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1 Year PGDRM

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“Global Risk Management Institute (‘GRMI’) understanding of risk and innovative problem-
is a pioneer in the world of education in risk solving. Our Post Graduate Diploma in Risk
management. We have created a curriculum Management (‘PGDRM’) Programme is especially
At GRMI, we not
that spans across all aspects of enterprise risk structured to bridge a very significant talent gap
only provide ample – financial, operational and compliance, and existent in the industry. We train our students to

opportunities to provides nuanced insights across all key industry find the most creative and appropriate solution
verticals. The team has worked hard to pull for any business requirement. We aim to create
students to build together an enviable mix of faculty members leaders with an innovative and analytical mind,
a network with who bring just the right blend of international who can be the best in their chosen fields.
academic excellence and domain expertise in
entrepreneurs and risk management. We believe deep domain At GRMI, we not only provide ample opportunities
corporate leaders, knowledge, combined with experiential learning to students to build a network with entrepreneurs
imparted by an exceptional faculty team, along and corporate leaders, but also make them part
but also make them
with our on-the-job internship Programme, will of a pioneering enterprise in the field of risk
part of a pioneering make GRMI graduates extremely relevant and management in business education.

enterprise in valued in their profession, whether in reputed

consulting firms or in large corporates. In the competitive employment market and
the field of risk with ever-increasing focus on India and Indian
management in Our aim is to cultivate and promote a generation professionals, my message to all the aspiring
of risk-intelligent professionals ready to navigate students would be simple — you are at the
business education. in a complex corporate environment, equipped right place at the right time. GRMI is a unique
with the knowledge of global markets and institute in the world today, where we provide
understanding of how risk and technology education in one of the fastest growing areas
permeate every type of business. On graduating of employment demand — risk management
from our institute, our students, will learn to spot — through an effective experiential learning,
emerging market trends and capitalize on them delivered by some of the best in the domain.”
for competitive advantage.

My experience of 40 years, which includes many

as Managing Director and Member of Boards, has Best Wishes
convinced me that though most organizations SUNIL SETHY
are sensitive to the inherent risks in their Emeritus Dean – GRMI
businesses they constantly struggle to create
a structure which will give them a continuous
flow of feedback on residual risks and solutions.
This is mainly due to a lack of talent in good
Our Management Team Offers 06

Message from our Leaders 10

Board Of Directors 11

Strategy Board 13

Board of Governors 16

Course Overview & Details 18

Internships 31

Why Study a Risk Management Programme? 32

Why Study at GRMI? 37

How will I Study & Develop Myself? 41

How will I be Assessed? 43

Our Academic Council 44

Our Faculty Members 46

Career Progression & Placements 50

Our Students 51

Student’s Experience 61

Admission Process to PGDRM 62

FAQ’s 66
06 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.

As a specialised institute, we
recognise the need of multi-
disciplinary approach in the MANAGEMENT
ever evolving arena of risk
management required to work
together with other centres • In-depth understanding of risk management,
with cumulative experience in excess of ~ 50
of risk expertise around the years in risk consulting.
world. We actively work with
• 2,000+ hours experience of building and
industry experts to develop running exhaustive training sessions for
new educational Programmes, corporate and in-house consulting teams.

thought leadership and

• Experience of hiring student community in
continuing professional the Indian market for over 35 years to assess
development. the demand-supply gap.

• Strong global connects across Fortune

Companies to attract global support
in building the Programme, student

OUR VISION participation and drive global placements.

• High credibility in corporate world and access

To be the world’s premier to strong leadership to partner in ventures as
risk management educational we build over time.
institute, attracting top global
talent and impacting the • Experience of successful entrepreneurship.

global economy by shaping

• Passion of making a difference to the society
corporate and public sector by way of creating an enhanced eco system
leaders of the future. in the domain.


To become a globally
preferred knowledge hub
for creating risk intelligent
professionals. 07 08 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.


Subodh Bhargava has been the Group Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer of Eicher Group of
Chairman of the
Companies. He is currently the Independent approach to evaluating and mitigating business
Board of Directors,
GRMI Director Chairman at Tata Communications Ltd. LATE MR. AMAL GANGULI risk, while avoiding throwing out the baby with
the bathwater, is so compelling that it hardly
Independent Director Former Chairman of the
He is a former President of the Confederation Board of Directors, GRMI needs to be evangelised.
Chairman at Tata
of Indian Industries (CII), President of the
Communications Ltd.
Association of Indian Automobile Manufacturers, Former Chairman at PwC, Global Risk Management Institute aims to
and Vice President of the Tractor Manufacturers India provide this platform and a formal qualification
“Risks – strategic, operational and regulatory –
­ are Association. He has been associated with to aspirants to a career in the business world.
inherent to any business process and decision. In various Central and State Government bodies How to evaluate, mitigate and take risk is more
fact, the role of the Manager is to manage the and committees including the Technology than building models. To learn this, it is necessary
‘Risks’ – to take some and move ahead with due Development Board, Insurance Tariff Advisory to work with those with experience as well as
caution, and to ensure avoiding some. A focussed Committee and the Economic Development “The business world has, theoretically, always been knowledge and deep immersion in the reality
assessment of ‘Risks’, especially the ones with Board of the State of Rajasthan, Himachal aware that it operates surrounded by risk. Indeed, of the everyday world. The commitment and
high probability and impact, is essential to Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. He has been any business consists essentially of deciding to combination of some of the best academic
enable managers to chalk out the mitigation closely associated with various IIMs, IITs and take certain risks (and to make every effort to avoid minds with actual practitioners, supported by
actions, backed with appropriate resources other Management and Technical Institutions, as others!). In the 15 years or so since the great tech leading professional services firms, will provide
and prioritization. This is where trained risk also with a number of NGOs. industry crash of the late nineties and the early a qualification that is valuable wherever business
professionals can add immense value. part of this century, the names of Enron, World is done. This also fits in with today’s globalising
He was a member of the Board of Directors of Com, Global Crossing and others have resounded world, as well as India’s growing role in it. It is the
As of now, there are hardly any trained IIT Roorkee, IIM Indore, IIM Lucknow, State Bank everywhere. This was the progenitor of huge right qualification at the right time.”
risk professionals in India. The Global Risk of India, Power Finance Corporation etc. He is volumes of legislation, and possibly the genesis of
Management Institute (GRMI) initiative to currently a member of the Board of Governors the new focus and specialisation of evaluating and Amal Ganguli was a Fellow of the Institute of
address this vacuum is a pioneering step and will of IIM Kashipur, and XLRI Jamshedpur. He is managing business risk, or certainly of the greatly Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
be of great value to the Indian industry. Based also the Independent Director Chairman of heightened interest and focus on the subject. and of The Institute of Chartered Accountants
on the current status and experience, the Indian Tata Communications Limited and Director on in India. He spent his entire professional career
industry is waiting to welcome professionals with the boards of several companies including Tata It has not, of course, stopped there. We have of 40 years in PwC, where he became a partner
specialised academic qualifications and practical Motors Ltd, Tata Steel Ltd., Larsen & Tubro Ltd, had the great mortgage and financial industry in 1996 and held the office of the Chairman and
experience to assist the enterprise leadership Tata Communications International Private Ltd., breakdown, leading to more legislation, a lot of it Senior Partner from 1996 till 2003, when he
team in evaluating and mitigating business risks. and Sun Borne Energy LLC. Mr. Bhargava is the impenetrable (there are, for example, estimates retired. Since his retirement, he had been serving
recipient of the “Gaurav Shri Award” from Agra that Dodd Frank and the Volcker commentary will as an independent Director and Audit Committee
The GRMI Programme and the curriculum are University in 2011, “Best Independent Director take 5 years to interpret), and more spectacular Chairman and Member of a number of listed and
unique and relevant globally, backed as they 2011” by Asian Center for Corporate Governance failures and frauds - LIBOR, numerous banks, other companies, including a few of the largest
are by an experienced faculty combining the & Sustainability” “Global India Business Leader Volkswagen, Toshiba, Sony, our own Satyam - to and best known names in India like Maruti Suzuki
best from academia and the corporate world. It of the Year 2013” by Horasis (The Global Visions mention only some recent ones. India Ltd, HCL Technologies Ltd, New Delhi
aims to create a platform for formal training and Community) for excellence in entrepreneurship, Television Limited, ICRA Limited, Century Textiles
career opportunity with very strong placement innovation and leadership. In this environment, the need for a specialist & Industries Ltd, Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra)
potential in a space with near zero supply to qualification providing academic and theoretical Ltd etc. Amal Ganguli held the position of
infinite demand.” foundations, along with a practical and pragmatic honorary and non-executive Chairman of one of 09 10 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.


