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A Review OF Waste Heat Recovery With Organicrankine in Diesel Engines

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Energy in this new age now has become an integral part of sustainable human life. The domestic
or industrial energy demand keeps on increasing in spite of rapidly depleting conventional energy
resources. This problem leads to different research areas among which, one was the Waste Heat
Recovery (WHR) approach. This Article reviews the OrganicRankine Cycle for waste heat
recovery by using waste heat rejected by Diesel Engine. The review primarily focused on
OrganicRankine Cycle distinguishing some basic varying parameters like Working Fluid, Cycle
Architecture, temperature ranges and advanced expander devices that affected the thermal
efficiency of the cycle. The two most influential parameters were working fluid mixture and
expander devices. The results demonstrated that the cost effective, thermally stable and desirable
working fluid mixtures systems, mainly for decentralized power generation Systems is the primary
focus of the current research.

Over the past few decades, the energy crises and environmental friendly approach. It is
is on the rise mainly due to the fossil fuel environmental friendly as Waste Heat
depletion and adverse effects of burning of Recovery (WHR) does not require any
fossil fuels.Burning of fossil fuels produce additional burning of fossil fuels.
CO2, NO2,SO2 and other harmful pollutants
In any industry, there are different sources
which results in greenhouse effect, ozone
producing waste heat which can be recycled
layer depletion, extreme weathers and smog.
or recused.One of these sources are engines
So, it has become mandatory, for the sake of
mainly diesel engine. Diesel Engine, from the
clean and green environment, that burning of
fossil fuels be eliminated or limited. And due
to limited fossil fuels resources and high
taxation on conventional energy, the energy
prices all over the world are increasing. Thus,
it is needed that our existing energy
generation processes be optimized, one such
way is the Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) that
is the use of waste heat resulting from
different processes in industries to be used
again for electricity generation and other
purposes, thus leading to more economical
dawn of the conventional energy, has played
an important role in Agriculture, Transport
and electricity generation as well as it is a
major contributor of CO2 emissions in the
atmosphere. This is due to the fact that more
than 60% of combusted mixture from
combustion process goes to environment as
waste heat[1]. Thus, this waste heat can be
recovered and converted into useful work
leading to pollutants free environment and
maximum utilization of available
Cycle(ORC) is employed for electricity
production from heat, employing the waste From the Figure 1 and figure 2, it can be seen
heat from sources such as geothermal, that working of ORC is simple: The Organic
biomass and Engines. OrganicRankine Cycle working fluid is firstly compressed by the
(ORC) is considered a feasible solution for pump then in the evaporator heat is absorbed
electricity generation because of its minimal by the working fluid, this heat is rejected
environmental impacts.OrganicRankine from diesel engine and is recovered by
cycle is a thermodynamic cycle used to evaporator as waste heat. After heat
produce work done by employing an Organic absorption, the heated vaporized fluid
fluid as a working fluid instead of water. The expands through turbine and lastly cools
working fluid has low latent heat and boiling down in the condenser again returning to
point leading to reduced liquid state.
evaporation.TheSchematic of the Now as to why the other thermodynamics
OrganicRankine Cycle is much simpler than cycles are not being used for Waste heat
the Steam Rankine cycle: Only one single recovery (WHR) is due to the simplicity,
heat exchanger is sufficientfor the three safety(low temperatures) and ability to use
evaporation stages that are preheating, diverse working fluids mainly Organic
vaporization and superheating. Using of working fluids of OrganicRankine Cycle. As
bleed steam from turbine for reheating is not waste heat has low phase change
suitable for OrganicRankine Cycle because temperatures so the use of Organic working
of low temperatures and there is not much fluids is optimal choice which is limited to
possibility for any variation in the ORC cycle ORC [3]. Moreover, ORC is widely used for
architecture. However, to increase the Waste Heat Recovery because of its potential
efficiency of the cycle,arecuperator can be of decentralized power generation system
employed to be used as a liquid preheater compared to its counter conventional
between the outlet of pump and the expander thermodynamic cycles and its low
outlet.This reduces the amount of heat maintenance costs.
