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Journal of Catalysis 282 (2011) 289–298

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A mechanistic study on soot oxidation over CeO2–Ag catalyst

with ‘rice-ball’ morphology
Kiyoshi Yamazaki ⇑, Tomoyuki Kayama, Fei Dong, Hirofumi Shinjoh
Toyota Central R&D Laboratories Inc., Nagakute, Aichi 480-1192, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A CeO2–Ag catalyst with a ‘rice-ball’ morphology, consisting of Ag particles in the center surrounded by
Received 21 January 2011 fine CeO2 particles, exhibits exceptional catalytic performance for soot oxidation by O2 below 300 °C. The
Revised 30 May 2011 reaction mechanism over this catalyst was studied by O2 temperature-programmed desorption (O2-TPD),
Accepted 2 July 2011 18
O/16O isotopic exchange (IE) reaction, and electron spin resonance (ESR) techniques. It is speculated
Available online 10 August 2011
that adsorbed oxygen species on the Ag surface migrate to the CeO2 surface via the Ag/CeO2 interface
to form Ox 
n species (at least partly O2 ) and further migrate onto the soot particles. Due to morphological
compatibility of the moderately large Ag particles (ca. 30–40 nm) and the extremely large interfacial area
Soot oxidation
with the CeO2 particles, the formation and migration rates of the oxygen species on the CeO2–Ag catalyst
Ceria are efficiently promoted, resulting in its distinguished catalytic performance and relative insensitivity to
Morphology the contact mode of the soot–catalyst mixture.
Reaction mechanism Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Diesel emission control

1. Introduction A catalyzed diesel particulate filter (C-DPF) is regarded as the

most promising solution to reduce PM emissions from diesel en-
In recent years, diesel-powered vehicles have increased their gines, where the soot is trapped and oxidized with a catalyst at
market share in the world, due to lower fuel consumption, higher lower temperature. However, large soot particles are immobile
durability and reliability in comparison with gasoline-powered and barely penetrate into the catalyst micropores or mesopores,
vehicles. Diesel engines are expected to play a positive role in and thus, catalytic soot oxidation is quite slow [1,2]. The major
the prevention of global warming by increased fuel efficiency problem with the C-DPF is the poor contact between the external
and thus lower CO2 emission than gasoline engines. However, catalyst surface and the soot particles. To overcome this problem,
there is a strong demand for the abatement of nitrogen oxide many catalysts and technologies based on different principles have
(NOx; NO + NO2) and particulate matter (PM; mainly ‘soot’) from been proposed. Using gas-phase NO2 in the application of so-called
diesel engines, which can give rise to serious environmental and continuously regeneration trap (CRT) technology causes a decrease
health problems. The severity of new emission regulations requires in the soot oxidation temperature [3]. NO2 is generated from the
solutions based on suitable after-treatment technologies, as well as oxidation of NO over a platinum catalyst and functions as a mobile
technical improvements to the engines. The most effective and species for soot oxidation by creating catalyst–soot contact; how-
widely applied after-treatment technology for PM control is based ever, a new trend in diesel engines to decrease NOx emission could
on the diesel particulate filter (DPF). Soot trapped in a DPF must be impose significant restrictions on the application of CRT technol-
periodically removed by combustion, due to unacceptable back ogy. Organometallic fuel additives, also known as fuel-borne cata-
pressure levels in the gas exhaust line. The direct oxidation of soot lysts (FBCs), lead to the formation of catalyst-doped soot during
over the un-catalyzed DPF requires high temperatures around combustion in the engine, which lowers the soot oxidation temper-
600 °C and is generally carried out by injecting diesel fuel into ature in the DPF [4,5]; however, the continuous consumption of
the exhaust. This strategy incurs additional fuel consumption, re- FBCs and the accumulation of metal oxide as an ash inside the
quires a complex means of control, and can create significant ther- DPF restrict their application strongly. A large number of molten
mal stress for the DPF and the other after-treatment devices (i.e., salt catalysts, which can wet the soot surface as a mobile catalyst
the de-NOx catalysts). and therefore decrease the soot oxidation temperature, have been
studied in recent years; the formulations are based on the addition
of potassium or cesium to transition metal (such as Cu, V, Mo, Co,
or Fe) oxides [6–10], combinations of Co, K/MgO or Ba, K/CeO2
⇑ Corresponding author.
[11–13], and perovskites such as LaCrO3 and La0.9K0.1Cr0.9O3 [14].
E-mail address: (K. Yamazaki).

0021-9517/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
290 K. Yamazaki et al. / Journal of Catalysis 282 (2011) 289–298

