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Evaluation of Long-Term Stability of Skeletal

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Evaluation of long-term stability of skeletal

anterior open bite correction in adults treated
with maxillary posterior segment intrusion using
zygomatic miniplates
Eiman S. Marzouk and Hassan E. Kassem
Alexandria, Egypt

Introduction: This study evaluated the long-term stability of maxillary molar intrusion and anterior open-bite
correction in adults treated by maxillary posterior teeth intrusion with zygomatic miniplates. Methods: The sam-
ple included 26 skeletal anterior open-bite patients, who had maxillary posterior segment intrusion with
zygomatic miniplates. Lateral cephalograms were taken at pretreatment, posttreatment, 1 year posttreatment,
and 4 years posttreatment. Results: The mean maxillary molar intrusion was 3.04 mm (P #0.01), and the
mean bite closure was 6.93 mm (P #0.01). The intruded maxillary molars relapsed by 10.20% in the rst
year after treatment and by 13.37% by 4 years after treatment. Overbite relapsed by 8.19% and 11.18% after
1 year and 4 years posttreatment, respectively. The rst year after treatment accounted for 76.29% and
73.2% of the total relapses of molar intrusion and overbite, respectively. The 4-year posttreatment relapse
amounts of maxillary molar intrusion and overbite were positively correlated with the amount of pretreatment
maxillary molar height and the initial open-bite severity, respectively, but negatively correlated with the
amounts of maxillary molar intrusion and open-bite correction gained by treatment. Conclusions: Molar intru-
sion with zygomatic miniplates appears to be stable 4 years after treatment. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

nterior open bite has been considered a chal- Conventionally, treatment options for skeletal open
lenging malocclusion in treatment, especially bite in adults include the use of elastics combined with
in adults, and in retention, owing to its likeli- the multiloop edgewise archwire technique9 or nickel-
hood to relapse.1-3 The deformity is caused by titanium archwires.10 However, these mechanics cannot
combined inuences from skeletal, dental, respiratory, reduce the increased lower facial height of skeletal open
neurologic, and habitual factors.1,3-6 bite in adults, since the open bite has been mainly
Skeletal anterior open bite is characterized by a steep masked by the extrusion of anterior teeth rather than
mandibular plane, an obtuse gonial angle, and increased by molar intrusion. Moreover, the extrusion of maxillary
height of the lower third of the face.7,8 Generally, anterior teeth to close large open bites might compro-
patients with an anterior open bite and a mise esthetic goals by causing excessive incisal and
hyperdivergent skeletal pattern have excessive gingival display.11
posterior vertical growth of the dentoalveolar complex As a result, treatment of severe skeletal anterior open
in the maxilla, the mandible, or both. bite in adults consists chiey of orthognathic surgery to
reposition the maxilla, the mandible, or both.2,12-14
Stability of the open-bite correction was noted in
Lecturer, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics, Alexandria Univer-
sity, Alexandria, Egypt.
approximately 75% to 85% of the patients treated with
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of various surgical procedures.12,14-16 In addition, the
Potential Conicts of Interest, and none were reported. long-term stability of surgical therapies for anterior
Address correspondence to: Eiman S. Marzouk, 75 Ahmed Kamha St, Camp
Caesar, Alexandria, Egypt; e-mail,
open-bite correction was investigated in a meta-
Submitted, June 2015; revised and accepted, December 2015. analysis and indicated 82% stability of the various surgi-
0889-5406/$36.00 cal treatments, measured by positive overbite at 12
Copyright 2016 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights
or more months after treatment.17 Despite the relative stability of the surgically corrected anterior open bite,
Marzouk and Kassem 79

