is classified as defective if the desired measurement,

denoted by X, is outside the upper or lower specification limits (USL or LSL). In

addition to specifying the USL and LSL, a target value is specified, which typically is

the midpoint between the USL and LSL.

The symbol sigma (σ) is a letter in the Greek alphabet used by modern people

to describe variability. In Six Sigma, the common measurement index is defects per

million opportunities and can include anything from a component, piece of material,

line of code, an administrative form, time frame or distance. A sigma quality level

offers an indicator of how often defects are likely to occur, where a higher sigma

quality level indicates a process that is less likely to create defects. Consequently, as

sigma level of quality increases, product reliability improves, the need for testing and

inspection diminishes, work in progress declines, cycle time goes down, costs go

down, and customer satisfaction goes up.

Six sigma is a condition of the generalized formula for process capability,

which is defined as the ability of a process to turn out a good product. It is a

relationship of product specifications to manufacturing variability, measured in terms

of Cp or Cpk, or expressed as a numerical index. Six sigma is equivalent to Cp=2 or

Cpk=1.5.The definition of the capability of the process or Cp is:

specification width(or design tolerance)

Cp = (1.1)
process capability(or totalprocess var iation)


Cp = (1.2)
6σ (total process range from − 3σ to + 3σ )

This formula can be expressed conceptually as,

product specifications
Cp = (1.3)
manufacturing var iability

The equation for Cpk is:

⎡USL − X X − LSL ⎤
Cpk = min ⎢ , ⎥ (1.4)
⎣ 3σ 3σ ⎦

Six sigma is achieved when the product specifications are at ± 6σ of the

manufacturing process corresponding to Cp=2 or Cpk=1.5. Design engineers normally

set the product specifications, whereas manufacturing engineers are responsible for

production variability. The object of increasing the process capability to six sigma is

twofold: either increase the product specifications by widening them, or reducing the

manufacturing variability. Either effort can have a positive effect on reaching six


An alternative and more common definition for “Six Sigma” methods, implied

by Pande and Holpp (2001) and Watson (2002a), is a series of ordered activities with

associated component methods (Allen, 2003). Six Sigma is a disciplined and

quantitative approach involving setting up a system and process for the improvement

of defined metrics in manufacturing, service, or financial processes. The approach

drives the overall process of selecting the right projects based on an organization’s

business goals and selecting and training the right people to obtain the results.

Improvement projects follow a disciplined process defined by a system of five macro

phases. These component methods derive from statistics, marketing, and optimization

and are sequenced as Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC). In

design projects the specifics of the DMAIC steps are often modified to DMADV;

Define customer requirements and goals for the product.

Measure and match performance to customer requirements.
Analyze and assess product design.
Design and implement new product.
Verify results and maintain performance.

The phases of DMAIC are described by Rasis, Gitlow and Popovich (2003a

and 2003b) as follows:

Define Phase: Define the project’s objectives by identifying customer

requirements often called “CTQs” “critical to quality”, develop a team charter and

define process map.

• Identify the process or product for improvement, identify customers

and translate the customer’s needs into CTQs.

• The team charter involves selection of team members and defining of

roles, developing the problem and goal statements, determining project

scope, setting project milestones and preparing a business case to gain

management support.

• Do a high level process map connecting the customer to the process.

Measure Phase: Measure the existing systems. Establish valid and reliable

metrics to help monitor progress towards the project goals. Customer expectations

are defined to determine “out of specification” conditions.

• Identify and describe the potential critical processes/products. List

and describe all of the potential critical processes obtained from

brainstorming sessions, historical data, yield reports, failure

analysis reports, analysis of line fallout and model the potential


• Perform measurement system analysis. Determine precision,

accuracy, repeatability and reproducibility of each instrument of

gauge used in order to ensure that they are capable.

Analyze Phase: Analyze the system to identify ways to eliminate the gap

between the current performance of the system or process and the desired goal. In

this phase, project teams explore underlying reasons for defects. They use

statistical analysis to examine potential variables affecting the outcome and seek to

identify the most significant root causes. Then, they develop a prioritized list of

factors influencing the desired outcome.

• Isolate and verify the critical processes. Narrow the potential list of

problems to the vital few. Identify the input/output relationship

which directly affects specific problems. Verify potential causes of

process variability and product problems.

• Perform process and measurement system capability studies.

Identify and define the limitations of the processes. Ensure that the

processes are capable of achieving their maximum potential.

Identify and remove all variation due to special causes. Determine

what the realistic specifications are. Determine confidence

intervals. A process is to be considered capable when it is in

control, predictable, and stable.

Improve Phase: In this phase, project teams seek the optimal solution and

develop and test a plan of action for implementing and confirming the solution.

The process is modified and the outcome is measured to determine whether the

revised method produces results within customer expectations.

• Conduct design of experiment. Select design of experiment factors

and levels, Plan design of experiment execution. Perform design of

experiment to find out the most significant factor.

• Implement variability reduction designs/assessments. Implement

permanent corrective action for preventing special cause variations.

Demonstrate process stability and predictability.

Control Phase: Control the new system. Ongoing measures are implemented

to keep the problem form recurring. Institutionalize the improved system by

modifying policies, procedures, operating instructions and other management


• Specify process control methods. Establish on-going controls for

the process based on prevention of special cause variation using

statistical process control techniques.

• Document the improvement processes. Record all the

processes/steps in improvement phase using the decision tree and

reaction plan.

The methods are generally taught in the context of system improvement

projects and expertise is often characterized by an analogy to karate “belts”: “black

belt”, “green belt”, etc. For thousands of participants at the lowest “green belt” level

of accreditation, one of the main benefits of “Six Sigma” training is that it simplifies

(through restriction) the sequence and choice of available techniques to apply to a

particular case. Therefore, the value of the six sigma movement derives partly from

standardization of problem solving methods and partly in how it guides people to

suggest which techniques to apply in which order to an improvement project.

Contributing to the widespread deployment of Six Sigma is an abundance of

anecdotal evidence attributing quality, productivity, and costs benefits to this

particular quality improvement initiative. Scientific evidence to lead credence to the

anecdotal evidence has been rather limited and exists primarily as small-sample case

studies. Moreover, while the empirical results from these case studies have generally

been atheoretical in nature, their conduct had not been governed by rigorous, a priori

theory development.

Bisgaard and Freiesleben (2000) showed how defect elimination and

prevention associated with a Six Sigma program can improve financial results. Their

view was to do or not to do a project. Hild, Sanders, and Cooper (2000) discussed the

different structures of Six Sigma based on processes type, continuous or discrete.

Sanders and Hild (2000a and 2000b) outlined the importance of considering

organizational issues in the structuring of successful Six Sigma projects. Snee (2001a)

similarly stated that one of the keys was to understand the environment in order to

tailor Six Sigma projects; type of company (manufacturing or service), type of

function (operations, transactional, administrative, or new product development) and

type of industry (assembly, processing, chemical, etc.). Pyzdek (2001b) pointed out

the importance of selecting the right individual to act as project leader even before

they are trained.

Pande, Neuman, and Cavanagh (2000) contributed probably the most complete

and explicit version of the Six Sigma methods. Yet, even their version of the

methodology leaves considerable latitude to the implementers to tailor approaches to

applications and to their own tastes. This lack of standardization of the methodologies

explains, at least in part, why the American Society for Quality did not have a

certification process until 2001.

2.2 History of Six Sigma

According to Folaron (2003) Six Sigma can arguably trace its roots as far back

as 1798 and Eli Whitney. One of his greatest contributions to modern manufacturing

was the introduction of his revolutionary uniformity system in the mass production of

muskets. He proved it was possible to produce interchangeable parts that were similar

enough in fit and function to allow for random selection of parts in the assembly.

Throughout the next century, quality involved objective methods of measuring and

assuring dimensional consistency.

With the advent of the moving assembly line by Ford in the early 1900’s it was

critical to predetermine the consistency of incoming parts to prevent a slow down or

stoppage of the assembly line. In addition with the increased production rates, it

became cost prohibitive to measure each part. This necessitated the development of

methods to monitor the part producing process for consistency and the use of sampling

(Folaron, 2003).

In 1924, Walter A. Shewhart from Bell Telephone Laboratories, proposed the

concept of using statistical charts to control the variables of products manufactured at

Western Electric. This was the beginning of statistical quality control (Small, 1956).

The role of the quality inspector changed with the statistically based control charts

form one of identifying and sorting defective product to one of monitoring the stability

of the process and identifying when it had changed. Improved product quality resulted

by early detection of the change and appropriate corrective action.

Dr. Shewhart kept on with his efforts and applied the fundamentals of statistical

quality control to industry. This lead to the modern attention to the use of statistical

tools for the manufacture of products and process originated prior to and during World

War II, when the United States of America geared up to a massive buildup of

machinery and arms to successfully conclude the war. The need to manage the myriad

of complex weapon systems and their varied and distributed defense contractors led to

the evolution of the system of Statistical Quality Control (SQC), a set of tools that

culminated in the military standards for subcontracting, such as MIL-Std 105 (Shina,

2002). The basis of the SQC process was the use of 3 sigma limits, which yields a rate

of 2700 defective parts per million (PPM).

Prior to that period, large U.S. companies established a quality strategy of

vertical integration (Shina, 2002). In order to maintain and manage quality, companies

had to control all of the resources used in the product. U.S. companies slowly realized

that quality improvements depended on the realization of two major elements. First,

they have to be quantifiable and measurable, and second all elements that make the

company successful must be implemented. These are superior pricing, delivery,

performance, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

The Western Electric manufacturing company is noteworthy during this time

because it was the breeding ground for many quality leaders, not only Shewhart but

Joseph Juran, Edwards Deming and Kaoru Ishikawa all worked there at some time

(Dimock, 1977). After World War II, numerous manufacturing experts where involved

with the rebuilding of the Japanese business infrastructure. Two prominent individuals

were Deming and Juran. Deming promoted the use of the plan-do-check-act (PDCA)

cycle of continuous improvement. Later Juran introduced the concepts of project by

project quality improvement.

Any discussion on quality today will most likely cite at least one from the

group of Deming, Juran, Crosby, Feigenbaum, and Ishikawa, if not all. They certainly

represent the preponderance of information about quality. In fact, the concepts of

TQM are mainly based on their works on quality.

Their collective philosophies can be summarized as follows:

• Management leadership and employee participation in the new

philophy (Deming, 1986). Make quality the concern of everyone in the

company (Crosby, 1980; Juran, 1989; Feigenbaum, 1991).

• Emphasis on meeting the requirements of both the internal (Crosby,

1980; Feigenbaum, 1991) and external customers (Ishikawa, 1985).

• Eliminate non-conformance, Appraise conformance to standards. Have

zero defect standard of performance (Crosby, 1980). Reduce cost of

appraisal, prevention and failure (Feigenbaum, 1991).

• Use statistical and quantitative control methods. Implement problem

solving using Quality Control Circles, Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle, and

Quality Assurance (Deming, 1986; Ishikawa, 1985).

• Search continually to improve process and product (Demin, 1986).

Quality is a continuous program (Crosby, 1980: Feigenbaum, 1991).

Adding to this group, Bill Smith, Motorola Vice President and Senior Quality

Assurance Manager, is widely regarded as the father of Six Sigma, Shina (2002),

although several have played key roles in promoting this phrase including Harry

(1994) and Pande, Neuman, and Cavanagh (2000).

According to Shina (2002) before, January 15, 1987, Six Sigma was solely a

statistical term. Since then, the Six Sigma crusade, which began at Motorola, has

spread to other companies which are continually striving for excellence. While it is

progressing, it has extended and evolved from a problem-solving technique to a

quality strategy and ultimately into a sophisticated quality philosophy. However, this

unique philosophy only became well known after GE’s Jack Welch made it a central

focus of his business strategy in 1995. Today, Six Sigma is considered one of the

fastest growing business management system in industry (Cook, 1990; Gill, 1990;

Rayner, 1990; Behara et al.,1995; and Maguire, 1999b). Since its initial development

and deployment at Motorola, Six Sigma has influenced virtually every sector of the

economy, from manufacturing to service and from the largest to the smallest

organization. Today, Six Sigma processes are being executed in a vast array of

organizations and in a wide variety of functions (Breyfogle, 1999).

The evolution of what is known as Six Sigma began in the late 1970s, when a

Japanese firm took over a Motorola factory that manufactured television sets in the

United States and the Japanese promptly set about making drastic changes to the way

the factory operated (Folaron, 2003). Under Japanese management, the factory was

soon producing TV sets with 1/20th the number of defects they had produced under

Motorola management. Finally, Motorola recognized it quality was awful. Since then

Motorola management decided to take quality seriously (Main, 1994; Pyzdek 2000).

When Bob Galvin became Motorola’s CEO in 1981, he challenged his company to

achieve a tenfold improvement in performance over a five-year period.

During 1985, Bill Smith wrote an internal quality research report which caught

the attention of Bob Galvin, Smith discovered the correlation between how well a

product did in its field life and how much rework had been required during the

manufacturing process. He also found that products that were built with fewer

nonconformities were the ones that performed the best after delivery to the customer

(Harry, 1998; Maguire, 1999b). Although Motorola executives agreed with Smith’s

supposition, the challenge then became how to create practical ways to eliminate the

defects. Smith developed a four-stage problem-solving approach: Measure, Analyze,

Improve, Control (MAIC). Later, the MAIC discipline became the roadmap for

DMAIC and achieving Six Sigma quality.

On January 15, 1987, Galvin launched a long term quality program, called

“The Six Sigma Quality Program”. The program was a corporate program which

established Six Sigma as the required capability level standard. This new standard was

to be used in everything, that is, in products, processes, services, and administration.

After implementing Six Sigma, in 1988, Motorola was among the first recipients of

the Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award.

At that time, enamored by Motorola’s success, several other companies, such

as Texas Instruments, began a similar pursuit, But, it wasn’t until late 1993 that Six

Sigma really began to transform business. That’s the year Allied Signal (Honeywell)

and its CEO, Larry Bossidy, decided to adopt Six Sigma.

By adequately selecting the right Six Sigma projects and promptly providing

the right support for them, Bossidy suggested that high level executives should also

understand Six Sigma tools. At Allied Signal, an entire system of leadership and

support systems began to form around the statistical problem solving tools of Six


Not long after Allied Signal began its pursuit of Six Sigma quality, Jack

Welch, then Chairman and Chief Executive of General Electric, influenced by

Bossidy, began to get interested in Six Sigma.

Some argue that many of the tools used with Six Sigma are not new

(Tadikamalla, 1994: Hahn et. Al, 1999; Watson, 2000). However, while Six Sigma

uses conventional methods, its application is anything but conventional. Instead it

stresses the impotence of searching for a new way of thinking and doing (Maguire,

1999b). In fact, Six Sigma defines a clear roadmap to achieve Total Quality

(Balkeslee, 1999; Breyfogle, 1999; Pyzdek, 2000; Harry, 1998; Young, 2001).

Six Sigma’s approach and deployment makes it distinguishable from other

quality initiatives. The Six Sigma approach involves the use of statistical tools within

a structured methodology for gaining the knowledge needed to achieve better, faster,

and less expensive products and services than the competition. The repeated,

disciplined application of the master strategy on project after project, where the

projects are selected based on key business objectives, is what drives dollars to the

bottom line, resulting in impressive profits. Moreover, fueled by the bottom line

improvement, top management will continuously be committed to this approach, the

work culture will be constantly nurtured, then customers will definitely be satisfied

and Total Quality will ultimately be achieved.



3.1 Introduction
Although Six Sigma originated in industry, it has inspired a

considerable amount of academic literature. This chapter reviews this literature

covering a fourteen-year timeframe (1990 through 2003) describing the trends,

sources, and findings. The chapter also seeks to synthesize the literature, with an

emphasis on establishing its relationship to quality management theory and topics for

future research. In doing so, there is an attempt to answer the fundamental questions:

(i) What is Six Sigma? (ii) What are its impacts on operational performance? and (iii)

What roles can academics usefully play in relation to Six Sigma?

3.2 Literature Review Methods and List of Articles

The list of articles was derived from a Science Citation Index (SCI) Expanded

search spanning the time period from 1990 through 2003. Five descriptors were used:

Six Sigma, quality systems, quality improvement, quality management, and quality

meta-model. The test of each article was reviewed in order to eliminate those that were

clearly not related to “Six Sigma” improvement strategies. For example, articles were

removed that focused on detailed synthesis of chemicals and used the term Six Sigma

in an unrelated context. Also, a small number of articles were included from

magazines and conference proceedings that were subjectively assessed to be academic

in character. The list of journals, proceedings, and magazines that provided at least

one relevant article is shown in Table 1. Two hundred and one (201) articles were

identified and covered in the review. The terms used to categorize these articles are

defined in section 3.3. Overall, it is not claimed that the list of articles is exhaustive,

only that the associated database serves as a reasonably comprehensive list for

understanding Six Sigma related research.

The focus of this review was in three areas. First, what is the definition of Six

Sigma? A solid definitional foundation must exist before rigorous analysis can be

undertaken. Second, what is the impact of Six Sigma on a firm’s performance? Six

Sigma reportedly has saved millions of dollars for such companies as GE, but can its

benefits be quantified in the literature? Third, what has been reported on how to

implement Six Sigma in a real business setting? Is there guidance for the practitioner

on the how and why to successfully implement a Six Sigma program?

Accreditation and Quality Assurance Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
AIAA-2002-1471 Journal of Healthcare Management
Annual Quality Congress Transactions Journal of Management Engineering
Annual Reliability and Maintainability Journal of Manufacturing Science and
----Symposium Proceedings ----Engineering Transactions of the
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine ----ASME
Assembly Automation Journal of Mechanical Design
Aviation Week and Space Technology Journal of Operations Management
Building Research and Information Journal of Quality and Participation
Business Management Journal of Quality Technology
Business Month Journal of The IES
Cancer Journal Lecture Notes In Computer Science
Chemical Engineering Communications Manufacturing Engineering
Chemical Engineering Progress Milbank Quarterly
Chemical Week Proceedings of the 2001 Winter Simulation
Clinical Chemistry ----Conference
Computers & Industrial Engineering Proceedings of the 2002 Winter Simulation
Computers In Industry ----Conference
Control Engineering Proceedings of the ASME Design
Electronic Business ----Engineering Technical Conference
Fortune Professional Engineering
Genetic Engineering News Quality and Reliability Engineering
Hospitals & Health Networks ----International
Hydrocarbon Processing Quality Digest
IEEE Engineering Management Review Quality Engineering
IEEE Software Quality Management in Health Care
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Quality Progress
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor R&D Magazine
----Manufacturing Radiology
IIE Solutions Research-Technology Management
Industrial Management & Data Systems Six Sigma Forum Magazine
International Journal of Production Research Technometrics
International Journal of Quality & Reliability The American Statistician
----Management The Physics Teacher
International Journal of Quality Science Therapeutic Apheresis
Journal of American Geriatrics Society Total Quality Management
Journal of Applied Statistics Total Quality Management & Business
Journal of Engineering Design ---- Excellence
Training & Development

Table 1 List of journals or proceedings with at least one article in the study.