However, these catalysts have drawbacks in some practical appli- we tried to elucidate the mechanism involved in catalytic soot oxi-
cations that are related to either thermal degradation or selective dation, especially over the CeO2–Ag catalyst with unique ‘‘rice-
leaching in condensed water during the soot oxidation process ball’’ morphology, which exhibits an overwhelmingly high cata-
[15]. lytic performance among the prepared catalysts.
Recently, many researchers have reported that CeO2-based oxi-
des have good activity for soot oxidation at lower temperature 2. Experimental
[16–23]. Aneggi et al. studied the effect of Ag addition on the soot
oxidation activity of various metal oxides [24]; the addition of Ag 2.1. Catalyst preparation
to ZrO2 and Al2O3 resulted in very active catalysts, while addition
to CeO2 had little benefit. On the other hand, Machida et al. and A CeO2–Ag catalyst was synthesized by a coprecipitation-based
Shimizu et al. reported that Ag loading onto CeO2 enhanced the method. One hundred and fifty milliliters aqueous solution of
catalytic activity for soot oxidation [25,26]. However, the design AgNO3 (Toyo Chemical Industrial, 29.63 g) and Ce(NO3)36H2O
concept of these catalysts, i.e., morphology control based on the (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, 50.49 g) was added to a diluted
functions of Ag and CeO2, has not been devoted to the problem ammonia solution (35.6 g of 25% ammonia solution, diluted by
of catalyst–soot particle contact. In addition, silver-supporting cat- 100 mL of water) instantly (in less than a second) with a rotary
alysts may suffer from performance degradation due to Ag sinter- stirrer (350 rpm) at room temperature. The mixture was stirred
ing under oxidative conditions at temperatures around 400 °C [27]. for 1 min, and the coprecipitate was heated uniformly by steam
Considering this background, we have developed an innovative in an autoclave at 120 °C for 10 min. The gained coprecipitate
CeO2–Ag catalyst, which exhibits exceptional performance for soot was separated by centrifugation and calcined at 500 °C for 5 h in
oxidation with gaseous oxygen at temperatures below 300 °C [28]. air. The Ag content of the obtained CeO2–Ag catalyst was 39
This catalyst has a unique agglomeration morphology, as shown in wt.%. A more detailed description of the catalyst preparation is gi-
Fig. 1, in which the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image (a) ven elsewhere [28].
shows that this catalyst consists of numerous spherical ‘balls’ with Ag(x)/CeO2, Ag(x)+CeO2, Ag(x)/Al2O3, and CeO2 catalysts, where
diameters of about 100 nm and the transmission electron micros- ‘x’ denotes the Ag content in wt.%, were used as reference catalysts.
copy (TEM) image of the cut plane of a single ball (b) shows that The CeO2 catalyst was obtained by calcination of a commercial
the center Ag metal is surrounded by fine CeO2 particles. The mor- CeO2 powder (Rhodia, BET surface area 150 m2/g) at 600 °C for
phology of this catalyst is schematically illustrated in Fig. 2, in 50 h, with a BET surface area of 78 m2/g. The Ag(x)/CeO2 catalysts
which the unique agglomeration nanostructure is similar to a Jap- were prepared by impregnation of the CeO2 catalyst with aqueous
anese ‘rice-ball’, consisting of a center composed of Ag particles AgNO3 solution and calcination at 500 °C for 5 h in air. The Ag(x)+
(rice-ball filling) surrounded by fine CeO2 particles (grains of rice). CeO2 catalysts were prepared by physical mixing of the CeO2 cata-
This morphology was designed to increase the Ag/CeO2 interface lyst and a commercial Ag powder (Nisshin Engineering, BET surface
area per unit surface area of Ag particles and to inhibit Ag sintering, area 9 m2/g) with a magnetically driven mortar for 20 min fol-
because thermally stable CeO2 particles act as barriers to sintering. lowed by calcination at 300 °C for 5 h in air. The Ag(x)/Al2O3 cata-
A CeO2–Ag catalyst with such morphology was synthesized by a lysts were prepared by impregnation of a commercial Al2O3
novel nanofabrication method based on precipitation between powder (Showa Denko, UA-5205 with BET surface area 25 m2/g)
aqueous solutions of nitrates and ammonia [28]. with aqueous AgNO3 solution followed by calcination at 500 °C
In this study, temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO) over for 5 h in air.
the soot/catalyst mixture under tight and loose contact modes
was used to evaluate the catalytic performance. To reveal the dif- 2.2. Catalytic performance evaluation
ferent aspects involved in catalytic soot oxidation, oxygen temper-
ature-programmed desorption (O2-TPD), 18O/16O isotopic The catalytic performance for soot oxidation was evaluated by
exchange (IE) reaction, and electron spin resonance (ESR) tech- temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO) of soot–catalyst mix-
niques were employed to characterize the active property of oxy- tures so as to compare the CeO2–Ag catalyst with other reference
gen species, oxygen mobility or migration rates and identification catalysts. Two kinds of carbon black powder (Degussa AG, Prin-
of oxygen species, respectively. Through discussing these charac- tex-V with BET surface area 85 m2/g, and Degussa AG, Printex-U
terization results and correlating with their catalytic performances, with BET surface area 92 m2/g) were used as the model soot in this

(a) (b) CeO 2



Fig. 1. (a) SEM image of CeO2–Ag catalyst particles and (b) TEM image of the cut plane of a single spherical agglomerate of CeO2–Ag catalyst [28].
K. Yamazaki et al. / Journal of Catalysis 282 (2011) 289–298 291

CeO 2

Cross section

100 nm

: Ag : CeO 2

Fig. 2. Structural schematic of the CeO2–Ag catalyst [28].