complications, postoperative pain, edema, discomfort, ment stability of maxillary molar intrusion and overbite
hazards of general anesthesia, costs, and rehabilitation correction in adults with anterior open bite treated by
after surgery have made the surgical decision not usually intrusion of the posterior teeth with zygomatic
preferred by most patients. miniplates.
With the introduction of temporary anchorage de-
vices, especially miniscrews and miniplates, intruding MATERIAL AND METHODS
the molars into their bony support, producing mandib- The sample size estimation was calculated for the dif-
ular autorotation and bite closure, nally is ference in maxillary molar height based on a paired-
possible.11,18-23 It has been publicized that skeletal samples t test using the software PS Power and Sample
anchorage placed with a minor surgical intervention Size Calculations (version 3.0.43).28 The mean difference
can achieve equivalent treatment results to those tested for was 1.5 mm. A more liberal standard deviation
obtained by orthognathic surgery.21 Molar intrusion of the mean difference that was reported by Erverdi
with skeletal anchorage has now become an accepted et al29 was used (s 5 2.5 mm), with type I error of
treatment protocol for treating skeletal anterior open- 0.05 and power of 80%. The estimated sample size
bite patients. was 24 subjects.
Only a few studies in addition to case reports have An initial sample of 28 patients with skeletal anterior
evaluated the stability of open-bite patients treated by open bite was selected according to the following
intrusion of the posterior teeth with skeletal anchorage. criteria.
Sugawara et al19 reported about a 30% relapse rate of
1. Patients with Angle Class I or Class II malocclusion,
intruded molars 1 year after treatment in a case series
permanent dentition with anterior open bite
of 9 open-bite patients treated with mandibular molar
(dened by cephalometric overbite measurement
intrusion. Lee and Park22 found a 10.36% relapse rate
of at least 3 mm and a maximum of 8 mm),
for intruded maxillary molars and an 18.1% relapse
and age between 19 and 28 years.
rate for overbite after a 17.4-month retention period
2. Maxillary posterior vertical dentoalveolar excess ac-
in 11 adults. Baek et al23 found a maxillary molar relapse
cording to the analysis of Burstone et al.30 It was
rate of 22.88% and an overbite relapse rate of 17% over
measured as the length of a perpendicular line
a 3-year follow-up period in 9 open-bite patients. Degu-
from the maxillary rst molar mesiobuccal cusp tip
chi et al24 noted approximately a 21.7% maxillary molar
to the palatal plane (female, mean is 23 mm [SD,
relapse rate and an overbite relapse rate of 13% after
1.3 mm]; male, mean is 26.2 mm [SD, 2 mm]).
2 years of retention in 15 female open-bite patients
3. Acceptable or orthodontically correctable incisor-lip
treated with miniscrews. Recently, Schefer et al25 stud-
ied the stability of anterior open-bite treatment in 33
patients treated by intrusion of the maxillary posterior All subjects were treated by the same orthodontist
teeth with a maxillary occlusal splint and skeletal (E.S.M.) at the Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of
anchorage at 1 year and 2 or more years posttreatment. Dentistry, Alexandria University in Egypt. Written
They concluded that 11% of their patients had greater informed consent was obtained from each subject before
than 2 mm of maxillary molar relapse after 1 year and the study. Approval regarding the ethical concerns of
16% at 2 years. The same was true for the relapse in this study was obtained from the ethical committee of
overbite: 15% of the patients had relapses in overbite the Faculty of Dentistry at Alexandria University.
greater than 1 mm after 1 year and 22% at 2 years, The clinical technique used was described in more
but none had more than a 2-mm change. detail in a preliminary report.31 In brief summary, treat-
Most expert orthodontists can obtain a positive over- ment was conducted with the standard edgewise tech-
bite of the teeth in anterior open bite with orthodontic nique using 0.022 3 0.028-in conventional brackets.
treatment alone or combined with surgical intervention, Orthodontic leveling was carried out in 3 independent
but maintaining the vertical overlap can be problematic segments for the maxillary arch (1 anterior and 2
after treatment. Because of the susceptibility for relapse posterior).
after any orthodontic correction, it is essential to eval- When the maxillary segments were leveled with a
uate further than the immediate posttreatment interval 0.019 3 0.025-in stainless steel segment, the patients
to determine long-term stability.26,27 received a double transpalatal arch fabricated from
There are few reports with adequate numbers of sub- 1.2-mm stainless steel round wire to counteract the
jects in long-term investigations of stability of maxillary buccal tipping of the molars during intrusion. It was
molar intrusion with skeletal anchorage. Hence, this placed 4 mm from the palate to create sufcient room
study was conducted to evaluate the 4-year posttreat- to accommodate the posterior impaction (Fig 1, A).

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2016  Vol 150  Issue 1
80 Marzouk and Kassem

Fig 1. A, Double transpalatal arch; B, schematic illustration of the intrusion mechanics; C-E, pano-
ramic, lateral, and posteroanterior cephalometric radiographs after placement of the miniplates and
double transpalatal arch before intrusion. Red arrows show the direction of force application.