requiredfor the vaporization of the fluid in the
evaporator [2]. A simple ORC schematic is
shown in Figure 1 andTSdiagram in Figure 2: Literature:
As the thermodynamics properties of combustion engines i.e Diesel engine.
working fluids have considerable impact on Organic cycle provides the opportunity to
overall cycle efficiency therefore the review recover that waste heat. A research is done in
of waste heat recovery from Heavy duty which two different configurations of
Diesel Truck engines using ORC lead to the OrganicRankine cycle were used to recover
fact that Isentropic Fluid Mixture, relatively the waste heat from the exhaust of diesel
wet or dry are optimal choice for ORC waste engine with the coolant of the 12-L diesel
heat recovery systems Moreover the optimal engine used. The process of parametric
working fluids can be selected on the basis of optimization for the both configurationsi.e
temperature range of system operations (preheat and regenerative) used first. The
specifically for the Dynamic Systems along working fluids were the R-134a, R-123 and
with the size of heat exchanger owing to R-245fa for the OrganicRankine cycle. The
small spaces and environmental and public key objective for the research was to increase
safety factors. The results were concluded the thermal efficiency of the cycle and to
that the binary mixture fluids with water as increase the power generation. The
the component i.e. Fluorinol-50 can attain experiment was conducted at different speeds
upto 15% increase in thermal efficiency and of the engine and at the full load. It was
also the zeotropic fluid mixtures in observed that by using R-123 as the working
comparison with the use of pure fluids. The fluid of ORC the best results were obtained
future research potential was found in for both the configurations of the cycles i.e
investigation of mixture working fluids for 11.73% and 13.56% reduction was seen in
ORC Waste Heat Recovery for on road fuel consumption [6].
Vehicle applications [4].
Heat energythat is present in the exhaust
OrganicRankine Cycle (ORC) is considered gases of a diesel engines can be important
an economical solution for electricity heat source forproviding morepower using
production from low and moderate OrganicRankine cycle. A research was
temperature sources like waste heat recovery. conducted to measure the available heat from the
A general review for Internal Combustion exhaust gases of the 40 kW diesel engine
(IC) Engine waste heat recovery summarizes generator. Effectiveness of an shell and tube heat
that OrganicRankine cycle are the optimal exchanger with water as working fluid was
choice for the Low or moderate temperature carried out. Experimental techniques , computer
simulation wereutilized to optimize the design of
waste heat recovery as The ORC can operate
the heat exchanger. Than this heat exchanger then
efficiently (using the standard components of used to observe additional power considering
Rankine cycle) employing these moderate actual efficiency of the turbine.There were used
temperatures. Depending on the electricity two heat exchangers for this purpose. The job of
production requirement different output first heat exchanger was to generate vapor and of
machinery like turbomachinery or second to generate super-heated vapor. The
displacement type expanders are used. Two Organic fluids that were used areNH3 and HFC-
Main variables that highly impact the 134a for the experiments. Water was used as
efficiency of OrganicRankine Cycle for working fluid for comparing the results. The
Waste Heat Recovery were identified to be: optimized and proposed heat exchanger produced
10%, 9% and 8% extra power by using H2O, NH3
Working Fluid and The Cycle Expanders
and HFC134a as working fluids respectively [7].
These days the scientific society strongly
There is a vast amount of the waste heat from concerned with the problems of efficiency and
the exhaust of the engines especially internal emissions reduction of IC Engines. The external
equipment of IC engine with waste heat recovery waste heat. AnOrganicRankine cycle (ORC) can
system is effective solution to overcome these be utilized to recoup this waste heat. In this paper,
problems. This research focuses on solutions to the attributes of a framework joining a diesel
the maximum possible heat recovery from the engine with an ORC which extract the waste heat
waste heat of a IC engine to produce the from the fumes gases are studied. On engine test
maximum amount of additional power with bench the performance graph of the diesel engine
decreasing the load on the engine’s condenser. is estimated and the amount of heat lost in the
The proposed waste heat recovery system is fumes gases are determined over the engine's
based on a Supercritical OrganicRankine Cycle whole working regions. In view of this
using R245fa as the working fluid. Internal information, the working parameters of ORC are
regainingis used to further improve the cycle characterized, and the performance of a joined
performances and increase the waste heat diesel engine-ORC framework is assessed over
recovery. The observations of the new waste heat this whole region. The outcomes demonstrate that
recovery system showed that up to 19.73% of the net intensity of ORC is 6.304kW at evaluated
power increased for the IC engine can be control point and a limit of 10% decrease in brake
achieved without the burning of the additional explicit fuel utilization can be accomplished.[10].