As the Mentor for GRMI, I can assure all of you
that the team has put in endless hours to bring
together some of the best minds that we have members who bring just the right blend of
Global Senior Partner today in India and globally in the world of risk CHETAN MATHUR international academic excellence and domain
– Enterprise Risk and Director, GRMI
— across consulting firms, large corporates and expertise in risk management. We believe deep
Compliance Solutions
academia. Given the universal nature of risk, and domain knowledge, combined with experiential
Former Sr. Director
having seen Indian risk professionals achieve learning imparted by an exceptional faculty team,
Controller India
tremendous success in the global arena, I was Region at PepsiCo along with our on-the-job internship Programme,
clear that GRMI needed to have a global outlook will make GRMI graduates extremely relevant and
“Business processes breaking down in the best from its inception — our composition of the valued in their profession, whether in reputed
of large global corporations over the last decade Board of Governors and our vision statement consulting firms or in large corporates.
or so with a higher frequency than ever before, speak to the same. I am indebted to the members Multiple global crises have brought the discipline
seems to prove Murphy’s law that everything of our Board of Directors and Governors, of risk management into focus. Companies both Our aim is to cultivate and promote a generation
that can go wrong in a business process will go Strategy Board, and Academic Council for their in India and in overseas are under considerable of risk-intelligent professionals who are ready to
wrong. This, unless organizations have robust commitment to mentoring and shepherding pressure to protect customer information and navigate in a complex corporate environment,
risk management frameworks in place. What GRMI to become a pioneering institute for privacy, and sensitive business information equipped with the knowledge of global markets
that also implies is that such frameworks would students in the risk domain. (business plans, intellectual property, etc.) and understanding of how risk and technology
remain a theory unless there are risk managers against threats from cyber criminals, competitors, permeate every type of business. On graduating
and subject matter experts in the risk domain to I wish all aspiring students the very best in their and even hostile governments. Forward-thinking from our institute, our students, will learn to spot
bring such frameworks to life. educational journey with GRMI.” companies have implemented risk management emerging market trends and capitalize on them
and compliance initiatives. They have avoided for competitive advantage.
Having worked over the last many years with Subhashis Nath is a Senior Global Partner and check-box compliance and fire drill responses
Board Members and Senior Executive leadership Executive Director at Axis Risk Consulting to security incidents in favour of sustained, In this VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and
teams of Fortune Companies globally and in India, Services Pvt Ltd, a Genpact Company. He was continuous, and auditable risk management ambiguous) world, the new generation Managers
one common theme that stood out to me is the the founder partner of Axis Risk Consulting in programs. Influenced by growing regulatory and Entrepreneurs will be challenged to develop,
complete lack of structured education in the risk September, 2004. Prior to Axis, he spent nearly and governance requirements, many companies deploy and maintain implement a practical and
management domain and the resultant constraint 2 years with the Global Center of Excellence of across the world have formed Board level risk holistic risk management approach which will
these organizations get impacted by. Hence, I Ernst & Young, and about 9 years with Arthur committee to take a formal enterprise wide role help them address evolving risks and succeed
am convinced that creating an ecosystem for the Andersen. He was part of the core team that built in risk assessment, mitigation and the oversight. in the new business environment. We are
world of risk professionals would be an invaluable Risk Consulting practice of Arthur Andersen in Corporate leaders today see value in linking risk confident that our programme at GRMI will help
contribution to the business community. I am India. Subhashis has been focusing on Enterprise to strategy and using risk information to make entrepreneurs, students and business leaders in
excited at the levels of commitment large Risk & Compliance for the last 20+ years and risk informed strategic decisions. addressing these risk challenges while helping to
consulting firms have shown both in sharing brings deep domain knowledge around specific grow their business.
knowledge to help build practical course content solutions, such as Anti Corruption, ERM, Third We at Global Risk Management Institute (‘GRMI’)
for GRMI, and in promising to hire from the institute. Party Risk Management, Internal Audit & SOX. He have created a curriculum that spans across all
It is also very encouraging to have large corporates has experience in building Centres of Excellence aspects of enterprise risk – financial, operational
promise to support our internship Programme by for global majors, along with implementing and compliance, and provides nuanced insights
providing hands-on learning to our students while hybrid delivery model, combining on-shore and across all key industry verticals. We have worked
they are still with GRMI. Some of them have also off-shore solution delivery. hard to pull together an enviable mix of faculty
promised pre-placement offers for our students. 11 12 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.


SUBODH BHARGAVA – Chairman of the Board of Directors CHETAN MATHUR – Board of Directors & Academic Council
Subodh Bhargava is independent Chairman of Tata Communications Limited. Chetan has 30 years of experience with strong operating experience in leadership
He has been the Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eicher Group of roles in Finance in consumer goods industry in Asia. He has worked in many
Companies. He is currently the Chairman of Tata Communications Limited, TRF PepsiCo businesses across Asia and Middle East and has done roles which ranging
Limited, GSK Healthcare Limited, and Director on the Boards of several companies from CFO of large Foods Business, to Business Planner, to Commercial Head for
including Tata Motors Ltd, Tata Steel Ltd., L&T Ltd, Tata Communications Franchise business, to Audit Director International business based in Purchase NY
International Private Ltd., SunBorne Energy LLC. USA. Currently, he is the Former Senior Director, Controller India Region at PepsiCo

MR. DEEPAK PREMNARAYEN – Board of Directors SUBHASHIS NATH – Board of Directors, Academic Council & Mentor, GRMI
Mr. Deepak Premnarayen is the Executive Chairman and founder of ICS Group, Subhashis has been focusing on Enterprise Risk & Compliance over the last 20+
an asset management, financial services, real estate and hospitality conglomerate years and brings deep domain around specific solutions - Anti Corruption, Sox,
headquartered in Mumbai and involved in executing projects across India and ERM & Internal Audit.With nearly 10 years with Arthur Andersen and his experience
Africa. He founded the ICS Group in 1998 with interests in asset management, of being part of the Global Center of Excellence of Ernst & Young in Cleveland,
financial services, real estate and hospitality. Ohio, USA, he has experience of leading risk advisory methodologies and practices.
Remote site audit & compliance review solution developed by Axis is a cutting

N KUMAR – Board of Directors ISHAAT HUSSAIN – Advisor to the Board

N Kumar is on the Board of various public companies and carries with him Mr. Ishaat Hussain is on the Board of Directors at Bombay Dyeing & Manufacturing
vast experience in the spheres of Technology, Management and Finance. As a Co. Ltd., Speech & Software Technologies (I) Pvt Ltd., Tata AIG General Insurance
spokesman of Industry and Trade, he is a Past-President of Confederation of Indian Co. Ltd., Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd., Tata Capital Ltd., Tata Trustee Co. Pvt
Industry (CII) and has participated in various other apex bodies. He is the Honorary Ltd., Tata, Inc., TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd., Pratham Pune Education Foundation
Consul General of Greece in Chennai. and The Marg Foundation. He was previously employed as Non-Independent Non-
Executive Director by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

PROF. MADHU VIJ – Board of Directors & Academic Council

Prof. Vij is PhD, Management, Finance, M.Phil, M.Com, B.Com – Delhi University.
Currently working as a Professor at Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), University
of Delhi (November 1978 – Present, about 37 years). She teaches subjects such as
are Financial Management, Financial and Management Accounting, International
Financial Management, Management of Financial Institutions, Management of
Financial Services
LATE MR. AMAL GANGULI – First Board Chairman
Late Mr. Amal Ganguli spent his entire professional career of 40 years in
ADITYA PANDE – Board of Directors PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he became a partner in 1996 and held the office
of the Chairman and Senior Partner from 1996 till 2003, when he retired. Following
Aditya Pande is currently serving as the Emerging Markets CFO for GE’s Healthcare
his retirement, he served as an independent Director and Audit Committee
business. Prior to this, he was the CFO for GE South Asia. His previous roles include
Chairman and member of a number of listed and other companies, including
being CFO for GE Healthcare South Asia, Controller at GE India, Vice President
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, HCL Technologies Ltd, New Delhi Television Limited, ICRA
– Global FP&A at Genpact and a Senior Cosultant at Arthur Andersen. He is a
Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and a
Graduate from Shri Ram College of Commerce 13 14 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.


MUKESH BUTANI – Strategy Board AFZAL MODAK – Strategy Board
Mukesh Butani is the non-executive Chairman of BMR Advisors and Managing Afzal Modak has been an Independent Advisor & Investor in Emerging Market
Partner of BMR Legal. With specialisation in corporate international tax and transfer Companies since Oct’2015 and is in the process of forming Legal PE and Advisory
pricing, he has significant experience in advising Fortune 500 multinationals and firms. Prior to this, he served as the Global Transition Leader for GE Global
large Indian business houses on a wide range of matters relating to FDI policy, Operations for more than a year. Prior to joining GE, he spent 3 years as the CFO
business re-organizations,cross-border tax structuring, tax controversy across a and Executive VP at Garanti Bank for 4 years and as the Business Leader, Finance
range of sectors. and Accounting Services, Genpact LLC for 7 years.

A. P. PARIGI – Strategy Board MOHIT LAL – Strategy Board

Mr. A.P. Parigi is the co-founder Radio Mirchi & Times OOH media. He serves Mohit Lal has been appointed as the Chairman & CEO of Pernod Ricard Global
on Boards of companies-Times Innovative Media Limited (out-of-home), Times Travel Retail effective 1st July 2016. After starting his career within Nestlé India and
Internet Limited (internet), Times Now (television), and WorldWide Media (a joint managing Perfetti India’s finances from 1996 to 1999, he joined Seagram India as
venture with the BBC). He is a member of the Board of Directors of Bennett Financial Director, a position he held until 2006. After serving as Irish Distillers’s
Coleman & Company Limited and Times of India Group. He is also the Chairman of Financial Director from 2006 to 2011, he returned to India as MD of Pernod Ricard
the FICCI Radio Forum. India in 2011. He was then appointed MD of Pernod Ricard Travel Retail Asia in 2015

VIJAY K. THADANI – Strategy Board BAMAN K MEHTA – Strategy Board

He is the Chairman and Managing Director of NIIT Ltd. He served as President Baman K Mehta, Promoter and Chief Executive Officer of Darashaw & Company
of the Indian IT industry association, MAIT and as the Chairman of CII Northern Private Limited., has 30 years of entrepreneurial experience in the financial,
Region for 2011- 2012. He chairs the Board of Governors of MN National Institute of infrastructure and business process outsourcing markets. Darashaw & Company
Technology, Allahabad and serves on the Board of Governors of Indian Institute of Pvt. Ltd., established in 1926, was amongst the pioneers of the Indian financial
Technology (IIT), Delhi. He also chairs CII’s National Committee on Higher Education and consultancy sector. He played a role in transforming Darashaw from a small
and serves on the Governing Council of All India Management Association (AIMA) brokerage firm to a $450 million diversified business house.

RICHARD RECKY – Strategy Board PROF. PRITAM SINGH – Strategy Board

Richard is the former Chief Executive Officer of KPMG in India. Richard is presently Prof. Pritam Singh is the Former Director General of International Management
a Board Member of KPMG Dubai. He is a member of All India Management Institute, India. Previously, he has been the Director of Management Development
Association (AIMA) Board of Governors of the Management and Entrepreneurship Institute (MDI), Gurgaon, India and Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
and Professional Skills Council (MEPSC). Further, he is also a member of Advisory (IIML), India. His distinguished services were acknowledged by the country when
Committee Board of Smile Train India’s (STI). the President of India conferred on him the prestigious Padma Shree in 2003 for
excellence in education.

With GRMI, you will find ample opportunities to GRMI is committed to ensuring an environment where
interact with entrepreneurs and corporate leaders. Our students get to interact with global leaders and risk
relationships with important players in the community practitioners than what any other institute can offer.
can open many doors for you. 15 16 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.


