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Soal Bhs Inggris Kls 11

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Choose the best answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e!

No. 1 to 10 refer to the text below

An old lion realized one day that due to old age he was too weary and weak to hunt for his food.
Sadly, he approached his den knowing that soon he would perish. He stopped at the entrance, and
breathed difficulty, spoke in a low, soft voice to a pack of wolves which was passing by his den at the
moment. He told them of his sad condition.
Soon, the news of the lion’s illness spread throughout the forest and caused much concern among
the other beasts. Out of pity, the animals came one by one to pay their last respects.
The old lion was very happy. As each animal entered has den and came within reach, the lion
pounced on it and made it his meal. Very soon, the lion became fat
Early in the morning, the fox came. He had come to pay his respects too. The fox, well-known for his
wits and intelligence, approached the lion’s den with extreme caution. Standing some distance away,
he politely enquired about the lion’s health and asked him if he was feeling any better.
“My dear friend,” said he lion, “is it you? I can hardly see you. You are so far away. Please come
closer and whisper some words into my ears to console me for i have not long to live.
The fox, meanwhile, had been observing closely the ground in front of the lion’s den. At las, he
looked up, and truning to go away, he remarked, “Please excuse me if i do not stay, for i feel quite
uneasy at seeing the many footprints leading into your den, but none leaving it.”

1. Why were the lion’s hunting days over?

a. The animals found out about the lion’s illness
b. There were no more animals to hunt
c. The wolves always beat the lion
d. The lion is getting older and weaker
e. The lion was too strong
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan : sekarang Sang Singa semakiin tua dan semakin lemah

2. These words support the view of the lion’s sad codndition, except....
a. old age
b. too weary and weak
c. approached his den
d. breathing difficulty
e. has an ilness
Jawaban: c

3. The old lion was very happy. This means that....

a. many animals visited the lon out of pity
b. the lion didn’t had to hunt for his food
c. each animal that entered the den showed their respect
d. the lion became fat
e. the lion was desperate
Jawaban: b

Pembahasan: Sang Singa merasa senang dengan kunjungan hewan-hewan penghuni hutan karena
dengan demikian ia tidak perlu lagi berburu mangsa
4. The footprints tell us that....
a. the pack of wolves passed the lion’s den
b. so many animals pay their respects to the old lion
c. the animals which entred the cave did not leave the cave alive
d. the lion is getting better and healthier
e. the animlas want the lion passed away soon
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: jejak-jejak kaki yang ada menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa hewan-hewan yang
memasuki sarang singa tersebut tidak pernah keluar hidup-hidup

5. In what ways are the lion and the fox the same?
a. The lion and the fox are both respectable
b. The lion and the fox are both strong
c. The lion and the fox are botch clever
d. The lion and the fox are both honest
e. The lion and the for are patient
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: Singa dan rubah tersebut sama-sama cerdik

6. What kind of quality is the writer trying to say through the fox’s character?
a. You may save you life by using your wits and intelligence
b. show respect by visiting a sick friend
c. wehn entering a lions den. Be extremely caution
d. stand some distance away if you are facing a lion
e. Earlyin the morning, the fox came
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: dengan kecerdasan dan akal kita bisa menyelamatkan hidup kita

7. What is the best title fo the story above?

a. A lying Lion
b. A Big Lion
c. A Lying Fox
d. A Lying Fox and Lion
e. A Lion King
Jawaban: a

8. An old lion realize one day that due to old age he was too weary and weak to hunt for his food.
The italicized word has the closet meaning with....
a. heavy
b. small
c. tired
d. old
e. bold
Jawaban: c

9. “Please excuse me if I do not stay, for I feel quite uneasy at seeing the many footprints leading
into your den....
The italicized word has the closet meaning with....
a. close
b. relax
c. comfortable
d. uncomfortable
e. enjoy
Jawaban: d

10. From the story above we can assume that fox represents a characteristic of a ... person
a. stupid
b. clever
c. lazy
d. kind
e. stubborn
Jawaban: b/d