3.3 The Classification Scheme
Articles were classified using the eleven descriptors in Table 2. Authors

represented either academic institutions or industrial companies or constituted a team

with representatives from both. Many articles contain definitions of the phases

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) but most did not.

Two schemes were used to evaluate the primary topic(s) of each article.

Oakland (1989) divided quality issues roughly into systems, practices, people, or other

focused, without providing precise definitions of these terms. Zain, Dale and Kehoe

(2001) followed Oakland in using this division to classify articles (version 1). Sousa

and Voss (2002) developed a modified scheme based on philosophies, practices, tools

and techniques, and other (version 2). Sousa and Voss (2002) defined “philosophy” as

“an approach to management,” and practices as “an observable facet of a philosophy

and it is through them that managers work to realize organizational improvements.”

Those authors also described “tools and techniques” as “core elements” with examples

being process control and Pareto analysis.

The Science Citation Index (SCI) provides a number called “journal impact

factor” that is a ratio between the citations to articles in a journal to the average

number of citations to journals in that field. The impact factor can be viewed as a

rough evaluation of the academic quality of the journal. Many articles made explicit

reference to either the manufacturing or service sector issues, while others offered

general contributions. A common feature of articles was mentioning 3.4 defects per

million opportunities in relation to the definition of Six Sigma.

The articles were each affiliated with one of the following sponsoring societies

or areas of study: the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE), the

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the applied statistics area

including publications sponsored by the American Society of Quality (ASQ) and the

American Statistical Association (ASA), the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), the

operations research or management science (OR/MS) area including publications

sponsored by the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science

(INFORMS) and other related journals, or the medical area in general including the

American Medical Association (AMA).

Following Zain, Dale, and Kehoe (2001), articles were classified as focused on

case studies, survey results, literature review, comparative analysis, or theoretical with

application. A sizable fraction of the articles investigated the factors contributing to

the success of Six Sigma implementations. For those articles, the specific success

factors mentioned were tabulated. The terminology used to describe the success

factors was standardized to correspond to the dimensions of quality management

practice in Sousa and Voss (2002) whenever possible.

Finally, articles that recommended the usage of one or more practices without

clarifying conditions in which this practice has provable properties were classified as

“speculative” in nature. This classification differentiated these articles from others

without specific recommendations for practices or having rigorous statistical or

optimization justifications.

Descriptor Source Levels
Authorship Brady and Allen Industrial (I), Academic (A), or Both (I A)
Define DMAIC Brady and Allen Yes (Y) or No (N)
Topics Version 1 Oakland (1989) Systems (Sy), Tools and Techniques (To), and
People (Pe)
Topics Version 2 Sousa et al. (2002) Philosophy (Ph), Practices (Pr), Tools and
Techniques (To), and Other
Industrial Sector Zain et al. (2001) Manufacturing (M), Service (Se), or General
Journal Impact Science Citation Index 0.13 to 4.76
Mention of 3.4 ppm Brady and Allen Yes (Y) or No (N)
Research Approach Zain et al. (2001) Case Study (Ca), Comparative (Co), Survey
(Su), Literature Review (R), or Theoretical with
Application (TA)
Society or Area Brady and Allen AIChe, ASME, ASQ, IIE, INFORMS, or
Success factors Brady and Allen All combinations of 13 possible factors
Speculative in Brady and Allen Yes (Y) or No (N)

Table 2 Descriptors used to classify articles.

3.4 Literature Trends

In this section, a characterization of the database of articles using statistics

derived from the classifiers described in the last section is presented. Goals include

the identification of trends including those that relate to the authorship of articles and

the subjects addressed. There is also an investigation of the interaction of authorship

with research focus and a tabulation of the associated sponsoring societies or areas of

study. Finally, results relating to success factors including a tabulation of the success

factors cited most often in the literature are discussed.

Figure 1 plots the number of articles verses the year. Based on the number of

papers there is little doubt that the subject is actively reported. The plot suggests two

findings. First, the number of articles by industrial authors peaked in 2000. It is

hypothesize that this declining trend was influenced by condemnations of Six Sigma

in the popular press such as Clifford (2001) in Fortune Magazine. Second, at the same

time, interest among academics continued to grow in 2003. Over the entire search

period, 69.2% of the authors had industry affiliations and 30.8% had academic

affiliations. These proportions have been changing to the point where 53% of the

authors reviewed in 2003 were associated with a university or college. This trend in

authorship from industry dominated to academic dominated is not surprising

considering the industrial origins of Six Sigma. It would be anticipated that the

growing interest in Six Sigma from the academic arena would add rigor and

theoretical understanding to the subject.


Number of Articles



















Figure 1 The yearly number of Six Sigma related articles and their authorship.

Another trend is the diversification of research topics from primarily

manufacturing focused to more general in nature as indicated by Figure 2. This trend

is characterized with increased emphasis on generic issues and on service related

business sectors. Particularly, there is increased emphasis on generic statistical tools

such as design of experiments (DOE), probabilistic design, and statistical process

control (SPC) in the context of Six Sigma, e.g., Mason and Yong (2000), Coleman et.

al. (2001), McCarthy and Stauffer (2001), Koch (2002) and Goh (2002). Figure 3

charts the percentages of articles associated with different areas. The fact that the

earliest medical related publication in the database is Buck (1998) supports the finding

that the medical area is playing an important role in increasing the topic diversity. Six

Sigma has been advocated as universally applicable to organizations, a one-size-fits-

all. Rigorous academic studies are needed to question the universal validity of Six

Sigma across such dimensions as industry sector, company size, country/culture,

product/process/service, and frequency of product change or introduction.

% of Manufacturing Articles

1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002

Figure 2 The percentage of articles focused on manufacturing tropics.

Figure 3 also indicates that the applied statistics journals such as the Journal of

Quality Technology, Quality Engineering, Quality Management Journal, Quality

Progress, and Technometrics dominate scholarly publications on Six Sigma. Note

that Technometrics is sponsored jointly by ASQ and the American Statistical

Association (ASA). This dominance is perhaps surprising considering the

multidisciplinary nature of Six Sigma as noted by Hahn, Doganaksoy, and Hoerl

(2000) and others.






Applied Statistics

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Figure 3 Percentages of articles sponsored by difference societies or areas.

3.5 Literature Research Topics and Methods

Next, the topics and research approaches of the articles in the database are

examined. We begin by focusing on the topics covered and the dependence of the

number of articles and scholarly impact on the authorship. Then, the methods used in

relation to scholarly impact are investigated.

Table 3 contains a cross tabulation of the topic and authorship variables. It

supports three findings. First, the majority of articles focused on either philosophy or

systems topics. The percentages on these topics were 54.7% and 66.2% respectively.

In general, papers in these categories provided a general description of Six Sigma and

advocated its use, e.g., Rayner (1990), Harry (1998), Snee (2001) and Does et. al.

(2002). It was found that 32% of the total articles are in this category are introductory

in nature. Overall, only 6% of the articles were written at the practices level which

Sousa and Voss (2002) argued are most useful for stimulating actual organizational

improvements. Academic authors wrote about practices with higher frequency (10%).

Second, Table 3 also shows that academics were more likely to choose topics

amenable to theoretical study such as tools and techniques and practitioners were more

likely to present philosophical or systems level contributions. For example, only 17%

of articles by exclusively industrial authors concerned tools and techniques compared

with 36% of the articles by exclusively academics.

The literature has focused primarily in the two areas of philosophy or tools and

techniques. These areas of study are not helpful for development of usable models to

aid decision makers in the implementation of Six Sigma. More research in needed into

the linkage between the practices involved in Six Sigma.

Topics Version 1 from
Oakland (1989) Academic Industrial Mixed Totals
Systems 23 83 4 110
Tools and Techniques 20 28 5 53
People and Systems 3 18 2 23
People and Tools and
Techniques 4 5 0 9
Systems and Tools and
Techniques 0 5 1 6

Topics Version 2 from

Sousa and Voss (2002) Academic Industrial Mixed Totals
Philosophy 26 101 6 133
Tools and Techniques 18 25 5 48
Philosophy and Tools and
Techniques 1 6 1 8
Philosophy and Practices 3 3 0 6
Practices 1 2 0 3
Practices and Tools and
Techniques 1 2 0 3
Totals 50 139 12 201

Table 3 Tabulations of articles by focus and authorship.

Figure 4 is a Pareto chart of the number of articles associated with the different

research methods. The papers containing case studies constituted a sizable fraction of

papers on all topics. For example, 40% of the papers classified as philosophy focused

contained case studies with no new tools and techniques and 50% of the papers

exclusively on tools and techniques contained a case study with no new tools and

techniques. Of the articles with case studies the majority contained only a single case.

These articles for the most part have been descriptive in nature lacking rigor. Those

articles classified as theoretical with application where written primarily by

academics. It was noted that they offered more solid foundation but mostly dealt with

tools and techniques and where not helpful in developing a model on how and why six

Sigma works.

# of Articles
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Case Study
Research Approach

Theoretical with Application



Literature Review


Figure 4 Pareto chart of articles by research approach .

As described in Section 3.3, journal impact factors were developed by the

Science Citation Index (SCI) to provide a rough measure of journal quality or impact.

Figure 5 is a box and whisker plot of the journal impact factors associated with the

articles in the database. It shows that, not surprisingly, academic authors tended to

publish in journals with higher scholarly impact. Again, these dealt mostly at the

technique level and not the level of practices, which is most helpful to those decision

makers looking for guidance. Figure 6 is a box and whisker plot of the journal impact

factors associated with articles associated with either manufacturing or service sectors

of business or of generic interest. The plot shows that service related publications

have the highest scholarly impact. This can be attributed to the relatively greater

impact associated with the specific journals Clinical Chemistry, Radiology, and the

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The associated articles covered topics

classified as systems and tools and techniques.

Impact factor

Academic Industry Mixed

Figure 5 Journal impact factors associated with articles by different types of authors.


Impact factor 4

General Manufacturing Service

Figure 6 Journal impact factors of publications pertinent to business sectors.

A sizable fraction of the articles in the most prestigious statistics journals

concerned the tools that Six Sigma black belts “should” know, e.g., the discussion of

Hoerl (2001a) and Hoerl (2001b) and Montgomery, Lawson, and Molnau (2001).

These articles were classified into people combined with tools and techniques in the

Oakland (1989) scheme and philosophy and tools using the Sousa and Voss (2002)

scheme. These articles caused both categories to be associated with the highest

median journal impact factors. Figure 7 and Figure 8 provide box and whisker plots

of the impact factors associated with the research topics. Surprisingly, the topic

associated with the least impact is “practices.” Sousa and Voss (2002) argued that this

topic was the one most likely to stimulate organizational change.

Two other important themes related to people topics. First, articles focusing

on the cultural implications or management actions included Sanders and Hild(2000b)

and Wiklund (2002). Second, leadership and training are also popular themes (e.g.,

see Hahn, 1999, and Hoerl, 2001). Many of these articles examined of success factors

as we describe next.

Impact factor

Pe Sy Pe To Sy Sy To To

Figure 7 Journal impact factors associated with articles focusing on people (Pe), Tools
and Techniques (To), Systems (Sy), or a combination of these.


Impact factor

Ph Ph Pr Ph To Pr Pr To To

Figure 8 Journal impact factors associated with articles focusing on philosophy (Ph),
practices (Pr), Tools and Techniques (To), or a combination of these.

3.6 Success Factors

In the database, 26.9% of the articles made a claim to the “success factors”

necessary for Six Sigma to succeed. Fourteen separate factors can be found among the

literature, some being in conflict with each other, Figure 9. Half would be classified as

infrastructure, half would be classified as core as defined by Sousa and Voss (2002).

The most commonly cited factor is “Top Management Commitment”, which could be

said of any organization initiative. These success factors are offered for the most part

without rigorous proof. The second most common factor was training. This high lights

that training is an integral part of Six Sigma.

Critical thinking

Adaptable system

Change management

Goal based approach

Right project leadership

Listed Success Factors

Customer focused

Project selection

Team involvement

Bottom line focus

Forming the right team

Structured approach

Data system

Team Training

Top Management Commitment

0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0%

Figure 9 Percentages of articles mentioning each of 14 success factors.

3.7 Six Sigma in the context of Management Theory

Six Sigma was developed by industry practitioners at Motorola who were not

primarily interested in academic contributions. It is not surprising, then, that the role

of Six Sigma in the context of management theory is obscure and, as noted in

Linderman et. al. (2002), only a small fraction of the Six Sigma literature has been

devoted to theory. In this section, the description of Six Sigma to bring its

contribution into clearer focus is synthesized. Then, modifications appropriate for the

evaluation of Six Sigma to the quality performance model of Garvin (1987) are


3.8 The Academic Contribution of Six Sigma

This section begins by reviewing four facts established previously about Six

Sigma. First, it can be debated whether or not the principle of establishing monetary

justification for applying the Six Sigma method belongs in the definition. Yet,

monetary justification of projects assuredly is associated with Six Sigma. Second, Six

Sigma is relatively specific in nature in relation to the pantheon of quality

management practices. This fact is established by the definition in Linderman et. al.

(2002) of Six Sigma as a “method”. Also, 24% of articles defined the DMAIC phases

and many of the most popular books on Six Sigma associate specific core statistical

methods with phases (e.g., Breyfogle, 2003, Harry 1998a, and Pande et al., 2001).

Third, the books and training materials associated with Six Sigma are relatively

vocational in nature. For example, Hahn, Doganaksoy, and Standard (2001) wrote

that the aim is not to train “statistical experts”. Fourth, the most important success

factors associated with six sigma were believed to be (1) top management

commitment and (2) multidisciplinary team training.

We begin by connecting the emphasis on monetary justification with achieving

top management commitment. As noted by Hahn and Hoerl (1998), money is the

language spoken by management and key to getting projects funded (paraphrasing).

Next, we connect greater specificity and relatively vocational materials with training

large numbers of practitioners from multiple disciplines. Intuitively, greater

specificity about what “should” be used and when it “should” be used in the context of

a project, combined with the omission of complicated theory, would seem appropriate

for motivating adult learners to use the methods.

Combining these observations, we conclude that widespread multidisciplinary

usage of statistical techniques is the implied goal of Six Sigma and its main

contribution to the business world. Academically, we see three related contributions.

First, the bottom line and multi-phase nature of Six Sigma has likely increased the

scope of research to embrace total projects and not just the portions associated with

the application of a single statistical method. This explains the interest on modeling

quality savings in Bisgaard and Feriesleben (2000) and why over one third of the

articles contained case studies.

Second, the relatively greater emphasis on specific core (SC) methods and

specific infrastructure (SI) has spawned considerable academic discussion with greater

specificity. For example, there is a substantial academic thread focused on what tools

“should” be learned and used by Six Sigma trained participants or “black belts” (e.g.,

see Hoerl 2001a and the related discussion in the Journal of Quality Technology).

While the discussion of training materials is not new to the quality literature, the

emphasis on relatively specific references to the phases of projects is somewhat new.

Third, Six Sigma has caused many people from multiple disciplines to become

aware of and apply statistical methods. It is perhaps remarkable that 69% of authors

of academically relevant publications had industry affiliations. While, in general, Six

Sigma practitioners have learned only standard methods, they constitute a large

potential market for research and, perhaps, new methods. Distinguishing features of

this market include that participants: (1) are relatively practical and focused on

business results, (2) need techniques for predicting the bottom line impacts of projects

before they embark upon them, and (3) apply statistical methods without, in general,

being experts in statistics.

In Section 3.10, we discuss the implications of these findings on the roles that

academics can most usefully play in relation to Six Sigma. Next, where the specific

infrastructure and core elements of Six Sigma fit into the quality performance model is


3.9 Defining Six Sigma

Linderman et. al. (2003) emphasized the need for a common definition of Six

Sigma and proposed:

“Six Sigma is an organized and systematic method for strategic

process improvement and new product and service development that relies

on statistical methods and the scientific method to make dramatic

reductions in customer defined defect rates.”

Those authors further acknowledged that “the name Six Sigma suggests a goal” of

less than 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO) for every process. However,

Linderman et. al. (2003) did not include this principle in the definition because, “Six

Sigma advocates establishing goals based on customer requirements.”

One concern with the Linderman et. al. (2003) definition of Six Sigma as a

“method” is that the definition leaves out philosophy and principles. For example,

Dean and Bowen (1994) defined quality management to include techniques and a set

of principles and practices. We suggest that emphasis on monetary gains in Harry

(1998a), Hahn et. al. (1999), Bisgaard and Freiesleben (2000), and other seminal

literature warrants the following addition: “The Six Sigma method only fully

commences a project after establishing adequate monetary justification.”

Montgomery (2001) argues that it is this focus on the bottom line that keeps

management interested while its predecessors like Total Quality Management (TQM)

are “dead”.

Virtually all popular books and training materials describe statistical methods

much more vocationally than standard statistical texts (Breyfogle, 2003, Harry, 1998a,

and Pande et al., 2001). Specifically, these books and training materials omit much of

the associated theory and include, in some cases, simplified versions of standard

statistical methods. Further, Hahn, Doganaksoy, and Standard (2001) wrote that the

related education goals are not to train “statistics experts” but only to give the

“knowledge essential to…obtaining business results.” We therefore propose to add

the following principle to the definition of Six Sigma: “Practitioners applying Six

Sigma can and should benefit from applying statistical methods without the aid of

statistical experts.”