study. The tight contact and loose contact modes were adopted for X-ray diffraction (XRD; Rigaku, RINT-TTR) patterns of the pow-
the soot–catalyst mixture [1,6]. The tight contact was attained by der samples were recorded using Cu Ka radiation and a fixed
grinding catalyst with Printex-V using a magnetically driven mor- power source (50 kV and 300 mA). The data were obtained be-
tar for 5 min. The loose contact was achieved by mixing catalyst tween 20° and 60° (2h) with a step of 0.02° and for 1 s per step.
with Printex-U loosely using a spatula for 10 min in a reproducible The average particle sizes of all the phases present in the catalysts
way. Because the grain size of the Printex-U is smaller than that of were estimated using Scherrer’s equation.
the Printex-V, for a better contact between the soot and catalyst, Oxygen temperature-programmed desorption (O2-TPD) was
the Printex-U was used for the samples in the loose contact mode. performed in a fixed-bed reactor. For O2 pre-adsorption, 160 mg
The weight ratios of the soot to catalyst were both 1:19. of the catalyst was heated in a 20 mL/min O2 flow at 600 °C for
In TPO experiments, the heat and mass transfer were con- 30 min and cooled down to room temperature. After purging the
cerned. Against heat and mass transfer limitations, two measures catalyst with Ar for 30 min at room temperature, the catalyst
were taken as follows: for heat release from soot combustion, was heated to 600 °C at 20 °C/min under a 20 mL/min Ar flow.
quartz wool (Tosoh, Fine grade) was used to dilute samples of cat- The corresponding O2 desorption spectrum was detected using
alyst–soot mixtures. For mass transfer limitation, the gas of 10% the Q-MS.
O2/He was flowed at a relative high flow rate (50 mL/min), Isotopic exchange (IE) reaction experiments were carried out in
although just 40 mg of the soot–catalyst mixture was put in a a re-circulated reactor (ca. 100 cm3) coupled to the Q-MS. Masses
fixed-bed flow reactor. The two measures ensured that there was of 32, 34, 36 (oxygen isotopomers, 16O2, 18O16O, and 18O2), and
no apparent temperature rises caused by soot oxidation, and mass 28 (to detect a possible leak) were continuously monitored. The
transfer limitation could be ignored. So, we can say that the reac- vacuum connection to the mass spectrometer was thermoregulat-
tion regime was mostly controlled by the chemical kinetics, in- ed to maintain a constant pressure of 104 Pa, while the pressure in
stead of by mass and heat transfer. A thermocouple was inserted the reactor loop was 5650 Pa. Thirty milligrams of the catalyst was
into the soot–catalyst mixtures in order to monitor the reaction placed into a quartz reactor for in situ experimentation. After oxi-
temperature. TPO spectra were recorded at a heating rate of dation with oxygen at 500 °C for 30 min and evacuation at 500 °C
20 °C/min. The concentration of CO2 and CO in the effluent was for 10 min, the sample was cooled to 300 °C; 5650 Pa of pure
analyzed online using a quadrupole mass spectrometer (Q-MS; Ul- O2 (99.2% of 18O, ICON) was then introduced at 300 °C, and the
vac, RG-102). Soot oxidation was regarded as the sum of the partial pressure variation of the oxygen isotopomers, P36 (18O2),
amount of CO2 and CO formed during TPO; however, the amount P34 (18O16O), and P32 (16O2), was continuously recorded. The total
of CO formed was much less than that of CO2 in the presence of pressure (P36, P34, and P32) remained virtually constant. A more de-
all of the catalysts examined. CO was only observed in the absence tailed description of this experiment is given elsewhere [29,30].
of the catalyst. The catalytic performance in this study is indicated From the partial pressure values, the 18O atomic fraction ag(t) in
by the temperature corresponding to the maximum soot oxidation the gas phase at a time t can be defined as:
rate (Tmax) derived from the TPO spectra, with reference to the
ag ðtÞ ¼ ½ð1=2ÞP34 ðtÞ þ P 36 ðtÞ=½P36 ðtÞ þ P34 ðtÞ þ P32 ðtÞ ð1Þ
method by Moulijn et al. [1,6]. A lower Tmax value indicates higher
catalytic performance for soot oxidation. The IE reaction at a time t, IE(t), corresponds to the disappearance of
O from the gas phase; therefore, it is possible to determine IE(t)
2.3. Catalyst characterization (in moles of oxygen molecules per catalyst weight) using the fol-
lowing equation [29]:
The BET surface area was measured by single-point N2 adsorp- IEðtÞ ¼ ng ½1  ag ðtÞ=wc
tion at 196 °C using an automatic surface area analyzer (Microda-
¼ ðPT =RÞðV r =T r þ V c =T c Þ½1  ag ðtÞ=wc ð2Þ
ta, MS4232II) after pretreatment at 200 °C for 20 min.
292 K. Yamazaki et al. / Journal of Catalysis 282 (2011) 289–298

where ng is the total number of moles of oxygen molecules in the The particle sizes of the Ag and CeO2 phases and lattice spacings
gas phase, wc is the catalyst weight, PT is the total pressure, R is of Ag(1 1 1) and CeO2(1 1 1) calculated from the XRD patterns of
the ideal gas constant, Vr and Vc are the volumes of the heated the catalysts are summarized in Table 1. The lattice spacing of
and unheated zones of the reactor, respectively, and Tr and Tc are Ag(1 1 1) and CeO2(1 1 1) in the CeO2–Ag catalyst is consistent
the temperatures of the heated and unheated zones of the reactor, with that of Ag(1 1 1) in the Ag powder and that of CeO2(1 1 1)
respectively. The rate of IE reaction (in moles of oxygen molecules in the CeO2 catalyst, respectively. Thus, no solid reaction occurred
per catalyst weight and per time unit), RIE, can be calculated using between the Ag and CeO2 phases in this catalyst. In a similar fash-
the following equation: ion, no solid reaction occurred in the Ag(x)/CeO2 and Ag(x)+CeO2
catalysts, irrespective of the Ag content. The particle sizes of the
RIE ¼ ðng =wc Þdag ðtÞ=dt Ag (36 nm) and CeO2 (16 nm) phases from the XRD patterns of
¼ ðPT =Rwc ÞðV r =T r þ V c =T c Þdag ðtÞ=dt ð3Þ the CeO2–Ag catalyst are consistent with the TEM image (Fig. 1b).