The patients were then referred for the surgical place- incisive papilla.32 These exercises were repeated at
ment of the miniplates. All patients had titanium least 4 or 5 times per day, aiming to reeducate the
I-shaped multipurpose miniplates (Gebr uder Martin, tongue posture in these open-bite patients.
Tuttlingen, Germany) xed with 3 bone screws After the completion of intrusion, the maxillary mo-
(Gebruder Martin) 7 mm in length to the contour of lars were ligature-tied to the miniplates, which remained
the lower surface of each zygomatic buttress by the until the end of active treatment. The subjects were eval-
same surgeon. Maxillary posterior intrusion was started uated for the need for extractions to correct mandibular
4 weeks after the surgical procedure. anterior crowding, overjet, or reduced interincisal angle.
A nickel-titanium coil spring (GAC, Bohemia, NY) was Extraction of 4 rst premolars was deemed necessary in
attached from the exposed hook of the miniplate to the all subjects. The patients were referred for the extrac-
rst molar to deliver an intrusive force of 450 g per side tions. The mandibular incisors were bonded. Both arches
(Fig 1, B-E). The intrusion force was stopped when the were releveled to 0.019 3 0.025-in stainless steel wires,
anterior overbite reached 1 to 2 mm. and the remaining spaces were closed.
Before starting the maxillary posterior intrusion, the The retention protocol included maxillary and
mandibular arch was stabilized by a continuous mandibular Hawley retainers to be worn full time during
0.019 3 0.025-in stainless steel archwire bypassing the day except at mealtimes and toothbrushing during
the mandibular incisors to prevent the compensatory the rst year after treatment. A maxillary Hawley retainer
eruption of the mandibular molars during intrusion of with a posterior bite plane was to be worn during the
the maxillary posterior teeth. night to prevent overeruption of the posterior dentition.
Throughout the treatment, the patients were in- For the second year of retention, the patients were in-
structed to perform tongue exercises using orthodon- structed to wear the maxillary Hawley retainer with the
tic intermaxillary rubber bands; the bands were placed posterior bite plane with the traditional mandibular
on the tip of the tongue to bring it to the level of the Hawley retainer only at night. During the third and

July 2016  Vol 150  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Marzouk and Kassem 81

Table I. Skeletal, dental, and soft tissue measurements used in the lateral cephalometric analysis
Measurement Denition
Skeletal measurements
SNA ( ) Anteroposterior position of maxillary base to the anterior cranial base
SNB ( ) Anteroposterior position of mandibular base to the anterior cranial base
ANB ( ) Anteroposterior relationship of maxillary base to mandibular base
ANS-Me (mm) Lower anterior facial height, the measurement between anterior nasal spine (ANS) and menton (Me)
N-Me (mm) Total anterior facial height, the measurement between nasion (N) and Me
SN-MP ( ) Mandibular plane angle, the angle between mandibular plane, gonion (Go)-Me and anterior cranial base
plane (SN)
SN-Pog ( ) Angle between SN and N-pogonion (Pog)
VP-Pog (mm) Distance between the vertical reference plane and Pog
N-S-Gn ( ) Angle between SN and gnathion (Gn)
Dental measurements
U6-PP (mm) Maxillary posterior dentoalveolar height, the perpendicular distance between the mesial cusp of the
maxillary rst molar and the palatal plane
U1-FHP ( ) Angle between the long axis of the most anterior maxillary central incisor and the constructed Frankfort
horizontal plane
L1-FHP ( ) Angle between the long axis of the most anterior mandibular central incisor and the constructed Frankfort
horizontal plane
L1-MP ( ) Angle between the long axis of the most anterior mandibular central incisor and the mandibular plane
L1-MP (mm) Perpendicular distance between the most anterior mandibular central incisor tip and the mandibular plane
U1-FHP (mm) Perpendicular distance between the most anterior maxillary central incisor tip and the constructed Frankfort
horizontal plane
L6-MP (mm) Mandibular molar height, the perpendicular distance between the mesial cusp of the mandibular rst molar
and the mandibular plane
Overjet (mm) Horizontal distance between the incisal edges of the maxillary and mandibular central incisors,
perpendicular to the constructed Frankfort horizontal plane
Overbite (mm) Vertical distance between the incisal edges of the maxillary and mandibular central incisors, perpendicular
to the vertical reference plane (VP)
Soft tissue measurement
Soft tissue facial convexity The smaller angle formed by the intersection of the N0 -Sn line and the extension of the Pog'-Sn line at Sn
(N0 -Sn-Pog0 ) ( )