fuel. In order to quantify the estimation of the
performances for proposed cycles the design of OrganicRankine Cycle is currently arising as
the typical, high efficiency, a waste heat recovery another better solution for the waste heat
system based on double pressure water steam recovery. By utilizing this innovation to extract
cycle for the same engine's conditions was the heat from the diesel engine will likewise help
performed. This comparison of performances in decreasing the fuel utilization. In the
between the steam cycle and OrganicRankine cycles dry or isentropic fluids
theSupercriticalOrganicRankine Cycle R245fa can be utilized due to their working extents and
cycles confirmed a high potential for the designed critical temperature ranges. In this examination,
cycles[8]. R134a and R22 are utilized as the working fluids.
By looking at the outcomes at various pressures
and temperatures, the fluid to be utilized in the
experimentation is chosen. Accessible diesel
Almost 20 - 30% of the heat energy available to engine from the high school research center setup
an I.C engine is converted to the useful work. The is exposed to the recovery of heat. Analysis
remaining energy is lost by exhaust gases. A shows that in same operational conditions ,R134a
research study used OrganicRankine Cycle to demonstrates better execution when contrasted
harness the waste heat energy. The working fluid with R22. This proficiency shows the measure of
of the ORC acted as the coolant for the exhaust heat recovered from the total heat available in
gases. The energy that was absorbed by the exhaust gases[11].
working fluid was then used to rotate
theturbine.Heat balance test was conducted on System of exhaust heat recovery changes the heat
the diesel engine. Then it was estimated that the losses that occurs in the exhaust area of engines
amount of work availableat 50% of rated load. into work. This innovation decreases the exhaust
R123,R245ca and R245fa were used as the emission in engines. This review paper broadens
working fluids for the OrganicRankine cycle. It the arrangement of different strategies on EHR in
was observed that recovery of the heat using ORC diesel engine. Regardless of their indigenous
and by utilizing the components of suitable advantage for different technologies , it has some
packaging dimensionsincreased the engine output constraint over applications to various context.
power without increasing the fuel consumption From the recent researches and flow investigates
[9]. the variety in use of exhaust heat from the diesel
engine is assessed and contrasted to discover
As the diesel engines change roughly 40% of the which methodology is reasonable to achieve high
fuel energy into power accessible at the effectiveness in heat recovery for power
crankshaft, while the rest some portion of the fuel generation purpose. At last a novel technique for
energy is lost as coolant, exhaust gases and other
an EHR system is proposed to expand high level on framework execution. Results show a
of heat recovery in diesel engine from the potential fuel economy improvement around 10%
exhaust gases[12]. with current refrigerants and progressions in
expander innovation, two designs were presented
Heavy duty Diesel Engine (HDDE) are between for simultaneousheat recovery from exhaust
the greatest supporters of CO2 discharge and gases and coolant. An improvement procedure
surrounding contamination as they are the most was connected for the arrangements in which the
widely utilized innovation for business vehicles objective was to boost the work generation and
and ship drive applications, just as, together with thermal proficiency[14]
responding gas motors, for little medium-
estimate disseminated stationary power age. New On combustion of air-fuel mixture ,over 60% of
discharge enactments in the on and off interstate energy isn't utilized to create the mechanical
segments, such as EURO VI and Tier 4 last, with work and is discharged into nature as waste heat.