Another concern with the Linderman et. al. (2003) definition is that it may be

unnecessarily vague. It can be argued from a review of the literature this vagueness in

the definition of Six Sigma is partly in an attempt to avoid controversy as most authors

have historically been practitioners advocating its use. We submit that there is

sufficient consensus within the Six Sigma literature to offer the following additional

details about the Six Sigma method in its definition:

The Six Sigma method for completed projects usually but not always

includes as its phases either Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and

Control (DMAIC) for process improvement or Define, Measure, Analyze,

Design, and Verify (DMADV) for new product and service development,

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS).

Widely read books such as Harry (1998a) and Pande et al. (2001) clearly imply

that this refinement is part of the definition of Six Sigma. Again, Linderman et. al.

(2003) points out that this definition may only be useful for improvement efforts on

complex challenging projects. For simple tasks; the so called “low hanging fruit” this

ridged approach may not create substantial benefits. The use of an “organized and

systematic method for strategic process improvement … that relies on statistical

methods … to make dramatic reductions in customer defined defect rates” would still


Harry (1998a), Pande et al. (2001), and others also imply that multiple

techniques are often used in applying Six Sigma. Therefore, the definition of Six

Sigma as “a method” complicates reference to the techniques used in its application.

We propose to refer to these techniques as “sub-methods” to clarify their relative

scope to that of Six Sigma. The existence of “sub-methods” helps to connote the idea

that Six Sigma is broader than its definition as a method might imply. Also, Six

Sigma then becomes more like a “practice” than a “core method” as defined by Sousa

and Voss (2002). Sousa and Voss (2002) also defined “infrastructure practices” as

those that create “an environment supportive of the use of core practices”. With these

definitions in mind, it becomes apparent that both of the principles above are

associated with what might be called specific “Six Sigma infrastructure” (SSI)


It is also unmistakable from reading the most popular books on six sigma

(Breyfogle, 2003, Harry, 1998a, and Pande et al., 2001), and others that there is a

strong attempt to associate sub-methods with specific phases of the application of Six

Sigma. For example, the application of gauge R&R would generally not be

considered appropriate in the Define phase. However, to our knowledge no specific

associations have currently received sufficient consensus to become part of the

definition of Six Sigma. Also, any specific set of associations could justifiably be

viewed as undesirable restrictions by some portion of Six Sigma users.

3.10 The Quality Performance Model

Much research has focused on the relationship of quality management

practices with the various aspects of firm performance (Voss and Sousa, 2002).

Garvin (1984) introduced a quality performance model to set up an empirical

examination of the separate effects of management practices on internal process

quality and product quality performance (QP) and their effects on operational

performance (OP) and business performance (BP). In reviewing the literature on Six

Sigma, it is helpful to place Six Sigma into this diagram.

In our definition of Six Sigma in Section 2.1, we identified principles and

methods associated with “Six Sigma infrastructure” (SSI) and “Six Sigma core” (SSC)

quality management practices. It was argued that the method of Six Sigma is itself a

quality practice while sharing some characteristics with a core method. Figure 10

shows the placement of these specific core practices and infrastructure in the Garvin

(1984) model.

Internal Process Operational

Quality Performance
Quality Management Practice

Six Sigma
Six Sigma
Infrastructure Business

Six Sigma

Product Quality

Figure 10 Extended quality performance model of Garvin.

3.11 Review of Empirical Evaluations of Six Sigma
In this section, the literature relating to the performance evaluation of Six

Sigma is briefly reviewed. Only a small fraction of articles in the database pertain to

an empirical model or evaluation with scope greater than estimating the savings

associated with a single case study. Table 4 below lists five of these articles with

reference to Six Sigma core (SSC) and Six Sigma infrastructure (SSI) practices. The

other acronyms used are referenced in the extended quality performance model in

Figure 10. The fourth article by Gautreau et al. (1997) does not make specific

reference to Six Sigma but was included because it addresses issues related to the

inclusion of specific methods in the context of quality projects. This seems relevant

given Six Sigma’s emphasis on specific core methods and business outcomes.

Table 4 contains a description of the roles each article plays for empirical

validation in relation to Six Sigma. Goh et al. (2003) examined stock performance

associated with announcements of Six Sigma programs and dates of quality awards.

They found hints of short-lived abnormal returns but no significant evidence of short

or long term returns. Another data driven meta-analysis that we found was Lee

(2002), which was based on survey data. The associated surveys indicated positive

self assessments of the value of the company’ own Six Sigma efforts. Also, to our

knowledge, the impacts of specific core sub-method selection on bottom line impacts

has not been studied empirically, with Gautreau, Yacout, and Hall (1997) providing

one of few relevant theory based modeling approaches.

Study Quality Study Main findings
performance method
Bisgaard and SSI→BP Economic Fraction
Feriesleben brake-even nonconforming and
(2000) analysis unnecessary activities can
model significantly influence cost
and reduce profit
Gautreau, Yacout, C→QP→BP Partially Decision based model
and Hall (1997) Observed of process improvement
Markov activities, e.g., do nothing
Decision or inspect and separate can
Process each be optimal depending
on assumptions
Goh et al. (2003) SSI/SSC→BP Hypothesis The majority of firms
(stocks) testing show positive returns after
announcing Six Sigma
programs but no statistical
significance was
Lee (2002) SSI/SSC→BP Survey of 106 Top management
firms commitment, project
selection, team leader,
training and the specific
tools used effect business
Linderman, SSC→QP/OP Goal-theoretic Types of goals effect
Schroeder, Zaheer →BP model quality and operational
and Choo (2003) performance that effect
business results

Table 4 Literature pertinent to evaluation of Six Sigma’s effects on firm performance.

(BP – Business Performance, C – Core, SSC – Six Sigma Core, SSI – Six Sigma
Infrastructure, OP – Operational Performance, QP – Quality Performance)

Considering the emphasis on modeling profits to justify each project, it is not

surprising at some attempts to provide meta-modeling tools, e.g, see Bisgaard and

Feriesleben (2000). Yet, Bisgaard and Feriesleben (2000) explore prediction of

product value under simple, generic assumptions. As they themselves suggest, more

research on related topics will likely be needed for broad applicability.

3.12 Synthesis and Future Research

In this chapter, a definition of Six Sigma and characterized the associated body

of academic literature is proposed. Also Six Sigma’s contributions to scholarly

research and its relationship to quality management theory was clarified. Reflecting

on the findings, we next return to the questions: (i) What is Six Sigma? (ii) What are

its impacts on operational performance? and (iii) What roles can academics usefully

play in relation to Six Sigma?

Six Sigma is defined as a method usually involving either Define, Measure,

Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) or Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and

Verify (DMADV) as phases. This definition of Six Sigma as a method builds on the

one proposed by Linderman et. al. (2003). The inclusion of DMAIC and DMADV in

the definition is supported by the fact that 75% of introductory articles on Six Sigma

reference these structures. Two principles are included in this definition. The first

emphasizes attention to the bottom line in initiating projects. This was supported by

comments of seminal writers relating to how Six Sigma differs from Total Quality

Management (TQM), e.g., Harry (2001a) and Montgomery (2001). Also, bottom line

focus was mentioned by 24% of relevant articles as a critical success factor. The

second principle emphasized the training of non-statisticians with minimal theory.

This inclusion is based on remarks by Hahn, Doganaksoy, and Standard (2001) and

others about the goals of Six Sigma training. In addition, relatively frequent mention

of multidisciplinary training as a critical Six Sigma success factor (roughly 24% of

relevant articles) is found. Finally, popular books on Six Sigma such as Breyfogle,

(2003), Harry (1998a), and Pande et al. (2001) noticeably de-emphasized theory.

To a great extent, the financial impact of Six Sigma on operational

performance is well established. This follows because a defining principle of Six

Sigma is that such justifications are needed for each Six Sigma project. For example,

Dupont reported an expected profit from Six Sigma practices of over $1 billion

between 1999 and 2003 (Noble, 2001). Also, Goh et al. (2003) found hints of short

lived abnormal stock performance associated with the decisions to start Six Sigma

programs. Yet, those authors found no statistical significance in relation to these

claims nor evidence of long term effects. Those authors also included specific caveats

about the ability to connect Six Sigma programming effects at divisions with overall

parent company performance. Considering that failure to find significant effects does

not constitute proof, the conclusion is that more work is needed for a thorough

evaluation of the bottom line impacts of Six Sigma.

In Section 3.8, we identified three main types of contributions of Six Sigma to

academia embodied in the literature: (1) increased emphasis on complete case studies

compared with single sub-method applications, (2) new, relatively specific core and

infrastructure practices, and (3) the development of a large new market of industrial

non-experts who might be interested in practically oriented research and new methods.

Many authors have proposed areas for further research building on these contributions.

Also, Cooper and Noonan (2003), Linderman et. al. (2003), and Snee (1999) suggest

that, in general, too much research has been focused on descriptions of practice rather

than on theory development that is of use to managers and scholars.

We provide only a sampling of selected suggestions, which we divide into

three groups. First, Sousa and Voss (2002) highlighted the need for empirical

justifications of assertions of all types in the quality management literature. In the

context of Six Sigma, statements abound that are unsupported by objective evidence.

Examples include self reported profits, the effects of success factors, and advocacy for

Six Sigma in general. For example, as noted above, the impacts on stock performance

investigated by Goh et al. (2003) are not fully resolved. This suggests a need for

additional data collection and analysis to answer the important question of long term

impacts of decisions to adopt Six Sigma programs.

Second, while over 50% of the articles in the database either explicitly or

implicitly recommend Six Sigma programs, empirical study of the appropriateness of

implementing Six Sigma in specific business contexts has, apparently, not been

investigated. Related, largely unanswered questions include: How can data about any

specific company’s management, training programs, or environment be useful in

decision-making about the adoption of Six Sigma programs?

Third, Snee (1999 and 2000a) calls for research to help practitioners identify a

robust set of improvement tools to be used in conjunction with the DMAIC process.

The focus in these recommendations is not so much on new techniques as on refined

techniques associated with specific phases. However, as it was suggested in Section

3.8, new techniques might be relevant to Six Sigma practitioners who are often not

experts in statistics.

Fourth, additional modeling techniques to predict and evaluate the bottom-line

impacts of projects are needed. This follows because of the central importance of

profit related justifications in Six Sigma for initiating decisions on projects. Also,

Bisgaard and Feriesleben (2000) admit that the assumptions associated with their

models have limited scope and may ignore indirect savings. New models that are also

easy-to-use could be developed with broader applicability and improved prediction


It might also be useful to extend profit models to investigate the selection of

specific core methods or sub-methods in specific situations. These efforts could be

combined with empirical investigations to permit the development of prescriptive

models to aid practitioners from different disciplines select the most advantageous

techniques. This could build on research related to the most appropriate methods for

training black belts, e.g., in Hoerl (2001a), by associating the methods more

specifically to phases in a project and to situations.

In conclusion, it is proposed that Six Sigma is both a method and two

principles. These principles relate both to building and maintaining management

support and to fostering usage of methods among practitioners who are not experts in

statistics. Trends in the literature include an increasing academic participation and a

broader focus than solely on manufacturing. Only partial consensus about the factors

making Six Sigma effective is found. Opportunities for new research on Six Sigma

including creating more realistic project payback models, clarifying which techniques

are most applicable in which situations, and developing new statistical methods with

clear advantages for business.

3.13 Literature Review Summary

As the nature of research on Six Sigma is difficult to confine to specific

disciplines, the relevant material is scattered across various journals. The search

resulted in the identification of 201 articles published between 1990 and 2003.

Although this review cannot claim to be exhaustive, it does provide reasonable

insights into the state-of-the-art. It is felt that the results presented in this chapter have

several important implications.

Although the industry has an increased interest in Six Sigma implementation

and many companies have gained the profits and advantages from this disciplined

approach, the literature is limited and the research of the impacts of Six Sigma

implantation and factors contributed to Six Sigma success remain unclear. Many

articles on the impact analysis of operations performance do not mention the detailed

improvements in the operating areas such as scrap rate, rework rate and so on, but

focus on the overall bottom line impact [Breyfogle (2001), Noble (2001) and Lucas

(2002)]. Therefore, it is necessary to do a deeper and more detailed study in this area.

In addition, only a few articles were found that dealt with factors in the area of

success factor analysis to Six Sigma implantation. Even the existent studies are not

well integrated and the research is mostly anecdotal. Current concepts in the field of

Six Sigma are largely based upon case studies, anecdotal evidence and the

prescriptions of leading “gurus.” Consequently there is little consensus on which

factors are critical to the success of the approach. Most of the articles reported that top

management leadership is the main factor to Six Sigma success [Blakeslee (1999) and

Scalise (2001)]. However, many other factors affecting Six Sigma’s success are

important and need to be better documented.

Even so, there is substantial evidence that Six Sigma and other quality

management systems have a positive effect on the value of a company. Goh (2003),

Hendricks (2000) and Adams (1997) all found improvement of companies financial

performance with the implementation of quality initiatives. Several of the leading

authors have produced broad frameworks for implementing and sustaining competitive

advantages through quality management.

Although some authors have called for theoretic research (see Cooper and

Noonan 2003, Linderman et. al. 2003 and Snee 1999), too much research is focused

on descriptions of practice rather than on theory development that is of use to

managers and scholars. The attempt to build a theory of how and why Six Sigma

works is aimed at building a prescriptive model. From this, managers would be able to

identify which activities from which programs are more or less likely to be useful in

their situations, as well as which of their goals would be most affected. With the

future success of corporations riding on the outcome, there has been little theory to

explain the differences between successful and unsuccessful efforts.



This chapter discusses one of the major themes of Six Sigma: training of

practitioners. From the literature, Six Sigma differs from most quality management

systems by its emphases on training what people need to know to implement

improvement programs effectively. A subset of this topic is the training of non-

statisticians in the use of statistical tools. A major concept then becomes how to

effectively train participants in the necessary tools and techniques of Six Sigma. In

this chapter, we describe one case study and associated exercises used in senior and

introductory graduate level engineering courses on SPC and DOE at The Ohio State

University. The role of the case study exercises in the context of material covered in

the lectures is described. Section 4.2 provides an overview of the case study structure.

In Sections 4.3 a case study and associated in-class exercises is presented. Finally, a

description of the student feedback to the case based teaching approach is reviewed.

4.1 Introduction

One constant tread in the literature dealing with Six Sigma is the training and

the limited chose that non-statisticians have to make. For thousands of participants at

the lowest “green belt” level of accreditation, one of the main benefits of “Six Sigma”

training is that it simplifies (through restriction) the sequence and choice of available

techniques to apply to a particular case. Therefore, the value of the Six Sigma

movement derives partly from standardization of problem solving methods and partly

in how it guides people to suggest which techniques to apply in which order to an

improvement project.

Drawing a box as a way of teaching judgment is based on one of the most

successful methods that is used to teach skills: breaking a task into small bits and

presenting it to the student with practical, logical steps that he or she can understand

and apply. By simplifying the decision-making model and helping our students to

define and operate within a well-defined “box” of their limitations, we have a practical

way of teaching good judgment.

The first step is to simplify the decision-making model. The purpose of

decision making is to reach the right decision at the right time. We can make the

whole decision-making process practical by applying it to various actual situations.

Now, rather than trying to teach an ambiguous “good judgment” concept, we are

giving our students a practical route to good decisions.

Drawing a box for our students involves expanding on the familiar concept of

personal knowledge and capabilities. The first step in the model is the ability of a

student to operate within his or her own capability. The second step involves looking

at a given situation, evaluating current skills, and setting boundaries for that specific

situation. In essence, you’re drawing a box of operating parameters for your student in

that situation. The third and final step is to insist that he or she always operate within

that box.

By drawing the box before the situation a good decision was made before a

crisis forced the student’s hand. Everyone’s box will be different, since we all have

different levels of experience and ability. As proficiency is gained, the size of the box

will change.

Teaching decision making is a daunting- some would say impossible task, but

one that is imperative. By giving students the tools and ability to draw their own box,

we are providing the foundation for good decision making.

Six Sigma has caused many people from multiple disciplines to become aware

of and apply statistical methods. It is perhaps remarkable that 69% of authors of

academically relevant publications had industry affiliations. While, in general, Six

Sigma practitioners have learned only standard methods, they constitute a large

potential market for research and, perhaps, new methods. Distinguishing features of

this market include that participants: (1) are relatively practical and focused on

business results, (2) need techniques for predicting the bottom line impacts of projects

before they embark upon them, and (3) apply statistical methods without, in general,

being experts in statistics.

There is increasing recognition in the statistics, engineering, and education

literatures that exercises based on case studies can play an important role in

reinforcing understanding as well as motivating students to learn and apply statistical

process control (SPC) and design of experiments (DOE) techniques, e.g., see Alloway

(1993), Barton and Nowack (1998), Cobb (1992), Nolan and Speed (1999),

Petruccelli, Nandram, and Chen (1995). There is also abundant evidence, e.g., Czitrom

(1999), that most practicing engineers continue to display a lack of motivation to

apply the technology they have learned and in general see their class experiences as

largely irrelevant to their professional life.

Engineering students generally gain deeper understanding of the theory once

they are exposed to the realistic engineering contexts in which the related methods are

applied. The growing literature on the benefits of case-based learning approaches in

engineering, Howell (1996), McKeachie (1993,) and Wankat (1993) gives us insight

into restructuring traditional class outlines into a more productive approach. For these

reasons it is important to devote a substantial fraction of class time (roughly 20%) to

in-class case study based exercises that emphasize the other forms of knowledge and

reinforce the lecture materials. These exercises also seem to aid in establishing

linkages with the students’ lives outside of the university.

A major challenge in using case studies in classes has been that the examples

in standard textbooks generally seem highly contrived to the students and divorced

from real life contexts. As described by Bisgaard (1998) and in our own experience, it

is important that the case study examples used in the course are impressive to the

students in their relevance to their own possible careers. Therefore, we have found that

it is helpful to use exercises based closely on case studies from local companies in

which the application of the techniques taught in the course played a key role in

achieving a measurable success. Perhaps the most important purpose of these

exercises is that the students can visualize themselves in the role of facilitating real

world successes.

The case study based exercises were introduced into the two combined senior

and first year graduate level courses at The Ohio State University. The classes meet

twice a week for 10 weeks, each period is for one hour and twenty minutes. Many of

the students have had two quarters in statistics. Topics addressed in the SPC courses

can be divided into four categories: (1) a survey of quality techniques and a review of

probability and inference relating to continuous random variables, (2) control charts

for continuous random variables, (3) review of probability relating to discrete random

variables and attribute control charts, and (4) acceptance sampling and assorted topics

including ISO9000 and “six sigma” methodology. The topics in the DOE class are: (1)

t-testing and ANOVA, (2) screening experiments, (3) response surface experiments,

and (4) robust optimization. In both classes, each category corresponds to

approximately five class periods and one homework assignment. The case study

exercises are timed on the days after each of four assignment due dates, so that the

students are responsible for knowing the material involved.