fourth years, the same appliances were used 1 night a same investigator (E.S.M.). To exclude the intraexaminer
week. Additionally, the tongue exercises were reinforced error in the measurements, 10 randomly selected radio-
during the retention period. graphs were retraced 2 weeks after the rst measure-
Lateral cephalograms of the subjects were taken ments by the same examiner. A paired t test and the
before treatment (T1), immediately after treatment intraclass correlation coefcient were performed for
(T2), 1 year posttreatment (T3), and 4 years posttreat- the rst and second measurements. The difference be-
ment (T4). tween the 2 sets of measurements was insignicant;
The lateral cephalometric radiographs were traced the paired t test and the intraclass correlation coefcient
through the midpoints between the right and left struc- were greater than 0.9.
tures, and any magnication was corrected in the mea- The statistical analysis was accomplished using
surements. Several angular and linear measurements the SPSS software (version 17; SPSS, Chicago, Ill).
were obtained from lateral cephalograms to analyze the Normal distribution of the sample data was
skeletal, dental, and soft tissue changes (Table I; Fig 2). conrmed with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Results
A constructed Frankfort horizontal plane was drawn of this test demonstrated that all variables were nor-
with an inferior angle of 7 to the sella-nasion plane mally distributed. A paired t test was used to
from point S; a vertical line, drawn from point S at 90 compare the variables at T1 and T2. Comparisons
to the constructed Frankfort horizontal plane, func- among T2, T3, and T4 were done by repeated-
tioned as the vertical plane of reference.33 measures analysis of variance followed by a paired
t test. The Pearson correlation coefcient was used
Statistical analysis to study the correlations between the variables. Com-
To preserve reliability, all cephalometric measure- parisons of the treatment changes between Angle
ments and analyses were performed by the Class I and Class II patients were performed using

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2016  Vol 150  Issue 1
82 Marzouk and Kassem

Fig 2. Lateral cephalogram landmarks, reference planes, and main dental measurements. 1, U6-PP
(mm); 2, L6-MP (mm); 3, overjet; 4, overbite.

Table II. Demographic data of the study sample* and treatment duration
Treatment duration

Demographics Range Mean SD

Pretreatment age 19 y 4 mo-26 y 11 mo 22 y 5 mo 2y 4 mo
Duration of intrusion 5-10 mo 7.5 mo 2.3 mo
Total treatment duration (T1-T2) 24-28 mo 26.2 mo 1.98 mo
Duration between debonding and 1 year posttreatment (T2-T3) 12-14 mo 12.9 mo 0.89 mo
Duration between end of 1 year posttreatment to end of 4 years 36-41 mo 38.6 mo 2.11 mo
posttreatment (T3-T4)

*Study sample: 26 patients (15 women, 11 men). Angle classication: 16 Class I, 10 Class II.

independent-samples t tests. The signicance level In addition, overbite was signicantly increased
was set at P #0.05. (P #0.01) by a mean of 6.93 mm (SD, 1.99 mm) resulting
in a 1.6-fold increase (SD, 0.36-fold) (Tables IV and V).
No statistically signicant changes were found in
maxillary molar height or overbite during the rst year
Table II shows the demographic data of the study posttreatment (T3-T2) or after 1 year to the end of
sample. Two of the original 28 patients were lost to 4 years posttreatment (T4-T3) (Fig 3).
follow-up at T3; hence, 26 subjects were analyzed. Min- The relapse rates of the intruded maxillary molars
imal mobility of the zygomatic miniplates was reported were 10.20% (SD, 2.5%) in the rst year posttreatment
in 3 patients, but it did not warrant removal. (T3-T2) and 13.37% (SD, 3.3%) at 4 years after treat-
The mean measurements and standard deviations for ment (T4-T2); overbite relapsed by 8.19% (SD, 3.25%)
the selected cephalometric variables at T1, T2, T3, and at T3-T2 and by 11.18% (SD, 4.11%) at T4-T2. The
T4 are shown in Table III. The mean differences of the changes in the rst year accounted for 76.29% and
measurements between the various time intervals are 73.2% of the relapses of molar intrusion and overbite,
given in Table IV. respectively (Table V).
There were treatment and posttreatment changes in Moreover, the stability rates calculated as the relapse
molar intrusion and overbite. The maxillary molar was rate subtracted from 100% were 89.8% and 86.63% for
intruded signicantly (P #0.01) by a mean of molar intrusion, and 91.81% and 88.82% for overbite
3.04 mm (SD, 0.79 mm) during treatment and by correction after 1 year and 4 years posttreatment,
10.87% (SD, 2.46%) of the pretreatment molar height. respectively.