11. Which of the expressions below to ask for an opinion?

a. I think we have to study harder from now
b. Sally, what do you say about math test today?
c. Handi, do you want to join me in the concert?
d. I hope I have the right time to see her
e. I ask for the apologize
Jawaban: b
Pembahasan: kalimat b merupakan kalimat untuk menanyakan pendapat

12. Which of the following is not the elemnt of a narrative text?

a. plot
b. settings
c. the character’s fame
d. characterization
e. time
Jawaban: c

13. “I warn you not to step on the grass”. The statement above is used for....
a. giving a warning
b. giving suggestion
c. asking permission
d. giving opinion
e. giving order
Jawaban: a

14. The computer program helps students to complete their task

The italicized words is considered as a....
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. noun phrase
e. adverb
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: computer program adalah sebuah noun phrase

15. Narrative text can be found in the following, except....

a. report
b. stories
c. fables
e. folktales
e. legend
Jawaban: a

There are over 3000 species of spiders and they belong to the Arachnid family. Spiders are not
insects, but are related to scorpions and other arachnids that have eight legs and no antennae. Most
spider have poor eyesight and little sense of hearing and smell. They do, however, have a well
developed sense of touch in the hairs and spines that cover their body. They may vary in size from
about 1 mm to a giant 200 mm.

Spiders are known for their ability to spin silk. They are able to produce this from glands in the
abdomen and the silk comes out through organs called spinnerets. The silk is strong and elastic and
is used to trap the spider’s prey. Spiders use their webs in different ways. Some weave a net to
throw over their prey, while others attach a sticky blob to the end of a silken thread and whirl it
around in a circle to wrap around an insect.

Spiders suck the fluids from their victims rather than eat solid food. Then they crush the hard parts,
mixing them with digestive juice to make them into a liquid as well.

Female spiders lay large numbers of tiny eggs and cover them in a silken sac. Some species carry
this sac around with them. When first hatched, the young resembled adults and slowly develop to full
size. Before mating, some spiders perform courtship dances. After mating, some male spiders are
eaten by the female.

16. There are over 3000 species of spiders and they belong to the Arachnid family.
The statement tells the reader about....
a. behaviour of a spider
b. colony of a spider
c. species of a spider
d. friends of a spider
e. habitat of a spider
Jawaban: d

17. The text above is a kind of .... text

a. narrative
b. news report
c. expository
d. recount
e. information report
Jawaban: e

18. From the text above, we can conclude that spiders....

a. are not insects
b. are mammals
c. are marsupials
d. eat leaves
e. have least numbers of species
Jawaban: a


There are over 3000 species of spiders and they belong to the Arachnid family. Spiders are not
insects, but are related to scorpions and other arachnids that have eight legs and no antennae. Most
spider have poor eyesight and little sense of hearing and smell. They do, however, have a well
developed sense of touch in the hairs and spines that cover their body. They may vary in size from
about 1 mm to a giant 200 mm.

Spiders are known for their ability to spin silk. They are able to produce this from glands in the
abdomen and the silk comes out through organs called spinnerets. The silk is strong and elastic and
is used to trap the spider’s prey. Spiders use their webs in different ways. Some weave a net to
throw over their prey, while others attach a sticky blob to the end of a silken thread and whirl it
around in a circle to wrap around an insect.

Spiders suck the fluids from their victims rather than eat solid food. Then they crush the hard parts,
mixing them with digestive juice to make them into a liquid as well.

Female spiders lay large numbers of tiny eggs and cover them in a silken sac. Some species carry
this sac around with them. When first hatched, the young resembled adults and slowly develop to full
size. Before mating, some spiders perform courtship dances. After mating, some male spiders are
eaten by the female.