3.2. TPO of catalyst–soot mixtures

ESR analysis was conducted using a Bruker ESP350E spectrometer
at 9.46 GHz. Twenty milligrams of catalyst was placed in a 3.5-
Figs. 4a and 5a show the TPO profiles for soot oxidation over
mm-diameter quartz ESR tube attached to a high-vacuum stopcock,
CeO2–Ag, Ag(39)/CeO2, Ag(39)+CeO2, Ag(39)/Al2O3, and CeO2 cata-
which allowed pretreatment and adsorption of various gases. After
lysts carried out under 10% O2/He flow in addition to that for non-
pre-adsorption of O2 at 600 °C for 30 min, the catalyst was cooled to
catalyzed soot oxidation (without catalyst) in tight and loose con-
room temperature, purged with He for 30 min, and then finally ex-
tact modes, respectively. The TPO profiles for all catalysts were
posed to a He flow or 3% H2/He flow at 50 mL/min for 2 min at
shifted to lower temperatures compared with non-catalyzed soot
250 °C, while the ESR spectrum was recorded at 20 K. Technically,
oxidation regardless of the contact mode, which confirms that all
it is difficult to monitor or track the oxygen source involved in
the catalysts are able to catalyze soot oxidation. The performances
the soot oxidation. Considering the light-off temperature of soot
of the CeO2–Ag, Ag(39)/CeO2, and Ag(39)+CeO2 catalysts are higher
oxidation (TPO) and oxygen desorption temperature from the O2-
than those of the Ag(39)/Al2O3 and CeO2 catalysts in both contact
TPD experiment, the above temperature of the ESR analysis was
modes. This result indicates that the catalytic performance for soot
chosen as 250 °C. At this temperature, the existing oxygen species
oxidation is promoted by the combination of Ag and CeO2 particles.
could be probed properly. Spin density was determined from dou-
Moreover, the CeO2–Ag catalyst exhibits much higher catalytic
ble integration of derivative ESR signals and comparison with the
performance than the Ag(39)/CeO2 and Ag(39)+CeO2 catalysts,
weak pitch sample.
conventionally supported and mixed with the same composition
respectively, in both contact modes.
Figs. 4b and 5b show TPO profiles for soot oxidation over Ag(x)/
3. Results
CeO2 catalysts with different Ag contents in tight and loose contact
modes, respectively. Figs. 4c and 5c show TPO profiles for soot oxi-
3.1. Morphology and structural properties of catalysts
dation over Ag(x)+CeO2 catalysts with different Ag contents in tight
and loose contact modes, respectively. The derived Tmax values of
Fig. 3 shows XRD patterns of the CeO2–Ag, Ag(39)/CeO2,
the all catalysts in both contact modes are summarized in Table 2.
Ag(39)+CeO2, Ag(39)/Al2O3, and CeO2 catalysts, in addition to that
For all the catalysts, the order of soot oxidation performance in
of Ag powder used for the preparation of the Ag(x)+CeO2 catalysts.
tight contact mode is almost the same to that in loose contact
The CeO2–Ag catalyst consists of Ag (JCPDS 4-783) and CeO2 (JCPDS
mode. The Ag(10)/CeO2 catalyst has the highest performance
34-394) phases. The Ag(39)/CeO2 and Ag(39)+CeO2 catalysts also
among the Ag(x)/CeO2 catalysts, and the Ag(10)+CeO2 catalysts
consist of Ag and CeO2 phases. No evidence for the presence of
have the highest performance among the Ag(x)+CeO2 catalysts, in
the Ag2O phase was obtained from the XRD patterns of all Ag-con-
both contact modes. However, the Ag(10)/CeO2 and Ag(10)+CeO2
taining catalysts.
catalysts are both inferior in performance to the CeO2–Ag catalyst.
On the other hand, the advantage with the Ag(10)+CeO2 catalysts is
its very simple preparation procedure.
CeO 2-Ag The Ag(1.9)/CeO2 catalyst has lower performance than the
Ag(1.9)+CeO2 catalyst with the same composition in both contact
modes (Table 2), while the former catalyst has smaller Ag particles
Ag(39)/CeO 2 (Table 1) and therefore a larger Ag surface area than the latter cat-
alyst. The Ag(0.95)/CeO2 and Ag(0.95)+CeO2 catalysts exhibit the
Intensity (arb. unit)

same trend in catalytic performance and Ag particle size, which

Ag(39)+CeO 2 suggests that smaller Ag particles do not necessarily cause higher
catalytic performance for soot oxidation.
All the catalysts show lower performance for soot oxidation in
Ag(39)/Al2 O 3 loose contact mode than that in tight contact mode. The contact
closeness between catalyst and soot is very important for the soot
oxidation activity over a catalyst [6]. Even in the loose contact
CeO 2 mode, the CeO2–Ag catalyst still exhibits the highest performance
among the catalysts, soot oxidation starting around 280 °C and
revealing its Tmax at 376 °C. Moreover, the CeO2–Ag shows the
Ag powder smallest Tmax difference between loose and tight contact modes
(DTmax values in Table 2) among the all catalysts, that is, the
20 30 40 50 60
CeO2–Ag catalyst is the most insensitive to the physical contact
2 (o )
mode between soot and catalyst.
Fig. 3. XRD patterns of CeO2–Ag, Ag(39)/CeO2, Ag(39) + CeO2, Ag(39)/Al2O3, and The TPO experiment was repeated with the used CeO2–Ag cat-
CeO2 catalysts and Ag powder. alyst. As illustrated in Figs. 4a and 5a corresponding to tight and
K. Yamazaki et al. / Journal of Catalysis 282 (2011) 289–298 293

Table 1
Morphology and structural properties of catalysts; BET surface area, particle size, and lattice spacing.

Catalyst BET surface area (m2/g) Particle size (nm) Lattice spacing (nm) Peak intensity ratio (–) Ag(1 1 1)/CeO2(1 1 1)
Ag CeO2 Ag(1 1 1) CeO2(1 1 1)
CeO2–Ag 14.7 36 16 0.2358 0.3121 0.73
Ag(39)/CeO2 30.1 89 21 0.2359 0.3124 0.37
Ag(10)/CeO2 52.0 60 20 0.2359 0.3121 0.11
Ag(3.2)/CeO2 59.2 28 20 0.2359 0.3122 0.03
Ag(1.9)/CeO2 70.0 20 20 0.2356 0.3121 0.02
Ag(0.95)/CeO2 78.1 n.d.a 20 – 0.3120 –
Ag(39)+CeO2 49.9 47 20 0.2358 0.3120 0.85
Ag(10)+CeO2 72.0 35 20 0.2358 0.3122 0.14
Ag(3.2)+CeO2 77.2 31 20 0.2358 0.3122 0.05
Ag(1.9)+CeO2 77.7 32 20 0.2359 0.3122 0.04
Ag(0.95)+CeO2 78.0 34 20 0.2355 0.3120 0.02
Ag(39)/Al2O3 12.7 48 – 0.2359 – –
CeO2 77.8 – 20 – 0.3120 –
Ag powder 9.6 34 – 0.2359 – –
n.d.: not detected.

1: CeO2-Ag 1: CeO 2-Ag

1': CeO2-Ag (2nd run) 1': CeO 2-Ag (2nd run)
CO2 + CO concentration (%)

CO 2 + CO concentration (%)
2: Ag(39)/CeO2 2
(a) 3 2 4
3: Ag(39)+CeO2 (a) 4 2: Ag(39)/CeO 2
3: Ag(39)+CeO 2
5 4: Ag(39)/Al2O3 4: Ag(39)/Al2O 3
1 1 3 5
5: CeO2 2 5: CeO 2
1' 6: non-catalyst 6: non-catalyst
1 1 1'

6 6
0 0
200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700
CO2 + CO concentration (%)

CO 2 + CO concentration (%)

2 2: Ag(39)/CeO 2
(b) 8
2: Ag(39)/CeO2 (b) 7: Ag(10)/CeO 2
7: Ag(10)/CeO2 8: Ag(3.2)/CeO 2
7 2
8: Ag(3.2)/CeO2 2 9: Ag(1.9)/CeO 2
9 9: Ag(1.9)/CeO2 10: Ag(0.95)/CeO 2
1 1
10: Ag(0.95)/CeO2 8 9
10 7