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Table III. Cephalometric variables at pretreatment (T1), posttreatment (T2), 1 year posttreatment (T3), and 4 years
posttreatment (T4)
T1 T2 T3 T4

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Skeletal measurements
SNA ( ) 81.86 2.59 80.20 2.62 80.31 2.60 80.42 2.69
SNB ( ) 75.00 3.21 77.18 3.23 76.96 3.29 76.79 3.34
ANB ( ) 6.86 1.13 3.02 1.11 3.35 1.14 3.63 1.15
ANS-Me (mm) 78.05 5.83 74.48 5.50 75.05 5.49 75.55 5.49
N-Me (mm) 124.68 6.14 121.05 5.69 121.61 5.76 122.11 5.76
SN-MP ( ) 49.05 3.90 46.91 3.89 47.19 3.91 47.43 3.93
SN-Pog ( ) 74.68 2.82 77.00 2.51 76.51 2.70 76.17 2.75
VP-Pog (mm) 45.00 6.09 47.45 6.06 46.67 6.09 46.05 6.09
N-S-Gn ( ) 77.09 3.01 74.86 2.67 75.39 2.83 75.69 2.89
Dental measurements
U6-PP (mm) 28.27 2.55 25.23 2.14 25.54 2.17 25.64 2.17
U1-FH ( ) 114.82 3.91 111.73 1.28 112.13 1.41 112.25 1.51
L1-FH ( ) 42.82 3.87 44.30 3.59 43.96 3.59 43.87 3.58
L1-MP ( ) 91.32 1.17 90.03 1.06 90.42 0.99 90.50 0.99
L1-MP (mm) 44.05 2.79 45.62 2.82 45.32 2.80 45.56 2.82
U1-FH (mm) 74.45 3.89 76.95 3.99 76.77 4.02 77.38 3.85
L6-MP (mm) 34.43 1.27 34.86 1.35 34.57 1.13 34.29 1.38
Overbite (mm) 4.75 2.27 2.18 0.48 1.61 0.42 1.41 0.39
Overjet (mm) 5.55 2.28 2.16 0.45 2.61 0.46 2.72 0.46
Soft tissue measurement
Soft tissue facial convexity N0 -Sn-Pog0 ( ) 25.91 3.24 23.55 2.43 23.90 2.42 24.09 2.44

When we evaluated the correlation between the angle by 2.23 (SD, 0.37 ), and the lower anterior facial
severity of the pretreatment condition (T1) and the total height by 3.57 mm (SD, 1.15 mm). The SNB angle, SN-
amount of relapse (T4-T2), we found a statistically sig- Pog angle, and vertical reference plane-pogonion dis-
nicant positive correlation (r 5 0.543; P 5 0.009) be- tance increased signicantly (P #0.01) by 2.18 (SD,
tween the pretreatment maxillary molar height and the 0.40 ), 2.32 (SD, 0.48 ), and 2.45 mm (SD,
amount of molar intrusion relapse at 4 years posttreat- 0.05 mm), respectively, followed by a signicant
ment. Similarly, the initial open-bite severity and the to- decrease (P #0.01) in the ANB angle by 3.84 (SD,
tal amount of overbite relapse were signicantly 0.70 ).
correlated (r 5 0.392; P 5 0.035) (Table VI). Dentally, overjet was reduced by 3.39 mm (SD,
As for the correlation between the magnitude of 2.04 mm) (P #0.01), and there was signicant extrusion
treatment correction (T2-T1) and the degree of relapse of the maxillary incisors by 2.5 mm (SD,
4 years after treatment (T4-T2), there was a statistically 0.11 mm) (P #0.01). There was no signicant change
signicant strong negative correlation (r 5 0.856; in the distance between the mesial cusp of the mandib-
P 5 0.001) between the extent of molar intrusion and ular rst molar and the mandibular plane. The soft tissue
its amount of total relapse. A similar but weak correla- facial convexity decreased by 2.36 (SD, 0.92 ) (P #0.01)
tion was found for overbite treatment correction and (Table IV).
its total amount of relapse (r 5 0.314; P 5 0.046) No signicant changes were seen in any parameters
(Table VI). during the rst year posttreatment (T3-T2) or after
In addition, there was a moderate positive correlation 1 year to the end of 4 years posttreatment (T4-T3),
(P \0.05) between the amount of molar intrusion and yet when analyzing the total retention period (T4-T2),
overbite correction when we investigated the correla- there were a signicant increase (P #0.05) in the ANB
tions between the treatment changes of the variables angle by 0.61 (SD, 0.10 ) and decreases (P #0.05) in
(T2-T1) (Table VII). the vertical reference plane-pogonion distance by
There were treatment and posttreatment changes of 1.40 mm (SD, 5.42 mm) and the SN-Pog angle by
the other cephalometric variables. During treatment, 0.83 (SD, 1.96 ), respectively. There were no statisti-
there was a statistically signicant decrease (P #0.01) cally signicant differences in the other variables
in the SN-MP angle by 2.13 (SD, 0.21 ), the N-S-Gn (Table IV).