SURESH KRISHNAN – Strategy Board ALEX SHIREY – Board of Governors
With 25 years of corporate experience in fertilisers, energy and cement sectors, Alex Shirey is currently the Vice President Internal Audit at Delphi Corporation.
Suresh Krishnan has been associated with the Zuari Group for over two decades. Prior to joining Delphi Corporation, she was the CFO at Champion Window Mfg.
Prior to taking over as Managing Director of Zuari Global Limited in April 2015, She has spent 9+ years at GE in various roles – Global Controller for Aviation
he was Managing Director of Zuari Agro Chemicals Limited since March 2012 and business, Executive Advisor to GE’s Corporate Audit staff, Global Controller for
Zuari Industries ltd. since Feb 2011. In January’16 he has taken over as Managing Plastics business
Director of Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited.

DR. DALIP SINGH – Strategy Board ARNOUT VAN DER VEER – Board of Governors
Dalip Singh is a senior officer who joined IAS in 1982 and belongs to Haryana cadre. Currently Chief Financial Officer and previously Chief Risk Officer at Reed Elsevier
Presently, he is posted as Additional Chief Secretary for Revenue and Disaster and a former partner with KPMG. Previously Arnout has been the Chief of Internal
Management, Govt. of Haryana. As a member of the IAS, his contributions have Audit at KLM, and also been a Board Director at Institute of Risk Management and
been across departments, including Urban Development, District Administration, a Board Member at Federation of European Risk Management Associations
Health & Family Welfare, Parliament Affairs and Human Resource Development

P K MUKHERJEE – Strategy Board RITU CHAWLA KOCHHAR – Board of Governors

P K Mukherjee had been the Former Managing Director of Sesa Sterlite Limited Ritu Chawla Kochhar is currently working as a Consultant with Spencer Stuart
since 2006. Previously, he had been associated with CEAT Tyres and Bridge and since May 2012. Prior to this, she was engaged with Korn/Ferry International.
Roof Company (India) in various profiles. He was adjudged as India’s most valuable Prior to her career in search, she held various roles in the Financial Services
CEO in 2009 by Business World. He has been associated with organizations industry, including Executive Director at JP Morgan’s Institutional Equity sales
like Federation of the Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Goa desk in Mumbai & MD at Bear Stearns. She had started her professional career
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) in various capacities. with Arthur Andersen in the audit and business consulting practice

GIRISH MEHRA – Strategy Board RAVI BHOOTHALINGAM – Board of Governors

Mr Girish Mehra is currently the Managing Director – Group Finance at Credit Ravi Bhoothalingam is Founder and Chairman of Manas Advisory. Until June 2001,
Suisse. Prior to this, he was the Senior Vice President – Finance & Accounting he was President of The Oberoi Group of Hotels, responsible for its worldwide
Practice for 4 years with Genpact. He also spent around 8 years with Citi Group operations. Earlier, he was Head of Personnel Worldwide with BAT plc. [London],
initially as the CFO and then later as their Country Chief Auditor, being overall Managing Director of VST Industries Ltd. and Director, ITC Limited. Ravi serves on
responsible for audit and risk review activities across all Citi businesses in India. He the Boards of Directors of Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd. and Sona Koyo Steering
has held senior managerial positions at Avaya and American Express. Systems Ltd.

RUSS CHARLTON – Board of Governors

Russ Charlton is the Vice President - Global Head of Internal Audit at WeWork.
GRMI’S Board Members, Strategy Board and Board He has 30 years of combined internal and external audit experience focused on
of Governors have been pioneers and key leaders in a wide range of clients from high-tech start-ups to large, public multi-nationals.
Previously, SVP & Chief Auditor for Time Inc., with additional responsibility for
building some of the better institutions of learning and Enterprise Risk Management and co-oversight of Global Information Security.

development in the country. 17

DILIP BIDANI – Board of Governors
Dilip Bidani has spent 27 years with premier groups across FMCG and Services
Industries, of which over 13 years as CFO/ Board Member. Currently, he is the CFO
at Dr. Lal PathLabs, Gurgaon. Prior to this, he was the Director Finance at Avon
Beauty Products India Pvt Ltd and a Director – Finance & Operations at Orbis
Financial Corporation Ltd. He holds a PGDM (MBA) from IIM Ahmedabad and is a
Chartered Accountant from ICAI

ANUJ KAPOOR – Board of Governors

Anuj Kapoor is a Managing Director in the Investment Banking Business at Barclays
Bank and has been with the Firm since 2006. He has almost 20 years of work
experience in Investment Banking and Corporate Advisory. In his 10 years prior to
Barclays Capital, he worked at Commercial Finance in GE Capital Services India
looking after their Structured Finance business and with Arthur Andersen

JEAN-PIERRE WIRTZ – Board of Governors

Jean-Pierre has over 40 years of experience in the risk space. He is former Head of
Internal Audit at Givaudan, Geneva. Givaudan is the global leader in the creation
of fragrances and flavours. He has worked with Roche, AMC International, Holcim-
Ex hodler Bank in executive positions before Givaudan. Jean-Pierre has been a
consultant since 2009 in the field of Internal Audit / Risk Management

ALEX DALI – Board of Governors

President - The Global Institute for Risk Management Standards. G31000 is the
label for the Global Institute for Risk Management Standards, an international
non - profit organization raising awareness on ISO 31000 and associated ISO
standards. Presently Alex Dali’s aim is to raise awareness about the ISO 31000 risk
management and associated ISO standards

Risk management is an essential element of running a business

successfully and a career in risk management is one of the most DIPLOMA IN RISK
fascinating and important roles in companies speaking from my more
than 30-years of experience in risk management.
(PGDRM) 19 5


• The flagship Programme is a fulltime 1-year Industry speakers from large corporate
Post Graduate Diploma in Risk Management houses, both Indian and Global, will be invited
(‘PGDRM’) with the employment market for guest lectures to share their valuable
being a multiplier of a few hundreds, as experience with the students.
compared to the batch size of students
graduating from GRMI.

• The curriculum has been co-developed by

professionals with a collective experience
of 100+ years in the risk consulting space
along with the Knowledge Partners, Industry
Partners as well as other Industry and Risk
Leaders in India and across the globe. The
curriculum caters to the asks from risk
professionals in corporate houses and risk
consulting professionals.

• The Programme will be delivered in 2

semesters of 5 months each, with a 6 weeks
corporate internship.

• The key differentiator for this course will be

the quality of case studies backing up the
The curriculum
course literature. Case studies have been
developed in close association with senior
has been drafted
risk executives, capturing experience of by professionals with
Global CXOs from Fortune 500 Companies collective experience of
across the globe and large business houses
100+ years in the risk
in India. GRMI’s Knowledge Partners and
Industry Partners are also key and ongoing consulting space.
contributors to the increasing library of risk
case studies.

• The sessions will be delivered by a mix of

risk domain specialists and university faculty. 21 22 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.

Overview of our flagship PGDRM course in the most digital interrupted and industry experts, while working closely
will include 3 business models), the need with tenured faculty of internationally reputed
for appreciation of human Universities.
The course will include 3 papers on
papers on general resource elements of
general management topics and 13 management topics and an organization can
technical papers on various facets of 13 technical papers on hardly be over- Academic Council
Risk Management, such as Enterprise emphasized
various facets of risk
Risk Management (‘ERM’), Internal Audit if it wants The Academic Council is one of the principal
(‘IA’), Sarbanes Oxley and Internal Financial management. to be drivers of excellence through its direct
Controls, Regulatory Compliance, Financial involvement in all knowledge-related aspects of
Risk Management, Applied Audit Analytics, the Institute: course curriculum development,
Information Technology General Controls ongoing case study development and
(‘ITGC’), etc. enhancement, knowledge body association
decisions, decisions on introducing new
The 3 general management papers will focus curriculum. Composed of a variety of successful
on enhancing awareness of corporate reality professionals, such as, tenured professors
and creating more well-rounded risk in leading Universities, policy-makers,
professionals of the future. These will researchers, theoreticians, and consultants,
include Strategic Thinking, Fundamentals the council combines the very highest
of Human Resource Management, and standards of teaching, corporate realism and
Organizational Behavior. One of the key risks mentoring.
of developing and delivering a specialized
risk domain curriculum is that students GRMI’s Academic Council members are active
should not ever think of risk expertise in a Silo and regular participants in international
environment. Good strong professionals need conferences and events. They have been
to recognize: pioneers and key leaders in building some of
successful. the better institutions of learning in the country.
• How a risk decision impacts an organization’s understanding They contribute to international journals and
short-term and long-term strategy, and hence of organizational The above were collaborate with a broad range of agencies to
all decisions need to be weighed in that behavior is critical; the key drivers develop and execute consultancy projects.
context; for these general
• That all organizations management papers They serve on executive committees and policy
• That all decisions need to be accepted now realize that irrespective being included as core and formulation boards of a variety of organizations
and internalized by an organization of which industry segment mandatory papers of the PGDRM including Corporations, Financial Institutions,
effective implementation, and for that, an they might operate in (including curriculum. Developmental work for Academic Institutions and International
all the risk management papers have Agencies. Such active involvement of the
been led by professionals with a collective members in a wide range of activities generates
“At GRMI risk management entails ability to add value in an organization experience of 100+ years in the risk consulting precious cross-fertilization and keeps the
through high professionalism, continuous innovation, motivated teams space. These papers have been co-developed academic Programmes up-to date.
working efficiently.” - Jean Pierre Wirtz, Former Head of Corporate Internal Audit at Givaudan and vetted by Global Risk Advisory leaders

Business Value Chain Concepts of Enterprise Risk
Regulatory & Compliance Risks

& Operating Models Management

Focus on regulatory requirements for
Detailed learning of all business Focus on understanding of enterprise’s managing such risks and building
processes individually and establish objective, types of risks impacting control frameworks
linkages across processes an enterprise

PAPER - 12
Digitalization - Impact on
Process Assurance and Risk Management
Operating Efficiency – II
Focus on bringing out the enhanced focus of
Focus on bringing out risks in typical organizations in using technology and
business processes with identifying automation to drive efficiency and
best practice controls effectiveness in different aspects
of risk management

PAPER - 7 PAPER - 10 14, 15, 16
Process Mapping,
Enhancement & Sectorial view of ‘Enterprise Management
Applied Data Analytics
Value Stream Mapping Risk Management’ Papers
Concepts on application of data analytics for
Performance of risks analysis (including managing risks across business processes Strategic thinking,
Focus on the art of developing process
strategic and business risks) for key human resource
maps, drafting process activities etc
industry verticals management,

PAPER - 13
Applied Cyber Security
Internal Controls over Financial
Reporting (SOX) Focus on understanding various approaches
to securing Information systems in an
Understanding operational controls organization from potential threat or
vis-a-vis financial reporting damage to hardware, software
controls etc or information stored in the
PAPER - 3 PAPER - 8 systems

PAPER - 11
Process Assurance Market, Credit &
& Operating Efficiency - I Operational Risks IT Risk Management
Detailed understanding of the globally Focus on understanding of enterprise’s Understanding relationship between
accepted COSO framework on internal audit objective, types of risks impacting an enterprise Financial / Operational risks with IT controls 25 26 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.