0 0
200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700
CO2 + CO concentration (%)

CO 2 + CO concentration (%)

2 3: Ag(39)+CeO 2
(c) 3 11 3: Ag(39)+CeO2 (c) 11: Ag(10)+CeO 2
12 12: Ag(3.2)+CeO 2
11: Ag(10)+CeO2
3 13: Ag(1.9)+CeO 2
12: Ag(3.2)+CeO2 11
13 13: Ag(1.9)+CeO2 12 14: Ag(0.95)+CeO 2
1 1
14: Ag(0.95)+CeO2 13 14

0 0
200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700
Temperature (oC) Temperature (oC)

Fig. 4. (a) TPO profiles for soot oxidation in the presence and absence of CeO2–Ag, Fig. 5. (a) TPO profiles for soot oxidation in the presence and absence of CeO2–Ag,
Ag(39)/CeO2, Ag(39) + CeO2, Ag(39)/Al2O3, CeO2 catalysts in tight contact mode. (b Ag(39)/CeO2, Ag(39) + CeO2, Ag(39)/Al2O3, CeO2 catalysts in loose contact mode. (b
and c) TPO profiles for soot oxidation in the presence of Ag(x)/CeO2 and Ag(x) + CeO2 and c) TPO profiles for soot oxidation in the presence of Ag(x)/CeO2 and Ag(x) + CeO2
catalysts in tight contact mode. catalysts in loose contact mode.

loose contact modes, the TPO profile with the repeated experiment slightly shifted to higher temperatures in all cases. This indicated
(curve 10 ) exhibits almost the same catalytic performance to that that the CeO2–Ag catalyst somewhat deteriorated after experi-
with the first TPO run in both contact modes. This result indicates enced the first test. It is assumed that the rice-ball morphology
that the soot oxidation activity of the CeO2–Ag catalyst is almost of the CeO2–Ag subtly collapses during the soot oxidation, or some
reproducible, and the CeO2–Ag catalyst has the potential for future unburned fine soot particles and ash generated in the first run
actual application. It was also noted that the second spectrum caused bad contact between the used catalyst and fresh soot.
294 K. Yamazaki et al. / Journal of Catalysis 282 (2011) 289–298

Table 2
Catalytic performance for soot oxidation and parameters from O2-TPD, O/16O IE reaction, and ESR experiments.

Catalyst Tmax (°C) DTmaxa (°C) O2 desorption (lmol/g) IE reaction rate (lmol/g min) Spin density (lmol/g)
Tight contact Loose contact
CeO2–Ag 315 376 61 33.5 22.6 0.830
Ag(39)/CeO2 381 563 182 9.1 9.1 0.232
Ag(10)/CeO2 362 526 164 17.0 12.9 0.465
Ag(3.2)/CeO2 371 550 179 9.3 7.4 –
Ag(1.9)/CeO2 414 596 182 2.1 3.9 –
Ag(0.95)/CeO2 466 610 144 0.5 – –
Ag(39) + CeO2 351 461 110 23.5 – –
Ag(10) + CeO2 342 443 101 25.0 – –
Ag(3.2) + CeO2 355 522 167 18.0 – –
Ag(1.9) + CeO2 384 548 164 5.0 6.4 –
Ag(0.95) + CeO2 433 597 164 1.9 – –
Ag(39)/Al2O3 480 575 95 2.0 2.7 0.091
CeO2 462 590 128 0.0 0.6 0.002
None (soot only) 660b 640c – – –
DTmax = (Tmax in loose contact mode)  (Tmax in tight contact mode).
Tmax of Printex-V.
Tmax of Printex-U.

0.2 650
(a) 1'
O 2 concentration (%)

1: CeO2-Ag
1': CeO2-Ag (2nd run) 600
3 2: Ag(39)/CeO2
3: Ag(39)+CeO2
2 4: Ag(39)/Al2O3 550 loose contact
4 5: CeO2
Tmax (oC)

100 200 300 400 500 600
O 2 concentration (%)

2: Ag(39)/CeO2 400
6: Ag(10)/CeO2
7: Ag(3.2)/CeO2
0.1 8: Ag(1.9)/CeO2 350
2 9: Ag(0.95)/CeO2 tight contact
6 7
8 9
0 10 20 30 40
0 O2 desorption (µmol/g)
100 200 300 400 500 600
0.2 Fig. 7. Tmax value from TPO experiments in tight and loose contact modes as a
(c) function of the amount of O2 desorption determined from O2-TPD experiments.
O 2 concentration (%)

3: Ag(39)+CeO2
10 10: Ag(10)+CeO2
3 11: Ag(3.2)+CeO2
11 12: Ag(1.9)+CeO2 200 and 450 °C, corresponding to the light-off of soot oxidation be-
0.1 12 13: Ag(0.95)+CeO2 low 300 °C over the CeO2–Ag catalyst (Figs. 4a and 5a). O2 desorp-
13 tion is also observed from the Ag(x)/CeO2, Ag(x)+CeO2, and Ag(39)/
Al2O3 catalysts in the same temperature range, but not for the CeO2
0 The amounts of O2 desorption from the catalysts between 200
100 200 300 400 500 600
and 450 °C are summarized in Table 2. The CeO2–Ag catalyst exhib-
Temperature (oC)
its the largest O2 desorption among all the catalysts. Fig. 7 reveals
Fig. 6. (a) O2-TPD profiles of CeO2–Ag, Ag(39)/CeO2, Ag(39) + CeO2, Ag(39)/Al2O3, an excellent correlation between the Tmax values for TPO in tight
CeO2 catalysts. (b and c) O2-TPD profiles of Ag(x)/CeO2 and Ag(x) + CeO2 catalysts. and loose contact modes, respectively, as a function of the amounts
of O2 desorption from O2-TPD over all the catalysts. These results
Further investigations are necessary to clarify the involved reasons strongly suggest that active oxygen species for soot oxidation cor-
for this deactivation, as well as more efforts to improve its respond to the adsorbed oxygen species on the catalyst from gas-
thermostability. eous O2, which is desorbed in the temperature range between
200 and 450 °C.
3.3. O2-TPD The O2-TPD experiment was also repeated with the used CeO2–
Ag catalyst. As indicated in Fig. 6a, almost the same O2-TPD spectra
Fig. 6a–c show O2-TPD profiles of the CeO2–Ag and reference of the CeO2–Ag catalyst were gained in first and second runs. This
catalysts. The CeO2–Ag catalyst exhibits O2 desorption between result demonstrates that the gaseous oxygen could be adsorbed
K. Yamazaki et al. / Journal of Catalysis 282 (2011) 289–298 295

onto the CeO2–Ag catalyst and activated to active oxygen species in 25

a reproducible way.

