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A Review of Waste Heat Recovery With Organic Rankine in Diesel Engines

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Energy in this new age now has become an integral part of sustainable human life. The domestic
or industrial energy demand keeps on increasing in spite of rapidly depleting conventional energy
resources. This problem leads to different research areas among which, one was the Waste Heat
Recovery (WHR) approach. This Article reviews the Organic Rankine Cycle for waste heat
recovery by using waste heat rejected by Diesel Engine. The review distinguished some basic
varying parameters like Working Fluid, Cycle Architecture and temperature ranges that affected
the thermal efficiency of the cycle. The most influential factor on cycle’s thermal efficiency was
found to be variations in working fluids with binary mixture fluid yielding better thermal efficiency
than the pure fluids.
In any industry, there are different sources
producing waste heat which can be recycled
or recused. One of these sources are engines
Over the past few decades, the energy crises mainly diesel engine. Diesel Engine, from the
is on the rise mainly due to the fossil fuel dawn of the conventional energy, has played
depletion and adverse effects of burning of
fossil fuels. Burning of fossil fuels produce
CO2, NO2, SO2 and other harmful pollutants
which results in greenhouse effect, ozone
layer depletion, extreme weathers and smog.
So, it has become mandatory, for the sake of
clean and green environment, that burning of
fossil fuels be eliminated or limited. And due
to limited fossil fuels resources and high
taxation on conventional energy, the energy
prices all over the world are increasing. Thus,
it is needed that our existing energy
generation processes be optimized, one such an important role in Agriculture, Transport
way is the Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) that and electricity generation as well as it is a
is the use of waste heat resulting from major contributor of CO2 emissions in the
different processes in industries to be used atmosphere. This is due to the fact that more
again for electricity generation and other than 60% of combusted mixture from
purposes, thus leading to more economical combustion process goes to environment as
and environmental friendly approach. It is waste heat [1]. Thus, this waste heat can be
environmental friendly as Waste Heat recovered and converted into useful work
Recovery (WHR) does not require any leading to pollutants free environment and
additional burning of fossil fuels. maximum utilization of available resources.
Generally, Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is
employed for electricity production from

heat, employing the waste heat from sources

such as geothermal, biomass and Engines.
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is considered
a feasible solution for electricity generation
because of its minimal environmental
impacts. Organic Rankine cycle is a
thermodynamic cycle used to produce work
done by employing an organic fluid as a
working fluid instead of water. The working
fluid has low latent heat and boiling point From the Figure 1 and figure 2, it can be seen
leading to reduced evaporation. The that working of ORC is simple: The organic
Schematic of the Organic Rankine Cycle is working fluid is firstly compressed by the
much simpler than the Steam Rankine cycle: pump then in the evaporator heat is absorbed
Only one single heat exchanger is sufficient by the working fluid, this heat is rejected
for the three evaporation stages that are from diesel engine and is recovered by
preheating, vaporization and superheating. evaporator as waste heat. After heat
Using of bleed steam from turbine for absorption, the heated vaporized fluid
reheating is not suitable for Organic Rankine expands through turbine and lastly cools
Cycle because of low temperatures and there down in the condenser again returning to
is not much possibility for any variation in the liquid state.
ORC cycle architecture. However, to Now as to why the other thermodynamics
increase the efficiency of the cycle, a cycles are not being used for Waste heat
recuperator can be employed to be used as a recovery (WHR) is due to the simplicity,
liquid preheater between the outlet of pump safety (low temperatures) and ability to use
and the expander outlet. This reduces the diverse working fluids mainly organic
amount of heat required for the vaporization working fluids of Organic Rankine Cycle. As
of the fluid in the evaporator [2]. A simple waste heat has low phase change
ORC schematic is shown in Figure 1 and TS temperatures so the use of organic working
diagram in Figure 2: fluids is optimal choice which is limited to
ORC [3]. Moreover, ORC is widely used for
Waste Heat Recovery because of its potential
of decentralized power generation system
compared to its counter conventional
thermodynamic cycles and its low
maintenance costs.

Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is considered
an economical solution for electricity
production from low and moderate References:
temperature sources like waste heat recovery. 1. Anh T. H., (2018). “Waste heat recovery
A general review for Internal Combustion from diesel engines based on Organic
(IC) Engine waste heat recovery summarizes Rankine Cycle”Applied Energy,231,138-
that Organic Rankine cycle are the optimal 166.
choice for the Low or moderate temperature 2. S. Quoilin, M. Van Den Broek, S.
waste heat recovery as The ORC can operate Declaye, P. Dewa1eff, V.Lemort, (2013)
efficiently (using the standard components of "Techno-economic survey of Organic
Rankine cycle) employing these moderate Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems",
temperatures. Depending on the electricity Renewable and Sustainable Energy
production requirement different output Reviews, 22, 168-186.
machinery like turbomachinery or 3. A. Javanshir. N. Sarunac, Z.
displacement type expanders are used. Two Razzaghpanah, (2017). “Thermodynamic
Main variables that highly impact the Analysis of ORC and Its Application for
efficiency of Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery”, Sustainability,
Waste Heat Recovery were identified to be: vol. 9, 11, 1-26.
Working Fluid and The Cycle Expanders 4. C. Sprouse, C. Depcik, (2013), “Review
[4]. of organic Rankine cycles for internal
As the thermodynamics properties of combustion engine exhaust waste heat
working fluids have considerable impact on recovery”, Applied Thermal
overall cycle efficiency therefore the review Engineering,51,711-722.
of waste heat recovery from Heavy duty 5. H. Teng. G. Renger, C. Cowland, (2007)
Diesel Truck engines using ORC lead to the “Waste Heat Recovery of Heavy-Duty
fact that Isentropic Fluid Mixture, relatively Diesel Engines by Organic Rankine
wet or dry are optimal choice for ORC waste Cycle Part II: Working Fluids for WHR-
heat recovery systems Moreover the optimal ORC”, SAE Technical Paper
working fluids can be selected on the basis of Series,01,0543.
temperature range of system operations
specifically for the Dynamic Systems along
with the size of heat exchanger owing to
small spaces and environmental and public
safety factors. The results were concluded
that the binary mixture fluids with water as
the component i.e Fluorinol-50 can attain
upto 15% increase in thermal efficiency and
also the zeotropic fluid mixtures in
comparison with the use of pure fluids. The
future research potential was found in
investigation of mixture working fluids for
ORC Waste Heat Recovery for on road
Vehicle applications [5].

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