The case studies are true but for proprietary concerns some are modified in

order to maintain the confidentiality of the companies involved. Each case study is

selected from area industries to provide relevant experience and important evidence of

the practicality of the statistical techniques described in the lecture and textbook.

4.2 Case Study Exercises

Each case study has five components: 1) an introduction, 2) a problem

statement, 3) the background information relating to prior attempts to solve the

problem, 4) questions for the students, and 5) the team implementation of course

techniques and results from the actual study. The exercise begins by handing out

written materials summarizing components 1-4.

In the introduction, we use 5 minutes of lecture time to provide a brief

description of the industry in question and some of the standards, issues and

terminology used so the students have some familiarity with the subject. The

introduction also serves the important role of establishing that the students might

realistically find themselves in similar situations in their future careers. In the problem

statement, we use 5 minutes of lecture time to describe the goal, e.g., 5% defective

products from a particular process, and the associated business objective, e.g., avoid a

$2.5 million capital expenditure to meet increased product demand. In our oral

description of the problems, we encourage creative analyses and emphasize that there

is no one solution. An additional 10 minutes are used to describe supplemental

background information which includes the relevant data that was available to the

company at the time of the team intervention involving class methods and sufficient

information such that the students can be expected to provide their own analyses and

recommendations. Our goal is to present the problem such that the students should be

able to easily identify themselves as playing the role of consultant and advocate of

SPC and DOE techniques in a real-world context.

Next, we supply abbreviated lists of potential investigations and leading

questions. These questions involve both critiquing the results of earlier investigations

and developing recommendations for future study. The students are divided into

groups of 4-6 and given a 30-minute exercise period to answer the questions. Students

can ask technical questions and when relevant we sketch results on the blackboard

including, e.g., formulas for sample size estimation and additional details requested by

the students. From group input, we use 15 minutes class time to construct composite

answers to questions in class and write these answers on the blackboard. During this

process, we also provide limited feedback to increase the sophistication of the

proposed approaches while preserving the students intent. After the answers from the

class are on the board, we use the remaining class time to describe the actual

company’s actions and results.

4.3 Sample Case Study “Improving the Yields of Printed Circuit

This case study exercise is used in both the SPC and the DOE classes and

illustrates how with a small number of quality technology tools highly valuable

information can be learned. This case study involves the use of Pareto diagrams, p

charting, hypothesis testing, and fractional factorial designs. The study also illustrates

potential dangers from one-factor-at-a-time experimental approaches.

4.4 The Problem Statement

In early 1998, an electronics manufacturing company introduced to the field a

new advanced product that quickly captured 83% of the market in North America.

During initial production period, yields (the % of product requiring no touchup or

repair) had stabilized in the 70% range. In early 1999 the product was selected as a

major equipment expansion in Asia. In order to meet the increased production

demand, the company needed to purchase additional test and repair equipment at the

cost of $2.5 million or the first test yield had to increase to above 90%. The latter was

the preferred situation due to the substantial savings in capital and production labor

cost thus, the problem was how to increase the yield in a cost-effective manner.

4.5 Background Information

A team of highly regarded engineers was assembled from various design and

manufacturing areas throughout the company. Their task was to recommend ways to

improve the production yield based on their prior knowledge and experience. Table 5

gives the weekly first test yield results for the 16 weeks prior to the team’s activities

with production volume of 1500 units per week.

Week Yield Week Yield Week Yield Week Yield
1 71% 5 87% 9 66% 13 63%
2 58% 6 68% 10 70% 14 68%
3 69% 7 71% 11 76% 15 76%
4 77% 8 59% 12 82% 16 67%

Table 5 The yields achieved for 16 weeks prior to the initial teams activities.

Based on their technical knowledge and experience, the assembled

improvement team reviewed the design and production process. They created a list of

15 potential process and design changes for improvement based on their engineering

judgment and anecdotal evidence. With this list in hand, they proceeded to run various

single factor experiments to prove the validity of their plan. Due to perceived time and

cost constraints, only one run of each factor was completed using a sample of 30 units.

Results were compared with the yield from the previous 13 weeks of production. Each

unit could only succeed or fail to meet specifications. Factors that showed a yield

decrease below the 13 week average were discarded along with the experimental

results. Table 6 shows the results of the experiments with yield improvements

predicted by the team.

Based on their analysis of the circuit, the above experimental results and past

experience the improvement team predicted that a yield improvement of 18% would

result from their proposed changes. All of their recommendations were implemented

at the end of week 17. Table 7 gives the weekly first test yields results for the six

weeks of production after the revision.

Replace vendor of oscillator 8.5%
Add capacitor to transistor 8.5%
Add RF absorption material 5.5%
New power feed layout 5.5%
Increase size of ground plane 2.5%
Lower residue flux 2.5%
Change bonding heat sink 2.5%
Solder reflow in air vs. N2 2.5%
Temperature of solder tips 2.5%

Table 6 The initial team's predicted yield improvements by adjusting each factor.

Week Yield Week Yield

17 62% 21 40%
18 49% 22 41%
19 41% 23 45%
20 42%

Table 7 The performance after the implementation of the initial team's


Reviewing the data we see that the yield actually dropped 29%. On week 22 it

was apparent that the proposed process changes were not achieving the desired

outcome. Two additional engineers, with exposure to quality improvement tools

through continued education at local universities and company-sponsored seminars,

were added to this project.

4.6 In-class Exercise for PCB Study
In our SPC classes, we then give the students the following questions based on

the premise that the company is hiring them as a quality and manufacturing consultant.

(1) Critique the methods used by the engineers for predicting improvements, e.g., is

there any evidence that they increased the yield? Roughly how many samples would

they need for the standard deviation of the estimated yield to approximately equal 5%,

i.e., they could begin to resolve differences of approximately 5%? (2) What additional

procedures would you recommend to measure the process capability? Include in your

answer what specific types of data or information would you request or collect. (3)

What addition procedures would you recommend to aid in improving the process?

In DOE classes, we ask the students: (1) What size of experiment should they

start with? (2) How should they determine which runs to perform? A representative

from each team presents their group’s answers in class, which are written on the

board. The entire class then comments on the reviews and coherent consulting answers

to the questions are created. In the real study, Pareto Charts were used to direct the

investigation, p-charts were used to measure the common cause variation, and formal

approaches were used to improve the process. Therefore, a wide variety of class

techniques are relevant, presenting life-like ambiguities for the students. If we do not

finish and/or if we feel it is appropriate we include unanswered questions as part of the

homework assignments. After the class discussion we relate in detail what actually

occurred in real life.

4.7 The Team Actions and Results
The second team’s first step was to construct a yield attribute control chart (a

yield chart or 1- defective chart “1-p”) with the knowledge of the process change date

(Figure 1). The engineers were able to tell that most of the fluctuations in yield

observed before the team implemented their changes were, as Deming calls it,

common cause variation or random noise. The engineers’ first decision was to revert

back to the original, documented process in place during week 16 since the evidence

that had supported these changes was probably due to random noise within the

process. Table 8 gives the weekly test yields for the five weeks after this occurrence.

This had the effect of restoring the process to its previous in control state with yields

around 75%. The increase in yield shown on the control chart (Figure 11) during this

time frame was discounted as random noise or the “Hawthorn” effect since no known

improvement was implemented. By Hawthorn effect, we mean an effect caused by our

attention to and study of the process. Next the procedure of Pareto charting was

applied to help visualize the problem, Table 9.



Y ie ld CL


0 10 20 30 40

Figure 11 Control chart for the entire study period.

Week 24 25 26 27 28
Yield 62% 78% 77% 75% 77%

Table 8 The yields for the 5 weeks subsequent to the initial intervention.

ACP –30 kHz 6.7%
ACP +30 kHz 5.0%
ACP –60 kHz 2.9%
ACP +60 kHz 2.8%
ACP –90 kHz 2.7%
VDET 1950 mHz 2.4%
VDET 1990 mHz 2.0%
ACP +90 kHz 1.4%
Power supply 1.2%
Gain 1.0%
Output return .8%
Bias voltage .5%
Max current .2%
Other .4%

Table 9 The data for a Pareto chart of the data from week 1 to week 16.

It can clearly be seen from a Pareto graphs that 21.5% of the 30% of total

defects was attributed to one parameter called “ACP”. The engineers concentrated

their efforts on this dominant defect code. The team of experts was reassembled with

the addition of representation from the production workers to identify what variables

might cause this defect. Four factors identified were: (1) transistor performance

distribution (high end of spec or low end of spec), (2) transistor mounting (socket or

solder), (3) input circuit tuning (centered or low end of spec), and (4) transistor heat

sink type (current or new configuration). This last factor was added at the request of a

representative from production. This factor was not considered important by most of

the engineering team. The two lead engineers decided to include this factor as the

marginal cost of adding it was small. An eight run fractional factorial experiment was

conducted as shown in Table 10. Each run corresponded to 350 units.

STD Run Yield

7 5 92.7
4 6 71.2
6 7 95.4
2 9 69.0
3 10 72.3
5 11 91.3
8 13 91.5
1 14 79.8

Table 10 The data from the fractional factorial design in four factors.

Using ANOVA and main effects plots, the heat sink type emerged as the main

effect. The two engineers went forward based on the DOE results and recommended

that the process change to the new heat sink. This was implemented during week 29.

Table 11 gives the weekly yield results for the period of time after the recommended

change was implemented. Using the yield charting procedure, the engineers were able

to confirm that the newly designed process produced a stable first pass yield in excess

of 90% thus avoiding the equipment purchase and saving the company $2.5 million.

The main points that we emphasize in our wrap-up of the exercise are the

following. First, the technology of fractional factorial experiments permitted the

fourth factor to be added without additional runs being needed. The importance of this

factor was controversial because it had been suggested the operators. If fractional

factorial had not been used, then the additional costs would likely have precluded its

inclusion and the important subsequent discovery. Second, the case also illustrates the

important benefit of a “balance experimental design”, i.e., half of a total number of

experiments are at each level of each factor providing the maximum power to identify

small effects.

Week Yield Week Yield Week Yield

29 87% 34 94% 39 91%

30 96% 35 90% 40 93%

31 94% 36 90% 41 89%

32 96% 37 86% 42 96%

33 91% 38 92%

Table 11 The confirmation runs establishing the process shift/improvement.

4.8 Student Feedback

Students seem to identify with the case study "stories" much better than the

traditional lectures. Before implementation of the case study exercises, end-of quarter

evaluations by students for the two classes had been below the average end-of-quarter

class evaluations in the department. After the implementation of the case study

approach and with minimal other changes, the evaluations climbed well above

average. We attribute this dramatic turn-around mainly to the introduction of the case

based method. Further, we conjecture that presenting applications of course methods

in which literally millions of dollars are saved effectively motivates students

concerned about job security and advancement in the highly competitive industrial


It is our belief that these results should generalize to other statistics, operations

research, and engineering design theory related courses. This follows because all of

these courses are fundamentally concerned with the students' usually voluntary

application of formal techniques to solve engineering problems. Since this requires

discipline and motivation, we feel that both practicing the application of techniques in

relatively real-world contexts and disseminating success stories are critical to

maximizing benefits from applying the techniques.




5.1 Introduction
One outcome of the wide spread acceptance of Six Sigma and with its

systematic program is the fact that many databases describing the performance of

improvement projects and the methods used have been generated. Even with its

apparent highly visible success, one area of investigation is the use of this new source

of data, the industry Six Sigma database, for additional insight into the management of

corporate business improvements. How might this database be used to help

operational management in the area of quality management practices? Three levels of

decision-making can be defined:

Micro – dealing with individual statistical methods.

Meso – supervisor level decision-making about method selection and timing.

Macro – related to overall quality programs and stock performance.

Martin (1982) pointed out that the availability of certain type of data might

disproportionately influence the problems that are investigated as well as the

conclusions drawn. Reviewing the literature with historical data sources reveals a

large portion concerning macro level decision-making, the question to implement a

Six Sigma methodology at a company, Bisgaard and Freiesleben (2000), Chan and

Spedding (2001), Gautreau, Yacout and Hall (1997), Yacout and Gautreau (2000), and

Yu and Popplewell (1994). This is mostly based on single case studies and anecdotal

information. A second large grouping of articles deals at a micro level, concerning

component tools and techniques for green belts and black belts. These are the terms

used for the individuals working on project implementation. Little work is published

that relates to the meso level of managing and decision-making of Six Sigma, the mid-

management operational decisions regarding Six Sigma and improvements to the

system, Linderman et. al. (2002). The uses of these databases are likely being ignored

at most companies for at least two reasons. First, there is little assistance form

academics in how to make sense of them. Second, the people with the most statistical

expertise are involved in the individual projects and not in cross project evaluation.

Most managers are not statisticians and need help in making sense of the data now

available to them.

According to Juran and Gryna (1980) the activities in companies that assure

quality can be grouped in three processes: quality planning, quality control and quality

improvement. Quality improvement consists of the systematic and proactive pursuit of

improvement opportunities in production processes to increase the quality levels.

Typically, quality improvement activities are conducted in projects. This proactive and

project wise nature distinguishes improvement form quality control, which is an on-

line process that is reactive in nature. In Harry (1994) all things are a process. A

central belief of Six Sigma is that the product is a function of the design and the

manufacturing process which must produce it. This is symbolized as Y=f(X), where Y

is characterized as dependent, output, effect, symptom and its role as “to be

monitored”. The X is described as independent, input, cause, problem, and its role as

“to be controlled”. The view is that the emphasis should shift from monitoring Y to

controlling the relevant Xs.

With Juran and Harry in mind, Six Sigma can be viewed as a process and

subject to the same controls and improvement objectives of other processes. Against

this background, the purpose of this study was to look at this growing database in a

way that could help management better-run improvement projects.

5.2 Potential Use of Database

The use of this growing database of project related quality improvement

activities could be useful in the empirical study of some important research questions.

Potential research topics include: the health of a given company’s quality system,

modeling Six Sigma, or the optimality of selection and ordering component methods

associated with Six Sigma. Researchers focus on what they have data and tools for.

Now, new data sources and the associated ability to ask and answer new types of

questions are more readily available. For example, “Is my quality system

out-of-control?” “Which method would lead to greatest expected profits in my case?”

“Under what circumstances does it make business sense to terminate a project?” If

these kinds of questions can be systematically explored in the Six Sigma discourse

then important lessons can be learned regarding investment decisions. Moreover, there

will be an increase in critical writings and inquiry on this subject, which will add

depth and meaning to Six Sigma in organizations. To help in this study empirical data

on multiple quality/cost improvement projects at a medium size U.S. manufacturing

company was collected over a 30-month period starting in January 2002. A total of 39

projects were included in the study.

5.3 Database Example

The company used for study is a U.S. based mid-western manufacturing

company, which manufactures components for the aerospace, industrial and defense

industries. It has approximately 1000 employees, annual sales of $170 million, with

six factories located in five states. The data is all derived from one of its six

manufacturing sites. This one site has 250 employees with sales of $40 million.

Quality improvement and cost reduction are important competitive strategies

for this company. The ability to predict project savings and how best to manage

project activities would be advantages to future competitive posture and the long-term

strength of the company.

5.4 General Procedure
Over the course of this study data was collected on 20 variables. Two

additional dependent variables are tabulated in the data, which are functions of some

of the other variables. The two variables are Profit, which is Actual Savings minus

cost and Formal Methods (FM) which is any combination of Charter, Process

Mapping, Cause & Effect, Gage R&R, DOE or SPC. Table 12 lists and describes the

variables tracked during this study.

Data was collected on each project by direct observation and interviews with

team members to determine the use of a variable such as DOE or Team Forming. No

attempt was made to measure the degree of use or the successfulness of the use of any

variable. We only were interested if the variable activity took place during the project.

A count was maintained if an activity was used multiple times such as multiple DOE

runs i.e. a screening DOE and an optimization DOE would be recorded as 2 under the

variable heading.

Expected Savings and Actual Savings are based on an 18 month period after

implementation. The products and processes change fairly rapidly in this industry and

it is standard company policy to only look at 18 month to evaluate projects. These

calculations were based on the current monthly production forecast.

Costs were tracked with existing company accounting procedures. All projects

where assigned a work order for the charging of direct and non-direct time spent on a

specific improvement activity. Direct and non-direct labor where charged at the

average loaded rate. All direct materials and out side fees (example, laboratory

analysis) where charged to the same work order to capture total cost.

The raw data derived form this study in tabulated in Appendix B.

5.5 Data Collection

The empirical analysis for this exploratory study is based on the data collected

at one manufacturing site over a 30 month time frame. Not all programs followed

DMAIC nor was it the intent. Our intent was to observe unbiased projects in a real

world setting to start to develop a model of improvement activities. Observation and

interviews determined the use or non use of a tool. No measure of the degree of use

was attempted. We only indicated whether or not a tool was used and how often. The

number of times a tool was used during a project was recorded and listed in the data

summary, Appendix B. These projects did not include all activity but where judged to

be project unbiased by the author. As a manager at the facility where the study was

conducted one author could influence the activities. The studied projects where

selected because they were judged to be unbiased by the author.

Field Description
Expected savings An estimate of the projects saving over an 18
month period based on the current business
Expected time An estimate made at the start of a project as to the
time needed to complete the project
s-short less than 3 months
m-medium between 3 and 9 months
l- long over 9 months
M/I management or self initiated Whether the project was initiated by management
or initiated by team members
Assigned or participative Whether the project was assigned to a team by
management or the members actively chose to
# people Number of team members
EC Economic analysis A formal economic analysis was preformed with
the aid of accounting to identify cost and cost
brake allocations
CH Charter Formally define project scope, define goals and
obtain management support
PM Process Mapping Identify the major process steps, process inputs,
outputs, end and intermediate customers and
requirements; compare the process you think
exists to the process that is actually in place
CE Cause & Effect Fishbone diagram to identify, explore and display
possible causes related to a problem
GR Gage R&R Gage repeatability and reproducibility study
DOE A multifactor Screening or optimization design of
SPC Any statistical process control charting and

Table 12 Continued on next page.