respect to NOx and Particulate Matter (PM), are In this way, the transformation of waste heat from
additionally getting to be step by step diesel engine into helpful work alongside engine
increasingly stringent. Consequently, in the most advancement is to improve the proficiency and
recent years, worries about further engines thermal administration systems. This research
advancement and effectiveness improvement are paper is to go for giving a diagram of the most
of essential significance and a few innovations recent innovation of the engine- OrganicRankine
have been examined and executed. This audit is Cycle system in the utilization of waste heat from
intended to give an outline of the OrganicRankine the heat sources with various temperatures, with
Cycle (ORC) innovation to recover wasted specific fixation on diesel engine. About 25% of
thermal energy in Heavy Duty Diesel Engines most extreme heat effectiveness is found from the
(for example fumes gas, EGR, coolant circuit, literature survey as utilizing traditional
charge air cooling, oil circuit) with specific independent engine OrganicRankine Cycle
spotlight on vehicle applications for on and off system. however, about 90% of heat
parkway divisions (for example whole deal effectiveness is accounted for from joined
trucks, earth-moving machines, horticultural recuperation arrangement of waste heat
tractors). Moreover, numerous diverse engine sources[15]
working profiles regarding torque and speed are
assembled and revealed for an assortment of Diesel engine are by a wide margin the most well-
normal vehicles, so as to portray the best known methods for impetus on board dispatches.
framework configuration point for the chosen It is evaluated that around half of their fuel
application.[13]. vitality utilization is disseminated as second rate
heat. The OrganicRankine cycle innovation is a
Raising fuel costs and future carbon dioxide well-established answer for the vitality
emanation limits are making a recharged transformation of warm power from biomass
enthusiasm for strategies to build the thermal ignition, geothermal repositories, and waste
efficiency of engines past the breaking point of warmth from modern procedures. Be that as it
in-barrel methods. One promising component may, its monetary practicality has not yet been
that achieves the two destinations is the change of exhibited for marine applications. This paper
engine waste heat to an increasingly helpful type goes for assessing the capability of utilizing
of vitality, either mechanical or electrical. This OrganicRankine cycle systems for waste warmth
paper audits the utilization of internal combustion recuperation on board transports. The appropriate
engines fumes squander heat recuperation vessels and motor warmth sources are identified
concentrating on OrganicRankine Cycles since by assessing the complete recoverable vitality.
this thermodynamic cycle functions admirably Different cycle structures, working fluids, parts,
with the mid-range grade vitality of the fumes. and control methodologies are examined. The
Determination of the cycle expander and working financial possibility and coordination on board
liquid are the essential focal point of the audit, are additionally assessed. Various innovative
since they are viewed as having the biggest effect work regions are identified so as to handle the
difficulties restricting a far reaching utilization of manufactures of truck meet the limitations of co2
this innovation in at present working vessels and exhaust. Available heat in the exhaust gas of a
new-structures. The outcomes demonstrate that diesel engine can be vital heat source to provide
OrganicRankine cycle units recouping heat from some extra power using separate OrganicRankine
the fumes gases of motors utilizing low-sulfur cycle(ORC) .OrganicRankine cycle (ORC)is the
powers could yield fuel funds somewhere in the most prospective technology of WHR. Waste
range of 10% and 15%. Alternative heat should need to be recovered in both exhaust
manufacturing procedures and materials, gases and the coolant this paper is a
progresses in the plan strategies for the ORC unit comprehensive review of literature about the
segments, and new procedure integration of the ORC systems used to recover heat from diesel
units inside the vitality arrangement of the ship, engine. Advanced configurations are confluent
thinking about the potential future utilization of cascade expansion (CCE) system Organic split
elective powers, are expected to additionally cycle(OSC),ORCwith a ejector with a
upgrade the financial reasonability of ORC regenerator and a dual loop OrganicRankine
systems and encourage their coordination ready. cycle with and without regeneration. IC engine
New working fluids will likewise be examined so and cooling water contains sufficient heat energy
as to diminish the flammability chance related for the implementation of a secondary cycle. This
with the ORC unit, and to comply with the research provide an improvement In the
increasingly restrictive guidelines on their efficiency of theORC[17].