PAPER 1 Business Value Chain & Operating
models - B2B, B2C, E - Platforms, GBS globally accepted COSO (Committee of • Interviewing techniques
Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway
It includes understanding of organizational • Process documentation - concept and tools Commission) framework on internal controls, • Preparing for effective interviews
framework models, understanding of strategic, explain the role of an audit committee to ensure
operating and support processes in an • Value stream mapping - concept and case strong governance standards. The paper will • Types of sampling and application
organization along with typical value chain study bring out the best practices in internal audit
components - including Planning & Budgeting, execution methodology, including developing • Application of 5W in process gap analysis
Procurement, Vendor Management, Inbound • Presentation of sector wise case studies an internal audit plan, scoping, interactions
Logistics, Manufacturing Operations, Marketing with auditee stakeholders, elements of process • IIA standards
& Selling, and After-Sales Service. The paper understanding, interviewing techniques, 5W
Sector wise value chain mapping and process
will enable detailed learning of all business analysis, sampling techniques, effective use of
documentation: PAPER 4 Process Assurance and Operating
processes individually and establish linkages analytics in audit, work-paper documentation,
Efficiency - II
across processes. • Manufacturing • Services importance of management and executive
leadership reporting, including format and The paper will provide a holistic approach to
• Retail • Financial Service guidelines, attending management committee management of business risks through controls,
PAPER 2 Process Mapping, Enhancement &
and audit committee meetings. development of risk & control matrix (including
Value Stream Mapping:
• Insurance • Hospitality control objective, type of control, control
The paper will focus on the art of • Understanding of COSO framework ownership definition and frequency of controls),
developing process maps for each • Telecom evaluation of control design and effectiveness.
sub-process, drafting process • Role of internal audit The paper will focus on bringing out risks in
activities, use of aesthetics typical business processes – source to pay,
PAPER 3 Process Assurance and Operating
and employing industry- • Role of audit committee order to cash, inventory, fixed assets, human
Efficiency - I
accepted symbols resource & payroll and best practice controls to
for inputs, The paper will • Developing an internal audit plan mitigate the business risks effectively.
outputs, impart a detailed
interfaces, activity understanding • Performing business risk analysis, a • Managing business risks through control
owners, etc. It will of the pre-requisite to effective audit
also cover nuances in each • Developing risk & control matrix
business process for various • Approach to IA
industry verticals such as Retail, • Evaluating control design
Service, Hospitality, Financial • Elements of process understanding
Services, Telecom, and Manufacturing. • Evaluating control effectiveness
• Application of analytics in process
The above two papers would cover:

• Understanding of organisation framework

“GRMI’s Programme is unique in imparting both professional skills and
• Deep dive : A typical value chain techniques, together with the human judgment and assessment methods
required for a complete mastery of the subject.
• Different operating business - Ravi Bhoothalingam, Former President of The Oberoi Group of Hotels
27 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 28

Sarbanes-Oxley (‘SOX’) requirements, SOX
• Reporting of audit findings value chain
planning, SOX audit methodology (scoping, will focus on
• Reporting writing skills
process understanding, documentation, design understanding of the • Definition of risk &
testing, effectiveness testing, deficiency objective of enterprise, types of risks
reporting & remediation), concepts of
• Stakeholder management
materiality, material weakness & significant
types of risks impacting
deficiencies. the enterprise and • Linkage of risk to
• Work paper documentation and retention organizational objective
establish a link
• Fundamentals of accounting - FS, TB, GL, JVs
• Management committee & audit committee
between the • Linkage of risk to departmental
meetings • Fundamentals of accounting - golden rules, two. objective
• Recent regulatory amendments • Linkage of risk dependencies across
Risks & Controls In the following processes: • Financial statement assertions departments

PAPER - 6 Concepts of Enterprise Risk

• Source to pay • Order to cash • Operational controls vs financial reporting • Case study and detailed de-brief on risks &
controls interdependencies
• Fixed assets • Inventory
The paper will focus on understanding of the
• Fundamentals of sox - AS 2 & AS 5 • Concept of controls and risk mitigants
objective of an enterprise, the types of risks
• Payroll
impacting the enterprise, and establish a link
• Concepts of materiality & sox • Concept of inherent and residual risk
between the two. The paper will include various
Deep dive into enabling functions:
concepts of risks, such as inherent risk, residual
• Process understanding & documentation • Concept of impact, likelihood and velocity
risk, impact / likelihood and velocity of risks,
• HR • IT of risk
and effective use of controls as risk mitigants.
• Role of ITGC in financial reporting
It would also touch upon concepts of risk
• Record to report • Regulatory compliance • Developing risk scales by sector
tolerance and the development of risk scales for
• Test of design
an organization, and monitoring and reporting
• Monitoring risk in an organization
PAPER - 5 Internal Controls over Financial
practices of risks in an organization.
• Test of effectiveness
Reporting (Sox)
• Overview of ERM concept, its requirement in • Reporting risk in an organization
• Significant deficiency & material weakness industry
This paper will consist of a refresher course
concepts • Research based presentation by class teams
on accounting fundamentals, understanding
• Understanding of organisational objective
operational controls vis-a-vis financial reporting
• Management representation letters
PAPER - 7 Sectorial view of ERM
controls, assertions of financial statements,
• Linkage of organisation objective to
understanding fundamentals of ICFR or
departmental objective This paper focuses on deeper understanding
and application of concepts of ERM with break
“ The GRMI Programme provides for a unique and high quality foundation • Understanding business value chain across out sessions to facilitate groups to do deep
for a very successful career. It is designed with a business mindset, it is sectors dives across various industry verticals - such as
pragmatic and result oriented.” - Arnout Van Der Veer, Former Chief Risk Officer at Reed Retail, Service, Hospitality, Financial Services,
Elsevier in London and partner of KPMG in New York and Amsterdam • Inter-dependencies across departments in Telecom, and Manufacturing. The learning
29 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 30

Enhance knowledge to perform IT audits for:

experience would take students through the The paper will not only explain the concept of This will assist in an understanding of the • IT organization
entire journey of preparing Risk Heat Maps data analytics and use of data analytics tools relationship between financial and operational
capturing Inherent and Residual Risks, including such as Excel, Access, ACL, SPS, etc. but also risks with IT controls, concepts of IT general • IT security policy
drivers for movement of Inherent Risk to give detailed concepts on application of data controls, IT application controls, and in the
Residual Risk and implications of residual risk analytics for managing risks across business effective use of IT general controls in mitigation • IT change management
being higher than the risk tolerance level of the processes such as source to pay, order to cash, of focus of this paper is to ensure that PGDRM
organization for a particular type of risk. fixed assets, inventory etc. Along with ERM we graduates should never have to struggle • Physical access and environmental controls
consider this paper to be one of our significant in terms of trying to operate around the
differentiators in terms of what it does to information system of an organization instead of • Logical access controls
PAPER - 8 Market, Credit & Operational Risk
enhance analytical thinking of students in risk operating through the information systemtem.
This paper will focus on understanding concepts and business context. It is the ability to link • IT operation controls
of Market, Credit, Operational and Treasury impact of error across various links of a business • Introduction to the concept of ITGC
Risk in an enterprise, including measurement value chain as also the ability to convert mass • BCP/DRP: Business continuity plan and
and monitoring of such risks. The intent is to of mega data into intelligent and relevant • Understand the relationship between financial disaster recovery plan
provide an overview of how financial institutions information for effective risk decision making. statement and IT controls
view risk. Given that risk management in the
PAPER - 12 Digitalization - Evolving Risk
financial services world is the most evolved as • Introduction to the concept of data analytics • Understand IT general controls and
of now, we would have optional specialization and data sources application controls
papers, should students choose to pursue This paper will focus on bringing out the
deeper interest in any specific area such as • Application of data analytics to risk • Fraud prevention and detection in automated enhanced focus of organizations in using
market or credit risk. management world technology & automation to drive efficiency
and effectiveness in different aspects of
• Data analytics methodology • Understand the computer vulnerabilities and risk management including but not limited
PAPER - 9 Regulatory and Compliance Risks
threat related to financial audit to Internal Audit, Sox testing, Regulatory
The paper will cover the key regulatory risks • Usage of data analytics tools - Excel, Access, Compliance, Analytics etc. The paper will
facing global conglomerates – Anti Bribers’ risks ACL, SPS etc • Identify risk criteria / parameters include the best in class digitized tools
(governed by the Foreign corrupt practices and techniques currently being used by
Act, UK Anti Bribery Acts, among others), • Case study and presentation - data analytics • Manage privacy risks organizations to give a practical perspective.
Money laundering risks (governed by AML using tools
Acts), and other industry-specific regulatory PAPER - 13 Applied Cyber Security
compliance risks. The paper will focus on
Key Data Analytics across following processes :
regulatory requirements for managing such This paper will focus on understanding various
risks, and development and execution of control • Procure to pay approaches to securing Information systems
frameworks to assess, mitigate and monitor in an organization from potential threat or
such risks. It will also bring out the concept • Order to cash damage to hardware, software or information
of four lines of defense in an enterprise, role stored in the systems. It would also cover the
of the Board of Directors and CXOs in Risk • Inventory management risk of potential disruption or misdirection of
Management, and the liabilities of Directors. services that the organization provides due to a
• HR & payroll failure to protect its Information systems.

PAPER - 10 Applied Data Analytics

PAPER - 11 IT Risk Management
31 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.