Table 12 Definition of variables (Continued from last page)

DC Documentation Formally documenting the new process and or

setting and/or implementing a defined control
EA Engineering analysis Deriving conclusions based solely on calculations
or expert opinion
OF one factor experiment A one factor at a time experiment
Time Actual time the project took to completion
Profit A current estimate of the net profit over the next
18 months after implementation based on the
actual project cost and actual savings
Actual Savings A current estimate of the savings over the next 18
months after implementation based on the new
operating process and current business forecast
Cost The actual cost as tracked by the accounting
system based on hours charged to the project,
material and tooling, equipment
Formal Methods A composite factor, if multiple formal methods
were used in a project this was positive

Table 12 Definition of variables

As stated in section 3.11 one of the main principles of Six Sigma Harry

(2001a) and Montgomery (2001) is the emphasis placed on the attention to the bottom

line results in initiating projects. In the literature reviewed, bottom line focus was

mentioned by 24% of relevant articles as a critical success factor. Profit, which is a

combination of cost and actual savings, than becomes the dependent variable. The

remaining eighteen variables are the independent variables. Of these variables, Process

Mapping, Cause & Effect, Gage R&R, DOE, and SPC are related to Formal Methods.

These 39 improvement projects generated a total of $4,385,099 in net savings

(profit). The projected savings form these projects ranged rorm $1600 to $2,200,000

with actual net savings of -$220,000 to $3,874,500 over the first 18 moths after

implentation. Cost to implement the projects ranged from $1,000 to $325,500. Fifteen

of the thirty nine projects resulted in negative net savings as reported. Table 13

presents descriptive statistics for project duration, number of team members and


Factor Median Low High Average

Time 8 months 1 month 30 months 10 months
Profit $3,025 -$220,000 $3,874,500 $112,438
Team 1 1 9 3

Table 13 Summary statistics for the 39 projects, duration team memberrs and profits

We looked at directed assignments vs. self-initiated, as one factor identified in

the literature was team participation. Of the projects, 72% were initiated by

management directive. Management assigned the team members in 48.7% of the tasks.

The other teams were self-initiated by the team members. Additional characteristics of

the study samples are given in Table 14.

Item Number in Percent of the Study
Study Sample
Economic Analysis 15 38.5%
Formal Charter 28 71.8%
Team Forming Exercise 12 30.8%
Process Mapping 21 53.8%
Cause & Effect 11 28.2%
Gage R&R 7 17.9%
Design of Experiment 11 28.2%
Statistical Process Control 7 17.9%
Formal Documentation 28 71.8%
Engineering Analysis 29 74.4%
One Factor Experiment 10 25.6%

Table 14 Characteristics of the Study Variables

Three potential uses of this database were investigated using analyses by

regression, Markov Decision Process, and SPC. Each analyses tool was used to look at

a different problem that this database might be useful in researching.

5.6 Statistical Process Control

A control chart is one of the primary techniques of Statistical Process Control

(SPC). The control chart is a very useful process monitoring technique; when unusual

sources of variability are present, sample averages will plot outside the control limits.

Control charts can be used to monitor the health of a process improvement

methodology (Six Sigma) or changes to a process such as did training have a positive

effect on process improvement activities.

The first step in deriving a process control chart is to check the assumption of

normality. Figure 12 in a normal probability plot of the project data. It can be seen

from an examination that the data is comprised of two populations and two outliers.


-2000000 -0.5 0 2000000 4000000
Profit ($)

Figure 12 Normal Probability Chart for Six Sigma Projects.

With the data base in the example the logical subgroup size is n=1. With only

one measurement per subgroup (a project) a subgroup range can not be calculated. The

data is comprised of a small number of non-normal observations. The exponentially

weighted moving-average (EWMA) control chart is typically used with individual

observations (Montgomery 1997). The exponentially weighted moving average is

defined as:

Z i = λx i + (1 − λ ) Z i −1 (5.1)

where 0 < λ ≤ 1 is a constant and the starting value is the process target so that

Z0 = μ0 (5.2)

The average of preliminary data can also be used such that

Z0 = x (5.3)

The EWMA control chart is constructed by plotting Zi versus the sample

number i with the following control limits and center line:

UCL = μ 0 + Lσ
(2 − λ )
[1 − (1 − λ ) ]

CL = μ 0 (5.5)

LCL = μ 0 − Lσ
(2 − λ )
[1 − (1 − λ ) ]

According to Montgomery (1997) values of λ in the interval 0.05 ≤ λ ≤ 0.25

work well, with λ=0.05, λ=0.10, and λ=0.25 being popular. L values between 2.6 and

3.0 also work reasonably well. Hunter (1989) has suggested values of λ=0.40 and

L=3.054 to match as closely as possible the performance of a standard Shewhart

control chart with Western Electric rules.

One of the important variables that might be of interest in monitoring the

health of a quality improvement methodology like Six Sigma is savings per project.

From the database under investigation and the above equations a control chart in can

be generated. We start with plotting the first 25 points to obtain the control limits as

shown in Figure 13. One out of limit point was discarded after the derivation of this

chart. This one project was a DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) vs. a DMAIC project and

as such was unique. This chart was constructed with based on Hunter (1989) with

λ=0.40 and L=3.054.



Profit ($)

500000 UCL
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25



Figure 13 EWMA Control Chart for first 25 Six Sigma Projects.

EWMA Chart for Profit



Profit $

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37


Six Sigma Project

Figure 14 EWMA Control Chart for Six Sigma Projects.

The projects are listed in rough chronological order therefore Figure 14 can be

considered a time series graph. One major outlier was removed from the plot.

Traditionally since their introduction by Walter Shewart, control charts have been

used to characterize the behavior of a time series. If a time series displays

unpredictable behavior, then the underlying process which gives rise to the time series

is said to be out-of-control. Likewise a process will be said to be in control when,

through the use of past experience, we can predict, at least within limits, how the

process will behave in the future, Shewhart (1931).

This distinction between predictability and unpredictability is important

because prediction is the essence of doing business. Predictability is a great asset for

any process because it makes the manager’s job that much easier. The fact that a time

series remains within the computed limits, and that there is no obvious trend, not any

long sequences of points above or below the central line, suggests that a process may

display a reasonable degree of statistical control. In this case, the process has an

average profit per team of $112,438 and values have varied form a low of -$220,000

to a high of $3,874,500

Of special interest are the last seven projects that took place after Six Sigma

training provided by Honeywell and Raytheon. This would tend to indicate “proof”

that training helps in project improvement. This is limited data but future study with

this same technique could be used to verify if training contributed to a fundamental

change in the process.

5.7 Regression
The popularity of ordinary linear regression models is attributable to its low

computational costs, its intuitive plausibility in a wide variety of circumstances, and

its support by a broad and sophisticated body of statistical inference. Given the data,

the tool of regression can be employed on at least three separate conceptual levels.

First, it can be applied mechanically, or descriptively, merely as a means of curve

fitting. Second, it provides a vehicle for hypothesis testing. Third, and most generally,

it provides an environment in which statistical theory; discipline-specific theory and

data may be brought together to increase our understanding of complex physical and

social phenomena. Simply put regression can be used to derive a model that will help

predict average performance for a new combination of inputs and/or to understand

which input changes cause changes in average outputs.

The familiar multiple regression equation is represented by equation 5.7 below:

yest(βest,x) = f1(x)΄βest (5.7)

Where f1(x) is a vector of functions only of the system inputs, x.

In most regression analysis the coefficients of the independent variables are the

major point of interest. The slope of the regression line measures the relationship of

each independent variable to the dependent variable of interest; the regression

coefficients are these slopes. The most interesting parameter in a linear model is

usually the slope. In this equation the slope of Y on X1 has a constant value across the

range of X2. For complex systems researcher may notice that regressions based on

different subsets of the data produce very different results, raising questions of model

stability. This may result in confusing or conflicting recommendations. This may be

caused by interaction between the independent variables and the response. Terms

involving products e.g. f1,7(x) = x1x7, are called interaction terms, a relationship

represented by equation 5.8 below:

yest = β1X1 + β2X2 +β3X1X2 + β0 (5.8)

The effect of this first order interaction is to shift the regression line based on

the level of the independent variables producing a family of results. The X1X2

interaction signifies that the regression of Y on X1 depends upon the specific value of

X2 at which the slope of Y on X1 is measured. There is a different line for the

regression of Y on X1 at each and every value of X2. The regressions of Y on X1 at

specific values of X2 form a family of regression lines. An analogy to chemistry, this

has the effect of a buffer. That is while X1 is positively related to Y the strength of this

relationship depends on the level of X2.

Much of the literature on Six Sigma converges on the importance of

management commitment, employee involvement, teamwork, training and customer

expectation among others in Six Sigma implementation. A number of research papers

have been published suggesting key Six Sigma elements and ways to improve the

management of the total quality of the product, process, corporate and customer

supplier chain.

However, most of the available literature considers different factors as an

independent entity affecting the Six Sigma environment. But the extent to which one

factor is present may affect the other factor. The estimate of the net effect of these

interacting factors is responsible for the success of the Six Sigma philosophy.

Quantification of Six Sigma factors and their interdependencies will lead to estimating

the net effect of the Six Sigma environment. The authors are not aware of any

publication in this direction.

5.8 Regression Data Analysis
The data was analyzed using a commercial software regression modeling

program. The software is a polynomial regression program based on Microsoft®

EXCEL spreadsheets and has the capability of simple regression models, multiple

regression models or custom modeling. The software regression model features permit

the user to select models automatically or manually. They facilitate fitting high order

terms (i.e. second or third order terms).

The motivation for this study was to evaluate the use of an emerging database

due to the expanded use of Six Sigma methodologies in management decision-making.

We utilized regression techniques which are readily available to management in the

business environment for the analyses. The data was analyzed using a commercial

polynomial software regression modeling program. One of the models that was

derived from the data was an interaction model between the use of Formal Methods

and Engineering Analysis. This model illustrates the possible use of these techniques

and appears helpful in validating the importance of estimating expected savings and

then deciding how formal to be. The model can be represented by equation 5.9:

Profit = 79931 + 0.848*Exp Savings - 76708.7*FT + 1258.21*EA +

2.2*Exp Savings*FT - 4.04*Exp Savings*EA (5.9)


Exp Savings is the amount of expected savings in dollars,

FT is the number of Formal Methods used,

EA is the use of engineering analysis

And Profit is the response.

Figure 15 is the main effects plot produced by the software for this model. It

can be seen that as the expected savings increases the model would suggest a greater

reliance on the use of formal methods. Likewise, based on this limited database, as the

expect savings decrease; a greater reliance on engineering analysis should be used.

The results of the regression model are presented in Table 15, with the

summary statistics given in Table 16. A 3-D plot of the results is included in Figure

16. Last, normal scores vs. residuals are found in Figure 17.

Pseudo Main Effects Plot - Model Predictions

Predicted Response

Exp Savings:1600

























Figure 15 Main Effects Plot of Regression Model.

Summary statistics from the model are presented in Table 15. The model
produced an R2 value (observed vs. predicted) of 0.934 and an SSE (Sum of Squared
Errors) of 0.883.

Summary Statistics
Criterion Value
R^2 0.934
R^2 adj 0.924
R^2 predict 0
R^1 0.743
PRESS 4.54E+15
s (est. err.) 171190.53

Table 15 Summary statistics for model.

Coefficient Estimates
Standard p-
Coefficients Error t Stat value Lower 95% Upper 95% VIF
const 79930 62285 1.28 0.208 -46790 206652
Exp Savings 0.85 0.80 1.06 0.297 -0.78 2.47 101.65
FT -76708 19028 -4.03 0.000 -115422 -37994 2.04
EA 1258 56503 0.02 0.982 -113699 116216 2.22
Exp Savings*FT 2.20 0.17 13.09 0.000 1.86 2.54 222.24
Exp Savings*EA -4.04 0.22 -18.37 0.000 -4.48 -3.59 123.45

Table 16 Coefficient estimates


Profit 0 5000000-10000000
-5000000 0-5000000
-10000000 -5000000-0
-15000000 6.2 -10000000--5000000
-20000000 3.1 FT -15000000--10000000





Exp Savings

Figure 16 3-D plot of the results.

Normal Scores vs. Residuals

Normal Scores

-800000 -600000 -400000 -200000-0.5 0 200000 400000

Figure 17 Normal sores vs. residuals.

This model is intuitive and appears to provide a good fit. With higher expected

savings it seems logical to apply more formal methods and obtain higher profit as the

model predicts. With any regression questions should be asked as to the goodness of

fit and evaluated against a checklist such as Table 17.

Issue Evaluation Method Checks

Inputs supports model Variance Inflation Factors (VIFs) 9
Outputs fit the model Outliers 9
Outputs fit the model Residual Plots 9

Table 17 Regression Checklist.

An examination of the variance inflation factors (VIF) associated with this

model would indicate that they are unacceptable and this model should not be used for

predictions. Variance inflation factor measures the impact of collinearity among the

inputs in a regression model on the precision of estimation. It expresses the degree to

which collinearity among the predictors degrades the precision of an estimate. In a

regression model we expect a high variance explained (r-square). The higher the

variance explained is, the better the model is. However, if collinearity exists, probably

the variance, standard error, parameter estimates are all inflated. The high variance

might not be a result of good independent predictors, but a mis-specified model that

carries mutually dependent and thus redundant predictors. Scaling the inputs does not

always cause improvements in the VIFs, as in this example problem. Some model

forms may not be suitable to fit the given data.

Another simple model involving training and management direction was

investigated. This model is represented by equation 5.10.

Profit = 13510+38856*M_I+19566*Training (5.10)


M-I is whether the project was initiated by management or by team members,

Training is before of after Formal Six Sigma Training

And Profit is the response.

The main effects plot for this model is shown in Figure 18, with the results of

the regression model presented in Table 19, and the summary statistics given in Table


Predicted Response



k1:M k1:I Training:-1 Training:0 Training:1

Figure 18 Main Effects Plot of Simple Regression Model.

Summary Statistics
Criterion Value
R^2 0.194
R^2 adj 0.148
R^2 predict 0.0251
R^1 0.102
PRESS 1.33E+11
s (est. err.) 56133.32

Table 18 Summary statistics for Simple model.

Coefficient Estimates
Standard Lower Upper
Coefficients Error t Stat p-value 95% 95% VIF
const 13509.53 12750.01 1.06 0.297 12374.36 39393.43
M/I_I 38856.45 21245.49 1.83 0.076 -4274.20 81987.09 1.06
Training 19566.38 11002.61 1.78 0.084 -2770.10 41902.86 1.06

Table 19 Coefficients for Simple model.

5.9 Regression Results

This model was based on the results of 39 separate projects at one company

while most of the current literature is based on only a single case study. Specifically,

our results indicate the importance of estimating expected savings with an economic

study prior to the project start. With this information management can more

effectively decide how formal to be in the approach to the proposed project. From our

data the brake even point is $12,500. If a project is projected to save less than $12,500,

formal Six Sigma methods are not advised. Instead relying on quick engineering input

would tend to generate more profit sooner.

On projects over $12,500, the model states formal quality improvement tools

should be employed. As anticipated savings increase it is more advisable to spend

increasing time with statistical tool to increase the probability of increased profits.

The ability to estimate potential effects of changes on the profitability of

projects is valuable information for policymakers in the decision-making process. This

study demonstrated that utilizing existing data analysis tools to this new management

data source provides useful knowledge that could be applied to help guide in project

management. In this study we compared results of various sized projects and the use

of formal tools. In our case study we found determining the estimate of the economical

value to be important to guide the degree of use of formal tools. Based on the results

of this study, when predicted impact is small a rapid implementation based on

engineering input is best. As projects expand more statistical data improves outcome.

This study had a crossover point of $12,500.

The simple model also tends to show a strong benefit to training. This model

has good VIF values and supports the findings from the SPC findings. Of interest is

the correlation on management initiation of projects. There is still ambiguity in the

results. For example it is not know if people worked harder on projects they initiated

or if due to better familiarity they picked better projects.

However, replication of these results for other projects at other companies and

industries is warranted to determine the generalizability of these findings. Natural

extensions of this study would be to expand the scope of the analysis to include other

variables such as multiple manufacturing sites and other statistical methods.

5.10 Markov Decision Processes

Recently, there has been considerable interest in modeling the utility of data

and analysis method, including Six Sigma related methods. For example, Bisgaard and

Freiesleben (2000) used simple financial models to investigate the return on

investment for any process improvement method for a particular context. Yu and

Popplewell (1994) proposed a neural network meta-model as an online decision-

support model for Six Sigma quality improvement efforts, taking into consideration

yield and cost. Chan and Spedding (2001) expanded on this work. Eid, Moghrabi and

Eldin used simulation to compare quality/cost decision scenarios. Goh (2002)

discussed some strategic perspectives of Six Sigma based on organizational security.

A hole in this growing literature is the optimality of selection and ordering

component methods associated with Six Sigma improvement projects. A proposed

method to investigate optimal selection is the use of Markov Decision Processes

(MDP, Puterman, 1994) and Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes (POMDP,

Lovejoy, 1991, and White, 1991).

MDPs are used to model systems in which the evolution is controlled by

available actions which can be chosen by the system in each state. The use of MDP

models has encompassed a wide range of applications. They have been widely applied

to inventory control problems which represent one of the earliest areas of application.

MDP models have been used to study equipment maintenance and replacement

problems, (Rust, 1987) and (Golabi, 1993) as well as computer, manufacturing and

communications systems. MDP models have become popular in behavioral ecology

used in a wide range of contests to gain insight into factors influencing animal

behavior. Examples include models of social and hunting behavior of lions (Clark,

1987: Mangel and Clark, 1988), site selection and number of eggs laid by apple

maggots and medflys (Mangel, 1987), daily vertical migration of sockeye salmon and

plankton (Levy and Clark, 1988: Mangel and Clark, 1988), changed in mobility of

spiders in different habitats (Gallespie and Caraco, 1987), and singing versus garaging

tradeoffs in birds (Huston and McNamara, 1986) as well as Games of Chance (Dubins

and Savage, 1965). Kelly and Kennedy (1993) used MPD models in their study of

mate desertion in Copper’s hawks.

Details about Markov decision processes can be found in Puterman (1994).