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Table IV. Mean differences in cephalometric measurements between the time intervals
T2-T1 T3-T2 T4-T3 T4-T2

Mean SD P Mean SD P Mean SD P Mean SD P

Skeletal measurements
SNA ( ) 1.66 0.45 * 0.11 0.18 NS 0.11 1.97 NS 0.22 2.01 NS
SNB ( ) 2.18 0.40 y 0.22 0.09 NS 0.17 2.36 NS 0.39 2.35 NS
ANB ( ) 3.84 0.70 y 0.33 0.16 NS 0.28 0.10 NS 0.61 0.10 *
ANS-Me (mm) 3.57 1.15 y 0.57 0.18 NS 0.50 5.15 NS 1.07 5.21 NS
N-Me (mm) 3.64 1.06 y 0.57 0.18 NS 0.50 4.64 NS 1.07 4.67 NS
SN-MP ( ) 2.13 0.21 y 0.27 0.05 NS 0.24 3.55 NS 0.51 3.55 NS
SN-Pog ( ) 2.32 0.48 y 0.49 0.22 NS 0.34 2.03 NS 0.83 1.96 *
VP-Pog (mm) 2.45 0.05 y 0.77 0.05 NS 0.63 5.44 NS 1.40 5.42 *
N-S-Gn ( ) 2.23 0.37 y 0.53 0.20 NS 0.30 2.57 NS 0.83 2.52 NS
Dental measurements
U6-PP (mm) 3.04 0.79 y 0.31 0.07 NS 0.10 2.04 NS 0.41 2.03 NS
U1-FH ( ) 3.09 3.19 y 0.41 0.42 NS 0.11 1.42 NS 0.52 1.46 NS
L1-FH ( ) 1.48 0.59 * 0.33 0.09 NS 0.09 3.30 NS 0.42 3.28 NS
L1-MP ( ) 1.29 0.50 * 0.40 0.10 NS 0.08 0.99 NS 0.48 1.02 NS
L1-MP (mm) 1.57 0.07 NS 0.30 0.05 NS 0.24 1.88 NS 0.06 1.89 NS
U1-FH (mm) 2.5 0.11 y 0.18 0.035 NS 0.61 2.725 NS 0.43 2.708 NS
L6-MP (mm) 0.43 0.53 NS 0.29 0.49 NS 0.29 0.49 NS 0.57 0.53 NS
Overbite (mm) 6.93 1.99 y 0.57 0.09 NS 0.20 0.38 NS 0.77 0.43 NS
Overjet (mm) 3.39 2.04 y 0.46 0.05 NS 0.11 0.48 NS 0.56 0.48 NS
Soft tissue measurement
Soft tissue facial convexity N0 -Sn-Pog0 ( ) 2.36 0.92 y 0.36 0.11 NS 0.18 2.09 NS 0.54 2.09 NS
Negative values represent decreases during treatment; positive values represent increases during treatment.
T2-T1, Changes produced by treatment; T3-T2, changes during the rst year posttreatment; T4-T3, changes after the rst year to the end of 4 years
posttreatment; T4-T2, changes during the entire 4 years posttreatment; NS, not signicant.
P #0.05; yP #0.01.

Table V. Maxillary molar (U6) height and overbite: percentages of correction of the pretreatment values and percent-
ages of relapse at 1 and 4 years posttreatment
Treatment change from
pretreatment measurement (%) One-year posttreatment Four years posttreatment
([T2-T1]/T1) relapse (%) ([T3-T2]/[T2-T1]) relapse (%) ([T4-T2]/[T2-T1])

Variable Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

U6-PP (mm) 10.87 2.46 10.20 2.5 13.37 3.30
Overbite (mm) 161.16 36.38 8.19 3.25 11.18 4.11

Regarding the correlations between the changes of and mandibular molar heights and overbite. Maxillary
cephalometric variables induced by treatment (T2-T1), incisor height showed a minimal mean difference of
the treatment changes of the SN-Pog, SN-MP, and 0.13 mm (P 5 0.03) (Table VIII).
SNB angles were all highly correlated (P \0.01) with
the change in overbite. In addition, a strong negative DISCUSSION
correlation (P \0.01) existed between the SNB and The treatment of skeletal anterior open bite in adults
SN-MP angles. Moreover, the SN-Pog angle was highly classically involved a combination of surgical and ortho-
correlated (P \0.01) with the anterior movement of dontic treatment, which provided satisfactory results
hard tissue pogonion as shown by the vertical plane- and long-term stability.2,12-14 With the advent of
to-pogonion measurement (mm) as well as with the zygomatic miniplates, absolute molar intrusion was
change in the SNB angle (Table VII). made possible in skeletal anterior open-bite patients.
Comparison between treatment changes in Angle Because of the conservative surgical procedure required
Class I and Class II patients showed no statistically sig- for miniplate placement, it offered a more appealing op-
nicant difference between these groups in maxillary tion for most patients who refuse orthognathic surgery.