IE rection rate (µmol/g min)

3.4. O/16O IE reaction

The IE reaction as a informative technique was employed to
characterize oxygen mobility over the catalysts [29,30] in this
study. As shown in Fig. 8a, the partial pressures of three oxygen 10
molecules, P36 (18O2), P34 (18O16O), and P32 (16O2), evolve during
the 18O/16O IE reaction over the CeO2–Ag catalyst at 300 °C. The 5
O2 molecules in the gas phase adsorb and decompose on the cat-
alyst surface and then exchange and desorb to 18O16O and 16O2
molecules into the gas phase. Fig. 8b and c show IE reaction profiles 0 10 20 30 40
against reaction time over the CeO2–Ag and reference catalysts de- O 2 desorption (µmol/g)
rived by Eq. (2). At 300 °C, the IE reaction proceeds the fastest over
the CeO2–Ag catalyst, apparently occurs over the Ag(x)/CeO2, Fig. 9. IE reaction rates for the 18O/16O IE reaction versus the amount of O2
desorption determined from O2-TPD experiments.
Ag(x)+CeO2, and Ag(39)/Al2O3 catalysts, but is detectable over the
CeO2 catalyst, indicating that the co-existence or inter-particle
contact of Ag particle and CeO2 is truly necessary for the IE reaction exchangeable with the oxygen in CeO2, bridged by the interface be-
or oxygen migration. tween the Ag and the CeO2 particles of the catalysts. As the result,
The initial IE reaction rates by Eq. (3) are summarized in Table 2. the CeO2–Ag catalyst with the unique ‘‘rice-ball’’ morphology
The CeO2–Ag catalyst shows higher IE reaction rate than the Ag(x)/ exhibits the fastest oxygen migration via the interface between
CeO2, Ag(x)+CeO2, Ag(39)/Al2O3, and CeO2 catalysts. The IE reaction the Ag and the CeO2 particles among all the catalyst samples.
rates or migration rate closely associates with oxygen species Fig. 9 shows a good correlation between the IE reaction rates for
adsorbing and migrating on Ag surface, the interface between Ag the 18O/16O IE reaction and the amounts of O2 desorption from O2-
and CeO2, and the surface and bulk of CeO2. These results above re- TPD measurements.
veal that the active oxygen species are potentially mobile from the
gaseous O2 onto the Ag surface through adsorption and actively 3.5. ESR

When CeO2–Ag catalyst is exposed to He flow at 200 °C after a

(a) pretreatment (exposure to O2 flow at 600 °C for 30 min, cooling
Partial pressure (Pa)

5000 to room temperature under the same gas flow and exposure to
He flow for 30 min at room temperature), no ESR signals of oxygen
: P36 species were observed. However, when exposed to 3% H2/N2 flow
3000 : P34 at 200 °C for 2 min after the same pretreatment, ESR signals with
2000 : P32 g// = 2.046, g// = 2.037, and g\ = 2.010 were observed, as shown in
Fig. 10. These signals are all attributed to superoxide (O2 ) species
bonded to Ce cations [31,32]. ESR analyses of other catalysts using
0 the same procedure also provide signals with the same g values.
0 20 40 60 80 Among all of the catalysts shown in Fig. 9, the CeO2–Ag catalyst
1000 : CeO2-Ag shows the highest ESR signal intensity.
(b) : The spin densities of O 2 species over the catalysts are listed
IE reaction (µmol/g)

800 : Ag/Al2O3 in Table 2. Fig. 11 shows a linear correlation between the spin
: CeO2
g =2.037
g =2.046 g =2.010

0 CeO 2-Ag
0 20 40 60 80
Intensity (arb. unit)

1000 : Ag(39)/CeO2
(c) : Ag(10)/CeO2
IE reaction (µmol/g)

800 : Ag(3.2)/CeO2
: Ag(1.9)/CeO2 Ag(39)/CeO 2
600 : Ag(1.9)+CeO2
Ag(10)/CeO 2

200 Ag(39)/Al2O 3
0 20 40 60 80 CeO 2
Time (min)
3100 3300 3500 3700
Fig. 8. (a) Partial pressure evolution of 18O2, 18O16O, and 16O2 molecules for the IE Magnetic field (gauss)
reaction over the CeO2–Ag catalyst at 300 °C. (b) IE reaction profiles of CeO2–Ag,
Ag(39)/CeO2, Ag(39)/Al2O3, CeO2 catalysts. (c) IE reaction profiles of Ag(x)/CeO2 and Fig. 10. ESR spectra of CeO2–Ag, Ag(39)/CeO2, Ag(10)/CeO2, Ag(39)/Al2O3, CeO2
Ag(x) + CeO2 catalysts. catalysts.
296 K. Yamazaki et al. / Journal of Catalysis 282 (2011) 289–298