Our structured internship Programme of 6-8
weeks is aimed at ensuring that students don’t
“I am excited at the levels
end up doing internships which are a tick of commitment large
in the box. We are partnering with industry
consulting firms have
majors to ensure that all our students get to
do internships with large corporates wherein shown both in sharing
they actually get to implement their classroom knowledge to help
learnings by participating in live projects. We
see this as a mutually-beneficial arrangement build practical course
between the students and the industry partners. content for GRMI, and in
These partners will allow GRMI to have a
promising to hire from
planned and real experience-gaining internship the institute. It is also
Programme for the students. What this will
very encouraging to have
mean is that students would no longer need to
run around and seek internships and run the risk large corporates promise
of doing secondary research industry reports to support our internship
as part of their internship. GRMI, along with its
industry partners, will provide opportunities to Programme by providing
the students of GRMI’s PGDRM Programme to hands-on learning to our
participate in live projects of these partners,
working with their business leaders
students while they are
and risk and compliance teams to still with GRMI. Some of
gain real work experience.
them have also promised
pre-placement offers WHY STUDY A
is very for our students. Such RISK MANAGEMENT
encouraging spontaneous support PROGRAMME?
to have large creates the kind of
corporates supporting ecosystem our graduates
our internship
can flourish in.”
Mentor - GRMI
33 34

WHY DO A RISK developers

MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME ? combine academic

excellence and
experienced risk
practitioners. As part of this

1 2 3 it with
the fact
approach we are happy
to share that we have
that there is invited a couple of the leading
no structured global risk consulting firms to
and comprehensive be our knowledge partners. We are
Top 250 corporates spend Risk professionals to cater No curriculum covering end Programme in India or currently in the final stages of agreement
~ $ 25 – 30 MN each on risk to a demand of $40BN + to end risk management even globally to address the with these firms, and following is the role that
management market, growing rapidly across India incredible skill set gap, the job they play in making GRMI a success:
market size would possibly be an
obvious decision for most students and • Course content has been validated by these
professionals. firms along with many other global leaders
As a student or aspiring professional, what • Very significant training time and monetary in the risk consulting domain to ensure it
would you look for to determine the aptness spend by all risk advisory firms and 2. Is the Certification going to be acceptable to meets the precise requirement of what
of a qualification that you consider to equip corporates to equip people with this skill my future potential employers? large risk consulting firms and corporate
yourself with? – PGDRM has the potential of bringing in risk and compliance teams look for.
about 12 - 18 months of productivity for A qualification in our view is only as good
1. Is there is a significant job market that opens every individual that gets hired in the world as its acceptance in the business and • The firms will be engaged through the
up for me? of risk and controllership across the globe. employment market. While it is rather life-cycle of curriculum evolution and
unfortunate that education and knowledge in enhancement over years to continuously
Listed below are a few data points to • Continuous increase in regulatory today’s world is viewed through such a lens, support with real-life case studies that will
establish the job market size in risk domain pronouncements, more stringent it is undeniable, and as a risk management make the learning experience meaningful
currently: requirements and regulatory oversight institute we need to ensure that we accept and practical.
– Anti Corruption laws like FCPA, ABAC, what is a market reality and address the issue
• Market size – Risk advisory market size of Third Party Risk Management, Data Privacy, of relevant employment. • These firms will lend support by offering
leading risk consulting firms like PwC, E&Y, Cyber Security and Info Sec Regulations visiting faculty that will allow experience-
KPMG, Deloitte, Protiviti, Grant Thornton, Developing countries embracing global Our response therefore has been to ensure sharing by leading Indian and global risk
Crowe Horwath etc. is estimated to be standards of risk management, for that GRMI creates an ecosystem where the leaders with the students to make for a
upwards of ~ USD 10B, which is possibly 40 example the recent Indian Companies Act end users of the education imparted at GRMI fruitful, experiential learning environment.
– 45% of the global market. amendment embraces SOX equivalent – are also actively involved in creating the
estimated resultant need for ~10K people curriculum content on a regular basis. We We have engaged ourselves in discussions
• Top 250 companies spend ~ USD 30- 50 MN for the consulting firms If one thinks of all have focussed on being associated with some with some of the large corporates in India to
each on risk-related activities. of the above elements and then juxtaposes of the larger global associations that would have them as our industry partners for the
be relevant for the institute and its students’ Programme.

“Students of GRMI will have the privilege of being inside the think tank of “The Programme boasts of close collaboration from the corporate world not
the corporate world, considering strategic dimensions of risk management.” just in teaching, but also in hiring from the talent pool nurtured by GRMI.”
- P K Mukherjee, Former MD of Sesa Goa Ltd. - Prof. Madhu Vij, Prof. of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Studies(FMS), University of Delhi
Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 36

For many large, medium

and small companies,
spending considerable
amount of time on to participate in live projects of these This is what makes a PGDRM holder
partners, working with their business leaders from GRMI indispensable in most large
risk management
and risk and compliance teams to gain real organizations. Most of you may know that
has become an work experience. the role of a Chief Risk Officer is fast gaining
embedded momentum in organizations beyond those in
part of their These industry partners will also support the financial services industry. Large global

culture. GRMI and its faculty members to keep organizations like GE, GSK, & CITI amongst
creating case studies out of their regular others, have been seen to build some of
business operations to enrich the course their strong leaders from risk, operational
content of PGDRM on a regular basis. controls & internal audit backgrounds. These
roles & functions allow a professional to get
The industry partners, like our knowledge an insight into business operations across all
partners, will extend their support by key business processes & very often across
providing industry speakers to come and globally spread-out geographies, thereby
deliver experience sharing sessions cutting providing them a useful perspective when
across risk domain and other aspects of they take on larger leadership roles.
business reality in their organizations.
If you still believe you have not got answers
3. Would I be relevant in the organisation that to all your queries around the Programme,
I am employed in, or will I be viewed merely we would request you to post your queries in
as an enabling function? our section & we
What do would be happy to provide more details &
industry partners bring Most organizations are sensitive to the context that would help you to take the right
to the table? inherent risks in their businesses and career decision. GRMI need not always be the
constantly struggle to create a structure right track, but we only urge students to be
As industry partners leading which will give them a continuous flow of inquisitive enough to ask & get as much detail
corporates would have an invaluable feedback on residual risks and solutions when as they need to be able to make their decision
contribution to the Programme in the residual risk exceeds the risk tolerance of the wisely.
following manner: organization. In the complex world of running
these businesses, this problem is accentuated Note: Please do continue to follow our website
These corporates will allow GRMI to have by a lack of talent in terms of good risk for updates on formalisation
a planned and real experience-gaining understanding and innovative problem-solving. of multiple agreements with our Knowledge &
internship Programme for the students. Industry Partners, as well as ongoing addition
What this will mean is that students Hence for many large, medium, and small to our single largest differentiator: Our
would no longer need to run around and companies, spending considerable amount of enviable composition of Board of Governors,
seek internships and run the risk of doing time on risk management has become a part Strategy Board & Academic Council.
secondary research industry reports as of their culture. It encompasses defining the
part of their internship. GRMI, along with its components of risk, & developing processes
industry partners, will provide opportunities on how to identify, predict, measure, and
to the students of GRMI’s PGDRM Programme manage risk effectively.
2. What distinguishes the Programme
from others?

The key differentiators are as follows:

The course content is tailored to create risk

domain experts, and is a curriculum that in
terms of comprehensiveness and depth is
going to be the first not just in India but in
1. How credible is the Institute? the world;

Credibility at GRMI is defined by the quality The curriculum has a strong component
of leadership that is driving the entire of real-life case studies that make the
Programme - a leadership that is driven by experience significantly more interesting and

Credibility at the passion and belief in giving back to the experiential than classroom learning;

society that has helped them become iconic
GRMI is defined by figures in their domain. GRMI, led by the A significant number of instructors will be
the quality of leadership Dean and ably supported by a distinguished from the corporate world, who will bring with
driving the entire
AT GRMI? Board of Directors and Strategy Board,
an internationally-represented Board of
them the depth of domain knowledge critical
for delivering a specialized curriculum,
Governors, and an impressive Academic differentiated from generic qualifications;
While deciding on pursuing education in a Council aims to be a hallowed portal for
newly set-up environment, what would be the creating future leaders for the country and The curriculum and learning experience are
factors one should evaluate? the globe. co-created with the key stakeholders of the
39 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 40

ecosystem of risk–leading corporates and risk the days when one could be a successful Earnings Potential induct very relevant and uniquely trained
consulting firms. This ensures the relevance professional in India, and the the ability to PGDRM students in their organizations at a
and acceptance of both the curriculum and communicate with global leaders was not While as an educational institute we would much earlier stage, which will also allow for
the qualification. essential for career enhancement. Being not like to be viewed as believers that better career progression for the students.
oblivious to global cultures is no longer a education or knowledge gathering and
3. Will I get experiences that are luxury that aspiring professionals can afford. dissemination have a monetary equation Lastly, there is no recognized Programme
different from my other options? Our experience shows that a significant attached to it, we do wish to state a few specialising in risk domain in India that
percentage of domain talent loses out owing facts that will help students and parents delivers a one year Programme, and hence it
GRMI is committed to ensuring an to a lack of communication skills on the one determine the fairness of the Programme fee will allow GRMI students to get employed a
environment where the students get to hand, and connect with the global scene on structure. year earlier than their two-year counterparts
interact with more global leaders and risk the other. and use that head-start to stay ahead of
practitioners than what any other institute Our discussions with leading risk consulting their peer group in the longer run as well.
can offer. Each of our members of the Board At GRMI we have embedded as part of our firms suggest that PGDRM in its initial years
of Governors is committed to conduct student development Programme a unique will compete with newly qualified CAs and
sessions for the students either over VC or “Communication & Cultural Enhancement two year MBA Programme graduates. Over
through classroom sessions. Additionally, Module” that will be run through the year the next few years we expect absolute and
there is a large list of industry and consulting with an extremely personalized delivery. complete parity and aspire to even start
well-wishers who are unable to commit This will be aimed at improving each having our students attract a premium.
enough time to be on our boards but are individual student on the two parameters of At GRMI we
committed in principle to GRMI to make communication and cultural awareness on a What is even more relevant is that all
are committed
time for knowledge-sharing sessions with 10-point scale. The improvement Programme our discussions with risk-consulting and
the students. We believe that the invaluable will be run on an absolute basis of corporate leaders have indicated that deep to building “world
depth of the experience of these leaders improvement and not compared to the rest domain and all-round development that beaters” who will be all-
far outmatches text-based knowledge of the batch in order to ensure each student will be delivered at GRMI through the rounded professionals
accumulation, and hence GRMI prides itself in benefits and improves. We will partner PGDRM Programme is almost certainly going
and not mere risk
creating an experiential learning environment with domain experts in communication and to mean faster career tracks for PGDRM
that is unparalleled in India today. cultural enhancements to ensure we bring students, as compared to their peers who
domain experts.
the very best to our students. join with more generic qualifications. This
4. Is there something that only GRMI will hold true for all professionals pursuing
can provide me? At GRMI we are committed to building “world a career in the domain of risk, compliance,
beaters” who will be all-rounded professionals controllership and internal audits.
In today’s age when the world is fast and not mere risk domain experts.
shrinking and globalization is the way Corporate houses, unlike risk
forward for almost every large corporate, consulting firms, do not have the
the need for effective communication is felt internal machinery in place to provide
more acutely than ever before. Gone are best-in-class career enhancement training
Programmes to its employees in the risk
domain, and hence they have historically
“I am very impressed with the outstanding composition of the Board of Directors stayed away from hiring less experienced
& Governors, Strategy Board & Academic Council. This reflects credibility of professionals. With a PGDRM qualification,
the management team.” - Chetan Mathur, Former Sr. Director, Controller India Region, PepsiCo corporates will now get an opportunity to
41 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 42