The Markov decision processes describe a model for sequential decision making under

uncertainty which takes into account both the outcomes of current decisions and future

decision making opportunities. At each decision epoch, the system state provides the

decision maker with all necessary information for choosing an action from the set of

available actions in that state. As a result of choosing an action in a state, two things

happen; the decision maker receives a reward (or cost), and the system evolves to a

possibly different state at the next decision epoch. Both the rewards and transition

probabilities depend on the state and the choice of action. As this process evolves

through time, the decision maker receives a sequence of rewards.

At each decision epoch, the decision maker chooses an action in the state

occupied by the system at that time. A policy provides the decision maker with a

prescription for choosing this action in any possible future state. A decision rule

specifies the action to be chosen at a particular time. It may depend on the present

state alone or together with all previous states and actions. A policy is a sequence of

decision rules. Implementing a policy generates a sequence of rewards. The sequential

decision problem is to choose prior to the first decision epoch a policy to maximize a

function of the reward sequence.

The key ingredients of this sequential decision model are the following:

1. A set of decision epochs.

2. A set of system states.

3. A set of available actions.

4. A set of state and action dependent immediate rewards or costs.

5. A set of state and action dependent transition probabilities.

When confronted with a decision, there are a number of different alternatives

(actions) available. Choosing the best action requires a consideration of more than just

the immediate effects of the action. The immediate effects are often easier to calculate

than the long-term effects. Sometimes actions with poor immediate effects can have

better long-term ramifications. To maximize the total expected value function, the

right tradeoffs between the immediate rewards and the future gains are needed to yield

the best possible solution.

When making a decision, we need to consider how actions will affect the

system. The state is the way the system currently exists and an action will have the

effect of changing the state. The actions are the set of possible alternatives that can be

chosen. The problem is to know which of these actions to take when in a particular

state of the system. When deciding between different actions, we need to consider how

they will affect the current state. The transitions specify how each of the actions

changes the state. Since an action could have different effects, depending upon the

state, we need to specify the action’s effect for each state. The most powerful aspect of

the Markov decision process is that the effects of an action can be probabilistic. We

could specify the effects of doing action ‘a1’ in state ‘s1’ if there is no question about

how ‘a1’ changes the system. However, many decision processes have actions that are

not this simple. Sometimes an action usually results in state ‘s2’ but occasionally it

might result in state ‘s3’. MDPs allow specifying a set of resulting states and the

probability that each state results.

As an agent moves through its environment, it bases its actions on information

received from a number of sources including sensory input and memories of previous

inputs. This information tells the learner something about the state of the world.

An agent in some state at time t executes an action and receives a reward from

the environment. This is called a decision process. If the next state is dependent only

on the current state and action the decision process is said to obey the Markov

property. This is called a Markov decision process (MDP) (Bellman 1957b).

If the set of states and actions are finite, then the problem is called a finite

MDP. We can also distinguish between finite and indefinite horizon problems, where

the task has a natural endpoint, and infinite horizon problems, where the task

continues forever.

Formally an MDP consists of:

o A set of state S, and actions A,

o A transition distribution P ( s t +1 s t , a t ), s t , s t +1 ∈ S , a t ∈ A , and

o A reward distribution P (r t s t , a t ), s t ∈ ℜ, a t ∈ A.

In the above, t indexes the time step, which ranges over a discrete set of points

in time. The transition probability is denoted by Pij (a), Pr( s t +1 = j s t = i, a t = a). The

expected immediate reward received by executing action a in state i by ri (a ) :

ri (a) = E r t s t = i, a t = a } (5.11)

The solution to an MDP is called a policy and it simply specifies the best

action to take for each of the states. The goal of solving an MDP is to find a policy

that maximizes the total expected reward received over the course of the task. A policy

tells the learning agent what action to take for each possible state. It is a (possibly

stochastic) mapping π : S → A from states to actions. The policy can be non-

stationary, in which case a different mapping from states to actions can be used at each

point in time. Alternatively, it can be stationary, in which case the same mapping is

used at every point in time.

The expected return for a policy π is defined as the total reward that is

expected when following policy π :

⎧n ⎫
Eπ {R t } = Eπ {r t + γ r t +1 + ... + γ n r t + n } = Eπ ⎨∑ γ k r t + k ⎬ (5.12)
⎩ k =0 ⎭

where t is current time. Notice that the expectation is taken with respect to the

policy π .

By assuming that the problem is Markov, we know that an optimal policy need

only be a function of the current state: no other information is required to act optimally

(Howard 1960).

The class of MDPs is a restricted but important class of problems. By

assuming that a problem is Markov, we can ignore the history of the process, and

thereby prevent an exponential increase in the size of the domain of the policy. The

Markov assumption underlies a large proportion of control theory, machine learning

and signal processing.

Dynamic programming is a technique for finding solutions to

optimization problems. It is similar to divide and conquer techniques, where a problem

is broken down into sub-problems that can be solved. To be amenable to dynamic

programming, the optimization problem has to exhibit optimal substructure: An

optimal solution must contain within it optimal solutions to sub-problems.

In the case of MDPs, we must find a policy that produces the greatest expected

return. With knowledge of transition probabilities Pij (a) and expected immediate

rewards ri (a), and given a stochastic policy π , we can calculate the expected

discounted return from the current state s:

⎧n ⎫
V π ( s ) = Eπ ⎨∑ γ k r t + k s t = s ⎬ (5.13)
⎩ k =0 ⎭

Here t denotes the current time. The function V π is called the value function

for policy π . The value function gives the expected return that can be achieved by

starting from any state, and then following policy π .

Markov Decision Process approaches involve modeling a sequence of

selections in which (1) the outcomes are random with probabilities that depend upon

the current state (st) at time t, and action taken, a, and (2) the rewards, rt, depend on

the current decision and results form a sequence of future decisions. With a finite

number of decision periods, e.g., days in a project, the optimal policy can be derived

using a recursive approach called dynamic stochastic programming.

To apply MDP to support decision-making, one needs to know the current

system state, st. Depending upon how the states are defined; a team in a process

improvement project might not have complete knowledge of the current state of their

project. Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes (POMDP) permit the user the

flexibility to supply only probabilities that the system is in specific states. Intuitively,

the fact that project improvers have only partial knowledge of the system state might

provide important justification for a “one-size-fits-all” approach such as Six Sigma

type methods.

Yet, while MDP models permit the derivation of globally optimal decision

policies, POMDP methods do not generally lead to guarantees that the derived policies

are optimal. Lovejoy (1991) and White (1991) both survey solution methods for these

problems including work in Smallwood and Sondik (1973) and White and Scherer

(1989). Yacout and Gautreau (2000) used POMDP models to compare three quality

assurance policies: do nothing, inspect, or improve. In Gautreau, Yacout, and Hall

(1997), they had already used POMDP directly as a tool for quality improvement. In

our study we only considered unconstrained, discrete time, finite horizon MDPs.

5.11 Markov Decision Process Analysis

Suppose that a manufacturer is currently losing $500K/year running a certain

process but knows a competitor is making $150K/year from running a similar process.

Instead of shutting the process down, the manufacturer decides to invest in an

improvement project with a three month time limit. Assume that the resident quality

expert, a “green belt” six sigma practitioner, has already declared that the process state

(st) must be one of those listed in the left-hand column of Table 20. Also, assume that

the possible actions (a) are listed in the top first row of the table.

These actions include applying statistical process control (SPC) p charting, a

relatively inexpensive ($) design of experiments (DOE) application (e.g., a standard

screening method using fractional factorials), and a relatively expensive ($) DOE

method (e.g., a response surface method application). The quality expert estimates the

annualized cost of applying each action for processes in the various states, including

the cost of measurement equipment, record keeping, and training. If either a control

plan is applied or the production action is taken, then the system improvement ends

(all future states are #6).

action (a)
SPC p Control
State (st) Meet Charting $ DOE $$ DOE Optimize Plan Produce
1. Settings lose
money and
-20 -50 -70 -70 -10 -150 -500
2. Settings lose
money and -20 -30 -40 -70 -10 -10 -200
capability known
3. Measured but
input-output func. -20 -30 -40 -70 -10 -50 -100
not known
4. Input-outputs
func. known but -20 -30 -40 -70 -10 -30 80
not fully opt.
5. Improved
settings found but -20 -30 -40 -70 -10 250 150
not validated
6. System
-20 -30 -40 -70 -10 0 50
improvement ends

Table 20 Costs and rewards (in $K), rt(st,a), of applying actions (a) in different states
(st).Coefficient estimates

Assume further that the quality expert has documented that each of the m = 6

actions will cause systems in each of the q = 6 states to transition to each state (st+1 =

1,…,6). Table 21 shows the probabilities for an example action, which is applying an

expensive design of experiments method (a = $$ DOE) such as response surface


To State (st= i)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
From 2 0.0 0.2 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
State 3 0.0 0.00001 0.1 0.79999 0.1 0.0
(st+1= j) 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.99 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

Table 21 Assumed transition probabilities for applying DOE, pt(st+1= j|st= i,a = $$

With this information, an algorithm is generated to find the actions that

globally maximize the expected reward at every decision period for every possible

state. This calculation is based on the following recursion for t = 5,4,…,1 and i =


ERt*(st = i) = max {rt(st,a) + Σj=1,…,q pt(st = j|st = i,a) ERt+1*(st+1= j)} (5.14)

where ERt=6*(s6 = i) = r6(s6 = i,a = Produce) for i = 1,…,q. The results are

shown in Table 22. The quality expert inputs the time period and the state and the

table indicates which method is recommended. A second table also gives the expected

reward or return on investment shown in Table 23. Note that if the current state

cannot be observed and one has only the probability of being in a certain state,

solution to global optimality is, in general, computationally difficult (e.g., see

Lovejoy, 1991a).

StateWeeks 1-2 Weeks 3-4 Weeks 5-6 Weeks 7-8 Weeks 9-10 Weeks 11-12
1 Meet Meet Meet Meet Meet Produce
2 SPC SPC SPC SPC Produce Produce
3 $ DOE $ DOE $$ DOE $ DOE $$ DOE Produce
4 Optimize Optimize Optimize Optimize Produce Produce
5 Control Plan Control Plan Control Plan Control Plan Control Plan Produce
6 Produce Produce Produce Produce Produce Produce x

Table 22 Optimal decision policy for five decision periods.

StateWeeks 1-2 Weeks 3-4 Weeks 5-6 Weeks 7-8 Weeks 9-10 Weeks 11-12
1 65.0 -27.6 -101.5 -179.6 -272.2 -500.0
2 175.0 96.8 -5.3 -75.7 -150.0 -200.0
3 307.8 251.3 183.4 67.7 -1.0 -100.0
4 429.4 379.1 327.2 264.5 130.0 80.0
5 500.0 450.0 400.0 350 300.0 150.0
6 500.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 x

Table 23 The expected reward, ERt*(st = i), in $K as a function of period and state.

The above illustrates the application of Markov decision process (MPD) to

assist in selecting which methods to use in which order in an improvement project.

The results are subjective in the sense that the transition probabilities associated with

each action, pt(st = j| st = i,a), e.g., the numbers in Table 18 were subjectively

estimated. Therefore, the resulting decision policy may be viewed as a rationalization

for the choice of methods with explicit assumptions. Another possible benefit of using

the above method for planning improvement projects is the possibility that the

probabilities can capture knowledge of experts and make this knowledge available to

novices or “green belts”.

A more detailed model might be useful as it relates to the data used in the

regression model and based on the component methods definition of Six Sigma.

Component methods can be associated with a phase of Six Sigma as shown in Table


Phase Deliverables Component methods
DEFINE- (Finding the • Establish process Surveys
Ys in the model) responsibilities Focus Groups
• Define system Interviews
(inputs, outputs, Process MAP
customers) Pareto Analysis
• Identify customer
MEASURE – (Finding • Gap between Process mapping
the Ys in the model) customer Pareto analysis
requirements and Process capability
process capability Gage R&R
Measurement system
ANALYZE (find the • Cause and effect Cause and effect
factors or x’s in the matrix analysis
model) • Prioritized list of all Process mapping
x’s Benchmarking
• Few vital x’s Histograms
• Statistical analysis Cater diagrams
for significance Run charts
Multivariate charts
Box and whisker
Pareto chart
IMPROVE - (Define • Target setting for x’s Process mapping
Y=(x,z) and move Simulation
toward Max Y) DOE
CONTROL – Maintain • Control plan Risk assessment
improvements to the SPC
system Process capability

Table 24 Component Method of Six Sigma.

A Six Sigma type method is an arrangement of component methods such that

there is at least one selection of the associated activities that is consistent with a

DMAIC ordering of activities. Also, in Six Sigma type methods multiple components

methods can be used in the contest of the same activity and no method needs to be

performed associated with any of the activities.

The Figure 19 below shows an example of Six Sigma type method that the

team might tentatively lay out in the design phase of a project.

Hold formal meeting

Perform gage R&R
Create SPC charts

Plan and perform DOE
Fit regression model
Apply FMEA

Apply formal optimization

Develop control plan
Continue SPC charting

Figure 19 Flow Chart of DMAIC Six Sigma Project.

The optimality of any particular Six Sigma type method in question or Six

Sigma type method for a particular application can be investigated using Markov

decision processes. Possible states could be defined as:

“Right” initial team

Found “right” project
Charter is established
Initial baseline established
Confirmed gauge capability
“Right” initial factors
Confirmed important factors
“Accurate” Yr(x) models
Developed “recommendations”
Establish new baseline
Updated SOPs
Project completed

We have the limited data form the previously covered study of 39

improvement projects and the actions as defined in Table 21. The rewards or costs of

these actions are easy to estimate based on the data. The transition probabilities are not

as easy to estimate based on this limited data. One method for this estimate is a

Bayesian approach based on Dirichlet prior distributions.

Bayesian probabilities are sometimes called subjective probabilities. It is

important to understand exactly what is meant by subjective in this contest. Decision

analyses are often unique. The situation in which one is making the decision may

occur only once. It cannot be replicated, so there is no possibility for measuring

probabilities by repeated sampling. People in the same state might take different action

dependent on skill level, taste or problem particulars. Nevertheless, Bayesian analysis

may be used to compute the probabilities needed to make decision. Because these

probabilities cannot be measured by repeated sampling, they are called subjective and

they represent a degree of belief in a particular outcome.

Bayesian analysis is a kind of meta-analysis in which observed data in

combined with a prior belief to end up with a posterior belief. In short, it’s a way to

update a belief with new data. A positive aspect of the Bayesian approach is that it

encapsulates the manner in which research findings are assimilated. Meta-analysis is

literally an analysis of analyses, a synthesis of all research on a particular effect.

If there is no basis in observed data for estimating the prior probability

distribution, then the analyst may simply assume a particular prior distribution. Most

commonly, a noninformative prior distribution is assumed. A classic approach to

multinomial estimation is via the use of the Dirichlet distribution. The Dirichlet

distribution entertains several properties that become very useful in statistical

inference. According to Friedman and Signer (1999), estimates derived using Dirichlet

priors are consistent, the estimate converges with probability one to the true

distribution; conjugate, the posterior distribution is also a Dirichlet distribution; and

can be computed efficiently, all queries of interest have a closed-form solution.

In Bayesian parameter estimation, the prior incorporates prior knowledge or

beliefs about the parameters. As data is gathered, these beliefs do not play a significant

role anymore. More specifically, if the prior is well-behaved, does not assign 0

probability to feasible parameter values, the approach will converge in the limit to the

real values. A Dirichlet prior with parameters β1, … βk is defined as:

P(θ) = α ∏ θiβi-1 (5.15)

Then the posterior will have the same form, with parameter βi + Ni:

P(θ|D) = P(θ) P(D|θ) = α ∏ θiβi-1+Ni (5.16)

The property that the posterior distribution follows the same parametric form

as the prior is called conjugacy. The Dirichlet prior is a conjugate family for the

multinomial likelihood. Conjugate families are useful because they can be represented

in closed form, incremental updates to the parameters can be done as data is gathered,

and often there is a closed-form solution for the prediction problem.

With this background a MDP model for Six Sigma based on the previous

collected data and action definitions could take the form of Figure 20.

D ev elo pe d "r ec om m e nd atio ns "
C on fir m e d inp or ta nt fac to rs
C on fir m e d ga ug e c a pa bility
Initia l ba s e line es ta blis h ed

"A c c u ra te " Yr ( x ) m o de ls

E s ta blis h n ew ba s e line
C ha r ter is es ta blis h ed
F o un d "r igh t" p ro jec t

"R ig ht" in itial fac to rs

"R ig ht" in itial tea m

U pd ated S O P s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TF TF EC
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EC EC EC TF
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TF TF TF TF SP
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SP SP SP SP SP
1 1 1 .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SP SP SP SP GR
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GR GR GR GR CE
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 CE CE CE CE CE
1 1 1 1 1 .5 0 0 0 0 0 CE CE CE CE SD
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 SD SD SD SD SD
1 1 1 1 1 1 .2 0 0 0 0 SD SD SD SD SD
1 1 1 1 1 1 .4 0 0 0 0 SD SD SD SD SD
1 1 1 1 1 1 .6 0 0 0 0 SD SD SD SD SD
1 1 1 1 1 1 .8 0 0 0 0 SD SD SD SD RD
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 RD RD RD RD RD
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .3 0 0 0 RD RD RD RD RD
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .5 0 0 0 RD RD RD RD RD
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .8 0 0 0 RD RD RD RD OP
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 OP OP OP OP SP
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 SP SP SP SP SP
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 SP SP SP SP CP
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .5 0 CP CP CP CP TE
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .5 CP CP CP TE
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TE TE TE

Figure 20 Morkov Decision Process for Six Sigma.

The actual actions taken might be along the diagonal as indicated. The amount

of data obtained to date has not allowed for the construction of an adequate model and

continues to be an area of research interest for future work.

5.12 Sample MDP Example
The data associated with the 30 improvement projects can be used in the

derivation of state/action rewards and the state/action transition probabilities. In this

simplified case six states are defined which map to the standard DMAIC as follows in

Table 25.

State Description Map to DMAIC

1 No Charter Define
2 No Base line Measure
3 Define input-output Analysis
4 No Recommendation Improve
5 Not Controlled Control
6 Production

Table 25 State Description Mapped to DMAIC for Sample MDP.

Ten actions were possible with average cost calculated form the collected data.

These action-rewards are presented in Table 26 with the tabulation of the number of

state transitions by action for the projects displayed in table 27.