natural effect.[16]
Waste heat recovery of engine recently has
fascinated ever more concerns. It can estimate
engine thermal efficiency and help the
1. Waste Heat Recovery H. Teng, 2007 SAE Instead of pure fluids, the
of Heavy-Duty Diesel G. Renger, Technical zeotropic fluids and binary
Engines by C. Cowland. Paper Series. mixture fluids such as
OrganicRankine FLOURIINOL-50 as
Cycle Part II: working fluid can attain
Working Fluids for upto15% increase in
WHR-ORC thermal efficiency. Further
study is required for mixing
of different working fluids
mainly for road on vehicle
2. Review of C. Sprouse, 2013 Applied Working fluid and change in
OrganicRankine C. Depcik, Thermal architecture of ORC (mainly
cycles for internal Engineering use of output devices like
combustion turbines or displacement type
engineexhaust waste Expanders) is to be further
heat recovery. discussed for their cost
effectiveness and thermal
3. A comprehensive study B. Mojtaba, 2013 Thermal By using R134a as working
on waste heat recovery S. Javan, Science fluid more better results were
from internal M. Tahani obtained.
combustion engines Future Recommendations:
using Organic Rankine By use of different coolants
of R134x series more better
results are expected.
4. Waste heat recovery S N. Hossain 2014 10th By using the combination of
from exhaust of a diesel S. Bari International H2O, NH3& HFC-134a
generator set Journal on The efficiency increased up
usingOrganic fluids Mechanical to (8-10)%
Engineering Future Recommendations:
By using different
combinations of chemicals
with HFC-134a at different
rpms of engine more better
results can be obtained.
5. Design of waste heat O. Rudenko, 2015 3 rd By use of R245fa in dual
recovery systems based L. Moroz2, International loop Supercritical ORC we
on supercritical orc for M. Burlaka, Journal on cannot only increase the
powerful gas and diesel C. Joly ORC Power efficiency but also it is more
engines Systems long lasting.
Future Recommendations:
More work can be done on
the design of Waste Heat
Recovery Systems i.e by
changing diameters of LPT
and HPT impellers more
better results can be
6. OrganicRankine Cycle MS. Nazeer, 2016 International The highest boiling point of
System for Waste S. Santhosh, M.Althaf, Journal of the refrigerant that is
HeatRecovery from M. Riyas, Research in observed is ofR123 that is
Twin Cylinder Diesel S.Thekkummuri Mechanical about 27.85 oC
Engine Exhaust Engineering Future Recommendations:
By the use of the refrigerants
having high boiling points
are more durable and gives
more efficiency
7. Performance analysis of M Ghilvacs , T Prisecaru , 2016 IOP In combined system of WHR
exhaust heat recovery H Pop1 , V Apostol , M Conference with ORC the net output power
using OrganicRankine Prisecaru, E Pop , Gh Series is increased by 6 – 8 % .
cycle in a passenger car Popescu , C Ciobanu , A Future recommendations:
with a compression Mohanad and A By using easy transient
ignition engine Alexandru operations and light
materials the efficiency can
also be increased.

8. Waste Heat Recovery Mr. Shashank Shetty, Dr. September,2016 International In same operational conditions
on IC Engines Using Sanjay Bokade. Ms. Journal of ,R134a demonstrates better
Organic Rankine Cycle Amruta Gokhale Scientific & execution when contrasted with
Engineering the efficiency of the
Research Diesel engine and the combined
ORC setup is increased and the
consumption of fuel is reduced.
Future recommendations:
The further work can be
done by using different
working fluids at different
load and time conditions to
enhance the efficiency.

9. Review on Exhaust heat Mohamed Shedid, Moses November 2017 International The using of fins is more
Recovery System in Sashi Kumar Journal of appropriate in order to extract
Diesel Engine Advanced maximum heat,instead of using
Engineering porous materials and foam .
Research and Future recommendations:
Science In order to enhance the EHR
(IJAERS) and to save the cost of fuel in
future ,other methods such as
vortex generators, nanofluids,
using the PCM as heat storage
source can be used .