16. There are over 3000 species of spiders and they belong to the Arachnid family.
The statement tells the reader about....
a. behaviour of a spider
b. colony of a spider
c. species of a spider
d. friends of a spider
e. habitat of a spider
Jawaban: d

17. The text above is a kind of .... text

a. narrative
b. news report
c. expository
d. recount
e. information report
Jawaban: e

18. From the text above, we can conclude that spiders....

a. are not insects
b. are mammals
c. are marsupials
d. eat leaves
e. have least numbers of species
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: terdapat pada paragraf pertama, kalimat kedua

19. Some weave net to throw over their prey, while others attach a sticky blob to the end... the
italicized wod has the closet maning to....

a. break
b. knit
c. make
d. live
e. inhabit
Jawaban: b

20. They are able to produce this from glands in the abdomen and the silk comes out through
organs called spinnerets. The word they, refers to....
a. spinnerets
b. organs
c. glands
d. spiders
e. none of the options correct
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: kata they mengacu kepada laba-laba

21. What is the best description of the silk produce by spiders?

a. rigid
b. not elastic
c. stretchy
d. made of plastics
e. none of the options are correct
Jawaban: c

22. Which of the following is common spiders’ prey?

a. butterfly and snake
b. butterfly and birds
c. flies and birds
d. ants and tarantula
e. files and ants
Jawaban: e
Pembahasan: pada umumnya laba-laba memangsa serangga

23. Paragraph 4th tells you about spiders...

a. reproduction
b. appearances
c. family
d. behaviour
e. none of the options correct
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: paragraf keempat teks spider menjelaskan tentang proses reproduksi laba-laba

24. Spider’s food is explained in paragraph....

a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
e. V
Jawaban: c

25. What paragraph should you read to find spiders’ appearances?

a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
e. V
Jawaban: a
26. Which of he expressions below show giving request....
a. Yes sure, go a head
b. No, don’t do that
c. No, I don’t like it
d. Yes, that’s perfect
e. No, I’m sorry to hear that
Jawaban: a

27. I feel so relief as I have completed the task from my teacher. The statement above is to
a. pain
b. happiness
c. release
d. impatient
e. agreement
Jawaban: b

28. Well, you should talk to her before decide it. The statement below is used for....
a. giving advice
b. asking advice
c. showing sadness
d. showing expectation
e. offering something
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: kalimat pada soal nomor 13 adalah kalimat memberikan nasihat

29. The correct expression to ask for advice is....

a. I think you should eat all the burger
b. Don’t worry, I shouldn’t be late
c. Should I bring the camera tomorrow?
d. Should you have question, please ask
e. In my opinion, be your self
Jawaban: c

30. The correct expression to give a warning is....

a. Don’t go there!
b. Please, give me a warning
c. There is a warning on the board
d. Watch out! It’s a snake
e. Please, help me
Jawaban: d
1. The correct answer is ….
a. food
b. fight
c. fetch
d. fit

Jawaban: a
Jawaban: a
Jawaban yang benar adalah food.

2. The correct answer is ….

a. beard
b. bear
c. bread
d. bed
Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang benar adalah bread.

3. The correct answer is ….

a. ice
b. slice
c. nice
d. face
Jawaban: b
Jawaban yang benar adalah slice.

4. The correct answer is ….

a. waited
b. stopped
c. entered
d. called
Jawaban: d
Jawaban yang benar adalah called.

5. The correct answer is ….

a. familiar
b. popular
c. known
d. brown
Jawaban: b
Jawaban yang benar adalah popular.

6. The correct answer is ….

a. dark
b. park
c. work
d. fork
Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang benar adalah work.

7. The correct answer is …

a. eaten
b. beaten
c. fasten
d. taken
Jawaban: a
Jawaban yang benar adalah eaten.

8. The correct answer is ….

a. seat
b. beat
c. meat
d. cheat
Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang benar adalah meat.

9. The correct answer is ….

a. Flour
b. Spur
c. Blur
d. flavor
Jawaban: d
Jawaban yang benar adalah flavor.

10. The correct answer is ….

a. lives
b. cafes
c. lies
d. flies
Jawaban : b
Jawaban yang benar adalah cafes.