Action Cost of action Action Cost of action

Charter $1440 DOE $16000
Team Forming $1440 SPC $750
Process Mapping $2080 Documentation $1500
Cause & Effect $1580 One Factor Experiment $4000
GR&R $1700 Engineering Analysis $4000

Table 26 Actions and Rewards for Sample MDP.

Action State to State 1 2 3 4 5 6
Charter 1 12 8 6 2 - -
Charter 2 - - - - - -
Charter 3 - - - - - -
Charter 4 - - - - - -
Charter 5 - - - - - -
Charter 6 - - - - - -

Team Forming 1 1 11
Team Forming 2 - - - - - -
Team Forming 3 - - - - - -
Team Forming 4 - - - - - -
Team Forming 5 - - - - - -
Team Forming 6 - - - - - -

Process Mapping 1 - - 3 3 - -
Process Mapping 2 - 3 5 2 5 -
Process Mapping 3 - - - - - -
Process Mapping 4 - - - - - -
Process Mapping 5 - - - - - -
Process Mapping 6 - - - - - -

Cause & Effect 1 - - - - - -

Cause & Effect 2 - - - - - -
Cause & Effect 3 - - 5 6 1 -
Cause & Effect 4 - - - - - -
Cause & Effect 5 - - - - - -
Cause & Effect 6 - - - - - -

GR&R 1 - - 1 - - -
GR&R 2 - 1 5 - - -
GR&R 3 - - - - - -
GR&R 4 - - - - - -
GR&R 5 - - - - - -
GR&R 6 - - - - - -

Tabulation of State Transitions for Sample MDP (continued on next page)

Tabulation of State Transitions (continued from previous page)

Action State to State 1 2 3 4 5 6

DOE 1 - - - - - -
DOE 2 - - - - - -
DOE 3 - - - - - -
DOE 4 - - - - 9 2
DOE 5 - - - - - -
DOE 6 - - - - - -

SPC 1 - - - 1 - -
SPC 2 - - 3 - - -
SPC 3 - - - - - -
SPC 4 - - - - - -
SPC 5 - - - - - -
SPC 6 - - - - - -
- - - - - -
Documentation 1 - - - - - -
Documentation 2 - - - - - -
Documentation 3 - - - - - -
Documentation 4 - - - - - -
Documentation 5 - - - - 3 26
Documentation 6 - - - - - -

One Factor Experiment 1 - - - - - -

One Factor Experiment 2 - - - - - -
One Factor Experiment 3 - - - - - -
One Factor Experiment 4 - - - 4 6 -
One Factor Experiment 5 - - - - - -
One Factor Experiment 6 - - - - - -

Engineering Analysis 1 - - - 1 - 3
Engineering Analysis 2 - - - - - -
Engineering Analysis 3 - - - 15 1 -
Engineering Analysis 4 - - - 2 10 4
Engineering Analysis 5 - - - - - -
Engineering Analysis 6 - - - - - -

Table 27 Tabulation of State Transitions for Sample MDP.

An examination of Table 27 illustrates the limited data available from the

improvement projects and the need for Bayesian estimation. Table 28 gives an

example of the tabulated actual data and Alpha priors which when added together

results in a usable transition matrix for the action Engineering Analysis. Continuing

with the remaining actions, (estimating Alpha priors and adding to the tabulated data)

results in a matrix that can be used to solve for a MDP policy. One possible Bayesian

distribution based on the data from the 39 projects and Alpha priors as described

above is presented in Table 29.

Tabulation State to State 1 2 3 4 5 6

No Charter 1 - - - 1 - 3
No Base line 2 - - - - - -
Define input-output 3 - - - 15 1 -
No Recommendation 4 - - - 2 10 4
Not Controlled 5 - - - - - -
Production 6 - - - - - -

Alpha Priors
No Charter 1 67 3 5 9 5 7
No Base line 2 7 80 6 4 2 1
Define input-output 3 2 3 50 19 6 4
No Recommendation 4 2 2 4 10 50 16
Not Controlled 5 2 5 20 30 40 3
Production 6 0 0 0 0 0 10

Table 28 Bayesian Estimate of State Transitions for Sample MDP.

Action State to State 1 2 3 4 5 6
Charter 1 .01 .61 .189 .071 .07 .05
Charter 2 .3 .5 .1 .05 .03 .02
Charter 3 .2 .3 .4 .05 .03 .02
Charter 4 .02 .2 .3 .4 .05 .03
Charter 5 .02 .02 .2 .3 .41 .05
Charter 6 0 0 0 0 0 1

Team Forming 1 .3 .4 .1 .08 .07 .05

Team Forming 2 .3 .5 .1 .05 .03 .02
Team Forming 3 .2 .3 .4 .05 .03 .02
Team Forming 4 .02 .2 .3 .4 .05 .03
Team Forming 5 .02 .03 .2 .3 .4 .05
Team Forming 6 0 0 0 0 0 1

Process Mapping 1 .6 .2 .2 .1 0 0
Process Mapping 2 .07 .16 .3 .13 .3 .04
Process Mapping 3 .1 .1 .5 .2 .05 .05
Process Mapping 4 .05 .1 .1 .5 .2 .05
Process Mapping 5 .05 .05 .1 .1 .5 .2
Process Mapping 6 0 0 0 0 0 1

Cause & Effect 1 .5 .2 .1 .1 .05 .05

Cause & Effect 2 .1 .5 .2 .1 .05 .05
Cause & Effect 3 .05 .07 .35 .4 .08 .05
Cause & Effect 4 .05 .1 .1 .5 .2 .05
Cause & Effect 5 .05 .05 .1 .1 .5 .2
Cause & Effect 6 0 0 0 0 0 1

GR&R 1 .07 .1 .61 .1 .07 .05

GR&R 2 .03 .12 .75 .05 .03 .02
GR&R 3 .1 .1 .5 .2 .05 .05
GR&R 4 .05 .1 .1 .5 .2 .05
GR&R 5 .1 .05 .05 .1 .5 .2
GR&R 6 0 0 0 0 0 1

State Transitions for Sample MDP (continued on next page)

State Transitions (continued from previous page)

Action State to State 1 2 3 4 5 6

DOE 1 .4 .3 .17 .05 .05 .03
DOE 2 .02 .4 .3 .2 .05 .03
DOE 3 .02 .05 .1 .75 .05 .03
DOE 4 .02 .02 .04 .05 .73 .14
DOE 5 .02 .05 .2 .3 .4 .03
DOE 6 0 0 0 0 0 1

SPC 1 .64 .01 .07 .2 .07 .01

SPC 2 .01 .07 .8 .07 .04 .01
SPC 3 .01 .07 .8 .07 .04 .01
SPC 4 .01 .02 .07 .8 .07 .04
SPC 5 .01 .01 .04 .07 .07 .8
SPC 6 0 0 0 0 0 1

Documentation 1 .8 .07 .06 .04 .02 .01

Documentation 2 .07 .8 .06 .04 .02 .01
Documentation 3 .02 .07 .8 .06 .04 .01
Documentation 4 .01 .02 .06 .8 .07 .04
Documentation 5 .01 .01 .03 .05 .1 .8
Documentation 6 0 0 0 0 0 1

One Factor Experiment 1 .8 .07 .06 .04 .02 .01

One Factor Experiment 2 .07 .8 .06 .04 .02 .01
One Factor Experiment 3 .02 .07 .8 .06 .04 .01
One Factor Experiment 4 .01 .01 .03 .35 .55 .05
One Factor Experiment 5 .02 .05 .2 .3 .4 .03
One Factor Experiment 6 0 0 0 0 0 1

Engineering Analysis 1 .67 .03 .05 .1 .05 .1

Engineering Analysis 2 .07 .8 .06 .04 .02 .01
Engineering Analysis 3 .02 .03 .5 .34 .07 .04
Engineering Analysis 4 .02 .02 .04 .12 .6 .2
Engineering Analysis 5 .02 .05 .2 .3 .4 .03
Engineering Analysis 6 0 0 0 0 0 1

Table 29 State Transitions for Sample MDP.

The above Bayesian probabilities and the rewards given in Table 26 where

used in the development of an optimal MDP policy for the six listed states. It was also

assumed that the production state had two different rewards. This was based on real

data gathered from the improvement project. The average reward for a project that

terminated early was $4,700. The average reward for a project that entered production

at epoch 9 was $180,875. The optimal policy calculated with these assumptions is

presented in Table 30.

State Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5

No Charter GR&R GR&R GR&R GR&R GR&R
No Base P. Map P. Map P. Map P. Map P. Map
Input-output DOE DOE DOE DOE DOE
Recomm Eng. Anal. Eng. Anal. Eng. Anal. Eng. Anal. Eng. Anal.
Controls Docs. Docs. Docs. Docs. Docs.
Ready Production Production Production Production Production

Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Period 9

No Charter Eng. Anal. Eng. Anal. Eng. Anal. Production
No Base P. Map P. Map C & E Mat. Production
Input-output DOE C & E Mat. C & E Mat. Production
Recomm Eng. Anal. Eng. Anal. Eng. Anal. Production
Controls Docs. Docs. SPC Production
Ready Production Production Production Production

Table 30 Optimal Policy for Sample MDP.

This optimal policy has the structure on the standard DMAIC but does not

follow the five phases explicitly. This could arise for numerous reasons. The Alphas

selected may not be reasonable. The validity of the selection would become more

apparent with added real data which would allow an update to the Bayesian estimates.

DMAIC may not be optimal in all cases. Again more data is needed to investigate this

possibility. Both Linderman et. al. (2003) and Harry and Crawford (2005) have

indicated that DMAIC may not be optimal for small project, the “low hanging fruit”

and that DMAIC should be focused on complex challenging problems. For simple

tasks such a system may decrease performance. The 39 improvement projects included

in this study included a wide array of programs with estimated savings ranging from a

low of $1,600 to a high of $2.2 million. It is possible that the data should be split into

simple and complex projects. This is an area for future work, relating the size of a

project to its optimal structure.

5.13 Conclusions
Much of the literature related to six sigma focuses on knowledge that

participants at various levels “should know” (Hoerl 2001). Other literature has

addressed organization design to accommodate a “Six Sigma Culture” (Sanders and

Hild 2000, and Hoerl 2001). Goh (2002) has discussed some strategic perspectives of

Six Sigma based on organization needs. The literature on supporting method selection

section in the context of Six Sigma has focused on decisions at a high level such as

whether to perform projects at all including Bisgaard and Freiesleben (2000), Chan

and Spedding (2001), Gautreau, Yacout and Hall (1997), Yacout and Gautreau (2000),

and Yu and Popplewell (1994). In this study some methods for the evaluation of the

expanding Six Sigma database are investigated. These approaches help to express Six

Sigma in more quantitative terms, which has more often been expressed in qualitative


Clearly the list of methods considered here for meso-analysis is incomplete and

each has some advantages and limitations as shown in Table 31.

Tool Strength Limitation
Regression Simple and many diagnostics Necessary sample size can become
available large as
n = 4 × [1 + m pre + m act + (m pre × m act )]
MPDs Can address sequencing effects There is strong pressure to define
of method applications and only a small number of states for
interactions between them. simplicity.

They permit the theoretical Because of this pressure assumptions

development of a prescriptive, about the system performance
data driven expert system that depending only on the state are
could advise novices about the critical.
methods relevant to their
situations. Further, the data must be coded into
transitions between these states.

Finally, because of the need to

estimate many transition
probabilities, Bayesian priors are
generally needed for the transition
SPC Can provide simple way to Generally, databases are limited.
evaluate whether changes in
business practices are adversely There is intuitive pressure to chart
or positively affecting quality individual observations because
programs every project is important in some

There may be a need for the

development of new short run charts
such as EWMA charts.

Table 31 Comparison of strengths and limitations for meso-analysis methods used.

To our knowledge no research has focused on the use of this database in this

way. Practical implementation of these methodologies in a systematic manner will

help industry to identify, analyze and evaluate factors and their interdependency,

which would help to understand and unveil the complexity of Six Sigma. This could

open the door to research that more clearly clarifies and capitalizes on the primary

value of the Six Sigma movement which lies in providing a relatively detailed

approach to problem solving (e.g., see Watson, 2000). In addition to providing

algorithms that can be used to generate software for green belts, the research may lead

to substantially more valuable methods than those of the Six Sigma type.



A summary and conclusion of this study is presented in this chapter. The first

section provides an overview of the research while the second section summarizes the

major research findings. The third section addresses the limitations of the study and

potential areas for future research. Finally, the contributions of this study are presented

in the fourth section.

6.1 Overview
The main objective of this dissertation was to review the published literature

on Six Sigma and identify opportunities for additional contributions for the academy.

The major problems addressed in this dissertation are:

1. With reference to past academic contributions, what is Six Sigma? Also, what

are the on-going research trends?

2. What are the implications of Six Sigma philosophy and methods for university


3. What methods should be used to mine the new databases about project

financial results? Also, what insights can be gained form studying data at a

real company?

This dissertation addressed these aspects of the university-industry relationship

with Six Sigma as follows: For the first question a literature review covering a

fourteen year timeframe was undertaken to describe the trends, sources and findings in

the publications on Six Sigma. Secondly, case base training was examined as a method

to improve Six Sigma education and increase usage on the job among university

student learners. Third, Six Sigma’s acceptance and implementation by a large

number of companies has resulted in the accumulation of a substantial database on

quality improvement projects. The study explored methods to utilize this new data

source to benefit industry management in their decision making process concerning

quality policies.

6.2 Summary of Findings

The literature search resulted in the identification of 201 articles published

between 1990 and 2003. Although this review cannot claim to be exhaustive, it does

provide reasonable insights into the state-of-the-art. As the nature of research on Six

Sigma is difficult to confine to specific disciplines, the relevant material is scattered

across various journals. It is felt that the results have several important implications.

To a great extent, the financial impact of Six Sigma on operational

performance is well established. That follows because a defining principle of Six

Sigma is that such justifications are needed for each Six Sigma project. The impacts

on overall company performance as revealed in stock performance are not fully

resolved. Some authors found hints of short-lived abnormal stock performance

associated with the decisions to start Six Sigma programs. Yet, those authors found no

statistical significance in relation to these claims nor evidence of long-term effects.

This suggests a need for additional data collection and analysis to answer the

important question of long-term impacts of decisions to adopt Six Sigma programs.

It is proposed from the study that Six Sigma can be defined as a component

based method involving Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) or

(DMADV) and two principles. These principles relate both to building and

maintaining management support and to fostering usage of methods among

practitioners who are not experts in statistics. The first principle emphasizes attention

to the bottom line in initiating projects. The second principle emphasized the training

of non-statisticians with minimal theory. Trends in the literature include an increasing

academic participation and a broader focus than solely on manufacturing.

Three main types of contributions of Six Sigma to academia were identified

embodied in the literature: (1) increased emphasis on complete case studies compared

with single sub-method applications, (2) new, relatively specific core and

infrastructure practices, and (3) the development of a large new market of industrial

non-experts who might be interested in practically oriented research and new methods.

While over 50% of the articles in the database either explicitly or implicitly

recommend Six Sigma programs, empirical study of the appropriateness of

implementing Six Sigma in specific business contexts has, apparently, not been

investigated. Related, largely unanswered questions include: How can data about any

specific company’s management, training programs, or environment be useful in

decision-making about the adoption of Six Sigma programs?

Focusing on the second principle covered in the definition of Six Sigma which

emphasizes training, an examination of case-based instruction methods was

undertaken. Case-based instruction was introduced into senior and introductory

graduate level engineering courses on statistical process control (SPC) and design of

experiments (DOE). Students seem to identify with the case study "stories" much

better than the traditional lectures. Before implementation of the case study exercises,

end-of quarter evaluations by students for the two classes had been below the average

end-of-quarter class evaluations in the department. After the implementation of the

case study approach and with minimal other changes, the evaluations climbed well

above average. This dramatic turn-around can mainly be attributed to the introduction

of the case based method. Further, presenting applications of course methods in which

literally millions of dollars are saved appears to effectively motivate students

concerned about job security and advancement in the highly competitive industrial


One outcome of the wide spread acceptance of Six Sigma and with its

systematic program is the growing database that now exist within industry and specific

companies on individual project improvement activities. The purpose of this study was

to look at the database in a way that could help management better run improvement

projects. Three possible analysis methods investigated for this task were regression,

SPC, and Markov Decision Processes (MDP). The study was based on 39 quality/cost

improvement projects at a medium size U.S. manufacturing company with data

collected over a 30 month period. It was found that by viewing the quality

improvement process in the same light as other processes and applying such

techniques to the accumulating database could provide better insight for operational

managers dealing with defective implementation decisions.

6.3 Limitations and Future Research

One of the defining principles of Six Sigma is the financial justification for

each project. Yet, the literature review found no published work showing statistical

significance in relation to the decisions to start Six Sigma programs and stock

performance. Considering that failure to find a significant effect does not constitute

proof, more work is needed for a thorough evaluation of the bottom line impacts of

Six Sigma.

In the contest of Six Sigma, statements abound that are unsupported by

objective evidence. Examples include self reported profits, the effects of success

factors, and advocacy for Six Sigma in general. For example, as noted above, the

impacts on stock performance investigated by Goh et al. (2003) are not fully resolved.

This suggests a need for additional data collection and analysis to answer the

important question of long term impacts of decisions to adopt Six Sigma programs.

Snee (1999 and 2000a) calls for research to help practitioners identify a robust

set of improvement tools to be used in conjunction with the DMAIC process. The

focus in these recommendations is not so much on new techniques as on refined

techniques associated with specific phases. However, new techniques might be

relevant to Six Sigma practitioners who are often not experts in statistics.

Additional modeling techniques to predict and evaluate the bottom-line

impacts of projects are needed. This follows because of the central importance of

profit related justifications in Six Sigma for initiating decisions on projects. Our

research did indicate a correlation with training and the bottom-line impact of projects.

New models that are also easy-to-use could be developed with broader applicability

and improved prediction accuracy.

It might also be useful to extend profit models to investigate the selection of

specific core methods or sub-methods in specific situations. These efforts could be

combined with empirical investigations to permit the development of prescriptive

models to aid practitioners from different disciplines select the most advantageous

techniques. This could build on research related to the most appropriate methods for

training black belts, e.g., in Hoerl (2001a), by associating the methods more

specifically to phases in a project and to situations.