10. Review of Md. Abdul Raheem 2017 Emission of low carbon
OrganicRankine Junaidi, dioxide increases the
cycles for internal S. Irfan Sadaq thermal efficiency of
combustion engine engines.
exhaust waste heat Future Recommendations:
Demonstrate a potential Fuel
Improve 10% economy with
modern refrigerants.
11. A review of waste Simone lion, November 2017 by using ORC to increase the
heat recovery and Constantine N, fuel efficiency
OrganicRankine Michos,IoannisVlaskos, Future recommendations:
Cycles (ORC) in on- Cedric Rouaud, by resolving these issue of
off highway vehicle RodolfoTaccani ORC such as
Heavy Duty Diesel packaging,weight,space etc
Engine applications we use ORCcommercially.
12. Waste heat recovery Anh Tuan Hoang 2018 Applied About 25% of most extreme
from diesel engines Energy heat effectiveness is found from
the literature survey and, about
based on Organic 90% of heat effectiveness is
Rankine Cycle accounted from joined
recuperation arrangement of
waste heat sources,
Future recommendations:
By using small size diesel
engines in combined diesel
engine-ORC systems along
with other suitable working
fluids can be considered in
future, to obtain high-efficiency
in combined-ORC system.
13. A review of the use of M. E.Mondejar, J. G 2018 Recover heat from exhaust
OrganicRankine cycle Andreasen, gases of engines by using
power systems for L. Pierobon, U. low-sulfur fuels and save
maritime applications Larsen,M.Thern, between 10%to 15% fuels.
F.Haglind, Future recommendations:
investigating new working
fluid which shall reduce the
flammability risk.
14. Waste Heat Recovery Alok Manas , Dubey November,2018 IC engine exhaust and
from Exhaust of cooling water increases its
Diesel Engines using efficiency.
Novel Future recommendations:
OrganicRankineCycle By use of different
Configurations configurations such as
Organic split cycle (OSC),
and confluent cascade
expansion (CCE) system,
ORC with an ejector and a
regenerator we get a better

This article reviewed the advancements in Waste heat Recovery(WHR) using OrganicRankine
Cycle(ORC) in Diesel Engines in the last decade. Diesel Engine being at the core of world energy
generation systems is not very optimized in itself as about 60% of its combusted mixture is rejected
as waste heat into the environment. Thus, the optimal solution is Waste Heat recovery, aimed at
maximum utilization of available energy resources while minimizing the environmental impacts.
OrganicRankine Cycle(ORC) is a feasible solution for waste heat recovery mainly because of its
ability(working Fluids property) to accept low or moderate temperature sources and only one
among other thermodynamic cycles which can achieve possibly about 30% thermal efficiency
from moderate temperatures sources. The review found a number of basic repetitive parameters
which influences the overall thermal efficiency of Waste heat recovery(WHR) Systems. The most
repetitive and influential parameters are:
 Working Fluids.
 Thermodynamic Cycle Architecture.
 Expander Technologies.
 Shape Modifications of Expander Devices.
The variation in the working fluid was found to be most impactful to thermal efficiency with trend
shifting from pure fluids(water) to Organic fluids (FLOURIINOL-50, Fluorinol-85etc.) to fluid
mixtures(water plus Organic fluids) and lastly fluid mixtures used with different coolants(R134x
coolants). The further research could be done in finding the cost effectiveOrganic fluids and
potential fluid mixtures with least environmental impacts, low volumetric fluids,high critical
temperature and nearly isentropic properties.The advancement in expander devices is the second
influential factor in OrganicRankine Cycle, with advancement in shape modification of
components. The review showed that scroll and screw expanders are widely used mainly for small
scale applications with about 70% thermal efficiency. The further research could be done in shape
modification of impeller, less space occupation option, unified performance indicators, less
weight, better thermal management and economical aspects. Overall, the future potential of
OrganicRankine cycle for the decentralized power systems could be further investigated with
prime focus on space, weight and thermal stability of system.

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