1.0 an improved supply of active oxygen from the CeO2 to Ag particles

[37]. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the larger interface
0.8 between Ag and CeO2 particles leads to increased formation of ac-
Spin density (µmol/g)
tive oxygen species on the Ag surface possibly due to a faster sup-
ply of oxygen from the CeO2 to Ag particles and the stabilization of
oxygen on the Ag surface [26].
Next, we consider the effect of Ag particle size on the formation
0.4 of active oxygen species for soot oxidation. With respect to the
interface between Ag and CeO2 particles, small Ag particles loaded
0.2 on the CeO2 surface are expected to create a large interface area;
y = 0.0244x + 0.0231 however, the Ag(1.9)/CeO2 catalyst with smaller Ag particles has
0 lower O2 desorption from O2-TPD compared to the Ag(1.9)+CeO2
0 10 20 30 40 catalyst with larger Ag particles (Table 1 and 2). The Ag(0.95)/
O 2 desorption (µmol/g) CeO2 catalyst, with a Ag particle size too small to be determined
by XRD, and the Ag(0.95)+CeO2 catalyst exhibit the same trend be-
Fig. 11. Spin densities of O2-species versus the amount of O2 desorption from O2-
tween the formation of active oxygen species and the Ag particle
TPD experiments.
size, which indicates that small Ag particles of 20 nm or less are
unfavorable for the formation of the active oxygen species on their
densities of O
2 species from ESR and the amount of O2 desorption surfaces.
from O2-TPD with a slope of 0.024, which indicates that some part Many authors have reported catalytic size effects over sup-
of the adsorbed oxygen species on the catalyst under oxidative ported Ag catalysts for some reactions, such as ethylene epoxida-
conditions are transformed into the O
2 species on the CeO2 surface tion, propylene epoxidation, and methane oxidation [38–43].
under weak reductive conditions. Bal’zhinimaev, using Ag/Al2O3 and Ag/SiO2 catalysts with the aver-
age Ag particle sizes between 15 and 2000 nm, showed that the
4. Discussion specific rate of ethylene epoxidation drastically increased by more
than one order of magnitude with an increase in the size of the Ag
4.1. Effect of rice-ball morphology on the formation of active oxygen particles from 20 to 50 nm and a further slight increase with fur-
species for soot oxidation ther increase in the size of the Ag particles [38]. Bal’zhinimaev
demonstrated that nucleophilic oxygen species, formed via disso-
The CeO2–Ag catalyst with a rice-ball morphology exhibits ciative chemisorption of O2 molecules, and electrophilic oxygen
higher performance for soot oxidation than any of the conventional species, formed from nucleophilic oxygen species, play cooperative
supported Ag(x)/CeO2, Ag(x)+CeO2 mixed, Ag(x)/Al2O3, and CeO2 roles in the reaction. Nucleophilic oxygen species are formed on a
catalysts, irrespective of the Ag content and the tight or loose mode regular surface region, which is obtained by large Ag particles. Both
of the soot–catalyst contact. An excellent correlation between soot nucleophilic and electrophilic oxygen species are atomic oxygen
oxidation performance and the amount of O2 desorption from O2- species adsorbed on the Ag surface. Therefore, it is very likely that
TPD (Fig. 7) strongly suggests that active oxygen species for soot the formation of active oxygen species for soot oxidation is also fa-
oxidation correspond to the oxygen species adsorbed on the cata- vored by large Ag particles greater than a certain size. On the other
lyst from gaseous O2 and desorbed from 200 to 450 °C. That is, the hand, Ag particles that are too large are expected to impede the
amount of O2 desorption from O2-TPD is parallel to the amount of formation of active oxygen species, due to their small surface area
the active oxygen species formed on the catalyst. Therefore, the in- and small interface area formed with CeO2 particles. The Ag(10)/
creased performance of the CeO2–Ag catalyst is closely relevant to CeO2 catalyst with larger Ag particles (60 nm) has less O2 desorp-
the promoted formation of the active oxygen species compared to tion than the Ag(10)+CeO2 catalyst with smaller Ag particles
the other catalysts. In this section, we explore the reasons for the (35 nm) (Tables 1 and 2). Therefore, it may be that active oxygen
ease and extent of active oxygen species formation over the species for soot oxidation is formed most effectively on Ag particles
CeO2–Ag catalyst. with sizes in the range between 30 and 40 nm.
It was reported that atomic oxygen species on Ag surfaces des- A large interface between moderately large Ag particles (proba-
orb as molecular O2 around 300 °C [33–36]. There is no O2 desorp- bly > 30 nm) and CeO2 particles can be achieved by the deposition
tion in the O2-TPD spectrum of CeO2 catalyst, Therefore, the atomic of fine CeO2 particles that are much smaller than Ag particles on
oxygen species are very likely formed on the Ag surface by adsorp- the Ag surface, that is, a rice-ball morphology. The amount of active
tion from gaseous O2 and activated to participate into soot oxida- oxygen species formed on the Ag surface in the CeO2–Ag catalyst is
tion as active oxygen species. On the other hand, the Ag(39)/ 67 lmol oxygen atoms/g derived from the O2 desorption (Table 2).
CeO2 catalyst has a much larger amount of O2 desorption from The number of exposed Ag atoms in the CeO2–Ag catalyst as de-
O2-TPD than the Ag(39)/Al2O3 catalyst, while the former has larger rived from the Ag particle size (36 nm) from XRD measurements
Ag particles and consequently a smaller Ag surface than the latter is 52 lmol Ag atoms/g (Table 1). This number might be underesti-
(Tables 1 and 2). This suggests that a synergistic effect from the mated, because XRD measurement detects larger Ag particles pref-
Ag–CeO2 combination contributes to the formation of active oxy- erentially in the case of a size distribution of Ag particles. Thus, we
gen species on the Ag surface. This synergistic effect is caused by may say that the number of exposed Ag atoms is comparable to the
the interface between Ag and CeO2 particles, not merely the phys- amount of the active oxygen species formed on the Ag surface.
ical factor of Ag dispersion on the supporting material [31]. Thus, Therefore, these results suggest that the active oxygen species for
the interface between Ag and CeO2 particles plays a crucial role soot oxidation is effectively formed on most of the exposed Ag
in catalytic soot oxidation. A good correlation is obtained between atoms and an extremely large interface of the Ag surface with
the amount of active oxygen species formed on the Ag surface and CeO2 particles results from the rice-ball morphology of the CeO2–
the rate of oxygen migration via the interface between Ag and CeO2 Ag catalyst.
particles (Fig. 9). Lippits et al. reported that the interaction be- It is concluded that the rice-ball morphology of the CeO2–Ag
tween Ag and CeO2 has a significant influence on the activity for catalyst is optimal for the formation of active oxygen species for
the selective oxidation of ammonia to nitrogen, possibly due to soot oxidation, because it satisfies the requirement for both mod-
K. Yamazaki et al. / Journal of Catalysis 282 (2011) 289–298 297