Although the industry has an increased interest in Six Sigma implementation

and many companies have gained the profits and advantages from this disciplined

approach, the research of the impacts of Six Sigma implantation and factors

contributed to Six Sigma success remain unclear. Even the existent studies are not

well integrated and the research is mostly anecdotal. Current concepts in the field of

Six Sigma are largely based upon case studies, anecdotal evidence and the

prescriptions of leading “gurus.” Consequently there is little consensus on which

factors are critical to the success of the approach. Most of the articles reported that top

management leadership is the main factor to Six Sigma success [Blakeslee (1999) and

Scalise (2001)]. However, many other factors affecting Six Sigma’s success are

important and need to be better documented.

As part of this work the database was examined at one manufacturing

company. This comprised 39 improvement projects conducted over a 30 month time

frame. This is limited data, collected at one site and no definitive conclusions should

be drawn. The data does provide a start into the use and modeling of Six Sigma,

utilizing the growing database describing the performance of improvement projects

and the methods used that is being generated as a result of it implementation. The

attempt to build a theory of how and why Six Sigma works is aimed at building a

prescriptive model. From this, managers would be able to identify which activities

from which programs are more or less likely to be useful in their situations, as well as

which of their goals would be most affected. An example is the correlation between

training and increased profit seen in this study. With the future success of corporations

riding on the outcome, there is a need for more theory to explain the differences

between successful and unsuccessful efforts.


The descriptors used in the table below are defined in Section 3. The complete

references to the articles are described below in the reference section.

Topics Version 2 Sousa and Voss (2002)

Topics Version 1 Oakland (1989)

Management committed
Speculative in Nature?

Change Management

Structured approach
Research Approach

Team involvement

Customer focused
Project leadership

Adaptable system
Project selection
Industrial Sector

Success Factors
Define DMAIC

Impact factor

Data system

Goals based
Bottom line

Right team
Define 3.4


Abraham 2001 A 0 0 To Ph To G 1.5 Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ackermann 1993 I 0 0 To Ph To G 0.7 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ackermann 1993 I 0 1 To To M 0.7 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ali 1999 I 0 0 To To M 1.5 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Antony 2002 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.3 C Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Arvidsson 2003 A 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bailey 2001 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 1.5 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bartos 1999 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 TA Y Y - Y - - - - - - - - - - -
Basu 2001 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.2 Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Behara 1995 I A 0 1 Sy Ph M A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Benedetto 2003 I 1 0 Sy Ph Se A C N Y Y - Y Y - - - - - - - - -
Berlowitz 2003 A 0 1 To To Se 2.9 C R N Y - - - - Y - - - - - - - -
Binder 1997 I 1 1 Sy Ph M 0.8 Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bisgaard 2000 A 0 0 Sy Ph M A TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Blakeslee 1999 I 0 0 Sy Ph Se 0.2 C Y Y Y - Y - Y Y - Y - - - - -
Blanton 2002 A 0 0 Sy Ph Se A C Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bossert 2003 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Breyfogle 2002 I 0 0 Sy Ph Se 0.2 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Breyfogle 2003 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.7 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Breyfogle 2002 I 1 1 Sy Ph Se A TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Breyfogle Pe
(a) 2001 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 1.5 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(b) 2001 I 0 0 To To G 0.2 C Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Broderick 2002 A 0 0 Sy Ph Se 4.8 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buck 2001 I 1 0 Sy Ph Se A C N Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
C Su
Buck 1998 I 1 1 Sy Ph Se 1.9 R N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buck 2001 I 1 1 Sy Ph Se A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Buggie 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.1 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Card 2000 I 0 0 To To M 0.8 Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Caulcutt 2001 I 1 1 To Ph Pr M 0.3 C N Y - - - - Y - - - - - - - -
Chan 2001 A 0 1 To To M 0.4 C Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chassin 1998 A 0 1 Sy Ph Se 1.9 R N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chowdhury 2000 I 1 0 Sy Ph G 0.3 TA Y Y - - Y - - - - - - - - - -
Clifford 2001 I 0 1 Sy Ph M A C CoN Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coleman 2001 I A 0 0 To To M 0.3 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Connolly 2003 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.7 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Conner 2003 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cooper 1992 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.1 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cooper 2003 I 0 0 Sy Ph Se 0.2 Su N Y - - - - - Y - - - - - - -
Crom 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 Co Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pe N
Dasgupta 2003 A 1 1 Sy Ph Se A C Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Davies 2001 A 0 0 Sy Ph Se 0.8 R N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Davig 2003 A 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.2 Su N Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
De Mast 2003 A 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 Co Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
De Mast 2000 A 1 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dedhia 1995 I 0 0 Sy Ph Se A TA Y Y Y - Y - - - - - - - - - -
Pe N
DeFeo 2000 I 0 1 Sy Ph G A Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Deshpande 1998 A 0 0 To To M 0.2 C Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Deshpande 1999 I A 1 1 Sy Ph G 0.4 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Does 2002 A 1 0 Sy Ph Se A Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Doganaksoy 2000 I A 0 0 To To M 0.2 C Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dornheim 2001 I 0 0 To To M 0.3 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Douglas 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph G A C Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Du 2000 A 0 1 To Pr To M 0.5 Co Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Duguesaoy 2002 I 0 0 To To G 0.4 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Eid 1997 A 0 0 To To M 0.4 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Farntz 2001 I 1 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Feng 1997 A 0 0 To To M 0.4 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ferrin 2002 I 1 1 To To M A Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Finn 1999 I 1 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fontenot 1994 I A 0 1 To To M 0.2 Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fuller 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph M A TA Y Y - - - - - - - - - - Y - -
Gano 2001 A 0 0 To To G A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gautreau 1997 A 0 0 To To M 0.4 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gill 1990 I 0 1 Sy Ph M A Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gnibus 2000 I 0 0 To To G 0.2 C Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Goh (a) 2002 A 1 1 Sy Ph G A Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Goh (b) 2002 A 1 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 R N Y - - Y - - - Y - - - - - -
Goh 2001 A 0 0 To To M 0.3 TA Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Goh (a) 2003 A 1 0 Sy Ph M A R N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Goh (b) 2003 A 1 1 To To G A TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gordon 2002 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 Co Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grandzol 1998 A 0 0 To Pr M A Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Greek 2000 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.3 Su N Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gross 2001 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 TA Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hahn 1998 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.2 TA N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hahn 1999 I 1 1 Sy Ph M 1.2 TA N Y - - - - - - Y - - - - - -
Hahn 2002 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 1.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hahn 2000 I 1 1 Sy Ph G A TA Y Y Y - - - Y - Y - - - Y - -
Hahn 2001 I 0 0 To To G 0.2 TA Y Y - - Y - - - - - - - - - -
Hammer 2002 I 1 0 Sy Ph M A TA N Y - - - - - - Y - - - - - -
Harrold 1999 I 1 1 Sy Ph M 0.3 C N Y - - - - - Y - - - - - - -
Harrold 1999 I 1 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Harry 1998 I 1 1 Sy Ph M 0.2 C N Y - - Y - - - - - - - - - -
Harry (a) 2000 I 0 0 To Ph To G 0.2 Su N Y - - - - Y - - Y - - - - -
Harry (b) 2000 I 0 0 To To G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Harry (c) 2000 I 0 0 To To G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Harry (d) 2000 I 0 1 Sy Ph G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Harry (e) 2000 I 0 0 To To G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Harry (f) 2000 I 0 0 To To G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Henretta 2003 I 1 1 Sy Ph Se0.2 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hild 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph M A Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hill 2001 I 0 0 To Ph To M 1.5 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hoerl 1998 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 C N Y - Y - - - - - - - - - - -
Hoerl (a) 2001 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 1.5 TA N Y - - - - - - - - Y - - - -
Hoerl (b) 2001 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 1.5 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Horst 1999 I 0 0 Sy Ph Se 0.3 C CoN N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Howell 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Howell 2001 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 Su N Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hunter 1999 I 0 0 Sy Ph Se 0.3 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hunter 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.3 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hunter 1999 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 C N Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hutchins 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pe N
Ingle 2001 I A 1 1 Sy Ph M A Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Johnson 2002 I 0 1 Sy Ph G 0.3 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Johnson 2003 I 1 1 Sy Ph M 0.3 Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Johnstone 2002 I 0 1 Sy Ph Se 2.9 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Johnstone 2003 I 0 1 To Ph Pr Se 1.2 C N Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kandebo 1999 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 TA N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kane 1998 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.2 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kazmer 2002 A 0 1 To To M A C Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kazmierczak 2003 A 0 1 To To Se 1.6 R N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kendall 2000 I 0 0 To To G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kenett 2003 I A 0 0 To To M 0.2 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Knowles 2003 A 0 0 To To Se 0.2 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Koch 2002 I 0 1 To To M 0.8 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Koonce et al. 2003 A 0 0 To To M 0.4 C Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Krouwer 2002 I 0 1 To To Se 0.8 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kunes 2002 I 1 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Landin 2001 A 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.3 Su N Y - - - - - - - - - - Y - -
Leffew 2001 I A 1 1 To Ph To M 0.4 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Linderman 2003 A 1 1 Sy Ph G 1.5 TA Y Y - - - - - - - - - Y - - -
Lucas (a) 2002 I 1 1 To Pr To G 0.2 TA Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lucas (b) 2002 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mader 2002 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Maguire (a) 1999 I 0 1 To To M 0.2 TA N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Magure (b) 1999 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.2 C N Y - - - - - - - - - - Y - -
Pe N
Mandal 1998 A 0 0 To Ph Pr G A Su R N Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - Y - -
Mason 2000 I 1 0 To To G 0.2 C N Y - - - - - - - - - - - - -
McCarthy 2001 I 1 1 To To M A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
McFadde 1993 A 1 1 Sy Ph M 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Montgomery 2000 A 0 0 To Ph Pr G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Montgomery 2001 A 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 TA Y Y Y - - - - - - - - Y - - -
Montgomery 2002 A 0 0 To Ph Pr G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Montgomery et Pe
al. 2001 I A 0 0 Sy Ph G 1.5 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mukesh 2003 I 1 1 Sy Ph M 0.4 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Munro 2000 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.2 Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Murugappan Sy 2003 I 0 0 To Ph Pr Se 0.8 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nave 2002 I 1 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 Co Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Neuscheler 2001 I 1 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(a) 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph Se 1.3 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(b) 2000 I 1 1 Sy Ph Se1.3 Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nielsen 1999 I 0 0 Sy Ph Se0.3 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Noble 2001 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.4 Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Olexa 2003 I 0 0 To Pr M 0.3 C N Y - - - - Y - - Y - - - - -
Pearson 2001 I 0 0 To To G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Plotkin 1999 I 0 1 Sy Ph M A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pyzdek (a) 2001 I 0 0 Sy Ph M A Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pyzdek (b) 2001 I 0 0 To Ph To G 1.5 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ramberg 2000 A 0 1 Sy Ph G A TA Y Y - - - - - - - - Y - - - -
Rasis (a) 2003 I A 1 1 Sy Ph M A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rasis (b) 2003 I A 1 0 Sy Ph M A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rayner 1990 I 0 0 Sy Ph G A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ribardo 2003 I A 0 0 To To M 0.2 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Riley et al. 2002 A 1 0 Sy Ph Se A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rowlands 2003 A 0 0 To To M 0.6 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sanders (a) 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph G A TA Y Y Y - Y - - - - Y - - - Y -
Sanders (b) 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph Se A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sanders 2001 I 0 0 Sy Ph G A TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sarewitz 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph Se 1.3 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Scalise 2001 I 0 0 Sy Ph M A Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Scalise 2003 I 0 0 Sy Ph Se A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Schmitt 2000 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.3 Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Schmitt 2001 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.3 Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Schmitt 2002 I 0 1 Sy Ph G 0.3 Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sigal et al. 2001 A 1 0 Sy Ph Se 4.8 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Smith 2003 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.2 C N Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Snee 1999 I 1 1 Sy Ph G 0.2 TA Y Y - - - - - Y - Y - - Y - -
Pe N
Snee (a) 2000 I 0 1 Sy Ph G A R Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Snee (b) 2000 I 0 0 To Ph To G 0.2 TA Y Y - - Y - - - - - - - - - -
Snee (a) 2001 I 0 0 To To G 0.2 TA Y Y Y - - - - - Y - - - - - -
Snee (b) 2001 I 0 0 To Ph To G 1.5 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Snee 2003 I 1 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Stamatis 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph M A C CoY N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Stein 2001 I 0 0 To To G 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Studt 2002 I 1 0 Sy Ph G 0.7 TA Y Y - Y - - - - - - - - - - -
Takikamalla 1994 A 0 1 To To M 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tang 1997 A 0 0 To To M 0.2 Co Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Treichler 2002 I 0 0 To Pr G 0.2 C N Y Y Y Y - Y Y - - - - Y Y -
Trivedi 2002 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.4 C N Y - - Y - - - - - - - - - -
Tylutki 2002 A 0 0 Sy Ph Se 0.2 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vandenbrande 1998 I 0 0 To To M 0.2 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vaugham 1998 A 0 1 To To G A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Velocci (a) 1998 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.3 Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Velocci (b) 1998 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Velocci (c) 1998 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Velocci 2000 I 0 1 Sy Ph M 0.3 C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Velocci 2002 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.3 Su N Y - Y - - Y - - Y - - - Y Y
Voelkel 2002 A 0 0 To To G 0.2 C N Y - - Y - - - - - - - - - -
Walsh 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.3 Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Watson 2000 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 Co N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Watson (a) 2002 I 0 0 To To Se 0.2 C CoN N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Watson (b) 2002 I 1 0 Sy Ph Se 0.5 TA Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Waurayniak 2002 I 0 0 To To M 0.3 Su N Y - - - - Y - - - - - - - -
Weinstein 1998 A 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.2 Su N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Westgard 2002 I 0 0 To Pr To Se 4.4 TA N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wheeler 2002 I 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.4 Co N Y - - - - Y - - - - - - - -
Wiklund 2002 A 0 0 Sy Ph Se A C N Y Y - Y - Y - - - - - Y - -
Wood 2001 I 0 0 Sy Ph G 0.3 C N Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - -
Pe N
Wyper 2000 I 1 1 Sy Ph Se A C N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yeung 2003 A 0 0 Sy Ph M 1.5 Su N Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yu 1994 A 0 0 Sy Ph M 0.4 R N N - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tabulated data from the 39 quality improvement and cost reduction projects

used in the Meso-analysis study is presented on the next two pages.

Exp Exp
Project Savings Time M/I A/P #people EC CH TF PM CE GR
1 $35000 L M A 7 0 1 1 2 1 0
2 $70000 L M A 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
3 $81315 M M A 2 1 1 1 1 0 0
4 $40000 M M A 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
5 $250000 L I P 6 1 1 1 0 2 2
6 $150000 L M P 4 0 1 1 1 0 0
7 $125000 L I P 3 0 1 1 0 0 1
8 $2200000 L M P 9 0 1 0 0 3 0
9 $50000 M M P 5 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 $39195 M M P 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
11 $34500 L M A 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
12 $21000 L M A 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
13 $25000 M M A 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
14 $20000 M M A 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
15 $10000 M M A 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
16 $20000 S M A 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 $28000 M I P 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
18 $20000 S M P 5 0 1 1 0 2 0
19 $20000 S M P 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
20 $4350 S M A 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
21 $13750 S M A 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
22 $8500 S M A 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
23 $1600 S M A 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
24 $12500 S M A 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
25 $4000 S M A 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 $13000 S M A 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 $15000 L I P 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
28 $6000 M I P 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
29 $11500 M I P 2 0 1 1 1 0 0
30 $4500 M I P 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
31 $11000 S M P 5 0 1 1 0 1 0
32 $5400 S M P 5 0 1 1 1 1 0
33 $150000 S I P 4 0 1 0 1 1 1
34 $8600 S I P 2 1 1 0 0 0 0
35 $90000 M M A 5 1 1 1 1 1 1
36 $30000 M M P 7 1 1 1 0 1 0
37 $45000 S M A 3 0 1 0 0 0 1
38 $240000 S I P 3 1 0 0 0 0 0
39 $50000 S I P 4 1 1 0 1 0 0

Project DOE SPC DC FT EA OF Time Cost Act Savings Profit
1 0 0 1 2 0 1 13 $48700 $36000 $-12700
2 1 0 0 1 1 1 18 $7590 $0 $-7590
3 0 0 1 1 1 0 25 $35300 $31500 $-3800
4 0 0 0 0 1 0 20 $2900 $0 $-2900
5 2 0 1 7 0 1 16 $325500 $4E+06 $3874500
6 0 0 1 1 1 0 9 $76000 $170000 $94000
7 1 0 0 2 1 0 7 $17725 $130500 $112775
8 4 0 0 7 4 0 30 $220000 $0 $-220000
9 2 2 1 7 2 1 5.5 $31125 $97800 $66675
10 0 0 1 1 1 1 14 $12350 $19575 $7225
11 0 0 1 3 2 0 18 $22800 $13500 $-9300
12 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 $2600 $0 $-2600
13 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 $2000 $0 $-2000
14 0 0 0 0 1 0 20 $7500 $21740 $14240
15 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 $30800 $17200 $-13600
16 0 0 0 0 1 0 9 $2000 $0 $-2000
17 0 0 2 2 1 0 4 $12000 $7000 $-5000
18 2 1 1 6 0 0 1.5 $5300 $23220 $17920
19 0 0 1 1 1 0 3 $1900 $8050 $6150
20 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 $1000 $4025 $3025
21 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 $1000 $4025 $3025
22 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 $1000 $4025 $3025
23 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 $3525 $3125 $-400
24 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 $3000 $8400 $5400
25 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 $1900 $0 $-1900
26 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 $1900 $0 $-1900
27 1 0 1 2 1 0 19 $12125 $14985 $2860
28 0 0 1 1 1 0 2.5 $1700 $6500 $4800
29 0 1 0 1 1 1 8 $12880 $11700 $-1180
30 0 0 1 1 1 0 4.5 $3060 $6300 $3240
31 1 2 1 5 0 0 3 $4250 $10900 $6650
32 0 1 1 3 0 0 1.5 $2400 $5375 $2975
33 2 0 1 5 1 0 6 $38900 $165440 $126540
34 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 $1500 $10750 $9250
35 1 1 1 5 1 0 3 $12640 $66100 $53460
36 0 0 1 2 1 1 10 $18780 $34056 $15276
37 1 0 1 3 1 1 13 $38584 $46300 $7716
38 0 1 1 2 1 0 12 $15690 $236280 $220590
39 0 0 1 1 0 0 1.5 $1275 $11927 $10652


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