AND DEVELOP MYSELF corporates wherein they actually get to
implement their classroom learnings by
almost every large corporate, the need
for effective communication is felt more
participating in live projects. We see this as a acutely than possibly ever before. Effective
mutually-beneficial arrangement between the communication skills have increasingly become
students and the industry partners. a critical ability in career enhancement in the
The Academic Council has been actively Our Knowledge Partners and Industry Partners corporate world. Being oblivious to global
engaged in building a learning environment will enrich the learning experience of our Our structured industry interaction Programme cultures is also no longer a luxury that aspiring
which will be uniquely differentiated and students by encouraging their senior and should allow our students to build a good professionals can afford. Our experience
exciting for the students of PGDRM. relevant leaders to conduct knowledge sharing corporate network and equity for themselves, has shown that a significant amount of
sessions. These will be delivered via in-person which will be invaluable for them as they make talent loses out due to a deficiency in these
The salient features of our learning classroom interactions, video conference progress in their professional careers; abilities. At GRMI we have included a unique
environment are as follows: sessions, and voice calls; “Communication & Cultural Enhancement
In today’s age when the world Module” that will run through the year with a
Delivery of classroom lectures will be limited to Our structured internship Programme is fast shrinking and highly- personalized delivery that addresses
essential concepts, frameworks, and complex of 6-8 weeks is aimed at ensuring globalization individual needs. This is aimed at improving
business environment inter-dependencies that students don’t end up doing is the way each student on the two parameters of
across functions in an organization. A internships which are a tick in for communication and cultural awareness on a 10
significant part of the time spent in classrooms the box. We are partnering A significant point scale. The improvement Programme will
will be spent in inter-active Q&A sessions, with industry majors to be run on an absolute basis of improvement,
group learning and presentations by teams to ensure that all our
amount of and not in relation to the rest of the batch, to
be constructively critiqued by the rest of the students get to time will be spent ensure each student benefits and improves
class to gain deeper understanding; do internships on case studies & in from it. We will partner with domain experts in
with large communication and cultural enhancements to
contextualising business
A significant amount of time will be spent on ensure we bring the very best to our students.
case studies and in contextualising business situations in different
situations in different industry segments. This business Our special interest groups provide a platform
will be critical for students to learn to recognize segments. to network, exchange views and share best
that supply chain, as commonly defined, can
practice. Through these, you can:
be rather nuanced, depending on the industry
segment ranging from Manufacturing to Retail, • Make valuable contacts and gain insight into
to Hospitality, to Healthcare. topical and challenging risk issues

Our Knowledge Partners will make • Develop your knowledge in

available to the students of specialised risk areas
GRMI deep domain literature
in print and electronic form
that will allow students to enrich
their knowledge base in addition to
their classroom and experiential learning
journey in GRMI;
43 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 44


BE ASSESSED PROF. MADHU VIJ - Board of Directors & Academic Council
Prof. Madhu Vij is a Professor of Finance at the Faculty of Management Studies,
University of Delhi where she has been teaching for over three decades. Her
Semester exams: The Programme year is divided into professional and teaching interests include the areas of International Finance, Risk
Management, Banking and Financial Services, Corporate Finance and Accounting
two semesters of 5 months each. At the end of each
semester students will be examined on the modules
you have taken.

Both the semesters would last for approximately 20

PROF. VINAY DUTTA - Academic Council
weeks each, with about 18 weeks of teaching and
Prof. Dutta is a banker turned academician and an alumni of Shri Ram College of
two weeks of assessment. Commerce. He has over three decades of experience in Banking, Corporate Sector,
Teaching and Training. He is the recipient of Dewang Mehta Business School
Assessment methods: All modules have exam- Award for Best Teacher in Financial Management. He has interest in consulting
based assessment, case study analysis and workshop and research. He has been associated with over 300 Management Development
participation-based assessment. The weightage of Programmes conducted for the senior and the middle level executives

each component may vary for each paper.

MRS. JYOTSNA - Academic Council

GRMI will follow the traditional CGPA score concept
and hence students would get a comparative sense Mrs. Jyotsna is an Associate Professor at LSR, Delhi. She did her M.Com from
South Delhi Campus in 1985 and joined LSR as a teacher in the same year. She has
of where they stand within their peer group. We aim
been associated with a project granted by Delhi University titled “The study of
to apply very high standards in admitting students to Corporate Social Responsibility practice on MNCs in India”. She has authored two
the institute since we hope to be in a position by the books on Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance and Ethics.
end of the first year where our students are greatly Her areas of specialization are Microeconomics and Finance
in demand on the one hand, and spoilt for choice in
potential employers on the other. This will imply that
CGPA scores would become tough to secure, and also DR. J L GUPTA - Academic Council
relevant for future employers as they would secure Dr. Gupta is currently a Professor of HRM area at Management Development
top talent graduating from GRMI. We are certain that Institute (MDI), Gurgaon. He has been Vice-Chancellor of GGU¸ Bilaspur from 2004
all organizations hiring out of GRMI would be top to 2008¸ and Principal of the Shri Ram College of Commerce¸ Delhi University
corporates and risk consulting firms, who would settle from 1996 to 2004. Dr. Gupta has been a consultant in the areas of organization
design and structure¸and Training and HRD Systems to a number of public and
for no less than the best talent on campus. We would
private sector organizations in India and Malaysia
be delighted to see this trigger off a compensation
tussle amongst some of the large hiring organizations.

Students taking the GRMI programme will get exposed

“With increased consciousness and focus on risk and compliance, this to a complete understanding of all aspects of Risk
Programme could be the answer to improving governance processes and Management principles in today’s competitive business
standards across industries and corporates.” - Dilip Bidani, CFO at Dr Lal PathLabs
45 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 46


JITENDRA NAYYAR - Academic Council PROF. MADHU VIJ - Faculty
Jitendra Nayyar is a Chartered Accountant with more than 23 years of Finance Prof. Vij is PhD, Management, Finance, M.Phil, M.Com, B.Com – Delhi University.
Leadership & Business Partnership experience. Jitendra brings strong understanding Currently working as a Professor at Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), University
& domain expertise of various industries, e.g. Financial Services, Telecom, FMCG, of Delhi (November 1978 – Present, about 37 years). She teaches subjects such as
Beverages, Pharmaceuticals and Hospitality. He has also worked with Bharti are Financial Management, Financial and Management Accounting, International
Airtel (Telecom), Coca-Cola India & overseas (FMCG), Ranbaxy Laboratories Financial Management, Management of Financial Institutions, Management of
(Pharmaceuticals), PepsiCo India (Beverages) and Indian Hotels (Hospitality, Tata) Financial Services

PROF. PANKAJ SINHA - Academic Council DILIP BIDANI - Faculty

Prof. Pankaj Sinha is a Professor at the Faculty of Management Studies. He received Dilip Bidani has spent 27 years with premier groups across FMCG and Services
his Ph.D. in Bayesian Econometrics from University of Delhi. His research, teaching Industries, of which over 13 years as CFO/ Board Member. Currently, he is the CFO
and professional interests revolve around the areas of Bayesian Econometrics, at Dr. Lal PathLabs, Gurgaon. Prior to this, he was the Director Finance at Avon
Statistics, Financial Forecasting, Financial Engineering, Financial Mathematics, Beauty Products India Pvt Ltd and a Director – Finance & Operations at Orbis
Financial Risk Management, Investment Analysis, and Computational Finance Financial Corporation Ltd. He holds a PGDM (MBA) from IIM Ahmedabad and is a
Chartered Accountant from ICAI

DR. SONALI HAZARIKA - Academic Council SABINA SUDAN - Faculty

Dr. Sonali Hazarika is an Associate Professor in Finance at the Zicklin School of Sabina Sudan is a Corporate lawyer with over 25 years of professional experience
Business, Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY). She has taught – 15 in Legal (India and the US) and since 2005, in global Ethics & Compliance,
finance courses at the undergraduate, MS and MBA levels. She has also taught Anti Corruption and Ethical Leadership. She is a senior Global Legal/Ethics &
international executive Programmes.  She holds an MA in Economics from Delhi Compliance and Risk Management Professional. She is a Consultant and adjunct
School of Economics and a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of North Carolina professor, currently operating from Singapore and Delhi.
at Chapel Hill

CHETAN MATHUR - Board of Directors & Academic Council RAHUL PAGARE - Faculty
Chetan Mathur is a Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Rahul is the CEO of Previously, he was the CFO at India Infoline
Accountants of India and a B.Com from Nizam College, Osmania University. He has Investment Services Ltd and Finance Head at HSBC – HDPI. He had been associated
30 years of experience in leadership roles in finance in the consumer goods industry with Arthur Andersen and with Ernst & Young for about 10 years in managerial
in Asia. He has developed expertise in M&A and integrating new businesses. He has positions. He spent 5 years with Goldman Sachs in the capacity of Vice President.
worked in several PepsiCo businesses across Asia and the Middle East

The curriculum have been conceptualised to create a one-of-its- PGDRM is a unique program being offered by GRMI for filling the
kind comprehensive Risk Management program offering. I believe supply gap of trained risk professionals. The management team
there is no other existing program available across the globe that has created a world-class institute that the smartest and brightest
covers all facets of risk advisory. would aspire to graduate from.
47 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 48


Dr. Ekta is a visiting faculty to Delhi School of Economics and Faculty of Dr. Swati Dhawan has around 15 years of work experience and has been a Faculty at
Management Studies, University of Delhi. She received two ‘Best Paper Awards’ FMS, North Campus (DU, Delhi), Department of Business Economics, (DU, Delhi),
at 3rd Annual Commerce Convention on “Leveraging Business: Discovering New IMT, Ghaziabad, Ramjas College (DU, Delhi), ICFAI Business School (Gurgaon) etc.
Horizons” (Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics) and at National She is the author of the books ‘Merchant Banking and Financial Services’ published
Conference on “Marketing in the 21st century: Issues and Challenges” (Shaheed by Mc Graw Hill Education Private Limited (2011) and ‘Management of Financial
Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi) Services’ for CDLU published by Excel Books Private Ltd.