erately large Ag particles (ca. 30–40 nm) and an extremely large of oxygen species. In this case, transformation of the active oxygen
interface area with CeO2 particles. species is required at the interface. Therefore, migration via the
interface should be a rate determining step for the complete migra-
4.2. Effect of rice-ball morphology on the migration of active oxygen tion of the active oxygen species during soot oxidation. 18O/16O IE
species for soot oxidation reactions reveal that the CeO2–Ag catalyst exhibits the fastest oxy-
gen migration via the interface (Fig. 8b and c). The interface area
The soot used in this study cannot physically contact the Ag between the Ag and CeO2 particles in the present CeO2–Ag catalyst
particles in the center of the CeO2–Ag catalyst particles, because is extremely large; therefore, it can be concluded that the rice-ball
the particle size (ca. 100 nm) is too large, and soot oxidation pro- morphology is also suitable for the fast migration of active oxygen
ceeds efficiently on the CeO2 surface surrounding the spherical species for soot oxidation. Two functions of the interface, faster
agglomerate. Therefore, it is supposed that the active oxygen spe- migration and increased formation of the active oxygen species,
cies generated on the Ag surface from gaseous O2 migrates to soot were confirmed by the good correlation in Fig. 9.
particles on the CeO2 surface during soot oxidation. In this section,
we investigate the migration of the active oxygen species for soot 4.3. Mechanism of soot oxidation over CeO2–Ag catalyst
oxidation over the CeO2–Ag catalyst.
ESR analyses show that some atomic oxygen species adsorbed We propose a possible mechanism for soot oxidation over the
on the Ag surface from gaseous O2 under oxidative conditions are CeO2–Ag catalyst, depicted in Fig. 12, that illustrates the morphol-
transformed into O2– species on the CeO2 surface under weak ogy of the catalyst. First, gaseous O2 is adsorbed on the surface of
reductive conditions (Fig. 11). It is known that the catalyst is ex- Ag particles through a synergistic effect with CeO2 particles to form
posed to local reductive conditions during soot oxidation [20]. atomic oxygen species, which are the first active oxygen species for
Thus, it is likely that the active oxygen species formed on the Ag soot oxidation. The extremely large interface between Ag and CeO2
surface of the CeO2–Ag catalyst migrate via the interface between particles and the moderately large size of the Ag particles contrib-
Ag and CeO2 particles to the CeO2 surface, of which a certain frac- ute to the formation of the species. The atomic oxygen species on
tion are transformed into the O 2 species during soot oxidation. the Ag surface then migrate to the surface of CeO2 particles via
Surface mobility phenomena of active oxygen species on CeO2- the interface, transforming into Ox n species (at least partly O2 ),
containing oxides have been invoked by many authors and consid- which is the second active oxygen species. The extremely large
ered as an elementary step of the reaction mechanisms interface contributes to the fast migration of the species. The first
[17,29,30,44–46]. Martin et al. reported that the reoxidation of and second active oxygen species exist in equilibrium during soot
pre-reduced CeO2 proceeds with very mobile oxygen species and oxidation. Finally, the Ox
n species on the CeO2 surface, which is a
leads to an excess of oxygen uptake due, in particular, to the pres- mobile active oxygen species, migrates onto the soot particle sur-
ence of different oxygen species, which could be superoxide (O 2) faces through the contact surface between CeO2 and soot particles,
and peroxide (O2 2 ) species [46]. Krishna et al. reported that CeO 2 oxidizes the soot completely to CO2, and finally releases into the
and rare-earth-modified CeO2 catalysts function to increase active gas phase. The mobile active oxygen species abundantly formed
oxygen transfer to the soot surface, followed by chemisorption of in the interior portion of catalyst, migrate fast out to the external
the active oxygen to form surface oxygen complexes during soot surface, and efficiently access to soot particles. This results in its
oxidation [17]. Therefore, it is very likely that active Ox n species outstanding catalytic performance for soot oxidation, but insensi-
(n = 1 or 2, x = 1 or 2) on the CeO2 surface of the CeO2–Ag catalyst tivity to the contact between catalyst and soot.
also migrate onto the soot particles for soot oxidation. Most of the Good correlations between the catalytic performance for soot
n species would be O2 , although there remains the possibility for oxidation and all parameters concerning the active oxygen species
the presence of other oxygen species. of catalysts in this study (Figs. 7, 9 and 11) demonstrate that the
In general, the interface area between Ag and CeO2 is smaller mechanism for soot oxidation over Ag(x)/CeO2, conventional sup-
than the Ag and CeO2 surface areas in catalysts composed of Ag ported catalysts, and Ag(x)+CeO2, particle mixed catalysts should
and CeO2 particles, which result in a bottleneck for the migration be the same as that over the CeO2–Ag catalyst, assuming that the

gas phase

CO 2
On soot
O2 (gaseous)
CO 2 gas phase
O n x- x- On
O n x- O n x-

CeO 2 O n x- O n x-
x- x-
O n x- On On O n x-
O* O* O* O* x
O n x- O* O* On - x
On -
O* O*
O* O*
O n x- O* O*
On -
O* Ag O*
O n x- O* O* O n x-

Fig. 12. Schematic mechanism for soot oxidation over the CeO2–Ag catalyst.
298 K. Yamazaki et al. / Journal of Catalysis 282 (2011) 289–298

Ag and CeO2 particles and their interface have the same functions. is concluded that the rice-ball morphology of the CeO2–Ag catalyst
Some researchers have suggested mechanisms for soot oxidation is optimal for the formation and migration of active oxygen species
over Ag(x)/CeO2 catalysts; however, they require further informa- for soot oxidation.
tion, such as the mobility of the active oxygen species, the respec-
tive role of Ag and CeO2 particles, and the factors influencing the Acknowledgments
activity for soot oxidation. By employing the rice-ball morphology
in a CeO2–Ag catalyst, the configuration of Ag, CeO2, and soot par- The authors thank K. Domen at the Department of Chemical
ticles can be set, which assists in understanding the mechanism of System Engineering, The University of Tokyo, for helpful
soot oxidation over the Ag(x)/CeO2 and CeO2–Ag catalysts. discussions.
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