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Marzouk and Kassem 85

In this study, the anterior open bite was corrected

by a combination of mandibular rotation and maxillary
incisor extrusion. As the maxillary posterior teeth were
intruded, simultaneous changes followed; the mandible
rotated counterclockwise, closing the anterior open bite
and resulting in forward and upward movement of
Point B and pogonion; this in turn reduced the ANB
angle, the mandibular plane angle, and the anterior
facial height. This decreased the facial soft tissue con-
vexity, improving the patient's prole (Tables III
and IV).
The achieved amount of bite closure agreed with
some previous articles.11,20,21,24,29 Overbite correction
was mostly achieved by mandibular counterclockwise
rotation (Table VII). This agrees with the results of Lee
and Park22 and Baek et al.23 However, the amount of
overbite correction that was signicantly correlated
with the amount of posterior intrusion in this study dis-
agrees with the ndings of Baek et al,23 who attributed
more contribution of anterior extrusion to overbite
The maxillary molar intrusion observed agreed with
Fig 3. Changes in the vertical distance between the the studies of Erverdi et al,20,37 who reported a mean
maxillary rst molar cusp tip and the palatal plane (U6- molar intrusion of 3.6 mm, and Akan et al,38 who found
PP) and changes in overbite from T1 to T4. T1, Pretreat- a mean intrusion of the maxillary rst molar of 3.37 mm.
ment; T2, posttreatment; T3, 1 year posttreatment; T4,
However, the mean maxillary molar intrusion in our
4 years posttreatment. **P #0.01.
study was greater than in several studies that reported
it to be 1.8 mm,39 1.99 mm,11 2.22 mm,22
However, there are few studies on stability of anterior 2.3 mm,21,24,25 2.4 mm,23 and 2.6 mm.29 These differ-
open-bite correction in adults with zygomatic miniplate ences can be attributed to the heterogeneity of the initial
anchorage. The available stability studies mostly have maxillary molar heights of the samples. Hence, in our
short follow-up periods.19,22 Other studies had small study, the amount of molar intrusion, calculated as a
sample sizes,19,23 and 1 study was a case report.34 In percentage of the initial pretreatment molar height,
addition, the samples studied included both growing was 10.87% (SD, 2.46%).
and nongrowing subjects19,25 and both extraction and There was no statistically signicant change in either
nonextraction treatments,23 which are confounding var- maxillary molar height or overbite during retention. Lee
iables for the treatment results. Our series included only and Park22 reported a comparable relapse rate (10.36%)
adults, and all participants had 4 rst premolars ex- for the intruded maxillary molars but a greater overbite
tracted as part of their treatment; this added to the ho- relapse (18.10%) after the 17.4-month retention period.
mogeneity of the sample. On the other hand, the relapse rates in this study were
Park et al35 recommended 10 to 20 g of force for the smaller than in the study of Sugawara et al,19 who re-
intrusion of an incisor and 150 to 200 g of force to ported approximately a 30% relapse rate of the intruded
intrude a multirooted tooth. Yao et al36 applied 150 to molars 1 year after debonding; Baek et al,23 who noted a
200 g of force to overerupted maxillary rst molars maxillary rst molar relapse rate of 22.88% and an over-
from the buccal and palatal aspects simultaneously. A bite relapse rate of 17.00% by the end of the 3-year
higher force magnitude of approximately 400 g of force follow-up period; and Deguchi et al,24 who found
was used for en-masse intrusion of all maxillary teeth approximately a 21.7% maxillary molar relapse rate after
distal to the canines.20,29,37 In our study, to determine 2 years of retention. The increased stability reported in
the amount of force to be applied to intrude the this study may be attributed to the stability of the maxil-
posterior teeth, 150 g of force per molar and 75 g of lary molar intrusion with a strict retention protocol and
force per premolar were chosen; these added up to maxillary incisor extrusion achieved during treatment
450 g of intrusive force on the rst and second that remained relatively stable in the retention period,
premolars and molars. in addition to the absence of compensatory mandibular

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2016  Vol 150  Issue 1
86 Marzouk and Kassem

Table VI. Correlation between total amount of relapse (T4-T2) with pretreatment severity (T1) and treatment change
Variable 1 (T1) Variable 2 (T4-T2) r P value Signicance
Pretreatment measurements (T1) and total relapse (T4-T2)
U6-PP (mm) U6-PP (mm) 0.543 0.009 y
Overbite (mm) Overbite (mm) 0.392 0.035 *
Variable 1 (T2-T1) Variable 2 (T4-T2) r P value Signicance
Amount of correction (T2-T1) and total relapse (T4-T2)
U6-PP (mm) U6-PP (mm) 0.856 0.001 y
Overbite (mm) Overbite (mm) 0.314 0.046 *

T1, Pretreatment; T2-T1, changes produced by treatment; T4-T2, changes during 4 years posttreatment.
P #0.05; yP #0.01.