Dr. Nidhi Kesari is Director in SIIF (a Registered Company). She has served Chetan Mathur is a Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered
at different Universities as faculty for more than eleven years. Her teaching Accountants of India and a B.Com from Nizam College, Osmania University. He has
experience includes teaching at Shri Ram College of Commerce, Hindu College, 30 years of experience in leadership roles in finance in the consumer goods industry
IP College, Daulat Ram College. She is the member of Editorial Board of few in Asia. He has developed expertise in M&A and integrating new businesses. He has
academic research journals. She is a life member of Indian Commerce Association. worked in several PepsiCo businesses across Asia and the Middle East
Her teaching and research interests include Finance,


Ranjani is an experienced Business Analytics professional. She has helped Subhashis has been focusing on Enterprise Risk & Compliance over the last 20+
organizations succeed in their supply chain and digital transformation initiatives. years and brings deep domain around specific solutions - Anti Corruption, Sox,
This includes the industry verticals such as Retail, E-Commerce in the Apparel, ERM & Internal Audit.With nearly 10 years with Arthur Andersen and his experience
Fashion, Luxury, Food & Beverages, and Consumer Electronics. She has led several of being part of the Global Center of Excellence of Ernst & Young in Cleveland,
analytics projects (DataVisualization and Advanced Analytics) in leading Luxury Ohio, USA, he has experience of leading risk advisory methodologies and practices.
Retail, Apparel/Fashion and FMCG firms. Remote site audit & compliance review solution developed by Axis is a cutting


Latika Sadhwani Hirwani has nearly twelve years of work experience in Risk Jitendra Nayyar is a Chartered Accountant with more than 23 years of Finance
Advisory. She is the Director at Grant Thornton India LLP and she has also Leadership & Business Partnership experience. Jitendra brings strong understanding
worked with reputed firms like EY, Axis Risk consulting. Latika has had a versatile & domain expertise of various industries, e.g. Financial Services, Telecom, FMCG,
experience across most solutions of risk advisory such as internal audit, enterprise Beverages, Pharmaceuticals and Hospitality. He has also worked with Bharti
risk management, standard operating procedure design, SOX compliance etc. Airtel (Telecom), Coca-Cola India & overseas (FMCG), Ranbaxy Laboratories
(Pharmaceuticals), PepsiCo India (Beverages) and Indian Hotels (Hospitality, Tata)

As the Mentor for GRMI, I can assure all of you that the team has
Risk Management is a unique and niche segment of
put in endless hours to bring together some of the best minds that
management studies which will give the students of
we have today in India and globally in the world of Risk-across
GRMI a huge sense of satisfaction.
consulting firms, large corporates and academia.
49 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 50


Priyanka Marwah is a Assistant Professor at Jesus and Mary College, University
of Delhi (August 2016 – Present). She has done M.Com from Hindu College, Delhi At GRMI, we will endeavour to develop a etc., to create increased visibility and repute
talented pool of professionals trained on a amongst corporate.
world class risk management curriculum,
thus creating an ecosystem enabling all large 5. Contract with global hiring firms to source
corporates to hire trained risk managers. We risk management talent from India.
aspirationally aim to place our students across
ARITRO DASGUPTA - Faculty the globe and in leading risk consulting firms 6. Explore opportunities for students with
Aritro Dasgupta is an Independent Consultant with 8 years’ experience in teaching, and large corporates in India to make GRMI an somewhat diversified career interests in wider
training, strategy consulting and content development. He has also taught at international and national talent-sourcing hub organisational roles such as:-
several management institutions in India, UAE and Nigeria. His work has been for budding risk managers. In terms of concrete
published at several blogs and publications such as at Business World, Holiday actions to honour our commitment to securing • Industry opportunities: Services,
IQ, What’s Up Life, Geography & You, Follow Your Sport and CL’s Management
placements for all students of GRMI, apart Manufacturing, Insurance, Banking, Retail &
from working closely with our Knowledge and Healthcare
Industry Partners (who in our view would secure
a large number of students graduating at least • Corporate governance function of an
in the initial years), we will also do the following: organization
Ms. Puja is a soft skill trainer and an image consultant professional with 9 years of
corporate experience and 5+ years of experience in training & development. She is
1. Leverage our connects with consulting and • Controllership / audit department of any
a versatile and dynamic corporate trainer with exposure to entire training life cycle
from TNA to evaluation. She is trained and certified by Image Consulting Business risk consulting organizations (IBM, Accenture organisation
Institute under the curriculum of the Conselle Institute of Image Management, EY, KPMG, PwC, Deloitte, Protiviti, RSM
USA. She is also a TTT NABET certified trainer. International, Grant Thornton, etc.) and other • Finance function
large corporate organizations.

DR. SONALI HAZARIKA - Faculty 2. Leveraging our global client connects with
Dr. Sonali Hazarika is an Associate Professor in Finance at the Zicklin School of Fortune Companies to channelize placements
Business, Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY). She has taught though GRMI.
finance courses at the undergraduate, MS and MBA levels. She has also taught
international executive Programmes.  She holds an MA in Economics from Delhi 3. Establish partnership with leading India and PL
School of Economics and a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of North Carolina

Global HR associations, such as Society of



at Chapel Hill


Human Resources Management (‘SHRM’)


and National Human Resources Department OPPORTUNITIES

(‘NHRD’) to significantly enhance awareness,

visibility and acknowledgement of GRMI as a CONSULTING


significant talent source, or members of these COM NCT

GRMI’s programme is unique in imparting both


associations. MANUFACTURING
professional skills and techniques, together with the ENTREPRENEURSHIP

4. Engage corporate houses through knowledge

human judgment and assessment methods required for a sharing sessions, industry speakers, sponsors
complete mastery of the subject.
51 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 52

INTERNSHIP - PepsiCo, Control Dashboard Automation INTERNSHIP - PwC Risk Assurance
PLACEMENT - Ernst & Young, Forensic and Integrity Services, PLACEMENT - Grant Thornton, Gurgaon


EDUCATION - Graduate in Business Administration EDUCATION - MBA
INTERNSHIP - Grant Thornton, Business Consulting and TPG Capital, INTERNSHIP - HT Media
assigned to Campus Shoes Investment Company
PLACEMENT - Startup-O, Singapore


EDUCATION - Diploma in Insurance and Risk Management, Institute of EDUCATION - B.Com
Insurance and Risk Management INTERNSHIP - Deloitte Risk Advisory
INTERNSHIP - Grant Thornton, Business Consulting Make My Trip (GO-MMT)
PLACEMENT - PwC Risk Assurance, Mumbai PLACEMENT - Deloitte Risk Advisory, Gurgaon


EDUCATION - Post Graduate Diploma with majors in Finance and minor EDUCATION - Engineering
in Marketing INTERNSHIP - Grant Thornton LLP
INTERNSHIP - Eicher- Controllership Team Make My Trip (GO-MMT)
PLACEMENT - Karur Vysya Bank, Delhi PLACEMENT - PwC Risk Assurance
53 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 54


EDUCATION - B.A. (H) Economics, University of Delhi EDUCATION - B.Com
INTERNSHIP - Grant Thornton LLP INTERNSHIP - Parag Milk Foods
PLACEMENT - PwC, Risk Assurance PLACEMENT - PwC, Risk Assurance

EDUCATION - (H), University of Delhi PRAFFUL BANSAL
INTERNSHIP - Parag Milk Foods EDUCATION - B.Com,
PLACEMENT - Ernst & Young, Risk Advisory INTERNSHIP - Grant Thornton LLP
PLACEMENT - Grant Thornton LLP

EDUCATION - Bachelor’s of Engineering, V.T.U
INTERNSHIP - Grant Thornton LLP
PLACEMENT - KPMG, Risk Consultant in Advisory

I found diploma in Risk Management diploma a

EDUCATION - in Management, HR College, Mumbai great alternative for an MBA. Since BCP and DR
INTERNSHIP - Grant Thornton LLP is an important part of Risk Management and I
PLACEMENT - Grant Thornton LLP
am experienced Business Continuity Professional,
therefore this diploma would help me to grow and
blosssom in my field.
55 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 56



B.Tech(CS), BBDNITM, (H), DU M.Com, Calcutta, IGNOU
Lucknow CA-Inter University CA-Inter


B.Com, IGNOU B.Com, IGNOU B.Tech(IT), AIT, B.Com, DU
CA-Inter CA-Inter Kanpur


B.Com (CA), SKASC, NIIT(Banking, Finance &
Coimbatore Insurance)
57 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 58



BBA, Dehradun B.Sc (H), Amity (Banking and Finance, BE, MBA, Thapar University,
Noida SIES College Patiala


B.Sc, (H), Amity B.Tech,, Bhawanipur Education B.E., PCE, New
Noida Society College Panvel


PGDB, Manipal M.Sc Biotechnology, B.Sc, Physics B.E., Nagpur University,
University GITAM University Maharashtra
59 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.