11. Natural food does not have chemicals, additives or growth hormones. Natural food
is simply food grown … the way nature intended.
The best word for the missing word above
a. organic
b. nature
c. organically
d. natural
Jawaban : a
Jawaban yang benar adalah organic.

Text for number 12 to 15

In the meat industry, they need to mass produce, so they … (12) their livestock
chemicals and … (13) hormones, this way the animals… (14) bigger and faster. Could
this be the reason our children are becoming … (15) at an earlier age? It is quite
possible. The meat industry also uses sneaky tactics to trick consumers into thinking the
meat still fresh.

12. The correct answer is ….

a. need
b. feed
c. eat
d. grow
Jawaban : b
Jawaban yang benar adalah feed (memberi makan).

13. The correct answer is ….

a. growth
b. grow
c. green
d. grown
Jawaban : a
Jawaban yang benar adalah growth (pertumbuhan).

14. The correct answer is ….

a. make
b. become
c. are
d. grow
Jawaban: d
Jawaban yang benar adalah grow (tumbuh).

15. The correct answer is ….

a. sick
b. health
c. obese
d. thiny
Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang benar adalah obese (kegemukan).

16. Her hand writting is … mine.

a. bigger than
b. well than
c. beautiful than
d. better than
Jawaban: d
Tulisan tangannya lebih bagus dari pada tulisan tanganku.

17. The first singer sings …, but the second one j sings better.

a. beautifully
b. better
c. well
d. bad
Jawaban: c
Penyanyi pertama menyanyi dengan bagus, tetapi penyanyi kedua menyanyi
lebih bagus.

18. Organic foods are traded in a way that limits the use of synthetic materials during
The meaning of the bold typed word above is….

a. buatan
b. membuat
c. terbuat dari
d. dibuat
Jawaban: a
Makanan- makanan organik dibuat/diproduksi dengan cara membatasi
penggunaan bahan- bahan sintetis/buatan selama masa produksi.

19. The needed of food makes people … a way to get healthy food.
The best word to complete the sentence above
a. choose
b. think
c. buy
d. cook
Jawaban: b
Kata yang tepat adalah think (berpikir/ memikirkan)

20. Indah: What do you plan to do next Sunday?

Rangga: Nothing. What about you?
Indah: I… to the Book Store. Can you join me?
Rangga: Sure.
a. go
b. am going to go
c. gone
d. have gone
Jawaban: b
Dialog tersebut membicarakan suatu rencana, maka tense yang tepat adalah
simple future tense, bentuk yang dipakai adalah be going to.

21. Her two younger sisters are at Senior high school and her… sister studies in

a. old
b. older
c. eldest
d. oldest
Jawaban: c
Dua adik perempuannya sekoiah di SMU dan kakak perempuan tertuanya kuliah
di universitas. Eldest tidak digunakan untuk membandingkan dan hanya
digunakan untuk orang. Eldest digunakan untuk menunjukkan orang yang paling
tua dalam suatu keluarga.

22. Lulu : Dinar, do you think Ms. Dian is going to ask a question about the Study Tour
Dinar: …I doubt it will be a difficult question, but there will be a question. Rest assured.

a. l am not certain of it
b. I am sure of it
c. I’m little uncertain
d. I am unsure about it.
Jawaban: b
Expression of certainty yang, tepat untuk dialog diatas adalah I am sure of
it. (Saya yakin tentang hal tersebut)

23. Is- attend- -in- University- to- going-lndonesia- He- the- of-meeting
Arrange the words above into the correct-a

a. He a is attend meeting to going of the University in Indonesia.

b. He attend is going a to meeting in the University of Indonesia.
c. He is going a to attend of meeting in University the Indonesia.
d. He is going to attend a meeting in the University of Indonesia.
Jawaban: d
Dia akan menghadiri pertemuan di Universitas Indonesia.

24. Organic food is … than fast food.

a. More health
b. Healthier
c. Healthiest
d. The most health
Jawaban: b
Makanan organik lebih menyehatkan (healthier) dari pada makanan cepat saji.