Table VII. Correlations between treatment changes of the cephalometric measurements (T2-T1)
Variables 1 T2-T1 Variables 2 T2-T1 r P value Signicance
Overbite (mm) SN-Pog ( ) 0.656 0.001 y
Overbite (mm) SN-MP ( ) 0.741 0.001 y
Overbite (mm) SNB ( ) 0.772 0.001 y
U6-PP (mm) Overbite (mm) 0.556 0.039 *
SNB ( ) SN-Pog ( ) 0.711 0.001 y
SNB ( ) SN-MP ( ) 0.878 0.0001 y
VP-Pog (mm) SN-Pog ( ) 0.757 0.001 y
VP-Pog (mm) SN-MP ( ) 0.391 0.046 *
VP-Pog (mm) SNB ( ) 0.545 0.027 *

T2-T1, Changes produced by treatment.

P #0.05; yP #0.01.

Table VIII. Comparisons between treatment changes in Angle Class I and Class II patients
Variable U6-PP (mm) T2-T1 Overbite (mm) T2-T1 L6-MP (mm) T2-T1 U1-FH (mm) T2-T1

Class Class I Class II Class I Class II Class I Class II Class I Class II

Mean 3.00 3.14 6.70 7.43 0.50 0.33 2.41 2.54
SD 0.65 1.07 1.16 3.21 0.51 0.58 0.11 0.11
Mean difference 0.14 0.73 0.17 0.13
P value 0.75 0.58 0.72 0.03
Signicance NS NS NS *

T2-T1, changes produced by treatment; NS, not signicant.

*P #0.05.

extrusion during intrusion and after treatment, contrary The stability rates of open-bite correction in this
to that reported by Sugawara et al.19 study were considered comparable with the rates re-
In our study, the rst year accounted for 76.29% and ported in various orthognathic surgical procedures for
73.2% of the total relapses of molar intrusion and over- anterior open-bite patients, ranging from 75% to
bite, respectively. Baek et al23 reported that 80% of the 85%.12,14-16 This demonstrates that in addition to the
total relapse of the maxillary molars took place during advantage of no major surgery, the combined usage
the rst year after treatment. This emphasizes the impor- of zygomatic miniplate anchorage for molar intrusion
tance of applying effective posttreatment retention dur- and rst premolar extractions can be considered a
ing the rst year to minimize relapse and enhance the stable method for correcting skeletal anterior open
long-term stability of the treatment. bites.

July 2016  Vol 150  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Marzouk and Kassem 87

The maxillary incisor extrusion was relatively stable 4. The amounts of total relapse of molar intrusion and
after debonding until the end of the 4-year follow-up. overbite were positively correlated with the amount
Sugawara et al19 also reported nonsignicant changes of pretreatment maxillary molar height and the
of the extruded incisors at 1 year after treatment. How- initial open-bite severity, respectively, but nega-
ever, Schefer et al25 reported intrusion of the maxillary tively correlated with the amounts of molar intru-
incisors greater than 2 mm in 4% of the subjects after sion and open-bite correction achieved by
1 year and 8% after 2 years. They believed that the inci- treatment.
sors that were elongated during treatment relapsed dur- 5. The stability of the open-bite patients in this study
ing retention. Conversely, Baek et al23 reported extrusion was attributed to the stability of the maxillary molar
of the incisors during retention that may have helped to intrusion and the maxillary incisor extrusion.
maintain the corrected open bite.
Lee and Park22 and Baek et al23 found that the initial
overbite did not correlate with the overbite relapse. How- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ever, in this study, there was a signicant positive corre-
lation between the extent of the initial maxillary We thank Dr Mohamed M. Fata, professor of Cranio-
posterior dentoalveolar height and the total amount of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry
relapse of the molar intrusion. A similar correlation was at Alexandria University, for surgical placement of the
found between the initial open-bite severity and the miniplates.
amount of overbite relapse 4 years after treatment
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July 2016  Vol 150  Issue 1 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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