B.Com, University of IPGDRM, Hyderabad


MBA, S.M.U. Financial Modelling
Certification, IMS Proschool
61 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.

Campus Life
to leading Indian and foreign periodicals and
We are committed to helping students, staff, journals which students can access. Access is
and faculty experience university life to the restricted to students and faculty in the campus.
fullest. We have a profound commitment to the
diversity of our community and are focussed Support Network
on creating an environment where students can
thrive. Through our wide array of Programmes Our support groups provide you with the
and services, we provide opportunities and opportunity to exchange views and experiences
experiences that build a community, help and build mutually-supportive local networks
you grow personally and professionally, and and contacts. One of the resources the institute
create a place that you can call home now makes available to students is the support and
and throughout your life. GRMI has excellent guidance of an administrator who is on call and
infrastructure, equipped with all modern can be reached at all hours.
Counselling is a systematic process that GRMI
Books are repositories of knowledge and hold believes is the strongest support that a student
a place of pride in every educational institution. should be able to count on. Our counsellors
The library in our Campus has a collection of listen to students’ issues and concerns in a non-
1000+ books and journals (print and e-versions judgemental manner that inspires their trust and
having an equal spread given today’s digitally helps them move in a focussed manner towards
disruptive environment) and we subscribe their goals.
63 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 64

Type of 1 year Post Graduate Diploma in Risk Management (‘PGDRM’) Eligibility The candidate must possess a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, with a minimum
Programme: of 50% aggregate marks or equivalent in any discipline, from a recognized
university in India or abroad (recognized by the UGC/Association of Indian
6 days a week (for 1 year). However, this may need frequent adjustments Universities). The bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification obtained by
Frequency without significant advance notice to accommodate the availability of some the candidate must entail a minimum of 3 years of education, after completing
of Class: of our highly decorated and esteemed faculty both from academia and the
higher secondary schooling under the 10+2 system or equivalent. Candidates
corporate world
in the final year of their bachelor’s degree or equivalent are also eligible,
provided they furnish proof of having met the minimum eligibility criteria
Programme 640 Hours of Teaching & Classroom time (36-42 hours per paper) within 3 months of start of programme. It is desired that candidates complete
all academic requirements before joining the Programme to enable them to
keep pace with the rigor & internal assessment schedule of the Programme.
Focus of Understanding different facets of risk management
Fees Fee for our 1 year PGDRM is INR Note 1 : The above fee structure
Structure 8.25 Lac + GST is applicable for all Indian national
Candidates possessing a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent with 0 – 4 years of students who are residing in India.
Ideal for: work experience, and having interest in risk management domain For any non-resident Indian or
foreign national please contact us.

The personal interview will focus

Applicants can fill the application Shortlisted candidates shall be on testing the communication
notified through the email Ids skills, logical reasoning and

2 3
form online through the website. The

1 application form should be filled online. provided by them in the application ability of the students to carry
form. Eligible candidates will appear themselves. On the basis of this
It can be downloaded at:
round, the final selection is decided
for an interview based evaluation on a pre specified date. and scholarship is awarded (if
PROCESS TO qualified).


training. However, please note that if a student chooses to voluntarily not participate in the campus placement process
Note 1: As we have indicated multiple times in our website content, the management team is absolutely certain about the
then no fee would be refunded. Precise dates and timelines for the payment of the above fees would be shared with the
placement of its students post their acquiring the PGDRM qualification from GRMI. As our demonstrated commitment
students as part of the joining and on boarding process.
to deliver what we say, the management has decided to refund the entire amount of Tuition fees i.e INR 7,70,000 for
student who doesn’t get placed after passing out of GRMI with a PGDRM qualification. This refund would be subject to Note 2: The above fee structure is applicable for all Indian national students who are residing in India. For any non-
the student attaining a pre specified attendance % and active participation in both classroom learning and internship resident Indian or foreign national please contact us for details of our fee structure.
65 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd. 66


EDUCATION What are my career prospects post doing Is PGDRM from GRMI an alternate option to
a course in risk management? What kind Masters (MBA) or is an add on specialized
of placement opportunities will I get post course over any other masters I go for? How
The GRMI Office of Financial Assistance Graduate Programme. However, completing a graduating from GRMI? does my potential recruiter see this?
provides information and assistance to higher education Programme can contribute
applicants, and once admitted, through the to brighter employment prospects, apart from At GRMI we will endeavour to develop a As per a recent survey covered in the
entire time that they are in the institute. We are helping you gain the confidence and skills talented pool of professionals trained on newspapers, professionals with specialized
here to help you navigate through all aspects of needed to perform diverse and demanding roles world class risk management curriculum. Our skills only survive in the long run, and generalist
the financial aid process. in the professional world. aspirational aim is to place our students across will find it difficult to survive. We believe,
the globe and in leading risk consulting firms PGDRM from GRMI should be looked as an
It is wise to explore a variety of resources All students admitted to GRMI will have access and large corporates in India to make GRMI an alternate to Masters. It’s a full time one year
to help finance your education. Although to a number of student loan options made international and national talent-sourcing hub class room education Programme with cutting
students and their families are aware of available in collaboration with banks and for budding risk managers. edge curriculum and extensive infusion of live
the many advantages of investing in higher financial institutions that offer low interest rates case studies, to give students a more practical
education, many applicants are worried about and do not require the students or their families We have already had discussions with leading experience.
the increased cost of undertaking a Post to provide collateral. consulting firms and industry players, and they
have shown keen interest in hiring an all round In addition to specific risk management papers,
We know that financial aid information is specialist from GRMI in their organization as we are also focusing on all round development
important and can be confusing, so please do that will help them gain substantial productivity of our students, & hand picked key other subject
not hesitate to contact us with any questions and efficiency from day 1. papers like HR, Organization Behavior, Cyber
you may have. Risk and Strategic Thinking, which will benefit
• Some of the large consulting and risk our students We have also embedded as part of
consulting organizations like IBM, Accenture, our student development Programme a unique
Education Loan Partners
EY, KPMG, PwC, Deloitte, Protiviti, RSM “Communication & Cultural Enhancement
International, Grant Thornton, etc. and other Module” that will be run through the year with
large corporate organizations like General an extremely personalized delivery.
Electrics (GE), Tata Group, PepsiCo etc. are
potential recruiters. Our discussions with risk-consulting and
corporate leaders have indicated that deep
• We will also leverage our global client domain and all-round development that will
connects with Fortune Companies to be delivered at GRMI through the PGDRM
channelize placements though GRMI. Programme is almost certainly going to mean
faster career tracks for PGDRM students, as
• Our strategic partners with leading Global HR compared to their peers who join with more
associations - Society of Human Resources generic qualifications. This will hold true for all
Management (‘SHRM’) will give our students professionals pursuing a career in the domain of
a great opportunity to explore placement risk, compliance, controllership & internal audits.
opportunity on the global canvas. 68
67 Global Risk Management Institute I Risk Educators Pvt. Ltd.

What’s the USP of GRMI? Is PGDRM considered equivalent of a Master’s
thinking process, ability to understand business
In current market scenario, the one thing and great communication skills have made
which can easily be termed as our USP is the it to extremely successful risk management
placement opportunities for all our students, to professionals. While the programme is equivalent in
serve a USD 40 B+ market growing at a steady content and rigour to an MBA / Masters, the
pace, however, we believe that’s an end product Indian regulations do not allow independent
As a fresher from college, I crave for business
that we are committed to deliver, and not really institutions to grant a Master’s degree. In
understanding and practical knowledge. Does
our USP. India, only Universities can award a Degree.
GRMI help me in getting these?
Students will receive a certificate / Diploma of
Our USP is the cutting edge course curriculum It’s heartening to see this question being asked completion of the Post Graduate Programme
delivered by an enviable mix of corporate to us on a regular basis. This clearly indicates in Risk Management. The industry, however,
& academia leaders through case studies that the youth is thinking in the right direction, understands the relevance of this issue.
developed by CXOs of Fortune 500 Companies. and wants to build his career on concepts and
All this with the support of corporate world knowledge. In addition to this, on successful completion
leaders, who believe in creating an ecosystem of the PGDRM programme each student is
for risk professionals with us. GRMI has built its course curriculum on awarded an International Masters in Risk
fundamentals of ensuring that our students Management by Awarding body OTHM. OTHM
Is risk management a right career for me? How understand the business value chains and Qualifications is approved and regulated
do I know, this is something I would like to concepts of risk management with ability by Ofqual (Office of the Qualifications and
build my career in? of applying the same in practical world. Our Examinations Regulation) in England and
course will focus on giving students practical recognised by Qualifications Wales. PGDRM is
If you are looking to have a fast paced dynamic understanding across 7 key industries like equivalent to a level 7 Masters on the Regulated
career, with extensive opportunity to learn and Manufacturing, Service, Hospitality, Telecom, IT, Qualifications Framework (RQF) – the same
contribute to the success of an organization, Human Resource and Regulatory Compliance. level as Masters degree.
then you should explore a career in risk This will make out students ready to explore
management. If you like problem solving, career options across industries.
As our qualifications are approved
approaching problems with an analytical
and regulated by Ofqual (Office of the
approach and contribute in enhancing Further, our course delivery is significantly
Qualifications and Examinations Regulation)
organization performance, then you are the based on Live case study pattern. These case
and Qualifications Wales, learners are also
right candidate for this. studies are developed in discussion with CXOs
eligible to progress to a top-up degree, master’s
of Fortune 500 Companies across the globe.
programme, or MBA at many universities in UK
Risk management opens up global An enviable mix of corporate leaders and
and overseas with advanced standing.
opportunities to work across industries like Leading Academia delivers the content ensuring
Consulting, Manufacturing, Services etc. knowledge sharing through practical corporate
and key business processes like – Finance, example sharing. For more information, please visit the MBA
Treasury, Operations, Supply chain, Compliance, Progression section on our website or www.
Controllership, HR etc. This combination of course structure & delivery
model, positions GRMI students uniquely to
As our experience serves us, people with qualify with great command on concepts &
passion to learn, good analytical skills, a logical practical knowledge as compared to their peers.
Global Risk Management Institute
Plot No. 88, Sector – 44, Gurgaon - 122 002, Haryana
Tel: 0124-4850185


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Global Risk Management Institute

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