25. Mount Merbabu is 11,000 feet high.

Mount Semeru is 8,000 feet high.
The comparasion of those sentences is ….

a. Mount Merbabu is higher than Mount Semeru.

b. Mount Semeru is higher than Mount Merbabu.
c. Mount Merbabu is as high as Mount Semeru.
d. Mount Merbabu is the highest in the world.
Jawaban: a


Desi: “Hi, Udin, I…. (1) Shoes yesterday. What do you think about them?”
Udin: “I…. (2) they are beautiful red shoes.”
Desi: “Are you sure, Udin?”
Udin: “Yes, of course. Do you …. (3) red color?”
Desi: “Yes, I like it.”
Udin: “I think that color matches for you.”
Desi: “Thank you, Udin.”
Udin: “Okay, you …. (4) Welcome.”
Desi: “See you tomorrow, Udin.”
Udin: “…. (5).”
1. Bought.
2. Think.
3. Like.
4. Are.
5. See you.

6. b. Saran.
7. d. Tawaran.
8. a. Tahu.
9. e. Piker
10. c. Pendapat.

Budi: “Yes, I think the bus will never come.”

Amir: “Would it be an idea to walk?”
Budi: “Yes, it’s a good idea.”
Amir: “Has the new restaurant opened today?”
Budi: “It has opened yesterday already. My friend told me it has a new and delicious menu.”
Amir: “Why don’t we eat there?”
Budi: “it is a wonderful idea.”

11. How long have Amir and Budi waited?
Answer: 3 quarter of an hour.

12. What for did Amir and Budi wait?

Answer: Bus.

13. When did the new restaurant open?

Answer: Yesterday.

14. Who told Budi that the restaurant had a delicious menu?
Answer: Budi’s friend.

15. Mention one expression of giving a suggestion!

Answer: Why don’t we eat there?

4# Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions!

Lusi: “What do you think about the causes of flood, Susi?

Susi: “I think the citizen can’t keep the area clean.”
Lusi: “What is the cause of the occurance?”
Susi: “Because the citizens throw rubbish in the river.”
Lusi: “I think so. What do you suggest for the citizens?”
Susi: “They must throw rubbish in the dust plant around.”
Lusi: “Okay, I think we must do it.”
Susi: “Yes, of course.”
Lusi: “See you there.”
Susi: “See you.”


16. What does Susi think about the occurance?

Answer: She thinks the citizen can’t keep the area clean.

17. What causes the occurance above?

Answer: The citizen throw rubbish in the river.

18. What is Susi’s suggestion to the citizen in there?

Answer: The citizen must throw rubbish in the dust plant around.

19. Do they keep the environment clean?

Answer: No, they don’t.

20. Write the sentence showing about suggestion the dialogue!

Answer: They must throw rubbish in the dust plan around.

3# Read the following text and then answer the questions!

Dear my best friend,

I would like to invite you to come to my wedding party. It will be held:
Date : Sunday, September 28th, 2014
Place : Pancasila Building Bandar Lampung
Time : 08.30 a.m.
Hopefully you can come to my precious moment, your coming in my honor, Thank you very much for
your coming.


31. What kind of party held by Juwita?

Answer: Wedding party.

32. Who is the recipient of the text above?

Answer: Juwita’s best friend.

33. When will the party be held?

Answer: Sunday, September 28th, 2014.

34. What kind of the text is it?

Answer: Invitation text.

35. Where will the party be held?

Answer: Pancasila Building Bandar Lampung.

4# Read the following text and answer the questions!


36. What kind of invitation is it?

Answer: Wedding invitation.

37. When will the celebration be held?

Answer: Sunday, the fifth of June. Two thousand and sixteen.

38. Where will the celebration be held?

Answer: “Gedung Wanita” Reception Hall Gazibu Ave.

39. Where is the location of Gazibu Ave?

Answer: North Jakarta, Jakarta.

40. Who is Sonya Ekarina?

Answer: Mr and Mrs, Arman Depari’s daughter.

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